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World of Warcraft

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Yeah, Thrallmar has a nice 25 stam ring with a socket and then some sort of to hit or something bonus for 15 marks.. but it's kinda tough to get since so many lvl 70 Alliance swoop in with their epic mounts and gank you if you try and cap an outpost.

I really want that mark of conquest, so it might be worth dying repeatedly to do the quest 15 times.
SlackMage said:
ok dude, i'm going to give you the rundown on that stupid ass weapon. First, The mace has no beneficial stats whatsoever. Second, it's way too slow for tanking.

But it looks so cool :(

It sucks because it's soulbound, so I can't just auction it


Meier said:
Yeah, Thrallmar has a nice 25 stam ring with a socket and then some sort of to hit or something bonus for 15 marks.. but it's kinda tough to get since so many lvl 70 Alliance swoop in with their epic mounts and gank you if you try and cap an outpost.

I really want that mark of conquest, so it might be worth dying repeatedly to do the quest 15 times.

If you ever happen to play late at night or on other offpeak hours you can usually cap them with little resistance from the opposite faction. Even better if you /whisper to nearby allies and ask for some help. If you entice them with a free easy cap you can usually get some to stay for a few minutes. It takes no more than 5 minutes (unopposed of course) to capture from full enemy control I believe. It's worth the effort, but like I said it's better done off-peak.

Of course you can always ride by every once in a while and see where the capture marker is...nothing beats riding through a point right as it gets captured and riding on out while everyone else is fighting and dying. :lol


For the WoW mages on GAF:


Great site to help you determine damage output for your mage depending on spec and various combat conditions.

I'm currently completely fire specced at 67 (0/58/0):


But after look at this site and running some numbers I'm going to respec at 70 to 38/23/0.
Full fire has much better sustained damage than arcane, but the AP/POM/Pyro at 7k+ is a nice every 3 minute bonus. Plus the Armor bonus (50% of intellect) and guaranteed silence (4 seconds) from the arcane talent tree is worth losing Dragon's Breath (though the dazed effect is nice) for PVP. And PVP is what I want to do the most of so....


If you're interested in PvP as a mage, (nearly) full frost is the way to go.

That armor bonus you mentioned is possibly the biggest waste of a talent point in any tree, from any class.
fallout said:
Man, I sincerely hope there wasn't a healer who needed that thing in your group. :lol

Well when people started rolling I was like "omg can I need that PLEASE" and they were like wtf dude. I greeded and still won it:lol


epmode said:
If you're interested in PvP as a mage, (nearly) full frost is the way to go.

That armor bonus you mentioned is possibly the biggest waste of a talent point in any tree, from any class.

Have you played a full fire spec with molten armor instead of frost armor? :) The extra armor is well worth the talent point, especially considering it benefits directly from the other Arcane tree talents which bump up intellect.


explodet said:
Very helpful, yes. Thanks!
Good reminder to just spam scorch instead of scorch and then fireball. :D

Got me my Tier 4 mage headpiece (a collar? WTF). Just need to figure out which meta gem to put in there.

In PVE, absolutely. Pyro opener if you have time/space, followed by 3 full Scorches before a mob hits you. PVP it depends, though obviously you can proc impact more often using Scorch.


For EU players (since it seems our US counterparts don't have trouble):

Is everyone else's Armory details up-to-date? My armory profile (as well as the profile of everyone else in my guild) has not been updated for about two weeks now. I'm level 50 but the profile still says 47; a guildmate is now level 62 but her profile says she's 56; etc. It's rather annoying.


Jesus the people on the WoW forum are such dickheads.. blows my mind.

Argent Dawn C.O.D scam victom..

Well its been a long day and I'm tired.. and I come back to my mail with 1 NPC letter with a book in it and a 500 gold present CoD titled "Gift from Argent Dawn". I like a dumbleboof clicked ok to the COD and poof. 500 Gold is now gone..

I petitioned a GM and the GM told me I could not and would not get my gold back.. on this.. its really heart breaking to me because I had been saving for my epic mount since the very first level. And have suffered through horrible equipment on my way to 60. I do know I am heart broken and just shattered by this. ((Yes I know its just a game but it was hard work)) and now I know I'll never see it again..

*sighs very sad*


I had a few people try this on me and was smart enough to decline, but I can see how someone would fall for it. Check out some of the jackass responses:


GG Noob. Maybe take a little more time at the CONFIRMATION BOX confirming the gold leaving your bank before hitting Accept???
What's a victom?

Is that someone who is a victim of their own ignorance?
If only a GM petition were a cure for stupidity.
etc. etc. I swear, I've never encountered a place with as many jerks as there. Why can't people just be nice and polite and feel sorry for someone who got screwed?


Somebody that drops 500 Gold on a COD from someone they don't know is deserving of ridicule.

They ought to give players a way to put money in the bank, though. A lot of scams (particularly on the AH) seem predicated on the idea that people will just click on anything without thinking about it, but if they didn't have the money in their pocket then it wouldn't go through. Even in the virtual world, it's not smart to run around with all your money on you (though there's no other choice).
I thought they disabled being able to COD gift wrapped packages like a month ago. That's ****ed up that they won't give him his money back when they supposedly fixed the problem with the patch even if he is dumb for clicking yes. My friend just got that Argent Dawn scam a few days ago for 100g and it was gift wrapped. No, he didn't open it.


