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World of Warcraft

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Aside from just terrible Warriors, I never understood anyone who would waste the hundred or two hours of play to get to 70 and not even bother to read a forum or a guide for 5 minutes to see what to do and what NOT to do for their class in terms of play, spec and equipment. Rogues spamming hemo with daggers, Warriors Dual wielding with Mortal Strike, Hunters meleeing, shit like that.


Has problems recognising girls
Melee Hunters still crack me up. But hey.. everyone can be a dweeb when they first start playing.

I didn't use a wand on my first character, a Mage, till he hit lvl 30. Now I look back and remember why it took so damn long for him to hit 30, probably because every mob or two I was drinking like a whore and thanking the heavens that I was able to conjure free water :lol

Ah the good old days of newbie lands. Multiple talent choices for the win! "Bit of Fire there.. Frost sounds cool, bit there.. what's Arcane? oh well, some there too"


Been playing for over a year and like I've said, I'm only 68. And I use Mortal Strike sometimes while DWing.

Guess I'm a warriortard because I thought I could figure the game out and didn't realize it was necessary to go online and read a Warrior Guide. Getting to 68 in one piece and with all those PvP victories must have just been dumb luck. :( Now I'm scared to play...
speedpop said:
Melee Hunters still crack me up. But hey.. everyone can be a dweeb when they first start playing.

I didn't use a wand on my first character, a Mage, till he hit lvl 30. Now I look back and remember why it took so damn long for him to hit 30, probably because every mob or two I was drinking like a whore and thanking the heavens that I was able to conjure free water :lol

Ah the good old days of newbie lands. Multiple talent choices for the win! "Bit of Fire there.. Frost sounds cool, bit there.. what's Arcane? oh well, some there too"
Melee hunters don't exist. It's a stupid exxaggerrattion.

What does exist, and exists in spades I found while leveling my paladin, are hunters with no clue how to use freeze trap or any clue what aggro is. Going through Blood Furnace with a hunter that uses serpent sting to pull aggro and places the trap only after he's getting beat on is fucking hilarious. Even funnier when he does this to the felgaurds right at the end.


Ramirez said:
Tried doing some WSG for a buddy so he could get some marks. My God, such a horrible fucking BG! There was only 4 of us, so we had to deal with a good amount of horrible pugs. I'm so fucking sick of seeing terrible warriors who have all blues, spec'd fury, and using 1.60-1.80 speed weapons in both hands.

I don't think I'll bother stepping back in WSG for a while. :lol
Sorry for the newb question but is 1.6-1.8 slow or fast? You're supposed to use slow weapons with fury right?


Son of Godzilla said:
Melee hunters don't exist. It's a stupid exxaggerrattion.

What does exist, and exists in spades I found while leveling my paladin, are hunters with no clue how to use freeze trap or any clue what aggro is. Going through Blood Furnace with a hunter that uses serpent sting to pull aggro and places the trap only after he's getting beat on is fucking hilarious. Even funnier when he does this to the felgaurds right at the end.

Wtf. :lol You can't get away with that on Heroics, them fuckers hit hard. That's a terrible hunter, it makes me sad. But I have to agree, a majority of the pug hunters I come across don't know how to kite...or don't know how to play to that matter.


Son of Godzilla said:
Melee hunters don't exist. It's a stupid exxaggerrattion.

What does exist, and exists in spades I found while leveling my paladin, are hunters with no clue how to use freeze trap or any clue what aggro is. Going through Blood Furnace with a hunter that uses serpent sting to pull aggro and places the trap only after he's getting beat on is fucking hilarious. Even funnier when he does this to the felgaurds right at the end.

I've seen plenty of melee Hunters, they are not that rare, it's whats sad. There was one back on Kael'thas that would bitch about our premades since we kept rolling this shitty Horde premade also from our realm, and someone called him/her out about how maybe their team would do better if he/she wasn't running around meleeing 99% of the time, and was met with a response of "I'll play how I want, and for your information I have more melee AP than ranged AP"

Which was true back at the time, but come the fuck on, Rogues also often had more ranged AP than melee AP, but do you see many ranged Rogues?

