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World of Warcraft

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Karazhan has to be the most well-designed raid dungeon I've ever seen. So many of the boss fights are unique and exciting each time. The trash isn't overbearingly hard but still leaves little room to goof off.

Plus the fights are just fun. Favorite for me is the Wizard of Oz.
Just watched the Black Temple trailer that Blizzard posted today. Really makes me want to continue with WoW, and go on to progress with raiding. But then I'm reminded of my awful server...And the chances of me actually ever seeing Illidan...And my feelings are neutral again.


ToyMachine228 said:
Just watched the Black Temple trailer that Blizzard posted today. Really makes me want to continue with WoW, and go on to progress with raiding. But then I'm reminded of my awful server...And the chances of me actually ever seeing Illidan...And my feelings are neutral again.

you're not married to your server

do a little research and transfer to a higher pop server, you can always try some bigger server like mugthol, tich, etc etc

those servers prolly have 10+ guilds doing end game on each side, do a little browsing on the realm forums, and transfer if you want to play
yacobod said:
you're not married to your server

do a little research and transfer to a higher pop server, you can always try some bigger server like mugthol, tich, etc etc

those servers prolly have 10+ guilds doing end game on each side, do a little browsing on the realm forums, and transfer if you want to play
Aren't transfers still down?
I suck at the research part...What are some good Alliance servers that have guilds that I actually stand a chance or getting into? I'm a very good Paladin. Many say the best they've seen to be flat honest.


ToyMachine228 said:
I suck at the research part...What are some good Alliance servers that have guilds that I actually stand a chance or getting into? I'm a very good Paladin. Many say the best they've seen to be flat honest.

what i would do is look at high population servers, decide if you want a pvp or pve server, go to the server forums on the wow website, browse some guild progression threads, and you can get a feel for what servers are very active, that would be my advice


From the mag Games For Windows, coming after 2.1

The Guild Bank concept with trackable transactions will be nice as will the built-in voice:)

Guild Banks
Some of the key features of guild banks will be the ability to allow some of your members to use the money put in the bank for repairs (from NPC's and bots, which will have a new option) and reportedly will have hundreds of slots for items and such. The potential is ripe for abuse but Blizzard will have it set up so that transactions are documented on their website and abusers can be reported and Customer Service would then get involved.

In-game VoIP
Good-bye Ventrilo and Teamspeak? Blizzard is gearing up to add VoIP straight into the game for players that will help the problem of players not knowing or recognizing someone's voice and missing a critical heal or other critical game play needs. A players name will be highlighted when they are talking and you are able to click on their name then to select them and give them their buff/heal/etc.

There will also be the option to separate the voice chat from the game music sound to different sound channels. So you could (in theory) have the music and sound effects going through your regular speakers and the voice chat going through just your headset. To begin with, the VoIP will only be available to Parties and Raids but there may be room for expanding on that with custom channels (presumably for guilds).
Tamanon said:
Guild Banks
Some of the key features of guild banks will be the ability to allow some of your members to use the money put in the bank for repairs (from NPC's and bots, which will have a new option) and reportedly will have hundreds of slots for items and such. The potential is ripe for abuse but Blizzard will have it set up so that transactions are documented on their website and abusers can be reported and Customer Service would then get involved.

In-game VoIP
Good-bye Ventrilo and Teamspeak? Blizzard is gearing up to add VoIP straight into the game for players that will help the problem of players not knowing or recognizing someone's voice and missing a critical heal or other critical game play needs. A players name will be highlighted when they are talking and you are able to click on their name then to select them and give them their buff/heal/etc.

There will also be the option to separate the voice chat from the game music sound to different sound channels. So you could (in theory) have the music and sound effects going through your regular speakers and the voice chat going through just your headset. To begin with, the VoIP will only be available to Parties and Raids but there may be room for expanding on that with custom channels (presumably for guilds).

If done right could be really useful.


As an enhancement shaman, :( at patch 2.1.

Honestly though, according to Tseric on the WoW forums himself...

