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World of Warcraft

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I won the assassination chest on a lucky roll last night. This was the last piece I needed to complete the whole set, which I think is pretty darn good. The first whole rogue set without any strength, resistance and spirit. I really like this change Blizzard did to class itemization.

We're also up to Shade of Aran, the crazy mofo, in Karazhan. So far it has only been caster stuff dropping, but soon enough I will get a taste of the goodies, I hope.




Maxrpg said:
expand on this unfair for the horde stuff.

It's unfair because on several servers the population split leaves the Horde in such sparse numbers it's difficult to find groups for instances, find good guilds, have a decently filled AH or acomplish anything in world PvP.

It's a common issue amoungst mainly PvE servers, etc. It's not a universal thing, but I've seen it hit a few friends of mine. I only had to deal with it recently.

Horde don't dictate the pace of shit when there are like four Alliance to every Horde. You touch a PvP node, kiss your ass goodbye. Ever since I touched Outlands on my Druid today, we controlled Hellfire 3/0 the entire time.

I passed by a node once on a quest, one poor Horde guy ganked by about 7 random Alliance.

Faction imbalance is a problem that should've been capped and fixed long ago. But whatever, when I got sick of being unable to field instances, or fiddling with the borderline empty AH on my reroll attempt server, at least I had an old Alliance character to fall back on.


I dont think new servers have these issues with split like Moon Guard but as off set our AH isnt as strong as older servers yet.

Anyway thanks for all money making tips. I farmed 81 gold in last two days. Wool and silk helped from hillsbrad farmers. Alot came from me farming RFK. I didnt think 40 priest could solo that but sure enough I cleared it 3 times, got alot coin and sold greens in AH and binded blues to vendors.


Alex said:
It's unfair because on several servers the population split leaves the Horde in such sparse numbers it's difficult to find groups for instances, find good guilds, have a decently filled AH or acomplish anything in world PvP.

It's a common issue amoungst mainly PvE servers, etc. It's not a universal thing, but I've seen it hit a few friends of mine. I only had to deal with it recently.

Horde don't dictate the pace of shit when there are like four Alliance to every Horde. You touch a PvP node, kiss your ass goodbye. Ever since I touched Outlands on my Druid today, we controlled Hellfire 3/0 the entire time.

I passed by a node once on a quest, one poor Horde guy ganked by about 7 random Alliance.

Faction imbalance is a problem that should've been capped and fixed long ago. But whatever, when I got sick of being unable to field instances, or fiddling with the borderline empty AH on my reroll attempt server, at least I had an old Alliance character to fall back on.

thats funny because on my server, a new BC one, the population imba is way favoring the horde

i think horde side there are over 700 ppl between lvl 50-70, and on alliance side only approx 150 between lvl 50-70

i think on most new servers the population will be heavily favoring the horde with the new bloodelf paladins, so w/e


Alex said:
How are Mages any worse off than Priests or Warlocks in terms of defenses? Frost or a well-played elementalist has way more survivability than almost any class in the game. Well, HAD, I can't speak for 70, so apologies if I am assuming not much changed!
Certain classes have what I call the "PVP Taunt", where teams see that particular class and attack it. Mages are currently the squishiest of the squishy classes - or at least, that's what everybody thinks. When a team sees a mage, they think "easy kill". And if the mage isn't a really good player or stacked with survivability talents, it's more or less true. Sure, most classes that gets focus fired can go down quickly. But right now taking out the mage first seems to be the popular thing to do.

Stamina is a primary stat for warlocks, so they can take more hits. With my level 70 mage I'm sitting around 6k health - there's a warlock in my guild that's got 10k.
Priests can heal and shield, shadow priests are a pain, and even a good disc priest can be tough to deal with - although those are rare.


Alex said:
Horde don't dictate the pace of shit when there are like four Alliance to every Horde. You touch a PvP node, kiss your ass goodbye.
Bah. You've just gotta get organized!

I passed by a node once on a quest, one poor Horde guy ganked by about 7 random Alliance.
It happens. That's really just what you get for being alone.

Faction imbalance is a problem that should've been capped and fixed long ago. But whatever, when I got sick of being unable to field instances, or fiddling with the borderline empty AH on my reroll attempt server, at least I had an old Alliance character to fall back on.
Honestly, before they go worrying about faction imbalances, I'd like to see some more time and effort put into our quest chains, architecture, etc.

I've learned to deal with being outnumbered, and we've all done it for years now. It's just how it is. Hell, on any given server, there are probably more Night Elf hunters and rogues than there are Horde ... just gives you more to kill, really.

