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World of Warcraft

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That's just a last minute token offering to what is essentially a bad nerf. Allowing lcaerate to work as an aggro tool on al enemies is good, but the problem with tthe nerf was the armor and hp reduction. Without prot like talents that boost damage mitigation, without a shield block, a druid tank relies entirely on armor and hp which have now being seriously dropped. My armor dropped 1k. That's just nasty.


pxleyes said:
So it is a design decision for locks to be able to spec with 1000+ spell damage, 20% damage reduction, and be able to shot out 2.5sec shadowbolts that can crit for 4k+. All along with a ton of health and a pet????
How do change my spec to get 1000+ spell damage? I'm at 69 and only seeing +547 with Fel Armor active.


So, people, pet choices for a new hunter? Just started messing around with the class for fun and I like it a lot - almost as much as shaman. :D

People keep telling me to get a boar - should I listen to them?


etiolate said:
That's just a last minute token offering to what is essentially a bad nerf. Allowing lcaerate to work as an aggro tool on al enemies is good, but the problem with tthe nerf was the armor and hp reduction. Without prot like talents that boost damage mitigation, without a shield block, a druid tank relies entirely on armor and hp which have now being seriously dropped. My armor dropped 1k. That's just nasty.


Yes because having more dodge than dodge+parry, 5k more HP and 10k more AC than warriors sure make shield block oh so important.

I love the hypocrisy of kitties.


Has problems recognising girls
unifin said:
So, people, pet choices for a new hunter? Just started messing around with the class for fun and I like it a lot - almost as much as shaman. :D

People keep telling me to get a boar - should I listen to them?
Boars are awesome IMO. Great for PVP due to their stun charge ability (only pet which has it), not to mention they are good for PVE itself as they can hold their own on multiple mobs. On my Hunter I like to throw "Pigsy" ahead of me whilst I collect whatever trash there is nearby.. if he cops another mob whilst at the one I sent him at, I have no cause to worry about his health dropping too low.
Fularu said:

Yes because having more dodge than dodge+parry, 5k more HP and 10k more AC than warriors sure make shield block oh so important.

I love the hypocrisy of kitties.

How about you play a Druid to see how everything works?


I do?

22K AC, 18k HP and 34% dodge are sure as hell gimped in world greens/blues versus 12k AC/13.5k HP 18% dodge, 16% parry

I don't believe there's a big enough rolleyes regarding the pretention of the fur tanks towards tanking stats.


Ramos Update:

Just got two more pieces of the Righteous PVE set.

Karazhan starts tomorrow.


Tidefury (shaman) shoulders which are better than mine (sniff!) but have less armor. I'm going for my shoulders in Botanica sometime though.


Fularu said:
22K AC, 18k HP and 34% dodge are sure as hell gimped in world greens/blues versus 12k AC/13.5k HP 18% dodge, 16% parry

18k hps? Damn, can I see your armory profile? That's insane, my guild doesn't do off-specs so I don't get to see any feral druids at a raid level.

What is your +DEF?


Tried to do a Sunken Temple run last night.. sheesh, the skill level of people these days is just pathetic compared to the launch period when everyone was an EQ convert. :lol This warlock must have died 10 times to over-aggroing and running around like a chicken with his head cut off. People don't like CC these days apparently.. they just wanna fight multiple mobs at once and say **** ice traps. Oh well, I'll hit Hinterlands tonight and knock out a level or so.


Meier said:
Tried to do a Sunken Temple run last night.. sheesh, the skill level of people these days is just pathetic compared to the launch period when everyone was an EQ convert. :lol
Yeah, it's even pretty evident who sucks now that we're all at 70 with new dungeon content. You can almost gauge a pug immediately from how things go on the first few pulls.

I had a great Mechanar run the other night. Everyone was moderately geared and the group make-up was just bad, heh, but we survived. It was just a matter of properly using CC and the tank knowing how to hold more than one mob at a time.