"Enhancement Shaman have a difficult time in PvP compared to the other trees,"


as well as

"in PvE, while Enhancement can put out some decent dps, they are also seen as absorbing heals by being in melee range for a boss encounter, so they may not be preferable to a plate wearer or someone who can mitigate enough of their own damage cleanly."

Then what the hell are we good for? Throw us a freaking bone, Blizz - enhancement is an awesome, awesome tree and I die a little bit every time we get blue text that sounds like that. :(


Hm, you know that's a good point. Enhancement is a really well structured tree. I prefer it to restoration, if only because of that stupid (and necessary) restorative totems talent. The enhancement tree has a lot of great talents, with a few options and provides some nice totem support role talents. The elemental tree has always been kinda shitty, despite it's fantastic PvP power.

Anyway, yeah ... hybrids have always had to fill the healing roll. This is just a continuation of it, because shamans were doing such great melee DPS. I've always hated the attitude that Class A should never out-DPS Class B. That's just shortsighted and hurts the game overall. So what if another class is out-DPSing you? It just means that you're killing shit faster! Never understood the attitude. And on that note, as someone who enjoys healing, I've never cared about being outhealed by anyone. Providing that I'm doing what is necessary to allow my group to succeed, I'm happy with it.

Still, I do love my resto build. I still think that shamans make for better PvP healers than most other classes, because of totems and rank 1 earthshock.
fallout said:
Still, I do love my resto build. I still think that shamans make for better PvP healers than most other classes, because of totems and rank 1 earthshock.

If I continue to play and get my Shaman to 70 (currently 64) I'll probably go Resto. Enchancement Shamans are pretty fun but they pull agro more than any dps class I've ever seen. At least all the Enchancement Shamans I've grouped with.


ToyMachine228 said:
Enchancement Shamans are pretty fun but they pull agro more than any dps class I've ever seen. At least all the Enchancement Shamans I've grouped with.
The problem is that you need WF to put out the DPS, but sometimes you can proc a whole bunch in a row and you have no way of decreasing your aggro.

Unless of course, you're in a 10/25 man and not in the MT group (which is kinda dumb, especially if you're an enhancement shammy), you can drop tranquil air. Still, the instances of that are really rare.


I honestly could care less about enhancement PvP viability - it would be nice, but I'd much rather have PvE raid viability, seeing as we have two strong PvP trees as it is.

Blizzard seems to be blind to the fact that shaman isn't the "jack of all trades" it used to be (is supposed to be), and due to the way the game is evolving, it doesn't like it'll return to that way anytime soon.

Part of why I liked Guild Wars was its overall great balance - sure, you had your Minionmaster exploits and your invincimonk exploits, but even those were largely minor issues, and were only overpowered in certain situations. As a PvP-focused game, the balance was rather vital, but WoW's PvE emphasis (lol) is a garbage excuse for the extreme lack of balance the game is starting to show.

EDIT: and what is wrong with separate cooldowns for WF on each hand? seriously - shaman has ALWAYS been a class focused around BURST damage. If you take that away from us, what else are we left with?

I also think that Blizz has run away with hp levels in the expansion to the point of ridiculousness, but that's another discussion entirely.


I think they should naturally give shaman lower melee aggro, like rogues, and give them some kind of universal threat dump. WF procs generate like 3k threat for my friend's shaman, which is just insane to deal with.


A Question, how would levelling as an elemental shaman compare to enhance? I'm currently lvl 62, been enhancement all my life and i'm looking for a change. Got some decent elem gear from quest rewards. Would it be faster/more fun than with enhance?


it's definitely not going to be faster, because you'll have a lot of downtime. But if you're duoing stuff with people who can keep mobs off you, you could do ok. the problem with solo elemental is the only focus talent is eye of the storm, and elemental is really about lightning bolt spamming with shocks thrown in for their bonus effects.


