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World of Warcraft

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Razoric said:
My first time through WoW I remember doing quests that took hours to do and had little reward at the end. Especially the 30-50 run. Christ what a pain those levels were.
So does this painful grind end at 50? The reason I ask is I'm a few bars into 48 with my Blood Elf mage... this is the highest-level character I've ever had, and it really did seem like my progress slowed almost completely somewhere in the mid-30's.

I don't want to use a guide since this is my first time messing around in a lot of this content... I guess what I want to know (based on what you implied in your post) is, once I get over the 50 hump, will there be a little relief? Are levels going to come a little easier than they have, or will there at least be a plethora of rewarding quests awaiting me?

(I'm on Skullcrusher, by the way.)


Chemo said:
So does this painful grind end at 50? The reason I ask is I'm a few bars into 48 with my Blood Elf mage... this is the highest-level character I've ever had, and it really did seem like my progress slowed almost completely somewhere in the mid-30's.

I don't want to use a guide since this is my first time messing around in a lot of this content... I guess what I want to know (based on what you implied in your post) is, once I get over the 50 hump, will there be a little relief? Are levels going to come a little easier than they have, or will there at least be a plethora of rewarding quests awaiting me?

(I'm on Skullcrusher, by the way.)

Not sure if its the grind ends OR the instances / zones are a lot better. I had much better / quicker time from 50-60.


Go to Hinterlands.. there's honestly about 10-12 quests that you could do at that level fairly easily that will get you a whole level in a single play session most likely.


The game seems to get better in Outland in my experience. I went from 60-65 since launch playing very sporadically and I felt like I was leveling a lot faster than I did in the 40s (the 40s were the slowest from my recollection). They seem to have done a better job of making content plentiful and soloable in Outland and in the new starting areas for Draenei and Blood Elves.

Oh and Chemo I'm on Skullcrusher too, Alliance side, 65 Mage named Shadax. Lemme know if you need help.

Edit: nm, just realized you were horde! Dirty dirty horde! I look forward to ganking you! :lol


LiveWire said:
The game seems to get better in Outland in my experience. I went from 60-65 since launch playing very sporadically and I felt like I was leveling a lot faster than I did in the 40s (the 40s were the slowest from my recollection). They seem to have done a better job of making content plentiful and soloable in Outland and in the new starting areas for Draenei and Blood Elves.

Oh and Chemo I'm on Skullcrusher too, Alliance side, 65 Mage named Shadax. Lemme know if you need help.

Edit: nm, just realized you were horde! Dirty dirty horde! I look forward to ganking you! :lol
I look forward to it too. XD High five for magery!

Thanks for the help, guys... I'll be heading for the Hinterlands tonight.


Chemo said:
I look forward to it too. XD High five for magery!

Thanks for the help, guys... I'll be heading for the Hinterlands tonight.

First one to polymorph wins :lol

Is Chemo the character's name? You said Hinterlands, right? :D


LiveWire said:
The game seems to get better in Outland in my experience. I went from 60-65 since launch playing very sporadically and I felt like I was leveling a lot faster than I did in the 40s (the 40s were the slowest from my recollection). They seem to have done a better job of making content plentiful and soloable in Outland and in the new starting areas for Draenei and Blood Elves.

Granted, I only have two characters so far - human and Draenei - but I had way, way more fun getting to 20 as the Draenei than I did as the human. Elwynn Forest felt barren quest wise, and Westfall felt more like a chore than fun, especially with how much running back and forth you're forced to do.


I've been 62 for awhile on my BE pally. Just kind of slowed down so I could finish getting all my arcanite and do the epic mount quest, instead of dropping 620g on the epic mount right away.

I don't know why I didn't sell as much stuff before as I did this time - I started out with 95g that felt painful to get on older characters (pretty much pure grinding/vendoring) and just sold every green/blue (all 2 of those) drop I got, along with cloth (after capping out FA requiring said cloth, naturally) and I'm at like 900g right now.

e: and that's WITH buying some outland blues.


LiveWire said:
First one to polymorph wins :lol

Is Chemo the character's name? You said Hinterlands, right? :D
*sniff* ... GAF bringing together gamers to gank each other. Brings a tear to your eye.

