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World of Warcraft

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Rogue leveling is stupid easy. I just did a rogue 1-70 in Sept. Just make sure you keep a slow mh sword, fast oh sword and spec combat. I grinded the entire way from 20-60. You dont even really need to worry about gear as you level rogues, just use whatever you find.
I'm a rogue, its pretty easy to kill stuff thats a few levels higher than me
But if I get swarmed, its lights out lol
But I just got distract and vanish so maybe I'll be able to draw mobs out better
border said:
That's the guide I've been looking at. Like I said though, the problem is that they stress AGI and STA.....I want items that are mostly AGI/STR/Crit/AP.
You dont need most of those at all while leveling up, rogues don't even go for str at 70...


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I hate my Hunter Elf... everything about it makes me think that its going to be absolutely horrible at later levels and arenas
Strength doesn't do anything for a rogue but give you AP which you can get from agility anyway. There's no reason to get anything with strength as a rogue, right?


Ferrio said:
Ya STR is almost worthless for a rogue. This was my priority


Good advice.

In the long run I don't believe Crit matter as much because they dont scale with buffs as Agility does.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Rogue leveling is stupid easy. I just did a rogue 1-70 in Sept. Just make sure you keep a slow mh sword, fast oh sword and spec combat. I grinded the entire way from 20-60. You dont even really need to worry about gear as you level rogues, just use whatever you find.

Interesting. I thought rogues want to use a dagger in MH though? Don't certain abilities require a dagger in the main hand?


bengraven said:
Interesting. I thought rogues want to use a dagger in MH though? Don't certain abilities require a dagger in the main hand?

Yes, but those abilities aren't very good for leveling. Ambush/Backstab are what you are speaking of during leveling. They are spiky damage and can only be used in certain situations, i.e. the mob has it's back turned to you. Any fight where you don't get to start from stealth, or you have to kill multiple mobs at once for a quest items will be worse for daggers
bengraven said:
Interesting. I thought rogues want to use a dagger in MH though? Don't certain abilities require a dagger in the main hand?
Only noob rogues use daggers for leveling. Combat swords is the best leveling spec by a mile. You open with cheapshot, not that noob ambush skill.


plus, some common grinding mobs like earth elementals/golems can be immune to gouge, which makes fighting them with daggers a pain in the ass.


DY_nasty said:
I hate my Hunter Elf... everything about it makes me think that its going to be absolutely horrible at later levels and arenas

Hunters are one of the harder to play in Arena classes, but a well played one is pretty devastating in certain set ups. You work best in drain teams (hunter/priest for 2v2, hunter/lock/priest 3v3, hunter/lock/lock or priest/priest/shaman or sometimes warrior if already double priest in 5v5)

I'm not really sure about their Raid usefulness past Karazahn as I'm not really a raider, but they are among the easiest to level classes from 1-70, are valuable in regular and heroic 5 mans due to being able to cc every monster type, and are pretty fun/powerful in world/bg pvp.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Can't even buy shoulders =\

This was in season 1/2, we quit for months, came back, was behind in gear and still managed to do that, I have little doubt had we had the full season 2 set we could have got over 2k.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Can't even buy shoulders =\

Not many people can buy shoulder, yet.

War/Pally is still very good. Not as good as it used to be. But still good.

War/Pally/X is actually a very good counter to various Druid/melee combo that's running rampant nowaday.

Pally is still the best healer in 5.
sedaku said:
Not many people can buy shoulder, yet.

War/Pally is still very good. Not as good as it used to be. But still good.

War/Pally/X is actually a very good counter to various Druid/melee combo that's running rampant nowaday.

Pally is still the best healer in 5.
Tons of people have had shoulders for awhile now, atleast on the nightfall battlegroup.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Tons of people have had shoulders for awhile now, atleast on the nightfall battlegroup.

By tons, you mean top 100 something (50, my bad) teams of the battlegroup in each bracket ?

That's less than the number of people that got gladiator mounts last season.

