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World of Warcraft

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MrPing1000 said:
I have exams on the 7th 12th and 15th of January. I really feel like playing WoW atm but I know I really shouldn't. Haven't played since March, getting the itch again.

Wait until after your exams. There is no other right choice.


yacobod said:
just because you roll a BE doesnt mean you have to do the BE quests, you can go to the UD, orc/troll, or tauren starting area, you can do w/e you want as any race tbh

why do you see tauren, ud, trolls, questing in the BE starting area?

If I remember correctly, some of the first quests can't be played without being the proper race. Maybe that's just the BE area.


for all the BE stuff, you can't do the quests on literally the starting isle unless you're a BE. but you can do any other race's starting quests... I did nearly all of them on my BE pally just so I could max all horde reps back in the day.


firex said:
for all the BE stuff, you can't do the quests on literally the starting isle unless you're a BE. but you can do any other race's starting quests... I did nearly all of them on my BE pally just so I could max all horde reps back in the day.

Right, but I think on all the other starting areas, most of it's fair game. Maybe minus that first "welcome to the game, go talk to this guy who will be giving you a few starter quests" guy.


WotLK looks great. I really don't know if WoW is a healthy activity if you want a good life. I was watching the lord of the rings movie(the first one) the other day, and I was reminded at how amazing the hole fantasy aspect is. just running around with a dude and his sword in all his epicness.

the level cap raises. the game seems like it has gotten progressively more hardcore. We need more discussions about MMOs and if they are good for people who only want to play a little.


Still mulling over taking up engineering. Just some I'm clear though, Goblin Rocket Launcher *CAN* be used in Arenas? But the Gnomish Poultryizer cannot be used in Arenas?

Shoho said:
the level cap raises. the game seems like it has gotten progressively more hardcore. We need more discussions about MMOs and if they are good for people who only want to play a little.
It seems like people pretty quickly forget that there was a time when you could only progress your character by committing to 40-man raiding or 10-hours-a-day honor grinds. The game has become progressively less hardcore, as far as I can tell.
border said:
Still mulling over taking up engineering. Just some I'm clear though, Goblin Rocket Launcher *CAN* be used in Arenas? But the Gnomish Poultryizer cannot be used in Arenas?

It seems like people pretty quickly forget that there was a time when you could only progress your character by committing to 40-man raiding or 10-hours-a-day honor grinds. The game has become progressively less hardcore, as far as I can tell.
What? Rocket Launcher can't be used in arena o.o
Yea, Goblin Launcher can be. Kinda worthless though. The best thing its ever done for me is made a shaman earth shock me to interrupt it and thereby letting his partner die.


Son of Godzilla said:
Yea, Goblin Launcher can be. Kinda worthless though. The best thing its ever done for me is made a shaman earth shock me to interrupt it and thereby letting his partner die.
Yeah, from the description I thought it was instant-cast.....but doing a little research I found out it was a 3.5 second cast, making it pretty much useless as an interrupt or stun.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
BigJonsson said:
Anyone else play on Anatheron?

My rogue is now level 19 and ambush + a sweet dagger is making me happy haha

I used to play on Anetheron...you should do yourself a favor and find a better populated server since you're still low. Majority of the players on that server transferred since progression is non-existent.

In other news, seems like 2.3.2 won't be out this year because of no downtime for maintenance for the rest of the year. Most likely 2.4 PTR will come out early next year instead of this year...I guess it doesn't matter because alot of raiding guilds including mine has been experiencing horrible attendance due to finals/holidays



Ed Fries (formerly part of MS's Xbox division) guru has a new project that lets them look at your specific WoW character (gear/race/hair/etc), then they use one of those 3D printers to make a custom figurine at 1:18 scale. Fries has been making the rounds on WoW podcasts discussing the technology and all the work that goes into making every statue -- it's pretty interesting stuff.

I'm generally not interested in gaming tchotchkes of any sort, but for $100 this is pretty tempting:


The only problem is that since it takes like 8+ hours to create a character they don't really have the capacity to meet demand....you have to win a drawing/lottery just to be able to buy one.

My other reservation is that the photos on their site don't seem very detailed....they are low-rez and taken from a distance. It's hard to tell whether these will look solid or janky when they arrive at your house. Hopefully other people will start posting pictures of theirs once the first runs start going out.


venison crêpe
I haven't done any heroics before but I think I'm ready to start some, which are the best/easiest to start with would you say?


