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World of Warcraft

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Yeah, don't bother with going to the WoW forums for any real form of discussion. It's just petty, illogical bullshit for the most part. Class balance will never be perfect, but it hasn't been bad in a long, long time.

Keeping in mind that Blizzard said dueling is the last element they balance when tweaking for PvP, that is.


And even with the stickies, don't read the replies.

In fact, youre best off just going to one of those "blue poster search engines" laying around, I'm sure you can google one.


Buggy Loop said:
Just took a glimpse of the WoW forums before the expansion is out, is it me or every goddamn classes whines that they're nerfed and that X or Y other class can own their ass while those X or Y class whine that the other class can own their ass for other reasons? Jesus christ

Class balance in WoW was and is still akin to rock paper scissors bomb.

Where bomb was shadow priest and is now shadow priest and warlocks. :p


venison crêpe
When do you you North Americans get to go into Outland? It's 00:01 Tuesday for us in Europe. I wondered if it was also 00:01 local time on Tuesday for you also.
Alex said:
It only works on straight out and out "Magic" tagged afflictions, I believe, but yeah, if it's only removing one, that seems bugged. When I used mine when I had my Warlock, say when fighting another Warlock, it was a sure fire win button, as it would remove every DoT besides CoA.

question alex, I currently have a level 12 lock

how should I be fighting? shadowbolts? just dotting then wanding?

how exactly do warlocks usually pve?


Grinding XP/doing quests/leveling? Full affliction, for starters, what you get besides Affliction is largely irrelevant for the leveling phase.

After that, DoTs and drains. No bolts, no immolate, no destro.

You can rig up demonology just fine with a demo sac voidwalker build too, if that's your thing, but it's the same playstyle, really. Your grand goals would just to be able to kill fast, and most important; with zero downtime.

Play your lock right and you can go almost as fast as a Hunter.

You could probably find some greeatttt example videos, esp with BC talents on Youtube/Google video bud. Some of the demonstrations for Warlock grinding were very good


Zaptruder said:
Class balance in WoW was and is still akin to rock paper scissors bomb.

Where bomb was shadow priest and is now shadow priest and warlocks. :p

Zero problem killing either of those on a Rogue, at least I never had any issue.

Especially Warlock, if I was Undead... oh man, Priests would be even easier, I was too vain about my AP to ever take off my Drakefang for my PVP Insignia.

So that ****ed me a lot... yeah.

I think it's mostly just a matter of perspective based off of class and gear. Blizzard has said they balance PvP around group scenarios though, which makes sense, and I don't really have any big qualms with how it works.


ZombieSupaStar said:
question alex, I currently have a level 12 lock

how should I be fighting? shadowbolts? just dotting then wanding?

how exactly do warlocks usually pve?

What you should be doing is sending your Voidwalker in first, then laying some dots on them and bust out the wand!
Drain tanking sucks, and so does anyhting involving voidwalker. Real warlocks fear everything.

Although at level 12 you'll want to abuse your wand to hell and back.


Yeah there is alot whining lately. The only one I see that has even a remote point is the priest class. TBC for them was like an afterthought, like blizzard spent all of 5mins thinking of what to give them. The talents are laughable especially when you factor in the huge upgrades the rest of classes got. Im just glad I dont play on Pvp server anymore, playing a priest was like wearing a kick me sign. I always had 3 or 4 gankers on my ass all time, was constanting panning out and changing angles.

P.S. Who the hell orded snow in Wisconsin damn it! Relearning how to drive is hard enough without all the white stuff all over. Getting TBC tonight maybe not option :( I bet ups guy with my new pc parts will be late as well.


Alex said:
I think it's mostly just a matter of perspective based off of class and gear. Blizzard has said they balance PvP around group scenarios though, which makes sense, and I don't really have any big qualms with how it works.

This is the lame excuse 100% of the overpowered warlock players keep saying, yet I remember you complaining endlessly for being free walking HK back in the day, I guess at that time, none of you were talking about group pvp balance uh?

At least I'm glad to see that Blizzard realises how overpowered of a class you are in pvp and is nerfing your dots even more.


madara said:
Yeah there is alot whining lately. The only one I see that has even a remote point is the priest class. TBC for them was like an afterthought, like blizzard spent all of 5mins thinking of what to give them. The talents are laughable especially when you factor in the huge upgrades the rest of classes got. Im just glad I dont play on Pvp server anymore, playing a priest was like wearing a kick me sign. I always had 3 or 4 gankers on my ass all time, was constanting panning out and changing angles.