i came back to my warrior 4 weeks ago, and im absolutely having a blast with the game right now, so i dont really share those sentiments, i guess my long layoff probably plays a part in that, as i wasnt burnt out from racing to 70, and then going wtf

since getting him back i've powerleveled my blacksmithing to craft thunder, then i started farming honor to upgrade my gear in prep for arenas, i absolutely love the fact that the pvp gear/arena gear is on par with pve gear from kara/gruul, etc, i dont have to raid 4 times a week to be on the bleeding edge of gear anymore to be competitive in pvp, i think the game is much more casual friendly, i think it's a step in the right direction

i still need 2k honor for my pvp cloak, once i get my cloak tho, i will start running heroic slave pens for my 8 primal nethers for deep thunder, when i'm not running heroics, i will be playing my hunter doing all the quests in netherstorm and shadowmoon valley, i figure i need to raise around 2k gold to lvl my blacksmithing from 361-375, but it will be worth it when im wrecking face with Deep Thunder

here's my armory, http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Twisting+Nether&n=Kurwa, basically the warrior has gotten a total overhaul in the past month, i should have my gladiator helm in a little over a week, and with some farming i should have deep thunder in 2-3 weeks



My first post here...:)

Well i'm gnome warlock 70 in C'thun (Europe servers) with the same nick as here. I just started to play in January so i don't know what you mean by "Is it me, or has this game lost a lot of its magic, in the past few months?"

How was it before? ^^

It's been the most exciting game experience since halo and halo2 for me...so it means long time ago xD

Well if someone plays in my server just say and we can raid, pvp or arena together xD


Has problems recognising girls
MaRcMa said:
Well i'm gnome warlock 70 in C'thun (Europe servers) with the same nick as here. I just started to play in January so i don't know what you mean by "Is it me, or has this game lost a lot of its magic, in the past few months?"

How was it before? ^^
I think it has more to do with the fact that people were at 60 for a long time and got comfortable in that type of scenario.. everyone rushed to 70 and felt burnt out by the game. I dunno.. it was awesome back when I rolled my Shaman on a new server and everyone was levelling up at the same time and before cross-realm BG's, you'd run into the premades on there and it was always a blast. Tons of insults, curses and the like just meant for a stronger community aspect on your server.

My old server lost it's soul after transfers opened up and people quit before and after BC came out.

Friend of mine logged onto his account after he kept getting pestered by his sister to go play on the server she was on for awhile - found out his 60 Mage, 70 Druid and everything else on the server we played on had been sharded and money taken out from a keylogger. He said he never felt greater because he knew he could never go back to the game.


fallout said:
I've always hated the attitude that Class A should never out-DPS Class B. That's just shortsighted and hurts the game overall. So what if another class is out-DPSing you? It just means that you're killing shit faster! Never understood the attitude.

The thing is that hybrids are supposed to be able to adjust to the situation to fill in other roles if necessary but in no way shape or form should they be able to do it better than the main class. There would be no point in taking a rogue if enhancement shamans could provide better dps than them because that is ALL that rogues do. No group buffs, no totems, a mediocre raid debuff, etc.


Hero said:
The thing is that hybrids are supposed to be able to adjust to the situation to fill in other roles if necessary but in no way shape or form should they be able to do it better than the main class. There would be no point in taking a rogue if enhancement shamans could provide better dps than them because that is ALL that rogues do. No group buffs, no totems, a mediocre raid debuff, etc.

sounds like sour grapes from a person who plays a rogue :p


yacobod said:
sounds like sour grapes from a person who plays a rogue :p

I'll admit, I'm a little displeased with Blizzard and how they've given almost every class a huge buff in terms of DPS. In all honesty, warlocks, shadow priests, and mages can put up some disgusting numbers with little effort. Compared to say, pre-TBC.

But the hybrid thing applies for other classes too. Warriors bitched when TBC came out and druid tanks were performing their job better than them. On my server it's hard to find good warrior tanks since most of them quit or rerolled.


Hero said:
The thing is that hybrids are supposed to be able to adjust to the situation to fill in other roles if necessary but in no way shape or form should they be able to do it better than the main class. There would be no point in taking a rogue if enhancement shamans could provide better dps than them because that is ALL that rogues do. No group buffs, no totems, a mediocre raid debuff, etc.
Heh. See, again, if your guild isn't filled with a bunch of dipshits/assholes, nobody's going to say: "Oh hey, that rogue signed up on time, he's good, reliable, etc. but this shaman showed up, let's take him instead". Unless there's an absolute need for the role, then it's bullshit that you would get swapped. The paladin I was with in Kara last week outhealed by ass by a long shot. Did I care? No! I mean, you could say, why not bring 2 paladins? Because I was there and I'm a competent healer.