(seriously, watching two mages sheep each other is hilarious)


Dang outlands are brutal for a priest, no wonder every darn one I have seen so far has a warrior attached to them to partner with. Outlands remind me of Everquest's Omens of War expansion with crazy hitting mobs, especially Walls of Slaughter. Just tryed some yellow Arelions secret quest and got a red nasty bug filled surprise lol. Went back from the first death and this time he dueled me alone, no reds. Nuked crap out of my shield and pvp flagged me. God damn alliance paladin then finishes the job. I thought they list pvp quests in log, guess not. Well at least I see warlocks begging for help here too! giggle

Wow, it really opens up when get out Hellfire. Now to figure out if getting Sporelok faction has good rewards, what these colored sockets are about and learning my way around strattrath.
How much does a mount usually cost? Like, what's the cheapest?

I'm lv37 and I've been doing a lot of running around for minerals. Late last night I wound up getting more than 60+ copper and 45+ tin in an hour, but I haven't turned it into anything yet. I've been thinking...it's pretty clear most of my blacksmith stuff doesn't sell on AH, but there's always a market for selling minerals. I can get around 50s-80s off bronze, and even more for silver. Should I just stop blacksmithing for a bit, and instead work on making money to get my mount? Right now I have more than 7g, and once my stuff on AH expires and I vendor it I'll have around 8g.

I'm at lv160 with my blacksmithing. Right now I really want to make this:

The sucky thing is that it's hard as hell to find those pearls. I plan on going to Gnomer to search for some; I'd hate to buy them on AH because they cost so much. I have all the other mats
Hellfire was a bit rough for me at first at level 58. Around 61 when I moved into Zangarmarsh things were much easier and I didn't have problems again until I hit a few of the manaforge quests in Netherstorm. I was a protection paladin, though.

The guild I co-created hits Karazhan this weekend as we finally put together our raid group. We *almost* have the raid group we wanted.

tanking - Protection warrior (mt), Feral Druid (ot/dps)
healing - Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, Resto Shaman
dps/cc - Shadow Priest, 2 Mages, 1 Warlock/Rogue, and a Hunter

One of our players is the warlock/rogue so we obviously can't bring both of them instead of one of the mages. That was our only recruitment problem. We one shot Attumen and Moroes and killed Maiden on our first night (before we had trouble with the GM of the guild we were in) with 7/10 of the group and the other 3 have been replaced by better players so I'd expect to actually try out the opera event on our first night.


Yeah I had trouble at first when I was playing on my Priest in Hellfire. It's tricky out there because the mobs are sprinkled close to each other. You have to take care of your surroundings a lot more than before. Make it easier for yourself - find a road and pull to that point, it should be safer.

My Paladin blew through those quests like a breeze.


PhoenixDark said:
The sucky thing is that it's hard as hell to find those pearls. I plan on going to Gnomer to search for some; I'd hate to buy them on AH because they cost so much. I have all the other mats

Fight any type of animal from the water.. whether they be turtles or murlocs or whatever, they all have clams that can have pearls. I killed some lvl 40ish (I think) murlocs in Swamp of Sorrows for an hour or so and got a golden pearl, 4 iridescent pearls and 4 black pearls.
well we one shotted attumen and maiden 2nite, took a few tries on moroes whilst the new hunter and priest learnt wtf they were doing. Best night in there so far. Still no tanking loots though :/

And I've now done shadow lab 9 times no bold shoulders and steamvaults probably around the same amount haven't been counting. No devilskin cape :(
Maxrpg said:
Yeah I had trouble at first when I was playing on my Priest in Hellfire. It's tricky out there because the mobs are sprinkled close to each other. You have to take care of your surroundings a lot more than before. Make it easier for yourself - find a road and pull to that point, it should be safer.

My Paladin blew through those quests like a breeze.

One thing to keep in mind about HFP is that the respawn rate is still pretty swift due to synching it with the launch day crush. Never let yourself drop below 40% mana if you can help it so you have gas in the tank for adds/pvp. You have ALOT of tools to get your keister out of a jam; bubble, fear bomb, passive heals, etc; be mindful of them.

I rarely had trouble out there except for a few drive-by gankings and someone spawning a bunch of VWs on me at Void Ridge.
vumpler said:

I don't know much about the horde side of things, however I do know the shaman class. Leveling the shaman was awesome and very fast. For your purposes (since I know your girlfriend (or could be wife not sure) I would suggest buying the Joanas 1-70 Horde guide out there. Also if you want to discuss the guide more in detail hit me on AIM. The guide is awesome because it gives you step by step what quests you should pick up to be the most efficient. To me those guides are awesome. If leveling is your goal these are the only way to go. Otherwise just take your time and enjoy the flavor.

