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World of Warcraft

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Junior Member
So, how do drops from these massive raids work then? Is everyone assigned the items or is it more a "It's mine! Nooo, mine!!" thing??
Also, are there any good addons I should look out for that'd help me in my WoW journeys?


Scum said:
So, how do drops from these massive raids work then? Is everyone assigned the items or is it more a "It's mine! Nooo, mine!!" thing??
Also, are there any good addons I should look out for that'd help me in my WoW journeys?

Most guilds work with DKP (Dragon Kill Points). You earn DKP by participating in raids or other guild events and you can spend those points on items that drop. Some guilds use fixed prices for loot and others have a bidding / auction system.


Junior Member
Saya said:
Most guilds work with DKP (Dragon Kill Points). You earn DKP by participating in raids or other guild events and you can spend those points on items that drop. Some guilds use fixed prices for loot and others have a bidding / auction system.
Cool. Cheers for that.
My Elemental Shaman got the 41-Badge Spell Damage trinket last night. Going to grab the Gladiator's Chest next I think. Also got a friend's account info and I'm going to start gearing his Warrior for tanking for him. Maybe play his Rogue a little bit too just for fun. Still going to level another Paladin in my OTHER free time too. That said I will hardly have any free time once school starts again.


Sweet zombie jesus. in 4 hours I went from level 49 to level 51 on my shaman. granted, he was rested (and still is!) but seriously.


firex said:
Sweet zombie jesus. in 4 hours I went from level 49 to level 51 on my shaman. granted, he was rested (and still is!) but seriously.
enhanced leveling is a beautiful thing :D

And the new AFK BANHAMMER is fantastic :)


Reading the horror stories from other battlegroups is pretty bad. Nightfall never had more than one occasional AFKer in a non-AV. But I read about some with 4-5 every game? That's psychotic.


I want a tag give me a tag
heh just picked up the game after not playing for 2 years. am I the only person who doesnt like killing? i prefer to just explore the lands. i just walk around for hours barely getting exp. my friends abuse me for it :lol


speedpop said:
Throw a semi-smart Shaman on a Druid and they shit themselves.

not really, but if you say so

a good druid is far more effective in arena than a good shaman, unless in a dps role, cuz elemental shaman are the best burst in game

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Finally got my epic mount! I love it, feels much faster when travelling. Im downright poor though right now, and with enchanting and engineering that i need to get from 300 to 375 for both, oh boy, i dont think i'll ever get an epic fly mount @ 70 :lol

Outland quests rocks, im leveling pretty fast, a little bar away from 62, almost done with hellfire quests, mostly the group stuffs left, i kited Arazzius the Cruel tonight, i kept asking for more peoples to join and kill him in general chat, i got bored and kited him all the way to thrallmar, was a blast to see all the guards go on him, and im the owner of bladefist's breadth, hunter's #1 trinket :)


Enchanting from 300 to 375 is psychotic. My advice; save your cash, do all the quests in Outlands, dailies, whatever and get your epic flier THEN do enchanting. Your money options are so much more open with one, really.

Enchanting oogh, such a terrible feeling pissing those thousands of g away.


Has problems recognising girls
yacobod said:
not really, but if you say so

a good druid is far more effective in arena than a good shaman, unless in a dps role, cuz elemental shaman are the best burst in game
Screw Arena! :lol


Worships the porcelain goddess
Customized my UI tonight:


Not bad. I like it. :D


Resto druids are the biggest POS in 2v2 and 3v3 arena. I seriously wish I could reach through my internet and punch the other person playing the toon.

"Cyclone -> Cyclone -> Root -> Cyclone -> /rofl"

They should limit the amount of drinking a character can do in one arena match. Too many retarded matches have gone over 10-15 minutes. Not fun, especially when the queues themselves are that long.

On a brighter note, my warrior has gotten three pieces of S1 in a week, and I'm 5 points shy from 375 blacksmithing. Only trouble is finding a guild to buy Nether Vortexes off of.


Hero said:
Resto druids are the biggest POS in 2v2 and 3v3 arena. I seriously wish I could reach through my internet and punch the other person playing the toon.

"Cyclone -> Cyclone -> Root -> Cyclone -> /rofl"

They should limit the amount of drinking a character can do in one arena match. Too many retarded matches have gone over 10-15 minutes. Not fun, especially when the queues themselves are that long.

On a brighter note, my warrior has gotten three pieces of S1 in a week, and I'm 5 points shy from 375 blacksmithing. Only trouble is finding a guild to buy Nether Vortexes off of.

Don't forget Feral charge lockout + bash in there!

