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World of Warcraft

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Mr Nash

square pies = communism
fallout said:
Yeah, someone kited him into the bank area. Bones were everywhere. Was kinda fun to watch.

We eventually downed him (not my shot).

Nice. I eventually just left for Crossroads. My computer started chugging once more people started showing up. Coming back later and seeing all those skeletons was good for a chuckle, though. :lol


madara said:
My bad vumpler, just looked that way in screenshots, got home and tried it out, nice layout.

I take it most folks use left WASD for character movement and number pad for skills/spells? Trying to be as fast as some these pvpers and not quite there. Having hard time using left hand for wasd still. Perhaps this ergonomic keyboard not helping any or there is too many fps pros :)

Switch to ESDF, then bind spells and abilities you use a ton to the surrounding keys (R, T, G, V, W, Q, A, Z, C). Change anything that's set to one of those letters (V for example) to Shift+V. It's what I did back before I left, and will do again when BC comes. It's much quicker for me then hitting a row of numbers. Hitting skills bound to 6-0 was a huge pain (had to mouse click) before I stopped binding keys to that and switched to the above.

I can't remember the exact default config, I know some of those (Z, X?) are look behind or turn 180 degrees. I think I left those alone, dunno... it's been so long since I played.
So does Righteous Defense work like a Warrior taunt as far as threat goes? Last time I knew, a Warrior taunt put the Warrior even with the threat of the highest person on the threat list permanently, not only for the duration of the taunt. Does the Paladin taunt work the same way, or is it only during the 8 seconds?


Hey that works alot better now :)
Enjoying Bongos here, only problem is I dont seen the exp bar now and when I interact with anything I dont get that bar. This typical?


ToyMachine228 said:
So does Righteous Defense work like a Warrior taunt as far as threat goes? Last time I knew, a Warrior taunt put the Warrior even with the threat of the highest person on the threat list permanently, not only for the duration of the taunt. Does the Paladin taunt work the same way, or is it only during the 8 seconds?
Warrior taunt only puts the warrior at the top of their target's threat for its duration. But if you use either of the 2 major threat generating skills (sunder or heroic strike) it will generally stick. Explaining it is pretty complicated, but I think there's a sticky about it on the WoW warrior forum. I believe the way it works is, if the warrior's #1 on the threat list, then taunt resets the threat list when someone else pulls aggro, putting the warrior back at #1 if they HS/sunder them. Really, though, I think it's just a temporary threat wipe, kind of like ice block but it affects all targets (including the warrior!).

I think Righteous Defense works similarly, but the reason why it's not as effective is prot pally tanking is a lot more reactive - far more threat is generated by using blessing of sanctuary + holy shield, though avenger's shield generates a lot of threat with improved righteous fury. But avenger's is used more for pulling, especially in BC where most packs in instances are at least 3 mobs.

Pally tanking basically follows this pattern:
Pre-pull) Buff yourself with blessing of sanctuary
1) Pull with avenger's shield
2) Consecration (similar to warriors using demo shout when everything's in range)
3) Holy shield
4) Seal of righteousness or Seal of crusader/judge your main target and then Seal of righteousness

As long as your group gives you a little time to establish initial aggro (just like letting a warrior sunder 2-3 times) you'll hold aggro on just about anything. When it's all set up, you block a lot because of Redoubt + Holy shield proccing, and each time you block it deals a lot of holy damage, which gets an extra 90% bonus in threat. So once stuff's beating on you, it's hard to pull it off. It's just that aside from Avenger's shield it can be hard to get initial aggro. It's really easy to hold aggro without the tab-sunder stuff most warriors do. The only problem with Righteous Defense is you can't just throw down an ability to generate a lot of threat right after taunting, like a warrior can with sunder/heroic strike.


firex said:
I think Righteous Defense works similarly, but the reason why it's not as effective is prot pally tanking is a lot more reactive - far more threat is generated by using blessing of sanctuary + holy shield, though avenger's shield generates a lot of threat with improved righteous fury. But avenger's is used more for pulling, especially in BC where most packs in instances are at least 3 mobs.

Righteous Defense doesn't seem to work at all like I think a Warrior's Taunt does. I've never played a Warrior, but I tanked some as Bear Form Druid which has a similar taunt. You target a mob taunt it and the mob now hates you at least temporarily.