I've seen that term pug used a few times on the official boards.. what's it stand for? *searches UrbanDictionary* Ahh.. pick up group. Yeah, Dormer is at GDC right now and my other RL buddies switched to another server for shorter battleground queues. I'm not to keen on spending 25 bucks on it though... :(
So it is a design decision for locks to be able to spec with 1000+ spell damage, 20% damage reduction, and be able to shot out 2.5sec shadowbolts that can crit for 4k+. All along with a ton of health and a pet????

Yes. Just like it's a design decision for mages to have similar +dmg, and less health but still a *lot* and a ton of abilities that allow them to escape (blink, frost nova), survive focus fire (ice block), CC (sheep, counterspell healers), and steal buffs like blessing of freedom or avenging wrath from stupid paladins. And have a ridiculous amount of burst.

What caster class can't crit for 4K+?


Seeing how we're on the subject, I got my first 4K pyroblast crit in Karazhan last night - but that was thanks to Curse of Elements and Misery being up on the boss, and good ol' Molten Fury.

The Moroes kill was ugly, he killed our main tank and the offtank and was laying into our DPS warrior and we were all frantically trying to burn him down. Both priests died during that melee so the two mages had to kite the remaining two adds. I froze one too close to the shaman and he got an axe to the face.

Good times.


cubicle47b said:
Yes. Just like it's a design decision for mages to have similar +dmg, and less health but still a *lot* and a ton of abilities that allow them to escape (blink, frost nova), survive focus fire (ice block), CC (sheep, counterspell healers), and steal buffs like blessing of freedom or avenging wrath from stupid paladins. And have a ridiculous amount of burst.

What caster class can't crit for 4K+?

1) Ice block is a spec choice, so a lot of mages dont have it.
2) Mages dont have even close to 1K +dmg, As a frost spec, I'm running half that
3) Ridiculous amount of burst? If you are referring to PoM, that again is a spec, and if you have it, it doesn't allow for nearly as much survivability
4) If you are referring to Ice Lance for burst, well we know what happened to that.
5) Compmarable locks have near 10k health, easily over when buffed. Mages have 7-8k health.

border said:
How do change my spec to get 1000+ spell damage? I'm at 69 and only seeing +547 with Fel Armor active.

I'll ask my buddy who has his lock at such a spec to give me his spec. I'll post it later today. I think it is a bit of an odd spec, but it works well.
2) Mages dont have even close to 1K +dmg, As a frost spec, I'm running half that

My paladin is getting really close to 700 +dmg with items I bought off the AH, an enchanted continuum blade, and a +dmg shield. My lock at 60 had more +dmg than you (+552 from gear) and I was (only) mostly BWL geared.

I have no idea why you have half that.
explodet said:
Seeing how we're on the subject, I got my first 4K pyroblast crit in Karazhan last night - but that was thanks to Curse of Elements and Misery being up on the boss, and good ol' Molten Fury.

The Moroes kill was ugly, he killed our main tank and the offtank and was laying into our DPS warrior and we were all frantically trying to burn him down. Both priests died during that melee so the two mages had to kite the remaining two adds. I froze one too close to the shaman and he got an axe to the face.

Good times.

If you leave the room after Moroes dies, the remaining adds will despawn. Also, if you leave the room during the fight (in the case when you know a wipe is eminent), Moroes will leash and the fight will reset.


Speaking as a mage myself I find their itemization kind of messed up right now. Items for casters come in a variety of:

spell damage
spell critical strike rating
spell hit rating
spell penetration

And right now instead of tossing just spell damage at us, we're getting items with a combination of 3 or 4 of those stats. As we go up in levels, instead of getting a lot more spell damage, we're getting a little more spell damage and a lot more of the other stuff.

You may have a lot of spell damage on your paladin, but what about your other spell stats?


Azwethinkweiz said:
If you leave the room after Moroes dies, the remaining adds will despawn. Also, if you leave the room during the fight (in the case when you know a wipe is eminent), Moroes will leash and the fight will reset.
We knew about the Moroes reset, but we didn't know about the despawning adds. I must try this. Thanks.
I think unbuffed I'm sitting around 9000 health, a little over 8000 mana, 16% spell crit, little spell hit (5% +hit to melee though), and ~685 dmg. This is all auction house gear, though, besides the sword/shield and my +26 dmg trinket and a dmg/healing neck quest drops. And I have pieces like the Junior Technician 3rd grade bracers that are stamina and +def/+hit and a +hit/melee AP trinket because I can't find anything suitable to equip in those slots.