1950 this early in the season is somewhere in the 100th ranking. And that's not easy.
sedaku said:
By tons, you mean top 100 something (50, my bad) teams of the battlegroup in each bracket ?

That's less than the number of people that got gladiator mounts last season.

1950 this early in the season is somewhere in the 100th ranking. And that's not easy.
I guess I just hang with the right people so it seems like tons ;) lol
Is there a known bug where you fall through the world during PVP or something? I fell through the world during WSG, AV, and while dueling in front of SW today. It might have something to do with a warlock spell. I was dueling my warlock friend the third time. I don't remember if I was fighting a warlock the other times but, I might have.


Oni Link 666 said:
Is there a known bug where you fall through the world during PVP or something? I fell through the world during WSG, AV, and while dueling in front of SW today. It might have something to do with a warlock spell. I was dueling my warlock friend the third time. I don't remember if I was fighting a warlock the other times but, I might have.

when this happens report it via the GM reports.


SyNapSe said:
Yes, but those abilities aren't very good for leveling. Ambush/Backstab are what you are speaking of during leveling. They are spiky damage and can only be used in certain situations, i.e. the mob has it's back turned to you. Any fight where you don't get to start from stealth, or you have to kill multiple mobs at once for a quest items will be worse for daggers

But isn't there a daze move that lets you sneak around to their back? I'm no expert, my rogue alt is lingering at 24 somewhere, I'm just curious as that's how all the rogues I know roll.
My Dranei Shaman might hit 70 today. I hit 69 right before I went to bed last night. Going to go Elemental. Once I hit 70 I'll start my PvP, Arena and daily 5-man runs to get geared. Might also level another character on the side. Possibly my second Rogue or Paladin. Don't think I'm going to try to swear off WoW anymore. I'll just play when I want to play and when I don't...I won't. Like during the semester when I need to focus and don't really have the time anyway.


I already mentioned that there's a lot of mobs that can be immune to gouge, which makes dagger solo really annoying. Plus daggers pretty much require you to be starting from stealth and then ambushing whatever you need to kill. That's why I liked combat spec for soloing. daggers are easy enough to pick up if you want to use them in groups or something, although really, right now daggers just kind of suck all around which is why I quit my rogue at 36. I'd wanted to go mutilate but now mutilate seems pretty crap compared to just going with a combat/hemo spec.
Stealth/Distract/Ambush/SS and finisher is what I've been using effectively

But I was using swords until I found a dagger that was better than any sword I've picked up so far

I'm level 23, almost 24 now

I need new gear

Eric P

i would like to remind the horde players to get their robots from org before the second

the robot pets will fight other robot pets when they come in contact with one another

it's quite neat


BigJonsson said:
Stealth/Distract/Ambush/SS and finisher is what I've been using effectively

But I was using swords until I found a dagger that was better than any sword I've picked up so far

I'm level 23, almost 24 now

I need new gear

If you're using Sinister Strike with a dagger you're just going to make things worse for yourself later on. If you want to grind somewhat effectively just go combat swords like people have said. When you're low levels, yeah, ambush is nice when it takes away half a mob's health but soon it's not even going to be 25%.
Hit 70 tonight on my Dranei Shaman and respec'd Elemental. I did a few Eye of the Storms with it and finished the PvP Daily and I have to say I'm liking it a lot. It's not full Elemental, somewhat of a hybrid...40/0/21, but it works really well. I have all of the good stuff in Elemental and I have good heals and Nature's Swiftness so it works well for PvP.

That said, I'm really needing some good gear. I'm obviously going to PvP, Arena and run 5-mans to upgrade my gear but is there any good stuff I can craft for an Elemental Shaman?
Hero said:
If you're using Sinister Strike with a dagger you're just going to make things worse for yourself later on. If you want to grind somewhat effectively just go combat swords like people have said. When you're low levels, yeah, ambush is nice when it takes away half a mob's health but soon it's not even going to be 25%.

