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World of Warcraft

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Spotless Mind said:
I'm on Daggerspine as well. Got a 70 Hunter, Hoban and 70 Mage, Roslin.

What guild(s) are you in border?
My warlock raided with Misery over the summer, though they essentially broke up in Sept/Aug. They've since reformed as Volatile and are really good.....the breakup was pretty necessary to weed out good-but-can't-show-up-to-raids players. I'd put in an app but I really don't have the time to commit to 25-man raiding (plus they only want Hyjal-attuned people now). What's more is I don't think I really enjoyed the 25-man stuff anyhow. It'd be nice to do some casual ZA runs with a well-geared group (or even Karazahn, still), but I don't think I'll ever get excited about the 4 nights a week, 4 hours a night bleeding edge stuff.

Right now both my characters are guildless -- I just do dailies and PVP for the most part, so it's not a big deal. I have a real-life friend in Sacred, who might be able to get me in under their "Friends and Family" program (where you aren't allowed to raid, but like I said I'm not really missing the raiding).

Eric P

BigJonsson said:
Suggest a good place for a gnome rogue to quest at level 21
Duskwood looks too scary right now with this Stitches fellow killing me in 2 shots

stitches is quest specific, he doesn't show up all the time

i really like the duskwood setting, more than i like the wetlands.

i haven't done redridge so i can't comment about that


If any of you guys need a vent to use, 50 slot I own. Feel free to jump on anytime.


Vent 3.x
Got to 67 on my Dranei Shaman tonight. Getting some good blue quality items from quests in Nagrand overall probably one of my favorite zones in Burning Crusade. I've been Enhancement the whole way but I think I'm leaning towards going Elemental at 70. I planned on going Elemental or Resto at 70 but I figure I'll still be able to heal pretty well as a Elemental Shaman. I plan on mostly PvPing, maybe a little Arena and maybe at most 10-man raids so we'll see. Here's the build I'm thinking of.



bengraven said:
New Christmas wallpaper here.

It's funny because it's true.
Bullshit. Elves are ugly as sin. You know it's all about the the t-shuffle.



Bullshit. Elves are ugly as sin. You know it's all about the the t-shuffle.

:lol But you know females of every Horde race but Elves are fucking scary. :lol

Icy said:
If any of you guys need a vent to use, 50 slot I own. Feel free to jump on anytime.


Vent 3.x

You can download the client at www.ventrilo.com

Double post? Delayed double post?


Is there a reason to go ever back to silvermoon after you beat that scourge dude in the ghostlands? I never seen a high lvl quest there.


masud said:
Is there a reason to go ever back to silvermoon after you beat that scourge dude in the ghostlands? I never seen a high lvl quest there.

nothing other than to train for paladin or jewelcrafting. or the level 60 epic ground level question for paladins.


Icy said:
nothing other than to train for paladin or jewelcrafting. or the level 60 epic ground level question for paladins.
Well theres a pally trainer in ogrimmar now (by thrall) so thats one less reason. Whats the reason for that? It's the coolest looking city in the game.


Draenei females are the best looking models in the game, in my opinion, and a hell of a lot more interesting than caucasian, half starved Night Elves. Horde got robbed.

On a nice note, I got my S3 weapon today finally, we had a lot of team propblems prior to this week. Holy fuck my battlegroup sucks for it's size/age though. 40 teams above 1850. (5v5)


masud said:
Well theres a pally trainer in ogrimmar now (by thrall) so thats one less reason. Whats the reason for that? It's the coolest looking city in the game.

well, i think that'll change with 2.4, the next area being added is an island north of Silvermoon. THere was an expanded interview beyond that magazine article. The devs spoke that the way to get to the island is via boat from the Draeni or Blood elf starting zones. It would generate more traffic to both of these cities.


Only took them a couple of years to figure this out


Leveling up certain skills has been a pain for some time now, and while some skills have received leveling changes, mining has been left behind. As things stand currently, if you don't run around in circles just looking for ores every 10 or 20 levels or so, you could easily find yourself having to do a massive amount of catch up once your character reaches the level cap. The amount of mining you do in the normal course of leveling just isn't enough to keep up with your experience gain.

Drysc says that Blizzard has finally noticed that this "isn't fun" and plans to do something about it in patch 2.4. The various types of ore will be adjusted so that you can consistently level up your skill from the nodes available in the zones where your character will be leveling, without you having to go back and spend lots of extra time in areas where you don't have any quests.


Alex said:
Draenei females are the best looking models in the game, in my opinion, and a hell of a lot more interesting than caucasian, half starved Night Elves. Horde got robbed.

On a nice note, I got my S3 weapon today finally, we had a lot of team propblems prior to this week. Holy fuck my battlegroup sucks for it's size/age though. 40 teams above 1850. (5v5)

You mean Blood Elves, right? And Horde didn't get robbed. I can't even make a character for any other race because they all look like shit. We need a facial model upgrade or new face choices in addition to hair.

I want to make a hot dead chick, but it's nearly impossible, so I stick with BEs.


Icy said:
if they would adjust smelting to work along side mining.. like it is pre iron, it would be a lot easier.

Yeah, this always irritated me. After iron, smelting anything is grey; ridiculous, either you can level your mining through smelting all the way to 375 or just take it out period.

Also, they should make BMing easier. :lol

(Sorry for double post)


bengraven said:
Yeah, this always irritated me. After iron, smelting anything is grey; ridiculous, either you can level your mining through smelting all the way to 375 or just take it out period.

