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World of Warcraft

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If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Yeah they are nerfing the hell outa shaman DW dps too :( Having 2 windfury's is huge.. Not any more though *sigh*


Sullen said:
Can someone give me alittle info on the current state of warriors?
Read the last 3-4 pages. I think we can only handle one warrior debate per month :lol

To make a long story short though, warriors got a heavy rage generation nerf in the 2.0 patch and druids got a heavy buff from BC gear. Druids were better tanks for PVE, and warriors were less useful in PVP due to the nerfs and the fact that now everybody has like 6000-8000 HP. Warriors threw a fit, and in the next patch druids get nerfed while warriors get buffed. Now almost everyone else is throwing a fit.

I didn't think it was fair to nerf warriors in basically all areas of the game (PVP, solo PVE, and instance PVE) just because of a perceived imbalance in PVP. There are other classes that have their abilities and spells affected depending on whether or not they are in PVP or PVE combat, so why not just give a slight nerf to PVP instead of across the board?


Has problems recognising girls
It's a 3 second cooldown between Windfury procs. Can't confirm for sure if it's a global cooldown that will effect both weapons or not.

I wish Tigole and Furor would get fired - they seem to have just created a huge cluster**** with classes.


I hadn't heard anything about it either. Granted, I don't know who would want to be enhancement at 70, anyway, so it'll probably mostly affect those who are currently levelling.


I hadn't heard anything about it either. Granted, I don't know who would want to be enhancement at 70, anyway, so it'll probably mostly affect those who are currently levelling.

Why not? If ya already got a main healer for 5 mans, Enhancement brings some pretty sick buffs to melee and deals out massive damage if the gear is there...elemental is garbage, and like I said, if ya already got a healer, no need to spec resto for 5 mans.
speedpop said:
It's a 3 second cooldown between Windfury procs. Can't confirm for sure if it's a global cooldown that will effect both weapons or not.

I wish Tigole and Furor would get fired - they seem to have just created a huge cluster**** with classes.

They just swing late...and swing very hard. Right out the bat with BC; the Warrior buffs would be excellent, now though, too little too late.

I'm not feeling it's those two specifically, or even if they're the cause, but momentum just seems to create big swings of power for spec/class combos that leave those playing feeling nauseous. I figure there's proponents from all sides on the inside each asking for certain things that would help a class out in a certain area. Good number of those get thru a month or two after it was decided something needed to be done. Voila; instant unbalancing.


Started a new character this weekend and powerleveled him to 23 in under 14 hours. :D

He'll probably be the one I take to 70. I'm a pet class person.... the warrior, rogue and pally didn't workout that well for me.

Painraze - 23 Blood Elf Hunter - Arthas



pxleyes said:
So WTF is the deal with the Frost Nova nerf. Completely uncalled for.
See the problem is, when frost mages get you in frost nova, which they can do from range with their pet also, they have a ~70% chance to crit with their spells. This is very beneficial for their new instant frost spell, ice lance, that has no cooldown, costs a 100 mana and crits for ~1800 damage on frozen targets, that would be targets in frost nova. You get nuked down in a very short time with that spell if you don't break frost nova. It is way too effective.
Got my Draenei Shaman to 42 over the weekend. Still playing my 70 Paladin as my main. Considering going back to my old guild, or maybe even joining a larger raiding guild on my server. We'll see.

Can anyone find a live stream of Nhilium's Magtheridon kill that works?


Ramirez said:
Why not? If ya already got a main healer for 5 mans, Enhancement brings some pretty sick buffs to melee and deals out massive damage if the gear is there...elemental is garbage, and like I said, if ya already got a healer, no need to spec resto for 5 mans.
The problem with an enhancement build is that you're pretty gimped, especially if backup healing is needed. A resto spec shaman is much more versatile, and I would argue that despite the mana burn, an elemental shaman is more versatile as well, not to mention much more capable of throwing out plenty more DPS. As a resto spec, I can main heal an instance, or nuke the shit out of stuff, and still be capable of dropping mana tide. All depends on what gear I decide to throw on.
John_B said:
See the problem is, when frost mages get you in frost nova, which they can do from range with their pet also, they have a ~70% chance to crit with their spells. This is very beneficial for their new instant frost spell, ice lance, that has no cooldown, costs a 100 mana and crits for ~1800 damage on frozen targets, that would be targets in frost nova. You get nuked down in a very short time with that spell if you don't break frost nova. It is way too effective.

Case in point; they wanted another instant cast for Frosties, but combining it with other Frost talents got iffy. Instead of changing Ice Lance, they changed Frost Nova, which ALL mages have and need.