When I find swords, I will switch again

Like I said, I was using 2 swords until I found better daggers
Granted I'm pretty geared out on my Subtlety rogue but solo'ing is incredibly easy. Ambush usually obliterates anything non-plate and by the time my Ghostly Strike fades (puts dodge at ~50%) I can hit them with a Kidney Shot good enough for two Backstabs. Most stuff (lately just been daily quest mobs) is dead by that point. Maybe I have to Vanish a bit more then a Sword rogue, but I have fun not just standing still while Slice N' Dice does my work.
Manick Joe said:
Granted I'm pretty geared out on my Subtlety rogue but solo'ing is incredibly easy. Ambush usually obliterates anything non-plate and by the time my Ghostly Strike fades (puts dodge at ~50%) I can hit them with a Kidney Shot good enough for two Backstabs. Most stuff (lately just been daily quest mobs) is dead by that point. Maybe I have to Vanish a bit more then a Sword rogue, but I have fun not just standing still while Slice N' Dice does my work.
Wow, you're not gonna go anywhere in arena with that spec o.o


Ferrio said:
Ya STR is almost worthless for a rogue. This was my priority
Ohhh, I thought it was like for warriors where 1 STR = 2 AP

But I guess it's 1 STR = 1 AP....but 1 AGI = 1 AP as well. I guess that helps then.
While I do enjoy PvP and Arena, I casually raid too so some sacrifices have to be made on both ends. I'm usually tops or close to it in damage meters (which I know is not everything) in Kara and Gruul. When I group up with 3-4 friends we usually roll the horde in bg's. Plus it's fun to solo with. This fury warrior and I finally got our warlock friend geared up a bit so we're giving 3v3 a honest shot. If we work well together I'll respec a bit to help out the team

Besides spec ain't everything.


Manick Joe said:
While I do enjoy PvP and Arena, I casually raid too so some sacrifices have to be made on both ends. I'm usually tops or close to it in damage meters (which I know is not everything) in Kara and Gruul. When I group up with 3-4 friends we usually roll the horde in bg's. Plus it's fun to solo with. This fury warrior and I finally got our warlock friend geared up a bit so we're giving 3v3 a honest shot. If we work well together I'll respec a bit to help out the team

Besides spec ain't everything.

I don't want to be a jerk but I find it hard to believe you can top the damage meters with a spec like yours. If that's really true then your guild needs to recruit better rogues. Any rogue build without Precision / Dual Wield Specialization / Improved Slice and Dice is pretty crappy for sustained dps.


This is the best WoW grief story I've read in awhile:


WARNING: Due to the formatting, this is really really long.

I'm sitting around in Orgrimmar, doing the whole mage thing (sitting around and pretending to look busy enough to not get asked for portals because I'm really playing NES sound files to a friend through WoW's in-game voice chat) when I notice a couple of people in guild chat complaining about a level 35 hunter named Hunterkingg begging the 70s for a run through Scarlet Monastary. Before I get the chance to type /who Hunterkingg, I've already received a message from him. How prompt.

"Okay. Start heading there while I finish selling stuff." He runs right off to Durotar while I buy these items.

-[Chromatic Robe]
-[Russet Boots]
-[Russet Belt]
-[Russet Pants]
-[Russet Bracers]
-[Russet Hat]
-[Dusk Wand]
-[Battle Staff]

I put these on, remove my cape, shoulders, rings and trinkets and head to the monastary. Hunterkingg is already there and waiting. I pull out Rank 3 Frostbolt, Rank 4 Fire Blast and rank 1 Arcane Explosion and step through the portal.

"u can just run through and use EA on all of these enemies. i think its EA. the thing you spam."

So I went right ahead and pulled about 10 mobs and Interrogator Vishas and proceed to spam my Rank 1 Arcane Explosion. With 3,000 health and 0 spell damage, needless to say I wasn't standing for very long. Wipe #1.

