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World of Warcraft

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yacobod said:
i think rogues are prolly the worse class in pvp now, the taste of all the rogue tears is delicious
Well, let's not forget how many rogues you run into. If there are two classes that I know how to kill without even thinking about it, it's rogues and hunters. Everyone knows how to kill a rogue because we fight them all the time.


MrToughPants said:
Practically... but a Warrior with 350+ shadow resistance alt gear (itemrack add-on) will make quick work out of a Lock or Priest.


Who the hell has 350+ Shadow resist gear laying around just to put on for a fight against a priest or warlock...


yacobod said:
i think rogues are prolly the worse class in pvp now, the taste of all the rogue tears is delicious
They still tear my warlock apart when I get ganked in the open world....maybe the lack of arena/BG viability is why there seem to be so many of them lurking in popular farming spots :lol

Ramirez said:
Who the hell has 350+ Shadow resist gear laying around just to put on for a fight against a priest or warlock...
Any warrior that's serious about 2v2 arenas. Once you get past a certain rank, you will face lots of shadowpriest/lock teams since they own noobs all day.


Only at the high-end of arena play does resist gear even become a stumbling block. Totally useless for world PVP or battlegrounds. If that's the biggest problem that locks are going to face, then game on :D Domination will continue in all other areas of play.

Still, it does seem unfair that there's no way to counter-gear against resist gear. The damage mitigation done by the resist gear is way more effective than the damage mitigation of straight resilience. I guess you could stack Spell Penetration, but there's virtually no items that feature it as a stat.


Worships the porcelain goddess

Noobin' it up! Wooo! Yes, I copied the set up someone did earlier in that handy tutorial. lvl 11 Draenei Mage now. Very fun. I'm thinking of going pure Ice build.


border said:
They still tear my warlock apart when I get ganked in the open world....maybe the lack of arena/BG viability is why there seem to be so many of them lurking in popular farming spots :lol
Yeah, CoS is pretty killer against locks. Still, it's the rock-paper-scissors setup. Locks tear a lot of other classes apart. I'd say I'm 50-50 against them on my shaman, and it usually boils down to tremor totem proccing or not.


yacobod said:
pvp trinket, high stam, and high resilience have killed rogues in pvp, rogues are the easiest target for me to drop in bgs and arena, and warriors can stunlock better than rogues now :D

i think rogues are prolly the worse class in pvp now, the taste of all the rogue tears is delicious

resto/balance druids are pretty good in smaller scale arena imo, MS warrior + druid is a damn good 2v2combo now, and druids are pretty good in certain 3v3 teams, good druids can kite like a mother ****er too

and ya shaman have always been awesome paired up with warriors

I can kite like crazy, but that relies on forms in which I can't do anything else but run. So I can't heal/cast or whatever. The dirty secret about the Druid class is the shapeshift forms are actually the biggest weakness.


I'm gonna get my Nether Drake tomorrow or the day after, and I gotta say that Netherwing has gotta be the coolest, most fun rep grind in the game. All the daily quests are fairly easy and yield lotsa gold (aside from the uber-stupid "A Slow Death" quest where you poison the peons). The one-time quests are pretty great as well. I loved the Dragonmaw races, even if the last one is so ridiculously hard and buggy that you kind of have to cheat your way through it. It's a shame that a vast majority of the userbase will never see this content, since apparently it is beyond the capability of the average player to cobble together 200g, much less the 5000g needed to start the quest chain.

The Dragonmaw Races have you racing against various expert dragon-riders around Netherwing Ridge, as they try to dismount you with various attacks. Rarely does WoW give players a challenging solo-able quest, and it was a fun twitch-challenge. Two of the riders you have to face off against are the Wing Commanders from Alterac Valley who have quit fighting in AV because of how much it sucks. Their text descriptions are hilarious for anybody that used to grind AV back in the day:

Wing Commander Ichman said:
Three years I spent in that hell hole. Three years a prisoner of war to the damnable Frostwolf Clan. Made to sit in their tower and listen to them endlessly whine about the bridge to Dun Baldar. About how it's "unfair" that blah, blah, blah, blah... War isn't fair! To hell with 'em all!