You're talking to a guy in a guild who focuses on world PvP. I've certainly never heard any bitching from my guildmates (aside from maybe: "Oh god, where did they all come from?! Okay, let's kill 'em!). We make a point to re-take/defend Halaa and we've never had any major issues. A group of 20 organized people can pick apart a group of 40 disorganized ones any day.


If they made all horde quest chains/zones feel as rewarding as ghostlands, I think the population imbalance would get significantly better. of course, I play horde on a pve server, because I didn't want to be constantly outnumbered and ganked when I first started out as an orc warlock (back then, warlocks were free HKs).


explodet said:
Certain classes have what I call the "PVP Taunt", where teams see that particular class and attack it. Mages are currently the squishiest of the squishy classes - or at least, that's what everybody thinks. When a team sees a mage, they think "easy kill". And if the mage isn't a really good player or stacked with survivability talents, it's more or less true. Sure, most classes that gets focus fired can go down quickly. But right now taking out the mage first seems to be the popular thing to do.

Stamina is a primary stat for warlocks, so they can take more hits. With my level 70 mage I'm sitting around 6k health - there's a warlock in my guild that's got 10k.
Priests can heal and shield, shadow priests are a pain, and even a good disc priest can be tough to deal with - although those are rare.

Mages are really pretty squishy. Managed to kill a lvl 70 mage who got the jump on me; I'm a 63 BM hunter.

Of course, that's probably the illest matchup for the mage possible, but still... 7 levels difference, he should've wasted me.


explodet said:
Certain classes have what I call the "PVP Taunt", where teams see that particular class and attack it. Mages are currently the squishiest of the squishy classes - or at least, that's what everybody thinks. When a team sees a mage, they think "easy kill". And if the mage isn't a really good player or stacked with survivability talents, it's more or less true. Sure, most classes that gets focus fired can go down quickly. But right now taking out the mage first seems to be the popular thing to do.

Stamina is a primary stat for warlocks, so they can take more hits. With my level 70 mage I'm sitting around 6k health - there's a warlock in my guild that's got 10k.
Priests can heal and shield, shadow priests are a pain, and even a good disc priest can be tough to deal with - although those are rare.

Disc Priests - I used to be one, and a hard one to deal with at that. When I played my priest again after my hiatus, I was kinda rusty. And I don't think I can go back after having raised my Paladin up in levels. He's going to hit 70 today.

I get targeted like a mofo because I'm a Blood Elf AND a Paladin - the Alliance have a death wish for me every time I'm spotted. Luckily I'm a Paladin - getting away is my specialty, lol. But mostly I just stand and fight, and try to take one out.


Finally got a piece of the recolored Judgement set - the whole set is for healing, but the helmet is so badass. Also got a piece of the Righteous set (Dungeon Set 3), the breastplate. Looks just like the set you turn in for at the Scryers place.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I kind of wish Blizzard would at least make a server compilation every year, how many horde/alliance, class repartition %, things like that. Square enix makes it for FFXI and its always interesting to take a glimpse at. On my server, Azshara, it seems pretty balanced, it just seems like most highend guilds, like Blue garter and thoseguys (both old FFXI guilds) seem to mostly pve and/or BG, its kind of rare to see a bunch of 70s raiding an enemy city or camp though, while the alliance often does.

Maybe not a faction balance, cause imo, its kind of fun having an handicap on the horde side, there's always more tree huggers than real man :p


Heh, speaking of BGs, I remember before cross-server, there was a post on the realm forums telling Horde to queue up more because the alliance players were sick of waiting. Someone replied:

"Shit, I can't even make it to the mailbox before the queue's up."

So hey, there are benefits.
Buggy Loop said:
I kind of wish Blizzard would at least make a server compilation every year, how many horde/alliance, class repartition %, things like that. Square enix makes it for FFXI and its always interesting to take a glimpse at. On my server, Azshara, it seems pretty balanced, it just seems like most highend guilds, like Blue garter and thoseguys (both old FFXI guilds) seem to mostly pve and/or BG, its kind of rare to see a bunch of 70s raiding an enemy city or camp though, while the alliance often does.

Maybe not a faction balance, cause imo, its kind of fun having an handicap on the horde side, there's always more tree huggers than real man :p


Buggy Loop

Gold Member
So i got my enchantment to 225 (uldaman here we go!).


