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World of Warcraft

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You seem to be one of the few at least halfway reasonable locks who wont admit how overpowered they are. Locks simply aren't balanced. I'm not whining about their abilities, I'm complaining about balance. Fel Armor, as you even mentioned, isn't balanced with comparable spells for other classes.

I don't think I ever said they weren't overpowered (after 2.0). You've just misrepresented how big the difference in power is between locks and mages. Fel armor could use a nerf, the +20% to healing affects is brilliant, the extra damage (100-130) is a bit much. Other than that, I'm not sure where to nerf for the long term. It is pretty funny seeing how much damage affliction locks do in raids now especially after how bad it got in AQ40/Naxx before the lifetap change which equaled the two classes out. That will change pretty soon, I'm sure.

The ice lance change was almost certainly because of the arena. Blizzard is probably confused on what to do with locks because 2vs2 warlocks are extremely overpowered and in 5vs5 they're a waste of a slot.

I actually rolled into the best 5vs5 arena class but don't really like PVP and Blizzard decided to not throw holy Paladins a bone in the gladiator weapons department anyway.


cubicle47b said:
I don't think I ever said they weren't overpowered (after 2.0). You've just misrepresented how big the difference in power is between locks and mages. Fel armor could use a nerf, the +20% to healing affects is brilliant, the extra damage (100-130) is a bit much. Other than that, I'm not sure where to nerf for the long term. It is pretty funny seeing how much damage affliction locks do in raids now especially after how bad it got in AQ40/Naxx before the lifetap change which equaled the two classes out. That will change pretty soon, I'm sure.

The ice lance change was almost certainly because of the arena. Blizzard is probably confused on what to do with locks because 2vs2 warlocks are extremely overpowered and in 5vs5 they're a waste of a slot.

I actually rolled into the best 5vs5 arena class but don't really like PVP and Blizzard decided to not throw holy Paladins a bone in the gladiator weapons department anyway.

You think it was arenas that caused the IL nerf? I would have figured it was the good old pvp BGs and world pvp. Since the arena is small quarters, I didn't think the range would be an issue when dealing with IL. Eh. I have noticed it severely limits my offensive options with the change though.

Fel armor is definitely the most glaring problem with locks. If that gets nerfed, it may scale back those shadowbolts that are truly out of whack. 4k shadowbolt crit vs. a 2.5k frostbolt crit (if i'm lucky) and it is the same cast time.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
4k vs. 2.5k isnt a fair argument :lol

Really the warlock talent trees are just too good. All three are viable for #1 dps in a raid.
wtfzz. No one's getting a 4k shadowbolt from fel armor. Also, being on the recieving end of this crap, 4k bolts and 2k ice lances seem to be the norm. Warlocks are mean too, but honestly anything but Affliction is kinda ok.


yacobod said:
i'm just saying that i think ppl have to temper their expectations for loot coming out of KARA...
I honestly like that the gear obtained from Karazhan is not a huge upgrade, however in that case I described, you have to agree with me that the specific item is lackluster.

I'm not demanding god-like rewards, just ones that are upgrades.


Son of Godzilla said:
Warlocks are mean too, but honestly anything but Affliction is kinda ok.
Do you mean Affliction is a bad spec for PVP endgame, or now the best spec for PVP endgame?

The biggest Warlock crit I ever saw was in a PVP video where Soul Fire hit for around 4000....but hey, it's a 6 second cast and consumes a Soul Shard. It should hit pretty hard.
in 5vs5 they're a waste of a slot
I haven't hit 70 yet....why are warlocks no good for 5v5?
Downed the Wizard of Oz event with my new guild today and got Legacy by default. Pretty damn sweet. I'm more psyched about the new guild's progress though. This is their third Karazhan group and we're up to Curator in our first two nights together. So I'm pretty psyched.


Hey, I just started playing again after a huge break. Playing a lvl 55 Shaman but I'm totally confused because the talents have all been changed around.

I used to be enhancement spec, so i figured (with my free re-spec) that I would give dual wielding a try. So far it seems that I'm not doing much more damage but I take a LOT more without a shield. :(

Can anyone give me the general consensus on the shaman tech trees at the moment? My guy has 41 points in enhancement and the rest in elemental.

Edit: And my other gripe is that shamanic rage seems pretty lame. Is there a special way to use this or is it generally not very good?


