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World of Warcraft

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madara said:
Not one gave exp though, kinda sucked on that front.

How about reputation? I'm always on the lookout for seasonal quests that will raise my Horde rep, not for any real constructive purpose, I just like seeing them maxed out.

My character Goinio.

It's becomming clear to me that I need a mega damage 2H weapon for soloing, and just use my shield/weak 1H axe when tanking in groups. Cause right now I'm losing so much health to lv33-36 creeps because I'm not killing them fast enough.
Does anyone have a list of the Heroic dungeons listed easiest to hardest? Most of us in my small guild have most of the Heroic keys and I was just wondering where we should start because I haven't heard much about it.
I've been doing heroics with my guild for a couple days now. We've only really done the coilfang ones so far and they seem fairly easy. The setup we took was feral druid/mage/hunter(me)/paladin/priest or shaman. With two healers and two CC, it's pretty flippin easy. We wiped like once or twice on the last boss of each zone but that's because blizzard changed them for heroic mode and we didn't know.

Anyway, in terms of difficulty from easiest to hardest, from what I've done so far I'd say it goes slave pens -> underbog. From what I've heard, steamvaults is pretty easy too.
Four people from my guild destroyed Thrallmar tonight. It was insane. We then went and four manned ZG and killed the snake boss. Four people. Was pretty crazy.


I've started playing WoW a few weeks ago. I still think of myself as a newbie; but I am a lvl 24 Human Warrior. Been in a few parties, included one that took me to the depths of the Deadmines and had a long fought battle with VanCleef.

I've had a few invites to guilds, but I assume they just want me to tank for them. I don't think a guild anyone would want a newbie for a tank; so I've decline them all.

Expect for one; most seem to invite at random. Like this one time I was in a party; tanking for this warlock, just collecting things for a quest in the DuskWoods and killing stuff. So we get attacked but this one monster. It has a skull were its level should be. I don't think I ever been owned so fast. I don't think its life bar even moved; this is with a warrior, a warlock and its pet trying to defend themselves. Them my corpse get a invite to a guild. I wonder is some ever think; is this a bad time? Next time someone invites me I'll try talking to them and see if they mind having a newbie.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
zarkand said:
read above message

Most guilds who are inviting people your level are just new guilds looking for members. They obviously know you're a newbie and its not a big deal. If you're looking for a big guild that can help you out just get on the forums. But if you wanted to just join their guild and see what their about go for it. You can leave at anytime with /gquit. It might even help them out :)


There is now a slew of Ahn Qiraj npcs and war efforts on our server now. Was that sprung by something unemployment power levelers:)lol ) did or was recent patch? Dont remember them few days ago.


are you on a brand new server? Because the AQ war effort thing is something that lasts until someone forges the scepter and rings the gong. Then, get ready for 8 hours of crashing... assuming someone actually wants to ring the gong. I wouldn't be surprised if they do, since you can get a legendary mount out of it.

e: also, that legendary mount is just a black bug that people can get in the 40 man wing of AQ. And the AQ war effort event always starts up at some point on new servers. It's just an automatic thing from several patches ago. Feel free to ignore it, unless you really want to donate stuff and get commendation badges, and then turn those in for rep. Doing that is essentially the same as turning in cloth, but it can be a bit easier depending upon your professions.


firex said:
are you on a brand new server? Because the AQ war effort thing is something that lasts until someone forges the scepter and rings the gong. Then, get ready for 8 hours of crashing... assuming someone actually wants to ring the gong. I wouldn't be surprised if they do, since you can get a legendary mount out of it.

e: also, that legendary mount is just a black bug that people can get in the 40 man wing of AQ. And the AQ war effort event always starts up at some point on new servers. It's just an automatic thing from several patches ago. Feel free to ignore it, unless you really want to donate stuff and get commendation badges, and then turn those in for rep. Doing that is essentially the same as turning in cloth, but it can be a bit easier depending upon your professions.

