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World of Warcraft

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firex said:
The warrior class that did the most DPS and took the least damage and had the most HP is the one I'm talking about.

This is a balance issue I hope we won't return to. Already now, with crafted weapons, warriors hurt the most in arena. You won't ever find a top 5v5 team without a warrior. Is a normal level 70 player going to die in two hits from a warrior with a crafted tier 3 weapon?

I have not seen any skilled or decent geared dps warriors in pve lately, but I can only imagine with the right gear, they would fair just as well as the other pure dps classes.


Lol, I tried that chest thing in arena in Stranglethorn this morning finally. Sigh, looking for fair fight about skills isnt what going happen is it? I thought at least game would force one on one fights but 48 paladin and his 50 warrior rushed in and banged my 45 priestness in 2mins. Would be interesting to see what me vs paladin would have been like. I had him to half before he divined and warrior stunned and two hit me. I need learn what do being so outnumbered all time on pvp games, as I notice up 6 alliance will rush me in WSG as well. Bascially I quickly dot them quick, fear before they can stun and two hit me and mind flay/blast one to death. I figure that way at least the dots are ticking down if fear isnt resisted for change.


So what's the point of the stoneclaw totem buff? In combat it hardly generates enough threat to pull enemies, and its HP is so low that any mob will take it down in 3-4 seconds.

And Shamans still have no CC for PvP.

On a lighter note, hit 40 last night with my shammy, and now am dirt poor from skill buying/mount buying/ armor swap.

Where can I find info on professions and recommendations bases on race and class. I'm lv 15 human warrior and I've held off from picking professions because I don't want to end up with something useless.

Also, can someone give me a link for the talents tree and recommendations too? I know it's somewhere in this thread but at 240+ pages, well...

I'm in Nagrand server btw.


Gathering professions are good for making money - herbalism and mining are the best. The only crafting profession you will make money with is alchemy (if combined with herbalism).

If you want to make gear and items for yourself, almost all of the crafting professions are ass (keep in mind I haven't seen any of the endgame Burning Crusade patterns). 99% of recipes produce Bind-On-Equip items, meaning that instead of learning the profession you can just pay someone who has learned the profession to make that item for you.

Engineering is probably the best profession if you want to make stuff for yourself (assuming you want to have a PVP focus). I've never done it, but it looks like people just get a lot of use out of the items they make and since you have to be an engineer to use those items, you can't just have someone else craft them for you.


Oh, and warrior stuff --

Your talent build for soloing should probably be focused around dual-wielding and the Fury tree, at least until you are level 40 and can get Mortal Strike out of the Arms tree. At 40, either stay with the dual-wield build or switch over to Mortal Strike in Arms tree if you wanna use a big, slow 2-Handed weapon (this is better for PVP).

Go to the Warriors forum at forums.worldofwarcraft.com for more explicit details on how to pick talents. The guides at official forums are usually pretty good..


So I'm a Lv57 Draenei Hunter now, and I need to decide on what I should do about BC, since I could easily hit 58 tonight (around 40% until 58). Is it worth going over there once I level? Or should I wait and try to run pre-BC instances to upgrade my gear, and then head over? I'm worried that at 58 with crappy gear I'll get destroyed by mobs and that I won't be able to complete very many quests... but at the same time, it'll probably take weeks to even find decent groups for instances like DM.

Anyone else here take a toon that wasn't 60 and full of end game epics or blues over to BC? How did things go?


Considering that all the mobs in Outland are worth about 1000XP (with rest) and all the quest turn-ins are 10,000 XP, there are very few reasons why you shouldn't go there as soon as possible. I got to 60 a few days before BC came out and didn't have any trouble there....I had mostly green items and PVP blues.

Running pre-BC instances would be insanity. I have no idea how you'd even find a group for Scholo or Strat anyway. You certainly don't need dungeon-quality items in Hellfire Peninsula.