Mages: "Please don't nerf Ice Lance, please don't nerf Ice Lance, please don't nerf Ice Lance...."
Blizzard: "Okay, we'll nerf Frost Nova instead."
Mages: "Aw, ****."

It figures, the two high level classes I play are getting hit with the 'stick. I just got a good pair of axes for my lvl 63 enhancement shaman, too. I suppose the damage I was doing was rather high, but I didn't expect that large a nerf.
we killed moroes today on 3rd attempt.

Got to opera event romulo and julianne. We couldn't do it first 2 stages are easy but with both we were getting raped.


Does anybody know how much I should charge for the Spellsurge enchanting recipe? I got it off a mob and I have a friend that wants to buy it, but I don't know what a fair price is.


Allakhazam says it's worth like 700g....can that be right though? Is this enchant really gonna have that much raid utility? If it's gonna become the next Crusader, I don't wanna let it go for next-to-nothing, but I don't wanna overcharge a friend if it's really not worth much.

EDIT: Oh, I guess I have the Shield Block enchant as well. http://www.thottbot.com/?i=58152
Suggested pricing?


border said:
Does anybody know how much I should charge for the Spellsurge enchanting recipe? I got it off a mob and I have a friend that wants to buy it, but I don't know what a fair price is.


Allakhazam says it's worth like 700g....can that be right though? Is this enchant really gonna have that much raid utility? If it's gonna become the next Crusader, I don't wanna let it go for next-to-nothing, but I don't wanna overcharge a friend if it's really not worth much.

EDIT: Oh, I guess I have the Shield Block enchant as well. http://www.thottbot.com/?i=58152
Suggested pricing?

put it up on the AH for 800g and put the starting bid at 200g. see if anyone bites. Also if the bid isnt as high as you'd like 20 hours in, cancel the auction and get it back.


John_B said:
See the problem is, when frost mages get you in frost nova, which they can do from range with their pet also, they have a ~70% chance to crit with their spells. This is very beneficial for their new instant frost spell, ice lance, that has no cooldown, costs a 100 mana and crits for ~1800 damage on frozen targets, that would be targets in frost nova. You get nuked down in a very short time with that spell if you don't break frost nova. It is way too effective.

The chance to break off a crit was already high. The chance of breaking when you get 2 crits in a row is even higher. By sheer numbers, there is no justification for what most people who complain will claim to be a regular occurrence. In actuality, it is a low percentage 'problem' that can't be solved by changing a spell that affects all mages.

Put Ice Lance on a 2 second cooldown, problem solved. It would, with global cooldown, only allow for 2 ice lances on any given frozen target before it breaks, a possible 3.

Given that a crit isn't a guarantee, it is shameless to make a crit cause a guarantee like this. Think about it. For frost mages, it is actually better NOT to crit now, as I can get off more ice lances without crits (doing more damage) than that first one that crits and breaks my freeze.


Is it me, or is Scryers' alignment a bunch of bullshit? Rep items only seem to drop off selected elves, whereas the Aldor items are dropping off of nearly everything demonic...


MrPing1000 said:
we killed moroes today on 3rd attempt.

Got to opera event romulo and julianne. We couldn't do it first 2 stages are easy but with both we were getting raped.

Lol, are you in my guild? Same exact progress here today.
border said:
Is it me, or is Scryers' alignment a bunch of bullshit? Rep items only seem to drop off selected elves, whereas the Aldor items are dropping off of nearly everything demonic...

Do Tempest Keep dungeons or quests in Shadowmoon and Netherstorm. They're EVERYWHERE.
Yes, getting tokens for the Scryers is bullshit. All the mages want the tokens too so, it's a bitch for, you know, someone who can't kill 5 or 6 BEs at a time. I'm on a new sever (Trollbane) so I just went there and farmed late at night or during the day when no one was there and got exalted with them about a week ago.


border said:
Does anybody know how much I should charge for the Spellsurge enchanting recipe?

Why don't you see how much he offers first? I have no problem giving stuff to a close friend, in fact, I passed an epic BS recipe drop Eternium Runed Blade while the two of us were questing. If this is someone you go to for enchanting, and otherwise can count on for things, why not do him a favor. If it's just someone in the guild, you could charge for more if necessary. It is rare because it's a world drop, not so much what the enchant itself does, I think most casters would still prefer spell/healing power over possible procs, especially since there have been no evidences/math as to how often it will go off.

border said:
Is it me, or is Scryers' alignment a bunch of bullshit? Rep items only seem to drop off selected elves, whereas the Aldor items are dropping off of nearly everything demonic...

