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World of Warcraft

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Alex said:
Arena is really depressing me as far as the welfare of the game goes. They've absolutely ruined the class balance in this game for arena. I have a Gladiator freaking rated team and it still bugs me. Having to turn down friends and guild mates, because of their class.
As a pretty heavy PvPer, I sort of have to agree. I was really excited for arenas and I did enjoy them to a degree, but I had to get over the fact that it's effectively just another raid situation with a little more flavour. You have a list of targets with a pecking order that the entire team knows and you follow it.

Now, obviously, there's some skill beyond that, but what I always loved about PvP was the completely unexpected shit that could happen. At that point, it came down to who could think on the fly faster and strategically organize 5-10 people in a scramble. My biggest triumphs in the game were going up against a larger, better geared group and coming out on top, just through shear coordination and situational awareness.


Has problems recognising girls
fallout said:
As a pretty heavy PvPer, I sort of have to agree. I was really excited for arenas and I did enjoy them to a degree, but I had to get over the fact that it's effectively just another raid situation with a little more flavour. You have a list of targets with a pecking order that the entire team knows and you follow it.

Now, obviously, there's some skill beyond that, but what I always loved about PvP was the completely unexpected shit that could happen. At that point, it came down to who could think on the fly faster and strategically organize 5-10 people in a scramble. My biggest triumphs in the game were going up against a larger, better geared group and coming out on top, just through shear coordination and situational awareness.
I agree with everything said here.

I still adore Battlegrounds and World PVP (especially) because of that factor that you cannot find in an instance or Arena - that "oh shit!" moment where there are various paths to move on to with different outcomes, sometimes faring better than others.

One of my favourite moments in AV happened on the PTRs where we successfully defended Frostwolf GY as Alliance with only 5 people against 7-10 Horde at times in multiple waves. Moments like that may only last 5 mins but they seem like an eternity at the time due to the adrenaline rush and quick thinking wits you need to judge the situations on the fly. When you pull it off successfully there is nothing more gratifying than standing on your own two feet after the dust clears :D


Oh man. My guild just finished their second night of attempts on Kael'thas, and were doing really well. It's five phases is absolute chaos and insanity-- and the fight is unbelievably fun.

I had a really fun time AOE tanking all the weapons in Phase 2 with my Pally, and then picking up Kael in Phase 4. :D

It just looks like were having problems getting the shield weapon down fast enough, and some advisors before Kael'thas appears. But I think we'll down this guy in no time.
Can someone do me a huge favor and hook me up with a Scroll of Resurrection code? I just installed the game again after an 8 month hiatus and would like to mess around in the game for a bit before I pay for a subscription.
EnjoyIncubus said:
Can someone do me a huge favor and hook me up with a Scroll of Resurrection code? I just installed the game again after an 8 month hiatus and would like to mess around in the game for a bit before I pay for a subscription.
I can but I need your email to do it.


I never thought about this before, but now that I'm flying through the 40s, I wonder how many gray quests I'll have to grind on if I want to hit exalted with all the horde races.

really, I just want to hit exalted with silvermoon, so I can buy a swift pink hawkstrider at some point.
Mike G.E.D. said:
Oh man. My guild just finished their second night of attempts on Kael'thas, and were doing really well. It's five phases is absolute chaos and insanity-- and the fight is unbelievably fun.

I had a really fun time AOE tanking all the weapons in Phase 2 with my Pally, and then picking up Kael in Phase 4. :D

It just looks like were having problems getting the shield weapon down fast enough, and some advisors before Kael'thas appears. But I think we'll down this guy in no time.

We're getting to phase 4 consistantly here on our 3rd night; it's just then we've had a couple bad deaths, (like a healer catching a Pyro up the barnhole from spamming healing from frags and Sang's insane spike output) as he spawns. I figure once the Ax and Shield dies soon, and VERY soon after 3 starts, it'll cut down on one advisor's lifespan after getting their rez.


I'm going to have to agree with the frustrations of Arena.

(Is an enhancement shaman)

PvE rocks HARD, but I don't want to be forced into elemental in order to be passable at pvp.

I'm debating leveling another 70 to be an outlet for my pvp frustrations.

I started a shadowpriest, but apparently they're gimp now? :-/

Sigh. And yet I'm still coming back. DAMN you, Blizzard!


Has problems recognising girls
Just choose another class that you may enjoy and go with it.

Sadly for myself I have all 4 healer classes that are almost lvl 60+ due to this silly patch experience rate boost, in addition to the 2nd Shaman I have done up :lol

I seriously don't know whether to laugh or cry.