Now, I do agree that the rogue purpose in the raid should be enhanced, but in a 10-man situation, sapping might be viable CC. In a 25-man, you're just going to be filling up DPS spots anyway, so what the **** does it matter? People are just way too protective over the class that they play when it's compared to others.

And it's not just hybrids either, I've heard bitching from rogues about hunters, hunters about rogues, mages about hunters, etc. etc. etc. If the group is succeeding and you are filling your role. Who. ****ing. Cares.

But the hybrid thing applies for other classes too. Warriors bitched when TBC came out and druid tanks were performing their job better than them. On my server it's hard to find good warrior tanks since most of them quit or rerolled.
Now that's just stupid. Warrior tanks were still very viable (especially when they started to gear up) and I ran with a lot of great warrior tanks. The fact that druids were doing well was just an added bonus ... less time looking for group. If you're someone who would reroll over that, then I don't want you tanking for me.


Damn, I must rock on Healing or something - I took a day off to prepare for my surgery (which I had today, check ot) - and two other healers with one of our best went. Man, they wiped five times on Maiden (which we usually don't do AT ALL). They said most of the wipes were from the MT not receiving enough heals. It's obvious I make a lot of healing difference in the raid.


If they're going to make hybrids able to adjust on the fly, it means they nerf any point of specializing, so they wind up as gimpy, shitty jack of all trades classes. I'd really like to see hybrids (well, pallies and shamans) able to do more than just their main spec without a shitload of gear though. They need to make some trees potent enough to back up with another role like balance/resto druids (as in going balance and rest of your points into resto). Every class should have 2 viable roles at least, depending upon talent spec. i.e. enhance should be capable of more than just melee DPS, elemental should be capable of more than the occasional impressive lightning bolt/chain lightning crit, ret pallies should be capable of more than the occasionally big burst DPS, and so on. That extends to the DPS classes too, although really the only one that doesn't have another role is rogue. I guess they can CC with sap, but it's not as utilitarian as hunters/mages/warlocks (mobs have to be out of combat, can't be reapplied in combat, doesn't last as long as sheep, etc.).

I mean, there's theoretically at least 2 roles available to nearly every class right now:
Warrior - Tank/DPS
Rogue - DPS/CC
Hunter - DPS/CC
Mage - DPS/CC
Warlock - DPS/CC
Priest - DPS/Healer
Shaman DPS (caster and melee)/Healer
Druid - DPS (caster and melee/Tank/Healer
Paladin - Tank/Healer (ret is seriously pretty much solo DPS, it just doesn't have the sustainability to contribute in most cases)

But the CC roles for the DPS classes aren't affected by talents, and in the case of the bottom 4, their roles are extremely restricted by their talents (and in the case of warriors, they don't lose a whole lot in their ability to hold threat, just in their ability to survive). In the case of my pally, if I weren't Holy spec I wouldn't be able to significantly heal through a dungeon. I'd just be an off-healer at best. I had the same problem going elemental or enhance on my shaman, and then likewise if you go with a healing spec you really can't do DPS/tank (in the case of pally) at all.

If they'd at least put in talents that make healing/tanking/DPS a little more efficient while also upgrading the tree's main focus for shamans/paladins, that would go a long way. There's still a few abilities I feel like they should give to shamans/paladins from their current talent setup (mostly either the crappy 1 pt. talents or the near-required 1 pt. talents, like BoK and BoSanctuary, Mana Tide, 2h weapons, ToW) but they should really look into adding stuff like reduced cost on healing spells in with reduced cost on elemental spells, increased holy damage along with increased healing, elemental clearcasting affecting heals too, that kind of stuff. There are so many awesome, not overpowered at all, buffs/talents that stack with resto in the Druid balance tree that it's just insane comparing it to elemental/holy/ret.


fallout said:
Heh. See, again, if your guild isn't filled with a bunch of dipshits/assholes, nobody's going to say: "Oh hey, that rogue signed up on time, he's good, reliable, etc. but this shaman showed up, let's take him instead". Unless there's an absolute need for the role, then it's bullshit that you would get swapped. The paladin I was with in Kara last week outhealed by ass by a long shot. Did I care? No! I mean, you could say, why not bring 2 paladins? Because I was there and I'm a competent healer.

