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World of Warcraft

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Don't do Heroic Steamvaults or Shadow Lab or Shattered Halls - the only different loot on heroic for them is from the final boss - an epic or two.

Underbog, Ramparts, Blood Furnace, Mana Tombs, Crypts, and Slave Pens are where the new loot is.


I just need to find a partner :) I talked to three other 70 shadow priests today and they confirmed what I'm say, damage we are taking here is insane, they didnt even bother without guildies while they leveled up. The one in Pride, the top guild here, said she quit soloing when she went from a death a week to 8 a day. :lol

Maybe this is new server blues you guys dont see as much but nuking casters doing an average of 800 a hit and melee ripping through 5k so fast is too much keep pulls going and that is not counting in adds you get most of time here. I think Im going research old world dungeons I missed jumping to TBC. I did 8 ramparts and 4 furnances and I have yet to see this shadow damage, spell damage or even healing plus gear yet. Well I did get blue healing trinket from a boss.

Furnance is kinda of cool though, for a little dungeon. Sure I drink alot after battles but this talk that being shadow I cant heal these I have not seen yet, maybe coilfang and up.

Thinking of toying with a hunter or rogue alt. Greenbar game is getting old and thankless too and Im not even raiding yet.

How hard is to get a rogue lockpick skill up? I must have 16 boxes in bank I could send over to an alt.


Whoo, had my 2nd Epic drop today, a bow [Hurricane], AH price on my server about 110g. It dropped from one of the vultures in Western Plaguelands.


lockpicking is tied to level, but it's not really hard to level up. Just kind of time consuming, and since it's based on level just like weapons/defense skills are, it's something that you can put off until you're a lot higher level. I know for the most part, you don't have to go buy lockboxes to level lockpicking, but the method I've always heard for building it up sounded really repetitive.

anyway, if you haven't seen a lot of +spell damage/healing drops, I hope you're at least taking the cloth rewards from quests and/or caster trinkets. There's not a whole lot of specifically +shadow stuff I've seen in outland (and most +shadow or +fire or +whatever tends to be pre-BC greens anyway with no other stats) but there is a lot of generic +spell damage/healing stuff in outland.


madara said:
I just need to find a partner :) I talked to three other 70 shadow priests today and they confirmed what I'm say, damage we are taking here is insane, they didnt even bother without guildies while they leveled up. The one in Pride, the top guild here, said she quit soloing when she went from a death a week to 8 a day. :lol

Okay, I dont want to sound like a dick here, but this is one of the more ridiculous things I've heard about shadow priests. You do *not* need a partner for any quest that isnt specifically a group listed quest. If you do, something is very wrong with either: a.) your talent build, b.) your playstyle, c.) your gear, or d.) some combination of all of the above.

As far as other shadow priests agreeing that shadow priests are taking ridiculous damage, refer to the above listed reasons. They are doing something very wrong in one, or all of those areas. If the damage we are taking is so insane, then why do I finish fights at full or close to full health without even using my shield or casting fear?

I recorded a small video in WoW earlier today after reading the last few posts about this. Youtube smushes everything down to the point of being unable to see detailed info, so I'll fill in the blanks.

This is how fights should go as a shadow priest in TBC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxHemaNG8as

Mob is a level 70 undead humanoid outside of Karazhan, 7k hp, and my rotation is: Vampiric Touch, Vampiric Embrace, Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Shadow Word: Death. Fight lasts approx 10 seconds, no shield, no fear, only inner fire and fort going (as it should be before every fight) Pre 66 there would have been some wanding here instead of a mind blast for mana conservation purposes, but later on this is irrelevant as you can focus on speed with no need to worry about mana. I started the fight -500 hp, and finished it at max, vamp embrace healing through all damage dealt. This is how most fights should go in TBC.

edit: p.s. if there are any doubts about my particular choice of mob being legit for this video, name another and I'll go make a vid of me fighting that as well.


remember me
Yeah, i don't understand why Madara is QQing. I got to 70 a few days ago, and from the beginning I never had a problem. It was incredibly easy. Unless I had to fight 3 mobs simultaneously i never had to drink. I was never low on life. My pattern for non-undeads is Vampiric Touch, Vampiric Embrace, SW: Pain, Mind Flay, rank 1 psychic scream (rank 1 to save on mana, higher levels only fear more mobs), mind flay until dead while it's feared. I only use mind blast and SW Pain on tougher guys, or in close quarters where fearing is a no go.