P.S. Who the hell orded snow in Wisconsin damn it! Relearning how to drive is hard enough without all the white stuff all over. Getting TBC tonight maybe not option :( I bet ups guy with my new pc parts will be late as well.

Point me toward warrior upgrades please... Worse, can you name me ONE class beside warriors that got heavily nerfed in BC?


Fularu said:
This is the lame excuse 100% of the overpowered warlock players keep saying, yet I remember you complaining endlessly for being free walking HK back in the day, I guess at that time, none of you were talking about group pvp balance uh?

At least I'm glad to see that Blizzard realises how overpowered of a class you are in pvp and is nerfing your dots even more.

I'm not a Warlock anymore. :p And I rarely ever PvP'd on mine even when I was. I always PvP on a Rogue. And "back in the day" I was a Mage.

And I don't think I've ever complained about being a free HK at any point in time, I might bitch about about a couple of stupid things, but I've never had a real problem with the games PvP balance, not at least after the first chain of fixes to classes that desperately needed them.

Don't lash out at me just because you're unhappy with your class, bud. =/


shamans didn't get nerfed, they just got shitty worthless new skills that are either highly situational (water shield, only good for solo grinding and MAYBE 5 mans) or have cooldowns that make them near useless (everything else new that they get).

Oh, and their talents are still vastly inferior to warrior talents for anything but the resto tree.

All warriors need is for blizzard to get rid of tactical mastery as a talent and make it an inherent skill. Shamans, meanwhile, still need 2/3 of a talent review to make enhancement and elemental specs worth going for at 70. Especially elemental, since that tree's the worst talent tree in the game. I imagine the first content patch after the game goes live will capitulate to the warriors and maybe nerf rogues/hunters a little bit, then eventually they'll actually make shaman talents worthwhile for anything but 0/40/21 (which is honestly "buff the rogues and warriors" spec) or 0/20/41, which is still "lolz drop totems and heal."

And if anything, priests are really good at 70. 51 talent points don't really allow for a good build, plus their new spells are awesome and make them a lot stronger than they are right now at 60. At least, that's what priests who hit 70 were saying in the expansion - they felt borderline overpowered. Not pre-2.0.3 affliction warlock overpowered, but still overpowered. There's no doubt that the discipline tree sucks compared to shadow or even holy, but a heavy shadow priest with a little bit of discipline or holy isn't bad. At least blizzard really made shadow priests a lot more viable in the expansion beyond just grinding.


So here's something I thought I'd never say. Mana tide is a great PvP tool. That thing has saved me so many times out in the middle of nowhere, or in a long battle. It's a perfect "oh shit" tool. Of course, if alliance players ever learn to tab over to my totems and destroy them, then I'll have an issue, heh.

Anyway ...

Alex said:
In fact, youre best off just going to one of those "blue poster search engines" laying around, I'm sure you can google one.
If you go to the WoW forums and use the advanced search tool, you can select "Blizzard Poster Only" with no text in the search field and it'll dump you out all the blue posts. I don't know how well it works, though.

Class balance will never be perfect, but it hasn't been bad in a long, long time.
I think part of the problem is that people think that all classes should equally be able to face off versus one another. I don't entirely get why that is. There should be a certain paper-rock-scissors element to it. If I can't beat a certain class most of the time, fine, some other class should be able to beat them most of the time.

Keeping in mind that Blizzard said dueling is the last element they balance when tweaking for PvP, that is.
:lol. Dueling.
The VW after level 20 should only be used for special circumstances. DoT and wand (or drain ) and let the succubus damage the mob while you tank. The VW maybe be well armored and have a decent amount of health but it goes through mana quickly and doesn't hold aggro well so it's just a waste of time.


Since you can't turn in AB tokens for rep now, is there an easier way to get the AB tabard now or is it still Exalted needed?
What firex says is true--a Shadow Priest in expansion is actually very viable in 5- and 10-man groups. The mana and health regen abilities are crazy useful. Holy/Disc talents aren't very impressive, but the new spells are super powerful. It's not all dire.


