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World of Warcraft

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Has problems recognising girls
sykoex said:
Do they need your credit card info before the free trial begins?
Don't think that's the case.

ToyMachine228 said:
I wear all Plate besides a Mail belt and I have +1400 healing. Hate seeing cloth wearing Paladins. One of our strengths as a class is that we wear Plate.
I'm pretty sure we've all come to an agreement that Blizzard don't know what the the hell they want to do with the Shaman class, so +healing mail gear for a Shaman is pretty rare to come by.


You have to figure - you're only losing like 200 armor for a boost in healing. That's why I picked up the Tidefury shoulders and had them in place of other shoulders that was crappy. But I just got my paladin shoulders yesterday :)



i'm kinda bored with my hunter, it's lvl 66

if anyone would be interested in a character swap or trade as long as its 60+, i'd kinda be interested in playing a different class preferably horde side

if anyone is interested PM me, id even be willing to lvl up the hunter to 70
guild progressing better now. They did Opera Oz yesterday and did Curator today. I of course was not there for either, they decided to take 1 warrior for curator and that warrior wasn't me. :/


If I wanna get keyed for Karazahn, do I have to get keyed for Arcatraz/Tempest Keep first? Or is the key for that place less strict (ie: it's just a door that can be opened, only 1 party member needs key).
border said:
If I wanna get keyed for Karazahn, do I have to get keyed for Arcatraz/Tempest Keep first? Or is the key for that place less strict (ie: it's just a door that can be opened, only 1 party member needs key).

just one person. Don't even need the key to arcatraz if u have a 350 lockpick skilled rogue.

But if you plan on getting high sha'tar rep I suggest you do the arcatraz key quest line as it gives some nice rewards and lotsa rep.


Met my first rare mob in outlands today. Had to run 3 times but I finally killed the bogwalker. Darn guy chealed himself 3 times on me. Sold the blue plate shoulder piece for 40g in AH! There a place I can see a list of rares for the outlands? Surprised it took me that long see one.

Ran Hellfire Ramparts 3 times and Furance once today. Interesting dungeons but not to sound like broken whiny record, 90 percent plate drops. Not sure as priest were I going to get decent upgrades, faction rewards included but hopefully the next bracket of dungeons.
My Kara group took on Illhoof tonight for the first time...We had a substitute Mage. And the strategy we planned on using was the one where the Mage stacks fire resistance and has the talent that restores mana whenever they fully resist a spell. Well our new Mage apparently wasn't aware of that and didn't have the talent...He kept running out of mana even though he had 320 fire resistance and we wondered why...Well that's why:lol

We got him down to about 40% but we had substitutes and weren't really focused so I think we'll get him next time.

And now that I'm thinking about it, does anyone have a good healing/damage meter that they can reccomend me?


Sullen said:
. Although I cant imagine why any holy/disc build or disc/holy would be attempting to solo level. :lol

I soloed to 70 as a Holy / Disc priest. Fear my Lightwell! ^_~

I didn't find it bad at all to be honest. I made sure to have a DPS set (currently +650 spell damage with 22% crit --nothing impressive) and farm all the time. I still manage about 350 dps, with the only real downside being the need to drink frequently. Main reason I stayed Holy/Disc was because I LOVE doing instances and wanted to put my best foot forward in that regard.

Makes sure have Surge of light!


speedpop said:
I'm pretty sure we've all come to an agreement that Blizzard don't know what the the hell they want to do with the Shaman class, so +healing mail gear for a Shaman is pretty rare to come by.
Karazhan has probably the best +heal mail in the game that we've seen up to this point. Some pieces are even a lot better than their plate equivalent, especially in terms of STA.


Been reading up on how to get to do the Battle of Mount Hyjal.... boy that's depressing. That was the thing I was most looking forward to doing and it's basically impossible to get to unless you're a basement dweller, never play any other games ever, or have an insane amount of time on your hands. :\ (grind rep for hours, do every raid to get attuned and then redo every raid on 'heroic' to get attuned some more, each coming with absurdly long questlines)

I guess I'm stuck with low level instances and PvP for now. :lol :lol

Edit: Here is how you get to Battle of Mount Hyjal.


Notice how every arrow points to hyjal? can't they make a noob loser version that gives shit loot but lets you do it anyway? :(


Tritroid said:
Karazhan has probably the best +heal mail in the game that we've seen up to this point. Some pieces are even a lot better than their plate equivalent, especially in terms of STA.
Read the OP. Getting loot out of Kara isn't particularily easy for everyone, especially on short notice.


