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World of Warcraft

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madara, you probably helped him along and he probably didn't read the manual or leave the tutorial tips on. I also did not know how to talk in party chat at first... hell I didn't know what my hunters purpose was at first. The basic mechanics of aggro were a mystery to me because everyone just rushed me through it.
ToyMachine228 said:
That happened to me two nights in a row. Except on the Alliance side. Got to the last boss and got bugged, had to release, got respawns. That boss is quite a bitch.

If you think that's bad, you should've seen Mechanar before it was patched. The elevator to the 2nd level wouldn't show up for half the party so they'd have to die and get rezzed to the second level. And you only got one chance on the last boss because the instance would bug and the bars blocking the 2nd level wouldn't despawn. Great times, especially when trying to get my Arcatraz key.


madara said:
Anyone get a friend try this genre and just have be a headache? I dont feel this game is hard to learn at all but I been playing mmorpgs since 1998. Been 3 weeks now my friend cant run through a zone to save his life. I keep mentioning zooming out, avoidance panning the camera with left click and divine shield but he keeps on dying all time. He forgets look at his health bar and as paladin dying with full mana is not good no matter when you started playing. Maybe I am spoiled with shield and fear as priest. Guy just reacts too slowly to things too, which makes no sense as he can play fps and I cant. He cant seem talk in party mode still, only in whisper. Boggle, guess I need more patience.

My feelings are, you can't really learn to play a game if you have someone holding your hand from level 1. For a brand new player, completely uninitiated towards MMO, the first 10 levels should be done solo. Not only to get used to the interface, as well as to learn how to play one's class. WoW is as newbie-friendly as it gets in this genre, it is also very forgiving in terms of the penalty for dying, when compared to others. And as for your friend, in my opinion if someone can die without ever using their mana, they are probably playing the wrong class, and should be rolling a warrior or rogue that only has to worry about facing the right direction to melee the mob. Healers have to watch the health bar constantly, for those that are oblivious to it (my warrior friend often exclaimed to me when I complained of getting killed, "oh, you died? I didn't even notice"), is better off never ever to pretend to play one.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
xabre said:
xabre...owner of Druid...gulps and clicks the link with nervous anticipation.

edit - phew.

Its gonna take a while before they touch the druids, and i think it wont be too harmful, its not going to be a regression back to the old days, and they shouldnt nerf it too much, they finally threw them a bone, i'd rather they up the classes that got nothing to chew on like warriors and imo, even rogues could use some upgrade.

PVE wise, hunters keep bitching that their DPS is now below every other DPS classes, still MM spec, while the BM spec'd hunter still outdps every others (its not just about big crits that MM gives, your pet is a shredding machine in BM, 1.2k normal crit hit on cloth wearers, goooo pet!). So they're pretty fine as it is.

Warrior & rogues upgrade with a tad downgrade for druids, i think it would be the closest thing to "balance" wow would've achieved since its creation.
Buggy Loop said:
PVE wise, hunters keep bitching that their DPS is now below every other DPS classes, still MM spec, while the BM spec'd hunter still outdps every others (its not just about big crits that MM gives, your pet is a shredding machine in BM, 1.2k normal crit hit on cloth wearers, goooo pet!). So they're pretty fine as it is.

Except every boss does some form of AoE which means unless healers decide to spend their mana healing the pet (which they won't), it will be dead for at least half the fight.


Well I've done every BE npc quest I seen in these 30 zones and I still only 5297 of 21000 for rep. At this rate there is no way I get exalted in Silvermoon for 40 mount. I doubt you even can as there is no way I missed any quests in Eversong or Ghostlands I lived there a week more then most did. Did the silk and wool turn in too, something's not right.