The minute I was freed I left that place forever and came here to start a new life. Now Mulv and I are vying for the top orc spot. If you want it, you're gonna have to go through me, scrub.

We go when you're ready.

Wing Commander Mulverick said:
Three years of blood, sweat and tears. Mostly tears... The amount of crying that a hardened soldier does when it comes down to all-out war is amazing!

"They're jumping into our tower with their horses!" "Why is their base so well defended?" "They're taking our relief hut, I'm going A.W.O.L.!"


I took the first train out of "cry-town" the minute the Dark Portal opened. Now I'm a top gun for the Dragonmaw. If you want to be top orc, you'll have to defeat me.

We go when you are ready.

In short, if you have any hope of getting together the money for an epic mount, it's worth it for the Netherwing quests. Not only are they cool, but they provide a highly-reliable source of income. I really hope Blizz gives us a way to re-do the races, even if there's no rep/gold to be had. It'd just be a cool challenge for the occaisional boring afternoon.

oldschoolpinball said:
i really really hate rogues....comming from a lock

Getting ganked in open-world PVP by a rogue is pretty awful. They stun you for 5-7 seconds, let you stack a dot or two, then CLoS, Vanish and restart the stunlock all over again....so it's like they get 2 chances to do massive damage. Even if you aren't fighting a mob, it's usually GG unless they're stupid AND you have your succubus out.

I don't mind the idea of them being a counter-class that simply has our number, but it annoys me when I hear all the anti-warlock whining. "Boohoo -- it's so unfair that they can deal so much damage while I'm feared." So how is it fair that I can get stunlocked and hammered for 10-14 seconds before I can even begin to deal out damage? It's not fair, but of course the answer is that it's not supposed to be fair.


You can't compare fear and stun. Fear can be casted multiple times as long as you have mana and allows you to do consistent amount of damage(dots) during the duration, allowing you to be mobile or even fight another mob or player. When a rogue is stunlocking a target, they are committing their energy and dps on one target. The fact that you can trinket out of a 5 point kidney shot (which has a 20 second cooldown) means not only are you not getting stunlocked, but the rogue wasted 5 valuable combo points that they could've did damage with.

They're both cheesy, but warlocks are easymode to the max.


I don't wear a trinket while farming in open world (though I probably should, at least on the Elemental Plateau)....and it's not like the rogue can't trinket out of a fear anyhow. The Fear spell can be recast yeah, but just try getting off a spell with a rogue in your face. The worst case scenario for a rogue is that he gets off half a stunlock, I trinket out or seduce, and then he CLoS/vanishes and comes back to gank again while my trinket is on cooldown and I'm still at 50-75% HP. The few rogues that are smart enough to down the succubus first have an even easier time.

I'm not saying they should be nerfed....just that they are powerful enough that things are heavily slanted in their favor.


border said:
I don't wear a trinket while farming in open world (though I probably should, at least on the Elemental Plateau)....and it's not like the rogue can't trinket out of a fear anyhow. The Fear spell can be recast yeah, but just try getting off a spell with a rogue in your face. The worst case scenario for a rogue is that he gets off half a stunlock, I trinket out or seduce, and then he CLoS/vanishes and comes back to gank again while my trinket is on cooldown and I'm still at 50-75% HP. The few rogues that are smart enough to down the succubus first have an even easier time.

I'm not saying they should be nerfed....just that they are powerful enough that things are heavily slanted in their favor.

World pvp is the only place rogues still shine since they can choose their own battles. In battlegrounds and especially arena, you are expecting to come across a rogue. When I mention that rogues are broken in pvp, I am talking about competitive arena pvp. There are very, very few rogues in the top rated 5v5 teams since they're a liability. A rogue cannot easily switch targets to assign dps to a different one, and any decent team will help you survive a stunlock, either through straight healing, a shield, or CC-ing the rogue.
There's an article up on BlizzPlanet discussing the fact that Medivh is indeed alive and could show up in World of WarCraft sooner or later in the present time, possibly as an ally. Would be interesting. Think we'll see the next WoW expansion at E3? Or maybe they'll save it for BlizzCon.


border said:
I don't mind the idea of them being a counter-class that simply has our number, but it annoys me when I hear all the anti-warlock whining. "Boohoo -- it's so unfair that they can deal so much damage while I'm feared." So how is it fair that I can get stunlocked and hammered for 10-14 seconds before I can even begin to deal out damage? It's not fair, but of course the answer is that it's not supposed to be fair.