Illusion dust, i checked tonight @ AH and there's none up. And enchantrix doesnt give any disenchant information for items lvl 56-60, so i cant know the median on how many illusion dust and the percentage for the items in these level range. Auctioneer scanned that its about 2g per dust, but most items in that level range are 6g+. How many disenchant per item usually?
I'm getting pretty annoyed with how Blizzard designed female armor. All my non-troll horde chars are female because for one reason or another the other horde dudes all look retarded to me, and I can't believe how stupid some designs are. My orc warlock's pants are freakin garters. If I didn't have a tabard it'd be nude. My paladin is leveling up in what I can only describe as inverted chaps. There's whole heaps of things wrong with my tauren warrior too, I've posted pics before. Don't get me wrong, I've got a sense of humor about it all, but I can only put up with a certain amount of cow cleavage per day.


I now have my Druid up to 2129 ap, 33.28% crit and 110 hit in cat...I can quite happily fill the sort of dps role in groups that Druids would once be laughed at for merely considering. My tanking gear is not nearly as mature as my dps stuff, but with 19.5k ac and 11k hp (not great by Druid standards but tends to make other classes gasp in awe) I can certainly take an 'effin beating to say the least.
I'm getting really sick of looking for groups. Nobody wants a rogue without improved sap. The hell if I'm giving up any extra damage or energy regeneration for ****ing imp sap.

I've been doing a lot of arena with some rogue friends though. Yea, my only real friends in the game are rogues too. We struggle but, we have fun and we even have a few wins. The groups we have the most trouble with are those with a feral druid. Druids are bullshit. We totally pwned this shaman/rogue pair 4 times in a row though. We could take out a pair of warriors if we had some better gear or got lucky and got them both together with blade flurry and adrenaline rush. They usually break our stealth with a demoralizing shout though and that just ****s everything up.


Buggy Loop said:
So i got my enchantment to 225 (uldaman here we go!).


Illusion dust, i checked tonight @ AH and there's none up. And enchantrix doesnt give any disenchant information for items lvl 56-60, so i cant know the median on how many illusion dust and the percentage for the items in these level range. Auctioneer scanned that its about 2g per dust, but most items in that level range are 6g+. How many disenchant per item usually?

1-3 usually. There's nothing more annoying than D/Eing a level 60 green and getting 1 Illusion dust. Glad I'm past that stage.


John_B said:
My friend and I, the skilled frost mage, worked our bottoms off for a 1800 rating today. Not too shabby for a pve specced (41/20) rogue.


That should net us 452 arena points, accord to this calculator.


no offense but the arena grind is going to be just like the old pvp grind, just a time sink, ppl with the most play time will get their gear first

i guess i had a misconceived notion on how the arena ladder/points system would work

because your win loss record is pretty poor


Buggy Loop said:
On my server, Azshara, it seems pretty balanced, it just seems like most highend guilds, like Blue garter and thoseguys (both old FFXI guilds) seem to mostly pve and/or BG, its kind of rare to see a bunch of 70s raiding an enemy city or camp though, while the alliance often does.

Heh, never thought I'd hear ThoseGuys being mentioned on here. Never was a fan of them when they were on Fairy, I guess those posers went to Azshara because of BG's presence, funny how they didn't start out on a server of their own and had to tag along one of the more well known guild.


yacobod said:
no offense but the arena grind is going to be just like the old pvp grind, just a time sink, ppl with the most play time will get their gear first

i guess i had a misconceived notion on how the arena ladder/points system would work

because your win loss record is pretty poor
No offense to you sir, but why are you talking about shit you don't know? You come off as an idiot.

This is how the system works.

worldofwarcraft.com said:
Each team has a Team Rating. This rating reflects how well your team is doing in the Arena System; the higher your rating, the better. When you queue up for a fight, the matchmaking system uses your rating to find a suitable match. Every time your team wins a match, your rating goes up, and every time you lose a match, your rating goes down. The amount by which your rating changes depends on your team's rating compared to the other team's rating – if you win against a higher ranked team, your rating will improve more than if you steamrolled a weaker team. Similarly, losing against a weaker team will hurt your rating more than losing against superior enemies.

Blizzard made a system that rewarded skilled players, and not players that can go the longest with out any sleep. The rating is all that matter. You can play 20 games (~2 hours) in a given week, and still earn more arena points than people that play a 1000 games that same week. It all depends on how much you win and loose and to whom.