I still see them anyway, people in all greens that take that big, welfare arena axe and simply rush in and melee as a main portion of damage.

Still, I don't think they're even as bad as this Orc Warlock that was also back on Kael'thas, dude would bust out Rain of Fire in EVERY SITUATION. Mob of alliancce? Rain of fire. A few alliance? Rain of fire. ONE ALLIANCE? Rain of fire. I thought it was a joke at first, but he kept doing it for months on end, whenever I saw him in a BG, it was DoT, DoT, RAIN OF FIRE.
I got my Undead Rogue to 70 then sort of got bored. I played some bg's, but a full day of AV or Eye of the Storm kind of gets boring. Am i doing something wrong? or is 70 non-raiding always this boring?
I also started an Orc Hunter lvl 26 right now. Seems a lot more interesting as opposed to my Combat Rogue. Should I continue Hunter or just stay on my Rogue..
arts&crafts said:
I got my Undead Rogue to 70 then sort of got bored. I played some bg's, but a full day of AV or Eye of the Storm kind of gets boring. Am i doing something wrong? or is 70 non-raiding always this boring?
I also started an Orc Hunter lvl 26 right now. Seems a lot more interesting as opposed to my Combat Rogue. Should I continue Hunter or just stay on my Rogue..

There's always heroic dungeons and rep grinding. Which you do in heroic dungeons for the most part. :D

Yeah, making new characters is more fun that grinding whatever at 70 for the most part.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I've never personally melee'd on hunter 100% but i've seen enough vids and data to know its in a way viable in pvp, im not sure i would replace it with ranged and certainly not bother with pve but i've seen some melee hunter lvl 70 vs 70 rogue or feral druid and win. Hunter's high crit rate, mail armor, dodge rating, etc, doesnt make it absolutely futile to melee with the right gear and weapon.

Seen a vid with 2321 crit and he wasnt buffed


Not sure what that axe is but it seems to do quite the job.
I guess you mess around with that when you're bored and got a really nice weapon.


Hunter melee exists to get Hunters OUT of melee, there's nothing viable about it as a means unless you like doing 1/4th of your sustainable damage, losing most of your utility and opening yourself up to constant harm.

Has nothing to do with equipment either, since you're basically mailed


when you hit 70.

Don't get me wrong though, there are plenty of times you lay the crack down with a melee weapon. Cross cutting someone, some ignorant Mage that blinks into you (LOL NO DEADZONE, SMACK! 2200), but you clip, raptor and get the hell out.

Those are just fun gimmick videos, there's ones of Firestone Locks as well. :p


arts&crafts said:
ohhhh....forgot about heroics. What are the best heroics to do for items / rep?

Any, but I'd do some PVPing to get some purples. There are Heroic elitists who won't let you group with them in blues.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Son of Godzilla said:
:lol "no buffs" he says while TBW'd.

Far as i know, class or talent abilities never count as "buffs" for any classes, potions/food/drinks or outside influence from another class would be considered buffs.


masud said:
Sorry for the newb question but is 1.6-1.8 slow or fast? You're supposed to use slow weapons with fury right?

It's extremely fast...I left out the best part of his MH being Grom'tor's Charge, a tanking weapon, kewl bro.


I gotta laugh at the hunter video. Warriors light their cigars with 1700 crits :D Do hunters have any melee abilities besides Wing Clip and auto-swing?


border said:
I gotta laugh at the hunter video. Warriors light their cigars with 1700 crits :D Do hunters have any melee abilities besides Wing Clip and auto-swing?

Wingclip, Raptor Strike, Moongoose Bite. When talented Deterrence and Counterattack.

Hunter melee is simply a means to give a quick jolt, immobilize the target and escape.

