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World of Warcraft

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First time levelling a character the whole way on a PVP server... with my class staple, the hunter.

Really enjoying it... I mean there's definetly a bunch of douchebag players that think it's clever to grief way lower level players continuously, but thankfully, there aren't *that* many bored douchebags around... mainly just in STV.

What is enjoyable are those tense encounters with horde characters around your level.

Personally, I'm not at all about attacking on sight... but I'll definetly give as good as I get; often players a level or two higher will try to engage me thinking that me shying away from them is a sign of weakness, only to be surprised. Sometimes they'll gank me while questing, and I'll return the favour readily.

Even managed to give as good as I got from a hunter a few levels higher... but then an even higher level priest came along and started helping out.

And this is *without* bestial wrather or TBW... just plain leveling build for BM so far; it'll be a very potent leveling PVP build when I do get TBW though.


MrPing1000 said:
who said unbeatable?
You did, in your own post. Do we really have to break down into semantics?

And border, it's not even a matter of "bleeding edge." pvp epics, or even 20 man raid epics were all that a warrior really needed to go over the top. Give a warrior any level 60 epic weapon and they start dealing insanely high DPS. And then add in the epic armor that could give them the most HP, and their skills that allow them to get out of pretty much any situation except some extreme snaring/rooting (which is being taken away with this coming patch) and that's a large part of why they were OP. Yeah, it's a problem with blizzard's gear design mostly, but they'll probably never admit it until they fire Tigole and Furor, which isn't happening, despite how much better it would make WoW.

The real question now is how will warriors stack up as more people get to 70 and everyone gets their "endgame" gear. Pre-BC they were pretty clearly built around burst DPS in pvp, similar to shamans, and shamans are probably the weakest class overall in pvp right now (with warriors second weakest). So what happens? Will warriors who get epics from gruul's lair/magtheridon/all future BC raids return to being OP? Or will they be more balanced because they won't 2-4 shot everyone?


Hopefully hunters will get enough love at end game for a place for me there. Maybe a 5 man arena team would be ideal :)

What spec is good for arena though?

BM is really rather quite nice for tearing up clothies. It's even good for stalling warriors momentarily.

That said, I'm enjoying the run there to level 70... that guide I was talking about (and have since acquired) helps the game a LOT. It makes the game flow more like the 1-20 of the BC areas, because you're questing 95% of the time, not just grinding (outside of quest grinding).
firex said:
I'm sorry, but "if a warrior has top gear he should be unbeatable" is retarded logic. Any other class with top gear still loses to other classes because of mismatches in abilities, and warriors shouldn't be exempt. Warriors are not special, they are not WoW's golden child, and they do not deserve any extreme advantages over anyone else.

I sense...anger...

It scales. With some classes, gear isn't the be-all, end-all that warrior's get. Slap a staff that has 10 more INT, 28 more spell damage and 8 more spell crit than a mage's last weapon, and it's a nice bump; put a mace that's 10 or 11 more dps with 5 more STM and it's REALLY noticable, especially before the Rage normalization. The reciprical is also true. TUF + Lionheart helm + various blue pvp gear + etc, and my Warrior was getting his shit rocked till I bought, won, crafted, or quested Outlands better. It's the way of the warrior, a two-edged blade.

Anyways, crafted a (STOP LAUGHING) Fel Iron Broadsword for my 63 warrior, and surprisingly, the faster speed isn't an issue; yes, MSs are the same as what I got with TUF, but faster swinging means more Rage. That Warsong Ax and the one out of the Ramparts chest continues to elude me, though...

