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World of Warcraft

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That puzzles me to no end too, I have like 6 people on friends list that have to be on 18hrs day and do 5 levels a day. I cant group with them anymore they are so far ahead. Who in world has 18hrs a day or would want do prolonged sessions like that all time? Unemployed guy living in parents basement I guess :lol Quite few mention they dont think they will be around in few weeks. Very strange to fast forward through game so fast you dont read quests, fish or tradeskill or do any exploring etc all to have it end 60 days after expansion/server come out.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
So I haven't decided yet, but.. I was thinking about looking into trading or selling my account (and then buying a new one). Does anyone have experience with that or any suggestions on where to look? I'm worried about being scammed.

I want to keep playing BC with my friends, but I've lost interest in my 61 shaman on our pvp server. (My 60 rogue and 60 priest are on a pve server). And I just don't have it in me to level up 1-60 again. :(

So what should I do? Anyone here interested in possibly trading away a Horde PvP character?
MrPing1000 said:
So I've barely played in the past week. Logged on today and my GM asks me where the hell I've been.

Definately been feeling burnt out. I was 70 about 12 days after launch, got my arcatraz key, karazhan key and got 3 heroic keys as well. Then I just didn't feel like playing.

It doesn't help that we haven't started Karazhan yet because we need more people (primarily healers) key'd. Oh and the fact I was forced to spec protection for the forseeable future.

Seems to be common in our warriors we've lost 2 (one being our GM) in the past week.

Still we should start Karazhan properly by the end of this week and hopefully I'll be a part of it.

Get you a DPS class alt. Play him when you ain't needed to tank. If some officer gets on your shit for not getting exalted with every faction, remind him you're GROUP spec now and will require a GROUP.

When I went back Holy at 70, I picked my old MS warrior back up. No one said a damn thing I was on him; and all gold short 10g for expenses is mailed to my main every night to buy Aldor rep stuff, tailoring stuff, or what have you. Anytime Im needed while on my Warrior, I'll drop what I'm doing and come do it if I have time.

Any Prot/Holy/Resto guildie should be afforded this; it certainly ain't your fault the healers have less time to play/dicked around.


madara said:
Very strange to fast forward through game so fast you dont read quests, fish or tradeskill or do any exploring etc all to have it end 60 days after expansion/server come out.
Good to hear from someone else with the same mindset. You're kind of at odds with the game (and people striving to meet their "goals"), but honestly, it's much more rewarding this way. Lot more fun too.


Hate to admit but I had problems finding groups on my pally, so of all things I decided to roll another priest :lol

Kind of having fun with this one though, whereas my first priest was pretty serious about healing and stuff I'm planning to keep this one shadow and just focus on questing until the time comes when I can instance again.

Ironically, my new Draenei priest is pretty damn kick ass in PvE healing - and they have fear ward as well. My "main" priest is a Night Elf of all things :lol

I'm having some major problems adjusting to healing for Heroic instances and Karazhan though - but I think a respec on my healing priest might go a long way to solving that issue.


RedDwarf said:
Wow, I hadn't seen the Armory before, pretty nice to get stats updated so nicely. It works in IE for me, not Firefox. Who knows.

Here's my main: http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/?#character-sheet.xml?r=Khaz+Modan&n=Halumian

I was only finally able to get it to work in IE even though the site claims it's optimized for Firefox. :lol I think it's brand new, it's on the splash screen with news when you launch WoW now complete with a very busty drawing.


Hinterlands kicks ass! Did about 11 quests today and was actuallly alot fun do them again. I still need escort that robot chicken though. its so stupid running into things its hard to solo that one.
I wonder what the story is with Highvale Lodge area. Did they always look just like blood elves? I guess it was no suprise then when TBC finally showed the blood elf models if they were in the game for years beforehand.


madara said:
I still need escort that robot chicken though. its so stupid running into things its hard to solo that one.
Yeah, those quests are a pain in the ass. Especially the one in Tanaris. Still, the reward you get for doing them is neat.


Minus feathers that never drop of griffons in the hinterlands I am basically done. Found Azshara zone now off ashvendale. Alot fun I see with furblogs and naga but I dont see any horde presence here much. Found very small outpost NW of map with one quest, otherwise nada.


Are you Horde yourself? I visited Hinterlands and was blown away by the number of Horde quests at that outpost.. at least 10 or so. I don't remember doing anywhere near that when I played an Alliance here years back, but I could be wrong if you are one. :)


Yeah I meant I did about 20 in hinterlands and am ready to move on minus these terrible drop rate ones. Thinking off thebeaten path as alot folks do some crater or black rock area. Wanted to see if zones by ashvendale had any good horde quests first.