I'd agree with you if I had only gotten up to Terokkar Forest, but ever since I started farming for BoP recipes in Shadowmoon Valley and Netherstorm, there are plenty of camps of mobs that drop Scryer rep items. I can't fathom all of them being occupied, especially since most people are there for quest stuff and leave as soon as they finish, at least in my experience, and my server isn't exactly a low population one either.


Since I hit 70 a few days back, I was looking into building up my alchemy.. i had used Herbs all along to make money. When I look at the wowwiki site I see a handle of recipes that would be nice for me, and a couple others that would be nice to make for the raid.

Then I realized that all the Outlands potions seem to require Imbued Vial, which is like 3 gold a piece basically. That seems pretty steep when you need the herbs also. Anyone an alchemist? Is it possible to sell any of your potions, or do you try to use transmuting and flasks for money?


SyNapSe said:
Since I hit 70 a few days back, I was looking into building up my alchemy.. i had used Herbs all along to make money. When I look at the wowwiki site I see a handle of recipes that would be nice for me, and a couple others that would be nice to make for the raid.

Then I realized that all the Outlands potions seem to require Imbued Vial, which is like 3 gold a piece basically. That seems pretty steep when you need the herbs also. Anyone an alchemist? Is it possible to sell any of your potions, or do you try to use transmuting and flasks for money?

If you're looking to profit only, sell the herbs. As an alchemist myself, with the exception of trying to get rid of leftover materials, I hardly ever sold pots as a way to make money pre-BC. However, due to the fact that Blizzard implemented this new discovery system, we are forced to make potions if you ever want a chance (slim one too) to get the new Flasks. I don't mind it so much that the pots sell for less than the materials to make it, but it's the cost of the vials that hurt the most, I think I break even on most sales, I definitely do not make more than just AH the herbs.

Furthermore, with the new potion/elixir mastery, people often make more than what they put in, so a lot of them can afford to sell their products for less, further cutting into your efforts to try to recoup on the loss in profit already.

So with that said, it's really up to you. I took up alchemy not really for profit, but as a convenience. I don't make pots every day in the hope of discovering something, I do it when friends/guildies need them, or if I see the AH has a shortage, I'd try ~20 and attempt to get rid of them before there's a saturation of supply.

You can sell the transmute, but most people are actually doing it for free because they are either trying to discover a recipe, and/or they are transmutation mastery and are hoping to get extras for doing it free.

Alchemy really is no good at making money.


Can anyone tell me how many honor I need to get a rank in PVP? I think I am around 2000 with at least 400-500 kills and I still don't even have Private. :*( I've killed Sergeants and others but still unranked!
Yeah, there will be arena titles.

And Scryer is a lot harder to get than Aldor. Mainly because 80% of players go Scryer so Aldor rep prices are retardedly cheap on the AH so you can just buy your way to exalted for like 200g.
pxleyes said:
The chance to break off a crit was already high. The chance of breaking when you get 2 crits in a row is even higher. By sheer numbers, there is no justification for what most people who complain will claim to be a regular occurrence. In actuality, it is a low percentage 'problem' that can't be solved by changing a spell that affects all mages.

Put Ice Lance on a 2 second cooldown, problem solved. It would, with global cooldown, only allow for 2 ice lances on any given frozen target before it breaks, a possible 3.

Given that a crit isn't a guarantee, it is shameless to make a crit cause a guarantee like this. Think about it. For frost mages, it is actually better NOT to crit now, as I can get off more ice lances without crits (doing more damage) than that first one that crits and breaks my freeze.

You are absolutely right. It should be changed to break off any damage like just about every other form of CC.


Son of Godzilla said:
You are absolutely right. It should be changed to break off any damage like just about every other form of CC.

Let me guess, Warlock?


I don't need to say anything else, especially with mages being glass cannons with no support (aka pet). 3 minute pets don't count in that regard.


It seems like Fear breaks on direct-damage all the time now. I never plan for it to last longer than 1 Shadowbolt/Soulfire.



At about 48.5 or so now. Tried to solo King Muskla (sp) at 47.. oof, that didn't quite work out. :lol He got on me for a few seconds and I was down to 20% like that. Feigned and was able to run out to see and get away w/o my pet dying in fact (just poofed).

I plan to get the Defiler belt and the Outrider Bow sometime soon.. next two talents will be Go for the Throat, then I'll go back to BM for quite awhile. I expect my final build to be something like this: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info...510550201202000000000000300000000000000000000. I might opt for 1 point of IAOTH instead of Improved Mend Pet though.


border said:
It seems like Fear breaks on direct-damage all the time now. I never plan for it to last longer than 1 Shadowbolt/Soulfire.