And I love playing a shadow priest. I've been running a ton of instances, getting geared up, and I'm having a blast. No trouble at all getting parties. People are starting to realize how awesome shadow priests are. Giving tons of mana to the mages and the healer. I love partying with holy paladins. and with shackle and mind control, decent CC. DPS is pretty good too. I've outdpsed plenty of mages, hunters, and warlocks. Rogues are pretty much the only ones I dont regularly outdps.
Maxrpg said:
Don't do Heroic Steamvaults or Shadow Lab or Shattered Halls - the only different loot on heroic for them is from the final boss - an epic or two.

Underbog, Ramparts, Blood Furnace, Mana Tombs, Crypts, and Slave Pens are where the new loot is.

Actually Mechanar is where it's at. 5 free badges a day can't be beat.
So reset day back in KZ downed first 3 bosses. Took a new shaman, hunter and priest with us today, wiped on 1% on Maiden lol, then we went back and pwned her. We're getting pretty good at doing moroes with 2 tanks now. Good stuff. Ohhhh and attumen drop his horse! Lucky troll mage got it. It's tiny and apparently people that don't have TBC see him riding it as a tiny little box.

And still no warrior stuff drops grr. Although the epic plate boots have dropped from trash 3 times now but I wasn't there


I'm not staying its impossbile, just not effective most of time. Funny thing about talk, its just talk. You actually group with folks that say they have no problem, die within 15mins and then call it fluke.

Quests like The Eye of Skettis, normal none group quests in timely fashion without alot issues are difficult so far.I think differences your seeing your likely right about, is gear. Folks having year and half to get uber gear versus folks 2months old on new rp server. I give your spell layout a try there though, I havent used that method much as I was told save VT for group not solo play as you dont get much mana back. I stand at 4100/6000 at 63.


madara said:
Quests like The Eye of Skettis, normal none group quests in timely fashion without alot issues are difficult so far.I think differences your seeing your likely right about, is gear. Folks having year and half to get uber gear versus folks 2months old on new rp server. I give your spell layout a try there though, I havent used that method much as I was told save VT for group not solo play as you dont get much mana back. I stand at 4100/6000 at 63.

I transferred my character to an RP server a month ago and got 70 there, my gear wasnt particularly amazing (3-4 epics that were replaced at level 62 or so by quest reward greens) So I'm not sure gear is the difference here. I cant show you any footage of the Eyes of Skettis, but I solo'd that entire line on my shadow priest, except for the quest that follows immediately after (the skettis offensive, which needs two) As for VT, any mana get back during a fight is important. You will still finish a fight with less mana than you started with, but it will slow your loss, which is a good thing, and it is also a dot which hurts the enemy, adding DPS, which is always good.


Any tips for the Curator? Does the whole group need a little arcane resist to negate some of the add damage or no? We didn't have our normal group and had to bring a couple scrubs, but we literally made no progress on this guy on our first attempts tonight :|
madara said:
I'm not staying its impossbile, just not effective most of time. Funny thing about talk, its just talk. You actually group with folks that say they have no problem, die within 15mins and then call it fluke.

Quests like The Eye of Skettis, normal none group quests in timely fashion without alot issues are difficult so far.I think differences your seeing your likely right about, is gear. Folks having year and half to get uber gear versus folks 2months old on new rp server. I give your spell layout a try there though, I havent used that method much as I was told save VT for group not solo play as you dont get much mana back. I stand at 4100/6000 at 63.

Dude. I waltzed thru the Dark Portal with FOUR pieces of Trancendence in my DeePeeEss set. Yeah. Out there, in the flat, rocking about double in +healing than I was rocking in +Damage (my Anathema had +55 healing), killing up to 3 mobs higher than me at a time. I died twice in HFP, once cuz some numbnut created a Voidwell right on me spawning 6 VWs on my ass, and another in a long, drawn out fight wherein I attempted to save a mage from getting ganked by a druid and a rogue only to have to kill them + 3 mobs + a warlock showing up and them rezzing which finally killed us. All of this MAYBE clearing 175 +Shadow without Shadowform taken into account.