Shamanistic rage is pretty useless until you get some major AP, which doesn't happen until you hit Outland really...when I have battle shout plus all my own buffs in an instance I can regain my entire mana bar easy, but it's worthless for PVP and such really.
yacobod said:
i realize where the gear comes from

but i think the analogy still stands, i really doubt the 7 day timer for KARA will stand for more than 2 patches, it will eventually be a 3 day timer like ZG or some of the smaller raids were

everything gets nerfed with time in WOW, casuals, hardcores, warriors,<insert X class here> will QQ about something, and it will get nerfed, changed, fixed w/etf, that is the nature of the beast

you could go on and on about this, from MC trash, Rag, Vael, Nef, ZG trash and bosses, to the Twin Emps, and C'Thun, everything gets nerfed so that more ppl can complete the content once the hardcore crowd completes them first, it's always been like this and will continue to be like that

You're looking at it the wrong way; the Tier 4 "tier" is not enough to deal with what Gruul, Magth, and beyond dish out, even if accumulated. Tier 5 doesn't seem much better. The difference between a guild new to BWL first pulling Razorgore to the one who downs Nefarian is pretty noticable, as it was in any pre-BC raid. You don't seem to get that now; and from what I'm getting from the devs, they seem to want to nerf the encounters (as you've mentioned), while the loot continues to cling tenaciously to that iLevel 100/105/110 Epic area.

It's wierd, your health EXPLOSIONS upon entering the Dark Portal, up until you start getting deep into the 70 dungeons, Karazhan, high end crafting, and Heroics, then it stagnates or goes down, even though the fights get more HP-neccessary. Hmmm...


Noticed 3 annoying things in last 24hrs:

1) On Moon Guard I average 15mins before I get gold farming spam now. I see what all no lifers that got 70 on 3rd day are doing.
2) Folks that just run in after you cleared to named for quest are extremely annoying and should be hung upside down
3) Folks that rush in when they see you are clearing to chest are even more annoying and should banished to realm of lack of equiette. Nothing like killing your last of 8 mobs only see some idiot rush in and loot it.

But on plus side Winterspring completely kicks ass. What more can you want, christmas land while fighting evil teddy bears! Why all my friends keep asking me do that bleak plagueland area is beyond me. I may stay till 60 actually, quite impressed.


Has problems recognising girls
The Plaguelands are shithouse. I have no idea whatsoever why people go into there.. Winterspring is just the ultimate of grinding awesome.


speedpop said:
The Plaguelands are shithouse. I have no idea whatsoever why people go into there..
Because there's a ton of easy quests and you don't get hit by that bullshit 1/2 hour Winterspring owlbeast debuff


speedpop said:
The Plaguelands are shithouse. I have no idea whatsoever why people go into there.. Winterspring is just the ultimate of grinding awesome.

questing + grinding >>>>>> grinding

WPL is awesome just for the cauldron quests (which is a pretty long chain), they give fat XP, plus plenty of mobs to kill, with minimal time traveling and distance between them, i'd say you can get from lvl 55-56 just doing the cauldron chain + a few of the other quests related in that area from the bulwark really fast, maybe 3 hours or so

EPL isnt quite as good as WPL because the zong is bigger, but there are quite a few quests that chain together quite easily that involve quite a bit of grinding (think of the fording quests + some of the other ones), you should check out any of the popular lvling guides, those zones are pretty dense and can get you 2-3 lvls pretty easily and quickly if done correctly


Has problems recognising girls
Oh I did the whole Cauldron thing and it wasn't so bad because I am not the greatest grinder in the world, but once I hit 58 I headed straight to Winterspring again for the Owlbeast grind as a Resto Shaman. It took a few days to hit 60 because of it, but it was the most peaceful time in my entire 1-60 race as a Shaman. Just tunes, alcohol and the guild chatter to keep me sane.


It's been awhile, but I definitely remember doing some Winterspring to get to 60 back in the day.. worked out well since I was a little familiar with the area when I went to get my Onyxia key (jesus **** was that cave and being on the right spot or whatever to port to the top of the mountain hard as a warrior). I think I actually got 60 in the WP while waiting for a Scholo raid or that other instance there in WP.. the big gated city.

Got to lvl 50 last night with my hunter.. I thought of just doing some pvp and staying at 49 but the queues are so horrific that I'd go bored out of my mind. I didnt realize you had to be 51 to go into Alterac Valley which sucks. ><


Is alterac valley another pvp mini game? Ive only seen WSG and once I did some other one with farms and resourcing. We lost in 10mins, didnt seem like a good one even though I healed my tail off. Always wondered if those eye of storm npcs were pvp mini games too.