Got the Crystalforged BOE sitting in his bank. I for one welcome being your new overlord. :D


firex said:
Give a warrior any level 60 epic weapon and they start dealing insanely high DPS. And then add in the epic armor that could give them the most HP, and their skills that allow them to get out of pretty much any situation except some extreme snaring/rooting (which is being taken away with this coming patch) and that's a large part of why they were OP. Yeah, it's a problem with blizzard's gear design mostly, but they'll probably never admit it until they fire Tigole and Furor, which isn't happening, despite how much better it would make WoW.
We've been over this all before, though. I had a TUF and I wasn't murdering anybody....I was just target #1 for stun spam from pallies and rogues. In group PVP you get neutralized pretty quick (probably because of the "overpowered" reputation).

And I can't get out of "any situation," even assuming the Intercept snare break. There's nothing that can be done about the stuns. Fear immunity is 10 seconds (and still vulnerable to evils of Death Coil). There's nothing to help against polymorph or seduce.....Intercept has a pretty significant cooldown and you probably won't get to use it more than once or twice.

Or will they be more balanced because they won't 2-4 shot everyone?
How can they, when everybody has like 8000HP now? Considering the lack of ranged attacks, the uselessness of armor against 90% of other players, and the warrior's vulnerability to all manner of crowd control, I wouldn't say that winning in 4-5 shots is all that unfair anyway....you almost never get any licks in, so when you do it should hurt bad. But for the sake of argument how many "shots" would make it fair?


firex said:
You did, in your own post. Do we really have to break down into semantics?

And border, it's not even a matter of "bleeding edge." pvp epics, or even 20 man raid epics were all that a warrior really needed to go over the top. Give a warrior any level 60 epic weapon and they start dealing insanely high DPS. And then add in the epic armor that could give them the most HP, and their skills that allow them to get out of pretty much any situation except some extreme snaring/rooting (which is being taken away with this coming patch) and that's a large part of why they were OP. Yeah, it's a problem with blizzard's gear design mostly, but they'll probably never admit it until they fire Tigole and Furor, which isn't happening, despite how much better it would make WoW.

The real question now is how will warriors stack up as more people get to 70 and everyone gets their "endgame" gear. Pre-BC they were pretty clearly built around burst DPS in pvp, similar to shamans, and shamans are probably the weakest class overall in pvp right now (with warriors second weakest). So what happens? Will warriors who get epics from gruul's lair/magtheridon/all future BC raids return to being OP? Or will they be more balanced because they won't 2-4 shot everyone?

Until you play a warrior, I advise you to not talk about them

Warriors are the only class in the game that needs a pocket healer and a pocket dispeller to function in pvp, it's the only class that is completely kitable without anymeans of getting out of the kite cycle, it's the only class that needs uber epics to be on par with the rest, andI would say lower.

Mages can deal 10k damage with 2 casts (fireball crit + firblast), shamans can put out some insane WF procs yet the highest a MS will ever go for a warrior on an incredible day is 3k, on a 6 second cooldown leaving you only auto attacking (to get rage) and whirlwinding in the odd 12 seconds to deal damage.

Warriors are seen as overpowered when they are played by people who have a healer.

The ONLY class against which our armor has any effect is rogues, every other god damn class in the game totaly ignores our armor and kites us to death.

Only silly clothies who don't know how to kite a warrior and were too stupid to allow him to get and stay in range were getting 3 shotted.

Warriors need to go through a priest, mage or lock shield before dealing any kind of damage (for example), what do you need to go through a warrior's defense? nothing.


Border, you know you also get berserker rage and/or death wish? And that stuns only prolong the inevitable vs a pally or rogue. I guess I should've clarified on the weapons/armor thing though: The rank 14 weapons, or even stuff like zin'rokh, are what could make a warrior OP. TUF is like a purple weapon that's marginally better than some blues, and really addresses the other big problem Blizzard had pre-expansion (i.e. the massive timesinks or raiding required to get any good gear). It's definitely bad design that made warriors OP because of gear, but at this point I doubt Blizzard would do the kind of major revamp to weapons and classes to make it so warriors don't scale so insanely with higher quality weapons, and therefore aren't so gear-dependant. I mean, the most likely thing they would do is basically not create new 2handers that drop in raids (which wouldn't be bad anyway, it would help divide pve and pvp further allowing them to maybe balance each side without hurting the other).

