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World of Warcraft

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+35 Agility is better than Savagery on any Hunter spec, unless you've got some kooky ulterior motive, so you did good!


Hit 70 last night with my rogue, bought my flying mount and now I'm sitting and waiting for the rest of my guild to catch up so we can start raiding.

I guess I could always level my 63 paladin, but the more I've learned about the game, the more I hate playing a paladin. He's ret, starting at holy, but I think when he hits 70, I'll respec him as holy and park him in IF and use him as a fancy bank and/or instance runner for the lowbies in the guild, not to mention he DE's all my greens for Enchantment Mats on the AH.

So, now that I'm 70, now what? Finish the quests in outland just for fun, work on the 5000G I need for the epic flying, level the pally, or just take a break?
I would take savagery over agi if I really, really wanted to use it for nothing but PvP. Over half the justification is that it's cheaper though.

My point was an earlier point I made: Druids need a nerf in the lower brackets and a buff in the 5v5 bracket. It is extremely difficult to take down a resto druid.
I really dislike the notion that druids are terrible in 5s. Cyclone is still fucking cyclone. Dru/Pal is an incredibly synergistic healing team. Which is completely irrelevant to what you were saying about rogues, but hey.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Richiban said:
Hit 70 last night with my rogue, bought my flying mount and now I'm sitting and waiting for the rest of my guild to catch up so we can start raiding.

I guess I could always level my 63 paladin, but the more I've learned about the game, the more I hate playing a paladin. He's ret, starting at holy, but I think when he hits 70, I'll respec him as holy and park him in IF and use him as a fancy bank and/or instance runner for the lowbies in the guild, not to mention he DE's all my greens for Enchantment Mats on the AH.

So, now that I'm 70, now what? Finish the quests in outland just for fun, work on the 5000G I need for the epic flying, level the pally, or just take a break?

Farm honor for PvP gear :p


The quests convert unused EXP into gold at level cap, so you wouldn't just be doing them for fun. It's actually one of the best farming methods.


If you have a substantial chunk of netherstorm and shadowmoon valley to go, you're looking at anywhere from 10-20g per quest in each zone. I got like 2k or more gold out of netherstorm alone on my pally, so I imagine playing as a real dps class where you can actually solo grind quests reasonably fast, you could get a shitload of gold that way.


Kintaro said:
Customized my UI tonight:


Not bad. I like it. :D

What mods?


Worships the porcelain goddess
ManaByte said:
What mods?

AG_unitframes, Bartender, Baud Bag, eepanels, FuBar, Rating Buster, Recount, Omen, Atlasloot, Chronometer, Scrolling Combat Text...I think that's it. Not all of those are shown of course.
Richiban said:
Hit 70 last night with my rogue, bought my flying mount and now I'm sitting and waiting for the rest of my guild to catch up so we can start raiding.

I guess I could always level my 63 paladin, but the more I've learned about the game, the more I hate playing a paladin. He's ret, starting at holy, but I think when he hits 70, I'll respec him as holy and park him in IF and use him as a fancy bank and/or instance runner for the lowbies in the guild, not to mention he DE's all my greens for Enchantment Mats on the AH.

So, now that I'm 70, now what? Finish the quests in outland just for fun, work on the 5000G I need for the epic flying, level the pally, or just take a break?
Well at the least you should start the attunement quest for Karazhan. Go find Medivh's lackey in the center of Shattrath City to begin the chain. You can solo the few parts of it. Other then that either continue to the money grind or start bg;ing to be better geared for a raid. I'd say avoid the pally if you hate it. I tried to force my way through mage up to 34 until I couldn't stand it anymore.


Our arena team has just crashed through the floor the past few days, from high 1900's 5v5 to the 1700s. Probably mostly because we have this fuckin Priest who insists on standing in the wide so he can "do his burns and dispel" well, that doesn't help when you yourself get burned to squat and focused fired spending MY mana fucker, since I have enough sense to hide by LoS and pop out when needed and keep on the move.

