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World of Warcraft

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Whats a good damage taken % for a tank to have in an instance to you guys? I was able to achieve this in BF



BigJonsson said:
Reached level 40 and purchased my mount today :D

Congrats. Now questing is 60% less frustrating!

I'm going to start doing dailies to get a second character an epic flying mount today, myself. Word of advice; don't be like me and put off getting an epic flying mount if you play a fair bit. It pays for itself sickly fast. I was amazed how much easier making money had become when I originally got mine


Almost to 68. Been playing since Sept. 2006. Really getting excited to finally be able to play my multitude of alts and not feel guilty. :lol


My new Hunter is now 33 on Gurubashi with about 33g. What's the fastest way Horde side to get 100g in 7 levels for my mount?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
ManaByte said:
My new Hunter is now 33 on Gurubashi with about 33g. What's the fastest way Horde side to get 100g in 7 levels for my mount?

I wish i knew, i remember my first mount being hell to acquire.

@ 60 now and im 300ish gold away from epic mount /cry
Man, I'm just so indecisive about what race/class to play. I have my Undead Priest to lvl 15 on this official gaf guild server but I'm starting to feel like I don't want to spend 70 lvls with an undead character. Starting to mess around with a Tauren Warrior for a bit. I had played a Mage Gnome before and wasn't so sure about that either.


ManaByte said:
My new Hunter is now 33 on Gurubashi with about 33g. What's the fastest way Horde side to get 100g in 7 levels for my mount?

I think it's 90 with faction discounts. If you just avoid the AH and keep your questing, loot everything, select 2H's from quest rewards, etc you should have it.

I wish i knew, i remember my first mount being hell to acquire.

@ 60 now and im 300ish gold away from epic mount /cry

Don't even try to buy it at 60. Go clear Hellfire Pen. and you should be able to afford it by the time you're out, 62 or so.

You'll still be able to buy your flying as you hit 70.


I made some absolutely sick profits on stuff early on in TBC to the point that I had about 2k gold on my pally when he was 60ish. But that was essentially from selling everything aside from cloth I'd use for first aid (and only to raise it to a skill level for the next bandage. I barely even used bandages outside of the early levels) and it was because Kilrogg is an ancient server with loaded catasses who would overpay like hell for JC blues I crafted.

edit: also, I think to play the AH market in WoW you have to have a little bit of money to start out with, or just no life like I had when I was leveling my BE pally. when you have farmed stuff you can sell by the truckload and you only mildly undercut the other AH prices, it works nicely.


Has problems recognising girls
I'll ask my girlfriend's sister how to turn a tidy profit by the time you hit 40. She was 39 and had 125g, but I think she played the AH a little bit every morning.


I don't think I ever bought a lvl 40 mount the honest way. :lol With my first character, I just bought the gold. With all other characters, I just used money from another high-level character I was playing. I guess my warlock got a free mount too...

But everybody says you should just do mining/skinning until 40, so you can sell the mats and make money.


I started out with 100g, but still, I had made a massive profit then... which I don't think is doable now since people weren't willing to pay insane prices like 5g for the level 18-20ish blue rings/necklaces jewelcrafting can make.

I'm doing herb/skinning right now on the gaf server but I haven't bothered AHing anything yet... when I do we'll see how it goes. should make some decent gold from it anyway.
I'm pretty sure one of my friends bought gold online and thats how he was able to give me 105 gold towards my mount I just bought lol

I'm not complaining


Yeah, the amount of effort it takes to get together 100g (at level 40) is totally not worth the time you invest. I know Manabyte would never do it, but there's really never a better time to just straight-up buy gold. A mere ten or twenty bucks saves you endless hours of grinding.


it really depends upon what you do, too. some of the low level tradeskill mats go for a shit ton of gold now, and even in the mid-30s you can one shot nearly all the mobs crowding areas where you can grab most of that stuff (silverleaf, light leather, copper) or solo SFK for tons of wool. especially since Mana's playing a hunter. As long as you sell your stuff reasonably (i.e. don't massively undercut, but don't sell for more than anyone else on the AH) you can probably turn a good profit in a few hours.

