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World of Warcraft

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ToyMachine228 said:
Canceled my account tonight. It was just today that it activated itself for another month so we'll see how I'm feeling then. But right now my server is just awful as far as progression goes and that's why I play the game. To see cool encounters. And my server isn't giving me that, and I'm not going to pay $25 for a server transfer when I'm going back to school this fall and I have to save enough money for a laptop, books and take a vacation with my girlfriend this summer. This may be the end of me and WoW. We'll see.

cya in a few weeks :D
yacobod said:
cya in a few weeks :D

Yeah...until there's something truely better than WoW, everyone comes back....some take longer than others...but everyone always comes back. I came back after 6 weeks.

Now...once Warhammer comes out....mmmmm.....Hasta La Vista, Baby!
Meier said:
I would definitely suggest only 3 points in IHM to get GFTT. I've looked at one of those raid logs before and one hunter had it, and one didn't.. the one with it did an additional 9,000 dmg due to the fact every time he got a crit, his WS was able to cast Lightning Breath. It's a definite must-have talent, especially for a Marksman.

Was this before or after lightning breath got beat down with the nerf stick?

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I want to reroll as a Shaman and I was wondering what the best spec is for soloing.


So Nagrand is probably the best-looking zone in the entire game. Holy cow.

The return on the Nesigwary mastery quests made me smile. :)

Level 66 now, about 30% to 67... started in Telaar at 64, made a huge clockwise circle around the zone, and dinged to 66 upon turning about 15 quests in. :D
Where did you guys lvl from 60-70 in the outlands? I'm in hellfire about to ding 64 and I'm just about out of solo quests. I don't really bother with party quests.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Was this before or after lightning breath got beat down with the nerf stick?

After surprisingly. Before I guess it probably would have been about 15k or so. You can see the raid stats here: http://www.sodraids.com/wws-20070415-1854/index.html

DarkAngelYuna said:
Where did you guys lvl from 60-70 in the outlands? I'm in hellfire about to ding 64 and I'm just about out of solo quests. I don't really bother with party quests.

Zangarmarsh (connected) next for a level or two, then Nagrand until 67-68. At that point you could go directly to Netherstorm and level a bit there or do Blade's Edge. Shadowmoon has some very easy solo quests as well.. you'll likely have a whole zone you havent touched by the time you're 70 basically.


Favre4435 said:
I want to reroll as a Shaman and I was wondering what the best spec is for soloing.
As was said previously, enhancement. I personally recommend putting the rest of your points into resto. As you kill stuff, don't waste mana on shocks/lb (unless you have to) and save it for the odd time that you need to heal yourself. Once you're capable of dual wielding with shammervate and windfury, things will go quite nicely.

Meier said:
Zangarmarsh (connected) next for a level or two, then Nagrand until 67-68. At that point you could go directly to Netherstorm and level a bit there or do Blade's Edge.

Shadowmoon has some very easy solo quests as well.. you'll likely have a whole zone you havent touched by the time you're 70 basically.
I went HFP ==> Zangar ==> Terrokar ==> Nagrand (where I dinged 70). I did every quest I could find, all rested and a number of instance runs. That left Shadowmoon Valley (GREAT group quest rewards), BEM (kinda sucky, but worth it for the money) and Netherstorm. Those three zones basically paid for half my flying epic mount. The rest came from gouging the AH when TBC first hit, heh.

And yeah, to whoever said it, Nagrand is a beautiful zone. Probably my favourite.


Cancelled my shit too, all of my friends have quit, my server is complete garbage, and Halo 3 will soon take my gaming fix over (the beta has already consumed me!) :lol


ToyMachine228 said:
Canceled my account tonight. It was just today that it activated itself for another month so we'll see how I'm feeling then. But right now my server is just awful as far as progression goes and that's why I play the game. To see cool encounters. And my server isn't giving me that, and I'm not going to pay $25 for a server transfer when I'm going back to school this fall and I have to save enough money for a laptop, books and take a vacation with my girlfriend this summer. This may be the end of me and WoW. We'll see.

Most servers are, my guild used to be near bleeding edge, now it can barely do anything in SSC.

No one cares anymore. They ruined the raid game in TBC, it's run through a bottle neck, horrible attunements, made incredibly hard from the getgo and all of the consumables, constant class nerfs, etc, people are pissed off.