You're right it's not supposed to be fair. When they decided to give all rogues CLOS they made it that way. It's pretty lame that instead of rebalancing rogues they just decided to give them a magic only pally bubble to make sure they kept their place as caster-killers.
I think it would make more sense to give all rogues shadowstep and put CLOS back at the top of the subtlety tree. That's assuming subtl is going to retain it's PvP only spec status

The difference is almost every class/spec has a extremely frustrating experience with Warlocks.


Has problems recognising girls
Medivh still alive eh? Interesting theory. A showdown with Sargeras would be cool but wouldn't happen for years I think.
SyNapSe said:
You're right it's not supposed to be fair. When they decided to give all rogues CLOS they made it that way. It's pretty lame that instead of rebalancing rogues they just decided to give them a magic only pally bubble to make sure they kept their place as caster-killers.
I think it would make more sense to give all rogues shadowstep and put CLOS back at the top of the subtlety tree. That's assuming subtl is going to retain it's PvP only spec status

The difference is almost every class/spec has a extremely frustrating experience with Warlocks.

I'm still amazed that Cloak of Skill aint a super cleanse of every debuff instead.


well the biggest complaint ppl have with locks and spriests for that matter is that all their dmg is basically immune to the stacking of resilience

what's the point of having 300+ resilience if you get melted by dots just the same, i've read that they will be changing this next patch, so it should be nice


1v1 balance isn't even worth discussing. Spec and gear choices can allow certain classes to completely trivialize other classes (ie- a beast master hunter should never lose to a lock, an earth shield shaman should never lose to a rogue, etc.) Even 2v2 is very susceptible to cheesy combos that have no good counter. 3v3 is better, and IMO 5v5 is very balanced. There is no one group make up that dominates other 5 man teams.


So, haven't played my hunter in PVP in forever, and I'm about to hit 70 and think I'll stay Beast spec'd for arenas. Do I want a fast weapon to take advantage of serpent swiftness for PVE and a slower weapon for PVP, or what? I'm not sure how long this will last, I loathe not havin scatter shot :lol


Okay, so... could somebody explain this?

I'm running around yesterday, and notice in the WorldDefense channel that some stupid Hordies are messing around on Azuremist Isle. Being a Draenei, I don't like nobody messing with my island. So, I hearth back to Azure Watch, and head to Exodar (the location being attacked).

I get there, and I see four ?? level Horde laying waste. Well, so much for that, but I decide to watch for a few minutes, maybe see if one of them dropped low enough that I could get in some cheap shots and help take one down. As I'm clicking around to see who all we have, and what health they're all at, somehow I must have right clicked or something, because next I know I'm flagged to PVP and one of the Horde noticed that.

So there I am, running back to my corpse, and when I get there, I don't see the Horde anymore. I do, however, see this big... thing. Looked like some sort of a summon monster, a "something of the Scryer" or a name like that. He had a skull where his level should be, and he certainly seemed like he'd be hostile, yet none of the Alliance NPCs around him were even paying attention to him, nor was he them. So I though hmm, I guess I'll just res and see what happens.

The moment I do, he started chasing after me. I'm running away, he casts a couple of things on me, and then boom... my game seems to lock up. Wait a few seconds, nothing. Few seconds more, still nothing. Great, the game crashed, I though.

And then... suddenly, I'm somewhere I've never been before, and the text comes up onscreen: "Shattrath City."

After the initial "WTF??" feeling wore off, I tried to figure out what happened. Couldn't be a portal, because there was no portal in the direction I was running, and I would have had to actively click on it to use it. I ended up running across the Scryers in Shattrath, and I saw other creatures like the one that was in Exodar, but it still didn't explain why he had been where he was, and why he'd warp me to Shattrath.

Any explaination? It is some sort of "event" that can happen that I've just never seen before?


