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World of Warcraft

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I took my shaman to Outlands at 58 and it was pretty much no fun, probably different for a hunter though. I'd say get 60 in Azeroth first, even though it sucks.


trh said:
Level as much as you can in pre-Outlands so you save a ton of quests in Shadowmoon Valley and parts of Netherstorm so you can make some serious money of them later on. Makes getting that epic flying mount just that much easier.
With rested exp, I was 70 before I did Shadowmoon, Blade's Edge or Netherstorm. I'm about 1k gold away from my flying epic mount and that's just been from questing (just have Netherstorm left) and playing the AH with whatever I find while questing.


All the folks on the Hunter board (god, why are people so mean to each other on there? sheesh!) have said Outlands is fine at 58 for us. I am BM and have decent gear, so I feel like I'll probably be okay. Finally will be getting Serpent's Swiftness at 58 too which I can't wait for. :D


as a hunter go to outlands as soon as you ding 58, no reason not to

the quests in outlands are easy for hunters, you will rarely die, only times you might die are if you get ganked or are trying to solo a grp/elite quest

there is absolutely no reason to to explore old content after u ding 58 w/any class imo

more cloth, more gold, more xp, better quest rewards available in outlands, go go


Razoric said:
so ill level faster at outlands than just staying in the old world? (at 59?)

i guess ill drop all quests and head on over :D

i'd wager you could go from 58-60 in under 6 hours if you go to the outlands asap with a hunter


yacobod said:
i'd wager you could go from 58-60 in under 6 hours if you go to the outlands asap with a hunter

Yeah I'm a NE Hunter (gasp!!) so I guess ill head on over. Need gold for my epic mount anyway :D :D


yacobod said:
i'd wager you could go from 58-60 in under 6 hours if you go to the outlands asap with a hunter

o_O I think it took me that long to get 1 level yesterday. :lol I guess maybe I'm just slow? Or is leveling there like super fast due to higher exp on quest rewards?

Re: Epic mounts, I know you can get ones from the pvp places or something for just honor marks... I assume the skill to learn riding at a higher level is what costs the most money?


Razoric said:
Yeah I'm a NE Hunter (gasp!!)
Damn. Never ran into one of those before.

Meier said:
o_O I think it took me that long to get 1 hour yesterday. I guess maybe I'm just slow? Or is leveling there like super fast due to higher exp on quest rewards?
Yeah, you get ****tons of experience from Outlands quests. It's really fun to just run around and bang them out, too.

Re: Epic mounts, I know you can get ones from the pvp places or something for just honor marks... I assume the skill to learn riding at a higher level is what costs the most money?
Yeah, skill used to cost very little and mounts a lot. Now, the skill costs a lot and the mounts very little. This was changed partially because of the mounts you could get from ZG, Strat (though, that was like, 1-2 per server) and from hitting Rank 11 in the old honour system (which was a grind in itself, anyway). Effectively, you didn't have to pay the 900g or whatever it was.

I think it's like, 540g for the epic mount training, which you can get in no time from Outlands.


Holy shit.. 540 gold and then another 5800 gold on top of that? OUCH! I've got about 160 gold or so at 57, so I imagine getting to 540 won't be super hard, but 5000.. oof!
Meier said:
All the folks on the Hunter board (god, why are people so mean to each other on there? sheesh!) have said Outlands is fine at 58 for us. I am BM and have decent gear, so I feel like I'll probably be okay. Finally will be getting Serpent's Swiftness at 58 too which I can't wait for. :D

You're gonna love seeing all the mail quest rewards tailored to shamans. I hope you're an enchanter.


Azwethinkweiz said:
You're gonna love seeing all the mail quest rewards tailored to shamans. I hope you're an enchanter.
And my enhancement shaman loved all the mail quest rewards tailored to hunters?


I found the itemization to be decent in terms of catering to everyone. There is just TOO MANY rewards to the point where it's difficult to complain, you'd get quests over and over with the same type of item skewed different for classes/specs.

The complaint I could muster leveling a Warrior in BC is that the quest reward cloaks kept pissing me off. Too much "of the bandit"-esque shit.

I found most of the Paladin rewards to suck shit, on the contrary of the subject. All of it is pretty much "total hybrid" gear that winds up with the effect of being a mediocre piece of Judgement, even on the up and up quality stuff.


madara said:
Anyone recommend a mod that shows you the exact health of mob or can I find that through wow basic interface?
I need help finding this as well -- all I want is a mod that will show the total and remaining HP/mana of the target using normal frames.