im on a new BC server, and gm's have said that the aq event isnt taking place

aq is open, or is just going to be opened at some point


I'm wondering why with all the new and wonderful melee enchants, (+12 agi on cloak, +24 ap on bracers, +30 ap on gloves, +12 agi on boots) the best static one-hand weapon enchant is still +15 agility, and it's even worse than at level 60. They made a shitty +20 strength enchant, but why even bother with that? I mean +20 agility makes sense, you would get around the same amount of crit, as you did with +15 agility at level 60. The worst about is the enchant is even more expensive now, people are cashing in on those old shitty materials.
John_B said:
I'm wondering why with all the new and wonderful melee enchants, (+12 agi on cloak, +24 ap on bracers, +30 ap on gloves, +12 agi on boots) the best static one-hand weapon enchant is still +15 agility, and it's even worse than at level 60. They made a shitty +20 strength enchant, but why even bother with that? I mean +20 agility makes sense, you would get around the same amount of crit, as you did with +15 agility at level 60. The worst about is the enchant is even more expensive now, people are cashing in on those old shitty materials.

They added Savagery, but that doesn't really help rogues or fury warriors. Either way, it's awesome for hunters.


Im in a channel my new guild recreated and I have way too much leaves and join spam. Is there way to turn that off? I cant seem find it in general tab. I dont know why but maybe its flightpath related but sometimes i get this person leaves and join channel 12 times in under minute on just one person.


We started on Karazhan on wednesday and have taken it a bit slow because of class combination and available players.

We got the first boss, Attumen and his horse Midnight, down on the first try. It was a fairly simple encounter. I killed the charts with my Rogue, but we had to quit early because one of our healers had to go.

The next day we went for Moroes. That boss is a bastard. It took us five tries to get him down. We started out with trying to take down three of his adds, leave one shackled, and then take down the boss. The adds are some what quick to kill, maybe around 20 seconds each, but Moroes takes more than a couple of minutes to kill, so the only priest had to lead a lot of attention to the controlled add for a long time.

We decided to kill all of the adds as fast as possible, and do a nuke fest on the boss. We had three tries where either some of the dps died or the tank died early. This is a dps fight, as the longer it takes to kill the boss, the more stress is put on the healers from the insane dot. On the last try we managed to keep everyone alive and we just nuked the boss down. The most irritating moment is when Moroes vanishes. You're standing there with your life pissing out of you, your short buffs are slowly running out, and the boss is hiding somewhere for a good five seconds or more.

I was murdering the charts on wednesday, but on thursday we had brought two warlocks, and they were using flasks and all the buffs they could get their hands on. They both had over 1.200 shadow damage and they both were specced for nuke. I was 1.500+ ap buffed, and around 28% crit. I had to straight out nuke if I had to stay above them on the charts. It was a very close race, and with the all the aoe from two resets, they probably did a little more overall damage than me.


Here are some pictures of my level 50 Hunter on Shattered Hand... had since the launch of WoW and still hadnt hit 60. :D


Last Halloween:




3rd event now going on with my server! Lunar Festival, this last week has be crazy! I found 7 elders so far around world but looking at this list half look like death to level 39 horde player. Though I am tempted to run into astranaar center in ashvendale and get that elder but dont think 20 plus citizens there will take that too well. :lol

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Stranglethorn vale on pvp is pure gankfest :eek: Lost count on how many times i died. Most allies also walk around with their lvl 70 friend as bodyguard, damn hippies.


Maxrpg said:
Your server is going through all the events really fast? lol!

Yeah Moon Guard is pretty cool so far. I thought that Lunar Festival event at least was happening on all servers now, guess not.


nah, what should be happening is the v-day stuff goes down, then they'll put in the lunar festival things. I should point out that it's not really doable to get everything without some high level help, but you also don't need every coin off every elder to get all the items. It's honestly more worth doing it for the rep you get for visting each elder... that is, assuming they keep it the same as last year (or even boost the rep gain some).


My server wound up with a pretty mediocre faction split. Do any of you folks have any advice on a good Horde PvE server?