Shit, I leveled Holy from 10-60 where the same-level rewards were shit on a stick, and am even soloing the entirety of Socrethar's Seat (short of Big Red himself) in Netherstorm for Netherweave cloth and Marks of Sargeras with a build VERY weak for Smitelol nukey nukey now. I'm not oom. I'm not over +650 Shadow damage. I'm not dying. You need to stop listening to these people, as they sound terrible.

Any tips for the Curator? Does the whole group need a little arcane resist to negate some of the add damage or no? We didn't have our normal group and had to bring a couple scrubs, but we literally made no progress on this guy on our first attempts tonight :|

Gear check fight. We had one rogue in STM food and mild +AR gear (around 100ish) on him at all times eating Hateful Bolts or whatever, one healer on him and topping off raid, one on MT, one off-spec helping burn flares down.

We go with a semi-circle, putting healing far back and posting any other melee before them to intercept from healing aggro. Set ranged up on either side to crossfire them down. The key here is, if you're leaning on alot of melee to do this, you need them in one place for maximum DPS so they aint running around all over. This allows you to know where exactly a fresh spawn is going, either the tank (who can take the hits) or the healers (equidistant from ranged and close to melee).

As for the last one, burn it down with dots, then un-****ing-LEASH on curator; having any Priests you got send out Shadowbuddy at this time. Like Moroes, it's not a clear "you must have X amount of Y to survive" you just standing wipe if you don't from flares getting out of control. Druids, Rogues, Warlocks with Curse of Doom, and Shadow Priests help smooth this out alot.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Ramirez said:
Any tips for the Curator? Does the whole group need a little arcane resist to negate some of the add damage or no? We didn't have our normal group and had to bring a couple scrubs, but we literally made no progress on this guy on our first attempts tonight :|

Well, when my guild was doing curator a few weeks ago. I had to stay on the side to eat up the arcane missles since I have alot of HP as a warlock. Don't really need arcane resistance for the fight though. Just have everyone on the adds until the one before he evocates. Have a warlock dot curator before evocation and let him take down the flare solo. Should down him after 2-3 evocations



Are there any Mac WoW players here? I'm having problems with the game after re-installing recently, and I'm wondering if somebody couldn't help me out a bit.


Got a port to Shattrath (sp?) tonight and trained my skinning to Master and enchanting to Expert (take THAT Uldaman!)... also bound at the city while I was at it. The portals to the major cities ROCK!

About 56.5 and I imagine I should be 58 soonish.. can't wait to venture out into the expansion (I didn't leave the city).


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Meier said:
Got a port to Shattrath (sp?) tonight and trained my skinning to Master and enchanting to Expert (take THAT Uldaman!)... also bound at the city while I was at it. The portals to the major cities ROCK!

About 56.5 and I imagine I should be 58 soonish.. can't wait to venture out into the expansion (I didn't leave the city).

Yeah, outlands is really fun compared to the bland old world. The bad side is that leveling goes by too fast in outlands since the quests gives you alot of exp. compared to 1-60


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
explodet said:
Finished a Heroic Steamvaults and what sucks is that the loot from all the bosses except the last one is the same lvl 68 stuff that drops from the non-heroic version.
Is this the case with the other lvl70 heroics? The Steamvaults is at least pretty simple, though. I'd hate to have to do Black Morass or Shadow Lab (meth labs, hehe) on Heroic.

Yes, only the last boss actually drops "good" level 70 loot. It's frustrating when a crappy gem drops after a heroic BM or Shadow labs. Oh yeah, Botanica is really hardcore so I recommend staying away from that one


I'm starting to get a little frustrated with Karazhan. It really seems that place don't like to drop items that I can use. I'm way past exalted, and with the Netherblade Gloves I got yesterday, I have received four loots in total. I have never seen so much cloth drop in my life, the casters don't even want it anymore.

I just hope that stupid Prince drops my dagger, then I will be a happy rogue for a long time.
Several big nerfs have been implemented the last few days and according to Blizzard developers more are coming over the next few. Here's a list of what's been done so far.

* Nightbane's melee damage has been reduced.