It's not really a guild issue, it's Blizzard's inability to balance the classes as they should be. Sure, you might say it's fine now, but if or when your guild hits a wall in progression and every little bit of dps or healing helps, they're going to want to maximize it and that means that somebody is going to lose their raid slot because their class isn't as good as another. In the case of hybrids, you can always respec to fill in a different slot, but with dps classes, you're out of luck.

You can't honestly tell me that a class whose sole purpose is to DPS should not be the premier raiding DPS class. It's not like a rogue has many options considering every tree is damage, damage, or shitty stunlock build. When mages or warlocks can outdps me and be safely out of range of cleaves and other AOE, I just have to wonder what Blizzard is trying to do with the game. Because then it's not a matter of how much dps people are doing, it's who is being liable to the raid. Every time someone heals a rogue that could've been a heal going to the MT or offtank or what not.


I finally got Girdle of Treachery today.

My rogue is starting to look very lethal...



Hero said:
It's not really a guild issue, it's Blizzard's inability to balance the classes as they should be. Sure, you might say it's fine now, but if or when your guild hits a wall in progression and every little bit of dps or healing helps, they're going to want to maximize it and that means that somebody is going to lose their raid slot because their class isn't as good as another. In the case of hybrids, you can always respec to fill in a different slot, but with dps classes, you're out of luck.
Yeah, there's always the "A-Team" problem, but in my experience, gear can have just as much of an effect. So, you lose your raid spot, even though you ran something a million times for an upgrade, but with no success. Shit happens and yeah, it's unfair. Still, any reasonable guild should be working to succeed with the group that they have. My guild has managed to do so with fairly good results.

You can't honestly tell me that a class whose sole purpose is to DPS should not be the premier raiding DPS class.
Yeah, that's ... kind of what I'm saying. Or rather, I'm saying that they don't have to be the top DPS in a raid. Like I said previously, people just get too whiney about this and you have to think about the big picture. Is it better for your guild raids to have more DPS or less? Because, you're going to get less thanks to Blizzard's views on hybrids.

It's not like a rogue has many options considering every tree is damage, damage, or shitty stunlock build. When mages or warlocks can outdps me and be safely out of range of cleaves and other AOE, I just have to wonder what Blizzard is trying to do with the game. Because then it's not a matter of how much dps people are doing, it's who is being liable to the raid. Every time someone heals a rogue that could've been a heal going to the MT or offtank or what not.
This, I agree, is an issue. I think rogues should be given more purpose in raids. Still, DPS is DPS, regardless of where it's coming from.


Hero said:
It's not really a guild issue, it's Blizzard's inability to balance the classes as they should be. Sure, you might say it's fine now, but if or when your guild hits a wall in progression and every little bit of dps or healing helps, they're going to want to maximize it and that means that somebody is going to lose their raid slot because their class isn't as good as another. In the case of hybrids, you can always respec to fill in a different slot, but with dps classes, you're out of luck.

You can't honestly tell me that a class whose sole purpose is to DPS should not be the premier raiding DPS class. It's not like a rogue has many options considering every tree is damage, damage, or shitty stunlock build. When mages or warlocks can outdps me and be safely out of range of cleaves and other AOE, I just have to wonder what Blizzard is trying to do with the game. Because then it's not a matter of how much dps people are doing, it's who is being liable to the raid. Every time someone heals a rogue that could've been a heal going to the MT or offtank or what not.
Rogues were designed to be penultimate PVP characters. Tigole and them have moved way away from boss encounters being friendly to rogues (Prince Malchezzar in karazhan especially, if you do the door trick, even a rogue still has to run out before shadow nova or receive damage that the tank should be healed from). It's a sad state really, every boss has some sort of AOE or cleave that hurts melee near the Tank. At least if a Paladin Ret was viable in the near future, they could heal themselves. It's a slow death spiral for every class.