Has problems recognising girls
No kidding. Heal = yum for PVE (although I am more inclined to use First Aid whenever possible)

My friend is talking me into rolling a new character with him and his girlfriend on an RP server - told him I have all healer spots taken and won't be doing it again so he tells me to go back to my old faithful Frost Mage class.

We'll see how long this worm turns since I'm in a hiccup phase with my Orc Shaman :(


The sad thing is that the highest-ranked shaman in the world (or so I hear) in arenas is 2400, compared with 2900 for pretty much every other class except for hunter (2750 or so).

If that doesn't tell you something about the sad state of the class in general in pvp, I don't know what will.

There were NO shamans in any of the top teams at that big arena tournament they just had.

The funny thing is that shaman (or at least, the units that became the shaman class) in WCIII have shitloads of CC (hex, stasis trap, earthquake), but the class itself has 0.

(You know, I'm not sure about that 2400 number, as I've never looked it up - take it with a big grain of salt)


I'm hoping that WotLK adds some better new spells for the shaman than they got in TBC. It took until now for them to make water shield actually good, and the only other really good new spells are fire elemental totem (insanely long cooldown though) and bloodlust. the other stuff (wrath of air, earth elemental) aren't bad, but I can't think of a situation where a shaman will use wrath of air in pve over windfury/agi totem. in a 5 man, they'll be giving their tank more threat/rage or more armor/dodge, and in a raid more than likely a shaman will be dropped into a melee group just so they can give all the dps warriors and rogues wf totem, or all the rogues and hunters agi totem.

despite those complaints, wanting them to consolidate resto talents, and wishing they would buff their dispels a bit (not purge, but I'd like to see cure poison and cure disease in one spell like purify, then a high level version like cleanse that would cure curse/poison/disease instead of magic/poison/disease), I still really like the shaman in 2.3. enhance finally feels like the old pre-nerf beta shaman felt, where you could use a lot of your abilities and be a very effective killer. resto is a tree that I think is awesome, but takes up way too many points on all the must-have talents, which is why I'm somewhat apprehensive about switching to it at 68-70. It's going to be pretty limiting, when really I'd like to be able to do a 20 elemental/41 resto build and get all the necessities... but I can't.


unifin said:
The sad thing is that the highest-ranked shaman in the world (or so I hear) in arenas is 2400, compared with 2900 for pretty much every other class except for hunter (2750 or so).

If that doesn't tell you something about the sad state of the class in general in pvp, I don't know what will.
That's the Rock-Paper-Scissors nature of the game you're looking at. Right now, the shaman has no inherent anti-CC ability, making for some disastrously bad arena situations (trust me, I've been there). There are ways around it, but there are more class make-ups that can beat you than there are those that cannot. It's just an elimination of the available classes to you. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that if you're going up against a shaman, the base level of success is directly dependent on what spec she is.

Of course, I can go spec myself elemental, then go out in world PvP or a battleground, go up against guys 1v3, nuke the shit out of them and come out on top. A lot of that will have to do with the complete randomness of the situation and who catches who off-guard and not the inherent quality of the class. This is partly why arenas are a little silly. It's implying that in a structured environment, this game is balanced. And it's not. At all. It's like the game has rock, paper, scissors and cow.


unifin said:
The sad thing is that the highest-ranked shaman in the world (or so I hear) in arenas is 2400, compared with 2900 for pretty much every other class except for hunter (2750 or so).

If that doesn't tell you something about the sad state of the class in general in pvp, I don't know what will.

There were NO shamans in any of the top teams at that big arena tournament they just had.

The funny thing is that shaman (or at least, the units that became the shaman class) in WCIII have shitloads of CC (hex, stasis trap, earthquake), but the class itself has 0.

(You know, I'm not sure about that 2400 number, as I've never looked it up - take it with a big grain of salt)

man some ppl are just dead wrong

all the top 5v5 teams on bg9 run with an elemental shaman

team pandemic, capslockcrew, BOPNOWBOPBOPBOP, etc etc all run an elemental shaman

2345 is the most popular setup in 5v5, and what do all 2345 setups have in common? elemental shaman

note the top teams in bg9 in 5v5 were pushing from 2600-2700, so you're numbers are way off


I just decided to do some wowhead calculating and see what kind of decent resto builds I can come up with, and this is one that's passable but still missing some basics... and it comes in at 48 points into resto. that's just absurd. at least it has enough points free to get some enhancement buffs and a little extra soloability.
One that I made that I felt got all the basics was a 54 point build, but probably the "optimal" build I could come up with used 57 points.

that's just way way way way way too many points to spend.
http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=hZZEcxtAested look at this, all 61 points spent into resto, and not a single wasted one. That's just terrible design... they really need to consolidate some of this stuff (like reduced threat) and reduce the point costs on some talents.