* Hydross the Unstable no longer deals a crushing blow.

* The Romulo and Julianne encounter has been retuned to be less difficult.

* Gruul's health has been lowered, and the damage from his shatter ability has been reduced.

* Gruul should now correctly use his hurtful strike ability.

* The Magtheridon encounter has been rebalanced to be somewhat easier and should now better keep to proper raid progression.

* Healing bonuses no longer apply to the Diamond Flask.

* Nightbane's breath attack and rain of bones now target those players attempting to avoid his attacks.

* Warbringer O'mrogg's status will now reset, after a wipe during his enraged state.

* Corrected an issue where Coilfang Ambushers would evade unnecessarily.


ToyMachine228 said:
Several big nerfs have been implemented the last few days and according to Blizzard developers more are coming over the next few. Here's a list of what's been done so far.

* Nightbane's melee damage has been reduced.

* Hydross the Unstable no longer deals a crushing blow.

* The Romulo and Julianne encounter has been retuned to be less difficult.

* Gruul's health has been lowered, and the damage from his shatter ability has been reduced.

* Gruul should now correctly use his hurtful strike ability.

* The Magtheridon encounter has been rebalanced to be somewhat easier and should now better keep to proper raid progression.

* Healing bonuses no longer apply to the Diamond Flask.

* Nightbane's breath attack and rain of bones now target those players attempting to avoid his attacks.

* Warbringer O'mrogg's status will now reset, after a wipe during his enraged state.

* Corrected an issue where Coilfang Ambushers would evade unnecessarily.

haha it was only a matter of time before the nerf train started

but im even suprised at how early the nerfs came
I read about the nerfs last night and was a little annoyed if only because the guild I co-created had just killed Romulo & Julianne flawlessly on our second try and we were incredibly happy with ourselves after hearing how much trouble other guilds have had with them. I thought it was our first *tough* fight as a guild and it was really easy for us but that was just because it was nerfed. :/

Still, we have a pretty good record so far. We killed Attumen and Moroes on our first try and Maiden on our second last week (we spent two nights in Kara but had 9 people the first night so we just killed Attumen and the beast boss). Last night was our first day after the reset and we cleared the first 3 bosses in a little over 2 hours, then took down the Opera House event. Hopefully we kill the Curator tonight and pick up our free Chess event epics. Then we'll be working on Shade of Aran.

So far Karazhan is a lot easier than heroic 5 mans are.


Nightbane is a joke now. Easy as cake to beat if you have focused healers.

The Gruul nerf was needed big time, as spending tons of gold on consumables to beat an Ony-like encounter and something that was supposed to be the start of BC's raiding branch was completely retarded. There should be more guilds that are able to take him down now, especially with the shatter damage being reduced.
The problem that I see with my new guild is that it's three separate Karazhan groups all operating on their own...Don't really have the unity that guilds did before The Burning Crusade. I'm hoping that we can focus and start to dedicate to the 25-man content more than a High King kill every other week.
Last night was my guild's first attempt at Prince Malchezaar. However, after wiping on him twice, he bugged out on us and we were no longer able to attack him. Is there anyway to get him unbugged or do we have to wait until next Tuesday for the instance to reset?


Last night was my guild's first attempt at Prince Malchezaar. However, after wiping on him twice, he bugged out on us and we were no longer able to attack him. Is there anyway to get him unbugged or do we have to wait until next Tuesday for the instance to reset?

The only work around I've heard of is to have a warlock enslave one of the trash imps near illhoof and put it near/have it attack him. Then have a warrior use a shout that will hit the imp. I've never personally run into a bugged prince though so I can't say whether or not this actually works.

If you're attempting to run out during wipes to prince, don't, this apparently contributes to his buggy behavior.
Mazre said:
"If you're attempting to run out during wipes to prince, don't, this apparently contributes to his buggy behavior."

Yeah, we tried running out because we thought that it would reset him. Didn't realize he would become bugged if we did so. Guess we won't be doing that again. :lol

Guess we'll try out your advice tonight. Thanks. :)


cvkpaladin said:
Last night was my guild's first attempt at Prince Malchezaar. However, after wiping on him twice, he bugged out on us and we were no longer able to attack him. Is there anyway to get him unbugged or do we have to wait until next Tuesday for the instance to reset?
Put in a GM ticket.



