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World of Warcraft

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ToyMachine228 said:
Thank God enchants are green again. And they made Divine Illumination 15 seconds instead of 10 which does make it a tad bit more useful.
Only slightly. What the spell really needs is a reduction in CD.
fallout said:
I play on a PvP server. If you're ungrouped and/or disorganized, you're probably going to die.

well I know, ive played PVP since 2004, however im going back to play with family and friends and Id rather be casual and enjoy the game instead of smashing shit and running up my blood pressure because some guy who plays 48/7 thought itd be LOL to 1 shot me and grief when I was questing.

imo pre battlegrounds/honor system pvp servers were good, after not so much...


ZombieSupaStar said:
well I know, ive played PVP since 2004, however im going back to play with family and friends and Id rather be casual and enjoy the game instead of smashing shit and running up my blood pressure because some guy who plays 48/7 thought itd be LOL to 1 shot me and grief when I was questing.

imo pre battlegrounds/honor system pvp servers were good, after not so much...

im going to disagree

world pvp is a lot more fun than bgs

after the battle grounds came out, world pvp died, and everyone did bgs

i miss the days of zerg on zerg at TM

i like the shift back to world pvp


Highlord Kruul parked himself outside Undercity today, and made getting inside quite a hassle :lol I took a few pictures (if anyone wants to host, PM your email address).

What's the best place for getting Ghost Mushrooms? I have my Epic Mount quest coming up soon and will need about 30 of them.....the best I can manage to do is camp the spawn at Skulk Rock in Hinterlands, and 3 Mushrooms spawn there roughly every half hour or something. Plus there's a 4th mushroom that spawns at the top of the elite ruins, if you're willing to ride all the way to the top. Any better suggestions on where to go?


Tritroid said:
Only slightly. What the spell really needs is a reduction in CD.

It's a 3 min. cooldown on something that lasts 15 sec. I think at 10 sec's, it was meh, but man at 15 seconds of half cost casting that's pretty nice.

The problem is it's not very exciting at it adds nothing new to the class. Most of the 41 pt. talents are new abilities anymore.. both the other paladin tree's - Cpt. America Shield, and Crusader Strike. All 3 Druid tree's, Rogues- mutilate, CLoS? Hunters - Silencing Shot, Beast Within.

It's just not very fun compared to that kind of stuff. It's also a mana conserving ability for the class that's the most mana effecient already at the bottom of a tree that improves healing effeciency, increases the amount of MP/5 your Blessing of Wisdom restores, refunds your MP used if a heal Crits, and gives you a auto-crit on a 2min. cooldown. It just doesn't really seem needed.. still it's a pretty powerful ability. It would look a lot better if SoC and BoK weren't at the 11 point level of Prot&Ret


border said:
Highlord Kruul parked himself outside Undercity today, and made getting inside quite a hassle :lol I took a few pictures (if anyone wants to host, PM your email address).

What's the best place for getting Ghost Mushrooms? I have my Epic Mount quest coming up soon and will need about 30 of them.....the best I can manage to do is camp the spawn at Skulk Rock in Hinterlands, and 3 Mushrooms spawn there roughly every half hour or something. Plus there's a 4th mushroom that spawns at the top of the elite ruins, if you're willing to ride all the way to the top. Any better suggestions on where to go?

Dire Maul is pretty good, but then again u need a party :p
He pwned Magni. And here's a quick screen.

border said:
Highlord Kruul parked himself outside Undercity today, and made getting inside quite a hassle :lol I took a few pictures (if anyone wants to host, PM your email address).

What's the best place for getting Ghost Mushrooms? I have my Epic Mount quest coming up soon and will need about 30 of them.....the best I can manage to do is camp the spawn at Skulk Rock in Hinterlands, and 3 Mushrooms spawn there roughly every half hour or something. Plus there's a 4th mushroom that spawns at the top of the elite ruins, if you're willing to ride all the way to the top. Any better suggestions on where to go?