typically on the fresh alts I've made I've hit like 60g by around level 40, without buying anything from the AH and without skipping on training (unless it's a crap upgrade). It's when you start buying upgrades from the AH that your cash flow gets impacted heavily.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Interesting difference in culture between FFXI and WoW when there's talk about buying currency. If you admitted you bought gil in FFXI, you were branded a HERETIC, end game linkshells would blacklist you (even when they do the same), and you dirt. In WoW, it's like "ho-hum, I didn't have time to farm that much." and everybody understand. :lol



There are plenty of people that take gold-buying very seriously and consider it tantamount to cheating. There's enough of them that I probably wouldn't admit to purchasing gold in-game. I don't see it as that big of a deal, though I've only bought gold once or twice because it's simply too expensive to make a habit of. Once you reach the endgame, you'd be blowing a hundred bucks a week just to level professions or get good items from the AH.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Kintaro said:
Interesting difference in culture between FFXI and WoW when there's talk about buying currency. If you admitted you bought gil in FFXI, you were branded a HERETIC, end game linkshells would blacklist you (even when they do the same), and you dirt. In WoW, it's like "ho-hum, I didn't have time to farm that much." and everybody understand. :lol


Yea, i wonder if its because the userbase of wow is just insanely big and much more casual than hardcore so its to be expected that peoples take the easy way out rather than grind hardcore for their stuffs. I've never bought gold though, way too afraid to get bbbb-banned and lose all those hours and hours.

Anyway, im crossing my fingers for a sale i just put up on AH, i bought a choker of repentance for 150g, pretty much all market data puts it at an average of 338g, i put it for bid 300 and buyout for 375, would be a nice profit and i could buy my epic mount with that cash.
Blizz really needs to do what CCP does to combat gold buying. Allow people to trade time cards for in-game currency and make sure it all goes through Blizz themselves.


Once the game-maker starts selling gold, it gets to be kind of a slippery slope. There will always be the suspicion that they are making in-game items/abilities expensive just so they can bank more money at the end of the month. I don't think Blizzard wants to taint its relationship with the customers like that.

I guess it works if your economy is entirely player-generated, but it's kind of hard to say "Oh, if you can't farm 5000g for that epic mount, then you can buy it from us for real money!" and not look a little slimy.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Wow, this lvl 44 druid asked for icy chill weapon enchant so i reply, buy the mats and i'll do it for free, he goes ok. 5 mins later he replies with "the mats costs like 20g :( ", i say, cant afford? "no i only have 2s"



Was he seriously thinking of getting icy chill for 2s ? omg
"Once the game-maker starts selling gold, it gets to be kind of a slippery slope. There will always be the suspicion that they are making in-game items/abilities expensive just so they can bank more money at the end of the month. I don't think Blizzard wants to taint its relationship with the customers like that.

I guess it works if your economy is entirely player-generated, but it's kind of hard to say "Oh, if you can't farm 5000g for that epic mount, then you can buy it from us for real money!" and not look a little slimy."

You misunderstand. CCP doesn't actually sell the stuff themselves, it's all players selling it to other players.

Eric P

i only had trouble making money with my first two characters because i was really naive to mmos in general.

now if i start a character, i usually just pick two gathering trades.

my current hunter has alchemy/herbalism and that seems a bit of a waste because i rarely need health potions and i never run out of mana.


Teknopathetic said:
You misunderstand. CCP doesn't actually sell the stuff themselves, it's all players selling it to other players.
Ahhhh, ok. That'd be pretty sweet....though it might cause pretty massive inflation. Just a couple weeks of farming and you could probably have a year's subscription taken care of.


What the hell is this shit? It's EotS weekend, and every game I went to, 90% of the team was just sitting in the same place the entire game. Is this how people handle honor weekends now? Jesus.