You'd have to toss them a bone in 5v5 to reduce them at all in 2v2/3v3 though. And even then I don't see how the hell you would do it without really hurting the class.

Perhaps you could remove Lifebloom and Swiftmend, and reduce HT to a 2.5 second cast to "compensate" for a week! Then maybe they'd quit out of guilt.


Alex said:
Don't forget Feral charge lockout + bash in there!

You'd have to toss them a bone in 5v5 to reduce them at all in 2v2/3v3 though. And even then I don't see how the hell you would do it without really hurting the class.

Yeah, I forgot feral charge and bash. It's seriously stupid annoying.

Perhaps you could remove Lifebloom and Swiftmend, and reduce HT to a 2.5 second cast to "compensate" for a week! Then maybe they'd quit out of guilt.

I wouldn't mind them being more viable in 5v5 if their sheer overpowered design for 2v2/3v3 was nerfed a bit. I'm not sure how. Surely there has to be a balance somewhere.

I'm just upset at the game since warriors and warlocks have been the kings of arena for over two seasons and they nerfed the rogue class because they had HARP for a month. I made a post on the rogue forums that had maxed out replies and over 16,000 views before someone started a continued part II thread which also maxed out in replies and the only Blue response we got was Neth saying "We're watching the thread and we acknowledge your concerns."

Now they're saying there's not going to be drastic changes in 2.4 for class balance, which is basically telling everyone (including other classes like Enh. Shamans, Feral Druids, Holy Priests, etc.) that they're going to have to suffer through their imbalances until Wrath of The Lich King. That's fucking shitty.


Hero said:
I wouldn't mind them being more viable in 5v5 if their sheer overpowered design for 2v2/3v3 was nerfed a bit. I'm not sure how. Surely there has to be a balance somewhere.

I'm just upset at the game since warriors and warlocks have been the kings of arena for over two seasons and they nerfed the rogue class because they had HARP for a month. I made a post on the rogue forums that had maxed out replies and over 16,000 views before someone started a continued part II thread which also maxed out in replies and the only Blue response we got was Neth saying "We're watching the thread and we acknowledge your concerns."

rogues are still pretty good in arena even after the nerf to HARP, double dps teams like mage/rogue, s. priest/rogue, or lock/rogue can easily pwn druid/warrior teams, provided the warrior doesn't have SR gear, its not the end of the world

the problem is way overstated

and RMP is still the best 3v3 arena set up

and i don't know, druids are hella annoying when you are playing against them, but since druids are kinda FoTM now, there are a lot of bad druids out there, so you can take advantage of them

and another thing, use the pillars and LOS to your advantage, you can minimize druids roots and cyclone, you shouldn't have to eat too many of them if you play smart

what really makes druids OP in 2v2 or 3v3, is their ability to reset the fight (more so a problem with druid warrior in 2v2), druids are very often able to escape and drink, no other healing class really has that ability to run off and drink to full, once a priest, pally, or shaman is OOM, its gg


We’ve recently applied a hotfix that increases the hitpoints for both Balinda Stonehearth and Vanndar Stormpike in Alterac Valley. This change is being made to help assist in balancing the opposing sides and their ability to compete in the battleground.

We will continue to track the balance of the battleground and the factions as they fight for supremacy in Alterac Valley, and continue to make further changes as needed.

I knew it!!! Alliance was getting the short end of the stick all this time! >_<


Bal and Van are just temp fixes for the time being to try to even it out a little.

Balanda is insanely weak compared to Galv, and needs to be redesigned, I dunno the point of touching Van though.

Fix Bal, open up the second ramp to IBGY and put the Horde cave at the end of the map is probably all they really need to do.


yacobod said:
rogues are still pretty good in arena even after the nerf to HARP, double dps teams like mage/rogue, s. priest/rogue, or lock/rogue can easily pwn druid/warrior teams, provided the warrior doesn't have SR gear, its not the end of the world

the problem is way overstated

and RMP is still the best 3v3 arena set up

and i don't know, druids are hella annoying when you are playing against them, but since druids are kinda FoTM now, there are a lot of bad druids out there, so you can take advantage of them

and another thing, use the pillars and LOS to your advantage, you can minimize druids roots and cyclone, you shouldn't have to eat too many of them if you play smart

what really makes druids OP in 2v2 or 3v3, is their ability to reset the fight (more so a problem with druid warrior in 2v2), druids are very often able to escape and drink, no other healing class really has that ability to run off and drink to full, once a priest, pally, or shaman is OOM, its gg

Rogues aren't bottom of the barrel, but HARP was the one redeeming spec since TBC introduced resilience and because every rogue specced it, Blizzard decided to nerf it, even though MS/fury and SL/SL are the most popular warrior and warlock specs respectively. It's just uncalled for, that's all I'm saying. They say they try to balance around 5v5, but HARP wasn't all that great in 5's due to good teams just CC-ing the rogue when an AR is popped.