Blizzard seriously needs to fire these EQ designers that have completely taken over the endgame of WoW. Why does everything have to involve either A) absurdly long dungeons to get gear or B) grinding for honor rep to get gear.

Out of all the millions they are making a month, THIS is what they come up with? Old EQ bullshit? Get some devs back from Flagship please... :(


madara said:
Is alterac valley another pvp mini game? Ive only seen WSG and once I did some other one with farms and resourcing. We lost in 10mins, didnt seem like a good one even though I healed my tail off. Always wondered if those eye of storm npcs were pvp mini games too.

Yep, you can read more about Battlegrounds here: http://www.wowwiki.com/Battlegrounds -- the quest rewards for winning Alterac Valley are pretty sick.. cant decide if I should take the spear (big agility upgrade for me) or the crossbow.


Has problems recognising girls
Razoric said:
Blizzard seriously needs to fire these EQ designers that have completely taken over the endgame of WoW. Why does everything have to involve either A) absurdly long dungeons to get gear or B) grinding for honor rep to get gear.
It'll be interesting to see what happens when Warhammer comes out.
Razoric said:
Blizzard seriously needs to fire these EQ designers that have completely taken over the endgame of WoW. Why does everything have to involve either A) absurdly long dungeons to get gear or B) grinding for honor rep to get gear.

Out of all the millions they are making a month, THIS is what they come up with? Old EQ bullshit? Get some devs back from Flagship please... :(
A: there are shit tons of people who like "absurdly long dungeons (i am not one of them)
B: what would you prefer for the endgame?


absurdly long dungeons become fast clears after a certain lvl of progression

MC for example was a being cleared by guilds in a couple of nights, to 1 4 hour session, to finally ppl were clearing MC in less than 2 hours

newer content will trivialize old content, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat
I think some of the dungeons in outland just seem long when you're first doing them. They seem so much shorter when you're with an experienced group. At least some of them. I really like how you don't have to go through 1/4 or 1/3 of the dungeon just to get to the next boss. A lot of times they're all right next to each other.

The difficulty of some of these dungeons is too much though. For example, last night in Alcatraz we had a tougher time with the fire giants than we did with the last boss and the bird guy in Sethekk Halls is still kicking my ass.

The rep grinds are ridiculous and unimaginative too. I'm not even revered with anyone in Azeroth except some major cities and Stormpike. The only reps I have maxed out in Outland are Kurenai so I could get a Talbuk and the Scryers just 'cause it was kind of easy. I was farming for cloth, potions, blinding powder, money, and food, in the process. I think farming for the dungeon set is boring too. I get so tired of running the same ****ing dungeons over and over again and still not getting the drop I want. I'm about to just say **** it and just do Battlegrounds and Arena for my gear. I actually have FUN with PVP.


I cry old eq too on alot things, bad drop rates on quests and usual time sinks but I wonder what option do they have? There are so many 18hrs a day folks burning through content it seems you need to make timesinks otherwise other side of coin is boredom 9 months of year.


Jack Random said:
A: there are shit tons of people who like "absurdly long dungeons (i am not one of them)
B: what would you prefer for the endgame?

A) there are also tons of people who loved how the game played from 1-60 (now 70) and hate the fact that Blizzard introduces a horrid gear grind timesink at the 'end game'. Completely goes against what Blizzard is and reeks of EQ-ness.

B) those dungeons are fine for the hardcore, keep them in. but add other things that are different. incentives for world pvp, add more and better battlegrounds (the new one is lame), week long 'wars' in instances (or in the main land) that you can participate in whenever you are online, DOTA/Tides of Blood (WC3) type instances (quick and fun), fast paced dungeons where you fight hordes of enemies instead of one at a time type deal (maybe like a "defense" type game where you have to defend a castle for 30 minutes), etc, etc

There is just a bunch of shit they could do to make the game more 'fun' and less hardcore. And yes I could just buy Warhammer when it comes out but I'd much, much rather see Blizzard fix WoW up because I like the story behind Warcraft and usually like Blizzard's decisions. It just seems they are so worried about keeping the hardcore / guilds on board with WoW that they are forgetting the other 90% of the gamerbase.