We have this perfect 2345 and it's just terrible what's happening to it because some people refuse to take care of their own ass. A Disc Priest should be the largest boon to a Paladin, but a damn babysit job.



Through a hotfix we’ve recently removed the ability to tame a Grimtotem Spirit Guide. Players who have already gone through the trouble of taming the creature will be able to keep them unchanged. This hotfix only removes the possibility to tame this creature from here on.

The removal of the spirit guide has been debated within design discussions for a while now as to what impact the pet and its precedent has on the game.
The unintended nature of the taming, the undead status of the guide, appearance of the wolf in relation to the feel of the hunter class, and the complex processes of taming were all issues touched upon and discussed.

Ultimately the discussions brought us to the conclusion that this should not be a permanent addition to the pet selection available to hunters; however, those that have already tamed them should be allowed to keep them due to their efforts in obtaining one.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Any recommendations on where to level (Horde) after I'm done with these Stonetalon quests? Level 24 at the moment, Warlock. Someone in the guild mentioned Thousand Needles. Any other suggestions (that's not Hillsbrad of DOOM)?


Kint, try this out:


Very nice guide. Try to jump in at a cut off point or loosely follow it 'till then. The only issue with these guides is WoW is too full of pre-reqs and chains that it's hard to just start in a given place.

I'm going to be leveling my first Horde character before too long myself, well hopefully, I've tried so many times. Has anyone used Mudsprocket yet? Pretty useful>
Alex said:
You can't be serious. :lol That's even more temperamental than the Blizzard forumites!
I have 3 70s already I didn't really need another but I have been working on a hunter just to get that sexy pet ;( It makes no sense they take it away specially after they used it as the hunters default pet on the last ptr.


DarkAngelYuna said:
I have 3 70s already I didn't really need another but I have been working on a hunter just to get that sexy pet ;( It makes no sense they take it away specially after they used it as the hunters default pet on the last ptr.

From my post a couple days ago, I very much know what it means to have too many characters, so I can't fault you there.

I've got an odd problem, every time I try to level a Horde character I just think, Christ, this would save so much time if I just used my Alliance (insert class). The only thing I don't have access to at 65+ is a Shaman, and I wouldn't make an Orc/Tauren/Troll because I am shallow and retarded, so that's out :(


I dont wanna do a PvP VS PvE arguement, but upon reading a thread tonight, and was actually one of the reasons raiding irked me, is the cost.

Now the difficulty level, I don't find to be terrible different or detrimental for the types of rewards and the use you get from them. But I wish they'd have done something about cost and farming in BC.

For example, a heavy days worth of PvP for me, like... 10 BGs, 20 arena matches, thats a ton for me nowadays. Cost to do: basically 5g in repairs from taken damage. basically earning 12g per day from the daily, so it's like a 6g profit, really.

Now for a progression evening on my Shadow Priest. 5g in reagents, about 30g in repairs, about 40g from flasks (and theyre cheap on my server), 60g on Super Manas 10-15g on Spell Damage food, 15g on Oils.

Now I'd often drop that 4-5 nights a week. It's fucking ridiculous.

I liked raiding, I just can't dedicate the time to it anymore. I hope they decide to look at their ghost town upper tier raids and say "gee, maybe we should do to this what we did to PvP" in the future. Don't pussify it or anything, just take the damn roadblocks off of it. It's not only as time consuming as it's ever been due to the same ol' nonsense, but it's far more stressful. Every wipe stings that much more than people are losing 10-20g from it and with the new "every person counts" strategy you never really get to goof off at all anymore. Naxx was about as hard as the current content, but you were sitll given plenty of slack and could just goof off and talk and bring those 1-2 not-so-great-but-very-cool people.

That's my only real complaint with the game, would love to see a nice, accessible PvE revival.
Kintaro said:
Any recommendations on where to level (Horde) after I'm done with these Stonetalon quests? Level 24 at the moment, Warlock. Someone in the guild mentioned Thousand Needles. Any other suggestions (that's not Hillsbrad of DOOM)?