I've had one for 100 and one for 150.. fortunately I realized it was a scam, but this person is obviously just a very casual player and made a mistake. Shouldn't crucify em for it..


Just for the sake of interest, I thought I'd check the post count totals for this thread. I think I post too much, heh (I haven't even been posting since day 1). Here's the top 20:

1. firex 842
2. Alex 463
3. Ferrio 462
4. border 437
5. fallout 410
6. ManaByte 385
7. Tamanon 382
8. Son of Godzilla 378
9. SaitoH 352
10. Teknopathetic 333
11. Liu Kang Baking A Pie 302
12. ToyMachine228 257
13. SatelliteOfLove 249
14. Azwethinkweiz 239
15. Ramirez 238
16. yacobod 232
17. Malakhov 214
18. explodet 181
19. MrCheez 179
20. SyNapSe 165


part of the problem is blizzard's mail interface. COD doesn't look very different from mailing someone gold when you send mail, and there's just the little warning box when you click on a COD mail, with the actual mail not looking any different than an auction you've bought out.

Not that I personally am against it, because they shouldn't have to put in the drudgereport sirens when you open a COD mail, but they could at least make COD mails look different when you open them.

Now if you're talking about how horrible the community is on worldofwarcraft.com, there's no doubt in my mind about that. It's full of the same kinds of b.net retards who talk smack about anything at all.

e: holy christ I post too much in this thread.


Any other engineers in here? Checking each day to get a tidbit of information about the "changes" Blizzard is making to the profession and curious if anyone has seen anything about it.


Karg said:
Any other engineers in here? Checking each day to get a tidbit of information about the "changes" Blizzard is making to the profession and curious if anyone has seen anything about it.
Yeah, I wouldn't expect too much. The profession is basically broken. How there are no rep rewards for anything is such a huge oversight it's incredible. I mean, I don't like rep grinding, but Outlands rep has been really easy and I'm going to get revered for heroics anyway, so why not get something else out of it?

Honestly, I've never minded the fact that you can't make money with the profession. I took up engineering because I could make things that nobody else could and they might give me and advantage in PvP. Unfortunately, I don't even have that anymore. I get grenades, and that's about it.


fallout said:
Yeah, I wouldn't expect too much. The profession is basically broken. How there are no rep rewards for anything is such a huge oversight it's incredible. I mean, I don't like rep grinding, but Outlands rep has been really easy and I'm going to get revered for heroics anyway, so why not get something else out of it?

Honestly, I've never minded the fact that you can't make money with the profession. I took up engineering because I could make things that nobody else could and they might give me and advantage in PvP. Unfortunately, I don't even have that anymore. I get grenades, and that's about it.

Well in battlegrounds you can still use the various things but not in Arena. I think you can still use the Goblin Rocket Launcher in Arena because the cooldown is short enough though. Yeah I'm not expecting a lot but at least a craftable epic gun perhaps wouldn't be too much to ask for. What can we make at 375? Some helmets and thats it.


One thing that I've always wanted to see is the ability to add engineering abilities to the gear you already have. That 30 second equip cooldown really takes a lot of the usefulness out of the items. Of course, it'll never, ever happen, but it would re-vitalize the profession a bit for me. My eng has been sitting at 310 because there's absolutely no reason for me to level it. I just refuse to drop it in case they buff it and because of all the time and gold I've put in to getting most of the available schemata.

Hell, the fact that we have battle pets with 1hr/30 min cooldowns, that are completely useless and have no passive stat bonuses while jewelcrafting gets ones that are on like, 5 minute cooldowns, are useful AND have passive stat bonuses is just mind boggling. It makes me wonder if they even bothered to talk about engineering at Blizzard.


Oni Link 666 said:
I thought they disabled being able to COD gift wrapped packages like a month ago.
They did fix that months ago. Read the post again -- the person saw that it was a BOOK and still accepted the package. Some people are just tards. "Hey look, a gift! A gift that somehow costs 500 gold! And it's a book! Surely this book must be worth 500g!"

The only way to make the system idiot-proof is to disable CODs altogether, or maybe only allow CODs from people on your Friends List.

1. firex 842
2. Alex 463
3. Ferrio 462
4. border 437

Damn, are you sure that's right? I don't think I even started posting in this thread until about a year after the game was released. I'm surprised I wound up in the Top 5


border said:
Damn, are you sure that's right? I don't think I even started posting in this thread until about a year after the game was released. I'm surprised I wound up in the Top 5

Well, a lot of us who started at the beginning quit I'd imagine.


border said:
Damn, are you sure that's right? I don't think I even started posting in this thread until about a year after the game was released. I'm surprised I wound up in the Top 5
I dunno, just going by what the forum says. Go to the Online Forum page and click the "Replies" number. A little window will pop up telling you who posted and how many times.


fallout said:
Just for the sake of interest, I thought I'd check the post count totals for this thread. I think I post too much, heh (I haven't even been posting since day 1). Here's the top 20:

9. SaitoH 352




Man, I wish all encounters were as easy for me as the Wizard of Oz opera event in Karazhan. All I had to do was scorch the Scarecrow, and he just staggers around disoriented. Almost killed him myself!

