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World of Warcraft

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I'm really liking some of the quests so far. The warp rifts one has been my favourite. Spawning portals upon unsuspecting ally and then watching them squirm and in most cases die was the most fun i've had with this game in ages.


Zalasta said:
Just wait until people starting to hit 70, have nothing better to do than to harass the others that are still grinding their way up to the cap. That's when the real ganking will start. I don't care what kind of servers I'm on, killing people especially with the purpose to tag their named mob for a quest is pretty pathetic. If you can't claim it competitively, wait your turn (it hasn't happened to me yet, but I've had party members that suggest we do the same, which I promptly turned down).

Yes this is a game, but my enjoyment of it does not come from frustrating other people with the sole objective of just doing that. If you yourself like being camped and stuff, then great, I'm glad you are made of tougher stuff. Personally, I don't like being on either end of it.

It's PVP, if you didn't want this to happen, you should have played on PVE. End of story. No whining allowed. :D

and to Border, you're right, it's not as effective as say, AV, but damn if it isn't easy. And there's no retaliation! :lol I've seen a guy corpse run back and not even try to stay away from me. If they ganked me back, fine, that's the breaks. But now WoW feels like it has PVP and an actual war/battle for control of territory again, it hasn't been this way since the initial World PVP Tarren Mill/Southshore days. It's FUN! :)


any experienced pallys have any tips for a befadin

i generally keep up my blessings, auras before engaging mobs

i start with seal of crusader, judge it for the debuff, seal of righteousness and hack, hack, hack

i hammer if i need to heal, blessing of protection or bubble if i need a desperation heal

is that pretty all there is to it at this lvl?

i'm gonna spec ret, and grab SOC asap

i've also heard reckoning is good for lvling?

lvling a hunter is much easier/faster so far, but im enjoying the starting zones

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Since i'll restart an horde hunter, i previously had experience with orc hunter in PVE (pvp BG too), it was pretty much the best horde race for hunter but with Blood elves coming in, i wonder.. Only PVP will matter to me since i'll be on pvp server and plan to intensively go pvp whenever i can outside of lvl'ing.

Arcane Torrent - active - (Hunters/Paladins/Mages/Priests/Warlocks only)
Silences all enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec. In addition, you gain 5 + 1/Level Mana restored per Mana Tap charge currently affecting you - Instant - 2 min cooldown.

Mana Tap - active
Reduces target's mana by 51 and charges you with Arcane energy for 10 min. This effect stacks up to 3 times. Amount of mana reduced is 50 + 1/Level - 30 yd range - Instant - 30 sec cooldown.


Hardiness - passive
25% resistance to stun and knockout effects.

Command - passive
Pet melee damage increased by 5%.

AOE silence could be freaking sweet for any race, but specifically hunter, where they could go full BM spec, no wyvern sting but the arcane torrent is a nice replacement.

23 str
20 agi
23 sta
17 int
24 spr
42 armor
76 health
82 mana

Blood Elf
17 str
25 agi
19 sta
24 int
20 spr
54 armor
45 health
145 mana

AGI and INT, intellect is even more of an important stat now with the 2.0 talents, 45% of your intellect added to ranged attack power, for MM builds obviously. So agi and int, the 2 primary stats for hunter's dmg output, BE has the higher ground on that one (i wonder about the difference @ lvl 70 with same gear equip, anyone have a wow stat calculator or something?)

Thoughts? I expect a dozen "just choose any" replies but **** that, there's always potential that X race is stronger than Y race in certain areas :p


ur forgetting orc's bloodfury

it increases RAP now

and be racials are better for melee classes i think like paladins or rogues

i think orcs make the best hunters horde side for pvp

starting stats really dont matter at lvl 60, let alone 70 so i wouldnt worry about those

but again

play the race u like better, choice makes little difference in the end, it comes down to the player :p


Personally I just think BEs are the worst hunter race. The active racial's good... but that's about it. And if you go marks it's really not that worthwhile. When are you going to silence someone in 8 yards compared to scatter shot, freeze trap or intimidation?

So orc, tauren or troll for pvp. Better burst damage out of blood fury, or use berserking to get some attack haste and turn a 2.7 speed bow into a 1.5 speed bow if you go BM, or extra health and warstomp (though not as useful, still moreso than arcane torrent).