I was just at that level a few days ago. I went from Ghostlands to Tarren Mill then went to Ashenvale around 24 since Tarren Mill gets kinda high level quickly for 24. Then around 28 I went back to Tarren Mill for a few more quests then I went to Thousand Needles from 29 to 34. If you throw in a few Scarlet Monastery Graveyard and Razorfen Kraul runs in there you should be ready for Stranglethorn Vale before you're even done with the Thousand Needles quests at around 34.


I wish they'd make the max number of people in raids about 15 or so...I'd love to see that content, but I have ZERO interest in raiding with about 15 tards out of the 25 I don't like.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
ManaByte said:

Typical of blizzard, they just cant allow diversity for hunter pets, it was a freaking headache to get one too so its not like it was handed freely, plus blizzard themselves said that it was not causing a problem and that they would keep it tameable, then turn around and nerf it. wow

What kind of priorities do they have at bliz? I can imagine a meeting to argue if a spectral/undead or whatever pet that requires a lot of planning to tame is breaking the game over a bazillion other subjects they should focus on instead. The problem that snake traps attack unflagged players has been on the table for months now, whats worst, the morality behind a hunter taming a spirit or a hunter harassing players?


This is a bit out of place, but does anyone have any suggestions for a good router in general and one that won't fuck with WoW? I have this Belkin monstrosity that was good for awhile, but lately craps out constatly. Yesterday it was DCing me like every 30 seconds, I take the damn thing off and nary a problem.


Alex said:
This is a bit out of place, but does anyone have any suggestions for a good router in general and one that won't fuck with WoW? I have this Belkin monstrosity that was good for awhile, but lately craps out constatly. Yesterday it was DCing me like every 30 seconds, I take the damn thing off and nary a problem.

I use linksys. No problems ever with it.


I got one of my screenshots accepted by Blizzard! It should be up on the website soon. :D

And sadface at the Ghost Wolf being untameable now. At least the hunter buddy I helped get it I got for him though.
Alex said:
Kint, try this out:


Very nice guide. Try to jump in at a cut off point or loosely follow it 'till then. The only issue with these guides is WoW is too full of pre-reqs and chains that it's hard to just start in a given place.

I'm going to be leveling my first Horde character before too long myself, well hopefully, I've tried so many times. Has anyone used Mudsprocket yet? Pretty useful>

I'm using his alliance guide and its awesome
OK almost ready to hit Outlands with my Feral Druid. Anyone have a gear guide for the early Outland quests? Or hell just a Don't Miss quest guide.

I know that you are handed excellent gear right out of the portal and didn't want to bypass anything good.

PS. Went from a 70 affliction lock to this druid and I'm having a blast! :D


Kintaro said:
Any recommendations on where to level (Horde) after I'm done with these Stonetalon quests? Level 24 at the moment, Warlock. Someone in the guild mentioned Thousand Needles. Any other suggestions (that's not Hillsbrad of DOOM)?

Ashenvale, totally. Love that zone.
krypt0nian said:
OK almost ready to hit Outlands with my Feral Druid. Anyone have a gear guide for the early Outland quests? Or hell just a Don't Miss quest guide.

I know that you are handed excellent gear right out of the portal and didn't want to bypass anything good.

PS. Went from a 70 affliction lock to this druid and I'm having a blast! :D

You can't miss any gear from quests in outlands unless you're really really retarded..
DarkAngelYuna said:
You can't miss any gear from quests in outlands unless you're really really retarded..

What could this possibly mean? Which quests are unmissable? Some of them give out gear you won't soon replace and the rest not so much. Reminder: this is not the WOW General board.


outland has so many different quest rewards for each quest that you will find upgrades for just about every slot on a quest. and if not, you can probably take plate or a weapon or something. actually, they might not have many good feral weapons, but there are a handful of awesome ones from the early/mid instances, like the staff from Ramparts that you should get since Ramparts is easy to run.
firex said:
outland has so many different quest rewards for each quest that you will find upgrades for just about every slot on a quest. and if not, you can probably take plate or a weapon or something. actually, they might not have many good feral weapons, but there are a handful of awesome ones from the early/mid instances, like the staff from Ramparts that you should get since Ramparts is easy to run.