I mean, look at this: this is a paladin build that covers all the healing bases, and then has enough points left for a lot of utility to make it more survivable and give even better buffs.

And a holy/disc build for a priest has a similar amount of free points, although perhaps this build isn't that good: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=bxg0zhLZfotcfMqVhV

I guess druids have it just as bad for resto, since look at this pve resto build for them too: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=0zLZZxEcxeqreot (probably not ideal, I have never played a druid past level 20, but none of the talents I chose looked like total wastes to me)

I guess in conclusion, Blizzard hates restoration talents. I know the traditional argument is that going deep into a tree means it has a lot of good talents, but needing to go 50+ into a tree to cover all the bases is absurd and bad design.


I'm starting over on a Druid right now, but I keep wanting to go back to the Shaman class. I hear they suck major ass in arena's though, and the reason I fell in love with Shamans pre-BC was that they seemed to be the big PVP class. Now I keep hearing about how having no cc or counters just makes the class trash in most arenas. Also, I am hearing that with the newly added resilience ratings coupled with the Ehn/Elem Shamans reliance on critical hits kills us too. It's funny, because the last thing I remember is people complaining about how OP we were. I guess they got the nerfs they wanted, and then some.

One thing I noticed leveling a different Shaman to 36(wanted a fresh start). Is that generally, they aren't desired so much in groups. People still seem to be stuck in past MMOs looking for the Warrior, Mage, Rogue, and Priest combinations for their groups. It was never a problem before, because there were always so many new players, but now it seems like everybody is so reliant on parting with classes with certain talent specs. I mean, who needs a Protection Warrior for Razor Fen Kraul? It's getting so annoying because people will be advertising an open spot for a group, and when I ask them if I can go they just ask, "Resto?" To which I reply, "No." Then, about 10-15 minutes later, they always go back and invite me to the group because of the shortage of new players.

So far in every instance run I've done (about 7), I've been the main healer. Even with groups with Paladins or Druids, for some reason they always put me at healer. I have to say, I have no problems healing, but just because I am healing, it does not make me a Resto Shaman who wants Stam/Int gear. People always bitch and moan whenever I roll on anything with Str/Stam because "You are a healer." In one group I had a guy bitching and moaning about my healing, in a group where nobody died, and the reason is that it was because I am a Shaman, and these noobs have no idea what Shaman do.

One experience that pissed me off more greatly than the others, was doing Razor Fen Kraul. Once again I was the main healer, with a Warlock, a Mage, a Fury Warrior, and a Rogue. Now, once again I was healing everyone perfectly and was conserving mana so that I didn't have to stop after every pull, and once again everyone is whining and moaning. Then, when we get to the boss who drops Corpsemaker, which I wanted for level 30 and Windfury, they really started pissing me off. First of all, I think we got the worst pull in the world with about 5 mobs including the boss, and a rare spawn. Secondly, after we downed the rare spawn, the level 27 fury warrior in the group rolled need on a 2h Polearm which sucked. And lastly, after I rolled on Corpsemaker and won, I could tell that the mage was getting angry.

First thing I noticed was that he only wanded after every fight from then on. (I let him die near the end for it). Then he started telling me to use the Corpsemaker, even though my shield and one-hander had intellect, which I needed to heal everybody. So eventually it got to the point where he's getting everyone else in the group to tell me to use it. So I put it on just so they can see, then switched back to 1h/shield combo. Then, he started pulling shit out of his ass like "My main is a Shaman, they get a talent at level 31 to use 2h." After that I just laughed in his face, a talent that requires 21 points? Good one. Then he said I couldn't even use the weapon, so I switched back to it and started hitting the mob and probably acted like a jackass saying in party something along the lines of, "I must be hacking, this is impossible!" The player perception of my class just pisses me off.
Since I can't play (damn Blizz and their updates) I present here my main character. Still carrying some lvl 49 PvP gear as I slowly make my way thru the 50s. Can someone please comment on my build and what I may want to look into changing? Gearwise, specs, whatev. I've never re-specked and was considering doing so to try different stuff out there. I usually PvP and only long enough to get the decent awards. I would still like to hear what you guys have to say about warrior builds and how I can make him more kickass.


unifin said:
The sad thing is that the highest-ranked shaman in the world (or so I hear) in arenas is 2400, compared with 2900 for pretty much every other class except for hunter (2750 or so).