It's the same reason I feel like BEs are inferior warlocks compared to orcs or undead. Though I will admit, mana tap could be really useful for pvp - use it against a healer who's down to their last bit of mana and you can lock them down, maybe. I just find that my racials are a lot more important as a paladin, or for rogue players... or even mages. For paladins it's great because the other spell interrupts are on a similarly long cooldown, and you can use it if you get adds to restore some mana real quickly.

Well, wait, there IS one great use for arcane torrent no matter what - unstealthing rogues.


lvl 62.

Herbalism is maxed. Alchemy at 350. Zangamarsh is awesome if you're a herbalist. I got like 80 Unidentified Plant samples or whatever. Almost done with all the quests there, I'll be happy to go to terrokor forest to quest for the first time.

Also, for any Geforce 8800 owners. There's a certain section in terrokor forest that crashes my card (blue screen). Around the center, about 1/3 down the map, against some mountains. Curious if any other 8800 owners having the same issue.


LiveWire said:
It's PVP, if you didn't want this to happen, you should have played on PVE. End of story. No whining allowed. :D

Eh, it's an opinion, and I never force it on any other people, nor do I whine since I retaliate, it's just how I roll. AFAIK and correct me if I'm wrong, WoW started out as a PvE game with PvP elements, not the other way around. So...yeah, whatever floats your boat. Grieving is grieving no matter what kind of server you're on, and even in game where PvP isn't allowed (FFXI, CoH, etc). People just like to hide their attitude and behavior behind answers like the one you gave, PvP server, QQ more or reroll elsewhere.

Anyway, props to Blizzard on a job well done so far with the expansion. However, is it me or are the servers getting progressively worse?
I power leveled all my trade skills. I'm at 320 JC, 350 Alch, 390 Herbalism, and 375 Mining. Only level 62 on my main still. My JC would be higher but I realized it was pointless to level so fast and sold most my mats.

I must say, running around Terrokar Forest as a level 60 gathering Terocone is ridiculously fun. Warp Stalkers and Hunters are the most evil mob in the freakin game.


Zalasta said:
Grieving is grieving no matter what kind of server you're on, and even in game where PvP isn't allowed (FFXI, CoH, etc).
How is me killing you grieving? I shouldn't have to check that the situation is completely fair before engaging. That's bullshit. If you saw someone in an FPS deathmatch that was all alone, you'd pick them off. On a PvP server, you shouldn't be bitching about being killed because you weren't paying attention, or riding with guildies.

However, is it me or are the servers getting progressively worse?
You've gotta remember that not everyone went out and bought it at midnight on launch day. There are a lot of casual people who probably said: "Meh, I'll just order it from Amazon or wait till the weekend."


yacobod said:
i hammer if i need to heal, blessing of protection or bubble if i need a desperation heal

is that pretty all there is to it at this lvl?
i'm gonna spec ret, and grab SOC asap
i've also heard reckoning is good for lvling?

lvling a hunter is much easier/faster so far, but im enjoying the starting zones

Yes, that's pretty much all that there is to it. I just hit 60 last night. Here are the only small tips I can offer -

I went 11 to SoC, and then went 11 up Holy for Spiritual focus and Consecrate, which isn't necessary anymore. Spiritual Focus really allows you to solo hard quests without having to bother with wasting Hammer/bubble. Then you can start using the Hammer to increase damage output, as Judgement of Command's damage is doubled if the target is stunned.

Paladin's actually level pretty swiftly through the lower levels, because they do pretty much the same damage as warriors but can heal and easily survive tougher quests. They are actually pretty overpowered through the 20-40 levels I thought. It slows down pretty bad because most of our damage is our white Swing damage, and SoC which is based on 70% of what our white swing damage would be. I think at 42, I had a 41 DPS Blue 2her, and at 59 I was using Twig of the World Tree a 48 DPS 2her.

I always used Wisdom while leveling. The new talents may change all of this as you maybe better off respeccing and grabbing crusader strike ASAP

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Zalasta said:
AFAIK and correct me if I'm wrong, WoW started out as a PvE game with PvP elements, not the other way around.