I do get help from holy guidance but I still can't see a mage sitting at 500 dmg at level 70 who has run the level 70 dungeons a bunch of times.

edit: If itemization is a lot more focused on +crit, +hit, and spell penetration the warlock with +1000 dmg has to have found gear that focuses on strictly +dmg to get that high. Talented fel armor is +130 and demonic knowledge is 15% of your current pets stamina+int so they have to have at least +800.
I checked some armory profiles and it seems well geared mages with some Kara runs in for one or two raid epics are sitting in the low-mid 800s for their primary school with a lot of +hit/+crit (fire mages at 30%). I'm a little surprised by the numbers as I've been looking at pally/priest +healing numbers (~1500-1600 at the same gear level) but what explodet said makes sense.


Maxrpg said:

Hey, I didn't say I agreed. I think Blizz has done what they can to integrate the off-spec for some of the classes, and I think as we get into more 25 man content people will use them more.

Doing High King Maulgar, and feral druid talk started to rise due to the damn polymorph. I loves me some shadow spec priest while 5-manning. One of my friends was Boomkin while leveling, but switched back to Resto at 68 - I'd like him to go Boomkin again the +5% crit is crazy for Holy Paladins
Joined a new guild today and I got an invite to their third Karazhan group first thing. We cleared all the way to the Opera Event in our first night as a group and it bugged on us. We're going back tomorrow night. Liking the guild so far. Topped the healer meter on my Paladin by quite a bit so I think I made a good first impression:)


cubicle47b said:
My paladin is getting really close to 700 +dmg with items I bought off the AH, an enchanted continuum blade, and a +dmg shield. My lock at 60 had more +dmg than you (+552 from gear) and I was (only) mostly BWL geared.

I have no idea why you have half that.

You have no idea because you are wearing AH gear. That is why. If I wanted, sure, I could pump out 800+ spell damage, but I would have 6k life and shit for a mana pool. It is called balance, and any good player will tell you that this game isn't all about having huge numbers.

That doesn't excuse Locks for naturally having absurd numbers like they have now at 70. 1K +dmg for a lock is not unheard of, and if you spec right it is almost natural. Mind you, one of the locks I know that has such +dmg is still balanced in the rest of his stats and doesn't gimp his health/mana pools to achieve it.

http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/#character-sheet.xml?r=Gorefiend&n=Xer There is one of the locks I know with that kind of +dmg after self buffs.

For comparison's sake, here is my mage: http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/#character-sheet.xml?r=Gorefiend&n=Cailey
You have no idea because you are wearing AH gear. That is why. If I wanted, sure, I could pump out 800+ spell damage, but I would have 6k life and shit for a mana pool. It is called balance, and any good player will tell you that this game isn't all about having huge numbers.

I counted 614 dmg on your friend's gear (edit: meh, missed maybe 8 in gem slots). Then he gets 130 from talented fel armor. That's 744. In order to hit 1000 dmg his pet needs to have a combined stamina and int of 1707. I'm pretty sure that's not happening. Either he has a different gear set or doesn't realize some things are already added into his character sheet.

What sets him apart most from you is 1. he enchants his gear - 109 of his dmg comes from that and 2. he gets fel armor which is honestly overpowered as it's a big buff to damage as well as healing affects for recovering from life taps.

FYI, I have a lot more health and a fair amount more mana than you on top of beating you in +dmg on my paladin. I just don't have much +spell crit and +spell hit because good holy +dmg gear doesn't drop in instances. Probably because a holy paladin's primary responsibility is healing. I'd stack damage anyway as judgment of righteousness and holy shock are kind of expensive for grinding and on long cooldowns but rank 1 consecration after judged crusader does ~1K damage in 8 seconds and I get a decent amount of holy damage added per sword strike with seal of righteousness.

Thanks for the lesson on balance, though.