Prove me wrong Blizzard! Please! :D


madara said:
I cry old eq too on alot things, bad drop rates on quests and usual time sinks but I wonder what option do they have? There are so many 18hrs a day folks burning through content it seems you need to make timesinks otherwise other side of coin is boredom 9 months of year.

So let them quit and move on. Keep the game fun... don't worry about the small percentage of obsessive MMO fans that burn through content the first 48 hours it's released. Frustrating the playerbase with unfun and tedious grinds is going to be worse for the game (and Blizzard) in the long run.


Razoric said:
So let them quit and move on. Keep the game fun... don't worry about the small percentage of obsessive MMO fans that burn through content the first 48 hours it's released. Frustrating the playerbase with unfun and tedious grinds is going to be worse for the game (and Blizzard) in the long run.
Yep. Go ahead and piss the toilet chairs off. I never grind in this game and I've been playing for about 2 years now. Sure, a lot of the time I have to make my own fun, but that's one of the best things about it in reality. The world and community are there for me to use, kill, piss off and entertain ... I don't mind paying a monthly fee to have access to that, heh.
Killed maiden again. With 2 priests she's no problem at all.

We couldn't kill moroes though, only 2 melee in the whole raid. I was offtank trying to build agro on moroes and the mob the rest were killing at the same time. I fell behind quickly so by the time we got to Moroes he started killing off people everytime main tank got gouged. Still we did get him down to 12%

with 3 melee classes he is very easy though.


There is like level 1 and 2 night elfs running around winterspring at such speed they blink out on me, its crazy! And they arent mages either.
Razoric said:
Blizzard seriously needs to fire these EQ designers that have completely taken over the endgame of WoW. Why does everything have to involve either A) absurdly long dungeons to get gear or B) grinding for honor rep to get gear.

Out of all the millions they are making a month, THIS is what they come up with? Old EQ bullshit? Get some devs back from Flagship please... :(

Pretty much my opinion. I've managed to get revered with everything aside for Lower City and haven't seen a single ****ing useable drop. Hunter itemization has always blown, but one item per dungeon hidden on bosses with 20+ items deep loot tables is ****ing insane. It's beyond insane. It's goodburger. And I'm done with it.


Son of Godzilla said:
Pretty much my opinion. I've managed to get revered with everything aside for Lower City and haven't seen a single ****ing useable drop.
Just a side comment on this, I'm actually closer with Lower City than anything else. I blame the fact that I've been on so many Kara key runs, heh. Still, SL is a great place to get rep if you're helping people out. Of course, it's horrible ****ing instance, but ... meh.
madara said:
There is like level 1 and 2 night elfs running around winterspring at such speed they blink out on me, its crazy! And they arent mages either.

I've seen this on Trollbane too. I figure they're hackers or something. Maybe bored GMs.


Is it me or has honor generation taken a bit of a nerf? Even after it was nerfed in December, it seemed like I could rack up around 4000-5000 Honor from an evening in battleground pugs, but last night I was in Eye of the Storm for a while and got less than 2K (keep in mind it's supposed to be double honor weekend too).


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
Jesus ****ing christ, how the **** can people be so ****ing dense?! Tried to get a group to do the Thrall escort quest in Old Hillsbrad so that I could get my Karazhan key, but som ****nut started the quest before I had the chance to turn in the previous one, which pissed me off somewhat. Then I gathered up a second group and did it again straight after and told them THREE ****ing times NOT to talk with Thrall before I get the chance to turn in the quest, told them once at the start, once outside Durnholde AND RIGHT BEFORE WE WENT DOWN TO THRALL, but some god damn idiot started the quest before I even had the chance to talk to him. I feel like quitting here and now. Being a Warrior sucks balls anyway.


I've never been happier with the game in all the days I've played it, Arenas and Heroic 5 mans are awesome...can't wait to get my guild into Kara as well and give that a shot. I just hope that they don't completely forget about 5/10 mans and start focusing everything on 25 mans, thats where it could go down the shitter again.


Okay these guys clearly must be cheating. Besides level 2 night elves having uber warp speed here in winterspring, they clearly have software that tells them were chests are and can auto rez on death immediately. Darn buggers took 3 chests on me in last hour in timbermaw village, knew in secs when they were going to pop. This one time I wish I was on pvp server, petitions are doing nothing.


trh said:
Jesus ****ing christ, how the **** can people be so ****ing dense?! Tried to get a group to do the Thrall escort quest in Old Hillsbrad so that I could get my Karazhan key, but som ****nut started the quest before I had the chance to turn in the previous one, which pissed me off somewhat. Then I gathered up a second group and did it again straight after and told them THREE ****ing times NOT to talk with Thrall before I get the chance to turn in the quest, told them once at the start, once outside Durnholde AND RIGHT BEFORE WE WENT DOWN TO THRALL, but some god damn idiot started the quest before I even had the chance to talk to him. I feel like quitting here and now. Being a Warrior sucks balls anyway.