MobInfo2 only shows health as a percentage, and CT_UnitFrames has the same problem.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
fallout said:
With rested exp, I was 70 before I did Shadowmoon, Blade's Edge or Netherstorm. I'm about 1k gold away from my flying epic mount and that's just been from questing (just have Netherstorm left) and playing the AH with whatever I find while questing.
Yeah about the same here if I wouldn't have spent it, but it doesn't hurt to have more. ;)
12 shadow lab runs now and no bold shoulders. Had 52 spirit shards so I bought the ring, which is no real use to me as I'm a protection warrior. Damnit


MrPing1000 said:
12 shadow lab runs now and no bold shoulders. Had 52 spirit shards so I bought the ring, which is no real use to me as I'm a protection warrior. Damnit
After about 50 runs of Botanica my Paladin shoulders dropped. Just keep running it, mang.
I'm hoping Aran drops my shoulders so I can stop farming heroic ramparts. I'm still wearing level 67 green shoulders (everything else has been suitably upgraded).


This was me at 58 before zoning into Outlands:

This is a few hours later:

Lost a bunch of int, but that's okay. :D
Did SM last night for the first time. Wow it was much easier than I expected, mainly because I was in a good group. I'll have the recap later. But right now it's bragging time I got this off one of the bosses:



PhoenixDark said:
Did SM last night for the first time. Wow it was much easier than I expected, mainly because I was in a good group. I'll have the recap later. But right now it's bragging time I got this off one of the bosses:


congrats - it's the everyman's mid-30s blue shield, though, really - never had it not drop from that instance.


Has problems recognising girls
SM is like some sort of initiation. I remember running SM Cath countless times for that stupid 1H Mace - we had a Priest roll need on it twice, the same ****ing Priest.
Boomer said:
Gruul got nerfed to hell and back

Rightfully so. Gruul's Lair is supposed to be an instance for 25-man guilds to start out on. Anyway, my guild downed him tonight and I passed on my Tier 4 Pants. Damn!
ToyMachine228 said:
Rightfully so. Gruul's Lair is supposed to be an instance for 25-man guilds to start out on. Anyway, my guild downed him tonight and I passed on my Tier 4 Pants. Damn!

I'd rather those pants be better than Hallowed, which I've just slapped better gems into. I mentioned on the WoW boards (in a rare sensible thread) that before this nerf, it was like release, but Onyxia dropped Dungeon 1 set; like Valor Helm, Arcanist Mantle, and the Trindlehaven Staff or some shit.

Now, it's like, well; it's easier to take him down. You're still only using bits and pieces of epic drops, but, hey! It's easier!


SaitoH said:
It's custom. Main components for setup are:

-Titan bar

Looks great! My stupid 3D card is so ghetto that I'm too worried to download any add-ons other than Titan Panel and a mod that shows a quest's level numerically. Didn't do any exp all weekend as I am trying to give Dormer and our friend Dan a chance to catch up (or at least be a few levels closer to Outland) before I push on. Raised my enchanting about 100 points or so.. 250-300 looks like it will be very difficult/pricey to skill-up though.

Also did a bunch of pvp in battlegrounds and had a fairly epic AV take 2 hours and 5 minutes before we won. Ended up having like 450 kills during it. :lol


Boomer said:
Gruul got nerfed to hell and back

Yes and no, depends on the "legit" aspect of your kill

For a lot of guild, killing "pre-nerf" gruul meant killing a Gruul bugging out and no longer shattering/Hurtfull Striking/Silencing (take your pick).

The new grull lost around 750k HP and his shatter damage, while reduced, still requieres people to pay attention.

Our Kill, yesterday, was within 13 growths, with people taking next to no shatter damage not because it was nerfed, but because they were positionning themselves the right way.

In the past, Gruul had just way too much HP.

(And I got my shiny shield :p)


Fularu said:
Yes and no, depends on the "legit" aspect of your kill

For a lot of guild, killing "pre-nerf" gruul meant killing a Gruul bugging out and no longer shattering/Hurtfull Striking/Silencing (take your pick).

The new grull lost around 750k HP and his shatter damage, while reduced, still requieres people to pay attention.