And Fularu, who can kite warriors? Oh yeah, druids, frost mages and hunters. That's it. It's impossible to kite a warrior as a priest/warlock when they're immune to their only defenses, and pretty much any other class has to stay in melee to fight them (where they lose, period) or, in the case of shamans, their snares are on such a cooldown that intercept -> hamstring negates it entirely. But, you want to compare WF to MS? Are you stupid? WF is mitigated by armor just as much as MS is. And you want to bitch about armor not absorbing spells? No one brings a resist set to a pvp fight. At least your armor and massive HP negates some damage, while anyone with a melee weapon shreds any form of armor that isn't plate or carrying a shield.

Again, in the glorious post-2.0 world, warriors hopefully won't be the supreme gods of pvp. Hopefully, no one will. I don't expect a perfectly balanced game, but anyone who faced off against an epic geared warrior in a BG knows how OP they were. It's not even an opinion. Pocket healer? Please, every class that can't heal needs a healer backing them up to survive in group pvp. That really doesn't make a difference in how absurd warrior DPS scaled compared to classes whose sole role is DPS, or how gear turned them into gods. And it's a large part of why they got nerfed, don't doubt it. Maybe someday Blizzard can do the impossible and make warriors not entirely gear dependant, but it seems like the opposite of their track record.


firex said:
And Fularu, who can kite warriors? Oh yeah, druids, frost mages and hunters. That's it.

hemo rogues can kite warriors :p

i still cant believe all the warriors in here saying that we werent OP pre 2.0, warriors were the BEST class in group PVP bar none, shit even in 1v1 pvp warriors were pretty good (hardly the victims some ppl are making them out to be), the only match up that gave me problems were good mages (too much CC) and well geared shadow priests, everything else was fodder

i'd kind of ignore fularu, i think from his post history he is a long term protection Warrior, he probably sucks at pvp (no offense but the overwhelming majority of tanks are just bad at pvp), and is a masochist (because he is a guild main tank/protection warrior :D)

and really TUF is close to on par with ZDoW, OEB, and the likes

the problem is at the time you really need around 1k unbuffed AP and 25% crit, if you didnt at least have that you were in trouble imo

and MS macespec was pretty nice in pvp, you can do wannabe warrior stun locks, with mace stun + intercept stun lol



This dropped for my Paladin today!


Warmaul of Infused Light
Binds when picked up Two-Hand Mace
245 - 408 Damage Speed 3.50

(93.3 damage per second)
+20 Strength
+30 Stamina
+28 Intellect
Durability 100 / 100
Red Socket
Yellow Socket
Blue Socket
Socket Bonus: +5 Spell Damage
Requires Level 70
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 21.


yacobod said:
hemo rogues can kite warriors :p

i still cant believe all the warriors in here saying that we werent OP pre 2.0, warriors were the BEST class in group PVP bar none, shit even in 1v1 pvp warriors were pretty good (hardly the victims some ppl are making them out to be), the only match up that gave me problems were good mages (too much CC) and well geared shadow priests, everything else was fodder

Yes and no. Warriors were good in group PVP because of the scalability of rage, the more you hits us, the more damage we can do *provided we have a pocket healer*. Saying that we were overpowered becase a few of us had Might of Menethil is stupid. Every class gets better with better gear, warriors are no exception. And to say that of all the classes, only warriors need *zomg purps* to be on par with the rest was, and still is, laughable. In solo PvP any smart class would simply CC you (every class but warriors can do that, even if through a meager shield that you have to break through on auto attacks to get any kind of rage) and own you. This has been known for a long time, EVEN by devs who always told warriors that PVP wasn't designed around 1v1. I'd dare you to log as a warrior in 2.0 WoW and own every class except frost mages in 1v1. I'm prety sure you'll get your ass kicked by next to everything in the game right now.

yacobod said:
i'd kind of ignore fularu, i think from his post history he is a long term protection Warrior, he probably sucks at pvp (no offense but the overwhelming majority of tanks are just bad at pvp), and is a masochist (because he is a guild main tank/protection warrior :D)
Yeah lets ignore someone based on the fact he has a PVE role in this game. After all *I* am the masochistic for beeing the MT of a guild unlike some people who were perfectly mentaly fine for doing the Rank 14 grind?