There's no time to bond/learn, you're tossed right into upper Naxx level encounters. That tied in with the fact that the loot just isn't as good as it used to be, although that's a good thing, IMO, I just want to raid to see story/fun bosses, loot never interested me as much

In TBC, I really want to see Kael'thas and Illidan, and I won't, pisses me off to no end.

Here's hoping they get it right next time, until then, just small group content and arenas for me. Maybe I can finish my alts, I really liked the new levels.

My hope for the next expansion:

~Fix or eliminate the focus of raids, people are not putting up with Tigole's shit at the moment, raiding barely exists beyond Karazhan and as someone who LIKES to see content and can set aside time for it, I'm very mad.

~More types of content, this is the biggest. I want to see new forms of class progression, more types of PvP, etc, mini games, whatever, just new shit that isnt a raid or a rep grind.

~Give my class an AoE deathcoil with no cooldown and a 5000 yard range.


Has problems recognising girls
I'd be really keen to know how many accounts have been discontinued after the release of Burning Crusade - and whether Blizzard would acknowledge something like that.

No idea if it's current with every other server but my server went from one of the best newish PVP servers (introduced in June '06) with a slight lead on Horde population, to maybe now having no real soul. No one world PVPs for fun anymore, the shit-slinging that was even cross-server BG's was epic (6 month old PVP epics Blackwing Lair server vs day 1 tier-3 filled Kel'Thuzad server) is gone, and ultimately lead to the demise of the two biggest PVP guilds. I know a few people that quit before me and quite more afterwards I left. As painful and boring the grind from 1-60 was compared to 60-70, it was still slightly more fun mixing it in with PVP guilds who were at the same pace of levelling as you before the cross-realms got into it.

But ah well. I'd really like to see Blizzard fix it up somehow because it is a great game, it's just a shame to see firsthand the amount of people quitting it because of certain distastes about it and it isn't really exclusive to one part of the game.. some are leaving over PVE, others over PVP issues.


i dont know, when MC and BWL were brand new, there werent a lot of guilds clearing thru them until they were nerfed in subsequent patches, the same thing will happen with the BC instances im sure

just wait and see :D


Gold Member
Here's one for the WoW crowd from the gaming setup thread, got my game finally installed after all the hassle.

Chittagong said:
One further picture I took of a World of Warcraft setup @ 1080P

Alex said:
Most servers are, my guild used to be near bleeding edge, now it can barely do anything in SSC.

No one cares anymore. They ruined the raid game in TBC, it's run through a bottle neck, horrible attunements, made incredibly hard from the getgo and all of the consumables, constant class nerfs, etc, people are pissed off.

There's no time to bond/learn, you're tossed right into upper Naxx level encounters. That tied in with the fact that the loot just isn't as good as it used to be, although that's a good thing, IMO, I just want to raid to see story/fun bosses, loot never interested me as much

In TBC, I really want to see Kael'thas and Illidan, and I won't, pisses me off to no end.

Here's hoping they get it right next time, until then, just small group content and arenas for me. Maybe I can finish my alts, I really liked the new levels.

My hope for the next expansion:

~Fix or eliminate the focus of raids, people are not putting up with Tigole's shit at the moment, raiding barely exists beyond Karazhan and as someone who LIKES to see content and can set aside time for it, I'm very mad.

~More types of content, this is the biggest. I want to see new forms of class progression, more types of PvP, etc, mini games, whatever, just new shit that isnt a raid or a rep grind.

~Give my class an AoE deathcoil with no cooldown and a 5000 yard range.

I get the feeling that they misinterpreted people bitching about gear discrepency as people bitching about being funneled into raiding for much of the character development past dinging 60.

The problem wasn't people "tolerating" raiding to get gear, many enjoyed it! But then, raiding past Kara and Maulgar was tuned to only those who WOULD blow thousands of gold and hundreds of game hours a night fighting skin-of-your-teeth attrition bosses like Hydross and Gruul for gear that was slightly better gear that won't be too much more powerful than can be found by crafting, PvP, or the new Heroics. This had a nasty effect of guilds who weren't bleeding edge, but hardcore, (much less us casual raiders) seeing no real benefit to doing a boss unless it was A: needed for attunment, or B: had good drops but didn't break the guild bank in the process.