Yeah, there are a lot of bad druids out there, but when my priest partner and I were approaching 1850 all we fought were warrior/druid. He switched to his warlock since it's a good counter, and then all we fought was s.priest/warlock. It was retarded.

And yeah, LOS abuse is good to counter druids, but in Nagrand and Ruins, it's a lot easier said than done.
Harp was for the fucking retards who couldn't play their class. Now those scrub rogues have gone down a good 100-200+ points since losing it. Combat maces and Mutilate will always be great.


Got level 60 after patch 2.3 in 4 days of gametime. Crazy, gonna stay there for a bit and get 30 tokens of each bg to get my mount.
I've been leveling a sexy BE Rogue and damn, I forgot what a pain it is to be a Rogue without skills like cheap shot, vanish, blind, and kidney shot. After getting out of the Ghostlands I skipped sepulcher and went straight to Tarren Mill and that was a mistake. I must have died like 30 times doing those quests.

Anyway, I half-assed twinked at 29 and got me the WSG sword and dagger and the AB boots. By that time I was about sick of twinks though. Damn Alliance has a ton of twinks. Sick fucking straight up evil twinks with engineering crap, potions, mongoose enchants, and like 3k hp who will go after you for revenge every time if you kill them. It's fucking ridiculous.


Alex said:
Enchanting from 300 to 375 is psychotic. My advice; save your cash, do all the quests in Outlands, dailies, whatever and get your epic flier THEN do enchanting. Your money options are so much more open with one, really.

Enchanting oogh, such a terrible feeling pissing those thousands of g away.

I dunno, getting enchanting from 250-300 is bad enough, especially if you do it way late. Vision dusts going for 6 gold a piece, greater eternal essences 18 gold. Found it was cheaper to just buy greens off the AH to disenchant.


holy shit. I discovered today that AQ must have originally been planned as an outdoor zone. I'll screenshot some stuff and post it later.


Spruchy said:
Got level 60 after patch 2.3 in 4 days of gametime. Crazy, gonna stay there for a bit and get 30 tokens of each bg to get my mount.

Jesus, as what class? Granted that might be entirely normal now but still, that's really good work.
"Anyway, I half-assed twinked at 29 and got me the WSG sword and dagger and the AB boots. By that time I was about sick of twinks though. Damn Alliance has a ton of twinks. Sick fucking straight up evil twinks with engineering crap, potions, mongoose enchants, and like 3k hp who will go after you for revenge every time if you kill them. It's fucking ridiculous."

Twinks, hah. Nothing says "I can't hack it at higher levels" like rolling a twink.


BloodElfHunter said:
Harp was for the fucking retards who couldn't play their class. Now those scrub rogues have gone down a good 100-200+ points since losing it. Combat maces and Mutilate will always be great.

No, HARP was just the best PVP spec. Resilience > Mutilate.

Combat maces? More like slightly altered PVE spec.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Started to have too many damn buttons on my UI for my liking @ lvl 62 hunter, and i knew a bunch of others would soon pop up by the time im 70, i remanaged everything tonight.

This is what i use


I switched my mouse's button back button with ALT and my forward button with back (so i can still autorun).

on nostromo

mouse wheel is up=crtl Z, down = ctrl X, middle = ctrl C
Orange button is ~ but that really doesnt matter, just an interface thing. The Dpad is respectively the up/down/left/right arrows on a keyboard, the nostromo's 15th button, the thumb one, is space key.


in my interface

1= hunter's mark: alt is mongoose bite
2= Auto shot: alt is raptor strike
3= Concussive shot: alt is wing clip
4= Arcane shot: alt will be i dont know yet.. kill command @ 66 i guess but i might just make a macro for that
5 = Steady shot: Alt is aimed shot
6 = serpent sting: alt is viper sting
7 = multi-shot: alt is volley
8= berserk, a macro that cast both rapid fire and blood fury
9 = Feign death

wheel up = normal is aspect of the monkey, alt is aspect of the beast
wheel down = aspect of the hawk, alt will be aspect of the viper whenever i get it
wheel middle = aspect of the cheetah, alt is aspect of the pack

orange button is a pet macro, if he's not out, it will call the pet, if i click on it while i have an enemy target it will attack it, if i click it back it will leave the target and follow me, if its dead it will revive it

dpad left = intimidation
dpad right = bestial wrath
dpad up = frost trap: alt is explosive trap (aoe traps)
dpad down = freezing trap: alt is immolation trap (single target traps)

Its amazing how less clutter i have now, damn, should've done this a while ago, much more functional, with a single mouse press i switch from ranged 1-2-3 buttons to melee (concussive being a speed slow, made sense that the alt would be wing clip).

the alt modifier is just magic, i only recently learned i could do that in the macros, i just didnt have enough buttons on my n52 to get all the stuffs, so i had serpent sting since while leveling its what i use 90% of the time, but whenever i had a caster in either pve or pvp, i had to go manually click the viper sting icon with the mouse, thats downtime :p

hurray for wow customization
Using one of those is totally awesome until you don't have it. Playing on a machine not your own makes you look like the biggest noob in noobville, after a while.