You know what, you sound a lot like Aedak. You're ignorant, pompous and obviously have no clue as to what you're talking about. I've meddled with all aspects of the warrior class, be it Arms (stopped the grind at blood guard, it was too retarded to be worth it much), fury or my current deep prot setup.

Somehow, I learned from this game that people boasting about their mad PVP SKILLZ often sucked at it in the game, and from all the people that did the R14 grind on Dragonmaw, at least half of them don't have a clue on how to properly play their class.


Firex if as a shaman you can't beat a warrior either :

- You are a enhancement shaman and well, you saw it coming
- You need to learn to play against them and exploit their weaknesses, shamans really don't have it rough against warriors with their totems, their elemental spells and heals.


Fularu said:
Firex if as a shaman you can't beat a warrior either :

- You are a enhancement shaman and well, you saw it coming
- You need to learn to play against them and exploit their weaknesses, shamans really don't have it rough against warriors with their totems, their elemental spells and heals.

Uh, ok, if I had my PvP trinket on and was able to remove the initial hamstring. Sure, I can kite warriors until I shock them to death, even as a restoration spec. However, more than likely I'll be in my regular gears and it'll be 50/50 depending how lucky they get on crits. Protection warriors are no problem, since I'm not close up meleeing them anyway so their armor means little to me. MS spec, on the other hand, will most likely tear me to shreds since I cannot outheal the damage, even with earth shield on. So yeah, quit generalizing things.

Shadow Lab was a bust last night as we tried our first fragment for the key. The party setup was pretty bad for the second boss I suppose, only one range DPS, and about half way through I have so much aggro that I always end up dead first.


firex said:
Border, you know you also get berserker rage and/or death wish?
Death Wish is so far into the Fury Tree that you would have to have given up Mortal Strike to get it (21 point talent). That's enough of a gimping that I'd say it's fair, considering you'd be mostly relying on auto-attack and getting smoked by classes that don't rely on Fear.

"stuns only prolong the inevitable vs a pally or rogue?" You still seem largely focused on 1v1. My point is that in approaching a group, I'm their first target and I get hammered by a near unending series of stuns...Hammer of Justice, kidney shot, blackout....there's plenty of encounters where you are the first target, and you don't even get the chance to move. 5 seconds is a long time to be completely immobilized against a group.

It's impossible to kite a warrior as a priest/warlock when they're immune to their only defenses

Seduce and Death Coil both ignore Berserking so don't say that warlocks had "No Defense". With either of those you can create enough space between you and the warrior to get out of Intercept range, wait out the immunity and then get off Howl of Terror if they step to you again. Priests will generally wait out the immunity with their shield and heals and Vampiric Embrace, plus the occaisional stun from Blackout.


Damn, did a Maraudon run last night with me (45 hunter and 44 cat), 47 hunter with 46 cat, 47 rogue, 47 paladin and 49 druid (turned 50 during the run) and we rocked it. The druid was our main tank and the paladin our main healer which blew my mind, but it worked. I aggro'd the Princess while the tanks were feared (doh!) and of course my FD was resisted, so I died quickly, but the druid rezzed me mid battle and we owned her.

I missed out on the Trickster leggings, but I got the +attack bracer from the Princess that I can't wear for like 4 levels haha. Gun didn't drop from the goblin, but I got the bow for killing the princess and the +attack tunic for the shards. I was kind of excited about it, but I don't think it's really worth it considering I give up 15 agility on my current Nightscape Tunic. My dps goes up a measly 0.4 while my chance to crit drops 0.7% or so.