Copy and paste the address, adding a space at the end. It's the famous flow chart you've probably seen 100 times before. Some of it you don't have to do though.....

Yeah so the priest leader (and core group leader for our guild) just hit me with a pm saying I and changing to resto in 2 weeks and need to be +1200 healing unbuffed because we're starting gruul then...
This is the part of the game that I don't understand why people go through. "Not only am I going to let someone else tell me how to play, but I'm going to let them impose ridiculous deadlines." Sounds like a fucking job......


border said:
Copy and paste the address, adding a space at the end. It's the famous flow chart you've probably seen 100 times before. Some of it you don't have to do though.....

Not sure if it was posted before, it was the first time I've seen it. And yeah I don't have to do it, it's more for hardcore gamers... it would just be nice if they could make a simpler version for casuals as well.

This is the part of the game that I don't understand why people go through. "Not only am I going to let someone else tell me how to play, but I'm going to let them impose ridiculous deadlines." Sounds like a fucking job......

That's why I don't stay in guilds long. I'm trying to get more real life friends to play so we can have a mini 5-10 man guild / pvp arena team.


Razoric said:
And yeah I don't have to do it, it's more for hardcore gamers... it would just be nice if they could make a simpler version for casuals as well.
No, I just mean that some of the keys you don't actually have to get -- you can sneak into those dungeons so long as someone opens the door for you.


Meier said:
Any hunters want to look over my gear and give a suggestion on upgrades around this level from quests or whatever? :) I should get to 55 today I think.

to be honest at lvl 55 it doesnt matter what kind of gear you have, since you're just lvling, a hunter can make it to lvl 58 using lvl 30 gear, especially if you are specced BM, you can have absolute garbage gear and still grind easily

well on to the criticisms

grats on rolling a BE male :p

but anyways when u start heading into the outlands you want to focus on gear with

AP, crit, AGI, stam, int

but when in doubt look at AP


border said:
No, I just mean that some of the keys you don't actually have to get -- you can sneak into those dungeons so long as someone opens the door for you.

ahhh ok... yeah id be interesting in seeing a 'power leveling' guide for getting to mount hyjal... id love to be able to do that instance.


yacobod said:
well on to the criticisms

grats on rolling a BE male :p

I rolled a BE male and one of his /silly is "dont you wish your girlfriend was hot like me". :lol

I'm gonna shelve him for awhile. ;p


So my shammy's almost to 50 now, (Draenei), and I still have very little idea WHAT stats I should be looking for in terms of enhancement gear.

Stamina and Intellect, obviously, but what about strength? Gorilla? Eagle? Bear?


vumpler said:
SHAMANS!! I need your help.. oh god...

Yeah so the priest leader (and core group leader for our guild) just hit me with a pm saying I and changing to resto in 2 weeks and need to be +1200 healing unbuffed because we're starting gruul then...

Uhh... That means I'm in hella bad shape. Right now in the small healing set I've got together I only have +711 healing... o_O What a bummer that is.. And I'm not exalted with anyone so heroics aren't an option yet!@#

For one I think if there was any other class to put into a healing class it shouldn't be us as the first choice, because I think the +3 spell crit is much more effective.. However its not my call apparently. So I would like to know what everyone is at that is running kara either Resto or Ele and what your +dmg or +healing is unbuffed...

Just so I know how far I am behind as a Smurf Shaman...

Also any suggestions you've got as to the most direct route for me to get to +1200 healing. Gear suggestions maybe? I know I'm going to be running in a lot of cloth which is fine.

Man what a bummer
If you aren't getting any +heal mail from Kara (which you probably will eventually, we see quite a lot of it on our runs) then definitely go for building +heal leather, and there's plenty of that around for the Druids.

Although, your priest leader should be more worried about stamina than +healing for the Gruul fight. Yes, a relatively high +healing is needed, but Stamina is needed more so. If you die from an early shatter due to low HP then your +heal total doesn't do much good. :)

If there are members in the raid under 8k HP then they're going to be a hinderance to how successful you are at taking down a pre-nerfed Gruul, unless they're exceptionally good at avoiding shatter damage (And considering there's a random factor involved, it isn't always easy).

Our guild recently took down Gruul this past week, and we all ended up using flasks/consumables to put us over 10K HP at minimum.

fallout said:
Read the OP. Getting loot out of Kara isn't particularily easy for everyone, especially on short notice.
The guy in question is in a guild that's about to start practice on Gruul. If loot in Kara isn't easy for him to build eventually, then there's something wrong with how that guild is equipping its raid members.