Our Kill, yesterday, was within 13 growths, with people taking next to no shatter damage not because it was nerfed, but because they were positionning themselves the right way.

In the past, Gruul had just way too much HP.

(And I got my shiny shield :p)

We never got a bugged Gruul...lowest we got him pre nerf was 40% or so..guild couldn't handle the shatter. We one shotted Gruul after the nerf..the shatter is much easier to deal with.
Also did a bunch of pvp in battlegrounds and had a fairly epic AV take 2 hours and 5 minutes before we won.

I like how a 2 hour AV is epic now. Some of the games before they modified the battlefield were just absurd. It was pretty amusing to hear people talking about an AV game in guild chat before I went to bed and then hear about the same on-going AV game after I came home from work the next day. Even more amusing was that sometimes it was the same person talking about the game.


Damn, 2 hours ... that used to be like, a quick AV. I think the longest one I ever put up with was 7 hours or so, and that was only because it was winter break, heh.

A buddy linked me to a forum post ages ago, where people on the server (this was pre-cross server, obviously) were talking on the forums that were in the AV. They had been in there for more than a day.


fallout said:
Damn, 2 hours ... that used to be like, a quick AV. I think the longest one I ever put up with was 7 hours or so, and that was only because it was winter break, heh.

A buddy linked me to a forum post ages ago, where people on the server (this was pre-cross server, obviously) were talking on the forums that were in the AV. They had been in there for more than a day.

I hope they bring back those AVs in some kind of "heroic" battleground.


Razoric said:
I hope they bring back those AVs in some kind of "heroic" battleground.

Yes, there's nothing better than fighting on that ****ing bridge for hours and hours, let me tell you.


Haha that's nuts. No way would I bother to stick around that long, but I guess for 60s, honor/rep grinding was all they could do for much of the time. Glad I had quit long before that.

I would say that most of the time, Horde win the AV within 30-45 minutes tops. This felt like a war of attrition as we had waaay too many on defense. Apparently Alliance own the 61-70 bracket on Ruin, but Horde are tops in the 51-60 one. Shame that none of the gear is any good really beyond the Harpy Hide Quiver.


fallout said:

Yes, there's nothing better than fighting on that ****ing bridge for hours and hours, let me tell you.

We did that the other day for about 3 hours. I thought it was fun as hell. It actually felt like it was "war" for one of the first times in World of "War"craft.... for me anyway.

I guess 8-9+ hours is pushing it though.

Personally I'd like to see an attack / defend BG that has that same concept (as fighting on that AV bridge) but is on a timer.... ie the Horde has to take out the alliance within 30 minutes or the lose, etc.


Razoric said:
Personally I'd like to see an attack / defend BG that has that same concept (as fighting on that AV bridge) but is on a timer.... ie the Horde has to take out the alliance within 30 minutes or the lose, etc.
Yep. I've advocated a "beat-the-clock" AV style BG many times.
yay 11th shadow lab run and bold shoulders dropped.

And I'm now 900 rep away from exalted with Sha'tar so epic shield get!

Finally nearly totally finished with the normal 5 mans.
Killed Shade of Aran tonight. 2nd night of attempts, 3rd pull (8 total, I think). It was just the MT and a laggy shaman up for the last 5-6%. Scary and exciting at the same time.


PhoenixDark said:

I got it in SM. I want to see just how much more powerful it is than my Mithril Axe

ok dude, i'm going to give you the rundown on that stupid ass weapon. First, The mace has no beneficial stats whatsoever. Second, it's way too slow for tanking.


Boy do I seriously need to replace my ring(s), shoulders, gloves and belt. They load ya up with chest, head, etc. gear once you get into Outland but leave you cold in those areas. :lol Luckily I had random drops for my bracer and boots that were upgrades.

Managed to do the quest for Bladefist's Breadth which is of course siiiick.


Meier said:
Boy do I seriously need to replace my ring(s), shoulders, gloves and belt. They load ya up with chest, head, etc. gear once you get into Outland but leave you cold in those areas. :lol Luckily I had random drops for my bracer and boots that were upgrades.

Managed to do the quest for Bladefist's Breadth which is of course siiiick.

There are several nice rings for all classes from quests in HP and Zangar, plus Honor Hold (and I'm assuming Thrallmar if you're a dirty Horde) has rings available for Honored rep.
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