Yeah I wondered why Lunar Festival started while V-day stuff was still going. I have no idea how long this even lasts but I got 15 elders x75 horde rep today. The one in Tanaris with elder by giants and the one in Hinterlands with 6 slimes were hardest for me so far but only 1 death :)

I recommend MoonGuard if your looking for new server. Even if your not into rp I still think its cool walk by a inn or bank or mailbox and hear folks weave really neat tales. Quite few creative and intelligent folks to offset usual wow players :) Plus we have 3 events going right now! Though I'mnot sure what you mean by faction split if you want alot horde by your side or less, we have alot horde and BE running around but doesnt seem overcrowded too much yet. Never hurts to have 40 cleric sail you threw Dar Khan or other elites if cant get group either P


Okay abit more calm now /giggle. The shock of dinging 40 and seeing 81 gold is need to train for riding was too much for person that had 23, now 13 gold after spell funds. Off to grind on some mobs for few days.
The idea is to pick gathering professions when you start out then when you max out your character you switch over. If you go mining/herbalism and skinning you should have 90g no problem by the time you're 40. Hell, one of my alts is only mining and I have 40g at lvl 24.


wow, I didn't realize the elders actually did come in early. oh well, it's cool. I got something like 13 or so coins and haven't gotten any from eastern kingdoms except the one in booty bay. i'm mostly doing it for the rep... if i get all the coins, i should hit revered with trolls and still have a good bit of troll quests left to do pretty soon.


Blizzard is genius. The hardcore will flock around Arena.

My friend and I started a 2v2 arena team last night. We chose the name Double Impact. He is an incredibly skilled frost mage, and I'm sure he will do 3v3 or 5v5 when he finds some quality players. Anyways, we absolutely murdered in the beginning, we were up 10 to 1, but then we started to meet some more skilled teams with nasty class combinations. It took us some time to figure out how to handle a paladin team, which seems like the worst class addition on a 2v2.

We played 38 games and lost 11. We met these two hunters that mounted up and camped one of the pillars in the blade's edge arena. It was impossible to even get close to them. They made flares and traps, and if my friend would go in range, he would get instant ripped. That was way too cheap. Hunters are not rogue friendly in the arena, and their traps seems to work forever. We also got our asses kicked by a hunter and warlock combination. A sad loss was to two frost mages that both used double ice block and double pet. The most funny encounter was this single rogue that was hiding for a good two minutes, before quickly sap'ing my mate and then he went in evasion. Atleast he tried.

Arena is very intense and the hardcore no bullshit approach is so enjoyable, that you wonder why pvp wasn't like this before.


madara said:
Okay abit more calm now /giggle. The shock of dinging 40 and seeing 81 gold is need to train for riding was too much for person that had 23, now 13 gold after spell funds. Off to grind on some mobs for few days.

Assuming you're Horde, just farm wool at Hillsbrad. On the server I play on, it easily goes for 1-3g a stack, and at level 40 the farmers and such are really easy to kill, and they all carry about 1s give or take, usually wool, but you may get silk/linen instead, and you'll likely get a good share of green items which will go on the AH for enchanters. And you'll need 10g for the mount as well, btw.
First night our 3 on 3 Arena line up was Two Warriors, and me, A Paladin. We faired pretty well and had a winning record. Last night we through a Mage into the mix...A Warrior, Paladin and Mage. And we lost nearly every single game with the Mage. He's a good Mage too it just seems that Mages are the target all the time in Arenas being that they die so easy. Every game no matter what the Mage dies early on and from there you don't have a chance of winning. It's kind of strange that Mages are actually a detriment in Arena.
Has anyone had a problem with creating arena teams? I go to turn in the charter and design the flag and then it just spits me out of the screen and nothing's happened.


Aldor/scryer rep? I chose Aldor.. Guild Mates told me to only turn in the marks if I could until Honored, and save my fel armaments etc and try not to do to many quests.

I understand the idea, but are there any instances where they drop these items or give rep per kill? It's going to take me 100's of the marks to make it to honored even as a human. I grinded the one's in terrokar for a while, but it would take forever.