Not 100% certain as im sure other blizzard fans know alot more about WoW's progress, but i think its the other way around, it was meant to be full world PVP at first, i clearly remember in the early alphas and concepts they had catapults that actually could be used by gamers.


they didn't even put pvp in, or have a pvp server, until about 1/5 of the way through beta. I'm sure they planned on having pvp rules and basing it around horde vs. alliance (as I think WoW's design was influenced by EQ and DAOC) but early on the game was strict pve, with the factions merely differentiating which zones you could get quests in.

e: I said pvp at the end when I meant pve. But anyway... yeah, they focused a lot more on the pve first, cause by the time they put pvp in, they had raised the level cap (in beta) to level 45.


Buggy Loop said:
Not 100% certain as im sure other blizzard fans know alot more about WoW's progress, but i think its the other way around, it was meant to be full world PVP at first, i clearly remember in the early alphas and concepts they had catapults that actually could be used by gamers.

There were no player used catapults, or even PVP, in the alpha. As firex said, PVP wasn't added until about halfway through the beta.


Are priest rare in this game? I thought I seen 5 or 6 others like me in blood elf area though its nothing compared to hunters, paladins or warlocks. I keep getting random invites to guilds. Coming from EQ that makes no sense to me, pickup guilds sound like a nightmare. I dont get form of communication first or anything so I keep denying them. This behavior confounds me and also makes me ponder why droping a tell first and finding out what I am like is so difficult :lol
madara said:
Are priest rare in this game? I thought I seen 5 or 6 others like me in blood elf area though its nothing compared to hunters, paladins or warlocks. I keep getting random invites to guilds. Coming from EQ that makes no sense to me, pickup guilds sound like a nightmare. I dont get form of communication first or anything so I keep denying them. This behavior confounds me and also makes me ponder why droping a tell first and finding out what I am like is so difficult :lol

most people dont like to heal, I rolled a priest and got to 60 and it made me HATE WoW, its a very thankless job end game, and I honestly couldnt tell you what half the ecounters were like, I just played the "fill the green bar mini game whack a mole" at the end.

so ....erm yes they are kinda rare....


ManaByte said:
Most of the people on Horde side are saying they will up and quit of they go through with splitting the server and community :(
Blizzard makes unpopular change and hundreds threaten to quit even though everybody knows they'll suck it up and keep playing? Wow, news flash....
ManaByte said:
Apparently Feathermoon is slated for a realm split:

Most of the people on Horde side are saying they will up and quit of they go through with splitting the server and community :(

I transferred off gilneas to area 52 facing the same situation, so did my family and friends, its a new server and with a name like area 52 I can see it being popular down the road.


fallout said:
How is me killing you grieving? I shouldn't have to check that the situation is completely fair before engaging.
Killing somebody who's just trying to get their questing done is griefing. Kill them once, fine whatever. But the kind of douchebag that's going to attack you when you've got 1-2 mobs on you is the type that's just going to do it again and again, to the point where you have to abandon the quest area. Not to say that they're all corpse campers, but they'll just rove the same 4-5 acres and kill you on sight everytime.

Likening the game to an FPS makes no sense, since the point of an FPS is pretty much just to kill the other players (and your fellow players don't suffer through a 5-minute corpse run). In WoW player-killing serves no ostensible purpose other than making someone else's life harder.

Unlike others though, I don't think it's lame to kill someone over a named mob that you need or an herb/mineral deposit you want or a treasure chest. That at least has a tangible, justifiable reward to it.


border said:
Blizzard makes unpopular change and hundreds threaten to quit even though everybody knows they'll suck it up and keep playing? Wow, news flash....

Splitting up a server community is a pretty ****ing big deal. The whole reason people DON'T want to transfer off the server is due to community connections, guild/raiding alliances, etc. Forcing them off the server and forcing the split pisses them off enough to quit.


The Burning Crusade is off the hook. The new content is amazing!

It starts out simple, Hellfire Peninsula, a transition zone with elements of the old zones and a bit of the new zones. The visuals got a nice bump, more polys, higher res textures, more effects, overall the presentation is of very high quality. The thing that really makes the new content is the design. The zones are bigger, and with quest hubs, mobs have their spawn rated adjusted so you don't have to wait for hours, the new 5-man instances are short, to the point, only a couple of quests, and after the end boss there is a pathway to the exit. Also the wing design of instances are very welcome as a new standard.