As far as the shammy you really have to realize what type of class you're rolling. They are a support class (while doing decent dps if elemental.) However I was enhancement all the way to 70 and a week into 70. But elemental is just amazing once you hit 70. You can fulfill your roll as support with heroism / totems and still do great dps. If you go resto I can't really comment as much. However I went resto for our Karazhan run last night as an offhealer, and that I was. I ran out of mana on the first boss with 20% of his life to go. So you definitely have to be well geared. I only hadd +549 healing though.

Shammy's are incredibly dependant on gear. Most classes can manage well without top notch gear whereas Shamans lack signifianctly without gear, but with are pretty awesome.

In pvp however shamans are so far crap. There's a couple holy shamans in the top arenas. Not so many elementals and 0 enhancement. Pretty sad. The only specs without representation are ret pally's and enhancement shammys D:

Wellie's gf here :)

I saw the Joana's lvling guide and manged to reach lvl 40 last weekend following a few of its tips.. I'm pretty much just waiting for Wellie to catch up, so I was lvling all my other skills during that time. We both have pretty busy work schedules (specially Wellie) and between playing together and finding time to actually be together, we dont have a lot of play time.

My guild (The Beautiful People's Club) is packed with n00bs, but they seem to love the game enough to do tons of research on things, so I figure that when raid time comes, it should get better (?).

I hate PVP with a passion due to 2 night elves that ganged up on me and kept killing me over and over and over and over and over...
I wont venture into it again until I am sure I can do some serious a$$ kicking.

My char is BE PLD btw.


madara said:
Whats the story with the amazing amulets vendor in Shattrath? Those really work? Treasure hunting one has me curious.
It's all snake oil. One lets you jump, one lets you run back to your corpse after you die.... you get the picture.


hi_im_jenny said:
Wellie's gf here :)

I hate PVP with a passion due to 2 night elves that ganged up on me and kept killing me over and over and over and over and over...
I wont venture into it again until I am sure I can do some serious a$$ kicking.

My char is BE PLD btw.

pro tip

Bubble + hearth


We took down Romeo & Juliet - excuse me, Romulo and Julianne - last night after about an hour and a half of wiping. Took us a while to figure out the optimal system. I was staring at my counterspell cooldown most of the time. :p Between this fight and the Shade of Aran, I'm about ready to break out my Jewel of Kajaro (-2 seconds to counterspell cooldown) just to see if it gives me a slight edge.

Then we two-shot the Maiden and called it a night. I really hope they stop changing her, it's annoying to have to relearn encounters.


Transferred over to Lothar to be with the my RL buds who had already moved off of Quel'Dorei. Seems worth it as all the BG queues were basically 5-10 mins or less instead of 30-120 minutes.


Lesson of the day: Bog Lords suck at 61! Got my tendrils but they still suck!

Oh and enough with all warlock gear, my god! Am I asking too much with all these factions and quests to see caster items besides sta and int? Where the hell is my spirit. I keep taking upgrades but am losing huge amounts of spirit.


honestly, stam/int is good for any leveling caster. if you want more regen, don't go for straight up spirit, go for mana per 5 seconds. When you stack enough of that, the regen from it really significantly reduces downtime.

Not that spirit's not worth it, it just tends to be a better stat for healing in a group.
Priests have a nifty little talent called spirit tap in tier 1 of the shadow tree that increases spirit by 100% for 15 seconds and allows 50% of their normal regen from spirit to continue while casting after killing a mob and mp5 is expensive.

He's just going to have to get used to drinking more often (become friends with a mage).


Yeah spirit tab rules but its still not enough for TBC content. Seriously, not to overly whiny but take look at stuff like Sporeggar faction or 90 percent of zangarmash quests. Really nothing for priest get excited about, its warlock and melee land. And wow official forums have long ago proved spirit is everything to a priest. But I understand there is million Warlocks out there in world and very few priests but a fourth option would have been nice or more socket options on these. I love little guys but there is no reason for me grind to revered for a plus 28 sta back item. I keep my spirit +15 one thanks.

Side note is it only Moonguard server having issues with Zangarmarsh today? We have invisible mobs from under ground and tons of evading creatures killing folks all over place. Nearly have whole zone to myself, even the druid got sick of the repair costs :lol


madara said:
Really nothing for priest get excited about, its warlock and melee land.
At least you can get something out of INT and STA gear. As a warrior, Zangarmarsh is almost all pally armor rewards.....sucks if you're Horde, and not used to getting borked on plate rewards.
Hit the 12k (12004 to be precise) mark unbuffed hp today. Another 11k sha'tar rep until epic shield. And lol I've visted Akama 4 times and never noticed Maiev is behind him

Oh and we went to opera today, with a warrior that hadn't been in karazhan before, nice gear though. First time we've got Wizard of Oz :lol what a mess, 2 quick whipes then we lost tree druid, couldn't get a replacement (we have NO shamans raiding atm and I have no idea why grr)


oh yeah, I forgot about spirit tap. I'm so used to non-shadow priests that I forgot blizzard screwed up discipline and holy with the 2.0 patch.