Thanks firex!
krypt0nian said:
What could this possibly mean? Which quests are unmissable? Some of them give out gear you won't soon replace and the rest not so much. Reminder: this is not the WOW General board.
If you don't want people to reply like it's the wow general forum don't ask such stupid gear questions in the first place..
DarkAngelYuna said:
If you don't want people to reply like it's the wow general forum don't ask such stupid gear questions in the first place..

Go to hell with your leet attitude. Not everyone plays this shit 24/7. Feel free to ignore me in the future with your general board attitude.
I agree with the elitism comment at times, but he's still right.

With the abundance of ! appearing on your mini-map you really can't miss anything now.
Manick Joe said:
I agree with the elitism comment at times, but he's still right.

With the abundance of ! appearing on your mini-map you really can't miss anything now.

Except I wasn't asking for all the quests. I can obviously see them. I was askig for those that provide gear specifically for my build. If he wanted to be an asshole, he provided ample ammo.

I asked for a gear guide, not smart remarks.

If you cannot be helpful STFU.
Krypto, definitely do the Cenarion Expedition quests which start in Hellfire and lead you into Zangarmarsh. There's also another Cenarion outpost in Blade's Edge. You definitely want to get exalted with Cenarion Expedition ASAP. Also, if you're a tank, you might want to look into the Heavy Clefthoof set which high leather workers can make. They're probably making it to level the skill too so, you might be able to get it cheap. I made that for a friend like 10 months ago and he's still wearing the pants.



Water is not wet!
krypt0nian said:
OK almost ready to hit Outlands with my Feral Druid. Anyone have a gear guide for the early Outland quests? Or hell just a Don't Miss quest guide.

PS. Went from a 70 affliction lock to this druid and I'm having a blast! :D

Pretty much what Firex was saying is sound. Something else to add to that though. Some quests will have like 4 different items but might not hit your particular spec (example, there will be one leather piece but will have dps stats instead of healing). i would suggest banking the healing/spell dmg leather instead of choosing whatever will vendor for the most money so you have a rudimentary set of other gear for your druid. If you ever decide to play around with resto/balance you wont have to go in search of other gear to be effective.

i hope that makes sense. im a little drunk.

EDIT: oh yea, druidwiki has a page dealing with all sorts of gear and where to obtain. Most of it is slanted towards 70 but by looking ahead you can get a good grasp of what to get from where.

krypt0nian said:
Except I wasn't asking for all the quests. I can obviously see them. I was askig for those that provide gear specifically for my build. If he wanted to be an asshole, he provided ample ammo.

I asked for a gear guide, not smart remarks.

If you cannot be helpful STFU.
You shouldn't be skipping any of the quests anyways though. You pretty much need them all unless you want to spend forever grinding or instance grinding.


Request for the mod masters here:

Is there a mod that will mute the sound effects made by the Engineering mount? I think it's a pretty cool mount, but its constant puttering is starting to annoy the hell out of me.

Is there a mod that will mute WinAmp when it detects an incoming voice communication? I like listening to music when questing with my friend, but I can't hear what he's saying if music is blaring. I know there are mods that let you control WinAmp through in game controls, so I'm thinking this might be possible.


border said:
Request for the mod masters here:

Is there a mod that will mute the sound effects made by the Engineering mount? I think it's a pretty cool mount, but its constant puttering is starting to annoy the hell out of me.

I don't think that would be possible without editing the source files which would get you caught by warden and subsequently banned. I hear you though. It was fun using it around shat for like the first week but that stalling noise it makes when you go idle is like nails on a chalkboard. Truly the pinto of WoW mounts.


Tried doing some WSG for a buddy so he could get some marks. My God, such a horrible fucking BG! There was only 4 of us, so we had to deal with a good amount of horrible pugs. I'm so fucking sick of seeing terrible warriors who have all blues, spec'd fury, and using 1.60-1.80 speed weapons in both hands.

I don't think I'll bother stepping back in WSG for a while. :lol
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