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World of Warcraft

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Reached 60 with my Blood Elf Paladin today! He was questing in Hellfire. Man, those quests got me from 58 to 60 in less than 6 hours! :D

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
yacobod said:
it can be fun to pull multiple mobs, dropping traps, kiting, and taking on higher lvl mobs and elites that would not be possible with other classes

Thats pretty much what i do with my hunter all the time, @ lvl 31 i was in alterac mountains chasing after those crushridge thingies and on a pvp server, got ganked a few times since i was horde, but eh, also managed to get the frostmaw quest done solo.


Maxrpg said:
Reached 60 with my Blood Elf Paladin today! He was questing in Hellfire. Man, those quests got me from 58 to 60 in less than 6 hours! :D

I'm level 47 (hunter alliance). Any good advice on where to quest (ill even grind i dont care)? Would like to get up to 60 asap.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Question, my first aid is @ 150 and i really cant find what to do next, i already bought the book that allows me to skill up to 225 (i think?) but there's no goddamn recipes to climb higher, i bought 2 books related to mageweave but they're higher lvl than 150 so they dont allow me to learn.

Really, am i missing something obvious?


You dont need a book for standard silk. You train the "Under Wraps" book, then go back to the standard, major city First Aid teacher and train silk from there.

There is indeed though, a book for Heavy Silk and then standard Mageweave.

Once you hit 225 skill, you need to do the first aid triage quest. This is in Hammerfall for Horde and in Thereamore for Alliance. Once this is complete, you come back to him for any future training (H. Mageweave, Runecloth, etc). I do not know how Netherweave is done, however, maybe the same, maybe different.


Alex said:
I do not know how Netherweave is done, however, maybe the same, maybe different.
There's a First Aid person at Falcon Watch in the Outlands that sells the books to progress First Aid in BC.


Hit lvl 70 with my hunter and I regret not grinding more as I need more for my flying mount and doing the quests after hitting lvl 70 would have been a good thing.


Razoric said:
I'm level 47 (hunter alliance). Any good advice on where to quest (ill even grind i dont care)? Would like to get up to 60 asap.

Searing Gorge and Blasted Lands would work as well, not sure if the latter is still infested with gankers, so you may want to stay away if that's the case.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Ripclawe said:
Hit lvl 70 with my hunter and I regret not grinding more as I need more for my flying mount and doing the quests after hitting lvl 70 would have been a good thing.

I made over 2000 gold just questing and instance running from the day the dark portal opened to 70. No grinding, no fluke world epics or anything. Got my epic mount at like 64 and a flying mount at 70 just recently, and I'm still 500+ gold up with further assets in the bank. Get a gathering profession maybe? The gold flows in BC, mang.
Reached 60 with my Blood Elf Paladin today! He was questing in Hellfire. Man, those quests got me from 58 to 60 in less than 6 hours!

Yeah, it's pretty absurd. I was in Winterspring for a couple hours at the beginning of the night getting 35K/hour, hit 58 and went to Hellfire, and at the end of the night my running average was sitting around 80K/hour.

I'm glad I switched from retribution to protection the night before. The orc stronghold at the second horde questing spot was a little crazy at times.


EviLore said:
I made over 2000 gold just questing and instance running from the day the dark portal opened to 70. No grinding, no fluke world epics or anything. Got my epic mount at like 64 and a flying mount at 70 just recently, and I'm still 500+ gold up with further assets in the bank. Get a gathering profession maybe? The gold flows in BC, mang.

He might have started leveling up professions. Leveling tailoring can be an expensive processes (especially if you have to buy the arcane dusts)


Ripclawe said:
Hit lvl 70 with my hunter and I regret not grinding more as I need more for my flying mount and doing the quests after hitting lvl 70 would have been a good thing.
I'm currently 65 and I've made probably about 400-500 just from questing and instance runs. No grinding. I figured by 70 I'll have enough for the flying mount.

Granted, I've completed ignored levelling my engineering, but there's no way I'm putting money into that useless ****ing profession. I'll level it as I collect the mats.