Oh god I just did my lock epic quest a week ago. Best place is the AH :p They went for 2-3g each on my server so I said screw it and bought em all. DM West is gonna suck to get the mount until you have a nice guild thats going to help. Took over a week of hours of searching for a party to finally get a group ready. I was lvl 60 everyone else 56-57 but we made it. Right before the final boss my tank said "brb dinner" and we had to sit there talking like it was aim for a full hour waiting for him to come back. -_- *cries*

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
border said:
What's the best place for getting Ghost Mushrooms?

I usually grab them in the Hinterlands at the cave with the slimes in it at Skull Rock. Usually I'm only looking for around a dozen at a time, though, so it suites me fine. If you're looking for bulk, it's not so good.


Yeah, the cave in the Hinterlands seems to be the best place, I was just wondering if there was anyplace better.
They went for 2-3g each on my server so I said screw it and bought em all.
Yeah, but at that price, you end up paying 60-90g for all the mats you need. I only have about 430g in the bank, and am trying to get this quest done on the cheap. If you just park an herbalist character in front of Skull Rock and log on every 30 mintues you can get all the mushrooms you need in 5-6 hours.

I haven't started transmuting arcanite yet -- is it true that there's a 1-2 day cooldown? If so, I should probably just buy the bars on AH if I wanna get the quest done by the time BC comes out.


A friend of mine was sitting in a queue for his server, for 35 minutes, got down to 2, then it shot up to 50.

He was really pissed off, but I'm sorry, that's funny.
Got my epic Paladin mount tonight after watching Kruul pwn Ironforge for an hour. And used the spare Marks of Honor I've been accumulating to buy a Black War Tiger. Probably going to get another 3K honor and grab the Field Marshal Legs before the expansion hits.

Also considering going protection to help my guild. We're just 5-friends and we might need a tank. I'm also a good healer though so I'm second guessing. Can't quite decide.


I don't think it'd be a good idea to go protection so close to the expansion. While I understand the new 5 mans are a lot more difficult and interesting, I really doubt they deviate so far from the norm that they make a protection tank much of a requirement.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Alex said:
A friend of mine was sitting in a queue for his server, for 35 minutes, got down to 2, then it shot up to 50.

He was really pissed off, but I'm sorry, that's funny.

I swear, these queues are about the only thing that's getting me to wash the dishes these days, so I guess they're good for something. :p


Prot pallies are a billion times better at tanking than any other spec, so if you're going to tank, go prot. As long as you have some friends grinding with you, it won't be too bad out of instances either. But if you've got a warrior in the group, I wouldn't bother since even the most retarded warrior I've ever grouped with was able to tank Blood Furnace easily.


border said:
I haven't started transmuting arcanite yet -- is it true that there's a 1-2 day cooldown? If so, I should probably just buy the bars on AH if I wanna get the quest done by the time BC comes out.
yeah, 24 hour cd. there are also ghost mushrooms in the cave at the top of jintha'alor, but it probably isn't worth it unless you're a class that can use stealth.
painey said:
anyone know a busy PvP Euro realm? Im sick of playing in empty servers and with Burning Crusade I want to start in a populated place.

I'm on Ahn'Qiraj pretty popular server, wide mix of nationalities thankfully English is spoken by all.


SyNapSe said:
It's a 3 min. cooldown on something that lasts 15 sec. I think at 10 sec's, it was meh, but man at 15 seconds of half cost casting that's pretty nice.

The problem is it's not very exciting at it adds nothing new to the class. Most of the 41 pt. talents are new abilities anymore.. both the other paladin tree's - Cpt. America Shield, and Crusader Strike. All 3 Druid tree's, Rogues- mutilate, CLoS? Hunters - Silencing Shot, Beast Within.

It's just not very fun compared to that kind of stuff. It's also a mana conserving ability for the class that's the most mana effecient already at the bottom of a tree that improves healing effeciency, increases the amount of MP/5 your Blessing of Wisdom restores, refunds your MP used if a heal Crits, and gives you a auto-crit on a 2min. cooldown. It just doesn't really seem needed.. still it's a pretty powerful ability. It would look a lot better if SoC and BoK weren't at the 11 point level of Prot&Ret
Really, it's not. With a 3 minute CD the spell itself is useful approximately once, maybe twice, during all boss encounters in Naxx. So for Patchwerk, for example, I can cast it once and save mana for about 15 seconds. That's all fine and great, but with a fight as mana-consuming as Patchwerk, 15 seconds makes little difference in the long run if I can only use it once every 3 minutes considering the fight itself is roughly 6 minutes.