Buggy Loop said:
Yea, i wonder if its because the userbase of wow is just insanely big and much more casual than hardcore so its to be expected that peoples take the easy way out rather than grind hardcore for their stuffs. I've never bought gold though, way too afraid to get bbbb-banned and lose all those hours and hours.

Blizzard was pretty wise with how they set up their loot system. In the 1-60 game there were some BoE purples that were pretty sought after, but for the most part all really good items are BoP.. even craftable one's.

Money is just more accessible in WoW anyway. Leveling for the most part, I never sat around thinking damn I'm going to have to spend a few days grinding money to buy my level 36 spells like I did in FFXI. The mounts are the only thing that requires that and they are supposed to be a special reward. I know when I got my first 40 mount I was excited, and that was when the game first came out.


I reached lvl 50 a couple of days ago. I've been going to crossroads by myself, killing guards and even a few lowbies that have the guts to attack me when flagged. Then the lvl 70's come, I try to hit them once then bubble-hearth. :D

Anyway, I'm a Ret Pally and I was wondering if it would be worth it to repec to Protection or Holy? All the major guilds that actually do raids seem to only recruit proctection or holy pallies. I'm not in a guild and just join random groups, and even then people seem to be turning their nose up at me when they find out I'm a Ret Pally.
Vieo said:
I reached lvl 50 a couple of days ago. I've been going to crossroads by myself, killing guards and even a few lowbies that have the guts to attack me when flagged. Then the lvl 70's come, I try to hit them once then bubble-hearth. :D

Anyway, I'm a Ret Pally and I was wondering if it would be worth it to repec to Protection or Holy? All the major guilds that actually do raids seem to only recruit proctection or holy pallies. I'm not in a guild and just join random groups, and even then people seem to be turning their nose up at me when they find out I'm a Ret Pally.

People like you are why I love dispelling the pally bubble. =]


BloodElfHunter said:
People like you are why I love dispelling the pally bubble. =]

One time I spellstole a blessing of protection from a pally and proceeded to POM Pyro him in one shot. I fell off my chair laughing.


Vieo said:
I reached lvl 50 a couple of days ago. I've been going to crossroads by myself, killing guards and even a few lowbies that have the guts to attack me when flagged. Then the lvl 70's come, I try to hit them once then bubble-hearth. :D

Anyway, I'm a Ret Pally and I was wondering if it would be worth it to repec to Protection or Holy? All the major guilds that actually do raids seem to only recruit proctection or holy pallies. I'm not in a guild and just join random groups, and even then people seem to be turning their nose up at me when they find out I'm a Ret Pally.

Wow, that is such douchebaggery. Why do I like it so much?



Vieo said:
I reached lvl 50 a couple of days ago. I've been going to crossroads by myself, killing guards and even a few lowbies that have the guts to attack me when flagged. Then the lvl 70's come, I try to hit them once then bubble-hearth. :D

Anyway, I'm a Ret Pally and I was wondering if it would be worth it to repec to Protection or Holy? All the major guilds that actually do raids seem to only recruit proctection or holy pallies. I'm not in a guild and just join random groups, and even then people seem to be turning their nose up at me when they find out I'm a Ret Pally.

I'm loathe to be a debbie downer, but you should quit and play a class that isn't boring as hell at 70.. if you intend to continue in PvP or PvE at the top level. :\

well really, who knows.. maybe with WOTLK they'll make some huge changes.


I can't think of a way blizz will make the pally fun to play without fucking over another healer and making all their cool hybrid stuff garbage, thereby forcing them to spec for healing at 80 in WotLK. So I'll just unlock death knight and make one... somewhere.


I've been playing my pally lately, leveled from 10-60 as Prot then respecced holy. Did AE grinding and quests to 60, but once I got to Outland I didn't want to tank and wanted to still get groups, so Holy it is. Fighting single mobs is no problem and I can usually kill 6-7 at least before drinking, adds aren't really a problem if you've got good armor, either. Healing is pretty easy, my first healing class ever, only healed Pugs and haven't run into any problems yet. But then again I'm only level 63 right now. I've got my 70 hunter and mage if I feel like dpsing!