MrPing1000 said:
Oh and we went to opera today, with a warrior that hadn't been in karazhan before, nice gear though. First time we've got Wizard of Oz :lol what a mess, 2 quick whipes then we lost tree druid, couldn't get a replacement (we have NO shamans raiding atm and I have no idea why grr)
Every raid needs a token shaman! We drop totems and kinda heal.


remember me
madara said:
Yeah spirit tab rules but its still not enough for TBC content. Seriously, not to overly whiny but take look at stuff like Sporeggar faction or 90 percent of zangarmash quests. Really nothing for priest get excited about, its warlock and melee land. And wow official forums have long ago proved spirit is everything to a priest. But I understand there is million Warlocks out there in world and very few priests but a fourth option would have been nice or more socket options on these. I love little guys but there is no reason for me grind to revered for a plus 28 sta back item. I keep my spirit +15 one thanks.

Side note is it only Moonguard server having issues with Zangarmarsh today? We have invisible mobs from under ground and tons of evading creatures killing folks all over place. Nearly have whole zone to myself, even the druid got sick of the repair costs :lol

I've had no trouble with mana while leveling my shadow priest. My stats go stamina > int> spirit (with spirit taking a huge nosedive) but i haven't had any problems. I rarely drink, and can pretty much grind indefinitely. Vampiric Embrace probably helps with this, as the 5% mana gained back is pretty handy. And there's also the trinket you get from doing the Sporegar Underbog quests that gives you 200 mana for each kill. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it really does help when grinding.

Spell damage > all though, so that's the stat i always look at. The thing I'm pissed about is the god awful look of a lot of the new cloth. I've been using the same blue cloth chest since hellfire, because a better one still hasn't come up, and it's god awful ugly. Same with my leggings. What I wouldn't do for a decent looking robe right, and I usually hate robes. Though male draenei look a lot better in robes than male humans.


madara said:
Yeah spirit tab rules but its still not enough for TBC content. Seriously, not to overly whiny but take look at stuff like Sporeggar faction or 90 percent of zangarmash quests. Really nothing for priest get excited about, its warlock and melee land. And wow official forums have long ago proved spirit is everything to a priest. But I understand there is million Warlocks out there in world and very few priests but a fourth option would have been nice or more socket options on these. I love little guys but there is no reason for me grind to revered for a plus 28 sta back item. I keep my spirit +15 one thanks.

Spirit is terrible, cmon. Spirit tap was more than enough to sustain me at low 60's and my spirit was and always will be my third stat (behind int and stam). The buff from spirit tap should be enough for you to keep going even with a relatively low spirit score.

There should never be a point (short of emergencies) that you should need to drink at all when soloing in TBC. Watch your mana consumption here and there (basically finish a fight by wanding) and allow your spirit tap to work its thang after the fight and you can go forever. Once you hit 66 it gets even more insane, you can just fight at full output at all times with no regard for mana at all, and never have to rest either.

disclaimer: I dont know if you are shadow spec or not, but what I said pretty much only applies to shadow spec. I really hope you are shadow if you are trying to level, cause anything else is a headache until you hit 70 and respec for raids or 5v5 pvp. Spirit only becomes important when you are a disc/holy or holy/disc build, and even then it is of more use in a group than it is when soloing. Although I cant imagine why any holy/disc build or disc/holy would be attempting to solo level. :lol

edit: should also add that spell damage by far is the most important stat as shadow in TBC anyway though, all other stats (within reason) should be sacrificed to get more of it.


johnsmith said:
I've been using the same blue cloth chest since hellfire, because a better one still hasn't come up, and it's god awful ugly. Same with my leggings. What I wouldn't do for a decent looking robe right, and I usually hate robes. Though male draenei look a lot better in robes than male humans.

I assume you are referring to the goldweave tunic that adds +42. Some alternative options here once you hit 70ish: Run shadow labs and get the warlock chest off the final boss, its pretty good and it looks sweet as well. Or if you are Aldor, get the anchorites robes and socket them all with damage stuff and they will be better than (or like 1-2 points of damage less than) the goldweaves +42.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
SHAMANS!! I need your help.. oh god...

Yeah so the priest leader (and core group leader for our guild) just hit me with a pm saying I and changing to resto in 2 weeks and need to be +1200 healing unbuffed because we're starting gruul then...