If that doesn't tell you something about the sad state of the class in general in pvp, I don't know what will.

There were NO shamans in any of the top teams at that big arena tournament they just had.

The funny thing is that shaman (or at least, the units that became the shaman class) in WCIII have shitloads of CC (hex, stasis trap, earthquake), but the class itself has 0.

(You know, I'm not sure about that 2400 number, as I've never looked it up - take it with a big grain of salt)

that big tournament you are referring to was a 3v3 tournament, and you are right in that regard that shaman are not well represented in the 2v2 or 3v3 brackets at a high level, the fact remains tho that pretty much every top team has an elemental shaman

in fact elemental shaman is probably the MVP or most important class on that team

and as far as a i know 2700ish is the highest arena rating from last season, some team farmed up to 3000 in 3v3, but subsequently got banned for cheating and farming alt teams late at night when nobody was online, so ...


huzkee said:
Since I can't play (damn Blizz and their updates) I present here my main character. Still carrying some lvl 49 PvP gear as I slowly make my way thru the 50s. Can someone please comment on my build and what I may want to look into changing? Gearwise, specs, whatev. I've never re-specked and was considering doing so to try different stuff out there. I usually PvP and only long enough to get the decent awards. I would still like to hear what you guys have to say about warrior builds and how I can make him more kickass.

at lvl 49 this would be the perfect MS pvp build IMO


this would be good for lvl 59

hope that helps

as for comments on your current build

3/3 improved rend is retarded
2/2 improved thunder crap is bad
2/2 improved charge is dumb

improved intercept
improved hamstring
second wind

are all must have talents if you want to pvp, so get them and love them

you should pick a weapon specilization, at your lvl the best weapon you can aquire is the iced barb spear which you can use until lvl 58 or 60, all you have to do is win 1 av, so its pretty easy to obtain, so i'd go with 5/5 poleaxes for a boost of 5% to crit

hope this edit also helps


plus you can stick with poleaxes until you hit 70 and make deep thunder or something. there's plenty of polearms and/or 2h axes you can use while leveling in outland.


firex said:
plus you can stick with poleaxes until you hit 70 and make deep thunder or something. there's plenty of polearms and/or 2h axes you can use while leveling in outland.

and axes is probably better for leveling anyways, for pve and pvp i think it would be best at that lvl, axes only get worse at lvl 70 as everyone has such high resilience that the extra crit from axe spec is mitigated

but in the 50-60s, axe should be good


Has anyone done the 20-60 grind yet, and if so, how long did it take you?

I have a friend who just started a hunter, and she's level 23, but the rest of us who play together regularly are just starting the Zangarmarsh quests.

I'm guessing she'll hit 60 before we hit 70.

Speaking of Pally's, I played a holy pally as my first toon all the way up to lvl 62. I then tried running a friend through SM cathedral but almost fell asleep at my keyboard. Man, did fights take forever.

Was I doing something wrong, or are holy paladins pretty wimpy?

Either way, I re-specced him to Ret and am having a lot more fun bitchslapping mobs that gave me a hard time before.
Richiban said:
Has anyone done the 20-60 grind yet, and if so, how long did it take you?

Two weeks of nightly play.

Speaking of Pally's, I played a holy pally as my first toon all the way up to lvl 62. I then tried running a friend through SM cathedral but almost fell asleep at my keyboard. Man, did fights take forever.

Was I doing something wrong, or are holy paladins pretty wimpy?

Holy Paladins are not good at the sustained DPS thing, by my understanding (and my wife always says she hit like a kitten with her Holy Paladin).


Has problems recognising girls
Esperado said:
I'm starting over on a Druid right now, but I keep wanting to go back to the Shaman class. I hear they suck major ass in arena's though, and the reason I fell in love with Shamans pre-BC was that they seemed to be the big PVP class. Now I keep hearing about how having no cc or counters just makes the class trash in most arenas.
Shaman having no CC or anti-CC abilities is just a clear way to say what's wrong about the class in terms of Arena itself. unifin did essentially state that Shaman should have Hex, Stasis Trap as well as Earthquake in their repertoire (since they were Shaman abilities in WC3) and I honestly do not see why they don't have this. I think it's mostly due to Blizzard themselves fearing the fact that if Shaman do get some form of stun AOE via Earthquake or a sheeping ability via Hex, then unleash their 5-10 seconds of hell.. they'd hear classes complaining all over the place.