See, what you need to do is to learn how to screw people over that screw you. In this case, I would've ensured your group wiped to one of the mobs after starting the Thrall quest so you were forced to do it over again. Pulling more than one of the groups of encounters is a sure wipe.


Ramirez said:
I've never been happier with the game in all the days I've played it, Arenas and Heroic 5 mans are awesome...can't wait to get my guild into Kara as well and give that a shot. I just hope that they don't completely forget about 5/10 mans and start focusing everything on 25 mans, thats where it could go down the shitter again.
Tell me about it. I was kind of dissappointed that there was necessary 25 man content so soon. Oh well.


Is there anything really hot about alchemy with TBC? I ask because I am thinking about finally dropping it. I realized I had maxed herbalism and all available secondary skills long ago yet my alchemy is only 210. I just dont have any fun with it, vials cost too bloody much for stuff dont sell well and if pop a potion during solo elite battle they drop enough I really dont have make them.

I dont know what I would pick instead, skinning and mining I suppose as they are more resources even in flooded market should bring in some cash. Though idea of running around newbie areas for few days is abit of turn off. Enchanting and jewelery sound costly, especially later.

I realize I only did this for fun but damn that Timbermaw faction! All that hard work and I get to 17000 of 21000 in revered. I made sure I did quests last, but my 1350 feathers and 67 beads werent enough. Now I get no faction at all from killing deadwoods. Since I get like 20 feathers or beads hour I dont think I have heart to finish now. Shame this is such a cockblock as I extremely doubt that pet trinket is that hot to be worth it but sure would be nice to finish and get my name yelled out in org!


Badlands is good for iron and mithril and stuff.....just make big circles around it, and make sure you have that mod installed that marks your map with places you've mined before.

Once you get to thorium, the whole profession just becomes an asswhipping. I wouldn't recommend trying to go out specifically to mine....it's way too frustrating to ride around for 10 minutes and find nothing. Just do it as you run into nodes while questing.

I just dont have any fun with it, vials cost too bloody much for stuff dont sell well and if pop a potion during solo elite battle they drop enough I really dont have make them.
You're supposed to sell the herbs, not the potions ;) You use that to fund the alchemy.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
Started up a Paladin and leveled him up to 19, soo much more fun than playing a warrior so far in the few group parts I've done. Wish I had the balls to delete my warrior so I have to focus on leveling a new character, but I just can't. :(

PhoenixDark said:
Fellow miners/blacksmiths: What are some good areas to mine in?
I leveled up BS from 0-350 the first thing I did when I hit 70, and here's what I found best for each part:

Copper: Durotar running like this: http://img478.imageshack.us/img478/6903/copperdu0.png

Tin/Bronse: Thousand Needles - Didn't really have a pattern here, just ran around checking out the caves every now and then.

Iron: Arathi Highlands, follow the rightmost wall checking out the four caves along the way (north-east cave running up behind the tree just east of Hammerfall, south-east at the Witherbark Village, and the two caves at Boulderfist Hall)

Mithril: Badlands following the mountain walls in a circle, most of it can be found at the part with the 44-45 elite dragons. Also some Iron there.

Thorium: Darkwhisper Gorge in southern Winterspring, 60 elites there. Sucks so majorly to farm thorium (and mithril), ended up buying most of it on AH. However, just a couple of days ago Blizzard hotfixed thorium nodes so they all yield more ore now. Spent a total of about 400-500g on AH leveling BS. Had enough Fel Iron and Adamantite stacked up from leveling 60-70 to get to 350 so I don't know about that.
Ugh, guild got romulo and julianne again this week and we still can't kill her. from my POV as a warrior I think the mages spellstealing and the shaman/druid remove poison isn't doing their job properly. Tank keeps getting omgwtfbbq'd by Romulo.

I think I'll talk to raid leader if I can do tactics for it tomorrow and tweak a few things.

Rather frustrating because after 5 attempts the exact same thing was happening.
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