You guys were so right with STV, got 3 levels like breeze there so far. Perhaps enough to go get some revenge in Desolace now. Do the quests get more original or interesting higher you go? They are such acentral part of game and minus saving the bear in ashvendale cave and helping a prisoner in Thousand Needles most are bland kill so many of these quests or even worse require an item from monster with terrible drop rates.


madara said:
You guys were so right with STV, got 3 levels like breeze there so far. Perhaps enough to go get some revenge in Desolace now. Do the quests get more original or interesting higher you go? They are such acentral part of game and minus saving the bear in ashvendale cave and helping a prisoner in Thousand Needles most are bland kill so many of these quests or even worse require an item from monster with terrible drop rates.

i cant speak for the quests in the expansion, but most of your quests leading to 60 will be fairly boring, KILL X amount of this, COLLECT Y amount of this, talk to this person, turn it in here, etc etc

there is not a lot of variety in the quests, but i hear there are some cool/fun quests in BC


Outland zones have a handful of awesome quests, and then a lot that are similar to the stuff on azeroth. The only way to really see anything interesting before Outland is to do some of the higher level instances. They sort of have an interesting story behind them, or at least stuff like stratholme, blackrock spire, and even sunken temple to an extent do.


madara said:
You guys were so right with STV, got 3 levels like breeze there so far. Perhaps enough to go get some revenge in Desolace now. Do the quests get more original or interesting higher you go? They are such acentral part of game and minus saving the bear in ashvendale cave and helping a prisoner in Thousand Needles most are bland kill so many of these quests or even worse require an item from monster with terrible drop rates.

STV sucks when you hit 40 or so. Brick ****ing wall man, hate the place yet you keep on going back there inbetween other zones. It all starts around 33 or so and won't stop till around 43/44.
trilobyte said:
He might have started leveling up professions. Leveling tailoring can be an expensive processes (especially if you have to buy the arcane dusts)

Amen. EVERYTHING requires vast mountains of Netherweave bolts, and the trek from 345 (where I am now and it ain't to crazy) to 375 so I can craft this that dropped for me in Steamvaults for stank $$$ is going to be insane. I figure I'll fly up to an ogre/demon/ethereal camp in the flight-only parts of Blades Edge for a few hours today to rectify that.
If there's anyone on Magtheridon-US looking for a small tight guild to start Karazhan with...Give me a shout. I'll be on Arthalis or Jeynore.
I wouldn't expect any of the BoP drops from consistent places to be worth much of anything, especially if you are pretty far away from hitting the required skill level.
Starting to get REALLY pissed off at how hard it is to find at healer to do 70 dungeons. Theres enough 70's now that there should be lots of people doing them but theres 0 priests out of 30 at 8pm on a tuesday night that want to do the Botanica. Argh


MrPing1000 said:
Starting to get REALLY pissed off at how hard it is to find at healer to do 70 dungeons. Theres enough 70's now that there should be lots of people doing them but theres 0 priests out of 30 at 8pm on a tuesday night that want to do the Botanica. Argh
You levelled too fast. Priests are slow.


No, it's just that barely anyone wants to play a Priest anymore. The people that fell for "Shadow Form" won't be tricked again, now they rolled Mages and Warlocks.

Finding a healer in general for dungeons is a pain in the ass now. All the Druids are feral now and won't touch anything a Rogue wouldn't wear, and Shamans aren't as effective healers anymore (especially after enhancement tree got them turned into a DPS class.)

Paladins might be able to fill in that spot if they're Holy specced.


EviLore said:
I made over 2000 gold just questing and instance running from the day the dark portal opened to 70. No grinding, no fluke world epics or anything. Got my epic mount at like 64 and a flying mount at 70 just recently, and I'm still 500+ gold up with further assets in the bank. Get a gathering profession maybe? The gold flows in BC, mang.
No doubt! The money just keeps coming. The quests themselves always shell out 2G, and you always collect enough Runecloth (or Netherweave) to throw up at least 4 stacks of 20 on the AH.

Ramos Picture!


The weapon he has is Hellreaver, (yes, the lava on the side of the weapon flows down the weapon, it's so badass, and I have it FIERY enchanted!) which drops off the end boss in Ramparts in Hellfire Citadel, and he's wearing the Blood Knight Tabard which came from completing the Epic Pally Mount quest :D :D :D


Odrion said:
Finding a healer in general for dungeons is a pain in the ass now. All the Druids are feral now and won't touch anything a Rogue wouldn't wear, and Shamans aren't as effective healers anymore (especially after enhancement tree got them turned into a DPS class.)
Actually, I'll most likely respec resto for PvP when I hit 70. Problem is, you just can't level with it.

maxrpg said:
No doubt! The money just keeps coming. The quests themselves always shell out 2G, and you always collect enough Runecloth (or Netherweave) to throw up at least 4 stacks of 20 on the AH.

