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World of Warcraft

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I would like you guys' perspective:

I'm in a relatively static party with 4 other friends/relatives. They are all rolling blood elves, including a paladin, a priest, a hunter, and a warlock. I already have a 60 Mage, and I'm not crazy about playing a rogue. I also have a lvl 18 druid. I've leveled paladin to 60 in the past, but that toon is on a different server (and would be alliance anyway, so it doesn't matter).

All that having been said, which blood elf class should I choose? Should I take one for the team and play as a rogue? Or should I just play my druid with the four blood elves?


The quality of presentation in BC is pretty jaw dropping, it's light years beyond standard WoW (and pretty each any other game I can think of off hand). Amazing what a hundred million dollars of income a month and two years will do. :p


i been lvling an orc hunter, but i think i want to try out a BE paladin lolimmune

id like to check out the new starting zone, should be really cool


Has problems recognising girls
So I stopped by at the EB at 11pm, 150+ people lined up. I said **** that.. I'll sleep on it. But had a second chance at heart during my 3rd beer when my friend came online with his copy. So I said ok I'll finish this sucker off and pop down at 12:30am. Low and behold.. no one is there, I waltz in, grab my two copies (one for my brother) and installing now :D


It really doesn't matter. On the alliance side the gnome's intellect is nice....but the human's spirit is nice. Neither one really tilts things that much. Plus a little healing for yourself wouldn't hurt!


Already at 216 JC after about an hour and a half of power leveling :p Some of this higher stuff has some pretty annoying mats though :(


Does everyone get false negatives with some blizzard downloader patches? Some are way too slow, say stuff like firewall blocking and other nonsense I dont have. Some mentioned an alternative, if not too complicated perhaps I should go that route. Not even to TBC install yet and its been 3hrs.
the blizz downloader is awful, you have to unblock a load of ports in your firewall/router. And even then it's still slow as ****. I usually just download big patches from a mirror. 200mb in 15mins instead of 2hours


Ah mirror you say, like fileplanet subscriber? Thanks, nearly operational and thankfully I will not have post for help every 15mins :) Alot folks really like TBC sky I hear, cant wait to check out with new pc :)
madara said:
Ah mirror you say, like fileplanet subscriber? Thanks, nearly operational and thankfully I will not have post for help every 15mins :) Alot folks really like TBC sky I hear, cant wait to check out with new pc :)

One of the first things I remarked in guild chat after entering was "I love the sky"


I need to find a good server to roll on, preferably PvE. I want something new but I looked at oneof the new ones this morning, Valen, and considering the entire server population for Alliance didn't even fill up the search window... doesn't seem too good.


Dear god! The blood elf area brings tears to my eyes, gorgeous without question. I hadnt level in like an hour. Im just running around, found the mailbox, now Im off to find the bank. I have yet to find an npc guard that tells you usual locations or at least one lists the bank now. It does make it more interesting actually. The new pc plays this game like dream, every thing on high and 60fps. I cant seem get foilage and trees to improve much so I think they are just coded that way.


Ripclawe said:
well, crashes and now server restarts on exodar.
Same. Just like I thought, the server is ****ing dying. I'm going to wait until later with hopes that some of these nerds will log off.


Alex said:
I need to find a good server to roll on, preferably PvE. I want something new but I looked at oneof the new ones this morning, Valen, and considering the entire server population for Alliance didn't even fill up the search window... doesn't seem too good.

My friend is starting WoW tonight so we rolled BEs on Nordrassil. It's only a couple weeks old and doesn't have OMFG NEW SERVER zerg swarm anymore.


Maybe draenei females are better, but who the hell can pass up leonardo/liquid snake/many other awesome voices for that!
Server had been great all day and now...Instance servers are down. And there are no NPCs anywhere in the world. So basically right now on Magtheridon there is absolutely nothing.:lol


My disdain for Alliance will probably keep me off of them, but I prefer their aesthetics, voicework, etc.

I don't see much of a variance in the quality of the quests/intro zones either. And I much prefer the style and color palette and and even if their lore is fairly ridiculous (as is almost all RPG lore), it's a lot more interesting and "fun" than "hey, more elves"

Even though I do like the Blood Elves. :p The bitchyness makes them very redeemable in the face of other lameness, such as the Night Elves.

The female Blood Elf laugh is the single best piece of voice work in video game history.


firex said:
Maybe draenei females are better, but who the hell can pass up leonardo/liquid snake/many other awesome voices for that!

This is at least fairly true, but I am dissapointed I haven't seen a Blood Elf male named METALGEAR yet.


Just wait. the level 1-6 stuff for draenei isn't bad, but just wait until you get quests that send you to the complete opposite side of the zone. Or quests that send you to grind for a rare drop. And all the damn walking... Even though Eversong is just as big, it's a lot more populated and interesting.

e: Also, I totally stole the name Liquidocelot for my BE paladin just for the hell of it.
Alex said:
Even though I do like the Blood Elves. :p The bitchyness makes them very redeemable in the face of other lameness, such as the Night Elves.