Hunter ranged in high end gear in PvP is probably the most obscenely hard hitting thing in the game, at the moment. The Hunter I "inherited" has pretty damn solid PvE gear, including the Vashj bow and I mean, I have a really well geared Shadow Priest and a S3 decked Warrior with 4/5 Vengeful and the S3 sword also on my primary account and the Hunter is just sickeningly powerful, it hits like a fucking hurricane.

I used to *HATE* to PvP on Hunter, but after 2.3, it's just so fun and comfortable. All the stress is gone and fuck is it powerful. If you blindside someone, they're fucked, period. Every damn shot in the rotation cits for like 1600-2000, firing like a damn machine gun. I flat out exploded a S3 Demo lock, through heal spam the other day. So funny how much DPS it cranks out when the target cant find LOS.

I'm gonna slowly make it my main, I think. Suck up a bunch of honor and I know sickly good arena players so getting points is no problem either. Just need to keep off my shithead Paladin. I probably won't make Glad again this season not playing on my normal team with my Pally, but I can at least probably claw back to Duelist on something else. Our BG (Nightfall) has gotten better, but it aint' THAT good yet.

I prefer Marks for PvP myself, although the time I spent on BM was pretty lolworthy, it's like driving a semi into a dazed deer.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Since i went BM i cant give up on it, maybe i'll switch to MM for 70's PVE but even then.. i dont know, bestial wrath + serpent's swiftness + the beast within and your crazy shredding machine pet is just soooo fun. Steady shot is BM's DPS savior too.


An MM can get 9 shots in 10 secs at the cost of 835 mana while a BM with serpent swiftness doing his steady shot rotation would land 9 shots but at the cost of 440 mana. (both would be less in mana cost with efficiency, which i spec'd).

The beast within + rapid fire + Blood fury + bladefist's breadth = i win button :D
Buggy Loop said:
Far as i know, class or talent abilities never count as "buffs" for any classes, potions/food/drinks or outside influence from another class would be considered buffs.
It still counts as self-buffed. Especially cooldown/timed ones.

I prefer Marks for PvP myself, although the time I spent on BM was pretty lolworthy, it's like driving a semi into a dazed deer.
Dude, you have no idea. In BGs a t5/6 marks and surv hunter mop the floor with BM. If BM is hitting someone with a semi, marks is backing up and parking on the corpse. BM kinda really sucks in BGs, pet way too vulnerable.


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You just have to be careful and learn to harass as BM/Surv Hunter in PVP, but when the occasion arises where you know you will be 100% fine to deal the kill then do it. It's all about taking opportunities and learning from your mistakes - there were many times with a battle finished where my pet had died yet I was still living. In my eyes that is a problem that needs to be corrected if you are a BM Hunter.


Still Tagged Accordingly
speedpop said:
Ah the good old days of newbie lands. Multiple talent choices for the win! "Bit of Fire there.. Frost sounds cool, bit there.. what's Arcane? oh well, some there too"
yeah, i wasted talent points into improved stoneclaw way back when. good times.


Got my War Raptor today woot!

Now im faced with a dilemma....start doing the 60-70 leveling or get 50 av marks that im gonna need for my season 1 set now with semi decent queues (10-20 mins) or pray their fixed by the time I hit 70.

Any thoughts?


Still Tagged Accordingly
Spruchy said:
Got my War Raptor today woot!

Now im faced with a dilemma....start doing the 60-70 leveling or get 50 av marks that im gonna need for my season 1 set now with semi decent queues (10-20 mins) or pray their fixed by the time I hit 70.

Any thoughts?
just do both to mix it up. if you focus on only one thing and grind you'll get burnt out.

Level up for a day and when you get bored PvP for a while. Keep things fresh.


Spruchy said:
Got my War Raptor today woot!

Grats! :D

Not to shit on your parade, but...I really wanted one of the War Raptors. An undead on a black raptor would have looked great. When I tried to get mine, no one had one, but soon afterward there were black war raptors everywhere.

So I got rep up with the trolls and got an orange one. lol Not nearly as impressive, but for me and all the nonsense (and gold) I put into it, it made me happy.