Tritroid said:
The guy in question is in a guild that's about to start practice on Gruul. If loot in Kara isn't easy for him to build eventually, then there's something wrong with how that guild is equipping its raid members.
Well, he proclaimed a short period of time and they didn't give him any direction. We were just proposing alternatives. Obviously, if you can get the Kara loot, then yeah, get it, but I have no idea what his looting situation is.


I have a question.

As a (frost) mage, when do +spell damage and +spell crit gear become desirable? I've been focusing more on stats (Intellect/Stamina/Spirit in that order, although I give both Intellect and Stamina much more importance than Spirit). I just turned level 46.

The reason I'm asking is this -- a while back, I was using the Illusionary Rod that drops off Doan in SM:

Illusionary Rod
Binds when picked up
94 - 142 DamageSpeed 3.40
(34.7 damage per second)
+15 Intellect
+10 Spirit
+7 Stamina
Requires Level 34

When I went to Zul'Farrak, I won the roll for Zum'rah's Vexing Cane:

Zum'rah's Vexing Cane
Binds when picked up
88 - 133 DamageSpeed 2.70
(40.9 damage per second)
+10 Intellect
+10 Stamina
Requires Level 42
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 21.

I was talking to a guildmate and saying that maybe I should keep using the rod even if it is lower level because it had better stats, but the guildmate was like, "Are you crazy? The cane is so much better because of the +spell damage."

I guess my question to fellow mages on this board is, how do you balance these kinds of things? +Spell damage/crit versus +Stats? Sorry about the newbie-ness. :D I've only been playing WoW since November 2006, and my first character wasn't a caster. It's also my first graphical MMO game. I was dragged kicking and screaming from text MUDs into this obsession -- I mean, game -- and now I'm an addict. :)

Edited to add: I would've added a link to my armory page but the darn thing is down again waiting for a refresh. (I play on the EU Argent Dawn server, by the way.)


Has problems recognising girls
In my opinion +spell and +crit gear will mean nothing till you hit 60 and over where plenty of that gear is around.


That staff completely destroys illusionary rod. +spell damage is the only way to increase your damage with spells aside from basically 1-2 specs for each caster/hybrid class. If you get items with similar/slightly lesser base stats, but +spell damage, then they're better, period, unless you're talking about going from a +10 stamina/int staff with +15 damage to a +30 stamina/int staff. Don't go out of your way for +damage gear though, because at 58 you'll get tons of it in outland.
Just had a Holy Light hit for 7010! ZOMG WTF. Never thought I'd see the day. Granted it was with Blessing of Light and the Oshu'Gun Relic trinket activated but still...7010 heal from a Paladin. Nasty stuff.
SPR is so weak for a Mage; it's barely noticable in short bursts outside the 5 Second Rule (which Mages are rarely in during combat). A small armload of SPR is nice, but Vexing > Illusionary.

Heck, I'd toss on a few +Frost or +Fire gear (depending on spec) to make the bigger BOOM BOOM noticable.
I've almost completely avoided all +AP gear in Outland as a rogue. It just felt like I was being tricked into giving away all my stamina, crit, and dodge chance for +90 AP or +10 hit rating and shit like that. I even have a few off-hand weapons with maybe 10 more dps (in theory I guess) that I don't use because my AP, Crit, and stamina go down so much compared to my GM swords. Is 10 or so more dps on weapons like "Blackout Truncheon" and "Revenger" really better than +28 AP, +7 stamina, and 14 crit rating with a +15 agility enchant on top? They seem more like weapons for another class other than rogue.

How do the (sword) rogues feel about the variety of swords in BC? I don't think there is one sword worth a shit for a rogue with GM swords until Latro's Shifting Sword from Black Morass. I did see a nice green name sword in one of the first Honor Hold quests but it wasn't better than a GM sword.


Wow, mother of god. I dont claim to understand why I am attacking blood elves and getting signets for scryers but these are terrible! I seen rogue next me get "tapped" by two and lose all his health. I just cant adjust to having mobs eat through my shield with 2/3rs of their health still left which is 80 percent of all tbc mobs so far. Im using 4k mana just finish a mob and drinking golds worth fluids to keep on fighting. I imagine TBC is aimed at the old server folks that had year and half boredom and 3k more mana then me though. Its going take a new approach to be effiecent. Sucks though thateven the shadow priest dot will not finish second mob with sliver of life anymore, it wears off and their still pounding on me. :lol

Anyone recommend a mod that shows you the exact health of mob or can I find that through wow basic interface? Without that Shadow Word Death is way too risky to use.


