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World of Warcraft

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formerly "chigiri"
John_B said:
I finally got Girdle of Treachery today.

My rogue is starting to look very lethal...


Evil pose /rawr :p

I wish Tier 4-6 used the Bloodfang hood or some variation thereof, instead of a masquerade mask, skeletor and a high collar.


As soon as I got my Paladin into some nice BC gear, I've decided to reroll. Seriously, I love to heal, even if TBC shoved 99% of it's new "difficulty" on the healers, but I ****ing hate this class so much.

It's my own god damn fault though. I'm getting off of it now for the same reasons I got off of it last time; it's like a perpetual 33% of a class, said 33% being the least interesting or interactive of anyone else in the game.

The buffs are nice, the bubbles are nice, but that's it. After that you may as well take a nap. I should've realized while going from 60-70 and not obtaining a single new spell that I ever use that things would be bad. Avenging Wrath, Seal of Vengence/Blood? The hell is this shit?

I think I'm going to go Priest. I'm not expecting a bright and sunshiney difference, but simple things like the extra ten tons of heal utility, being able to pick up DPS loot to respec on occasion, etc, things like that will make me happy. I like clothy and purist class style, and I like Warlock style DPS, so I think the Priest split will work for me. That and Draenei's racials are ****ing slick for Priest. Fear Ward and baby party Innervate!

It's not really a matter of being underpowered, It's mostly an issue of fun. I heal well, I do solid in arenas, but argh! So boring!

I wonder how pure Resto Shamans feel, I can't imagine it's too much more interesting, but at least you can Earth Shock casters for lol factor!

Man if I had Earth Shock, I'd never get anything done. All my allies would die while I stand there, targeting a caster waiting for a spell. I think being hit so often with that ****er has warped my mind


Windu said:
are the non-arena pvp rewards worth the trouble?

Depends on the class/spec, and your current gear. I think there are some pretty solid rewards there if you're planning to start arena. PvP gear is just that nowadays; PvP gear.

If you just want it for all around gear, then it's average/slightly sub-average compared to 5 man drops.

They need to add more variety to it though, can't believe there's still no offslot pieces for non-Druid healers.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Alex said:
Depends on the class/spec, and your current gear. I think there are some pretty solid rewards there if you're planning to start arena. PvP gear is just that nowadays; PvP gear.

If you just want it for all around gear, then it's average/slightly sub-average compared to 5 man drops.

They need to add more variety to it though, can't believe there's still no offslot pieces for non-Druid healers.

Shaman/enhancement, right now im 67 and still have a bunch of the warlord 60 pvp gear, wonder if it will last until 70 lol. I guess ill research it more, thanks for info though. :D


Has problems recognising girls
Resto Shaman in PVP are like support healing tanks I guess - takes awhile to get them down (unless you're a Shaman/Priest and purge/dispell their Earth Shield) but you can't hit shit at all. Having support with you at all times is the best part about Resto Shaman because all you do is stand there, throw down totems at select times and spam those heals like a mofo. I rarely had to heal myself unless 2 or more concentrated attacks on me, so I'd just stand there with my ES and hit Lesser Healing Wave over and over while my support takes them out.

I got into a duelling match with a Prot Paladin in AV by ourselves once and I almost cried because it never ended.


I'm not really enjoying my paladin very much anymore, either, but I'm sticking with it because my only other options are to level up my undead priest alt or a warrior/feral druid. I don't mind healing for groups. It's not really fun but it's not really bad either, and it helps me get the occasional drop that can help me build a tank set for the future, when I'll go and get enough gear to switch over to prot and tank stuff.

But in a lot of ways I think they would be better off going to the drawing board with pallies and making healing their weakest aspect, tanking their best, and melee their second best. I guess I'm just spoiled by the d&d paladin though, since it's about a billion times better designed. Then again, you could say that for pretty much every class that WoW's classes are like.


Alex said:
Man if I had Earth Shock, I'd never get anything done. All my allies would die while I stand there, targeting a caster waiting for a spell. I think being hit so often with that ****er has warped my mind
Actually, it's not that hard to avoid ES. Start casting some long spell, hit escape (and they'll usually cast ES) and then start casting again. I do it versus other shamans quite frequently.


fallout said:
Actually, it's not that hard to avoid ES. Start casting some long spell, hit escape (and they'll usually cast ES) and then start casting again. I do it versus other shamans quite frequently.