The only thing I'd consider is whether or not you'd like to do all the Silithus, Winterspring and EPL quests...if it's new content to you, I would give it a try. I was pretty surprised at how smooth the 55-60 grind was the second time around.....the first time I did it required heavy grinding and instancing, but since the old endgame areas got so fleshed out with quests in content patches it's become much more pleasant.


You're a 57 hunter. At 58 you should have no problems soloing any of the hellfire quests.

I'm still kind of holding off going to Outland right at 58 on my pally (when I get there, I just hit 51 now) but that's more because I know I can do some of the 55-60 instances like BRD, BRS, DM, Strath and Scholo. With a level 70 friend you can duo just about any of those instances. Plus, I actually want to get some lightforge (even though it's crap, it's better than the random greens I have) and maybe a good weapon/shield or two, and try to enter Outland at 60 after doing the epic mount quest.


border said:
Considering that all the mobs in Outland are worth about 1000XP (with rest) and all the quest turn-ins are 10,000 XP, there are very few reasons why you shouldn't go there as soon as possible. I got to 60 a few days before BC came out and didn't have any trouble there....I had mostly green items and PVP blues.

Running pre-BC instances would be insanity. I have no idea how you'd even find a group for Scholo or Strat anyway. You certainly don't need dungeon-quality items in Hellfire Peninsula.

The only thing I'd consider is whether or not you'd like to do all the Silithus, Winterspring and EPL quests...if it's new content to you, I would give it a try. I was pretty surprised at how smooth the 55-60 grind was the second time around.....the first time I did it required heavy grinding and instancing, but since the old endgame areas got so fleshed out with quests in content patches it's become much more pleasant.

i agree 100%

at lvl 58 head to the outlands, the quests are easy, the mobs are worth great xp, quests are huge xp, make a lot of gold, and you will update your gear really fast

its nice, i just hit 60 last night :)


Razoric - Blood Elf Pally - on Arthas - Powerleveling Update

Level 30 in one week bitches! :D


Last ZF our average paladin got 11 plate pieces and 3 crappy green cloth item dropped. This is what talking about. She even took 20mins to rez me after she aggro zombies on witch pull by being slow and not on platform during battle. Wasnt until the stairs that they noticed I asked 3 times and she didnt and I was still dead, lol! . Wouldnt you think that after needing 11 items you would pass on even crappy green cloth items? No and guess who won 90% of those too? This game rewards lesser players too much :lol
ZF just seems to be THE place for bad groups. I couldn't tell you how many times someone caused a wipe and the group disbanded in that place or some crap like that. I remember once at 60 I tried running my bud through with some people we picked up and they just basically got their shit done and left without doing Garzilla which was the whole reason why I went there.


yeah, and you'd also be surprised how much better people are in guild groups than they are in pugs. Even if they still suck as players, they aren't dicks about it, and they don't get greedy most of the time (unless the guild is REALLY bad).
Disbanded the guild saturday night, (to dump dead weight), then reformed as <Ludicrous Speed>, with Spaceballs references abounding. No, you do not say "ok, open up on dps" you say "KEEP FIRING, ASSHOLES". Gruul's boys (Maulgar 'n friends) touched us inappropriately many times, but we did get down the pull and iced the priest but a fireblast + Arcing Smash iced our Drood while we were on GCD. >_<


Alex said:
And yeah, there's an unlisted change, your teleport abilities, intercept, etc, bust all snares now. Which I am 100% in support of, please go slap some smarmy Mages in their faces.

I'm not sure it'll make much difference, you should still have either frost nova or blink available every charge/intercept, and it's easy enough to reapply the snare with a CoC or a rank 1 frostbolt.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
border said:
The only crafting profession you will make money with is alchemy (if combined with herbalism).

In 3 weeks i got my enchanting skill to 225 (uldaman here we go!) and made ~200g with it along the way.