I was amazed a druid could MT so effectively and a paladin could be the main healer so effectively. Oh, and for the record... Leader of the Pack is so, so sexy.


ding ding! 32 Pally now... should be 40 by the end of the week :D :D (pic coming soon ;p)

did a talent revamp on my character too for faster mob killing. ret + holy ftw


Well-geared warriors were the most overpowered PVP class pre-TBC. While it is true all other classes get better with better gear, there was a point in warrior itemization where a warrior with gear could go from one enemy player to the next with basically a full rage bar. With one or two pocket healers just healbotting it required a tremendous effort to kill the warrior (or the healers). No other class in the game was on that level.


Imo, MMO's shouldn't be tuned around PVP unless that's the explicit intent of the game like a Shadowbane or something. The primary function of WOW is to be a PVE game.


Meier said:
Imo, MMO's shouldn't be tuned around PVP unless that's the explicit intent of the game like a Shadowbane or something. The primary function of WOW is to be a PVE game.
That's not how they were initially advertising WoW.


I can't believe how stupid this boss, Shade of Aran, is. I find it funny how yet another boss, with no aggro list, is a complete mess to encounter.

We have done around 30 tries on him now, and every single time, someone important die from shit you simply can't control. All the other bosses this guild has ever done, that includes bosses from Naxx, we have managed to take down in less than 20 tries, but this guy is completely bullshit. He uses his 10 or so abilities constantly, sometimes you have Flame Wreath and Blizzard at the same time, and sometimes you have that and the adds.

They need to tone down how often he uses his special abilities. This is a joke.


Wow they hit Paladins too, Christ they just took the bat across the hybrids and offspecs altogether. This game is erasing all of the promises and progression made recently, heh.

I'll probably quit for Warhammer when it comes out, I like Mythic and I'm just not really enjoying what Blizzard is doing with their game lately.


Meier said:
Read: I'm a power gamer and the guild I am devotes about 6 hours a night to raiding, every night. Unfortunately it's a West coast based guild too so that means we start at 9 PM EST and don't end till 2 or 3 my time. You're right, I can't control myself -- I'll do what it takes to get my DKP.. and that's not a good thing (and why I sold my EQ account right when starting college back in late 2001).

Here's what will likely be my last character update: http://www.wowrankings.com/viewb.htm?name=Meier&s_id=67

Damn! WoWRankings doesn't work any more.. was looking back through old posts to find a profile that worked for me. Shame. =(


When do you guys decide just out right sell a green item to vendor? After it fails to sell in AH 3 times? I dont claim to know the math with AH but I have about dozen items now that have failed to sell even at starting price. Maybe I should wait for busier weekends before give up.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
madara said:
When do you guys decide just out right sell a green item to vendor? After it fails to sell in AH 3 times? I dont claim to know the math with AH but I have about dozen items now that have failed to sell even at starting price. Maybe I should wait for busier weekends before give up.

disenchant my friend, disenchant. a good 70% of armors, you get more money out of disenchant than putting it up on AH (green ones at least). And there's no fee to put enchant items on AH.


Fularu said:
In solo PvP any smart class would simply CC you (every class but warriors can do that, even if through a meager shield that you have to break through on auto attacks to get any kind of rage) and own you.

theorycraft, all that is easier said then done, pvp trinket, 2/2 improved intercept helps a lot if you go fury and have rank 13 armor for the intercept bonus that reduces your intercept time to 15 seconds, eating up priest shields was never a problem for me as MS or Fury, with fury it was even easier, deathwish go go

fularu said:
I'd dare you to log as a warrior in 2.0 WoW and own every class except frost mages in 1v1. I'm prety sure you'll get your ass kicked by next to everything in the game right now.

