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World of Warcraft

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Bregor said:
You've now killed the hardest boss in BC (in my opinion). All the bosses in BT and HS are easier than Kael.
The nerfs that made phase 1, 2 and 3 much easier really lowered the difficulty of the boss.

I have to say, in my opinion, that Reliquary of Souls is the hardest boss. It's the most complex and least forgiving boss of all.


dungeons are pretty much unchanged. All blizzard really did is upgrade a lot of the previously shitty drops to some really greatly itemized blues.


John_B said:
The nerfs that made phase 1, 2 and 3 much easier really lowered the difficulty of the boss.

I have to say, in my opinion, that Reliquary of Souls is the hardest boss. It's the most complex and least forgiving boss of all.

My guild first got Kael down pre-nerf, and he is easier now, but not by a great deal IMO. The phase 1 nerfs are trivial, as this phase was easy anyway ... its really only about setting up the positions of the councilors in preparation for phase 3. The nerfs to the weapon and councilor HP in phase 2 and 3, do make the dps requirements lower, but the fight is still very complex, much more so than RoS in my opinion. More than any other fight Kael requires every raid member to know their job for every part of the fight by heart, and perform them while keeping track of what is going on.

RoS is really only 3 seperate boss fights strung together, and the tactics in each of those are fairly straightforward once you know them. It is very unforgiving though... as a rogue on interrupts in phase 2, no fight stresses me out like this one does. It also is very demanding on DPS and healers.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Got a keylogger this morning while i was browsing wow forums, clicked on something i shouldnt have and saw keylogger replies below but too late.

Anyway, i scanned ad-aware, Spybot S&D, Ewido anti-spyware. Cleared a bunch, they scan 0 now.

I ran hijackthis too to see if there's anything suspicious, seemed clear to me.

Am i safe now? :(

I inputed my wow password via the windows onscreen keyboard and then just copy & pasted so that keylogger couldnt get it, but i dont want to do that everytime <_<


Buggy Loop said:
Got a keylogger this morning while i was browsing wow forums, clicked on something i shouldnt have and saw keylogger replies below but too late.

Anyway, i scanned ad-aware, Spybot S&D, Ewido anti-spyware. Cleared a bunch, they scan 0 now.

I ran hijackthis too to see if there's anything suspicious, seemed clear to me.

Am i safe now? :(

I inputed my wow password via the windows onscreen keyboard and then just copy & pasted so that keylogger couldnt get it, but i dont want to do that everytime <_<

Go change your password.


Buggy Loop said:
I inputed my wow password via the windows onscreen keyboard and then just copy & pasted so that keylogger couldnt get it, but i dont want to do that everytime <_<
Fdisk C:\

Or alternatively, just save your password in a Notepad file and copy/paste it every time.


Bregor said:
It is very unforgiving though... as a rogue on interrupts in phase 2, no fight stresses me out like this one does. It also is very demanding on DPS and healers.
I probably find RoS harder because I'm a rogue with several important tasks at this boss. We have a hunter shortage on the realm and more so in the guild, so I have to evasion-tank one of the enrages in first phase. I also do the interrupting in the second phase.

At Kael I never have problems, I could probably do it in my sleep.


bengraven said:
Wait, how do you catch a keylogger again?




Buggy Loop said:
Got a keylogger this morning while i was browsing wow forums, clicked on something i shouldnt have and saw keylogger replies below but too late.

Anyway, i scanned ad-aware, Spybot S&D, Ewido anti-spyware. Cleared a bunch, they scan 0 now.

I ran hijackthis too to see if there's anything suspicious, seemed clear to me.

Am i safe now? :(

I inputed my wow password via the windows onscreen keyboard and then just copy & pasted so that keylogger couldnt get it, but i dont want to do that everytime <_<

If all those programs claim you're clean now, you should be ok.
Still tho, how the hell did you get a keylogger while browsing wow forums? Or rather, what did you click on?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Lain said:
If all those programs claim you're clean now, you should be ok.
Still tho, how the hell did you get a keylogger while browsing wow forums? Or rather, what did you click on?

Some guy mentioned rogue talent changes on test servers and had screenshots to show it, url ended with .jpg, seemed legitimate so i clicked without thinking much, upon clicking it, the firefox tab just kind of flickered and went to google, i read the replies under that post and peoples were saying its a keylogger.

Im not clicking any damn links in wow forums anymore :p


Anyone else on Lightning's Blade? I'm with Bara no Senshi there.