Paladin profile (I rarely solo though so it's always healing gear - you can see a few pieces of my dmg set, though like the chest, shoulders, and boots) -

Warlock profile (except for the wand and a crit trinket, it's all pre-expansion gear) -


Has problems recognising girls
Man.. feel so lost for some reason.

Two of the biggest and oldest PVP guilds (both Horde and Alliance) on my server have disbanded to focus on the PVE aspect in Burning Crusade. My guild's been around as long as they have and I think my guild is the oldest on the server now.. so it feels kind of weird.


pxleyes said:
2) Mages dont have even close to 1K +dmg, As a frost spec, I'm running half that

I'm 51 frost/10 arcane and I've got 835 spell damage with 1 Karazhan drop and the Frozen Shadoweave set. With a 40 arcane/21 frost spec it's around 940. 1k +dmg is totally possible for mages.

3) Ridiculous amount of burst? If you are referring to PoM, that again is a spec, and if you have it, it doesn't allow for nearly as much survivability
4) If you are referring to Ice Lance for burst, well we know what happened to that.

Frostbolt + icelance on a frozen target is a lot of burst with 5/5 shatter and decent +dmg gear (4.5k-5k for me when both crit, which is often). You can then follow that up with a fireblast and CoC.


When should I start seeing + damage gear? Im level 55 now and curious if this stuff comes from dungeons at Blackrock and higher and if its even worth bothering with as priest now that TBC is out.

Finally at honored with timbermaw. One huge long grind to go and then I can quest/turn in all these feathers.


madara said:
When should I start seeing + damage gear? Im level 55 now and curious of this stuff comes from dungeons at Blackrock and higher and if its even worth bothering with as priest now that TBC is out.

Finding at honored with timbermaw. One huge long grind to go and then I can quest/turn in all these feathers.

no point in doing brd, lbrs, ubrs, or any of that junk

go to the portal as soon as you ding 58 and collect new gear
Agreed, go through the portal as soon as you hit 58. Check the AH for level 57-58 gear from the Outlands as it's generally much better than what you can find in Azeroth, then go to hellfire and pick up a bunch of upgrades that they throw at you in the first few quests in the zone.


This is rich. Blizzard changed some of the rogue's tier 4 parts.

The epic headpiece, which drops from Prince Malchezaar, the last boss in Karazhan (10-man raid instance), now has these stats.

Netherblade Facemask
271 Armor
+23 Agility
+33 Stamina
- Meta Socket
- Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +4 Agility
Equip: Improves hit rating by 10.
Equip: Improves attack power by 70.
~ 93 ap, 0.58% crit, 0.63% hit, 330 hp *not including gems and socket bonuses.

A similar rare (blue) item, you get from a quest, which has the objective to kill the last boss inside The Steamvault (5-man instance), has these stats.

Helm of the Claw
237 Armor
+25 Agility
+21 Stamina
- Yellow Socket
- Meta Socket
Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience Rating
Equip: Improves hit rating by 14.
Equip: Increases attack power by 66.
~ 91 ap, 0.63% crit, 0.89% hit, 210 hp *not including gems and socket bonuses.

I don't know who has shit for brains up in those Blizzard offices, but this has to be a joke. I'm very well aware that Blizzard wants more gear balance, unlike before the expansion, where players with Naxx gear were godlike. What I don't understand why the hell does an epic set-item, that drops deep inside a raid instance, have to be a downgrade to a blue item, that can easily be obtained in approximately an hour.


Some of the outland green stuff is sick. I saw some warlock in a newb guild that was 60 sporting legs with like 30 int and 22 stam on them.. just random level 58 stuff. Couldn't believe my eyes.


Thanks for feedback, as soon I finish the grind and quests with felwood I head off to TBC. Cripes though, I hate when folks bottom out a market. I was getting 3 gold for stack of mageweave, now I cant sell for 1 gold even. Guess I take these 14 stacks and make alot bandages. I dont have any left for turn in either.


Selling a stack of mageweave bandages to a vendor gets you at least a gold+ if I recall. Maybe even as much as 1.5?
John_B said:
This is rich. Blizzard changed some of the rogue's tier 4 parts.