as i prefaced i quit playing the warrior class before 2.0 (hell i quit before they added the 41 points to each talent tree), i sold my account sometime in october to put that in a frame of time, so i cant really comment on the current state of warrior pvp, or the current state of any pvp for that matter, i started playing again for the xpac, and i only have a lvl 61 hunter, so we'll see how pvp at 70 is, but i have to say that warriors were still OP at that point in pvp, i dont think you can deny that, and yes i will concede that they are even more OP with a pocket dispeller and windfury bot, but warriors were plenty viable solo with PVP trinket + lifegiving gem

fularu said:
Yeah lets ignore someone based on the fact he has a PVE role in this game. After all *I* am the masochistic for beeing the MT of a guild unlike some people who were perfectly mentaly fine for doing the Rank 14 grind?

Somehow, I learned from this game that people boasting about their mad PVP SKILLZ often sucked at it in the game, and from all the people that did the R14 grind on Dragonmaw, at least half of them don't have a clue on how to properly play their class.

hell i even specced prot from time to time as raids called for it depending on attendance, and often times i found myself having to tank in instances even when not specced for prot, i've tanked a variety of content ranging from MC, BWL, AQ40, and Naxx, so w/e

tanking is pretty easy in raid instances, it doesnt require much effort tanking boss fights, most of the boss fights pre naxx were all tank and spank, i'd argue a warriors job to tank is much harder in 5-10 man instances, i think those are a truer test of a warrior's skill than 40 man raids, hell a lot of warriors had macros for tanking in raids


Buggy Loop said:
disenchant my friend, disenchant. a good 70% of armors, you get more money out of disenchant than putting it up on AH (green ones at least). And there's no fee to put enchant items on AH.

But I would have trade in either herbalism or alchemy do that correct?


madara said:
But I would have trade in either herbalism or alchemy do that correct?

That's right, unless you start another character with enchantment and send the stuff to that one instead.

In regards to your question about selling greens, this is what I do:

First I see how much a vendor will pay for the item, just to give me a base idea. Then, I focus on the item's stats and other properties, to see if they mesh with what the item is made of (for armor) or who will tend to use the item (for weapons and such).

Talking about stuff with undesirable stats first:

For example, if it's a cloth robe and has +strength and +agility (or some weird thing like that), cloth users aren't going to really want it, right? So with items that have undesirable stats, I either give them to my husband (an enchanter), or sell the items on the auction house at low prices so they'll be picked up by enchanters looking for green items to disenchant. Usually, I get about twice the amount that the vendor would've paid me for the green item. However, if I see that the auction fee is high and that the price won't make it enticing enough for enchanters, I just sell it the vendor. I don't like eating auction fees if I can help it, especially if the item will end up at the vendor anyway.

Talking about stuff with nice stats:

At the auction house, I look up the item and see if someone has already placed one up for sale. If so, I tend to price mine just slightly lower (or sometimes at the same price, depending). If there isn't any same item up on the auction house -- or even if there is and I just feel like checking the prices of stuff -- I bring up the entire category for that item. That is, if I have a mail helm I'll look at all the mail helms on sale. I check up what stats helms at the same level (give or take 2 levels both above and below) have, and what prices they're going for. Then I price my helm based on that, and on a bit of subjectivity. *grin*

Edited to add a bit more: As for whether or not to vendor/AH an item ... it's a judgment call. I sometimes vendor green stuff with undesirable stats without bothering to put them up on auction because ... well, I see that the vendor is willing to give me 1 gold 20 silver for an item, and I don't see anyone buying that particular item for even that amount. Plus, if the vendor is willing to pay 1 gold 20, the AH fee will be rather high for that item -- making it unprofitable in the end, since I will most likely have to eat the fee, then sell it to the vendor anyway.


They decided to unnerf Paladins, so that's a good thing at least.

They should do it to Priests and part of Druids as well, though. The brash chain nerfing is absurd.