Yes, we have lost a ton of games, but try to look around, and you will see less than most have such a rating, and only few have a better one. 2v2 is very class decisive, and the better rating you have, the harder the competition, so staying within a high rating is very hard.


worldofwarcraft.com said:
Each team has a Team Rating. This rating reflects how well your team is doing in the Arena System; the higher your rating, the better. When you queue up for a fight, the matchmaking system uses your rating to find a suitable match. Every time your team wins a match, your rating goes up, and every time you lose a match, your rating goes down. The amount by which your rating changes depends on your team's rating compared to the other team's rating – if you win against a higher ranked team, your rating will improve more than if you steamrolled a weaker team. Similarly, losing against a weaker team will hurt your rating more than losing against superior enemies.

that is exactly how i thought the system worked, so thanks for finding the quote for me

John_B said:
Blizzard made a system that rewarded skilled players, and not players that can go the longest with out any sleep. The rating is all that matter. You can play 20 games (~2 hours) in a given week, and still earn more arena points than people that play a 1000 games that same week. It all depends on how much you win and loose and to whom.

Yes, we have lost a ton of games, but try to look around, and you will see less than most have such a rating, and only few have a better one. 2v2 is very class decisive, and the better rating you have, the harder the competition, so staying within a high rating is very hard.


ya the arena ladder has been live for what 5 days now? i'm pretty sure it started on 2/16/07, correct me if i'm wrong. so essentially all the ppl competing are fresh 70s, the gear imbalances should be pretty minimal (i.e. you dont have ppl using tier 4 and tier 5 shit yet), i'm going to go out on a limb and assume that match-ups are fairly even right now, in 2-3 months time that may not be the case, but for now it is

so you already conceded that 2v2 is very class decisive, yet you maintain that blizzard is rewarding "skilled" players, please the skill required to play WOW well is MINIMIAL at best, it's not realtime, it aint a fps, or something that requires great hand-eye coordination, so bringing up skill makes you come off like an idiot

i was a former rank 13 before cross server bgs started, where getting rank 13-14 was a huge time sink, so i'm not necessarily hating on that part, its a part of MMOs for better or for worse, but it just looks like arena is going to be the same shit

but who nose, i'll be lvl 70 in about a week or 2, then i can test it out for myself and see what kind of grind im facing lol
I was referring more to the buggy ramps in Blade's Edge. I absolutely love that I can target someone on the bridge but the moment he crosses one of those poles to the ramp part he's out of sight.

Nagrand's LoS is less annoying, but too frequently devolves into cheese fest ring around the pony dances.


yacobod said:
so you already conceded that 2v2 is very class decisive, yet you maintain that blizzard is rewarding "skilled" players, please the skill required to play WOW well is MINIMIAL at best, it's not realtime, it aint a fps, or something that requires great hand-eye coordination, so bringing up skill makes you come off like an idiot

That is why loosing in 2v2 and 3v3 is more forgiving than loosing in 5v5. I'm sorry if I offended you about not knowing shit about the arena system, but are you kidding me? A 6-year old could learn how to play counterstrike in 20 minutes. There is simply more to navigating and clicking the mouse in World of Warcraft. It doesn't really matter though, the game is complex enough to have skilled players dominate less skilled players.

Arena gets rid of all the bullshit, no objectives, no help from pots and gadgets, it's all down to the classes.

i was a former rank 13 before cross server bgs started, where getting rank 13-14 was a huge time sink, so i'm not necessarily hating on that part, its a part of MMOs for better or for worse, but it just looks like arena is going to be the same shitl

It is not the same, and it never will be. It will take longer to obtain gear, but you have to play a lot less.
So how many points did you get John_B? I got 214 points with only 4 wins. :) I guess It's going to take like 2 months to get something for me and my team. Seems alright considering I did nothing but AV for a month and a half for my GM swords. I can do regular BG and arena and go for both sets at the same time without having to use the points from on on another. I like that.


I just have to post this because it feels so good to be the priest.
So they restared servers and tallied the Arena points differently today. I wasn't in 60% of my teams matches yet I was still awarded points. Did they change something?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
ToyMachine228 said:
So they restared servers and tallied the Arena points differently today. I wasn't in 60% of my teams matches yet I was still awarded points. Did they change something?

Requirement is 30%.
So if I have a 2 vs 2 team with 4 people in it and we all fight 25% of the matches, we don't get any points? How about if 2 players play 60% of the matches and the other 2 40%? Do they not get any points even if they do 10 or more matches?
Oni Link 666 said:
So if I have a 2 vs 2 team with 4 people in it and we all fight 25% of the matches, we don't get any points? How about if 2 players play 60% of the matches and the other 2 40%? Do they not get any points even if they do 10 or more matches?

Well it's impossible to have each person fight 25% of the fights in a 2v2 arena.

But these are the requirements to get points: The team has to have 10 matches and a member of the team must have played 30% of the team's matches.