Ramirez said:
So, haven't played my hunter in PVP in forever, and I'm about to hit 70 and think I'll stay Beast spec'd for arenas. Do I want a fast weapon to take advantage of serpent swiftness for PVE and a slower weapon for PVP, or what? I'm not sure how long this will last, I loathe not havin scatter shot :lol
Fast to medium speed. Your days of big crits are over. You're now more like a lock, with one DOT. One furry, drooling DOT with big, scary teeth.

@Shidoshi: Arcane Protectors roam the Scryer rise in Shattrah, and will port Aldor-aligned characters off the rise when they see them. How one got to the Draenei starting zone, I have no clue. I'm sure you can kite them like any other mob, but getting them through a portal is another thing.
Q: What are the most important features of games that will change business?

A: The environments they create that allow leaders, managers and anyone with good ideas to collaborate in organizations that are distributed, global, hyper-competitive and virtual.

In a recent report, IBM and Seriosity suggest that within MMOs, players need to organize in order to accomplish goals and the skills of the player who organizes your guild's raids are no different from a manager in a traditional office environment.

I definitely agree with this. Anyone who has lead a guild and raids on a consistent basis knows that it's definitely hard work. And while it may take away from your enjoyment of the actual game...I wouldn't trade my time as Guild Leader and Raid Leader for anything really. I learned a lot about leading, people, and even myself in general.
How would you go about selling a character or account? I'd be willing to sell mine for $500+. I'm not wearing all epics but, I got a Netherdrake and a few thousand gold on it. That's gotta be worth some cash, right?


Brian Burke punched my mom
Yea i'm already sick of Wow and I haven't even been playing long. With next gen kicking into gear i'm not wasting anymore time on an mmo.


Oni Link 666 said:
How would you go about selling a character or account? I'd be willing to sell mine for $500+. I'm not wearing all epics but, I got a Netherdrake and a few thousand gold on it. That's gotta be worth some cash, right?
Best bet is to start asking the people you know in-game if they are interested, of if they know someone who is. You can sell accounts to the gold farming services like IGE, but they will fleece you hard. You can also put them on Ebay, but again, probably won't make as much as you would if you did the leg work to find an interested buyer.


if you want to sell your account, go to this website, create a forum username, make a post, and sell your account, its very easy, but beware of scammers, i would only deal with ppl who are paypal verified

it used to be a lot easier selling accounts on ebay before they banned the sales there

i posted my warrior on there yesterday before going to work, i came home at the end of the day, and had over 25 messages left on my AIM with ppl looking to buy my account


hope it works out for you


Does the cost to respec ever cap out? Our Warlock leader wants us all in a Shadowfury spec for Tidewalker, but with all the Shadow Damage gear I have that kind of gimps me for nearly everything else in the game. I'm expecting to have to do quite a bit of respec'ing in the weeks ahead.
The respec cap is 50g. You don't need shadowfury for Morogrim, though. It's nice if one lock has it for emergencies but unless something has gone wrong you won't need it.

1. Have a paladin with righteous fury get initial healing aggro on the murlocs

(depending on where you tank Morogrim)
2. Frost Trap the northern murloc group just after they pass Morogrim
3. The paladin stands at the top of the ramp and runs through the northern group right as the southern group reaches him. The murlocs should get nova'd right as they clump.

4. Locks cast seed of corruption on as many murlocs as possible
5. As soon as the first seed of corruption goes off mages go nuts (blastwave, etc) making everything blow up at once


The cap on respecs is only 50g? Are you sure? I thought it went much higher than that.

Yeah, I'm of the opinion that we don't need Shadowfury spam either (especially considering how fast the murlocs go down), but I've been in the guild for only a month or two so I'm not really in the position to challenge strats that have been decided. Shadowfury however has solved the problem with the adds.....now healers just need to be able to keep tank up. If respec'ing is only 50g I don't care -- I make that in 3-4 daily quests anyhow.
When does your tank die? Earthquake consumes a shield block charge so tanks are really open to crushing blows right after that (and when healing is diverted while the murlocs are being killed).


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
border said:
Does the cost to respec ever cap out? Our Warlock leader wants us all in a Shadowfury spec for Tidewalker, but with all the Shadow Damage gear I have that kind of gimps me for nearly everything else in the game. I'm expecting to have to do quite a bit of respec'ing in the weeks ahead.