You could say that about any interrupt.. the difference is earth shock has a really short cooldown, so they can come right back with it ;) Way different if you can fake a priest, or mage into blowing CS/silence

edit: and I quit my Paladin at 70 too, it sucked.. now I mostly PvP in the mid-levels 30-39 and 40-49 for fun


SyNapSe said:
You could say that about any interrupt.. the difference is earth shock has a really short cooldown, so they can come right back with it ;) Way different if you can fake a priest, or mage into blowing CS/silence
Not necessarily. ES interrupts the spell ... silence actually prevents spell casting. Also, ES has a 6 sec cooldown un-talented ... I wouldn't exactly call that short in the land of spell casting. Though, for interrupts, I would agree, it is on the short side, but that's because of the associated damage and mana drain that accompanies it.

Regardless, I wasn't arguing just ES, that tactic certainly applies to all spell interrupting. It is a little harder for shamans though, since ES and FS are a primary source of DPS if you're elem/resto (and I can't imagine any reason why you would be PvPing enh).

The 2nd half of Karazhan has been pissing me off for a while but my shield finally dropped and I picked up new shoulders and a Light's Justice tonight. Just a few more items to go but my character's pretty solid. 8.1K health, 10K mana, 12.3K armor, 1585 healing, 86 Mp5, 23% Holy Light crit rate. Not too bad.
WoW just sucks for me now, I dont even pay for my active account anymore and I still hardly want to play it. I got my moneys worth (been playing off and on since it released in 04) but Im just sick of the world and the end game has always been ass, and if tbc taught us anything its that losing your life to end game raid content doesnt matter when its totally invalidated 6 months later by quest greens. Not that I mind that, but its like once I see content once, i feel as though im done and should be able to move on, but thats not how end game works, there is nothing to MOVE ON TO, its just running the same crappy dungeons for a chance at some new shiney thing.

The journey with friends/family to the level cap is what makes the game fun to me I guess..


fallout said:
This is the greatest thing ever:


They kited the Org flight master out of the city and are asking for a 100g ransom.

I know something like this happened before, and I thought it was awesome. Things like this, and the "plague" that spread a while back, are great examples of the types of things that I want from an MMORPG. I want things that the creators aren't expecting, things that bring a little chaos and unpredictability to the game.

Unfortunately, I think the last group who did something like this got in trouble for it, so sadly interesting events like this aren't supported by Blizzard (thanks to a few morons complaining.)


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
ZombieSupaStar said:
WoW just sucks for me now, I dont even pay for my active account anymore and I still hardly want to play it. I got my moneys worth (been playing off and on since it released in 04) but Im just sick of the world and the end game has always been ass, and if tbc taught us anything its that losing your life to end game raid content doesnt matter when its totally invalidated 6 months later by quest greens. Not that I mind that, but its like once I see content once, i feel as though im done and should be able to move on, but thats not how end game works, there is nothing to MOVE ON TO, its just running the same crappy dungeons for a chance at some new shiney thing.

The journey with friends/family to the level cap is what makes the game fun to me I guess..

Yeah, expect Hyjal this fall and an expansion spring of next year. They have to raise a level cap since that's the only way for character progression besides gear. Level 80 greens > 70 epics? :lol


fallout said:
Actually, it's not that hard to avoid ES. Start casting some long spell, hit escape (and they'll usually cast ES) and then start casting again. I do it versus other shamans quite frequently.

Yeah, I do that a lot with ES, pummel, kick, etc.

But stupid casters can go so shredded by a Shaman, even to this day that it's funny.

BTW; patch tommorow

The dev chat was pretty good too. Plans for another ten man, plans for more gnome content (haha), plans to make Retribution and Enhancement more raid viable, etc.

There's a few transcripts floating around on the forums
Alex said:
The dev chat was pretty good too. Plans for another ten man, plans for more gnome content (haha), plans to make Retribution and Enhancement more raid viable, etc.

That's all good news. But for now I think my account is canceled. Mostly due to my server and lack of guilds and seriousness on it, and my unwillingness to transfer somewhere that is potentially unstable.


fallout said:
Yeah, there's always the "A-Team" problem, but in my experience, gear can have just as much of an effect. So, you lose your raid spot, even though you ran something a million times for an upgrade, but with no success. Shit happens and yeah, it's unfair. Still, any reasonable guild should be working to succeed with the group that they have. My guild has managed to do so with fairly good results.

Yeah, that's ... kind of what I'm saying. Or rather, I'm saying that they don't have to be the top DPS in a raid. Like I said previously, people just get too whiney about this and you have to think about the big picture. Is it better for your guild raids to have more DPS or less? Because, you're going to get less thanks to Blizzard's views on hybrids.

