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World of Warcraft

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ManaByte said:
I really, really, fucking hate purple elitists.

I was in a group today trying to do the Heroic Slave Pens daily. We had everything but a tank. Then the Priest demanded group leadership so he could pick the tank. He spent almost an hour turning down tanks in good gear because he felt that only a full T6 equipped tank that cleared Hyjal would be able to handle SLAVE PENS. That idiot needs to be just deleted and its player shot.

Keep in mind, "You can't armory stupid". I find just talking with them (to see if internet acronyms are used as punctuation or not), seeing what the guild is and the reputation thereof, and what they'd want is better at judging them.
Eric WK said:
You... were tanking... without Devestate? Uh... what?

And yes, you have no reason to have Sunder Armor on your bars anymore.

Oh and LOL @ Kateground.

I hadn't put the talent point in it, and instead focused on more defensive/armor stuff. But now I'm an awesome

Kateground=etoilet's alt


Not an asshole.
Hey guys, I've just been gettin back into the game over the last couple my new main hit 50 last night.

Horde -Riverndare
Blackfish- 50 lock.
Man I now remember one of the core areas of WoW that pisses me off. I've been trying to get the Orgri'la prereq quests done for 4 days. Can I get anyone to do it? Can I fuck.
Got the Tier 4 head off Prince last night and I'll have Season 3 gloves today. That'll put me at 3 pieces of Gladiator's, 1 piece of Merciless Gladiator's, and one piece of Tier 4 on my Draenei Elemental Shaman that just hit 70 a few weeks back. And I have Gladiator's Gavel and the dragon shield from Kara...And the 41 badge trinket...And PvP neck...And the 25-badge ring...You can get geared pretty quickly these days.


lotta black folks here
MrPing1000 said:
Man I now remember one of the core areas of WoW that pisses me off. I've been trying to get the Orgri'la prereq quests done for 4 days. Can I get anyone to do it? Can I fuck.

Haha... my brother's in the exact position as you. And any time he makes progress in getting a group together, they can't find a tank when they have a healer, and can't find a healer when they have a tank. Btw... anybody around here on Shattered Hand(US)?


BlackWaltz said:
Haha... my brother's in the exact position as you. And any time he makes progress in getting a group together, they can't find a tank when they have a healer, and can't find a healer when they have a tank. Btw... anybody around here on Shattered Hand(US)?

Former Shattered Hand here.


MrPing1000 said:
Man I now remember one of the core areas of WoW that pisses me off. I've been trying to get the Orgri'la prereq quests done for 4 days. Can I get anyone to do it? Can I fuck.
Just tag along with another group doing it. you can loot all the different drops.
This hasn't happened to me in about a year but I did a PUG with a Pally that thought he ruled Azeroth and was issuing instance group orders in fucking BRD. :lol

I gave him the 3 strikes warning and then quit group. I know how to fucking play DPS, you fool.


I've been thinking about getting back into the game but I've hit a small road block. I can't find my discs to WoW anymore so I figured I would just download the client (like I had done with BC). Is the trial client that is on WoW.com the same as the full client, if not can anyone recommend a place that has the full client available for downloading. Thanks.


ran Warrior, Resto Druid, Resto Shaman in 3s last night, got over 2k with minimal trouble

only lost to 2 different teams, got farmed for a few against a hunter/druid/war and war/druid/lock team

overall tho the team is pretty strong, and we did really well for playing in 1 night


Is it even possible to PUG raids? The guild I'm in isn't really a raiding guild, but more of a casual play once in a while, barely any instance kind of guild. I don't really want to leave this guild only because it's so casual, and when I was in a bigger guild, they had elitist douches that wouldn't let you in groups due to gear or stats or whatever.

I would love to check out Auch, TK and maybe even black temple at some point. Any tips or am I pretty much boned?


Richiban said:
Is it even possible to PUG raids? The guild I'm in isn't really a raiding guild, but more of a casual play once in a while, barely any instance kind of guild. I don't really want to leave this guild only because it's so casual, and when I was in a bigger guild, they had elitist douches that wouldn't let you in groups due to gear or stats or whatever.

I would love to check out Auch, TK and maybe even black temple at some point. Any tips or am I pretty much boned?


I've done pug Karazhan and Zul Aman without issue.

as for a pug 25 man.. people have been doing GGruul and Magtheridon.. but for the major 25s man like the eye and serpentshrine cavern, let alone BT and MH.. don't count on it anytime soon.


MrPing1000 said:
Whoever thought up the netherwing dailies needs to be stabbed in the eye.
Most of them are pretty good, aside from the one where you poison food. If you just do the easy stuff instead of rushing through and trying to do every single quest every single day, it's no big hassle.


I'm probably going to do ogri'la/skyguard dailies on my shaman when I hit 70. I hate the look of the netherwing mounts on orcs, and in general I never liked the quests that much.
I'm not bothered about netherwing either, don't like the mount that much. I will be doing Skyguard though, nether rays are awesome. Just doing it for the money and I want to do the racing quests at honored.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
bariel on MMO champion stumbled upon supposedly the first WotlK weapon models.

While searching through the MPQs i came across some weapons model called
Were they in mpqs before? for how long? i didnt find any news about them. Maybe they were added in today's patch? Someone know?
Quick model swaping and here's how they look....






SteveO409 said:
bariel on MMO champion stumbled upon supposedly the first WotlK weapon models.





thats pretty old News. He came up with those pieces shortly on the patch right brefore blizzcon last year.