Ramos Picture!

The weapon he has is Hellreaver, (yes, the lava on the side of the weapon flows down the weapon, it's so badass, and I have it FIERY enchanted!) which drops off the end boss in Ramparts in Hellfire Citadel, and he's wearing the Blood Knight Tabard which came from completing the Epic Pally Mount quest
Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. It's going to take me a very long time to get used to seeing blood elves running around. I keep trying to attack them, wondering why they're not red.


I bought a jewel design last night that gives a 2% chance for your next spell cast to be instant...the BO was 1Kg,I felt sick after hitting BO :lol Hopefully I can make the money back from making 3-4 of them, the design is really rare from what I've read and goes for 2-3k on other servers...

My luck there will be 3 more up on the AH today :lol


fallout said:
You levelled too fast. Priests are slow.

Priest is one of the easiest classes in the game to level, if I said anything else prior, I take it back, Priest is far, far easier than even Warlock was. Once you hit 40, hell, you're basically a Hunter as far as grinding and survivability goes.

Hell, prior to 40, Imp. Wands and Spirit Tap pretty much make you downtimeless as well.


Alex said:
Priest is one of the easiest classes in the game to level, if I said anything else prior, I take it back, Priest is far, far easier than even Warlock was. Once you hit 40, hell, you're basically a Hunter as far as grinding and survivability goes.
I was kind of joking. I can't honestly say how long it takes for a priest to level compared to other classes.


Alex said:
Priest is one of the easiest classes in the game to level, if I said anything else prior, I take it back, Priest is far, far easier than even Warlock was. Once you hit 40, hell, you're basically a Hunter as far as grinding and survivability goes.

Hell, prior to 40, Imp. Wands and Spirit Tap pretty much make you downtimeless as well.

Do you follow that guide where it states you should Pull with Mind Blast, strafe with shadow word pain and then 3 mind flays before enemy closes in? I cant get that work no matter what I do, by the end of 1st mind flay the mob is on you. Unless author meant you should mind flay 2 more times with him bashing you but that dont make sense either as you dont get the full effect of flay. My shadow tree dont have 3/3 shadow reach either like he stated, there is only 2/2. Instead i shield(which I am told is mana hog), mind blast, shadow word pain, 1 mind flay and wand it death. 80 percent mana most of time so I guess dont matter until about dozen kills.


Yeah, so took my warlock alt through Ramparts, she's only 64, but that's still overleveled for the place. Did a Pug with 4 60s, one of whom hadn't played their warrior in forever. After we wiped twice on the final boss because the warrior is too slow to grab the dragon, I pulled out the ol' Felguard for standby. Yup, warrior went down when the priest had to concentrate on himself, so ol Jhuuruun went in and a quickly mentioned "HEAL FELGUARD" and he did a damn fine job tanking, nobody could pull aggro off him, lol.

Nerf locks.:p


Tamanon said:
Yeah, so took my warlock alt through Ramparts, she's only 64, but that's still overleveled for the place. Did a Pug with 4 60s, one of whom hadn't played their warrior in forever. After we wiped twice on the final boss because the warrior is too slow to grab the dragon, I pulled out the ol' Felguard for standby. Yup, warrior went down when the priest had to concentrate on himself, so ol Jhuuruun went in and a quickly mentioned "HEAL FELGUARD" and he did a damn fine job tanking, nobody could pull aggro off him, lol.

Nerf locks.:p
This warrior we had when I went kept getting pissed BECAUSE the warlock kept using the felguard for tanking when we already had a tank. LOL.
madara said:
Do you follow that guide where it states you should Pull with Mind Blast, strafe with shadow word pain and then 3 mind flays before enemy closes in? I cant get that work no matter what I do, by the end of 1st mind flay the mob is on you. Unless author meant you should mind flay 2 more times with him bashing you but that dont make sense either as you dont get the full effect of flay. My shadow tree dont have 3/3 shadow reach either like he stated, there is only 2/2. Instead i shield(which I am told is mana hog), mind blast, shadow word pain, 1 mind flay and wand it death. 80 percent mana most of time so I guess dont matter until about dozen kills.

Mind Blast
Mind Flay
*another MB/MF if you're at or below the mob's level*
Wand away

That should work. VE (when you get it) every few mobs as your health goes below 70% or so to get you back up. The more successful in finding +shadow gear earlier, the easier it is to do this, as +Shadow == life & firepower for Priests.