Oni Link 666 said:
So how many points did you get John_B? I got 214 points with only 4 wins. :)
I got 452 Arena Points, exactly as the calculator predicted. I think it's a little bullshit 2v2 only gets 60% of what 5v5 gets. It means an average 5v5 team that breaks even will get about as many points as a good 2v2 team. I can see bigger teams require more skilled players, and the matches are longer, but the work required by the individual is still just as big.

Son of Godzilla said:
But these are the requirements to get points: The team has to have 10 matches and a member of the team must have played 30% of the team's matches.
I think it's the player that has to have a minimum of 10 matches played, and all his matches should account for at least 30% of the teams total played matches. All in a given week.
I think the whole system is kind of screwy. Basically, I can form a 5 man, do 10 matches and lose them all and get more points than a 2 vs 2 team who played 30 matches and won 4 or something like that. It's cool that I can get some points even if we never win though.


Ok my Pally is level 68.. it takes me forever to level with the time I have :(

The upside to that is I spend a lot of my time in rested. I've only been to the following zones Hellfire (?), zangarmarsh, terrokar, and Nagrand. I only have a handful of quests left to finish in Nagrand. I also haven't done any of the instances in Terrokar yet (crypts, mana-tombs, sethek halls).

So, I'd like to make sure whatever zone I go to next is fruitful for me on my way to 70. I'm sure I'll go back and hit the other zones cleaning up quests for money and fun over time, but all the same I'd rather make a good choice as final zone to go to.

- Shadowmoon Valley
- Blade's Edge
- Netherstorm

I'm a Holy Pally, and I'm aligned with the Aldor's. Do any of those zone's have rewards that would be more useful to me pre-70, or in the beginning 70 instances i.e. Nagrand had a couple of great rewards in the Blessed Book of Nagrand and the healing Mace from the ring of Blood. Do any of these zones have guys who drop a lot of Fel Armaments and Mark of Sargeras? Rep. grinding.. is there one I'd be better off doing in the long run do to some other rep. I need?
Blade's Edge has a Cenarion Expedition town, so if you need CE rep that helps. Other than that it's pretty much all the same. Netherstorm has Scryer/Aldor quests I believe, and many of the quests are very close together so it makes leveling very efficient. I think I leveled from 69-70 in 3 or 4 hours because of that. Easily the fastest level on the way from 60-70.


Okay questions here:

1) Anyone explain to me Mind Control for Priest? Why is it everytime I move more then 5 steps with them, even grey mobs MC breaks? If something attacks MC pet immediately it usually stays the whole min but if I have to move him, auto break everytime. Retarted if ask me.

2) How in blazes do I defeat Shadow mages in tanaris as a shadow priest? My spells do nothing to them and they eats through my shield in 5secs. I havent bothered with crappy smite and holy fire line in awhile since damage/cast time is so bad but that is my only guess go train those up and spam them. Please tell me this isnt what warlock is going be like in pvp games? Resists all fears, took only 10 percent of damage of my spells and nuked me faster then reds I killed. It feel like someone turned on GOD mode.

3)Everyone but me seems have Regal Hats, yet response I get is they are random. Where is good spot then try for these?


I'm not sure, but the wastewander shadow mages may actually have a shadow buff on them that you can dispel. Or it's just the level difference. That probably doesn't sound right, but really, as a caster you're going to be best off fighting mobs 2 levels above you at the highest most of the time.

You may also want to spec a few points into the talent that reduces the chance your spells will be resisted. As far as MC goes, I really don't know. Maybe it's bugged, or maybe you're moving too quickly with the mob and it's actually registering your own movements and not your MCed minion's.


madara said:
Okay questions here:

3)Everyone but me seems have Regal Hats, yet response I get is they are random. Where is good spot then try for these?

try the auction house dude, its a random boe drop, the AH is prolly littered with them


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Madara I have a 61 shadow priest as well as my 61 Draeni Shaman, and MC has always been screwed like that. If you stand at maximum range and MC the mob, then walk further away from yourself even 2 steps, it will break. You have to stay in the range from yourself to where you cast it on them... So come back to yourself a little and let the mob get owned. Priests got screwed one to many times for me to stay with them. Loving the shaman so far. Only person within 2 levels that's out DPS'd me is a mage... And I have a feeling no one is touching a mage in DPS at 70, but i'm not there yet.


Hey guys... is it worth buying one of those level 1-70 levelling guides?

It feels so chumpy buying into that stuff... but I can't deny it; grinding ****in sucks. Questing is pretty crappy too if it becomes inconsistent.

So what I really need is a good chain questing guide for level 20-60.

You know, to help me get my dranei past the shit parts of the game... I keep saying it, but it's so true; level 20-60, after doing BE and dranei 1-20 feels like a bad game :/
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