Tell your warlock leader that he's crazy if he wants everyone to respec heavy destro for one fight :lol

We have tidewalker on farm status but we usually bring 2 locks(better to bring 3). Basically do the strategy on what the person above said. You could usually get off 3-4 seeds before you call out for mages AOE to finish up the job. Whatever you do, make sure you don't put a seed on Tidewalker because it will break instantly and all the murlocs will slice you


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
I recently respecced to 0/21/40 after building up gear for the past few weeks. My left hand isn't hurting that much since I only spam shadow bolt the whole night and remain in the top 5 DPS. Highly recommend other warlocks to try out this spec once they get some gear from SSC/TK


border said:
It's not like we didn't try the fight with normal locks -- whoever got aggro was being murdered immediately by 10 murlocs.

That shouldn't be possible because your warlocks shouldn't be with the raid while they cast SoC. Nobody should cast a heal on the locks after the earthquakes except for the paladin with prot gear. Seed of corruption breaks and should be around 40%, mages chase after the murlocs and finish AOEing them, and locks slowly back up since the murlocs are affected by hunter's slow trap

Crappy graph since I edited it from Bosskillers but your locks and hunter should be near the pillar



So Blizzard announced today that you can no longer swap gear when in arena. No more using an AddOn to swap to a shadow resist gear set to combat the dreaded warlock / s. priest team.

Also, resilience will effect ALL DoT's.

I don't understand the thought process. Resilience was implemented to make fights longer, aka anti-burst, so that people wouldn't be 2-3 shotting each other like they were TBC. Okay, fine. But most of this is centered around warlock/priest DoT's. Not only do they take 20-24 seconds to do their entire damage, they can be dispelled, and you can heal through them if your team is competent. Yet warrior MS 3K+ strikes flow like wine. Thanks, Blizz.


Hero said:
So Blizzard announced today that you can no longer swap gear when in arena. No more using an AddOn to swap to a shadow resist gear set to combat the dreaded warlock / s. priest team.

Also, resilience will effect ALL DoT's.

I don't understand the thought process. Resilience was implemented to make fights longer, aka anti-burst, so that people wouldn't be 2-3 shotting each other like they were TBC. Okay, fine. But most of this is centered around warlock/priest DoT's. Not only do they take 20-24 seconds to do their entire damage, they can be dispelled, and you can heal through them if your team is competent. Yet warrior MS 3K+ strikes flow like wine. Thanks, Blizz.

The level of reduction from Resilience on DoT damage is equal to the amount of crit chance it reduces. If you're sitting around 400 Resilience, you'll reduce all DoT damage by 10%. With the change to armor swapping in Arenas, I'd say it's a good trade-off. Now Warlocks/Shadow Priests have a chance to do something, instead of being completely limited to nothing (resist gear), or unlimited at all (pre-Resilience reduction).

I do agree with the Warrior bit, though. Nothing more annoying than a 2v2 where a pair of Warriors rush you with Deep Thunder/Stormherald each and wreck you with a pair of 3k white crits followed by whatever their MS manages to take out of you.

Oh, and nerf AP/PoM mages. Even as a Rogue, I can't kill them in Arenas, especially when they get a 6k Pyro followed by 2500ish Fire Blast. >.>


border said:
The cap on respecs is only 50g? Are you sure? I thought it went much higher than that.
Caps at 50 but most people consider it 100g because they have to spec for the fight/dungeon, then spec back for pvp or whatever.
speedpop said:
So I guess Zul'Aman will be released in 2-3 months time.

Am I the only one disapointed that...Players are killing Archimonde and Illidan...And the next thing they are faced with is...Forest trolls. Pretty lame if you ask me. Granted a new 10-man will be appreciated by many, but the whole troll theme just sucks.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
link to new patch notes.

best change of all

Caverns of Time- Battle of Mount Hyjal

* Faction and loot rewards have been added to non-boss mobs in the Battle of Mount Hyjal raid event. The faction awarded by bosses has been decreased to balance this.

it was annoying to kill waves of trash then die on a boss without any rewards
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