The epic headpiece, which drops from Prince Malchezaar, the last boss in Karazhan (10-man raid instance), now has these stats.

Netherblade Facemask
271 Armor
+23 Agility
+33 Stamina
- Meta Socket
- Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +4 Agility
Equip: Improves hit rating by 10.
Equip: Improves attack power by 70.
~ 93 ap, 0.58% crit, 0.63% hit, 330 hp *not including gems and socket bonuses.

A similar rare (blue) item, you get from a quest, which has the objective to kill the last boss inside The Steamvault (5-man instance), has these stats.

Helm of the Claw
237 Armor
+25 Agility
+21 Stamina
- Yellow Socket
- Meta Socket
Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience Rating
Equip: Improves hit rating by 14.
Equip: Increases attack power by 66.
~ 91 ap, 0.63% crit, 0.89% hit, 210 hp *not including gems and socket bonuses.

I don't know who has shit for brains up in those Blizzard offices, but this has to be a joke. I'm very well aware that Blizzard wants more gear balance, unlike before the expansion, where players with Naxx gear were godlike. What I don't understand why the hell does an epic set-item, that drops deep inside a raid instance, have to be a downgrade to a blue item, that can easily be obtained in approximately an hour.

It's half balance and half cockblock for the 18-hours a-dayers who otherwise woulda cleared Tempest Keep two weeks ago. Granted, as is, flasking it up is only done by the 18-hours a-dayers, but hey...


cubicle47b said:
I counted 614 dmg on your friend's gear (edit: meh, missed maybe 8 in gem slots). Then he gets 130 from talented fel armor. That's 744. In order to hit 1000 dmg his pet needs to have a combined stamina and int of 1707. I'm pretty sure that's not happening. Either he has a different gear set or doesn't realize some things are already added into his character sheet.

What sets him apart most from you is 1. he enchants his gear - 109 of his dmg comes from that and 2. he gets fel armor which is honestly overpowered as it's a big buff to damage as well as healing affects for recovering from life taps.

FYI, I have a lot more health and a fair amount more mana than you on top of beating you in +dmg on my paladin. I just don't have much +spell crit and +spell hit because good holy +dmg gear doesn't drop in instances. Probably because a holy paladin's primary responsibility is healing. I'd stack damage anyway as judgment of righteousness and holy shock are kind of expensive for grinding and on long cooldowns but rank 1 consecration after judged crusader does ~1K damage in 8 seconds and I get a decent amount of holy damage added per sword strike with seal of righteousness.

Thanks for the lesson on balance, though.

Paladin profile (I rarely solo though so it's always healing gear - you can see a few pieces of my dmg set, though like the chest, shoulders, and boots) -

Warlock profile (except for the wand and a crit trinket, it's all pre-expansion gear) -

self-buffed he has 875+dmg at the moment, so you're math is a bit off.

If you notice, almost all my gear is from quests alone, without running instances. It is at 560 right now.


SatelliteOfLove said:
It's half balance and half cockblock for the 18-hours a-dayers who otherwise woulda cleared Tempest Keep two weeks ago. Granted, as is, flasking it up is only done by the 18-hours a-dayers, but hey...
It's not even about the time spent, there should be a decent treat to pursue, an actual carrot on a stick. Yes, new encounters are fun, and they are satisfying to complete, but what point is there to come back over and over again, if the rewards simply won't provide any character progress?

There are three new item-sets, the third has not yet been seen, and if Blizzard wants to encourage people to get those sets, they better make it worth while.


John_B said:
It's not even about the time spent, there should be a decent treat to pursue, an actual carrot on a stick. Yes, new encounters are fun, and they are satisfying to complete, but what point is there to come back over and over again, if the rewards simply won't provide any character progress?

There are three new item-sets, the third has not yet been seen, and if Blizzard wants to encourage people to get those sets, they better make it worth while.

if the rewards dont appeal to you, then dont run the instance

not sure why you are QQing

Kara is the new UBRS, its 10 man content, dont expect the greatest gear out of there

UBRS was hard when first released, before it got nerfed to oblivion, the same will happen with KARA, i wouldnt spend much time farming it
self-buffed he has 875+dmg at the moment, so you're math is a bit off.