Yet it doesn't break on DoTs, which is a huge exploit of the feature.

Fear, and warlocks in general, have huge balance issues, but of course most locks will caim I am just whining.
It's not an exploit of the feature, it's a design decision by Blizzard. They make changes to fear a lot (diminishing returns, changing fear breaks) and locks are supposed to be able to fear and DoT. If they couldn't they'd just get rolled by melee classes every time.

I imagine it's really hard for Blizzard to balance locks because of fear. One on one they're extremely overpowered. They're also one of the worst classes in 5 vs. 5 arena.


pxleyes said:
Yet it doesn't break on DoTs, which is a huge exploit of the feature.

Fear, and warlocks in general, have huge balance issues, but of course most locks will caim I am just whining.

Less QQ and more PEW PEW.


What exactly are the conditions to get knocked off your mount. Its been 14 levels now and I still cant quite figure it out, sometimes its little water, sometimes alot water. Sometimes its in middle of going up to FP and sometimes it right before. Sometimes it 12 hits from multiple enemies and sometimes its a singel one from green one. No rythme or reason to it as far as I can see.


pxleyes said:
Yet it doesn't break on DoTs, which is a huge exploit of the feature.
It's working as intended. Not less than 3-4 months ago it was changed so that it was less likely to break on DoTs and more likely to break on direct damage. Plus there's a chance to break Fear every 3-5 seconds.
madara said:
What exactly are the conditions to get knocked off your mount. Its been 14 levels now and I still cant quite figure it out, sometimes its little water, sometimes alot water. Sometimes its in middle of going up to FP and sometimes it right before. Sometimes it 12 hits from enemies and something its a miss from green one. No rythme or reason to it as far as I can see.

Water that needs to be swimmed through, getting dazed, going over space that counts as indoors, and opening up flight path screen.


cubicle47b said:
It's not an exploit of the feature, it's a design decision by Blizzard. They make changes to fear a lot (diminishing returns, changing fear breaks) and locks are supposed to be able to fear and DoT. If they couldn't they'd just get rolled by melee classes every time.

I imagine it's really hard for Blizzard to balance locks because of fear. One on one they're extremely overpowered. They're also one of the worst classes in 5 vs. 5 arena.

So it is a design decision for locks to be able to spec with 1000+ spell damage, 20% damage reduction, and be able to shot out 2.5sec shadowbolts that can crit for 4k+. All along with a ton of health and a pet????

That isn't an exaggeration either.


Are there any add-ons that, when I'm looking at an area's map, will show me the names of places that usually need to be moused over without having to mouse over them? I'd really like to be able to open my map and have to hunt and peck around to remember where Chill Valley or Iris Lake or whatever else is.

I'm not looking for anything that will fill in the parts of the map I haven't explored yet (where's the fun in that), just show place names (in hopefully a cusomizable font) that usually require holding the mouse over them.

Also, man, this Battlegrounds stuff is pretty fun. Not that I'm tearing things up, but I'm actually not doing too bad. (Played two games of CTF yesterday, and just got done doing my first game of the control the bases one. I ended up like sixth out of 12 or so people, which I didn't think was too bad for my first time.)
last minute druid tanking reprieve

It's Official!

" The Hotfixes are now live and the following information has been posted in the original sticky here as well.

*Hotfix 3/06/07

* The Druid ability Lacerate will now land a small amount of instant damage, causing it to generate threat against bleed-immune creatures.
* The Druid ability Mangle (Bear) will now generate 50% bonus threat.

Additional explanation for these fixes and information on Armor:

We’ve taken a close look at constructive feedback provided on our Druid Bear changes, and are hotfixing the following changes today:

1. Lacerate will now do a small amount of direct damage to the target. This means it will generate threat rather than an immune message when used on bleed-immune creatures. However, bleed-immune creatures will still not receive the debuff from Lacerate. This should address concerns about Druids being able to tank in specific bleed-immune encounters.

2. Mangle (Bear) now generates 50% bonus threat on its damage. We realized that in reducing Mangle damage, we made it less useful as a snap aggro tool. This threat bonus moves it back up to almost where it was before the 2.0.10 changes.

In addition, we examined concerns about the best Feral Druid armor pieces being outdoor world quest rewards, and Druids feeling their tanking ability would not scale with better gear. We are adjusting superior and epic leather pieces designed to be used by Bear Druids and increasing the armor on many of those items, particularly raid sets. These changes, however, will not show up until patch 2.1.0."

Posted by Nethaera on the US forums.


Power to them I say, warriors shudn't be only valid tanking class. I want to go back to fury ffs.
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