The Blood Elves are an awesome race. If you play Frozen Throne you'll find that their story is really cool. The Night Elves on the other hand...Freaking lame. I've always hated them. The only cool thing to come from the Night Elves is Illidan, and he's no longer a Night Elf.


Alright...so what with all the hullabaloo about Burning Crusade, I've decided to try out the 10-day trial of WoW...

I want to be a druid... Night Elf or Tauren?


Adagio said:
I want to be a druid... Night Elf or Tauren?
Generally speaking, the Alliance side gets better architecture, quests, etc. while the Horde side gets less idiots since there are so much less players overall. I'd also say that the Horde side also has a more interesting backstory and the races are more interesting as well.

I'd say that you may as well just base your decision on that, heh. Of course, it's just my own opinion.


fallout said:
Generally speaking, the Alliance side gets better architecture, quests, etc. while the Horde side gets less idiots since there are so much less players overall. I'd also say that the Horde side also has a more interesting backstory and the races are more interesting as well.

I'd say that you may as well just base your decision on that, heh. Of course, it's just my own opinion.

Nothing on Alliance side compares to Silvermoon City.


ManaByte said:
Nothing on Alliance side compares to Silvermoon City.
I have to disagree..I play horde now, but the first character I rolled was a Night Elf. Well at around 20 I made the walk to IF. The most impressive thing I've ever seen in that game was walking up that long hill in front of Ironforge to see the city with snow all over, and 60's dueling outside, and the sun shining. Man that was awesome. I miss being low level and innocent :(


Mute said:
I have to disagree..I play horde now, but the first character I rolled was a Night Elf. Well at around 20 I made the walk to IF. The most impressive thing I've ever seen in that game was walking up that long hill in front of Ironforge to see the city with snow all over, and 60's dueling outside, and the sun shining. Man that was awesome. I miss being low level and innocent :(

The last night of Open Beta was utter chaos and made sure I bought the retail game :) I switched to Alliance and I think the music when you are walking into Stormwind really got me the first time.

I think I'll always remember all us noobs wanting to "raid" the horde those first couple of weekend nights. Everyone lined up like some huge konga line walking to horde side.. having no idea at all where you were going but just following the higher people. Getting crushed by the guards :lol


just 65 levels to go! and they just did a restart on my server. Outland and the BE/Dr zones weren't lagging, but there were no NPCs spawned at all on kalimdor, and that includes the zeppelins and boats. Made it a little hard to mail most of my gear over.
Since my server's going down every five minutes and I can't level my Paladin which hit 61 today, or my Dranei Shaman which I've just been messing around with that's Level 8...I made a quick Blood Elf Paladin and got it to Level 6:lol

On that note both the Dranei and the Blood Elf starting areas are pretty badass. And what Burning Crusade is offering as far as content is pretty sweet so far. It's new, fresh, and well designed stuff. The spawn timers were well thought out, multiple graveyards, multiple flight paths, and all of that. As far as content goes I really give Blizzard a nod on Burning Crusade.

On their maintenance of my server however...Not so much.


Looks like eBay has been flooded with Collector's Editions -- no surprise since everyone I ran into this morning was mysteriously requesting 2 copies :lol

The game that was going for $250+ last week isn't selling at the $150 Buy-It-Now price, and yet idiots are sill putting up auctions with $250-300 pricetags. If you're willing to wait a little longer for these speculators to start to panic as prices plummet, I imagine you could get the CE for close to retail price (or at least under $100).


I'm kind of relieved that I dropped my gathering profession. I was having so much fun questing and going through instances that I have no time to harvest. Where's the Jewelcrafting trainers? I need to get a character started on that.

Also, pretty impressed with the stability of my server. I only experienced a tiny amount of lag outside of Hellfire Citadel. In comparison, my cousin's realm Azgalar was horrible, I saw him killing mobs and getting ganked, he could only get one spell off after 2-3 minutes. It was pretty atrocious.


My server stability is perfect, but I picked one of the tiny, underpopulated new ones :p

The past two servers I picked started off fresh as low pop and grew into some of the better medium pop servers, hopefully my luck of the draw keeps up.

Either way, I'm not too concerned at the moment.


Hippy~ Im a herbalist! As my friend says Im can go pick weeds now~ Flowerpower~
Also got alchemy to complement it and have first aid at 50 already. Going look into cooking as well. Funniest quest has be one from npc 10 yards out from the ruins. Walk ten yards to dead npc, walk back ten yards to quest npc, finish quest. :lol Easy mode

I had my G5 logitech mouse side button working as action command in wow but since I got this new pc I cant seem to duplicate that. I have G5 software installed just like last time but when I go to the bind key menu clicking on side mouse button does nothing now :( I believe is was labeled as mouse button 4.


Has anybody noticed that tailors get PVP recipes now? :lol Nethercloth Net ensnares an enemy for 2-3 seconds.....one more "oh shit" button for when there's a rogue rapidly closing in on my warlock.


border said:
Has anybody noticed that tailors get PVP recipes now? :lol Nethercloth Net ensnares an enemy for 2-3 seconds.....one more "oh shit" button for when there's a rogue rapidly closing in on my warlock.
*grumbles* ... how about something like that in oh ... I don't know, engineering?
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