Dont ask how :p


So I created a Draenei shaman last week and since have played 18 hours, reaching lvl 19.5. The Draenei starting area (Azuremyst and Bloodmyst) is easily the BEST MMORPG starting area ever in my experience. Lots of quests, not too long to walk around the islands=good, constant flow of XP.

However, I'm trying to figure out is if any of this leveling speed (at this rate, I could theoretically hit lvl 24 by 24 hours) is due to the Shaman class. At this point this is my 3rd alt that I've brought up to lvl 20 (tried a Human warrior and Gnome rogue but didn't like either that much), but the difference here is I'm hardly ever dying. I've died maybe 3 or 4 times. At lvl 20 with the warrior or the rogue I'm at 28-30 hours played and have died many more times.

Another nice surprise is how much money I have. I haven't twinked this character at all, yet he's sitting on 5 gold from all the quests/vendor trash/jewelcrafting trash I've gathered. I'm near poverty on the other two characters.

AND, through all of this, I still haven't used a single talent point in the shammy! :lol

So, my question is, are Shaman really THAT powerful in PVE/PVP? Cause as a Human Mage I recall getting owned by Horde Shamans many times--and judging by my success with my own shaman it seems like they are WoW's version of the:



fallout said:
Yes. Yes they are. Please, go tell Blizzard to nerf us on the WoW forum and quit posting this shit here.

Man it seems like every hybrid class is getting wacked in the face with a nerf bat. Shamans will be next.

I guess the good news is after every overnerf there is a buff a couple patches later. (unless you're a warrior that is :lol )


fallout said:
Yes. Yes they are. Please, go tell Blizzard to nerf us on the WoW forum and quit posting this shit here.

haha that would prolly sit very well on the shaman forum, between all the threads crying for a shaman buff/review, and about how badly nurfed they were in TBC


Razoric said:
Man it seems like every hybrid class is getting wacked in the face with a nerf bat. Shamans will be next.
Hmm. Yes. That is entirely what I'm expecting for the shaman class. A nerf.

Psst ... it's sarcasm. I find it absolutely stupid to waste my time with someone calling for a nerf on a class that they levelled to 20.


Razoric said:
Man it seems like every hybrid class is getting wacked in the face with a nerf bat. Shamans will be next.

I guess the good news is after every overnerf there is a buff a couple patches later. (unless you're a warrior that is :lol )

i think you missed the news, warriors are getting buffed on PTR :D


fallout said:
Hmm. Yes. That is entirely what I'm expecting for the shaman class. A nerf.

Psst ... it's sarcasm. I find it absolutely stupid to waste my time with someone calling for a nerf on a class that they levelled to 20.

I'm calling for a nerf? I'm having a lot of fun with this character and this class. I was asking for input on shamans overall, esp. in regards to higher levels, as obviously I'm not there yet. I'm pondering whether the hybrid nature of the class is what makes it easier than single role classes or what.

Good job immediately jumping to conclusions that I'm calling for a nerf though. Obviously it was necessary for you to be a jackass in response to a post trying to discuss the merits/drawbacks of a class in WoW in a *gasp* WoW thread!


firex said:
Maybe I just don't want to see warriors return to godmode like they were ever since the first or second patch after launch. Maybe I don't want to see the game return to "well we can't run this instance without a warrior tanking" after Blizzard put in alternatives to them as tanks. Call it QQing, I don't give a ****. Warriors were overpowered until 2.0, and now they're probably going to return to OP status (especially when that bullshit "charge/intercept/intervene breaks snares" change goes through) because they can't handle a few nerfs to take them down from godmode and start crying like the immature whiny bitches that make up the entire warrior class.

WTF? Dude, I played a warrior at launch until February 05 or so.. was level 60 with my Onyxia key and doing some MC. Warriors were HORRIBLE! back then. Seriously, pathetic. It was a nightmare soloing and I remember I couldn't take an elite on that was multiple levels below me, let alone an equal or higher level (like my hunter can now). Realistically it should be very difficult to do a high-end instance w/o a warrior.