They've been back-pedaling on this, (making Gruul and Magth available to those who dont raid 4+ nights a week), but the damage has been done. Bloodscalp is so...barren now; there's like one Magtheridon and Hydross killing guild, and we (Ludicrous Speed) are tied for 3rd. Third. This placing only could have come about since most of the guilds higher on the server totem pole simply gave up due to the end game entropy. It may change with the better rewards, but we'll see.


The things I always hated about raiding is people tended to become drama queens, the preparations required lots of farming mats for flasks and stuff, and in general the raids were just horribly designed as massive timesinks you were meant to farm over and over again for marginal upgrades.

I don't mean marginal upgrades over strath/DM/whatever loot, just that until Naxx, you didn't get a gigantic increase in power over one item from the next instance compared to that same slot from the previous instance. Well, that and until c'thun and naxx, raids are very largely dependant solely upon how much gear your tanks and healers have, and everything else is pretty unimportant. It just felt like zerging stuff endlessly since most raid bosses have a gimmick for each phase. And usually there's an obscure ability or two that classes have that will suddenly be required. I'm honestly surprised Tigole and Furor (the destroyers of WoW) didn't make some boss who's super easy to kill with detect invisibility up.

Then again, following the game from beta to now, it's not hard to see why it's honestly so poorly designed in some ways. I mean, classes like hunters didn't even exist in the beta until they had the level cap at 55 for everyone else... so nearly all the content at release wasn't designed with the idea of a hunter in a group in mind. Same with quest rewards, item drops, etc.

At least blizzard's next MMORPG (whenever it comes out) will hopefully not follow these mistakes... especially the biggest one, having Tigole and Furor design content.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Ok I give up... How do you get up on top of the statue of the guy on the fountain outside of Stormwind bank? I saw 4 people up there dancing today and i can't figure it out lol.



remember me
Woo! I finally got my caster dagger off prince today and enchanted it with a super leet enchant. I had to roll against a mage. I love this thing. it's a massive upgrade over my old mace. With the patch on tuesday it's going to bump my shadow spell damage by 67 up to 1139.



Man... I don't know what it is, but there's something about the Horde on my server that they just don't want to wave back, even when you're way higher than them. I don't want to kill the poor lower level characters, but if you don't have enough respect to even wave back, you force me to. With the Horde to Alliance ratio very much in their favor, I think they're getting cocky.

Also, I have to say, I've got a friend who plays FFXI, and I really think it'd be nice if WoW had some sort of "personal shop" or something like that game does. It's hard to tell people, "Hey, I can make you jewelcrafting stuff," and then try to convey to them all of what you can make and what your prices are. If you have a profession like that, there should be some sort of "sales menu" you can put together. It would add a little symbol or something to your name (like FFXI), and people could inspect you to see what all you can put together and your going rate. It'd also be nice if it could link to your bank and bags to note what you could make at a moment's notice, and how many you could do with the mats you have.


Has problems recognising girls
I think it was slightly in the plans for WoW to have some sort of system like that, player/guild housing or whatever but they seem to have just scrapped it. All I can say is the ones that created WoW originally and the plans for the future of it back then aren't even around anymore so don't expect it to happen anytime soon.


johnsmith said:
Woo! I finally got my caster dagger off prince today and enchanted it with a super leet enchant. I had to roll against a mage. I love this thing. it's a massive upgrade over my old mace. With the patch on tuesday it's going to bump my shadow spell damage by 67 up to 1139.


We always get crappy Prince loot, so congrats to you.

It's kinda sad, as we have no Hunters, two Rogues and a Warrior running in our raid group with his nice epic bow. :lol


Fularu said:
Karazhan has NAXX level bosses?

Are you kidding me? Any guild can go through Karazhan in 3 weeks even if it's made out of scrubs. Once you know the fights and gear up a little, it's barely above ZG.

As for the druid/warrior tanking debate, warriors are the all around best tanks, and it's not even close. Not that we didn't try the Druid MT thing, it's just not really worth it.

Most of the tiny guilds get stuck on things like Prince and Netherspite.

In terms of scripting, yes, it's on early Naxx level around Raz and Anub. People over estimate old world raiding prior to the Four Horsemen.

I want to know what kind of brutal ZG runs I was apparently left out of, as I don't even think I ever went below 50% mana healing during a ZG run. Jin'do was the only non-retard fest in ZG, and it's only because he was all group make up based.

I didn't even use potions to heal on raids prior to Twin Emps.

All of the old world content prior to upper AQ40 was ZzzZzz. Tanks took relaxed damage, scripting was minor, healing was a joke.