Seems like this server doesn't have a lot of love for shadow priests, either.
I am thinking about getting back into WoW, but I have no one to play with. I am not very much in favor of re-rolling on the GAF server since I already have so many characters so I was just wondering if anyone has any characters on the servers I am on, or would be willing to make one on it to play with poor lonely me (not holding my breath, but thought I'd give it a shot).

Alliance PvP server: Deathwing
64 (around there, can't remember) Pally
42 Hunter
36 Druid
32 Mage
14 Pally
14 Priest
8 Warrior

Horde PvP server: Archimonde
32 Warrior
22 Shaman
21 Rogue
12 Priest
12 Warlock
8 Mage

Just let me know if your interested. If you re-roll I am willing to help you out.
Holy shit, I just renewed my subscription, logged on: all my chars are rolled back 1-4 levels from when I stopped playing like 6 months ago. This has never happened to me before and I've quit/resubscribed probably 5 times since launch. WTF?!?!


I doubt anyone here can help me, but I'm pretty frustrated.

I started the trial of Wow today, and I made it to level 7 Shaman(Taurens race or w/e it's called). Anyway 1 of the quests is you have to drink this potion so you can see spirits. I did that and they appear and he has a ? over his head indicating that I need to interact w/ it right?

Well I click on the spirit, then right click just like you would with any other NPC, but it won't do shit. I've abandoned the quest and tried to start it over like 10x and the same thing always fucking happens. I try and ask for help from people in the game but most of em are level 1 and haven't got where I'm at yet.

All other quests I've had zero problems but this fucker here is frustrating me and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. i don't think I am doing anything wrong but obviously something isn't working and it's frustrating.
Smokey Bones said:
I doubt anyone here can help me, but I'm pretty frustrated.

I started the trial of Wow today, and I made it to level 7 Shaman(Trueaman race or w/e it's called). Anyway 1 of the quests is you have to drink this potion so you can see spirits. I did that and they appear and he has a ? over his head indicating that I need to interact w/ it right?

Well I click on the spirit, then right click just like you would with any other NPC, but it won't do shit. I've abandoned the quest and tried to start it over like 10x and the same thing always fucking happens. I try and ask for help from people in the game but most of em are level 1 and haven't got where I'm at yet.

All other quests I've had zero problems but this fucker here is frustrating me and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. i don't think I am doing anything wrong but obviously something isn't working and it's frustrating.
You have to follow it into the mountains. You drink the thing to see it. Not sure if there's some item to use to make it start moving or something though.


Has problems recognising girls
Nah he's talking about the Earth Elemental at Kodo Rock in the beginning area for Taurens.

That one is a bit tricky since you have to literally have him on top of you to actually get the quest log to pop up when you right click on him. Just try and be as close to his center and try it again.


hit 60 on my shaman last night and went into outland for the first time... man, I forgot what an absolute buzzkill hellfire peninsula can be. It was cool when TBC launched because of greens that blew away 20 man raids/MC loot from the get-go, but for me it's just frustrating how everything is so packed tightly and yet there are tons of useless trash mobs spread all over the zone as well. I guess I'm feeling the burn mostly because it's much harder to get around without an epic land mount.


speedpop said:
Nah he's talking about the Earth Elemental at Kodo Rock in the beginning area for Taurens.

That one is a bit tricky since you have to literally have him on top of you to actually get the quest log to pop up when you right click on him. Just try and be as close to his center and try it again.

How close do you need to get to it? I tried everything. I tried it a far, I tried it right under him and it wouldn't register.

I'll give it one more shot though. It's been bugging me all day.


Hey guys, I am about to ding my first 70 (Warlock) and want to know what I should do once I ding, just the thought of everything that is about to open up is already overwhelming. I should have enough for my flying mount right away, so I assume that should be a first step, right?


Still Tagged Accordingly
Ceebs said:
Hey guys, I am about to ding my first 70 (Warlock) and want to know what I should do once I ding, just the thought of everything that is about to open up is already overwhelming. I should have enough for my flying mount right away, so I assume that should be a first step, right?
flying mount is cheap because there's high end 70's content that requires a flying mount to reach. so yeah, the flying mount is the first obvious step once you hit 70. after that you can do heaps of stuff... the world (of warcraft) is your oyster.
It hasn't been mentioned in a while, but HOLY FUCKING SHIT FUCK DRUIDS IN 2V2S!@!!!!!!!!!$#$$@##!@GYASFGBASDF


Druid/Warr is a pain in the ass, but we stand a decent enough chance against em. I'd say overall we are about 60% win rate against em, with a few occasional flat out rapes when we aren't prepared or whatever. We have to earn our shit, but it isn't that big a deal. We've taken down dru/wars in the top 10 on our grouping without much complication. Druid/lock is basically a joke to us, PoM makes locks lollerific and I've got more than enough armor penetration to rape locks in the face.