As far as my hunter goes, about halfway through 44 now.


Fine, I'll be serious for a minute.

LiveWire said:
I'm calling for a nerf?
The uh ... giant EASY button was kind of a hint.

I'm having a lot of fun with this character and this class. I was asking for input on shamans overall, esp. in regards to higher levels, as obviously I'm not there yet. I'm pondering whether the hybrid nature of the class is what makes it easier than single role classes or what.
Firex will completely disagree with me on this, but I think the shaman class is mostly fine. The elemental tree needs some serious work, but enhancement was great for levelling and terrible for PvP. Resto is the same on the other side. Great for PvP, terrible for levelling. I've yet to have my earth shield purged/dispelled, so I dunno what's up with Alliance players. Mana tide totem continues to be ignored as well.

Shamans at low level are great because they're capable of many things. It's probably due to the high level of regen. As you level up though, you'll notice your mana pool dropping to nothing really quickly. This is why people usually don't level with elemental. You'll probably blow most of your money just drinking water every single fight.

If anything that needs work, it's the totem system. It's just poorly implemented. No buff timers. No indication of what totems you have down. Trying to remind your party to stay within a certain radius is a pain. On a moving fight, they're completely useless. We only recently got a way to dispell our totems so we could stop absent mindedly wiping raids (as they would aggro on fast respawning mobs if you didn't re-drop them in safe area). We didn't even have a way of checking how long our self-res timer had on it up until awhile ago.

Good job immediately jumping to conclusions that I'm calling for a nerf though. Obviously it was necessary for you to be a jackass in response to a post trying to discuss the merits/drawbacks of a class in WoW in a *gasp* WoW thread!
Meh. It was necessary, because you weren't asking for anything. You were looking for a jackass reaction and I gave it.


Has problems recognising girls
LiveWire said:
So, my question is, are Shaman really THAT powerful in PVE/PVP?
Ding it past 50 and come back to me about that little powerful factor in PVE & PVP. Shaman is great pre-40 in BGs due to low health players being drilled by our burst damage speciality. You will hit a big gaping hole once you pass that threshold when you come across players with 5-10K health and your paltry Frost Shock is only doing 600dmg. We'll always be the main source of breaking and killing cloth wearers with purge and the instant shocks but we've got no new abilities to combat what they are all getting now.

Razoric said:
Man it seems like every hybrid class is getting wacked in the face with a nerf bat. Shamans will be next.
Can't nerf a class that is already broken. You know you're doing a good job when the supposed "PVP orientated class" for the Horde has only one viable PVP talent spec, and it relies in the part where it was considered the only spec to be in for raids - Restoration.

Meier said:
WTF? Dude, I played a warrior at launch until February 05 or so.. was level 60 with my Onyxia key and doing some MC. Warriors were HORRIBLE! back then. Seriously, pathetic.
We're talking about Warriors who were in Tier 3/HWL gear and running around buffed up substantionally. There's a little video floating around with a Fury Warrior racking his DPS past 1K in Naxx, the rage bar is constantly filled, etc etc. In PVP they would kill clothies in less than a few seconds.


speedpop said:
We're talking about Warriors who were in Tier 3/HWL gear and running around buffed up substantionally. There's a little video floating around with a Fury Warrior racking his DPS past 1K in Naxx, the rage bar is constantly filled, etc etc. In PVP they would kill clothies in less than a few seconds.

Right, I remember the video as it sent our world into a tizzy (forget the guy's name although I remember he was in an uber guild in EQ until WoW came out), but that was not common w/ the rest of the warriors and caused some pretty horrific nerfs.

There was no Tier 3/HWL (I don't even know what this means to be honest, been away to long) then of course, so you might be talking about a different video... but the one that killed us was a guy running around BRD or something wrecking shit left and right. After that, warriors were KILLED and by no means in god mode. They might have been later, but they were NOT that early in the game outside of minor incidents.