search curse gaming for MobInfo2. I use that mod, it's very handy for stuff like that. It's not 100% accurate, but close enough.
madara said:
Wow, mother of god. I dont claim to understand why I am attacking blood elves and getting signets for scryers but these are terrible! I seen rogue next me get "tapped" by two and lose all his health. I just cant adjust to having mobs eat through my shield with 2/3rs of their health still left which is 80 percent of all tbc mobs so far. Im using 4k mana just finish a mob and drinking golds worth fluids to keep on fighting. I imagine TBC is aimed at the old server folks that had year and half boredom and 3k more mana then me though. Its going take a new approach to be effiecent. Sucks though thateven the shadow priest dot will not finish second mob with sliver of life anymore, it wears off and their still pounding on me. :lol

Anyone recommend a mod that shows you the exact health of mob or can I find that through wow basic interface? Without that Shadow Word Death is way too risky to use.

Mind Blast, Mind Flay, SW:p, Shield, Wand till ~11%, SW:D. You gotta have SOME +Shadow gear from Outlands to help this.


I dont think I've even had to use my shield at all since TBC short of emergencies, it is ****ing terrible and near worthless now. Just inner fire and take a few hits from the mob, if you are vamp embracing and dealing good damage by the time the fight is over you will be at full health or have lost maybe 500 to 1000 at the most.

Failing just standing in its face and beating the **** out of it, cast fear (assuming the area is relatively clear). Any solo fight as a shadow priest in TBC should last between 8 to 12 seconds, unless the mob is some kind of boss or elite or something. If the fights are going longer than that, you are doing something wrong.

You dont have to have uber gear or anything, but you definiately want +spell damage and/or +shadow damage. I dont know what level you are, but by the mid 60's you should have somewhere in the neighborhood of +300 to +400 spell damage. By 70 you should have over +500, and once you are getting into the realm of uber at 70 you should have between +700 and +900, but that only applies if you actually stay shadow spec at 70.


madara said:
Wow, mother of god. I dont claim to understand why I am attacking blood elves and getting signets for scryers but these are terrible! I seen rogue next me get "tapped" by two and lose all his health. I just cant adjust to having mobs eat through my shield with 2/3rs of their health still left which is 80 percent of all tbc mobs so far. Im using 4k mana just finish a mob and drinking golds worth fluids to keep on fighting. I imagine TBC is aimed at the old server folks that had year and half boredom and 3k more mana then me though. Its going take a new approach to be effiecent. Sucks though thateven the shadow priest dot will not finish second mob with sliver of life anymore, it wears off and their still pounding on me. :lol

Anyone recommend a mod that shows you the exact health of mob or can I find that through wow basic interface? Without that Shadow Word Death is way too risky to use.

i lvld a fresh toon in BC w/no problems lvling from zone to zone, but i guess you cant really compare playing a hunter to playing a priest

are you lvling shadow?

shadow priests lvl particularly well imo, or if you must heal why dont you find a dps class to lvl with, really the game is easy, it shouldnt be hard to lvl in BC content sir


Bwarf I think i turned the PVP corner with this shaman. From about l39 on I've been getting my ass handed to me. So much so that I had to switch from elemental spec. The burst damaged just isn't as good as it was and I keep getting CC'ed. :(
johnsmith said:
How do the other level 70 instances compare to Shadow Labyrinth in difficulty?

Heres how I rate them from easiest to hardest

Black Morass
Shadow Labyrinth
Shattered Halls

of course it's all relative. If you are with an inexperienced group I'd say Black Morass and Botanica would be much harder. And group setup can result in different outcomes.


johnsmith said:
How do the other level 70 instances compare to Shadow Labyrinth in difficulty?

meth labs is a bitch to deal with, and i suppose you could consider it one of the 'hardest' but it isn't exactly hard to begin with.
Shadow Labyrinth is probably one of the two or three hardest level 70 instances. If you're undergeared or inexperienced (or both) it can be rough. If you have a well geared group that's run it before it's easy just like everything else except the last event in Arcatraz (although I've only done it once).


There's no "hard level 70" instances. It's people that make them hard.

If we *really* have to make a list I would say the last boss of Arcatraz will own most untalented pugs.

"hard" starts with Heroic SH and Heroic Arcatraz


Finished a Heroic Steamvaults and what sucks is that the loot from all the bosses except the last one is the same lvl 68 stuff that drops from the non-heroic version.
Is this the case with the other lvl70 heroics? The Steamvaults is at least pretty simple, though. I'd hate to have to do Black Morass or Shadow Lab (meth labs, hehe) on Heroic.
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