It's not as bad of a gear check, but I don't consider gear checks to be difficulty.


shidoshi said:
Also, I have to say, I've got a friend who plays FFXI, and I really think it'd be nice if WoW had some sort of "personal shop" or something like that game does. It's hard to tell people, "Hey, I can make you jewelcrafting stuff," and then try to convey to them all of what you can make and what your prices are. If you have a profession like that, there should be some sort of "sales menu" you can put together. It would add a little symbol or something to your name (like FFXI), and people could inspect you to see what all you can put together and your going rate. It'd also be nice if it could link to your bank and bags to note what you could make at a moment's notice, and how many you could do with the mats you have.

Professions is one of the things Blizzard will never get it right.


yacobod said:
i dont know, when MC and BWL were brand new, there werent a lot of guilds clearing thru them until they were nerfed in subsequent patches, the same thing will happen with the BC instances im sure

just wait and see :D

My old guild Dawn Eternal was in that first batch of guilds to do anything there, and I can tell you that we couldn't kill the trash mobs at the front on the first few tries of the zone. :lol Of course we weren't prepared with all the necessary fire resist gear, etc. and it was just fiddling around, but (I think I remember them being giant ****ing golems or something) they flat out tooled us. Didn't the mobs like split in two or something? It was crazy.
Been leveling up in Zangarmarsh for the past day as recommended. God this place is beautiful and I love it. So much better than Hellfire. I just dinged 64 last night and figured I might wanna run some instances. I've done the hellfire ones more than I care for and noticed theres 4 more on my lfg list. Coilfang - Slave pens, Coilfang - Underbog, Auchindoun -Aucgenai Crypts, and Auchindoun - Mana Tombs. Which is the best to be doing a bit for exp and gear for a warlock right now? Nothing too complicated as I'll be playing in retarded pugs. :(


Has problems recognising girls
Zangarmarsh was awesome and I never understood the hate for it. For what it's worth I enjoyed running the two Coilfang instances, especially with a Druid as the tank :D


I think Zangarmarsh is my favorite zone in the game. I just love the ambiance and the cool monsters. Also the 'theme' behind the main quest line for the area is pretty cool.

The stuff about the ogres pushing the swamp giants out of their feeding ground, and causing them to terrorize the sporelings. And the naga trying to drain the water and screw up the ecology - and the dead zone in the north.
shidoshi said:
Man... I don't know what it is, but there's something about the Horde on my server that they just don't want to wave back, even when you're way higher than them. I don't want to kill the poor lower level characters, but if you don't have enough respect to even wave back, you force me to. With the Horde to Alliance ratio very much in their favor, I think they're getting cocky.

Also, I have to say, I've got a friend who plays FFXI, and I really think it'd be nice if WoW had some sort of "personal shop" or something like that game does. It's hard to tell people, "Hey, I can make you jewelcrafting stuff," and then try to convey to them all of what you can make and what your prices are. If you have a profession like that, there should be some sort of "sales menu" you can put together. It would add a little symbol or something to your name (like FFXI), and people could inspect you to see what all you can put together and your going rate. It'd also be nice if it could link to your bank and bags to note what you could make at a moment's notice, and how many you could do with the mats you have.

There's a mod out now; forget the name. It allows you to "/w Jeweldude !gem healing" and a list spits out of all healing gems he can craft. It's been tailored to a few others.

Firex: You talking about MC?


MC or BWL or everything before c'thun in AQ40 is really gimmicky stuff, I think. Actually raids in general were really gimmicky stuff. I don't know about the new expansion raids (and I doubt I ever will since pre-expansion raiding burned me out on doing that shit ever again in the expansion) but pretty much all the old stuff was annoyingly technical and retarded, or required xx0 amounts of fire or nature resist.

The game as a whole would've been better had tigole and furor never been born. Then it wouldn't be screwed up and full of raids, or if they had raids, they would've been like 15 man stuff and relatively easy, instead of boring timesinks.

Can anyone give me some tips on my warlock, that is if theres anything wrong with him? How am I doing? I started him last May and got to 60 about 2 weeks before BC came out.. Got BC at midnight release and got to lvl 61.5 in one sitting and gave up on him, being sick of leveling again. Just started playing him this week and had tons of rested exp saved up so I'm already to 64.. having a ton of fun so far solo. Hows my gear and talents? I don't really buy gear, I use whatever drops from trash, quests or in a few instances. I don't run too many instances though.