Woo! Hydross down, lurker down, Loot Reaver down, Solarian down. All in the same week.

And yet the trash refuses to drop my vortexes so I can get my Dragonstrike. :(


Finally hit 40 with my rogue -- I have been mining/skinning up until this point. Should I finally take up a crafting profession? Which one would have the biggest endgame benefit for a rogue? I have looked at some of the epic lvl70 leatherworking stuff and none of it seems that awesome.....well, the dungeon patterns are awesome, but I don't plan on visiting 25-mans areas with this character.
border said:
Finally hit 40 with my rogue -- I have been mining/skinning up until this point. Should I finally take up a crafting profession? Which one would have the biggest endgame benefit for a rogue? I have looked at some of the epic lvl70 leatherworking stuff and none of it seems that awesome.....well, the dungeon patterns are awesome, but I don't plan on visiting 25-mans areas with this character.
Professions you have are fine. If you plan on just pvping at 70 than don't bother with crafting. Engy is just nice for its flying mounts though...mm.


Hey guys. This is a pretty cool thing I found.


Basically play all the music, dialogue, and sound effects through command lines.

Favourite music: /script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Music\\ZoneMusic\\OutlandGeneral\\OL_AllianceBaseWalkUni02.mp3")

Are you prepared? /script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\Illidan\\BLACK_Illidan_04.wav")

HEAL ME! /script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\MillhouseManastorm\\TEMPEST_Millhouse_LwHlth01.wav")

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
DarkAngelYuna said:
Professions you have are fine. If you plan on just pvping at 70 than don't bother with crafting. Engy is just nice for its flying mounts though...mm.

And parachute cloak, rocket boots, field repair bots, bombs/mines, turrets, portals, invisibility cloak, additional CC like the gnomish mind control cap, gnomish net-o-matic, goblin rocket helmet (knocks opponent for 30 secs, including you), badass goggles, mana/health injectors, damage absorbs and the most important ones for either hunter or rogues, Goblin jumper cables XL, when all your rezzers are dead on a raid, it always brings joy to the crew to know you have em.

Here's a movie about the rocket boots, some crazy shit

SteveO409 said:
bariel on MMO champion stumbled upon supposedly the first WotlK weapon models.
Those were leaked in the MPQ ages back, I forget exactly when, I think 2.01, well before Blizzcon. It happened at the same time the Howling Fjord doodads (a tree and a rock or something?) were leaked on the PTR, as part of an "Expansion_02" directory. They removed the Expansion_02 directory in the live patch, but left the weapon models in. I believe there's also some shields. All still in there.

They also accidentally leaked a couple Expansion_02 textures with 2.2, I believe. One was the texture for a Tuskarr tent, and the other was a bit of floor or something like that. Exciting, I know. They were of course gone with the next patch.

border said:
Most of them are pretty good, aside from the one where you poison food. If you just do the easy stuff instead of rushing through and trying to do every single quest every single day, it's no big hassle.
Do the easy daily quests, only mess with the boar meat one if you have spare time. Your best bet for quick rep gains is to find the eggs.

In short, periodically log in and check out Dragonmaw Fortress hotspots for the eggs and grab some ore/herbs while you're there. Should be little to no hassle these days, and you'll get plenty of money in the process.


Yeah, Kateground is my 62 female Draenei Shaman. I think I will go play her since my Warlock spends every battleground mace stunned. In the last eots, me and a resto druid rolled up to the flag area, on the left an Elemental Shaman, on the right rogues and warriors all carrying maces. It was an easy choice. I've been imagining an artistic rendition of WoW PVP. It's a collage of orange spiked maces with RESIST plastered across.


I recently respecced my shaman from enhancement (1.1K AP, 28% crit) to full restoration so I could help heal a Kara run. After picking up a few healing purples that nobody else wanted, I decided to stick with the spec to see what I could do with it.

Turns out other than dungeon runs, healing has another advantage - honor leeching! I got a ton of honor in Alterac Valley spamming heals while other classes did the dirty work. Time to get me some welfare epics.


Some screens cataloging my adventures in Azeroth:

My character: Scribeshanky. Level 70 Protection Paladin!


My guild finally killed Kael'thas, last boss of Tempest Keep, last night. The fuggin mount dropped!

The famous quint-boxing player transfers all five of his shamans to Korgath.

Me tanking the last boss of Black Morass in a dress. lulz

The Horde crash a wedding in Stormwind.

They got into the fucking chapel. The bride and groom were one-shotted.

A Mage spell steals my wings. qq

Me at Brewfest in Durotar. :D

and my personal favorite screen:

Hoped you liked it.
I hit 58 today and went to Outland for a bit. It's pretty tough out there at 58 though. I also dropped enchanting at 285. That shit is just too much money to power level and a huge waste of mats. I could see maybe doing it when you were stuck at 60 for a couple of years but not now. I picked up mining to go along with my skinning. That should make the Netherwing grind faster with 2 things I can gather.


Mike G.E.D. said:
My guild finally killed Kael'thas, last boss of Tempest Keep, last night. The fuggin mount dropped!

You've now killed the hardest boss in BC (in my opinion). All the bosses in BT and HS are easier than Kael.
Yeah, tons of mobs are no longer elite. I think even in dungeons. It seems like they didn't mess with the Plaguelands much though. I spent 2 days there and it's still tough, I saw maybe 5 people there, and didn't get any Scholomance groups.

The Horde dumbasses must be cueing tonight. I just wasted half an hour in WSG with dumbasses fighting in the middle instead of getting our flag back.
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