Hit a brick wall with my Pally.... the class isn't as fun to me as I thought. :\

But I LOVE the horde and will rise another character up to 30 even faster now (going to fund it with my pally gold, bags, etc). I expect this to set me back a week... getting to 30 is going to be so much faster now that I know where to go for the horde. :D


Bah, I been attacking few these furbogs looking around azshara, wonder if I can fix Timbermaw Hold faction if I decide do that or if permantely fubared.


That's odd... is your Paladin going down Protection tree? there's a spec to level a character fast with it, but honestly the funnest way to level a paladin is go Retribution and use a twohander. the burst dps will make you smile every fight.

And I also get fun out of being called for runs to be healer/tank/dps. I love DPSing first, tanking second, and healing third.


There's my character.


madara said:
Yeah I meant I did about 20 in hinterlands and am ready to move on minus these terrible drop rate ones.
If you're talking about those feathers that drop from the owls, they dropped much better in Feralas when I did the quest. Obviously, it's out of the way, but if you've got stuff to do there, it's pretty easy to just get the quest done while you're doing other things. That's assuming nothing's changed.
So my first night in Karazhan today. We got the maiden to 8% after they'd killed attunmen yesterday who seems easy. Dunno why we didn't do muroe but maiden was tough. We would have killed her if we didn't have to clear respawns after every wipe (often ressers too close to her to ankh/sould stone)


I know, I know, it sounds really odd for a Paladin, but if you gear up for it, and spec for it, Paladins can dps significantly. It's all based around burst DPS (like a mage) but I still stay in the middle of damage meters (where a shaman might be behind a rogue and a mage).

But honestly, when I pop the avenging wrath, the cooldown on my trinket, and just let loose, it's realllllllllly fun to watch the numbers pop up.

1000 melee crit, 1200 seal crit, 1980 judgment crit, vengeance proc'd on the melee crit for 10% extra damage... it's so much fun!

And Mr.Ping I can't stop staring at your avatar... :D


I've got some PVP questions. With my paladin, even though I was on a PVP server, I only ever engaged in PVP when it was basically forced upon me. With my Draenei hunter, though, I've been getting more into it, and I'm having a lot of fun.

For general, "out in the world" type of PVP, the rules I've been living by is no sneak attacking people, no attacking them when they're in the middle of fighting NPCs, and no initiating an attack unless they're at full health. Obviously there are no real "rules" when it comes to world PVP, and most of the people I've had fight me aren't nearly as nice about it as I am.

My question comes from a situation I had last night, though. Came across a Tauren warrior that was the same level as me. I waited until he was done fighting the creature he was fighting, then I put my Hunter's Mark on him. Waited until he figured out where it came from, and then for a few moments we just sort of stood there looking at each other. He then turned and started running, at which point I attacked him.

Afterward, I felt a bit bad about it. *laughs* Again, I know there are no set in stone rules about these things, but what is the general opinion for situations like that? Since I gave him plenty of time to know what was coming, was it all fair to go after him? Or at that point, should I have just let him go?

Other question is, Battlegrounds and Arena (the goblin one that I think opened up recently). I've never stepped foot into either, and I'd like to try, but they are sort of intimidating to me. I'm worried I'd get into one, be totally in over my head, and then the people I got put with would be pissed at getting such a loser teammate. How hardcore are they? Do you have to be the kind of person who spends a lot of time and money beefing their characters up, or is it a fun time for people at any skill level? And is one better than the other for somebody just getting their feet wet at this whole PVP thing?


Battlegrounds are subdivided into levels of 10 (i.e. 30-39, 40-49, etc.) so if you want to be at the top of the end-match list you should wait until you hit #8 or #9.

However, it is a lot of fun otherwise, and it's not as hardcore (on most servers) as you would expect. PvP does take a bit of a learning curve though.

BTW, I absolutely hate the 42-48 grind, and my shaman's slogging through it now. :(


On my server, there's only ever been one rule: Red ==> dead.

I generally follow it, though sometimes, I'll let people go if it's not worth my trouble. One personal rule I have is no corpse camping. And honestly, if I get ganked while killing a mob, it's my own damn fault for not being more aware of the situation.

Other question is, Battlegrounds and Arena (the goblin one that I think opened up recently). I've never stepped foot into either, and I'd like to try, but they are sort of intimidating to me. I'm worried I'd get into one, be totally in over my head, and then the people I got put with would be pissed at getting such a loser teammate.
Battlegrounds are probably the best place to get experience. The key thing about PvP is to know other classes and how they work. What their abilities are, what their spells are, what their cooldowns are, etc. Now, none of that is necessary, but if you want to succeed, it's what you'll have to do.