Righteous Defense you have to target a Player who is being attacked by a mob. If you target a player and hit RD up to 3 mobs attacking that player will come after you instantly. It seems more like an "Oh Shit" button than something you would use as part of your normal tanking.
SyNapSe said:
Righteous Defense doesn't seem to work at all like I think a Warrior's Taunt does. I've never played a Warrior, but I tanked some as Bear Form Druid which has a similar taunt. You target a mob taunt it and the mob now hates you at least temporarily.

Righteous Defense you have to target a Player who is being attacked by a mob. If you target a player and hit RD up to 3 mobs attacking that player will come after you instantly. It seems more like an "Oh Shit" button than something you would use as part of your normal tanking.

It's pretty much exactly like a warrior's taunt except that you have to toss it into a macro before you can use it seamlessly on an enemy. Taunt is an "Oh Shit" button itself because it doesn't do shit unless the mob is targetting someone else. If mob is targetting someone else you can use RD and have mob be on you. It's actually better than taunt imo because it doesn't rely on positioning.

And iirc the Warrior taunt does give you permanent hate. It'd be near impossible to do anything with a taunt that only gives temporary hate. What I can't remember is whether or not mobs are garaunteed to target warrior while taunt debuff is up. I think I've seen stuff lose aggro even while taunted, but not entirely sure. If that's the case then the debuff for taunt only serves as a warning to the rest of the group to quit their shit and let the warrior get control.

Taunt puts you at the top of the hate list. It's not particularly complicated. Now if I'm right and the taunt doesn't sticky the mob for the full duration of the debuff the only reason why the mob sticks is the effective 20% buff to aggro you get in melee range. In fact, now that I think about it, Righteous D needs to be more than just a taunt for that specific reason. If a pally uses it while not in melee range it'd be very easy to lose control of that mob.
Taunt puts you at the top of the hate list, no matter what was going on before. The mob will attack you for 8 seconds no matter what else is happening to it at the time. The hate suddenly "appeared" from the taunt will disappear if the warrior does nothing to the mob in the 8 seconds the taunt is active. However, if any type of threat generating skill is used, such as Heroic Strike, Sunder or Revenge, the hate level the warrior is at to be on the top of the list is sustained. I've found that Heroic Strike and some of the lesser threat generating to not work as well to maintain hate level after a Taunt, but the high threat skills like a fresh Sunder (meaning the target doesn't already have 5) or Revenge generally precipitates a makeout session between my warrior and the mob.
Taunt puts you at the top of the hate list, no matter what was going on before. The mob will attack you for 8 seconds no matter what else is happening to it at the time. The hate suddenly "appeared" from the taunt will disappear if the warrior does nothing to the mob in the 8 seconds the taunt is active. However, if any type of threat generating skill is used, such as Heroic Strike, Sunder or Revenge, the hate level the warrior is at to be on the top of the list is sustained.

Yeah this is what I'm talking about.


*groans* Now I find out about the full rep even for starter quests and have been running around like mad getting all the quests I skipped in my early levels. I will have that dranei mount on Tuesday!!!:)


Taunt can be over agroed by anyone if they do not watch their agro.

Taunt is really effective for 2-3 seconds, if people don'T ly down on the DPS they'll go past you easily enough (110% hate rule)


border said:
Just when I thought we'd gotten out of this crap system where PVP is thrown off balance by raid-gear, Blizzard pulls us back in. =\
Yar, it's dissapointing. We'll see how the arena works out.
"Just when I thought we'd gotten out of this crap system where PVP is thrown off balance by raid-gear, Blizzard pulls us back in. =\"

IIRC, the best PVP gear is from the arena, no? Considering these keep the same honor prices as current stuff, I think this gear is meant more to be like the R10 set or the WSG/AB weapons currently as you'll get more honor at 70, so it won't take much time at all.


I haven't seen any arena gear yet, so I dunno. Arena seems like it throws us back into another ladder system that will require a huge, concentrated timesink to get anywhere....so I'm not entirely pleased with it. Plus it feels like certain classes will be largely excluded and it's still open to easy exploits from raid-capable players.
"I haven't seen any arena gear yet, so I dunno. Arena seems like it throws us back into another ladder system that will require a huge, concentrated timesink to get anywhere....so I'm not entirely pleased with it. Plus it feels like certain classes will be largely excluded and it's still open to easy exploits from raid-capable players."

No one's going to be seeing much progress from raids once they (and their guild) hit 70 and get killed for weeks trying to learn the fights/pulls. Arena players will get the gear as soon as they hit 70 and spend some time in a (winning) team.

I figure they'll be neck and neck, really.


I think it's a great decision. The hardcore will rule Arena, and the casual will idle around in Battle Ground. The loot should reflect skill and time, effort spent.