For on the spot heals in brief PVE or PVP situations, it's great. But for raids, the CD makes the spell almost completely useless. It has nothing to do with whether or not it's considered as 'exciting' as the 41 talents in Protection or Retribution trees, because if it's CD was reduced by at least 1 minute it would be an absolutely terrific 41 talent. As it is right now, it's not very useful.
Are they now a viable alternative to having a warrior as main tank?

Yes, at least for most content. The protection tree has improved righteous fury which further increases the threat from your holy spells with righteous fury (threat generation is currently equal to or better than a warrior) and includes a 6% damage reduction similar to defensive stance (not as good, though, obviously). Spell warding and sacred duty now give 4% reduction to spells and 6% more stamina. Righteous defense is a 40 yard range taunt that affects up to 3 mobs attacking someone on a 15 second cooldown. Spiritual attunement gives paladins 10% of the healing they receive in mana at level 70 so they can continue to use their abilities to generate hate. And there is now a lot of paladin tanking gear including fast spell damage swords and tier 4 and up tanking sets.

Paladin tanks have 1200 hp less (I think) than warriors at level 70 without any gear on and can't quite hit the mitigation numbers that warrior can. Also, they can't guarantee a shield block like a warrior can. These things may make raid tanking the latest contest very difficult, maybe even impossible. However, they're definitely a tanking class now.


border said:
Are they now a viable alternative to having a warrior as main tank?
Yes, either for 5 mans or just tanking multiple mobs. Pally tanking is a bit different than warrior tanking, too, but as long as they can get initial aggro, they're really hard to steal aggro from.


I reinstalled WoW to get ready for the expansion. Two 459 meg patches, one 159 meg patch later and I was done. Fortunately I had a very good download speed, but dayum, that was a lot of patching.

Aside from the fact that I'm number 13 on the list for the collectors edition and EB is getting 12 copies, I'm quite excited for this release.


SaitoH said:
I reinstalled WoW to get ready for the expansion. Two 459 meg patches, one 159 meg patch later and I was done. Fortunately I had a very good download speed, but dayum, that was a lot of patching.

Aside from the fact that I'm number 13 on the list for the collectors edition and EB is getting 12 copies, I'm quite excited for this release.
Got friends in the know who know how many copies of the Collector's my local wal-mart is getting in. I'm assured!


Tritroid said:
For on the spot heals in brief PVE or PVP situations, it's great. But for raids, the CD makes the spell almost completely useless. It has nothing to do with whether or not it's considered as 'exciting' as the 41 talents in Protection or Retribution trees, because if it's CD was reduced by at least 1 minute it would be an absolutely terrific 41 talent. As it is right now, it's not very useful.

I see what your saying, I guess if your only goal is to pick every talent that maximizes your raiding ability and you don't really care about anything else that's fair enough you'd probably be much better off taking Kings at 11 in Prot for now. I really don't think it's that great, but it's one talent point and it's a decent enough buff now when you are soloing and have 2 or 3 mobs on you. It can save quite a bit of mp when you need to blow two Consecrations at 505 mp, and some heals, etc. Same thing for PvP.


=W= said:
there are also ghost mushrooms in the cave at the top of jintha'alor, but it probably isn't worth it unless you're a class that can use stealth.
At level 60 you can ride past all the mobs in Jintha'Alor and just grab the mushroom.....you might aggro one but they usually won't chase you all the way to the top. I usually get it, especially if the mushrooms in Skulk Rock are being camped by someone else.

Righteous defense is a 40 yard range taunt that affects up to 3 mobs attacking someone on a 15 second cooldown.
Meanwhile the warrior's AOE taunt is like 10 yards and has a f*cking 10 minute cooldown. That seems really fair =\ All the more reason to abandon my warrior for the warlock.....though being Horde-side I guess I won't have to compete with paladins for group slots for at least another month or two.


Can someone send me a link to a trusted site that has the lastest wow add ons?