(still want a BWR, though...wish they weren't so common...)


Did anyone catch this?


A college student is attempting to level two "pacifist" characters up to the top of World of Warcraft's character progression, characters he's playing without attacking anything. It's partly to try out the philosophy of pacifism in the violent virtual world, and partly to see if he can do it

He has a priest and a rogue. I guess the priest can level pretty easily in groups, but I don't see how you're a pacifist if you just heal and actively aid killers.

Levelling a rogue without killing would probably be more interesting.....though probably not possible. I imagine there's a few quests where you can stealth in to an objective and then stealth out, but the bulk of quests are still oriented around killing stuff. I guess you could just run the battleground daily over and over for XP.


venison crêpe
Alex said:
How would you even hit level 2 without killing? Run around, racking up exploration exp?

There are plenty of quests where you just have to pick up an item and such. Also you could group with someone killing stuff and just stand idly by cursing his murdering ways.


Wes said:
Also you could group with someone killing stuff and just stand idly by cursing his murdering ways.
Pfft, that's hardly an accomplishment. I helped someone level by running through lower level mobs spamming arcane explosion while he put me on auto-follow.


Wes said:
There are plenty of quests where you just have to pick up an item and such. Also you could group with someone killing stuff and just stand idly by cursing his murdering ways.

Bah, that's cheating (the latter).

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I'd hope he plays on a pvp server, even low levels would attack him just for fun since he cant counterattack.

I dont think it'll work though, at least not to high levels.
WoW let me touch you.

Friend sent me a 10 day res scroll, so I'm back in.

I own the CE edition of burning crusade, because of the fuck up in Europe I had to send away for it. I sent away on 28th feb 2007, I quit at the start of May, never got my pets.

My chat with billing is going to be interesting.


MrPing1000 said:
WoW let me touch you.

Friend sent me a 10 day res scroll, so I'm back in.

I own the CE edition of burning crusade, because of the fuck up in Europe I had to send away for it. I sent away on 28th feb 2007, I quit at the start of May, never got my pets.

My chat with billing is going to be interesting.

Gurubashi - Horde


Brian Burke punched my mom
Napoleonthechimp said:
I've only just stated playing this again after a couple months absence... Its so confusing.

EDIT: I've decided I no longer like this game.

Yeah I have a 70 rogue and shaman...I think i'm done with this game. :lol


Is there anyway to take the CD versions I have of WoW vanilla and the BC and convert them into a DVD image file for install?

If I ever get back into the game I'd rather not have to install 8 CD's worth of content.


Awesome raids on the Nagrand EU server going on. 40-50 Ally's storm Orgrimmar, kill Thrall no fucking problem, decide to head to UnderCity. Horde have time to get ready, and are waiting in the Royal Throne room. Huge fucking melee occurs, Horde come out on top. Incredible :lol


xabre said:
Is there anyway to take the CD versions I have of WoW vanilla and the BC and convert them into a DVD image file for install?

If I ever get back into the game I'd rather not have to install 8 CD's worth of content.

Well it's all available through digital download now anyways, so you only get the content you need, no DVD image install version though.


Has problems recognising girls
Roxas said:
Awesome raids on the Nagrand EU server going on. 40-50 Ally's storm Orgrimmar, kill Thrall no fucking problem, decide to head to UnderCity. Horde have time to get ready, and are waiting in the Royal Throne room. Huge fucking melee occurs, Horde come out on top. Incredible :lol
I miss stuff like this :(


Man, I always thought the biggest victim in raids wasn't the npcs but the actual character's computers. Org gives me shit framerate already, I can't imagine with 40 more people with spells and shit flying everywhere.

Edit - Silvermoon City feels like a maze, I dare the Alliance to raid that.


I don't find Silvermoon to be too complicated. Especially if you glance at the map, it has all of the individual nooks and shortcuts listed. Undercity is the worst IMO, it is the Windurst of WoW but without the charm.
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