Uhh... That means I'm in hella bad shape. Right now in the small healing set I've got together I only have +711 healing... o_O What a bummer that is.. And I'm not exalted with anyone so heroics aren't an option yet!@#

For one I think if there was any other class to put into a healing class it shouldn't be us as the first choice, because I think the +3 spell crit is much more effective.. However its not my call apparently. So I would like to know what everyone is at that is running kara either Resto or Ele and what your +dmg or +healing is unbuffed...

Just so I know how far I am behind as a Smurf Shaman...

Also any suggestions you've got as to the most direct route for me to get to +1200 healing. Gear suggestions maybe? I know I'm going to be running in a lot of cloth which is fine.

Man what a bummer


hi_im_jenny said:
Wellie's gf here :)

I hate PVP with a passion due to 2 night elves that ganged up on me and kept killing me over and over and over and over and over...
I wont venture into it again until I am sure I can do some serious a$$ kicking.

My char is BE PLD btw.
Blood Elfs are prime targets for ganking because they're new to the game.

Paladins are prime targets for ganking because some alliance believe that horde should never have gotten them.

Put the two together and you're a giant rainbow of targets to all manner of Alliance.


I'm so glad I'm not in a raiding guild. Anyway ...

vumpler said:
Also any suggestions you've got as to the most direct route for me to get to +1200 healing. Gear suggestions maybe? I know I'm going to be running in a lot of cloth which is fine.
I'm going to assume your spec is fine. Getting that kind of +healing gear though, all I'll say is: Do not be afraid to wear leather or cloth. If you're in a group and there's someone else with the appropriate armor class that needs it, then of course, pass. If they don't want it, or you're the only healer, take it. Yes, you take a hit on armor, but if you're potentially buffing int, sta, +healing and mp/5, who cares? You're raiding anyway. If you start getting whipped around, it's probably going to be a wipe, heh.

There is a good bit more of +healing mail gear out there, but it's kind of only once choice per slot, I think. Other than that, keep running Kara, I guess.


Has problems recognising girls
Basically agree with what fallout said. I know quite a few Paladins that had to resort to cloth/leather gear just to get their +healing up, so why can't Shaman do the same?

Just keep your mail healing stuff for BG's or something to mix it up and retain your sanity.
Resto Shamans are excellent healers. Earthshield, healing way with ancestral healing, chain heal, nature's swiftness, mana tide. All good stuff. It might be rough farming the gear for +1200 healing while keeping a decent amount of health/mana, though, at least on such short notice.


Lost all credibility.
Really quick question, i'm thinking about trying a free trial of WoW.

Do they need your credit card info before the free trial begins?


nice mail healing gloves in Steamvaults.. either 2nd or 3rd boss can't remember.. Check atlasloot

I almost took them as a Pally but I have the 70 PvP healing hands which are +40 healing + 19 spell crit.

Still they are nice with +55 healing and +mp/5. Throw a +30 healing enchant on them.
As it sounds like you aren't far on reps and Gavel of Pure Light is out of reach probably.. get a essence focuser and throw +81 healing on it. You aren't gonna make 1200 healing without the big enchants I don't think, so find a way to get them on something decent
SyNapSe said:
nice mail healing gloves in Steamvaults.. either 2nd or 3rd boss can't remember.. Check atlasloot

I almost took them as a Pally but I have the 70 PvP healing hands which are +40 healing + 19 spell crit.

Still they are nice with +55 healing and +mp/5. Throw a +30 healing enchant on them.
As it sounds like you aren't far on reps and Gavel of Pure Light is out of reach probably.. get a essence focuser and throw +81 healing on it. You aren't gonna make 1200 healing without the big enchants I don't think, so find a way to get them on something decent

Ya, you're going to have to take it to 11 with enchants. I also hope they're footing the bill by having organizing alot of high-drop guild runs and not throwing you to the PUGs.
speedpop said:
Basically agree with what fallout said. I know quite a few Paladins that had to resort to cloth/leather gear just to get their +healing up, so why can't Shaman do the same?

I wear all Plate besides a Mail belt and I have +1400 healing. Hate seeing cloth wearing Paladins. One of our strengths as a class is that we wear Plate.


ToyMachine228 said:
I wear all Plate besides a Mail belt and I have +1400 healing. Hate seeing cloth wearing Paladins. One of our strengths as a class is that we wear Plate.
Right. But if plate gear hasn't dropped for you and you have a chance to pick up some cloth/leather/mail that's an upgrade, why not? That's all I'm saying.
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