In other news, I got a Heaven's Light out of a chest yesterday and put it up on AH for 15g.. just saw it's worth 20-40 and horribly rare. Shit. :( Shame hunters can't use maces or I'd use it myself.


well warriors were nerfed in beta originally

here is why to quote WoWWiki:

Indalamar has been widely attributed as the cause of a series of nerfs to the warrior class during the World of Warcraft beta. He was and still is a member of the Nurfed guild. Some players on the Warrior forums have given him the flattering title of "The Warrior." Indalamar's fame stems from a discussion on the Warrior forums during the Beta testing phase of World of Warcraft. The discussion centered around the possibility that warrior damage output was far too high. Indalamar thought it was. Many disagreed, so he filmed a video of himself farming to prove his point. Within a few hours the discussion's thread had several pages worth of replies, and in the same day Blizzard nerfed the Fury tree for warriors, which was the tree Indalamar was mainly using. The changes made were in relation to the Bloodthirst and Slam abilities. The old version of Bloodthirst allowed a 100% critical chance with bonus damage after killing an enemy, which meant (as Indalamar showed) that a warrior could start every fight with a huge critical and proc Flurry every time. The Slam ability was also redesigned to become interruptible.

this is the video that got warriors the original nerf, if you were curious to see it

later blizzard nerfed warriors again shortly after this pvp video was released, the warrior in question this time was a R14 tauren warrior named Pat, he is commonly attributed for the enrage nerf, dropping it from 40% to 25% extra dmg

this video should feature a huge * next to it, after one patch (maybe 1.6), i don't remember which one exactly, but it basically gave warriors a free talent point at lvl 60, so that you could have 31 points in arms for Mortal strike, and 21 points in fury to get deathwish, so its pretty pew pew

is the Pat video

the last really popular warrior pvp video, the one i attribute to a flood of fury noobs running around trying to pvp (hell i even went fury for a good while, but at least i was geared for it), was the hulk smash video, i really think this guy is a good player, but it's basically just a deathwish, recklessness, beserker buff, earthstrike highlight real, entertaining none the less


i know i missed a few like laintime, swifty, etc, but these are better for a historical perspective on the warrior class and trends in the game


That's it. ****ing Indalamar! I actually knew him a bit as my buddy Bogos from EQ played some with him when he made a char named Indal on our server. Yeah, I was right.. the zone where BRD and BRS is in.. still drawing a blank on the name though.
Meier said:
That's it. ****ing Indalamar! I actually knew him a bit as my buddy Bogos from EQ played some with him when he made a char named Indal on our server. Yeah, I was right.. the zone where BRD and BRS is in.. still drawing a blank on the name though.

Black Rock Mountain... Black Rock Depths.. Black Rock Spire.. :lol


Jiggles said:
Black Rock Mountain... Black Rock Depths.. Black Rock Spire.. :lol

That makes sense. :lol I didn't remember the whole zone was called that -- looking it up, I was thinking it was in either Burning Steppes or Seering Gorge which I guess it connects to. :lol Huh, I had no clue a Blackwing Lair even existed.. was that added later in the game?


yeah, I'm sorry, but it was like patch 1.2 or so (the Dire Maul patch) until 2.0 when warriors were OP. All it really took was getting the best gear and they'd shred anything. And it was bullshit, absolutely ****ing bullshit, that the game had 2-3 alternatives for every other role in pve and 0 for tanking. That's why I don't cry for warriors whining about being nerfed - from the launch of the game, they've been far too important compared to every other class, so having real alternatives for tanks is only fair. There shouldn't be any class that's required for a 5 man, and before 2.0 people flat out couldn't do any instance without a warrior tanking.

Now other classes can cover that role, so as long as they don't buff warriors back up to where just adding the best gear allows them to deal the most damage, take the least damage, and have the most HP, I don't care (well, unless they nerf druid tanking more, and/or pally tanking).