This, I agree, is an issue. I think rogues should be given more purpose in raids. Still, DPS is DPS, regardless of where it's coming from.

Over at Stratics they just had an interview with Tigole and Kalgan and I found one of the questions to pertain to our discussion. :)

Brannoc: *Shanaya* What is the developer vision on the subject of "pure" and "hybrid" classes? Are pure classes supposed to be better than hybrids in their specialized role? Tanking for a warrior, healing for a priest, magical dps for amage, physical dps for a rogue.

Kalgan: Generally speaking we want "pure" classes to perform better in their primary roles, with hybrids coming close, but providing additional group utility to offset their reduced primary role power.

Kalgan: Some restrictions apply, your mileage may vary.

So there you go. :p


Another question. ;)

Brannoc: *Census* What do the Developers see as the future of the Shaman class pertaining to a raid environment? While Shamans CAN spec for raid DPS at the moment it is not very logical for a raid leader to bring one considering they don't tend to out preform a "pure" DPS class, is there a chance this may change, or do the Developers see us as just another healer? In correlation, is there any talk of an "aggro" dump ability for Shamans?

Kalgan: I think shaman raid dps is a bit underrated personally. However, I would like to stick to the philosophy that we should get their dps to be "close" to pure class dps and make up for the rest in group utility.

Kalgan: As a side note, we don't really plan to give every class "an aggro dump"

Kalgan: ... even if you could call the ankh a once per hour aggro dump hoho.


Hero said:
Over at Stratics they just had an interview with Tigole and Kalgan and I found one of the questions to pertain to our discussion. :)
I didn't say that that's how it should be. I just said that people whine about it too damn much. I agree, that in general, rogues should be at the top. However, that depends on a lot of things. The fight, the group makeup, the buffs, the gear, etc. etc. There are just so many variables, yet people will still cry when they get beat out.

Kalgan: I think shaman raid dps is a bit underrated personally. However, I would like to stick to the philosophy that we should get their dps to be "close" to pure class dps and make up for the rest in group utility.
I've never once cried about the lack of raid DPS that a shaman can pump out. It's always been "up there". The only issue has been the aggro control.

Kalgan: As a side note, we don't really plan to give every class "an aggro dump"
And yeah, shamans cannot be viable (not top) raid DPS because of that issue.


fallout said:
I didn't say that that's how it should be. I just said that people whine about it too damn much. I agree, that in general, rogues should be at the top.


Earlier you said:

fallout said:
Yeah, that's ... kind of what I'm saying. Or rather, I'm saying that they don't have to be the top DPS in a raid.Like I said previously, people just get too whiney about this and you have to think about the big picture.

I don't really care, I just thought it was funny that the developers themselves answered the question. :p


I'm really thinking about saying **** it, and speccing ret again on my pally just so I can grind the last 2k gold I need for my epic flying mount. Soloing as holy (even holy shockadin spec) is just too painful, and I don't really care about groups outside of getting rep for more heroic keys (right now I just have CE).


Zensetsu said:
Please elaborate for those of us too lazy to look up the notes. :D

And here comes the Shaman question - Anything you can tell us about upcoming plans to change the Shaman class... Kalgan replies that they plan to do more refinement of the shaman class in an upcoming patch. He said they are starting to settle in on a pretty good spot for elemental and Resto specs. It's the enhancement spec that they'd like to see become more than "just" a leveling spec. But no, sorry. No specifics.



The patch finished downloading shortly after I posted that.....no big issues. Now it's just another 2 hours until the servers come back up. Can't wait to try out the fixed fishing, and see exactly how bad the Fear nerf is.


border said:
The patch finished downloading shortly after I posted that.....no big issues. Now it's just another 2 hours until the servers come back up. Can't wait to try out the fixed fishing, and see exactly how bad the Fear nerf is.
It's not done yet for me, but first order of business is to get fishing to 350 now. It'll be a piece of cake with the new fixed fishing shit. Finally I can be a good cook :lol


unifin said:
Any good, non-spyware invested patch mirrors up?

I'm on a mac, so no .exe for me.

Seriously - Blizzard's client is crawling like usual, and I know servers don't go up for another couple hours, but I'm at 30 MB after 45 minutes of waiting.


Hero said:

Earlier you said:
fallout said:
Yeah, that's ... kind of what I'm saying. Or rather, I'm saying that they don't have to be the top DPS in a raid. Like I said previously, people just get too whiney about this and you have to think about the big picture.
Yes, after you've factored in gear, the fight, the buffs, etc. I don't think you're entirely getting my point here. Let the game handle itself and just do your damn job (and, you know ... try to have some fun with it) ... meters are probably one of the worst things that goes on in a raid.