Apparently with Paladins, however, they plan to find another way to reduce the potential for burst damage. Which, on the other hand, I am fine with since I've never deluded myself enough to bother with Ret for more than a hour or two post leveling anyway. Playing against all of the strengths of the class, wheee.

Paladin board still bitches about it though, I don't know why I read those damned boards. Self punishment I guess. Still, it's amusing to see the same arguments after around 18 months of this situation existing.


I finally got my 44 Pally to Artisan Enchanter, but damn, is it disheartening to know that from here on out that all my enchantments are learned from drops.

Not only that, but talk about a profession that guarantees you to make the least amount of money.

At least I make a little cash on Herbalism.


Alex said:
They decided to unnerf Paladins, so that's a good thing at least.

Apparently with Paladins, however, they plan to find another way to reduce the potential for burst damage. Which, on the other hand, I am fine with since I've never deluded myself enough to bother with Ret for more than a hour or two post leveling anyway. Playing against all of the strengths of the class, wheee.

Paladin board still bitches about it though, I don't know why I read those damned boards. Self punishment I guess. Still, it's amusing to see the same arguments after around 18 months of this situation existing.

woot! I have no problem with them finding reasonable ways to lower burst damage. It's really just a thing with Retadins in PvP being able to use their daze,stun, and the shield to all out DPS people. Which they needed to raiding as well.. rework SoC maybe to be a bit more steady damage or something that would work in a raid and that didn't require the mob to be stunned for extra damage.


Alex said:
Holy shit, indeed. :D The voice-over is hilarious, not to mention the video itself.

And this was priceless:

"To maintain class balance, epic flight form is only usable outdoors. Not responsible for future nerfs to the druid class, including but not limited to: healing, tanking, damage, nuking, walking, running, jumping, flying, ganking, leveling, and redefining the entire class to near worthlessness due to player complaints."

:lol :lol :lol


As far as cloth turn ins for Horde, we have Silvermoon, Undercity, Org and Thunder Bluff correct? There is no darkspear base or other ones?


The Darkspear Trolls runecloth turn-in guy is hanging out with the Mage trainers in Org. Just ask a guard where the mage trainer is and you'll be able to find him.


Ah so there is two in org! thanks! Anyone else have folks running in place in game lately? Bloody weird to see. My paladin friend was twitching his legs monday night. Now he says I am doing it. It driving us nuts. :lol


Meier said:
Wow, how many hours a day are you playing.. and are you exp'ing continuously? I swear you were 55 the other day. o_O

i usually dont play during the week (maybe 2 hours top if i play), i get most of my playtime in on the weekend at weird times like during the morning or late at night, so when i'm lvling i usually have quite a bit of rest xp, and i just follow the lving guide, and i move pretty fast

up to 62 now :D
So I've barely played in the past week. Logged on today and my GM asks me where the hell I've been.

Definately been feeling burnt out. I was 70 about 12 days after launch, got my arcatraz key, karazhan key and got 3 heroic keys as well. Then I just didn't feel like playing.

It doesn't help that we haven't started Karazhan yet because we need more people (primarily healers) key'd. Oh and the fact I was forced to spec protection for the forseeable future.

Seems to be common in our warriors we've lost 2 (one being our GM) in the past week.

Still we should start Karazhan properly by the end of this week and hopefully I'll be a part of it.


MrPing1000 said:
Oh and the fact I was forced to spec protection for the forseeable future.

if you are being forced into playing a spec you dont really care for, you should consider finding a different guild, game is supposed to be fun, not a bad part time job


MrPing1000 said:
Definately been feeling burnt out. I was 70 about 12 days after launch, got my arcatraz key, karazhan key and got 3 heroic keys as well. Then I just didn't feel like playing.
Pretty much why I don't rush. I find that the more you do, the worse it gets. Even fun stuff can get to be too much after awhile.
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