Grandma's Chippy
Anyone know places that broke the street date?

I heard of a few people getting copies from their local Walmart but when I called mine they said no way ;P


nsb said:
Since you can't turn in AB tokens for rep now, is there an easier way to get the AB tabard now or is it still Exalted needed?
As far as I know you still need exalted to obtain the quest to get the tabard.


Has problems recognising girls
Mr Pockets said:
Anyone know places that broke the street date?

I heard of a few people getting copies from their local Walmart but when I called mine they said no way ;P
None here in Australia, and yesterday I saw their big cartons filled with the games when I went to go inquire about the midnight launch.


Is anything actually going to happen at the Dark Portal? Or it just opens and people can all of a sudden go through?

What time should I be there? Midnight server time? Midnight EST? Midnight PST?
Synthesizer Patel said:
What firex says is true--a Shadow Priest in expansion is actually very viable in 5- and 10-man groups. The mana and health regen abilities are crazy useful. Holy/Disc talents aren't very impressive, but the new spells are super powerful. It's not all dire.

I'm going to enjoy having the points to try and land Absolution and Inspiration at the same time, and Mental Agility and Spiritual Guidance hopefully as well. Granted, it's not the gushing over 41-point talents that other classes get to play with, but it does make me even more multi-faceted at healing.


Mr Pockets said:
Anyone know places that broke the street date?

I heard of a few people getting copies from their local Walmart but when I called mine they said no way ;P

my local wally world has it, but its in a cage only the manager can get to it 6 in the morn.
Just got it from Walmart. I got the last CE, the store received four. Some douchebag in front of me bought two of them and then later was bragging about how he had a preorder at EBGames too but "couldn't wait for the morning" even though the ****ing store did a midnight launch. Jackass.


Why don't they just make it so you can purchase a CD key and download/install it from their website? That would make launch day a whole lot more stress free, and probably make them more money too. Oh well, I'll probably wait to pick up a copy until later this week.


Wooo, got it in my hands, was about 150 people in line. Went in earlier today and reserved it to pick up tonight. Now for the install:)


Hell, I'm on my second attempt at installation. It crashed on the third disc. I might actually get to log in before 2...

Also, if anyone is having trouble with their Auth Keys, just keep trying them. It took 4 tries before it finally accepted mine.


Mine went through on the first try, no hiccups installing, now apparently having to repatch 2.0.4 and 2.0.5, at least I had 2.0.4 still saved!
Dammit install is taking forever, I shoulda just forked the Beta over instead of starting again. Took me three tries of actually getting to Upgrade to work, although getting to upgrade screen took a long time itself.


Wow, I <3 Outlands quests. So many to do there and the rewards at least to start are awesome. Only one upgrade for my tier 1/2 mage but it was a blue chestpiece with 42 damage and 1.5% crit along with normal stats. Good stuff. There's a very nice feral druid chestpiece also, 20 stam/agi/str or so and 475(!!) Armor. Jeez.
"just wondering any lvl 60 rogues here trying out a shadowstep build. im really tempted"

Don't bother. The boost to ambush (or Garrote) damage just isn't enough to justify it, very limited utility, VERY situational, lag often screws it up, etc. etc. It really needs some tweaking. Nothing major, but as it is now it's just...eh.
Well enjoyed it so far. Was one of the first into outland as the gate opened, not too much lag on that side. The atmosphere is awesome, love the music and the quests are numerous. I got 100k xp in 2hours or so. I'd be playing all day today if it weren't for my exam tomorrow morning, but after that I'll be whoring with the best of them


woo! Finally got it from wally world this morning and installation was smooth, upgraded the account and now waiting for this 159 mb patch to install... eh? :lol


I will say this....I'll see how it goes after I get off from work, but this so far has been the smoothest MMORPG expansion launch ever. There was literally no downtime for my server. No people getting kicked off, not even queues to log on for once, hehe.


Tamanon said:
I will say this....I'll see how it goes after I get off from work, but this so far has been the smoothest MMORPG expansion launch ever. There was literally no downtime for my server. No people getting kicked off, not even queues to log on for once, hehe.

That's good to hear, but not everyone took time off from work to play the expansion, and I imagine a good number don't even have it yet. The real test is the coming weeks, the first 10 hours are hardly a good gauge to server stability, though it is promising.
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