Also learned that you can buy all the +15 stamina booze you want in Old Southshore (Caverns of Time). Cheap as hell, not soulbound and it stacks with food buffs to boot. Saves having to take over Halaa for that +15 stamina whiskey.


border said:
The only way to make the system idiot-proof is to disable CODs altogether, or maybe only allow CODs from people on your Friends List.

What they should do is make it kind of like the delete system when deleting a character. Have you type in the gold, silver and copper amount with a confirmation of Send/Cancel. Having to hit a normal looking OK/Cancel confirmation box that people have seen a hundred times before elsewhere in the game was a very bad idea on their part.
What's the easiest way to earn reputation points in Ironforge? I'm trying to buy a mount, and I need an exalted reputation. Right now I'm getting points through commendation stuff, but is there anything else I can be doing?


Have you done the beginner level quests around Ironforge? I want my Draenei to get a cat mount when she hits 40, and by doing the beginner and 20's-range list of Night Elf quests I'm almost to exhaulted. At this point, you get full rep for doing even low-level quests, so go to the dwarf starting area, tear through all of their early quests, and that'll earn you quite a bit.
shidoshi said:
Have you done the beginner level quests around Ironforge? I want my Draenei to get a cat mount when she hits 40, and by doing the beginner and 20's-range list of Night Elf quests I'm almost to exhaulted. At this point, you get full rep for doing even low-level quests, so go to the dwarf starting area, tear through all of their early quests, and that'll earn you quite a bit.

I did most of them awhile ago but I've accepted a few more that I neglected. I'm honored right now, and close to exalted. I've got the gold as well so money's not a problem
Meier said:
Jesus the people on the WoW forum are such dickheads.. blows my mind.

I had a few people try this on me and was smart enough to decline, but I can see how someone would fall for it. Check out some of the jackass responses:

etc. etc. I swear, I've never encountered a place with as many jerks as there. Why can't people just be nice and polite and feel sorry for someone who got screwed?

They'd need at least 13 moderators for General alone. I'm amazed the server forums aren't worse off then they are.

It's even worse than that in threads that are actually going places: watching people post EEZEE talk in strat threads, acronym assaults, and people not reading beyond the first post of and typing up something that was explained away 4 pages back over and over. Ugh.

fallout said:
13. SatelliteOfLove 249

I get bored when I gotta farm. Really. Really bored.


Talk about completely different world with VT+VE+MB+SWP+lowbie fear and MF. Why forums and priest told me to open with shield then VE+MB then wand and save VT for groups I have no idea but alot priests on my server do that. I guess with us only 3 months old and following pre tbc guides that can happen. Now add in Shadowfiend I never run out of mana or health this way while priests next to me I see are at 1/3 health and drinking all time. Thanks for tips, sorry to have been such pain in ass. Quests in tight places where fear dont work the trick seems to be to wait until quest is nearly green I see, makes big difference like with shadow tombs and crazy repop in there if level head of mobs at least. Otherwise you have to shield with adds in places with no option to fear.

Learned rough lesson today and had watch a blue ring rot. I went to kill the Crippler and get a ring for friend that was flying in. Could not loot Dragonbone Ring of Tiger for him. GM told me because I have equipped the Dragonbone Ring of Prophet I cant ever loot items off him. So bascially its for farmers that just sell items and never use them :(

Is there much content left now that I did Mana Tombs and am in Nagrand? I imagine few more instances and hopefully 3 more outdoor zones. For some reason Nagrand looks terrible on my pc. All foliage and plants look like cardboard pop outs from ps1 era, add in all these Strangle thorn quests again and I cant wait to get out of here. Definitely not as smooth looking as Hellfire, Zangarmarsh or Terokkar Forest.


SatelliteOfLove said:
They'd need at least 13 moderators for General alone. I'm amazed the server forums aren't worse off then they are.

It's even worse than that in threads that are actually going places: watching people post EEZEE talk in strat threads, acronym assaults, and people not reading beyond the first post of and typing up something that was explained away 4 pages back over and over. Ugh.

QQ more nubz.... YARLY
fallout said:
Just for the sake of interest, I thought I'd check the post count totals for this thread. I think I post too much, heh (I haven't even been posting since day 1). Here's the top 20:

1. firex 842
2. Alex 463
3. Ferrio 462
4. border 437
5. fallout 410
6. ManaByte 385
7. Tamanon 382
8. Son of Godzilla 378
9. SaitoH 352
10. Teknopathetic 333
11. Liu Kang Baking A Pie 302
12. ToyMachine228 257
13. SatelliteOfLove 249
14. Azwethinkweiz 239
15. Ramirez 238
16. yacobod 232
17. Malakhov 214
18. explodet 181
19. MrCheez 179
20. SyNapSe 165

And this is my last one. WoW, I'm done with thee!
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