I could stand there with 50 million mana pots spamming lesser healing wave on every fight and I garauntee that I'd be at the top of healing charts. So, why don't I? Because it hardly helps the raid. I actually tend to top the healing charts anyway, but that's only because of chain heal, which is probably the best group healing spell in the game (melee DPS guys love me, heh). However, would you take a whole ton of shamans along with you over priests/druids/pallies? Hell no. There's no way that a shaman is anywhere near as efficient for keeping the MT or OT up. And that's just how it is.

Hero said:
I don't really care, I just thought it was funny that the developers themselves answered the question. :p
Do you honestly think that I thought that in general, given pure and perfect balance in a raid (which is impossible), a hybrid class should out-DPS a rogue? This is all about being viable in raid DPS. I think that's all the enhancement shamans want. They're not out to steal your precious raid spot.


unifin said:
Seriously - Blizzard's client is crawling like usual, and I know servers don't go up for another couple hours, but I'm at 30 MB after 45 minutes of waiting.
I had 95% of the patch downloaded long before today. Start using the WOW Launcher when you know that a patch is coming, and it will start fetching the data weeks in advance.


Havent played in about a week now since I've been bored and getting to level 70 again really doesn't interest me at all. I'm glad the new patch is in.. interested in checking out the new stuff. I guess I will finally be able to d/e all my healing gear. :( The patch has been fully downloaded (or at least what could be done in advance) for me for the past week or so, so that's nice.
Meters are just another source of information. They serve an important purpose, they allow you to find and help or weed out people who aren't doing their job. As do good combat loggings mods. That said, most of what matters in healing is not told by the effective healing meter (unlike the DPS meter).

edit: If you're in a raid to DPS and you don't use a meter of some kind you probably suck at your job.


cubicle47b said:
Meters are just another source of information. They serve an important purpose, they allow you to find and help or weed out people who aren't doing their job. As do good combat loggings mods. That said, most of what matters in healing is not told by the effective healing meter (unlike the DPS meter).
Sorry, I meant in terms of e-peen waving and whining about your class. If they're used properly, then yeah, they're great (and actually necessary). Still, they're meaningless without some amount of context (like my chain heal example).


All patched up! Just waiting for the servers to come back now :)

Yeah heal meters are very inaccurate because of certain factors - especially in the Paladin's case, where if you were looking to see who overheals the most, it would be the Paladin hands down (as we have no control over our heals critting and doing nearly 2000 extra on the heal :lol)


Shamans don't really need a dump per se, just something akin to DPS Warriors or Rogues with a strong passive.

We have an Enhacement Shaman on our raid group, and he dies quite a bit on trash despite being lower in DPS than the Fury Warrior or the Rogues.


[17:38] <@Brannoc> *Tesurly* Are the harsh keying requirements for entry level->end game raid zones going to stay for future expansions, or will some sort of backflagging option be available?
[17:38] <@Tigole> First off, players will be happy to know that there are some *limited* backflagging solutions going into the game tomorrow. It's not for all zones but for a select few.

Has there been any elaboration on this at all? I'm assuming he just means something for legacy raid content.....like an easier way to get into Onyxia, UBRS, Naxx.


border said:
DPS warriors have an aggro dump (or any kind of threat reducing talent)?

no they do not, unless you want to count -10% threat for being in zerker stance :D

thats why spamstring was always so popular w/windfury totems for dw fury warriors, heroic strike spam would cause way too much aggro and an early death in boss fights


border said:
[17:38] <@Brannoc> *Tesurly* Are the harsh keying requirements for entry level->end game raid zones going to stay for future expansions, or will some sort of backflagging option be available?
[17:38] <@Tigole> First off, players will be happy to know that there are some *limited* backflagging solutions going into the game tomorrow. It's not for all zones but for a select few.

Has there been any elaboration on this at all? I'm assuming he just means something for legacy raid content.....like an easier way to get into Onyxia, UBRS, Naxx.

Pretty sure he's talking about the drops from Lady Vashj and Kael'thas. Here's the lady Vashj drop:

Kael drop lets you attune someoen to TK.

WTS SSC attunement PST



How is that supposed to help? If your guild can down Vashj or Kael'thas, I doubt you are really having trouble finding members that are attuned. Considering that the items will only drop once a week for the handful of guilds that can clear both instances, I fail to see how it's really going to let most people experience that content.
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