Hunterkingg: "ROFL" "okay very funny, now put ur gear on."
Sarm: "?"
Hunterkingg: "ur gear. put it on"
Sarm: "I'm already wearing it."
Hunterkingg: "omg"

Around this time we both get back into the instance.

Sarm: "I'm sorry. I'll kill them one at a time."
Hunterkingg: "omg no, u should be able to kill them all in one hit. why are you so weak?"

Rank 3 frostbolts, away! The mob still had about 90% of her health remaining and I keep plinking away with frostbolts. The hunter starts shooting and inevitable pulls aggro off of me. He gets back up, shotos some more, pulls aggro a second time and finishes off the mob himself. He sits down to eat and I run down the hall.

Sarm: "I'll keep going."
Hunterkingg: "no!"
Sarm: "Help."

I shoot one enemy and pull a pat. They both begin beating on me while I do my best to get those rank 3 frostbolts to fire. Pushback galore. The hunter gets up and opens with Multishot (as bad hunters tend to do) and feigns death. I stop casting and begin using my staff to attack instead.

Sarm: "My melee is better than my magic."
Hunterkingg: "omfg whats wrong with u"

I manage to kill staff one enemy to death and die. The hunter levels up and escapes.

Hunterkingg: "okay this isnt funny anymore, put ur gear on."
Sarm: "I'm wearing it."
Hunterkingg: "omg no, you had rly grat [sic] gear on in org and now youre wearing that"

Well, to a level 35 my gear probably looks godly, I guess...anyway, I pull Interrogator Vishas and wipe around this time.

Hunterkingg: "check ur bags, u should have blues and greens."
Sarm: "Those sell for a lot of money. I'm going to pull again." (I haven't stopped to eat or drink after reviving)
Hunterkingg: "NO!"

He feigns almost immediately. I splatter along the ground. Wipe #4. I run back and he's still on the ground.

Hunterkingg: "dont move."
Sarm: "You died."

Hunterkingg stops feigning death and faces his character in my direction.

Sarm: "You're alive."
Hunterkingg: "put ur gear on."
Sarm: "How did you come back to life?"
Hunterkingg: "its a hunter skill. i play dead."
Sarm: "I'm pulling now."
Hunterkingg: "NO STOP!"

I stop.

Hunterkingg: "how old r u"
Sarm: "I'm 15." (I'm 23)
Hunterkingg: "did u buy ur character"
Sarm: "My birthday was yesterday. :)"

Without giving a warning I start to pull again. Hunterkingg begs and plead but alas, I wipe. Death #5.

Sarm: "Let's try the library. That might be easier."
Hunterkingg: "no"
Hunterkingg: "library is harder"
Hunterkingg: "how did you get to 70"
Sarm: "I got the game yesterday."
Hunterkingg: "do u bot"
Hunterkingg: "My mom got the game for my birthday and she let me follow her her while she played." (From level 1 to 70 in one afternoon? Come on...)
Hunterkingg: "look, check ur bags for blues and greens and use them."
Sarm: "I found a green."
Hunterkingg: "put it on"

I equip my [Green Winter Hat] and start running.

Hunterkingg: "NO!"
Hunterkingg: "NO!"
Hunterkingg: "NO!"

I pull Interrogator Vishas with a frostbolt and start attacking with my staff.

Sarm: "Wow. I found a new button. I'm going to try it."
Sarm gains Hypothermia.
Sarm: "I'm safe."

Hunterkingg, however, was not. Somehow I manage to kill Vishas, and turn around with the other mob attacking me so I can point and say "You died." He revives and I link Vishas's loot; [Bloody Brass Knuckles].

Sarm: "Do you want these?"
Hunterkingg: "no"

I traded them to him anyway.

Sarm: "I'm going to pull again."
Hunterkingg: "NO!"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Hunterkingg: "WHY DOES UR GEAR SUCK?"
Sarm: "Should I get them enchanted?"
Hunterkingg: "OMG"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Hunterkingg: "WHY ARE U SO STUPID"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Sarm: "That's not very nice."