Paladin is a good pick for a first healing class, the main issue with it is if you stick with it, and grow adept, then you will come to regret it every day you log on. :p I sure as hell did with mine.

I played mine out for about two years (Mage was my class up until I swapped to Paladin), I believe. Raided through most of Naxx, killed Kael on it then ceased raiding, hit Gladiator in arena, got most of my S3 then just...snapped. Couldn't do it anymore.

Swapped to my Priest, got it geared, got some support, and never been happier. Fuck Holy Light, fuck standing around like a moron when there's nothing to heal and fuck being able to get casts off 12 seconds every 5 minutes.

But if you enjoy the simplicity, and don't mind the skill cap, it's still a very potent class in most venues, raiding, 5 mans, 5v5, very useful, just... ugh. Most of the people who really play it out seem to tend to regret it, though.

Our arena team (5v5) has three on the roster. All three of us have alts of other healing classes.

Buggy Loop said:
Wow, this lvl 44 druid asked for icy chill weapon enchant so i reply, buy the mats and i'll do it for free, he goes ok. 5 mins later he replies with "the mats costs like 20g :( ", i say, cant afford? "no i only have 2s"



Was he seriously thinking of getting icy chill for 2s ? omg

Alot of people will stand around in capitol cities with their dicks in their hands ASKING for stuff, or BEGGING for stuff, or WAITING for stuff, when they could get or be doing while they wait on something and be well-stocked.

What the hell is this shit? It's EotS weekend, and every game I went to, 90% of the team was just sitting in the same place the entire game. Is this how people handle honor weekends now? Jesus.

The "I CAN HAZ HONUR" crowd annoys me to no end. I've had good potential slow 'n steady 3 cap wins today in EotS get shot out from under me 1940-2000 cuz the wallcandy-munchers started clusterfucking at the bridge, STILL not killing off the ally there, STILL not get the flag, STILL not stop the ally from tra-la-laing off with it, and STILL manage to get pushed back off that bridge. "Healer mana ain't fucking free" I'm thinking as every DPS grabs a different dancing partner to attack. Their priests were so bored they were hunting me down to mana burn. Oy vey.

It's even worse trying to Guild 'n Trade Chat a team for the weekend. You set out the rules, say

1. Must have 100 Res (good respectable number, ain't to draconian as this is kinda pug)
2. Must be on our Vent in the proper channel and can hear clearly.


yeah, I couldn't stand playing paladin after I hit 70. at least as holy. And I got into it knowing they were a boring healer! I just had no idea how boring it really can get. I think the only time I had serious fun healing on mine was in random world pvp, which basically doesn't exist anymore. I never tried arena, but honestly, it's not like I would've liked it much more.

I had some fun as prot, but 1) it pretty much forced my shaman friend to drop his awesome enhance setup and go resto and 2) I had to deal with the fucktarded community who sees a paladin in a group and asks "where's the tank lol" when I had a shitload of defense and avoidance and HP. and honestly, it was still pretty one-dimensional.


Has problems recognising girls
SatelliteOfLove said:
:lol :lol

That is what I loved most about Druid healers. The ability to entice a few people to give chase and distract them away from the main aim. I remember one Mage went from running from LM to Farm trying to Blink and Frostbolt me down while our Rogue took out LM.


firex said:
I had some fun as prot, but 1) it pretty much forced my shaman friend to drop his awesome enhance setup and go resto and 2) I had to deal with the fucktarded community who sees a paladin in a group and asks "where's the tank lol" when I had a shitload of defense and avoidance and HP. and honestly, it was still pretty one-dimensional.


We had a friend who went prot a little bit after BC released, people would literally drop group every time we told them the Pally was the tank, sigh.
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