Game is getting fun again, some of these quests are quite challenging but doable solo. I just finished one where I had go to an alliance tower for a rescue mission. Great feeling surviving 5 guards on you. One flagged me though, that could have sucked if anyone would have came. STV is fun but I feel like an evil poacher most of time, they could have made these animals with horns and fart out green venom so I wouldnt feel so bad :lol I like cats.


madara said:
Well I've done every BE npc quest I seen in these 30 zones and I still only 5297 of 21000 for rep. At this rate there is no way I get exalted in Silvermoon for 40 mount. I doubt you even can as there is no way I missed any quests in Eversong or Ghostlands I lived there a week more then most did. Did the silk and wool turn in too, something's not right.

what race is your toon? if you're not a BE, it's not likely going to be easy to grind your way to exalted with that faction @lvl 40, id venture to say its impossible, probably more of a realistic goal at lvl 60 or 70

and if you're a BE, then i really dont see any point to go for exalted


yeah... you don't need exalted with silvermoon to get that mount. You just need exalted with other races to get their mounts, unless it's a pvp mount.
Another productive day.

Finally did the Botanica (I tailored the group to what I thought would be the best, Warrior (me), rogue (5/5 wounded poison = 50% less healing pwnage for warp splinter), mage, warlock and priest.

Also found out last night that the elf menders have a +295 spell damage buff so we got our priest to mind control them. Mage and warlock killing stuff easily.

Warp splinter killed first try due to the rogue's poison tbh.

After that after advice from guild mates I respecced protection for arcatraz (and soon Black Morass), good advice. Interesting dungeon the final battle is really awesome and challenging. Protection made all the difference don't think I could have tanked it without it. (Blizzard need to sort this, fury/arms warriors should be viable tanks, just not as good as protection which btw isn't working properly either still lose agro when I've done rediculous amount of threat building things).

So got my arcatraz key made and then got my 3rd part of the karazhan key (as a side bonus got revered with sha'tar so got the tempest keep heroic key). Black Morass to go! And as soon as I do get it I'm going straight back to fury so I can actually solo some quests in shadowmoon :/


Where does Shadow Lab place in in terms of relative end-game dungeon difficulty?

It's the only one I've done...wiped on Murmur.


BTW, do not go into Shadow Lab with a low level tank. We went there with a 67 warrior and a 67 priest....yeah....first boss whooped our ass. Same with Steam Vaults, those Bog Lord guys hit hard as a mofo.


I have decided on a final build for my level 70 dagger rogue.

41/20 Assassination/Combat

I tried full combat, and backstab basically sucks ass. The damage, the point generation, the energy cost, it's all weak. I feel slow, heavy and gasping for energy all the time. I even tried with a fast off hand to get Combat Potency going, but it was still only good when using Adrenalin Rush.

Assassination and Mutilate serves the dagger justice like Combat and Backstab did it before the 2.0 patch.

The guild will start raiding Karazhan at the end of the month, and I really fear my little rogue will put a strain on the healers. I have been doing a lot of Tempest Keep lately, and the mobs and bosses all have some sort of aoe effect that hurts like hell, but surely only affects players in melee range. I find it stressing to dps properly at times with all these ground and aoe spells. Thank good for Quick Recovery ("All healing effects on you are increased by 20%").

The hunter class is really blowing me away, the dps is in the same ballpark as all the other dps classes, but the usefulness of pets and spells is amazing. My friend has gotten tons of upgrades on his hunter, recently epic helm and bow from Thrallmar, and I can't keep up with him on the charts.

It annoys me a little that the rogue does not excel a bit more at doing the only thing the class was designed for. I bring very little to the table except doing damage, but I'm almost evenly matched (and sometimes surpassed) by other much more useful classes. I have low hp, low armor, restrained to close range, have sucky debuffs, no group buffs, can't do aoe. However stunlocking and interrupting a single target is manageable.

I guess Ced's Carver isn't showing the real potential, a proper pair of daggers will tell a different story.
Got Karazhan key today and ran CoT:Dark Portal 6 times. cleared it 5 times with 4 different priests then the last run priest was shit and wiped on the last boss who is easier than the 2nd go figure.