I'm about to get into WoW soon, the plan is to play The Witcher first, but I've got some questions first:

- Is the demo on the Blizzard site the entire game, and when you buy it form them they just give you a key or something?

- I'd rather buy it online than get a retail copy, I think Blizzard's site sells it and Direct2Drive... any reason why I should go with one over the other?

- Do I get to pick on what server I play? If not then on what criteria do they pick a server for me, location? If yes then can I pick any server?

- I know shooters require really fast connections, but what about RPGs? How much less?

- What if I leave the US, and have a laptop and access to an internet connection. Do I still get to play? And if so, on the same server? If I start a new character or get a new copy with a new login do I have to end up on a server tied to that location?

Lots and lots of virtual cookies to the generous soul(s) who answer any of these, I'm new to MMORPGs. :D
Chrono said:
- Is the demo on the Blizzard site the entire game, and when you buy it form them they just give you a key or something?

You can download the whole game pretty much anywhere. It's the entire game. Without the expansion Burning Crusade obviously.

- Do I get to pick on what server I play? If not then on what criteria do they pick a server for me, location? If yes then can I pick any server?

Yes you get to pick what server you play on. Make sure you know the difference between the different kinds of servers when choosing your server. PvP, PvE, RP etc.


Has problems recognising girls
Chrono said:
- What if I leave the US, and have a laptop and access to an internet connection. Do I still get to play? And if so, on the same server? If I start a new character or get a new copy with a new login do I have to end up on a server tied to that location?
The game's region where you bought it from is dependent on those servers. Basically if you buy the game in Europe, that copy of the game will be tied to the Euro servers - buy it in US, Canada, Australia or Singapore and you're tied to the US servers.

I know some people in Europe who play on US servers just because it fits their timezone and work schedule.
speedpop said:
Shaman having no CC or anti-CC abilities is just a clear way to say what's wrong about the class in terms of Arena itself. unifin did essentially state that Shaman should have Hex, Stasis Trap as well as Earthquake in their repertoire (since they were Shaman abilities in WC3) and I honestly do not see why they don't have this. I think it's mostly due to Blizzard themselves fearing the fact that if Shaman do get some form of stun AOE via Earthquake or a sheeping ability via Hex, then unleash their 5-10 seconds of hell.. they'd hear classes complaining all over the place.

Earth and frost shocks are plenty of CC.
Son of Godzilla said:
Earth and frost shocks are plenty of CC.

They are definitely viable. Especially Frost Shock. That said, Blizz has mentioned looking into giving Shamans a more direct CC ability on Wrath of the Lich King.


Has problems recognising girls
Son of Godzilla said:
Earth and frost shocks are plenty of CC.
Both of which cost the same amount of mana, if not more, than the actual damage done. I learned all too long ago to have 2 additional buttons spared for rank 1 spells - but when your UI is cluttered with 40-50 buttons you really don't enjoy it.
Chrono said:
I'm about to get into WoW soon, the plan is to play The Witcher first, but I've got some questions first:

- Is the demo on the Blizzard site the entire game, and when you buy it form them they just give you a key or something?

Hmm, it's been a long time but as far as I remember it's the full game minus the expansion for Burning Crusade. You cannot send or receive mail, however.

Chrono said:
- I'd rather buy it online than get a retail copy, I think Blizzard's site sells it and Direct2Drive... any reason why I should go with one over the other?

I don't think it makes a difference where you download it from but I bought mine retail. I like boxes :p

Chrono said:
- Do I get to pick on what server I play? If not then on what criteria do they pick a server for me, location? If yes then can I pick any server?

You pick whaever server you want to play in.

Chrono said:
- I know shooters require really fast connections, but what about RPGs? How much less?

Hmm, I know people that used to play wow on dial up but I wouldn't recommned it.

Chrono said:
- What if I leave the US, and have a laptop and access to an internet connection. Do I still get to play? And if so, on the same server? If I start a new character or get a new copy with a new login do I have to end up on a server tied to that location?

You take your account with you. If you travel you can connect as long as you have Inernet access.