Stealth Edit (sort of)

Warlocks are getting their fears nerfed. BADLY. Reroll!
When I first read the patch notes and saw how they were nerfing fear, I downloaded the PTR to test it for myself. Here are the changes i saw:
- Sometimes fear would break on the first damage tick
- The duration sometimes lasted up to 6 seconds maximum with full dots and pet on the target
- Fear would always break on direct damage
- Fear never lasted a full 12 seconds with dots on
- Once fear broke the first time and DRs kicked in, the next fear would last no longer than 3 seconds
- Fear was still helpful

At that time people were crying on the forums complaining how useless it was and that the world was coming to an end due to this change. So I made a point to post in every thread of that kind that I saw and let people know that even with the nerf, fear was still fine. And yes, I told many people to QQ more and so on. The fact was that fear was not broken!

Then I read about how fear was nerfed again on PTR (on May 15th I think) and once again I decided to test it for myself. Here are the changes that I saw:
- Almost always fear would break on the 1st or 2nd tick
- The duration never lasted more than 3 seconds with dots on the target
- Fear would always break on direct damage
- Fear never lasted more than 4 seconds with dots on
- Once fear broke the first time and DRs kicked in, the next fear would last no longer than 2 seconds


fallout said:
Yeah, there's always the "A-Team" problem, but in my experience, gear can have just as much of an effect. So, you lose your raid spot, even though you ran something a million times for an upgrade, but with no success. Shit happens and yeah, it's unfair. Still, any reasonable guild should be working to succeed with the group that they have. My guild has managed to do so with fairly good results.

A class has potential that is brought out with good gear and/or skill. In my opinion I think other classes right now are just too easy to pump out the large dps numbers. Maybe it has to do with shitty itemization right now, but there's a serious gap in terms of raid dps pre-TBC and post-TBC. But it sounds like your guild is a cool one, the last one I was in was kind of a dictatorship.
Yeah, that's ... kind of what I'm saying. Or rather, I'm saying that they don't have to be the top DPS in a raid. Like I said previously, people just get too whiney about this and you have to think about the big picture. Is it better for your guild raids to have more DPS or less? Because, you're going to get less thanks to Blizzard's views on hybrids.

I'm not saying it should be like, if you're a rogue you should automatically be top dps, or if you're a priest, you should automatically top healing. But this just ties more into the fact that other classes can bring utility or buffs to a raid. All rogues can offer is sap, which is shit compared to polymorph/shackle/banish/trap, and stuns, which 99% of the time never work on bosses. So, it's pretty shitty when our dps potential is threatened by other classes that can just craft some epic tailoring items and do a SW:p-Mindblast-Mindflay rotation where they're in no jeopardy thanks to being ranged dps.


I won't believe fear was nerfed until I see it with my own eyes. People say all that stuff about it breaking every single PTR patch for the past year or so.


Oh God oh God oh God. Please let it be true that Fear is being nerfed. Pleeeeeeeeease.

I typically dislike it when people bitch about wanting X or Y to be nerfed, and I'm not really doing that. I'm just saying that, should it happen, it would be swell.


hi guys,

i have a couple of questions about WoW.

I'm downloading the 14 day trial of WoW. Is there anyway where i can download WoW and the expansion and play the expansion for 14 days without having a current paying account? I'm not sure if i can just download the 14 day trial, create a character then download the expansion pack and use that character.

Anyone know?

Also, can i play with expansion pack characters?

What server is Gaf on?

shidoshi said:
Oh God oh God oh God. Please let it be true that Fear is being nerfed. Pleeeeeeeeease.

I typically dislike it when people bitch about wanting X or Y to be nerfed, and I'm not really doing that. I'm just saying that, should it happen, it would be swell.

I say no. It's just like the nerf to Mage's Frost Nova/DD coefficients, a core ability is getting nerfed for a Hot New Spell. In this case, it's either Warrior In Your Pocket Felguard or the Genei-Jin of 41 point talents, Unstable Affliction. I'd rather they pull back on some the insane aspects of those rather than muck up ANOTHER Lock base (like they did with dot cooefficents).


mackaveli said:
hi guys,

i have a couple of questions about WoW.