I would really like to, maybe once or twice, run into a member of the Horde that would be interested in a fair, one-on-one fight while out running around the world. I mean, don't get me wrong, I so enjoy being jumped by three, four guys at a time, having a Horde wait until I'm in the middle of fighting a challenging NPC creature to jump me, etc., but it could serve for a nice change of pace.
shidoshi said:
I would really like to, maybe once or twice, run into a member of the Horde that would be interested in a fair, one-on-one fight while out running around the world. I mean, don't get me wrong, I so enjoy being jumped by three, four guys at a time, having a Horde wait until I'm in the middle of fighting a challenging NPC creature to jump me, etc., but it could serve for a nice change of pace.

Haha the alliance are the exact same on my server.


shidoshi said:
I would really like to, maybe once or twice, run into a member of the Horde that would be interested in a fair, one-on-one fight while out running around the world. I mean, don't get me wrong, I so enjoy being jumped by three, four guys at a time, having a Horde wait until I'm in the middle of fighting a challenging NPC creature to jump me, etc., but it could serve for a nice change of pace.
World PvP is world PvP. It's got nothing to do with which side you play on. Granted, Horde might see it more because of the population imbalance, but I think it plays in our favour sometimes. A few nights ago I attacked some alliance player with 3 other players just standing around killing mobs. Nobody tried to help the poor ****er. So I picked him apart, then just moved on to the next logical target and continued the slaughter.

I killed 4 alliance players all standing around within casting distance, none of them bothering to help out their fellow player. It was like they figured I would just ignore them or something. It was glorious!


John_B said:
I have decided on a final build for my level 70 dagger rogue.

41/20 Assassination/Combat

I tried full combat, and backstab basically sucks ass. The damage, the point generation, the energy cost, it's all weak. I feel slow, heavy and gasping for energy all the time. I even tried with a fast off hand to get Combat Potency going, but it was still only good when using Adrenalin Rush.

Assassination and Mutilate serves the dagger justice like Combat and Backstab did it before the 2.0 patch.

The guild will start raiding Karazhan at the end of the month, and I really fear my little rogue will put a strain on the healers. I have been doing a lot of Tempest Keep lately, and the mobs and bosses all have some sort of aoe effect that hurts like hell, but surely only affects players in melee range. I find it stressing to dps properly at times with all these ground and aoe spells. Thank good for Quick Recovery ("All healing effects on you are increased by 20%").

The hunter class is really blowing me away, the dps is in the same ballpark as all the other dps classes, but the usefulness of pets and spells is amazing. My friend has gotten tons of upgrades on his hunter, recently epic helm and bow from Thrallmar, and I can't keep up with him on the charts.

It annoys me a little that the rogue does not excel a bit more at doing the only thing the class was designed for. I bring very little to the table except doing damage, but I'm almost evenly matched (and sometimes surpassed) by other much more useful classes. I have low hp, low armor, restrained to close range, have sucky debuffs, no group buffs, can't do aoe. However stunlocking and interrupting a single target is manageable.

I guess Ced's Carver isn't showing the real potential, a proper pair of daggers will tell a different story.

Sorry, every time I see a rogue QQ like this I have to question the poster. As a rogue myself, I am always at the top of dps in 5 man instances, and in raids the top three of the meters.

While I do acknowledge the fact that other classes got a lot in terms of their own dps, the only time in TBC I was ever outdone was at the beginning of Mana Tombs since we had two mages that just nuked every single mob before I really got to even start on them. Also, the nerf to Weapon Skill hurt raiding rogues pretty bad, and I pray to god that they change Weapon Skill to actually be worthwhile again.