SatelliteOfLove said:
There's a mod out now; forget the name. It allows you to "/w Jeweldude !gem healing" and a list spits out of all healing gems he can craft. It's been tailored to a few others
That basic command line structure is well-beyond the grasp of the average WoW player, I think.

Something really does need to be done about all the service-based professions (crafting, enchanting, transmuting). I'd like to master in transmuting, but I really don't feel like spamming the trade channel everyday looking for customers. I can't imagine how awful it must be as an enchanter....

Actually raids in general were really gimmicky stuff.
What makes an encounter gimmicky versus non-gimmicky?


oh, you know, how they have one weakness, and it's tranq shot or some other skill where literally the only point of taking a class along is so you can complete that fight.

All the things with 1 solution and no other way to do it, that's what makes those fights gimmicky.


firex said:
oh, you know, how they have one weakness, and it's tranq shot or some other skill where literally the only point of taking a class along is so you can complete that fight.

All the things with 1 solution and no other way to do it, that's what makes those fights gimmicky.

i raided all of old game up thru noth in naxx, i'd have to say the most interesting fights were

zg: jindo
aq20: ossirian
MC: nothing i guess rag
BWL: vael, nef
AQ40: twin emps, c'thun
naxx: anub

but most of the other fights were simply gear checks, resist gear and pots, or tank and spank

i used to raid pretty much just for pvp gear, but now i can do arenas, so i dont really have any interest in raiding anymore


Thanks to the upcoming patch, all the Karazhan crap I picked up is getting a nice buff.

In total:
+23 stamina
+20 intelligence
+35 spell damage
with a few points of spell hit/crit thrown in.

Once again Maulgar kicked our raid's ass - it was painful. Run in, buff up, get killed, run back, repeat. Every time we wiped I wanted to play the Benny Hill theme song.


yacobod said:
zg: jindo
aq20: ossirian
MC: nothing i guess rag
BWL: vael, nef
AQ40: twin emps, c'thun
naxx: anub
I looooved that fight. So much fun trying to get a heal off when there's a tornado whipping right towards you.

explodet said:
Once again Maulgar kicked our raid's ass - it was painful. Run in, buff up, get killed, run back, repeat. Every time we wiped I wanted to play the Benny Hill theme song.
Heh, "Benny Hilling" is a term we use in BGs whenever one person runs around and keeps a bunch of players occupied away from a node/flag/etc. I've always wanted to do a video montage of it with the music playing.


Alex said:
Most servers are, my guild used to be near bleeding edge, now it can barely do anything in SSC.

No one cares anymore. They ruined the raid game in TBC, it's run through a bottle neck, horrible attunements, made incredibly hard from the getgo and all of the consumables, constant class nerfs, etc, people are pissed off.

There's no time to bond/learn, you're tossed right into upper Naxx level encounters. That tied in with the fact that the loot just isn't as good as it used to be, although that's a good thing, IMO, I just want to raid to see story/fun bosses, loot never interested me as much

In TBC, I really want to see Kael'thas and Illidan, and I won't, pisses me off to no end.

Here's hoping they get it right next time, until then, just small group content and arenas for me. Maybe I can finish my alts, I really liked the new levels.

My hope for the next expansion:

~Fix or eliminate the focus of raids, people are not putting up with Tigole's shit at the moment, raiding barely exists beyond Karazhan and as someone who LIKES to see content and can set aside time for it, I'm very mad.

~More types of content, this is the biggest. I want to see new forms of class progression, more types of PvP, etc, mini games, whatever, just new shit that isnt a raid or a rep grind.

~Give my class an AoE deathcoil with no cooldown and a 5000 yard range.
Well 2.1 will solve a lot of the problems that are present in the raiding department. The majority of the trash/encounters are getting serious nerfs making TBC raid-dungeons accessible to any competant group of 25. I say competant because there are some that still can't down Gruul after the serious nerfs he received in a past hotfix, and there's no reason they shouldn't be able to. If Gruul is a cockblock to them in his current form, then honestly they shouldn't be progressing into SSC or TK.