Also, they should make BMing easier. :lol

(Sorry for double post)

if they allowed smelting like the beginning levels, it would fix the problem entirely.

Eric P

coudn't get into mage at all. too much downtime or too much death.

i rolled up a tauren druid and am having fun. reminds me of shaman in that it's a caster who can also fight.

i'm lvl 8 though, so i'm hardly authoritative


Eric P said:
coudn't get into mage at all. too much downtime or too much death.

i rolled up a tauren druid and am having fun. reminds me of shaman in that it's a caster who can also fight.

i'm lvl 8 though, so i'm hardly authoritative

My problem with mages is that they're basically warlocks without the fun of pets. Just stronger.


The amount of ore required to level up BS is ridiculous, I had to run around Silithus for a couple days til I mined about 200-300 Thorium just to get like 15 skill ups, that's absurd to me. I've done it 3 times, YES!


Ramirez said:
The amount of ore required to level up BS is ridiculous, I had to run around Silithus for a couple days til I mined about 200-300 Thorium just to get like 15 skill ups, that's absurd to me. I've done it 3 times, YES!
I had to do this. You get over it. Then you get happy. Because Fel Iron and Adamantite are way easier.
I posted this in an OT thread but no one is responding so...I'm trying to optimize my laptop's performance for WoW and I want to know which option is better.

A) Buying a 2G Flash Drive and using Vista's ReadyBoost or whatever it's called
B) Just buying a 1G RAM upgrade. When I bought my laptop it said it had 1G but it says 756mb when I go to the system information.

So...Any advice?

Eric P

i think the tauren area is the most annoying area i've ever started in.

so many collect quests with so annoyingly low of drop rates

there's a quest where you need to farm harpies to get azeure and bronze feathers and for whatever reason the quest giver is bugged and freaking vanished


Maxrpg said:
I had to do this. You get over it. Then you get happy. Because Fel Iron and Adamantite are way easier.

I've done it with 3 different chars, yea you get over it, but that doesn't make it any less stupid.


huh, I really haven't had much trouble raising mining just by mining nodes... not that making smelting give more skillups wouldn't be nice, but I mean, right now my shaman is at 215 or something like that and his mining has never really been raised by going out of the way to farm stuff. I have mined lots of things, but it's all been pretty easy. I just run around doing quests and mine anything that pops up on the map.

I can't really complain that they'll make mining go faster, but that was easy to raise. what's been tougher for me is engineering and blacksmithing, when I've tried leveling those.


Maxrpg said:
well they said they would smooth it out. so it's all good.
Not much consolation to those of us leveling new characters with mining, when 2.4 is likely months away.

firex said:
right now my shaman is at 215 or something like that and his mining has never really been raised by going out of the way to farm stuff. I have mined lots of things, but it's all been pretty easy. I just run around doing quests and mine anything that pops up on the map.

It's not until you get to Thorium that it gets really excruciating. It's not like the problem really needs mining to be totally re-evaluated....just allow people to get level-ups from smelting and maybe lower the level requirements for Outland veins, so people don't have to run around the now-empty Silithus praying for nodes.


yeah, true. I forgot about the bad gaps of tin -> iron and mithril -> thorium.

jewelcrafting also sucked to level up in my experience. from about 250-300. It was pretty bad... at least back when I was raising it then, which was before 2.1. But 300+ in JC is easy since that's when you can cut gems.


Does anyone have a good gear-guide for rogue leveling? I've found a decent guide for PVP twinks, but naturally they tend to value Stamina over AP. Since I'm levelling with a hunter friend, I'd rather just jack my damage output to the maximum rather than stack STA.


border said:
Not much consolation to those of us leveling new characters with mining, when 2.4 is likely months away.

It's not until you get to Thorium that it gets really excruciating. It's not like the problem really needs mining to be totally re-evaluated....just allow people to get level-ups from smelting and maybe lower the level requirements for Outland veins, so people don't have to run around the now-empty Silithus praying for nodes.
Then do something else for a while until it comes out, or just put up and mine the thorium. Whining about it isn't going to make it come faster. :lol


bengraven said:
You mean Blood Elves, right? And Horde didn't get robbed. I can't even make a character for any other race because they all look like shit.

It's not my problem that you're blind and/or utterly tasteless!
So, I re-installed and I'm downloading some big-ass patch. I haven't played since July (6 months). Has a lot changed? Is there lots of new stuff to do for non-raiders? I remember I quit 'cause raiding really sucks and I didn't have anything cool to do anymore after getting my Netherdrake. I've just been so bored after just devouring the holiday console games. I need something to keep me occupied for about a month.


Blacksmithing has been my bane. So many times I wanted to just quit and do JC or Engineering or just do another gatherer profession so I can make cash.

My Mining is at 375 and my Blacksmithing just hit 258. Until recently I was only 170-something, until I spent 500-700 gold leveling it up.

It's not my problem that you're blind and/or utterly tasteless!


No seriously, the other races' females are fugly. I remember a time when people made troll women because they were the closest to Night Elves. :lol


border said:
Does anyone have a good gear-guide for rogue leveling? I've found a decent guide for PVP twinks, but naturally they tend to value Stamina over AP. Since I'm levelling with a hunter friend, I'd rather just jack my damage output to the maximum rather than stack STA.

I normally use: http://shadowpanther.net/ , not sure if that's what you're looking for though.


rogue leveling seems pretty easy to gear up to me. Just get the agi/stam leather and slow blue swords for your main hand.
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