As far as shamans go: They stink. Terribly. It's retarded that my level 52 pally, who's specced 10 holy/33 retribution and meant to be the lowest DPS class, can easily out-DPS my 62 shaman, specced 35 enhance/18 resto. But you won't notice that they stink currently until you're near the upper levels, or if you have a lot of very nice gear (my shaman is almost entirely in hellfire quested greens).

Shamans are both way too gear dependant right now, and have no viable tools in pvp outside of earth shield (which will soon become irrelevant whenever alliance starts dueling their own shamans and learns to dispel). And they really cannot do much to prevent being CCed, or contribute anything to damage in pvp. But there are even more stupid issues, like, say, totems being useless while soloing, some spells being nearly 1:1 in mana:damage efficiency, and heals also taking too much mana. If I solo with my shaman, just dropping SOE and GOA totems and using a max rank earth/flame shock takes up 20% of my mana, and for the cost they really don't contribute nearly enough.

pvp-wise, shamans are definitely the worst class because their whole focus in pvp is bursting people down. But to burst through 10k it would actually take a string of 3-4 earth shock crits and some high damage otherwise. They pretty much have to be redesigned from the ground up to be a viable class in pvp anymore, because right now they're just good at snaring someone until they can run away and get backup.

But yeah, there's definitely a lot of problems with shamans, in my experience compared to 2-3 other classes I've played to 50+ (warlock, hunter, paladin).
Feb 05 was what, a couple months after launch? There wasn't much progression at all by then and no incentive to pvp. But by the time the honor patch rolled around and you'd see some schmuck running around hillsbrad with an arcanite reaper getting a couple heals and basically being in godmode people kinda saw the point. This was back when +spell damage barely existed and trinket/AP mages didn't exist and hunters were bugged to shit, so basically there was no burst dmg at all outside of warriors and shaman.

Warriors have basically always been overpowered in this game, and you can tell by the huge amounts of nerfs they've gotten. But none of em mattered, not the bloodthirst nerf/change, not the frenzy nerf, not the normalization, none of it, because the entire rage system scaled way too good with itemization, and hey what's the one thing that's always improving. Hell just the fact that they were the only class nerfed in 2.0 gives it away.

Anyways, I'm glad they let people use druids to tank on the way to 70 before beating em down. Making paladins the other alt tank kinda sucks because Horde didn't have any.

Oh and firex, that's not entirely true. Warriors were needed for non-trivial raiding. Druids could tank most stuff on farm, and given enough gear disparity any class could tank the trash instances at 60.

I've got no idea what I'm rambling about and need to get back to work, so I'll shut up now.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Totally bored of my 61 shaman (and feeling underpowered for the first time in my WoW career)... he's my only char on Mannoroth (PVP) where all my buddies currently play.

Wish I could transfer my 60 priest and 60 rogue from Icecrown (PVE). :(
firex said:
yeah, I'm sorry, but it was like patch 1.2 or so (the Dire Maul patch) until 2.0 when warriors were OP. All it really took was getting the best gear and they'd shred anything. And it was bullshit, absolutely ****ing bullshit

Therein is the problem. 95% of warriors could never get the required gear that made some warriors total beasts. Hulksmash is awesome but so was his gear, it's all relative. tbh if a warrior has the top gear he shud be able to beat any class provided he can get to them (I'm speaking 2h arms here, fury will obviously require more running around like a mad man and lets just not talk about prot in pvp). And why not? warriors have little utility to do anything else cept smash on things. Before there was little chance of victory if the enemy kept you are range, now theres at least a chance of warriors getting close to things. Remember it's only snares, hunters will have to use wing clip and traps but mages still got their sheep n frostnova.

Really if a warrior can get the best gear he should be a rampaging ball of scariness provided he can get close to u. But remember he can't do anything else cept damage. So if he's on his own he's ****ed, pots can't keep him alive forever. If he can be kept at range a warrior is useless, if he can get near you he should be difficult to survive. Of course things have to be thrown up a bit against rogues, paladins, druids and shamans but u get the idea.