But agreeably SSC and TK are way too untuned for anyone to put up with right now, and that includes the few guilds that are pumping endless amounts of gold and consumables into each fight. I just happened to be lucky enough to get in a guild before TBC that wanted to push through the new content, and we've so far downed Mag, Krath/Morogrim in SSC and Void Reaver in TK. But some of the trash and encounters are just so stupidly designed half the time it doesn't feel like any of it is worth it. The trash up until Morogrim in SSC, for example, took us 1 hour 40 minutes with only 1 wipe. That type of endless grinding is absolutely ridiculous, and Blizzard should have learned by now that players don't want to trudge through that kind of crap. (Thank god for shamans and being able to bypass the majority of this trash however, until they fix it).

Mag is another topic all together. Guilds should be easily progressing from downing Gruul to downing Mag, and he's unfortunately the most un-tuned boss in the entire game, as the step up from Gruul to him is incredibly wide. Thankfully, he's receiving another huge nerf in 2.1 which should make it a lot easier for any guild to handle him and move on into TK.
got my Netherblade Facemask today. We then decided to go get Maiden since we usually skip her and Midnight. My net drops me, Bracers of Maliciousness drop...they get DE'd. ****.


johnsmith said:
Woo! I finally got my caster dagger off prince today and enchanted it with a super leet enchant. I had to roll against a mage. I love this thing. it's a massive upgrade over my old mace. With the patch on tuesday it's going to bump my shadow spell damage by 67 up to 1139.


Grats! I'm still trying to grind my Lower City rep up just to get the ****ing mace. Probably get the mindblade before I can even get the mace. :lol Do you have an armory link? I'd like to check out your gear.
DarkAngelYuna said:
Where did you guys lvl from 60-70 in the outlands? I'm in hellfire about to ding 64 and I'm just about out of solo quests. I don't really bother with party quests.

Me I did a Hellfire, Zangamarsh, Nagrand got to 63 or so and stayed in Nagrand until about 67 or 68 doing solo stuff. From there I went to Shadowmoon Valley for 68 to70 then I came back and did Terrokar Forest, Blade's Edge, and Netherstrom.

IMO there is a lot of travel in Terrokar and Blade's Edge so I didn't really pay attention to them until after I got my flying mount.


Meh, I should have never passed the Shard from Maiden last week. The buff it's getting is so good and would probably give me ~+100 healing to my already 1.3K. I thought it was the nice thing to do, but who knew the druid I passed it to would get both the T4 gloves and his boots from Chess event that same week. I thought I got over it, but it still bugs me. I hope it drops again tonight...otherwise, I'm not being nice any more -_-


remember me
Sullen said:
Grats! I'm still trying to grind my Lower City rep up just to get the ****ing mace. Probably get the mindblade before I can even get the mace. :lol Do you have an armory link? I'd like to check out your gear.


The stats on that lower city mace are getitng upgraded, though the upgrade is smaller than on the mindblade. New stats are
24 Stamina
16 Intellect
15 Spell Crit rating
+159 Damage and Healing
firex said:
oh, you know, how they have one weakness, and it's tranq shot or some other skill where literally the only point of taking a class along is so you can complete that fight.

All the things with 1 solution and no other way to do it, that's what makes those fights gimmicky.

I'm not really feeling you; that would make, say Nightbane and Twin Emperors collections of gimmicks (thus becoming a "gimmick" in and of itself). Gimmick to me is MC stuff, like "YOU IM BOM ZAL DROPPEN" on Baron Geddon, and that's the only thing or two to even think of.


well, anything that's also a resist check is a gimmick to me, because those aren't fights where it's about everyone doing their best potential, just about having the required amount of resist.

but how can you not find the majority of all the pre-c'thun raid stuff gimmicky? it literally comes down to retarded stuff like "pull them to exactly this spot or everyone dies," requires tranq shot and nothing else is important, LOS cheesing, or other fights where there's only one way to kill the boss and no alternate solutions. I mean, it's not really bad since it's better than just a generic tank, heal and dps fight, but it still gets old and typically involves the same tank, heal and dps deal, but with one slightly different wrinkle to it. There's like no fight up until maybe the twin emps where there are multiple things you have to worry about, just one stupid thing. Well, ok, there's 2 things with nef, but one of them is the same aoe fear that all dragons do. MC is obviously really bad for gimmicky fights, but BWL's not much better. I think it's just that it took them until twin emps/c'thun to come up with interesting roles for people other than tanks.

I'm just going by all the pre-expansion raids I've done though (everything but naxx). I haven't even bothered with karazahn or the 25 mans yet, and those might be different.
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