No instances give rep, but some of the Arcatraz mobs drop marks. Best to do marks until honored, then start jamming the armaments. They're worth 350(385 human) rep a pop. I'm about 4k into Revered with Scryers myself, I love all the signets and tomes in Botanica.

Went through Botanica and Black Morass today, Botanica is a great instance with damn cool boss fights. Rogue, Hunter, Mage(me), Priest, Warrior and we were tearing the place up. Black Morass is pretty fun also, we one-shotted the first boss, but wiped a couple times on the second one.....that debuff is nasty, so we got him on the third try after using a couple of the beacons on medivh to protect him and laid the dps down. Third, final boss was cake, we had a great priest so the 5 second time stop was no problem whatsoever, we just destroyed him. Loved the 8800 rep for completeing the quest:) Almost revered already.
Theres a trick with the second boss.

If you put detect magic on him, purge him (or whatever it's called) shaman or priest can do it to remove his self buff. Results in him casting the nasty debuff much less. The warrior can also disarm him which negates it further until it runs out.
Speaking of that, Arcatraz is for NO JOKE. It's wild, the instance starts tense, then gets stupid; ramping ramping ramping up. I can solo heal death-free Shadow Labs and Steamvault 20/0/41, but things are just nuts in Arc. Mini-Obsidian Destroyers, a boss where FR and less melee is preferred, The Twin Robot Pull Of Your Ass is Dead. *shudder*


MrPing1000 said:
As warriors are redundent I'm playing a blood elf mage alt atm. Fun, although it takes some getting used to having paper armour.
The ultimate dps to bring in Arena and the Tank that is always needed in raid instances. How is this being redundant?
John_B said:
The ultimate dps to bring in Arena and the Tank that is always needed in raid instances. How is this being redundant?

I'm in a pve guild, haven't started karazhan properly. Guild wants all warriors protection until we have it locked down + I'm a fury warrior at heart, a spec kinda shit for pvp. And I can't imagine too many people wanting warriors in PvP these days. And lets not forget that Druids are better tanks now.


MrPing1000 said:
I'm in a pve guild, haven't started karazhan properly. Guild wants all warriors protection until we have it locked down + I'm a fury warrior at heart, a spec kinda shit for pvp. And I can't imagine too many people wanting warriors in PvP these days. And lets not forget that Druids are better tanks now.
How are they superior for tanking, because they do more than double the dps? With no sunder armor, demo shout and disarm, the warrior is still much more needed in Karazhan than a druid is.

With 5 dps slots to be filled, there should be room for you once in a while.


Man some of the 70 PvP gear isn't that nice.

Does anyone know if it looks like the 60 PvP gear? There is nothing up on the WoW site yet


the HWL stuff sucks, but the belts, bracers, and boots aren't bad at all. Those are actually epic... and it's gotta be intentional. since Blizzard wants to encourage arenas at 70, they put the better armor sets/weapons through the arenas. Also, the honor points for the level 70 gear aren't much more than for the 60s... maybe even the same, I can't quite remember. The real thing to dump honor points into is the jewels. I have yet to see better jewels... of course, they cost so much that it's a pretty hefty grind just getting them, but it's worth it moreso than the HWL/GM gear, and only costs honor points.

For the most part they should look identical, too. They might be palette swapped and that's about it.


firex said:
the HWL stuff sucks, but the belts, bracers, and boots aren't bad at all. Those are actually epic... and it's gotta be intentional. since Blizzard wants to encourage arenas at 70, they put the better armor sets/weapons through the arenas. Also, the honor points for the level 70 gear aren't much more than for the 60s... maybe even the same, I can't quite remember. The real thing to dump honor points into is the jewels. I have yet to see better jewels... of course, they cost so much that it's a pretty hefty grind just getting them, but it's worth it moreso than the HWL/GM gear, and only costs honor points.

For the most part they should look identical, too. They might be palette swapped and that's about it.

I hear ya on that, and you are right.. the helm/chest/legs are blue, while the other lesser pieces are epic.