The first zone was to be expected, but when I went to Zangarmarsh I was really impressed. You could kill a passive spore mob and gain a 5 minute buff, you could "skin" some of the mobs if you were a herbalist. The instances are under water, and they are challenging. The bosses require more of you than just standing, tanking and dealing damage.

Reputation grinding also seems far less tedious, with more sources of stuff to gain rep from, and gaining much higher rep from turn ins. The rewards also seem attractive.

I'm in Terokkar Forrest at the moment, and this place is visually stunning.


Forcing them off the server and forcing the split pisses them off enough to quit.
And if they quit, they lose their community anyway.

I's the same thing as an angry mob. While the whole mob looks like it'll tear the city apart, only about 10% of them will actually throw down if the riot cops come in with batons....the rest will chuck a rock or two and run away.

If idiots are happy with 8-hour queues then I guess they ought to be able to stay.....but in a split can't you pretty much decide what new server you get sent to anyway?


border said:
If idiots are happy with 8-hour queues then I guess they ought to be able to stay.....but in a split can't you pretty much decide what new server you get sent to anyway?

It will be one of two new realms:
Will I be able to choose my new realm?

When a realm is chosen to undergo a split, an in-game message at the character-selection screen will prompt all affected players to choose between one of the two new realms being created. The player will be able to make this decision (or change his or her decision) up until the realm-split process has been completed. The realm that the player chooses will be the destination for all characters that the player plays on that realm.

What happens to my characters if I don’t choose?

If a realm is not chosen by the player, each character will be individually relocated to one of the two new realms based on a priority system. The system will first determine whether the character is in a guild and move the character based on the destination of the guild’s leader. If the character is not in a guild, the system will then check if the character is part of an arena team and move the character accordingly. If these conditions do not apply, Blizzard will make the decision for the character(s).

Is it possible to send my characters to different realms?

If a player does not provide us with his or her preference, and allows the priority system described above to individually process the
relocation of each character, then it is possible to have characters become divided between the two new realms. Manually selecting a realm during the selection period will ensure that all characters from a single account on the affected realm will relocate together.

Does providing my realm preference guarantee my destination?

We will do our best to accommodate everyone’s realm preference, but if manual realm selections result in one of the two new realms being overpopulated, we may need to move some of the population to a different realm.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
madara said:
Are priest rare in this game? I thought I seen 5 or 6 others like me in blood elf area though its nothing compared to hunters, paladins or warlocks. I keep getting random invites to guilds. Coming from EQ that makes no sense to me, pickup guilds sound like a nightmare. I dont get form of communication first or anything so I keep denying them. This behavior confounds me and also makes me ponder why droping a tell first and finding out what I am like is so difficult :lol

What I hate is when someone just walks up and tries to get you to sign on to start a new guild. No hellos or anything, just a form asking me to agree slapped in my face. Rude, presumptuous morons.


I've had to learn to live with random invites since I use the LFG tool... but random guild invites? Those aren't for me, definitely.
My current server (Kirin Tor, RP PvE) saw a massive population spike with the release of BC. It went from medium to on the list of being split. So is there a server a fair amount of GAFfers are on? I don't mind the switch in style to PvP. I don't feel like searching through 200+ pages for that info though.
One very good point alot of folks were saying in that thread was it's very likely most will choose one split server, turning one very overpopulated one into a slightly overpopulated one and a lower low population server, not really solving anything. I'm trying to understand why they're just not offering free transfers off and closing transfers to to ease this till it's managable.
MrPing1000 said:
"Losing Gracefully" the Scryer quest made me chuckle :lol

"Message in a Battle" is still my favorite. I love the clever quest names.

And not surprisingly, Mal'Ganis is one of the servers looking to get split. With so many power guilds on the server, I'm curious as to how that's going to go.


SatelliteOfLove said:
I'm trying to understand why they're just not offering free transfers off and closing transfers to to ease this till it's managable.
Look at the message when you launch WoW. They are offering free transfers off the listed servers, but if the server stays overloaded then they will have to force a split. Hopefully the threat of a split (and 8 hour queues) will encourage enough people to leave without forcing Blizzard's hand.