But Jesus H. Shitchrist Dru/Hunt is fucking absymal to face as Hunt/Priest. I mean, it just plain old, flat out isn't a fucking fair matchup. It doesn't matter if I'm the stupid drinkrape 11/41/whatever build or the IDontLikeToDieToRogues 44/xx build, my priest is still going to go oom and die to that other hunter no matter his spec. I'm trying to think if we've ever fucking won to that combo and I honestly want to say no. Maybe once or twice to complete asshole newbs who heard their combo was really ace and wanted to try it out. This is with fucking 300 games played for season 3. We fluctuate (Oh fucking boy do we fluctuate) between ~1700 and ~2000, and christ the one team we have absolutely no hope against is dru/hunt.

I will say that beating a dru/warr is fucking hilarious, because it's usually due to the warr being a fucking moron and us just dpsing him in the fucking face, making for a 20 second arena match that the druid just leaves from because we refuse to dps him after the warrior is dead.


Son of Godzilla said:
It hasn't been mentioned in a while, but HOLY FUCKING SHIT FUCK DRUIDS IN 2V2S!@!!!!!!!!!$#$$@##!@GYASFGBASDF


Druid/Warr is a pain in the ass, but we stand a decent enough chance against em. I'd say overall we are about 60% win rate against em, with a few occasional flat out rapes when we aren't prepared or whatever. We have to earn our shit, but it isn't that big a deal. We've taken down dru/wars in the top 10 on our grouping without much complication. Druid/lock is basically a joke to us, PoM makes locks lollerific and I've got more than enough armor penetration to rape locks in the face.

But Jesus H. Shitchrist Dru/Hunt is fucking absymal to face as Hunt/Priest. I mean, it just plain old, flat out isn't a fucking fair matchup. It doesn't matter if I'm the stupid drinkrape 11/41/whatever build or the IDontLikeToDieToRogues 44/xx build, my priest is still going to go oom and die to that other hunter no matter his spec. I'm trying to think if we've ever fucking won to that combo and I honestly want to say no. Maybe once or twice to complete asshole newbs who heard their combo was really ace and wanted to try it out. This is with fucking 300 games played for season 3. We fluctuate (Oh fucking boy do we fluctuate) between ~1700 and ~2000, and christ the one team we have absolutely no hope against is dru/hunt.

I will say that beating a dru/warr is fucking hilarious, because it's usually due to the warr being a fucking moron and us just dpsing him in the fucking face, making for a 20 second arena match that the druid just leaves from because we refuse to dps him after the warrior is dead.

Druid/Hunters are easy for me. I can keep on the druid, and my resto shammy laughs at the huntard. Ez mode win.
I PVPed all day today. The Horde really sucked it up tonight on the 50-59 group in WSG. There was also this Pally human girl running the flag with rocket boots. As if Pallys weren't bullshit enough, she has to use the fucking rocket boots. She was basically unstoppable and ran the flag every time in the 10+ games I saw her in. Fucking bullshit. That shit needs to stop. I got the 30 tokens I needed though and got a black raptor.


Smokey Bones said:
How close do you need to get to it? I tried everything. I tried it a far, I tried it right under him and it wouldn't register.

I'll give it one more shot though. It's been bugging me all day.
you should have a ? icon on him when you mouse over him. When it goes from gray to gold you can click on him. It might help to zoom out some (mousewheel) so it's easier to see around. I pretty much play WoW zoomed out about 2x what the game starts you out with.


firex said:
you should have a ? icon on him when you mouse over him. When it goes from gray to gold you can click on him. It might help to zoom out some (mousewheel) so it's easier to see around. I pretty much play WoW zoomed out about 2x what the game starts you out with.

I finally got it to activate last night.

That's what was frustrating me. He had a yellow ? over his head but I repeatedly clicked on him just like any other NPC and nothing would happen. I did what you said about zooming out and it did nothing.

Finally I just stood there and destroyed my right click button and it finally activated.