I'm downloading the 14 day trial of WoW. Is there anyway where i can download WoW and the expansion and play the expansion for 14 days without having a current paying account? I'm not sure if i can just download the 14 day trial, create a character then download the expansion pack and use that character.

Anyone know?

Also, can i play with expansion pack characters?

What server is Gaf on?


GAF is all over and you should be able to sample the BC expansion and game from the Blizz website itself for 14 days.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
SlackMage said:
Is it me, or has this game lost a lot of its magic, in the past few months?

Yes, TBC has put a major blow to veteran players in WoW. I'm really disappointed in Blizzard due to the fact that it takes them FOREVER to fix stuff. It's obvious that they didn't test the 25 man content SSC and TK enough. They're releasing a fix 2-3 months late with a patch that has content(black temple) that majority of raiders won't do. The damage is already done for a lot of guilds considering I had about 6 guild buddies getting burned out from the game due to how horrible raiding has become and my guild finally disbanded a few weeks ago. I haven't logged on my account in weeks and have no reason to. Also the loot is meh and trash is a major cockblock. I believe Blizzard is releasing black temple so early so they could release Hyjal this fall and then have an expansion early next year. More expansion= more $$$

As a player of WoW for over 2 years, TBC=teh suckage


I just cancelled my account. I only started playing this year, and I hit 70 very recently but I have to say: World of Warcraft's endgame blows, big time.

I dont know how anyone can subject themselves to the game's instanced content. It's like, every hour my guild wants to run Heroic something-or-other or Raid some stupid boss for the 500th time. Funny thing is: everyone in the guild hates dungeons, too, but they're so enthralled with the chance for some shiny gear to drop that it doesn't phase them.

That junk is going to be obsolete when the next expansion comes out. Why bother?

It was a fun game until level 70, though. I'll definitely pickup future expansions.


Raid has been disastrous this week, due to our raid leader on vacation and most of the regulars not showing up, so we had to field a group with majority of new players. It's not that they are bad but, people being put into positions they have never been in before, it was like learning the encounters all over again, so our progress has been real slow. The #2 team in the guild is actually flying through the place instead of us, it's been kind of disconcerting. However, the Shard did drop again this week from Maiden, so I got it after passing last week.


Zalasta said:
Raid has been disastrous this week, due to our raid leader on vacation and most of the regulars not showing up, so we had to field a group with majority of new players. It's not that they are bad but, people being put into positions they have never been in before, it was like learning the encounters all over again, so our progress has been real slow. The #2 team in the guild is actually flying through the place instead of us, it's been kind of disconcerting. However, the Shard did drop again this week from Maiden, so I got it after passing last week.
Grats on the Shard of the Virtuous man, it's like having The Oathkeeper as a one-hander :D

I myself finally got the Light's Justice dude, finally upgrading from my Gavel of Pure Light. I still need to get the mats for +81 healing though :/

Feels good to have one of the best end-game healing maces though!
I wish light's justice had Mp5 instead of spirit but since the shard hasn't dropped since the first time we killed Maiden a few months ago I wouldn't pass it up (also a paladin). My shield, shoulders, and head haven't dropped either so I'm more than a little annoyed.


Hahaha, they're nerfing warlock soulstones so that the warlock who gives a player a soulstone has to be in the raid/party for it to be active.

Turns out entire raids on the test server were making lvl 18 warlock alts for the purpose of soulstoning every member of the raid. Each person would get a soulstone from a warlock alt and then attempt the boss fight. I guess raid bosses aren't as difficult if each raider carried their own 1up mushroom.
John_B said:
I finally got Girdle of Treachery today.

My rogue is starting to look very lethal...


Man, I had to turn helm off...I just cant stand that art. I feel like my toon is going to Mardi Gras or was in Eyes Wide Shut. But yes, your Rogue is looking sweet.


hahah yeah that rogue hat is kinda retarded looking.. I mean what were they thinking? Tier 5 Rogue doesn't look much better >_>

Pics of PVE/PVP ramos tonight.
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