Chrono said:
Lots and lots of virtual cookies to the generous soul(s) who answer any of these, I'm new to MMORPGs. :D

Make them chocolate with nuts cookies.


huzkee said:
I don't think it makes a difference where you download it from but I bought mine retail. I like boxes :p

LOVED THIS. I still have the box proudly displayed. :)

Eric P

Chrono said:
- I know shooters require really fast connections, but what about RPGs? How much less?

depends on the class really. i wouldn't play a rogue or a class which requires constanst interaction during combat. i used to play a warlock and a shaman fairly successfully over wireless and the lag rate on that was horrible.

if you're looking for alliance pve rather than pvp, i have a very noob friendly guild on server Lothar if you're interested


Wow thanks for the answers! Just two more questions... :D

- So I can still play it when I'm out of the US, but do I get re-assigned a new server tied to that region? I want to play on the same server I started on.

- Can I play alone, or do I have to join guilds and such?

Eric P

Chrono said:
Wow thanks for the answers! Just two more questions... :D

- So I can still play it when I'm out of the US, but do I get re-assigned a new server tied to that region? I want to play on the same server I started on.

- Can I play alone, or do I have to join guilds and such?

you can totally play and get to 70 alone. i'm only in a guild to help other people and usually just solo the entire game only grouping on instances and stuff which is way out of my league to do alone.

Eric WK

Chrono said:
Wow thanks for the answers! Just two more questions... :D

- So I can still play it when I'm out of the US, but do I get re-assigned a new server tied to that region? I want to play on the same server I started on.

Assuming you'll be using the same computer (and thus a US install), you can play on the same server.

Chrono said:
- Can I play alone, or do I have to join guilds and such?

You can level to 70 (and still have fun at 70) without ever joining a group. That said, the game is a lot better in group settings and most endgame content is going to require you to have grouped a bunch and to raid. Or you can just PvP which you can do alone in Battlegrounds (you'll be put in a group automatically), but for Arena you'll need at least one other person.


Absolutely last question...

So I don't want to buy it from Direct2Drive because I wouldn't be able to re-downloaded everywhere out side the US.

So the Blizzard site is the option I'm looking at, and the store there from what I can see is just for ordering physical copies and calendars and such.

Because the demo is the entire game, do I just need the key or whatever I get when I purchase the game and then whenever I'm on a new PC I just d/l the trial - and log in with the purchased account? There would be absolutley no difference than if I bought a new copy and logged with my account or downloaded it again from an online store? I just want to be sure about this so it wouldn't cause any headaches later on.

Seriously thanks a lot for all the help, I had so many questions I thought people would just ignore my posts. :p


speedpop said:
Both of which cost the same amount of mana, if not more, than the actual damage done. I learned all too long ago to have 2 additional buttons spared for rank 1 spells - but when your UI is cluttered with 40-50 buttons you really don't enjoy it.
:lol I've done the same thing. Someone actually asked me why I was using rank 1 shock spells and I replied: "So I can still heal your sorry ass."

I don't think they're really all that effective without the cooldown talents, though.
fallout said:
:lol I've done the same thing. Someone actually asked me why I was using rank 1 shock spells and I replied: "So I can still heal your sorry ass."

Yeah I keep Rank 1 of Earth and Frost Shock mapped as well. Helps conserve mana and their functions alone are useful if you're not concerned with the damage at the given moment.


Does anyone know of any UI mods that are better than the default WoW UI?

BTW what race would make a better paly(tank based)? blood elves or draenei? And are high level summons as a warlock(like the doomguard or inferno) really that effective?


draenei will have more HP but if I wanted to play a tankadin on alliance I'd go human. blood elves aren't missing that much HP, though, so it's not that big of a deal. but just going by racials, humans get expertise with swords and maces, which means they can hit mobs more often with those types (and swords and maces are what you'll use to tank).

as for warlock pets, the infernal and doomguard aren't worth using, really. Infernal is sometimes good to set loose in an area in AV just to surprise people (and stun them/keep them from capping a flag) but you have to use enslave demon on both of them to keep them in control. the 4 main pets you get, plus the felguard, are the real pets you'll use.


firex said:
draenei will have more HP but if I wanted to play a tankadin on alliance I'd go human. blood elves aren't missing that much HP, though, so it's not that big of a deal. but just going by racials, humans get expertise with swords and maces, which means they can hit mobs more often with those types (and swords and maces are what you'll use to tank).

as for warlock pets, the infernal and doomguard aren't worth using, really. Infernal is sometimes good to set loose in an area in AV just to surprise people (and stun them/keep them from capping a flag) but you have to use enslave demon on both of them to keep them in control. the 4 main pets you get, plus the felguard, are the real pets you'll use.

Don't forget Draenei have their passive +1% hit aura, which is melee or caster depending on what class you chose. Group buffs that cost nothing are awesome.
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