The difference in the rewards are not huge anyways, surely it's a step up, but not in another league. We haven't seen any stats from Tier 6 yet, but it seems from Dungeon to Tier 4 to Tier 5, the upgrades are not huge. Is Blizzard trying to let skill dictate over gear? It would be a great direction.


border said:
Probably old news, but I just heard about it on a podcast:


All the level 70 PVP rewards are Rare (blue items).

Just when I thought we'd gotten out of this crap system where PVP is thrown off balance by raid-gear, Blizzard pulls us back in. =\
I said this weeks ago. And it's not all pvp gear, just the HWL/Grand Marshal Prettyboy Parade Leader LOL Alliance gear that's blue. The arena gear is purple and as far as item level goes, and it's in between tier 4 and tier 5 statistically. There's also generic honor point bracers, belts and boots that are epic. And all other rep-based epics are still epic too.
I think the way they're handling gear in the expansion is pretty decent. Being able to just spend a little time in the battlegrounds and pick up gear better than anything outside of Naxx in some instances was insane. Now you have two routes to epics that are skill based, an ELO PVP system and raiding which did require skill once you got into AQ40 and beyond.
I didnt want to make a new thread in the other forums, but I cant wait for these badboys.




It seems like you finish the starter areas in few hours and never look back, which is kind of sad. NE area is just beyond beautiful but I dont see any hidden caves, higher leveled mobs, locked areas for coming back when your higher up so far.

UPS shows 4 shipments of my new pc coming monday. They usually come late in day 5-7pm too. Wonder what my odds are in putting it together, get all software back on it, wow download patches, all before TBC. Does TBC hit at midnight for all regions or Pacific time?


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
ToyMachine228 said:
Just got an error logging in...Unable to validate game version out of no where. And the Blizzard support site is down:lol

Any help?
Yes, I have the same problem, and so do about a 1000 people on the WoW forums.
The new patch (2.0.5) adds some new realms list feature but.. prevents you from logging in the game.. Awesome ha?
There's a huge thread on the WoW forums.. hopfully it'll get noticed soon.

edit: and yeah, if anyone here hasn't patched the game yet, don't, and wait for blizzard to fix it.
KimiSan said:
The new patch (2.0.5) adds some new realms list feature but.. prevents you from logging in the game.. Awesome ha?

:lol Not good. I didn't download any new patch or anything, I'm on 2.0.4 and I'm getting it. God damn that's a big mistake. Messing up the ability to log in.


Am I the only one that misses the LFG channel? While it was almost 99% retarded, you could leave it on and occasionally pick up on something you might like to do while you were off soloing. You might find a group that is at Drak and needs a tank to fill in, or you could find some lowbies to help through SFK or something. If you didn't like waiting for groups to come together you could get into "LF1M" groups. You could issue stipulations about the group before people joined ("No dumbass, we are not going to do Jandice").

The LFG tool is a piece of shit though. You can't "browse" for anything, you can't sign up for dungeons lower than your level range.....it often seems to assemble bad groups (usually trying to substitute a druid or shaman for a proper tank :p). Plus there's just something frustrating about having that little eye icon on your screen for 15 minutes straight with no progress being made. Like pre-2.0 meeting stones it seems that an astoundingly small number of people actually use the LFG tool anyway. Funny how something intended to make the game more approachable for casuals has really only made it worse.


Making the LFG tool auto-create groups is stupid, but using it manually is good. It cuts through the spam in LFG chat, and a player note is all you have to put in about yourself.


Has problems recognising girls
Azwethinkweiz said:
You sure? For the original game, the servers went live at midnight Central.
I'll have to check it thoroughly.

Ah the site just says midnight. Doesn't state zone times.


Random Warlock Question:

The description on Spellstones say that it removes ALL harmful magical spells, yet when I use it I get one spell removed at best. Is this working as intended? Or am I bugged somehow?


border said:
Random Warlock Question:

The description on Spellstones say that it removes ALL harmful magical spells, yet when I use it I get one spell removed at best. Is this working as intended? Or am I bugged somehow?

It only works on straight out and out "Magic" tagged afflictions, I believe, but yeah, if it's only removing one, that seems bugged. When I used mine when I had my Warlock, say when fighting another Warlock, it was a sure fire win button, as it would remove every DoT besides CoA.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Just took a glimpse of the WoW forums before the expansion is out, is it me or every goddamn classes whines that they're nerfed and that X or Y other class can own their ass while those X or Y class whine that the other class can own their ass for other reasons? Jesus christ
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