But it comes down to gear with warriors and theres only ever going to be a small percentage of players that ever get the gear required to go apeshit.


Anyone remember the profile site that had everyone listed by guild and had this giant leaderboard with average levels, etc.? You could sort by mana amount, hp amount.. a whole shitload of stuff. I wonder if my old profile is still on there.. got deleted from thott unfortunately. This was THE profile site about 2 years ago.

I had kickass gear for the time and I can tell you that warriors were not overpowered. If you think they were at that point in the game, you're absolutely batshit insane.


MrPing1000 said:
But it comes down to gear with warriors and theres only ever going to be a small percentage of players that ever get the gear required to go apeshit.

wrong any warrior that wanted to pew pew before the xpac hit could have easily done that, if you chose not to take your free r13 or r14 gear during that time period, then idk what to say

i quit playing during this time period, but basically blizzard was giving away r12-13 armor and r14 weapons away like candy, so any person with a minimal time investment could have had a damn well geared warrior (or any character for that matter), hell i wouldve even grinded for 2 r14 axes

doing the 1 or 2 weeks required to get the full warlords set + high warlord weapon, would probably take less time than actually attending raids during this time period, and its not like you even had to play, you could have sat in AV basically afk and made fat honor (its so hard to press the space bar every 4 minutes or so)

for the warrior class

full r12-13 armor + r14 weapon was better than any armor + wpn combination you could get prior to naxx loot for pvp (including AQ40 loot), and even then very viable until the highest lvls of naxx loot


yacobod said:
wrong any warrior that wanted to pew pew before the xpac hit could have easily done that
A full set costing upwards of 200K honor in less than 4 weeks? It could only be done "easily" only if you had no job and no other priorities.


Razoric said:
Razoric - Blood Elf Pally - on Arthas - Powerleveling Update

Level 30 in one week bitches! :D
Come back to me when you leveled one 1-40 in a week :)

Ramos update:


That's Avenging Wrath, which they're nerfing next patch ;_;.

Well they're not nerfing IT, they're just linking it to Divine Shield's cooldown, which means we (as paladins) will have to wait 5 mins before using Diving Shield instead of a minute. It really blows. And there's a bug apparently where Forebearance now causes 15% reduced damage. Also, Avenging Wrath no longer causes Forebearance.

MrPing1000 said:
tbh if a warrior has the top gear he shud be able to beat any class provided he can get to them

And, with the next patch, they can.


I'm sorry, but "if a warrior has top gear he should be unbeatable" is retarded logic. Any other class with top gear still loses to other classes because of mismatches in abilities, and warriors shouldn't be exempt. Warriors are not special, they are not WoW's golden child, and they do not deserve any extreme advantages over anyone else.
firex said:
I'm sorry, but "if a warrior has top gear he should be unbeatable" is retarded logic. Any other class with top gear still loses to other classes because of mismatches in abilities, and warriors shouldn't be exempt. Warriors are not special, they are not WoW's golden child, and they do not deserve any extreme advantages over anyone else.

who said unbeatable?


I get tired of this logic that because the 5% of warriors with top-end gear are amazing, the other 95% of warriors that aren't at the bleeding edge should eat a huge nerf that leaves them pretty much useless for PVE and PVP. Scale down the top-end gear or give reduced returns once a particular stat gets over a certain number or something.

Maxrpg said:
And, with the next patch, they can.
Except Intercept is on 30 sec cooldown, and they'll still be eating all kinds of retarded stuns from pallies, warlocks, rogues....along with the usual fears, polymorphs and slowing effects.
So I played this morning, came home from work and I'm getting Cannot Validate Game Version. So I uninstalled, reinstalled, and I'm still getting the error. On top of that it won't connect to the WoW Repair Tool. So I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Any ideas?
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