Heroic Mech, Slave Pens are probably some of the easier ones to start with. I started with Auch crypts but had some guildies to go with me to learn the place.

Typical "harder" heroics (for me doing pugs) usually includes Shadow Labyrinth, Arcatraz, Black Morass. I did love it when I had a chance to go with a bunch of T5 guys who did Heroic SL for fun and because they wanted badges :lol

I'm slowly transitioning back to a Shadow Priest, and I'm absolutely loving it so far :lol It'll be hard to give up a PMC-Kara geared Holy Priest for a FSW - heroic badge loot Shadow Priest but, I'm finding myself getting more and more infuriated each day raiding with my current guild trying to heal them.

I did pick a horrible time to go back to Shadow Priesting though, Discipline is all the rage these days and a lot of shadow priests are dropping shadow to go Disc/Holy.

Sometimes I *hate* casual raiding, but I'm not sure if I have it in me anymore to do the old hardcore raiding schedule (granted I've had some offers to take my priests to the next level - most of them are trying to bribe me with free lewts and the likes :lol).
SteveO409 said:
I used to play on Anetheron...you should do yourself a favor and find a better populated server since you're still low. Majority of the players on that server transferred since progression is non-existent.

In other news, seems like 2.3.2 won't be out this year because of no downtime for maintenance for the rest of the year. Most likely 2.4 PTR will come out early next year instead of this year...I guess it doesn't matter because alot of raiding guilds including mine has been experiencing horrible attendance due to finals/holidays

I have a bunch of friends on there so yea


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
So, thinking of playing WoW again, now I got a 70 Draenei Shadow Priest, but last time I played that it was boring and PvP wasn't much fun (and I always forget to heal myself/others :lol ). Now thinking of making an Undead Warlock/Mage and not really sure, never played a Frostmage but they always looked like so much fun, but a fullout Destruction Lock is what I played back in AQ/Naxx days and Soulfiring people for 4k (in WSG) were always good times. Been playing on an 'not official' server recently, and I just have no idea what to roll, I love the damage I was able to do as a Lock. But then again I'd love to play a Mage properly.

Also, just how much faster is leveling now?


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Decided on UD Mage in the end, Warlock is loads of fun but I've never played a Mage before, on Shattered Halls EU if anyone plays there.
Just finished with the 10 day trial and think I might pick up the Battle Chest. I assume that I'll be able to use my same character when I log back on. Fun game, I don't think I'm going pour as much time into it as some but I'll play an hour or two a night.


DoctorWho said:
Just finished with the 10 day trial and think I might pick up the Battle Chest. I assume that I'll be able to use my same character when I log back on. Fun game, I don't think I'm going pour as much time into it as some but I'll play an hour or two a night.

You say that now.


DoctorWho said:
Just finished with the 10 day trial and think I might pick up the Battle Chest. I assume that I'll be able to use my same character when I log back on. Fun game, I don't think I'm going pour as much time into it as some but I'll play an hour or two a night.

A few weeks later...wtf it's 3 AM? :lol


I kind of wish MMO's were like professional sports sometimes, there's just no way for me to retire from healing gracefully without looking like a major heel or something :lol

I'm really curious as to how good I can hold up as a shadow priest for a raiding guild, but the guild I'm currently in is like the mafia or something....you can't ever leave the "family" without being marked for hate/death :lol

I'm almost done building my pre-raid shadow priest though, final stats will be around 1100 spellpower unbuffed. currently I'm at 1065 (just need to pick up a runic spellthread), but I'm still grinding for a blessings deck and another epic mount as well :lol

Think I'm going to just bite the bullet and turn mega heel on my guild, and just job out on my last raid. If only WoW had steel chairs to smack people with.


DoctorWho said:
Just finished with the 10 day trial and think I might pick up the Battle Chest. I assume that I'll be able to use my same character when I log back on. Fun game, I don't think I'm going pour as much time into it as some but I'll play an hour or two a night.


I don't think MMORPG gaming works how you think it works.