How hardcore are they?
Totally depends. In a Battleground, you can just hop in and **** around and I'm sure nobody would even notice or care. Pugs are usually just disorganized and are going to lose. Knowing how the battleground works is also a necessity for victory, but it's also a way to get annoyed when people aren't doing anything right, heh.

Do you have to be the kind of person who spends a lot of time and money beefing their characters up, or is it a fun time for people at any skill level?
It's not too bad right now. Skill, unfortunately, doesn't always matter. A lot of people argue that there's no skill involved in WoW PvP, but knowledge of classes really does help. Also, having an awareness of what's going on around you is a big thing. In Arathi Basin, a rogue blinded someone while I was capping a node. Then someone attacked and broke the blind, allowing the alliance player to interrupt me while I was capping. The three of us then killed the alliance player and I went back to capping the node, but by that time, reinforcements had shown up from the graveyard. If the alliance player had been left blinded, I would have capped the node, the ressers would have gone elsewhere and things would have gone quite differently. Little things like that go a long way.

Also, you'll never be able to gear up doing just PvP. The Arena stuff is amazing, but I garauntee that the top Arena teams will be made up of people who have Kara cleared already.

And is one better than the other for somebody just getting their feet wet at this whole PVP thing?
Yeah, as I said before, run battlegrounds. They're very controlled, but they're good for learning. World PvP I would argue is the best place to learn, since you're forced to think fast. I've got a number of strategies in my head for how to deal with gank attempts, depending on class, group size, etc. Hell, even just getting away from a fight you'll never win is a valuable skill.

Hope that helps a little.


Okay Uldaman and Mara are my least favorite dungeons so far, really wouldnt want do them twice. ZF broke my heart with 14 runs and no mask or upgrades besides the gloves but ST sure made up for it! OMG, I got prayer group fortitue spell, gloves, head, and I got blood from this dragon for priest quest. Turned that baby in and after much debate on thottbot about healing tricket I went with Woestave shadow wand instead. OMG! You have be nuts not take this as reward for shadow priest. I went from 50hit to 200 and am ripping threw mobs 3 times faster. I even had 5 mobs on me farming deadwoods and one fear and I wiped them all out. Gear is everything with this game, glad I got lucky for change on rolls P


Has problems recognising girls
Razoric said:
But I LOVE the horde and will rise another character up to 30 even faster now (going to fund it with my pally gold, bags, etc). I expect this to set me back a week... getting to 30 is going to be so much faster now that I know where to go for the horde. :D
The only point that I dislike in my usual Horde levelling guide is when I hit 20 and I have to head over to Stonetalon to keep it up, then run back to Camp T. Only takes a biggish run but it has to be done to really get down into Thousand Needles.

madara said:
Okay Uldaman and Mara are my least favorite dungeons so far, really wouldnt want do them twice.
Uldaman is a bit of a pain at times, but I really enjoyed running Maraudon with the guild countless times.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
Without abusing any rested exp or log out and wait for HS:

I think I broke some kind of record? Sure as hell broke my own.


trh said:
Without abusing any rested exp or log out and wait for HS:

I think I broke some kind of record? Sure as hell broke my own.

wow, that's pretty incredible to me. I don't think I ever come close to anything like that




I switched from a level 63 Nelf hunter so I could make a cooler looking character; hoping I could get one looking like that.

But... ah... the grind is too tedious. It sucks my soul out.

I seriously considered paying for a plvling service to get me past the tedium of leveling my character from 40-60... having not been able to stomach 20-40 (the old world zones).

But really. The grind only gets harder and deeper.

So. what's the point?

I already have the program that can dress the character any which way and pose her for looks, so it's not like I'm missing out on *that* much :p

(yeah I am, but I'm not willing to put the rest of my life on hold to feed my WoW addiction anymore).

Good bye, again, WoW.


Had a really cool (to me) PVP experience last night. I happened to join the World Defense channel (just found out about it two days ago), and while watching the list of Alliance territories being attacked scroll by, I saw Azure Watch pop up. Even though I didn't think I was high enough to really be of much help, I decided I couldn't stand for some dirty Horde laying waste to my homeland, so I hearthed back to Exodar and went to check it out.

Ended up being a level 34 Tauren Druid who was obviously bored and looking for something to do, and though I didn't think I'd have a chance in hell, I sent my little lv25 Hunter after him. To my utter amazement, I ended up taking him down, by playing smart and using every trick I had in my book. It was a pretty cool feeling having actually been able to win.