I have seen the jewels to buy, but they are ridiculous.. 30K+ honor for some stupid jewel that gives +2 damage more than another that's easily accessible? Crazy


ToyMachine228 said:
First night our 3 on 3 Arena line up was Two Warriors, and me, A Paladin. We faired pretty well and had a winning record. Last night we through a Mage into the mix...A Warrior, Paladin and Mage. And we lost nearly every single game with the Mage. He's a good Mage too it just seems that Mages are the target all the time in Arenas being that they die so easy. Every game no matter what the Mage dies early on and from there you don't have a chance of winning. It's kind of strange that Mages are actually a detriment in Arena.

This is why I was ranting earlier about Mages needing something, ANYTHING to make them either last a little longer or deal more damage faster. Mages just drop WAY too easy for the trade-off of doing supposedly the #1 damage of any class (oh wait, Blizz retconned us to say AOE #1 dmg, right). Nearly every other class deals damage within par of a mage AND can heal or insanely mitigate damage.

Oh well, at least I can make water and food and teleport places, right? :lol


How are Mages any worse off than Priests or Warlocks in terms of defenses? Frost or a well-played elementalist has way more survivability than almost any class in the game. Well, HAD, I can't speak for 70, so apologies if I am assuming not much changed!

Please don't say Fear though. :p Fear is even more garbage now than it was prior.

I figured they were doing pretty well, especially since stamina is so wildly easy to get. Maybe I'm mistaken.

So anyway... I dropped my Priest. I had gotten rid of my account (Paladin/Warlock), but my friend/duo partner had not axed his (Druid/Rogue), so we decided to just split it into two. Now I have a Night Elf Druid. :lol

We account swapped a ton back in our hardcore raiding/pvp days though, I know this Druid like the back of my hand but uh... only from a full resto vantage point. I used to swap to it all the time to PvP heal for fun before I got my Paladin.

I don't know much about Feral, so I guess I'll have to dig around the Druid forum. As if I'm not already burned out FOTM comments from pre-BC as a Naxx geared Warlock. Looks like my comments from a few posts back are going to haunt me. Serves me right for getting caught up in class balance bullshit.

But, FFXI and early WoW taught me I'm a cure bot. I need to heal, DPS just doesn't present a lot of fun for me.

No qualms with the Priest, I was having fun, but it's difficult to find a good Horde PvE server, and yeah, I'm lazy. It was *impossible* to find any pugs for instances. I mean, the realm had a good population, really, it was at medium and one of the most thriving new servers but it was like a goddamn 80/20% split

Blizzard has got to put a faction cap or something in. Especially with all the new world PvP stuff, it's just not fair for the Horde.


Alex said:
Blizzard has got to put a faction cap or something in. Especially with all the new world PvP stuff, it's just not fair for the Horde.
You're kidding me. I've had absolutely no problems with world PvP since the expansion hit. If anything, it's been ****ing amazing.

I think the "problem" you're seeing is that it's easier for the Alliance to hold things, because there are more of them. Fine. Just means we have more opportunities to fight to get it back and more opportunities to defend it. Horde generally dictate the pace of world PvP. I like it.
Pretty good week for my Rogue. I was originally a Hunter, got 8/8 Dragonstalker, Xbow of smiting, but since my Rogue was way under geared at the start of the expansion, I thought I would play him first and let him enjoy all the loot that is thrown at ya if you never had raid gear. I absolutely cannot put him down now.

Here he is, just got the following:

http://www.thottbot.com/?i=55308 Grind to exalted is not as bad as I thought it would be.

http://thottbot.com/?i=58942 Dropped off the final boss in Black Morass. Sweet offhand, not only that hit revered with Keepers of Time and now have the heroic Key AND completed my Karazhan key chain.

Also, while grinding for Fel Armaments and Mark of Sargeras, the plans for this bad boy dropped: http://www.thotbott.com/?i=59081

My buddy is a smithy, so we'll see how long it'll take us to get that made. Seems one of the mats only drops off of bosses when playing Heroic Mode :(

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