Priests dont scale well enough (only SW:p) for me to believe in Shadow gear early on. Life is never a problem either way, stacking mostly spirit is how I went, regen is hugeeee.


I started to wonder what kind of Bizarro world I entered when I first heard the rallying cry of "nerf druids". They didn't just get thrown a bone, they got thrown the rack of bronosaurus ribs that tipped over the Flintstones' car.

I'm wondering if I should be grinding rep or leveling up my shaman, there seems to be a lack of healers Then again, for some reason mages have been in heavy demand - I'm getting requests to hit dungeons at least once or twice a day. Must be the free water and the cc.


I wouldn't bother with a shaman right now, just because you pretty much have to go enhance to level up (or be loaded down with a ton of epics) but can't heal well in that spec without some absurd combo of healing gear.

actually, I guess if your shaman's got a bunch of pre-expansion raid gear, go for it... but mages seem like a lot of fun in the expansion.


Has problems recognising girls
I've hung my Shaman boots up till something interesting happens to the class. Blue post on the official Shaman forums by Neth seems to have done something though.. there was an organised list of pro's and con's about the current Shaman, what could be done to fix it, etc etc.

Neth grabbed the list, told everyone else to list their complaints in that thread for the time being as it will be heading to the developers to see what they can do to fix up talents/spells (i.e. elemental totems WTF).

Whether something comes about soon, who knows. I'm somewhat hopeful though.
So did the botanica tonight. Was going well until the last boss

We couldn't kill him. Mage, Warlock, Shaman, priest , warrior (me)

We tried ignoring the saplings dps'ing the boss down. Got to about 25% then they healed and priest ran outta ammo.

Tried killing sapplings, enough survived to heal the boss up to near 100% ever time.

Then priest bugged and couldn't be ressed had to release and couldn't get back cause of respawns. We could have summoned but for the 2 bugged blood elves that don't die at the entrance.

I am pissed off.


damn, it says the forums are undergoing maintenance now.

anyway, I'd repost some of my elemental suggestions from beta, but who knows if they'd listen to them or not since they didn't to begin with. that tree is so horrible right now... it may seriously be the worst tree in the game. Nearly every class has a talent tree that stinks right now, but elemental just fails hardcore at anything beyond 21 points. And really, it's 17 points, but you have to put in 4 other points just to get elemental fury. I mean, there's 0 places for elemental shamans in raids, and it's no good in pvp, either. And as much as I like earth shield, it really should be undispellable. plus there's just basic spells they need to rework, such as every single new expansion spell except wrath of air totem, and the shaman heals (way, way too mana-inefficient right now). And then add in that the talent trees don't synergize well enough... well, there's a little bit of synergy between elemental and enhance, but really, ele/enh shouldn't synergize with each other. They need some stuff that also helps resto out, similar to stuff like Moonglow in druid balance talents, or nurturing instinct, etc. In other words, they really need to make it so shaman really are versatile, because right now if you go down one talent tree for 41 points, it's sucky trying use other aspects of the class (especially healing as an enhance or ele spec).


There were a bunch of Blizzard rep posts in the Priest board as well. At least a few of the clases appear like they're getting some tweaks.

I don't find things to be doom and gloom, although my BC experience was pretty much level up, finish and then hop immediately back to my Priest so I dont have a lot of 70 experience.

However, Druids need to be ****in taken down a couple notches. I dont give a shit what anyway says, no one at their peak, was even close to the all areas godliness Druids are at now.


Alex said:
However, Druids need to be ****in taken down a couple notches. I dont give a shit what anyway says, no one at their peak, was even close to the all areas godliness Druids are at now.

Oh did you hear? We're getting epic flight form now too.



I don't mind stuff like that, I would support an epic Flight Form as well as epic Warlock and Paladin flying mounts.

I just wanted to bitch, Druids will be cracked with the bat shortly, just as with every other class drug through public eye.


Anyone get a friend try this genre and just have be a headache? I dont feel this game is hard to learn at all but I been playing mmorpgs since 1998. Been 3 weeks now my friend cant run through a zone to save his life. I keep mentioning zooming out, avoidance panning the camera with left click and divine shield but he keeps on dying all time. He forgets look at his health bar and as paladin dying with full mana is not good no matter when you started playing. Maybe I am spoiled with shield and fear as priest. Guy just reacts too slowly to things too, which makes no sense as he can play fps and I cant. He cant seem talk in party mode still, only in whisper. Boggle, guess I need more patience.
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