Icy said:
OK. I re enabled my account. I need a horde server to come to. Who's playing horde and where?

honestly i would recommend going to 1 of the following servers


high pop servers are ftw, if you want to pvp, raid, or w/e your fancy is, your best bet is a high pop server, you will always find ppl with common interests to do things, do not under any circumstance xfer to a low pop server


yacobod said:
honestly i would recommend going to 1 of the following servers


high pop servers are ftw, if you want to pvp, raid, or w/e your fancy is, your best bet is a high pop server, you will always find ppl with common interests to do things, do not under any circumstance xfer to a low pop server

Yeah I played on the low pop servers before I quit, and it was pretty horrendous. Hard to find a group for anything. I still have my 70 alliance warrior on Shattered Hand. But I want to roll a horde. So I'm staying away from the low pop. Just trying to find a server with some neo gaffers :)


dave is ok said:
Icy, what was your warriors name? I was a Shattered Hand guy myself

Icy the mage and Citizin the warrior.

Past guilds:

Servants of Justice, Xodia, Stoic, We got this, Drama, Death and Taxes, Phoenix Order, Order of Entropy, World Defense Channel, and Reborn. Played since the beginning and quit this past spring.


ToyMachine228 said:
Yeah I do man, the dad in Lion King?

lol no.

During the early months of shattered hand, Moofasa was the unofficial leader of the horde. It was quite fun times when he was around. And then server transferred off. :(


Icy said:
Yeah I played on the low pop servers before I quit, and it was pretty horrendous. Hard to find a group for anything. I still have my 70 alliance warrior on Shattered Hand. But I want to roll a horde. So I'm staying away from the low pop. Just trying to find a server with some neo gaffers :)

what class are you going to roll?


Finally getting around to starting the Blood Elf rogue I made back when BC began -- what is the preferred progression and spec for levelling?
border said:
Finally getting around to starting the Blood Elf rogue I made back when BC began -- what is the preferred progression and spec for levelling?

I would probably go Assassination for leveling. Something like what I have at the link below. Subtlety is basically for PvP and Combat is good, but I'm not sure that it's better for leveling. All three Rogue trees are pretty decent and have their own use and strengths for for leveling I'd go Assassination.


I'm gonna start playing World of Warcraft soon...again. First time I just had money laying around and bought a copy of WoW, but that was right when I was in FFXI prime(I just now quit it though) and I just wanted to see how it was. I think I got a Troll Mage to somewhere over lvl 11 or something. I deleted that one though.

But anyway, now since I used up my free month(which I only used about...4 days of), now I gotta pony up the dough, but I have no money right now and gotta wait til Friday for payday
; ;

I'm gonna do a Blood Elf Warlock this time and actually use for the long haul. As long as it's easy(er) to make money than in FFXI, I think I might be perfectly fine with the game.

But really, I'm just really playing this to have an MMO to play til Warhammer Online comes out. I figure a few months is all I need to get to 70, do every accessible end-game thing at least once or twice and then move on to Warhammer, if it doesn't get delayed again...or if it turns out that it sucks ballz.


Undubbed said:
I'm gonna start playing World of Warcraft soon...again. First time I just had money laying around and bought a copy of WoW, but that was right when I was in FFXI prime(I just now quit it though) and I just wanted to see how it was. I think I got a Troll Mage to somewhere over lvl 11 or something. I deleted that one though.

But anyway, now since I used up my free month(which I only used about...4 days of), now I gotta pony up the dough, but I have no money right now and gotta wait til Friday for payday
; ;

I'm gonna do a Blood Elf Warlock this time and actually use for the long haul. As long as it's easy(er) to make money than in FFXI, I think I might be perfectly fine with the game.

But really, I'm just really playing this to have an MMO to play til Warhammer Online comes out. I figure a few months is all I need to get to 70, do every accessible end-game thing at least once or twice and then move on to Warhammer, if it doesn't get delayed again...or if it turns out that it sucks ballz.

Warhammer Online is a wow clone, that doesn't excel in many areas, at least not yet. Hasn't won me over yet in the beta at all.


The consensus on the Rogue forums seems to be Combat-Swords for leveling. I'm not sure I entirely get what the difference between Assassination and Combat essentially is, though.
border said:
The consensus on the Rogue forums seems to be Combat-Swords for leveling. I'm not sure I entirely get what the difference between Assassination and Combat essentially is, though.

Combat-Swords is dishing constant damage. Assassination is more about a few big hits from Ambush and Backstab and is dagger based. As yaco said, Combat-Swords leveling basically consists of two things...Sinister Strike and Eviscerate.
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