I run into the library wing and he follows me. I start to pull and talk at the same time. I'm telling all about this adventure in guild chat, and The guild Message Of The Day is changed with Hunterkingg's quote as a trophy.

Sarm: "How do you report someone?"
Hunterkingg: "y do u want to report me"
Sarm: "Because it's not nice to spam but I don't know how to report people."
Sarm: "Look, I'm winning."
Hunterkingg: "im sry, ill be good"
Sarm: "That bad guy is running, lets get her."

The mob runs away and into two other groups of enemies. I follow them, pull, wipe.

Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Hunterkingg: "WHY"
Sarm: "I have a yellow man on my screen now."
Sarm: "Let's try the armory now."

I respawn in the graveyard anyway and head down the hall. The hunter is alive, but he's not showing up on my map. Odd...I run out and Hunterkingg is standing next to an undead priest.

Hunterkingg: "thats the mage"
Hunterkingg: "watch him play"

An enemy respawns behind the priest and begins hitting him.

Sarm: "You're under attack."

I bounce over with my mighty staff and clobber half of the enemy's health.

Sarm: "Oh wow, I have a wand."

I wand him the rest of the way.

Hunterkingg: "invite the priest"

He joins the group.

Hunterkingg: "watch this"

I reset the instance and wipe just like before. This is my 7th death. We've been doing this for an HOUR.

Hunterkingg: "BYE"

I boot him from the group, lead the priest to SM: Cathedral, put on my normal gear and give him and his nephew a full clear. The End.

Hero said:
I don't want to be a jerk but I find it hard to believe you can top the damage meters with a spec like yours. If that's really true then your guild needs to recruit better rogues. Any rogue build without Precision / Dual Wield Specialization / Improved Slice and Dice is pretty crappy for sustained dps.
Well aside from my own guild I regularly group up with another for Gruul and have several friends in other farther along raiding guilds that pull me in for Heroics. I may not always be #1 in raids, but the difference in damage is pretty negligible. Here's the report from our Gruul run a few weeks ago.

"Theorycraft" only goes so far.

*EDIT* I originally chimed in just to say solo'ing with daggers is viable, not that I'm the be-all end-all rogue..


ToyMachine228 said:
Hit 70 tonight on my Dranei Shaman and respec'd Elemental. I did a few Eye of the Storms with it and finished the PvP Daily and I have to say I'm liking it a lot. It's not full Elemental, somewhat of a hybrid...40/0/21, but it works really well. I have all of the good stuff in Elemental and I have good heals and Nature's Swiftness so it works well for PvP.

That said, I'm really needing some good gear. I'm obviously going to PvP, Arena and run 5-mans to upgrade my gear but is there any good stuff I can craft for an Elemental Shaman?
that's actually the template for arena elemental, I'm pretty sure. As far as crafted stuff... I think there's a good caster dagger from blacksmithing. otherwise, the only good elemental mail stuff I know of that's crafted requires dragonscale leatherworking.


Alex said:
Hunterkingg: "omg no, u should be able to kill them all in one hit. why are you so weak?"

Hunterkingg: "omfg whats wrong with u"

Hunterkingg: "how old r u"

Hunterkingg: "WHY DOES UR GEAR SUCK?"

Hunterkingg: "WHY ARE U SO STUPID"


Oh wow :lol :lol :lol


Looking at the lockpicking guides for my rogue, I'm pretty frustrated at the half-assed system Blizzard has in place to help us skill-up. There were a couple great lockpick quests in the Blood Elf zone, but everything else is just plain stupid. To go from 100-175 I just have to pick the same box over and over again. And if I hadn't looked up the guide that told me I could do this, I'd be stuck in Org begging for people's lockboxes because it's not even obvious that you can just pick the lock over and over.

Beyond 175 I'm just supposed to lockpick dungeon doors over and over again. Yeesh. Couldn't they come up with something better, and something more readily apparent than this crap? Next to fishing, this has to be the most frustrating profession to skill-up.
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