Of course, then, after he ressed, he spent the next while continually sucker punching me while being invisible. It kind of made me laugh how being nine levels above me just wasn't enough of an advantage over me that he could lower himself to having a fair fight. I ended up killing him one more time, but died probably ten times or so in the process.
So we down maiden of virtue tonight (we skipped moroes trying him tomorrow) took us ages to kill her. Warrior tanking doesn't seem to work, I was tanking and I was dying too easily during repetence lowest we got her with me was 8%. So our last try of the night we tried a druid tank with me reflecting the holy fires.

Worked perfectly killed her first try, reflecting holy fire ****s her up so much.


shidoshi said:
Ended up being a level 34 Tauren Druid who was obviously bored and looking for something to do, and though I didn't think I'd have a chance in hell, I sent my little lv25 Hunter after him. To my utter amazement, I ended up taking him down, by playing smart and using every trick I had in my book. It was a pretty cool feeling having actually been able to win.

Of course, then, after he ressed, he spent the next while continually sucker punching me while being invisible. It kind of made me laugh how being nine levels above me just wasn't enough of an advantage over me that he could lower himself to having a fair fight. I ended up killing him one more time, but died probably ten times or so in the process.
I'd call that a victory. Good stuff. :D
That too. I like to think of it as being more than free epics, since the chess event is the most fun you'll ever have while slogging through a raid.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
shidoshi said:
Had a really cool (to me) PVP experience last night. I happened to join the World Defense channel (just found out about it two days ago), and while watching the list of Alliance territories being attacked scroll by, I saw Azure Watch pop up. Even though I didn't think I was high enough to really be of much help, I decided I couldn't stand for some dirty Horde laying waste to my homeland, so I hearthed back to Exodar and went to check it out.

Ended up being a level 34 Tauren Druid who was obviously bored and looking for something to do, and though I didn't think I'd have a chance in hell, I sent my little lv25 Hunter after him. To my utter amazement, I ended up taking him down, by playing smart and using every trick I had in my book. It was a pretty cool feeling having actually been able to win.

Of course, then, after he ressed, he spent the next while continually sucker punching me while being invisible. It kind of made me laugh how being nine levels above me just wasn't enough of an advantage over me that he could lower himself to having a fair fight. I ended up killing him one more time, but died probably ten times or so in the process.

I used to love raping rogues that were many levels higher than me with my hunter.


trh said:
Without abusing any rested exp or log out and wait for HS:

I think I broke some kind of record? Sure as hell broke my own.

Ramirez said:
I hit 60 on my shaman yesterday, with 5 days 10 hours played, now on to the fun content :p

I had no idea folks could level that fast. D:


Can someone give me alittle info on the current state of warriors? I just came back to WoW with my shadow priest and have been leveling fine and all that, but I feel like leveling my warrior alt up again as well.

I've noticed that most of the warriors now are either fury or prot (for raiding) but what the hell happened to arms warriors? Back when I was still playing full time hardcore (around the time BWL came out) Arms warriors with alittle fury and a big 2hander were still smashing everything in sight. Did they nerf the hell out of arms or something? Or did they just buff the crap out of fury? Cause fury was mostly shit when I was still playing, except some of the low-mid range stuff.


Wha!! I heard hunters where easy god mode but how exactly do you damage something 9 levels above you? Loophole with your pet or gun/bow? No way as caster I would get anything better then 98 percent resists until my mana was all gone and maybe if lucky a hit at 300 percent scaled down damage. I botted my friends paladin one day to help him finish a quest and reds 5 levels above him were all miss, parry and 15 damage swings.
They got hit pretty hard with the nerf stick but they're getting buffed in the next mini-patch. I think the patch notes are up on the WoW site if you wanna check em out.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I just hit 70 on my Draenei shaman about 2 hours ago. I snuck in as the 8th or 9th 70 draenei shaman on gilneas. Given we are a low populated server now...

Oh well it feels good to be 70. By the way.. Has anyone posted a link to what i need to do now as far as rep etc to start getting keyed?

I've seen the 2 flow charts kicking around but it seems like they are missing something. It doesn't say what rep you need to do certain things. And all i hear people talk about is you need revered for this and this etc. Is there somewhere that has it all laid out.


So WTF is the deal with the Frost Nova nerf. Completely uncalled for.

Blizzard really has no clue what it is doing anymore. The idea they can nerf it, then claim "it was never intended to remain after a crit" is such bull. How the F was never intended, yet remained across the last 10+ major patches?
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