I have a noobville season pass!

Everyone I play with always has fancy m/kb setups, and I have a 40 dollar Logitech Wireless/optical setup :lol But it suits me fine.


I played my shaman with a regular keyboard. Mind you, I had most of the useless things unbound (like "sit") and my entire F1-F12 bar was a rotating list of totems that could be changed with Bongos (UI mod), depending on the situation.


Hero said:
And yeah, LOS abuse is good to counter druids, but in Nagrand and Ruins, it's a lot easier said than done.

i agree with ruins, but come on man in Nagrand?

in case you never noticed there are 4 pillars in Nagrand that you can use to effectively LOS

i think nagrand is the easiest arena to LOS any class


another day, another 2 levels and 3/4 of a 3rd. the new leveling speed is fuck-awesome. It just sucks that I can't play much (if any) this week until the weekend.
Going to have my Gladiator's Chest tomorrow on my Elemental Shaman. Slightly respec'd today removing one point from Eye of the Storm to get Elemental Focus. It made my mana conservation exponentially better than what it was. Guild went to Zul'Aman for the first time. We killed the bear boss pretty easily, but the eagle boss didn't go so well. Mostly bad luck. That suppression room style thing is annoying as hell though.

Also, playing my friend's Rogue and he went Shadowstep, but he's using swords. Not sure I like that choice. Personally I'd like to try a Shadowstep/Ambush build.
Da da dun dun Kael down!

Da da dun dun Kael down!

Then we had one guy DC during the fight and not get his vial, and 3 people who had to get up early in the morning, so we went into Hyjal understaffed. Then OMG SOMEONE TALKED TO JAINA. We still got Winterchill to 4%, but subsequent attempts went nowhere due to sleepiness. We're going back in on Monday.


yacobod said:
i agree with ruins, but come on man in Nagrand?

in case you never noticed there are 4 pillars in Nagrand that you can use to effectively LOS

i think nagrand is the easiest arena to LOS any class

I know of the pillars, but since I'm generally spamstrung or frost nova'd to hell it gets hard to LOS as a rogue. On my warlock it's not a problem. My issue however is trying to catch up to a druid in Nagrand.
Hero said:
I know of the pillars, but since I'm generally spamstrung or frost nova'd to hell it gets hard to LOS as a rogue. On my warlock it's not a problem. My issue however is trying to catch up to a druid in Nagrand.
Why bother? Nagrand is huge, and most druids flee a country mile before stopping to drink. You can either use that time to lure the partner behind a pillar and rape em before the druid can get LOS or if the partner stays tethered, fall back and drink yourself.


Son of Godzilla said:
Why bother? Nagrand is huge, and most druids flee a country mile before stopping to drink. You can either use that time to lure the partner behind a pillar and rape em before the druid can get LOS or if the partner stays tethered, fall back and drink yourself.

indeed, key to beating druid/war, is applying enough pressure on the warrior, so that he has to stay and heal, instead of kiting and drinking, and when he comes in to heal, apply pressure on him, and hope for well timed mace stuns

i've been playing mostly this season with a resto shaman friend, basically he has to earth shock cyclones, or i need to LOS them/pummel/intercept them, with windfury i can apply enough pressure on the warrior so that the druid needs to heal, after that i might swap to the druid if hes in caster form healing when i have a full rage bar, rinse and repeat til i can drop one

we do well enough against war/druid in nagrand or BE, but its much harder in ruins


Son of Godzilla said:
Why bother? Nagrand is huge, and most druids flee a country mile before stopping to drink. You can either use that time to lure the partner behind a pillar and rape em before the druid can get LOS or if the partner stays tethered, fall back and drink yourself.

My point was an earlier point I made: Druids need a nerf in the lower brackets and a buff in the 5v5 bracket. It is extremely difficult to take down a resto druid.

Also, warrior vs rogue was doable when HARP was still around, but now that it's back to combat maces it's pretty impossible for a rogue to "rape em" in the small window of opportunity if you lure them behind a pillar.
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