Now I'm going to question your build. I am still unconvinced that Mutilate is a better build than Combat for PVE DPS. Yes, SF Mutilate is awesome for combo points but for raiding the only finishers you should really worry about using are Slice and Dice and Eviscerates in between. Thankfully with the extra talent points you were able to get Dual Wield Specialization but you weren't able to put any points into Opportunity. You're also missing out on an extra 5% crit with no points into Dagger Specialization. With the crit of rogues being pretty crappy compared to how we were at 60, Opportunity > Lethality. Also, you put two points into Lightning Reflexes but not Deflection? I don't understand. In terms of PVE, aside from trash mobs your three points in Improved Kidney Shot are a complete waste.
IDK, I'd like to see some actual parses of weapon skill builds vs those without. I haven't done a whole lot of end game, but there definently feels to be a difference in crit rate based on level and weapon skill. Of course it's worse than before, but I wouldn't say it's bad exactly.


fallout said:
World PvP is world PvP. It's got nothing to do with which side you play on.

No, I never said it was only Horde... I just happen to be an Alliance player, so it isn't like Alliance characters are providing me with reason to bitch.

And I'm not really bitching, I just wish that I had more chances to have fair fights with people, if they want to fight. I'll battle you no problem, because I don't care if I lose, just wait until I'm done fighting that creature before you jump me, or don't call your friends over to do your work for you if you can't get the job done.

My experience also proves that the Horde are full of it when they bitch about Alliance players. I heard nothing but bitching from my friends (who are all Horde players), but their side is just as bad.


Tamanon said:
Dude, Murmur is a piece of cake boss, especially with ranged dps. Such a simple fight.

Well that depends on whether or not everyone is doing their job doesn't it?

What class are you BTW?

Don't say hunter...don't say hunter...


Hero said:
Sorry, every time I see a rogue QQ like this I have to question the poster. As a rogue myself, I am always at the top of dps in 5 man instances, and in raids the top three of the meters.
I knew somebody would question my abilities to play my class. I have always striven to maximize my dps in pve. I have been raiding intensely since last summer, from Zul'Gurub to Naxxramas. I have always managed to out dps anybody in my guild despite being out geared many times. I was combat daggers. I measured every possible upgrade in Chalon spreadsheet to see the gains. I know my shit, trust me on this.

While I do acknowledge the fact that other classes got a lot in terms of their own dps, the only time in TBC I was ever outdone was at the beginning of Mana Tombs since we had two mages that just nuked every single mob before I really got to even start on them. Also, the nerf to Weapon Skill hurt raiding rogues pretty bad, and I pray to god that they change Weapon Skill to actually be worthwhile again.
Glancing Blows are causing a major loss in dps, but that is mostly restricted to heroic and raiding (level 71-73 mobs). However mobs have more armor now, and I'm fairly certain Blizzard adjusted some stuff in 2.0, because my backstabs were suddenly doing 150 damage less on level 1 mobs.

I think my crying is warranted, the appeal of my class has become shit for raiding. The rogue takes two to five times the damage compared to other dps classes, the rogues has almost zero utility to offer, and other dps classes has tons, and now with the gap in dps being so small, all the negative stuff just doesn't justify the "okay" but not "great" single target dps.

Now I'm going to question your build. I am still unconvinced that Mutilate is a better build than Combat for PVE DPS. Yes, SF Mutilate is awesome for combo points but for raiding the only finishers you should really worry about using are Slice and Dice and Eviscerates in between. Thankfully with the extra talent points you were able to get Dual Wield Specialization but you weren't able to put any points into Opportunity. You're also missing out on an extra 5% crit with no points into Dagger Specialization. With the crit of rogues being pretty crappy compared to how we were at 60, Opportunity > Lethality. Also, you put two points into Lightning Reflexes but not Deflection? I don't understand. In terms of PVE, aside from trash mobs your three points in Improved Kidney Shot are a complete waste.
Will Relentless Strikes, Improved Poisons, Quick Recovery and Find Weakness equalize those combat talents? I don't know, I don't crunch numbers like some people out there, but I do know Weapon Expertise were the combat talent that did all the wonders.