I hate talking to GMs. LMAO! They are mostly never helpful.

Though, I don't know if one of our guild members did. After he became bugged, many people, including me, logged off since it was getting late. I haven't been back on the game because I work during the day. So, I won't find out if he was able to be reset until I get back on the game later this afternoon.


We never, ever managed to get a GM to help us out on the Rajaxx fight in AQ20. They'd recommend some things and one time, he actually watched, but there was nothing he could do, apparently.

He once bugged on us 3 or 4 times in a row. Eventually, we found a way to just work through it when it bugged (learn the pull order and be ****ing quick about it). Even then, you'd sometimes get the entire group.

This is obviously a little different, and while I laugh, he should be able to reset it for you.


Someone was looking for a warlock or mage for a Black Morass group the other day, and I volunteered. The leader asked "Can you handle the adds?" I said I'd never run BM but would do the best I could, and if they wanted someone more experienced it was cool. They said yeah, they needed someone who knew the encounter so I left voluntarily.

But for my reference, what are "the adds" that a warlock should be handling in BM? I assume it's for a specific boss fight. And what's the best way to handle the adds in this specific encounter, if you are a warlock? I was pulling aggro on the adds in the Durnholde final boss and just one of them was nearly murdering me (healer kept me alive, but was no doubt annoyed). Aside from just chain fearing a single add, I dunno what else I can do to handle a group of adds.
well theres groups of 3 non elite whelps and non elite dragonkin. After 2nd boss the dragonkin occur much more often.

The times I've done it I've had a mage take care of the whelps and a rogue take care of the dragonkin. Then after 2nd boss the mage helps kill dragonkin a bit.


I understand that mages can just AoE and Frost Nova a bunch of adds real quick, but I dunno what a lock should do. Our only AoEs are channeled and will be interrupted pretty quick.....only get 1 AoE Fear per 45 seconds.
We one shot the curator tonight, then had people go AFK, disconnect, or flat out suck for the next half hour. It took forever to clear the trash up to the chess event. We won on the first try but it was pretty sad to watch. Instead of taking Blackhand like I should have I had the MT take it and used a healer and then watched him sit and do nothing until almost all the pawns were dead even after I gave him instructions over and over again in raid chat. It came down to a 3 to 1 fight in the end with the warlock standing next to Blackhand getting cleaved by Llane as a healer who possibly had lag issues occasionally did something. I think Blackhand was under 10% when it ended. Painful to watch.

We had each group take a side after that and I took Blackhand, kept everyone around me bloodlusted and cleaved everything in my path (the enemy king and both clerics at the same time *shakes head*) to an easy victory.


cubicle47b said:
We one shot the curator tonight, then had people go AFK, disconnect, or flat out suck for the next half hour. It took forever to clear the trash up to the chess event. We won on the first try but it was pretty sad to watch. Instead of taking Blackhand like I should have I had the MT take it and used a healer and then watched him sit and do nothing until almost all the pawns were dead even after I gave him instructions over and over again in raid chat. It came down to a 3 to 1 fight in the end with the warlock standing next to Blackhand getting cleaved by Llane as a healer who possibly had lag issues occasionally did something. I think Blackhand was under 10% when it ended. Painful to watch.

We had each group take a side after that and I took Blackhand, kept everyone around me bloodlusted and cleaved everything in my path (the enemy king and both clerics at the same time *shakes head*) to an easy victory.

this event can be solo'd


With Outlands so close, I've been making a serious push to get to 58.. got about a full level yesterday and am halfway through 57. Looking forward to it. :D


Meier said:
With Outlands so close, I've been making a serious push to get to 58.. got about a full level yesterday and am halfway through 57. Looking forward to it. :D

I'm level 59... gonna hit 60 in E/W Plaguelands and then move on to Outlands this weekend. :)


I'm through with the old world if I can help it. Seen it all before, ready for something new! :) And the phat lewtz don't hurt either.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
Level as much as you can in pre-Outlands so you save a ton of quests in Shadowmoon Valley and parts of Netherstorm so you can make some serious money of them later on. Makes getting that epic flying mount just that much easier.
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