This has to be canidate for most bizzare wow problem yet:

If I go fight the anami chieftain on top of his hut in eversong for(slave in cage quest) if I stay there for more 1 min I will get a NV4disp.dll error, locks up game for 2mins and then restarts the pc. I have done this 11 times now, its no random occurance. I have played everywhere so far in eversong just fine for 30hrs now. I have reformated, installed older and new video card drivers, redid whole wow install process to no avail. I can only hope this is the only area in game ever does this to me. Has a healer would totally suck ever seen this again, folks had no idea I wasnt there to heal.

Someone that is blood elf feel free kill Chieftain few times and run around up there and see if its buggy :)

Intel dual core E6600 2.4ghz
2gig corsair DDR 800 memory
680i nforce MB
Xi-fi Fatality sound card
2 WD raptor sata drives


border said:
Killing somebody who's just trying to get their questing done is griefing.
I don't really take notes of what people are doing. I see, I kill. I've been jumped with mobs on me and survived, it's part of the fun.

In WoW player-killing serves no ostensible purpose other than making someone else's life harder.
Bah, WoW player-killing serves the purpose of fun and challenge. I charge into situations that will probably get me killed, and most of the time, they do. Still, it's fun to try, because it forces you to play better.

Me and my buddy took on 4 alliance players one night with some good CC and focus fire. Knowing which targets to burn down first and alternating spell interrupt abilities over vent makes a huge difference. Still, it was hard and had one of them bothered to destroy my mana tide totem, we would have been dead. Like I said though, it's all in the fun and challenge.

On the other side of it, tonighht we ran into and killed some lone alliance player out in the middle of nowhere. On a PvP server, that's just stupid. People are becoming too complacent with all this bullshit exp grinding and questing.

Ferrio said:
Also, for any Geforce 8800 owners. There's a certain section in terrokor forest that crashes my card (blue screen). Around the center, about 1/3 down the map, against some mountains. Curious if any other 8800 owners having the same issue.
I own a 6800 GS and WoW's crashed like, 3 times. Twice in Hellfire, once in Shattrath City.
I was wondering if i upgrade my account via the WOW mainsite can i download the expansion from there? Because as most know i'm in japan right now and it would take a week or two to recieve the discs. Any help would be great!


Finally getting some more time to play, Silvermoon is just absolutely stunning, wow, the ammount of little events and whatnot are very cool.

Blood Elf lands are just awesome, I really am enjoying their quests and lore too, very inspired stuff. Can't wait to get back up and head out into the Outlands.


madara said:
This has to be canidate for most bizzare wow problem yet:

If I go fight the anami chieftain on top of his hut in eversong for(slave in cage quest) if I stay there for more 1 min I will get a NV4disp.dll error, locks up game for 2mins and then restarts the pc. I have done this 11 times now, its no random occurance. I have played everywhere so far in eversong just fine for 30hrs now. I have reformated, installed older and new video card drivers, redid whole wow install process to no avail. I can only hope this is the only area in game ever does this to me. Has a healer would totally suck ever seen this again, folks had no idea I wasnt there to heal.

Someone that is blood elf feel free kill Chieftain few times and run around up there and see if its buggy :)

Intel dual core E6600 2.4ghz
2gig corsair DDR 800 memory
680i nforce MB
Xi-fi Fatality sound card
2 WD raptor sata drives

yah, I was locking up in Burning Steppes and getting Video Card errors. Saw on Technical forums that I just needed to update my ATI driver.

I tried to do Hellfire Ramparts last night right after entering Outlands. Pretty fun instance that is relatively short. I was the only healer, and I had just dinged 60 the night before. we weren't able to beat a couple of the bosses :( The dragon is hard as hell
border said:
Look at the message when you launch WoW. They are offering free transfers off the listed servers, but if the server stays overloaded then they will have to force a split. Hopefully the threat of a split (and 8 hour queues) will encourage enough people to leave without forcing Blizzard's hand.