Parry or dodge, it does not matter, I choose dodge so evasion would be a bit more effective, bosses or mobs should never be hitting me, so even with 5/5 parry the damage gain would be less than minuscule.


xabre said:
Well that depends on whether or not everyone is doing their job doesn't it?

What class are you BTW?

Don't say hunter...don't say hunter...

Mage. Such an easy fight if you've got people that actually watch their screen.


40ish is probably about the earliest you can get some trinkets, at least that I can think of. I actually don't really go out of my way for trinkets, because there are so many good ones at the higher levels that it's a slot I know I'll be filling soon.


With Jewelcrafting now, you can start getting trinkets in the 30s, they're all pretty weak until the 60s though, no big whoop if you miss some.


shidoshi said:
No, I never said it was only Horde... I just happen to be an Alliance player, so it isn't like Alliance characters are providing me with reason to bitch.
Heh, true!

And I'm not really bitching, I just wish that I had more chances to have fair fights with people, if they want to fight. I'll battle you no problem, because I don't care if I lose, just wait until I'm done fighting that creature before you jump me, or don't call your friends over to do your work for you if you can't get the job done.
Well, yeah, we'd all prefer to get rolled less often. What I was getting at though, is that you just kind of have to accept it. Besides, the complete randomness of it is part of the fun.

Also, I don't think it's right to assume that everytime you get killed while fighting a mob, it was a gank or they had a bunch of people waiting to get you all lined up. I'm not going to waste my time and parse out the situation to make sure it's an absolute fair fight when I run across someone.

My experience also proves that the Horde are full of it when they bitch about Alliance players. I heard nothing but bitching from my friends (who are all Horde players), but their side is just as bad.
Pfft. Both sides bitch. Both sides gank. You shouldn't need to prove anything. The only thing that's supposedly true in a lot of cases is the population imbalance.


I actually have a jewelcrafting trinket equipped on my paladin, but most of them require stuff that's a bit higher level than you could get outside of buying it on the AH. And honestly, of all the ones I've seen, only the jade owl is any good for a caster. I'm sure there are some higher level ones that may be better for casters... in fact, I think there's a mini-ToEP style trinket, but it's still a bit harder to get than the other stuff.


Thanks for replys, I asked because I searched for trinkets in AH and came up with nothing and I never got that far in beta when I played wow last time.

As far as PVP comments I think now with blood elves the horde is seeing what alliance had deal with for longtime. I know I've done about 100 WSG's now and I am beyond disgusted with them and likely will never touch one again unless I can get a pre-formed group that will actually work as team.
Went to Karazhan for the first time with my old guild because they needed some help. When I got there they downed the first boss and he dropped the plate healing gloves and since I was the only Paladin, they went to me. My guild should be starting Karazhan hopefully this week.
madara said:
At what level do you start to look into trinkets? Are they from quests only?

There's a great one in the Badlands; it's the reward for a chain that starts with a pair of Gnomes east of Kargath. Bring a Gyrochromaton and Frost Oil out with you from the auction house and be at least 42 and you're good to go. Best yet, I keep it with me to this very day it's so good.


Nobiru said:
Question though, roughly what kind of FBs, Shreds and Mangles are you gettin in cat?

IIRC in shadow labs the other day I was hitting around 3k FB, 2k shred and 1.5k mangle. Obviously this is pretty frequent too due to the high crit rate.
Just had to throw this screen in here. We did a quick Shadow Labyrinth last night and my Mage friend discovered he could Spell Steal the dog mutation that the mobs before the third boss do...Check it out:lol

That's actually not even my screen, it's another friend's. I use the generic Blizzard bars and interface and while everyone calls me out on it I seem to perform better than most healers that use a custom interface.


Nikashi said:
Anyone doing the v-day quests? I've gotten one Horde Gift Set together already, and 1 more most of the way made.

Finished those on saturday with 3 woman,was a complete riot. We had friendship rings to save us in UC, they hated use there. :lol Got the Valentine dress that seemed to get alot of attention. Not one gave exp though, kinda sucked on that front.
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