Maxrpg said:
Druid/Hunters are easy for me. I can keep on the druid, and my resto shammy laughs at the huntard. Ez mode win.

lol RETard + shaman

i guess with joj, repentace, hammer, and stuns, but idk

whats ur rating
So I'm in a small guild...We mostly just run Kara, occasionally ZA, and PvP. All old friends from a guild way back like 2 years ago. We've been trying to get people on for 25 mans...And tonight we did for the first time. And instance servers are down:lol Good luck.


yacobod said:
lol RETard + shaman

i guess with joj, repentace, hammer, and stuns, but idk

whats ur rating
currently at 1635. We just started heavily since like two weeks ago. My shaman friend was working on his PVP gear before then slowly, so we're both near 300 resilience (he under it, I'm above it). I really think we have a chance for 1850. 2K rating I'm not even remotely considering unless we pull it out of our ass.
2k 2v2 sold the charter
2k 3v3 got knocked down to 1981 I think
2k 5v5 currently

All im gonna say , Druids need a nerf and fast. Im sick of Huntard/druid/Lock and Warrior/Lock/druid. 2V2 and 3v3 2k+ are broken brackets. Im sick of facing those teams and at one point Ive yet to see a paladin in the upper brackets. Its sad

Fuck druids , Seriously. lolbearform lolcheetahlifebloomlolz kite blade's edge lolololol OMG lol!



Maxrpg said:
currently at 1635. We just started heavily since like two weeks ago. My shaman friend was working on his PVP gear before then slowly, so we're both near 300 resilience (he under it, I'm above it). I really think we have a chance for 1850. 2K rating I'm not even remotely considering unless we pull it out of our ass.

ok then your experiences at low lvl play dont really hold weight at 1900+ arena ratings

its not as easy as it seems, there is a reason why those teams you are facing are 1600 or so


bengraven said:
What the fuck!?

Half the realms are "offline" and most of the others are "locked". I'm in a queue of 275.

Stonemaul has been having latency issues all night. Now I'm not as upset I missed out on the guild's Kara run (was stuck in Heroic Sethekk Halls for the daily). Anyways Mag and SSC tomorrow night, then Gruul and VR farm on Friday.


lacking a good defensive dispel/anti-CC (I don't think grounding totem can count considering how shitty it is) on my shaman will probably make doing 2v2 or 3v3 arena as resto annoying without someone else for dispel magic. maybe I can get a shadow priest along with my warrior pal, or even a lock. actually I don't even know if my warrior friend's gonna pvp at 70 or not since he said he was wanting to go prot. I just kind of imagine he'll go prot and then get frustrated trying to solo, and then I'll just remind him that a 40/0/21 build can tank heroics/10 mans just fine, and also kicks ass in pvp (I'm sure there's a better pvp spec but we both like to do instances when possible).


Still Tagged Accordingly
probably the closest AV match i've been in yet.


Alliance were up about 88 vs. our 18 towards the end, then we dropped van just in time.

Well before that it looked like a lost game as alliance were up 200+ vs. our 100-. Don't want to blow my own trumpet, but the tides turned when I ninjaed the SP GY :D


Has problems recognising girls
SuperAndroid17 said:
2k 2v2 sold the charter
2k 3v3 got knocked down to 1981 I think
2k 5v5 currently

All im gonna say , Druids need a nerf and fast. Im sick of Huntard/druid/Lock and Warrior/Lock/druid. 2V2 and 3v3 2k+ are broken brackets. Im sick of facing those teams and at one point Ive yet to see a paladin in the upper brackets. Its sad

Fuck druids , Seriously. lolbearform lolcheetahlifebloomlolz kite blade's edge lolololol OMG lol!

Take a Shaman with you and watch your Druid worries disappear.


Scrow said:
probably the closest AV match i've been in yet.


Alliance were up about 88 vs. our 18 towards the end, then we dropped van just in time.

Well before that it looked like a lost game as alliance were up 200+ vs. our 100-. Don't want to blow my own trumpet, but the tides turned when I ninjaed the SP GY :D

Wow, what's that like? Going 41 minutes in AV?

Most of our matches, win or lose, end up only being like 16-20 minutes.


Still Tagged Accordingly
bengraven said:
Wow, what's that like? Going 41 minutes in AV?

Most of our matches, win or lose, end up only being like 16-20 minutes.
yeah same. this was one of those rare AVs.

wasn't too bad when it went for 40 minutes cause we were clawing our way back and really making a go of it. alliance must've been pulling their hair out in frustration.
Sham/Warr is decent enough. Windfury, bloodlust, and lolwatershield are quite strong. Earth shock is damn good anti-CC, along with grounding and tremor and you are pretty set.


Scrow said:
yeah same. this was one of those rare AVs.

wasn't too bad when it went for 40 minutes cause we were clawing our way back and really making a go of it. alliance must've been pulling their hair out in frustration.

That's damn awesome, though.

More time in BG means more kills means more honor, so I'm in awe.
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