I go thru the wow.exe, so I don't see that. Still, these people are WANTING to stay there with 8 hour queues, I say gg for them. Back at release, our small guild was so annoyed that Shattered Hand crashed like clockwork by Feb. 05 that we crafted a back-up Alliance guild on then Low pop/slightly Horde-heavy Crushridge just so we could play at night. Thankfully, there was a free server Xfer option a month later and we booked our Horde characters out of there to Bloodscalp with the quickness.

Often, Blizz gets nuked in the forum for setting up systems that provoke social engineering to solve problems and "problems" in WoW, but this is truly a nukable offence as it's by their hand.


Yeah your right that Anami Chieftain hut is hotspot for blue screens. Dang I glad its not as bad some these folks that are getting them all over. I'm still going freak if I ever see that elsewhere. Figures as that guy actually drops decent loot.


Yeah, when the person who I played with got around to those areas, boom, Nvidia card crash. I think like 3x total?

I have an old 9800 Pro, an ATI card, so I never had any problems myself thankfully


I can't believe how frustrating it is to level a rogue compared to a hunter.

Hats of to rogue players... seriously need to be teamed up with a healer for leveling rogue. Hunters are by far the best for soloing.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Restarted playing about a dozen of minutes ago, now i have a gigantic freaking star on top of my head, i dont remember ever seeing that, whats it for?

edit, nvm, found out, was in a party and the guy gave me raid leader.


Zaptruder said:
I can't believe how frustrating it is to level a rogue compared to a hunter.

Hats of to rogue players... seriously need to be teamed up with a healer for leveling rogue. Hunters are by far the best for soloing.

Everything is frustrating to level compared to a Hunter, except maybe a Warlock once you hit their stride. :p

Rogue isn't that much worse though, in my opinion (or at least, wasn't, it's been a good, long while since I touched a Hunter). Priest and Shaman are probably the bottom of the chart in terms of leveling ease.


Alex said:
Everything is frustrating to level compared to a Hunter, except maybe a Warlock once you hit their stride. :p
I levelled a druid up a bit with my buddy who was playing a Warlock. It was amazing, We usually had anywhere between 3-6 mobs going at once (not to mention alliance running in trying to **** us up). And it got even more amazing when I got innervate, heh.


One thing I suck with about leveling, on my mage, on my warlock and on my new priest is that I always go for stat gear when 1-59.

everyone is like no, no go for shadow wrath, fire wrath, etc, but I'm just too set in my ways for "of the eagle" when grinding since I did it so much prior

I need to level my Priest faster but I'm spending too much time exploring the new stuff, filled out my Ghostlands and Eversong maps, explored all the nuances of Silvermoon. Such an amazing city, really incredible, can't get over it.

I need to check out Exodar sometime still.


I hear you Alex, Im only a level 12 priest myself. I've spend hours in silvermoon and there is still new things I find there. If I had to list something I would only add that a climbing skill up with gear would be nice in this game. There is so many walls I dont think I should get stuck on terrain wise and if do actually get up there its usually nothing, no reward for adventurer. I would fill out these vast empty water and mountain areas with surprises for the explorer.
My only concern now is how well the Blood Elf area duplicates class quests or if I need run to the undercity. I thought class quests started around level ten. With my friend finally logging in monday I feel I have mastered Eversong and can show him the ropes before moving to the next area. Im sure TBC newbie gear has outstripped the interest in alot earlier instances but I would like to do RFC, WC, SFK and maybe even that Deadmines one, hard say which would be best for priest and paladin.


the new content is just great. After my lack of success upon entering Outlands yesterday I joined a group of guildies this morning and did Ramparts and got a 25 int, sta, str 3 socket chestpiece and Hellreaver (I prefer 1her's but it looks insane and is helping me level faster). Then we did Blood Furnace no problems as well. I got a new Libram - of Saints Deeds? Returns around 50 HP anytime you judge. Probably meant for ret specs.. it's ok.

The quests are really great in the Outlands.

I don't like the mobs that drop aggro in the instances though :( Seems kinda unfair

edit: Shadow Priest ZOMG in PvE now... they are just incredible. They do ridiculous healing, and give some MP back - not to mention the very solid damage.


I'm loving TBC, but **** Blizzard ... more recipe rewards and no engineering schematics. Sigh, guess I can't complain too much. No need to do the rep grind.
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