I remember one I liked that added action buttons I could place to my liking on the screen so I had more spells up at time. Totally forget the name now. Any recommendations of mandatory mods for priest, feel free to chime in. Thanks alot!


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
madara said:
Can someone send me a link to a trusted site that has the lastest wow add ons?

I remember one I liked that added action buttons I could place to my liking on the screen so I had more spells up at time. Totally forget the name now. Any recommendations of mandatory mods for priest, feel free to chime in. Thanks alot!

I'm a 60 dwarf priest.


There is your mod for awesome buttons. It was actually linked here a few weeks back. I've used it ever since and love it. Don't really need any mods. I used to use click heal etc, but since the patch I've realized its not really needed.


border said:
At level 60 you can ride past all the mobs in Jintha'Alor and just grab the mushroom.....you might aggro one but they usually won't chase you all the way to the top. I usually get it, especially if the mushrooms in Skulk Rock are being camped by someone else.

Meanwhile the warrior's AOE taunt is like 10 yards and has a f*cking 10 minute cooldown. That seems really fair =\ All the more reason to abandon my warrior for the warlock.....though being Horde-side I guess I won't have to compete with paladins for group slots for at least another month or two.
Jesus, cry more. The pally taunt isn't even as good as warrior taunt, and that's what it most closely mimics.


Neither does taunt.

e: It's not even as good as Taunt, as in the one-target taunt warriors get when they finish the defensive stance quest. And that's exactly what the skill's designed for. It comes close to Taunt, but the longer cooldown alone doesn't make it as good.
ToyMachine228 said:
Apparently there's some event going on in the Burning Crusade beta right now as it winds down to a close. Should be info and screens soon.

Really? I guess I'll log on and see what's going on.

edit: ok I log on and fly into shattrath, and there's krull plus a bunch of lvl 70 elite mobs and bosses just hanging around and everyone's dead.


Sounds like what they did at the end of Open Beta for fun. I remember being a 16 troll hunter or whatever and they were spawning Onyxia's everywhere like right outside Crossroads


Thanks for the trinity bars link, I check that out later today. Pictures though look like it fills up whole screen with buttons, way overkill for me I would like actually see the scenary and players but perhaps its adjustable :)

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Heh, Krull attacked Ogrimmar on Gilneas server last night. That was fun to watch. People were throwing themselves at him, dying, and he'd just absorb their energy. There must have been close to 100 people there, and no organization. It was fun reading the general chat. So much frustration. :p Krull actually made into the city a little ways, but kept wandering out afterward. I was hoping someone would be able to kite him to Thrall. :\


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I also play on Gilneas. He also attacked stormwind yesterday which was crazy. He hadd Onyxia's head chained hanging from the archway going into stormwind and was just owning people on the bridge. I think it was really stupid. We fought him for over 30 minutes (a 40 man raid we were in) and never got him below 99, but then after like 45 mins or so, tons of people showed up and all the sudden his health goes from 100% to dead. Then some noobs got the loot and i was really retarded. The loot was really crappy for Gruul to be some "badass."

Madara that is an ignorant statement. That is the configuration mode where you move your bars around on screen. Here are two setups I use.




Mr Nash said:
Heh, Krull attacked Ogrimmar on Gilneas server last night. That was fun to watch. People were throwing themselves at him, dying, and he'd just absorb their energy. There must have been close to 100 people there, and no organization. It was fun reading the general chat. So much frustration. :p Krull actually made into the city a little ways, but kept wandering out afterward. I was hoping someone would be able to kite him to Thrall. :\
Yeah, someone kited him into the bank area. Bones were everywhere. Was kinda fun to watch.

We eventually downed him (not my shot).


My bad vumpler, just looked that way in screenshots, got home and tried it out, nice layout.

I take it most folks use left WASD for character movement and number pad for skills/spells? Trying to be as fast as some these pvpers and not quite there. Having hard time using left hand for wasd still. Perhaps this ergonomic keyboard not helping any or there is too many fps pros :)


luvaboi217 said:
krull on gilneas last night was crazy. Never saw so many skeletons lining ogrimmar. So someone finally downed him huh? Anyone know the loot drops?
Same loot as Kazzak. Nothing great.
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