If you notice, almost all my gear is from quests alone, without running instances. It is at 560 right now.

Yeah, it doesn't include his pet's stamina+int x 15% which gives him another 130 (I did the math of what his pet's stats would have to be for him to hit 1000 after doing the math on his gear and fel armor). The gear calc was off by 10, 2 because I did the math in my head, 8 because I missed two gems.

So you haven't done any instances, haven't enchanted your gear, oversold your friend's gear (who is in Kara, even if he hasn't gotten anything yet besides the rep ring he's at least had to run level 70 instances), and you're whining about how overpowered locks are.


UBRS has nothing to do with Karazhan. UBRS was an upgraded 5-man instance, Karazhan is a downgraded raid instance.

It does not matter where the set drops, only two parts drop in Karazhan by the way, it's about rewarding players. You want these sets only for the looks? Go play on a RP server or some shit. The rest of us would like to feel a difference over the blue gear we farmed a month ago.


cubicle47b said:
Yeah, it doesn't include his pet's stamina+int x 15% which gives him another 130 (I did the math of what his pet's stats would have to be for him to hit 1000 after doing the math on his gear and fel armor). The gear calc was off by 10, 2 because I did the math in my head, 8 because I missed two gems.

So you haven't done any instances, haven't enchanted your gear, oversold your friend's gear (who is in Kara, even if he hasn't gotten anything yet besides the rep ring he's at least had to run level 70 instances), and you're whining about how overpowered locks are.

You seem to be one of the few at least halfway reasonable locks who wont admit how overpowered they are. Locks simply aren't balanced. I'm not whining about their abilities, I'm complaining about balance. Fel Armor, as you even mentioned, isn't balanced with comparable spells for other classes.

The thing that bugs me is that Blizzard somehow views it as immediate that they should change ice lance while leaving locks alone. I guess logic doesn't play into their changes, but that is why they get so many people complaining.


John_B said:
UBRS has nothing to do with Karazhan. UBRS was an upgraded 5-man instance, Karazhan is a downgraded raid instance.

It does not matter where the set drops, only two parts drop in Karazhan by the way, it's about rewarding players. You want these sets only for the looks? Go play on a RP server or some shit. The rest of us would like to feel a difference over the blue gear we farmed a month ago.

i'm just saying that i think ppl have to temper their expectations for loot coming out of KARA, which is essentially the UBRS of the expansion pack, i think item upgrades will be more pronounced once ppl start completing/doing the 25 man raids, i think you are expecting like bwl to naxx lvl jumps in item quality, i know a lot of ppl didnt like to do AQ40 because the gear out of there wasnt an upgrade (or sidegrade at best) for most classes (outside of CTHUN loot)

KARA will be pugable probably within 2 patches, blizzard always nerfs content shortly after its released to let everyone progress
What you're not realizing is part of T4 comes from the 25 man raids. What you're also not taking into consideration is that Kaz is on a 7 day timer. If it's supposed to be comparable to UBRS, I should be able to do a new one everyday.

No offense guy, but your analogy is pretty flawed.


Azwethinkweiz said:
What you're not realizing is part of T4 comes from the 25 man raids. What you're also not taking into consideration is that Kaz is on a 7 day timer. If it's supposed to be comparable to UBRS, I should be able to do a new one everyday.

No offense guy, but your analogy is pretty flawed.

i realize where the gear comes from

but i think the analogy still stands, i really doubt the 7 day timer for KARA will stand for more than 2 patches, it will eventually be a 3 day timer like ZG or some of the smaller raids were

everything gets nerfed with time in WOW, casuals, hardcores, warriors,<insert X class here> will QQ about something, and it will get nerfed, changed, fixed w/etf, that is the nature of the beast

you could go on and on about this, from MC trash, Rag, Vael, Nef, ZG trash and bosses, to the Twin Emps, and C'Thun, everything gets nerfed so that more ppl can complete the content once the hardcore crowd completes them first, it's always been like this and will continue to be like that
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