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World of Warcraft

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aesop said:
Despite all the guild drama I've been experiencing lately, we downed two new bosses last week. Loot Reaver and Lurker Below down, Al'ar and Hydross are next.

I usually ignore guild drama unless it's fun gossip. But most of the guild drama lately involved me and I thought for a while it was my fault.

Creepy middle aged guys 1 and 2 have this bizarre obsession with the 20 year old flirty girl in our guild, but both are married and despite wanting to cheat on their wives, 20 year old girl doesn't want anything to do with them because she has a crush on the Fucking New Guy.

So CMAG 1 hits on the wrong guy's wife and the guild is destroyed...we move on to Guild #2 created by myself, my best friend, the 20 year old girl, and GMAG 2. CMAG2 is bitter and angry because he blames the breakup of the first guild on the now 21 year old girl and The New Guy who started a relationship and the 21 year old is now pregnant. To make matters worse, he invites CMAG 1 back to the guild, causing a lot of stress and people leave.

So CMAG 2 gets angry and makes a public announcement that The New Guy has been undermining the guild and he's kicking him out as well as the girl because since they're living together the New Guy could compromise her account and talk shit about the guild under her characters. He says CMAG 1 has changed and is a saint now and that the girl and New Guy are evil and he is doing the guild a favor by getting rid of them.

So New Guy and Girl start Guild #3 which is now flourishing since there is no longer any people in the guild who remember the drama from Guilds 1 and 2 except the GM who himself quit the guild because of the injustice caused against NG and 21 year old girl. And the old guilds are dead and CMAG 1 and 2 have recently quit the game because they have no friends.

And yes, I'm New Guy and my gf is the flirty 21 year old girl.


Has problems recognising girls
:lol Holy shit. That was epic.

My guild drama consisted of drunk people wasting time on a boss by fighting him in our alternate get ups or something and the one guy who was serious about it would get the shits. We had our whole Pimp Night going on and the Mage decides to not sheep the add, screwing up the whole process, because our Rogue is dressed like a KKK member complete with flaming stick :lol

Either that or when peak hour came and it was time to hit the instances we would be wasting organisation time by playing the AFK game in Deeprun.


speedpop said:
:lol Holy shit. That was epic.

My guild drama consisted of drunk people wasting time on a boss by fighting him in our alternate get ups or something and the one guy who was serious about it would get the shits. We had our whole Pimp Night going on and the Mage decides to not sheep the add, screwing up the whole process, because our Rogue is dressed like a KKK member complete with flaming stick :lol

Either that or when peak hour came and it was time to hit the instances we would be wasting organisation time by playing the AFK game in Deeprun.

Yeah, the new guild has some AFK issues. The two guildies in charge are playing on dial up. DIAL UP...until they can get high speed hooked up in their new house in the boonies.

You knocked up some girl in your guild? Grats?

I'll accept that "grats" because we've been together for almost two years and are happily engaged with her about to give birth next week.


border said:
Oh, well when you tell the story like that it all sounds like it happened in the last month.

Nah, it was over the coarse of about two years. Spent like 5 months in Guild 1, just under 1 year in Guild 2, and now about 5-6 months in New Guild and happily playing.


bengraven said:
I usually ignore guild drama unless it's fun gossip. But most of the guild drama lately involved me and I thought for a while it was my fault.

Creepy middle aged guys 1 and 2 have this bizarre obsession with the 20 year old flirty girl in our guild, but both are married and despite wanting to cheat on their wives, 20 year old girl doesn't want anything to do with them because she has a crush on the Fucking New Guy.

So CMAG 1 hits on the wrong guy's wife and the guild is destroyed...we move on to Guild #2 created by myself, my best friend, the 20 year old girl, and GMAG 2. CMAG2 is bitter and angry because he blames the breakup of the first guild on the now 21 year old girl and The New Guy who started a relationship and the 21 year old is now pregnant. To make matters worse, he invites CMAG 1 back to the guild, causing a lot of stress and people leave.

So CMAG 2 gets angry and makes a public announcement that The New Guy has been undermining the guild and he's kicking him out as well as the girl because since they're living together the New Guy could compromise her account and talk shit about the guild under her characters. He says CMAG 1 has changed and is a saint now and that the girl and New Guy are evil and he is doing the guild a favor by getting rid of them.

So New Guy and Girl start Guild #3 which is now flourishing since there is no longer any people in the guild who remember the drama from Guilds 1 and 2 except the GM who himself quit the guild because of the injustice caused against NG and 21 year old girl. And the old guilds are dead and CMAG 1 and 2 have recently quit the game because they have no friends.

And yes, I'm New Guy and my gf is the flirty 21 year old girl.


lol nvm, I was thinking the same as border.


bengraven said:
I usually ignore guild drama unless it's fun gossip. But most of the guild drama lately involved me and I thought for a while it was my fault.

Creepy middle aged guys 1 and 2 have this bizarre obsession with the 20 year old flirty girl in our guild, but both are married and despite wanting to cheat on their wives, 20 year old girl doesn't want anything to do with them because she has a crush on the Fucking New Guy.

So CMAG 1 hits on the wrong guy's wife and the guild is destroyed...we move on to Guild #2 created by myself, my best friend, the 20 year old girl, and GMAG 2. CMAG2 is bitter and angry because he blames the breakup of the first guild on the now 21 year old girl and The New Guy who started a relationship and the 21 year old is now pregnant. To make matters worse, he invites CMAG 1 back to the guild, causing a lot of stress and people leave.

So CMAG 2 gets angry and makes a public announcement that The New Guy has been undermining the guild and he's kicking him out as well as the girl because since they're living together the New Guy could compromise her account and talk shit about the guild under her characters. He says CMAG 1 has changed and is a saint now and that the girl and New Guy are evil and he is doing the guild a favor by getting rid of them.

So New Guy and Girl start Guild #3 which is now flourishing since there is no longer any people in the guild who remember the drama from Guilds 1 and 2 except the GM who himself quit the guild because of the injustice caused against NG and 21 year old girl. And the old guilds are dead and CMAG 1 and 2 have recently quit the game because they have no friends.

And yes, I'm New Guy and my gf is the flirty 21 year old girl.

The way you make it sound is like if your girlfriend didn't have a crush on you she would've done stuff with the CMAGs.


Only guild drama I ever had was having to leave a guild because my girlfriend did, also they were asses. She mentioned eating pizza with her girlfriend(she's bi, we had an open relationship) and was told that she shouldn't be talking about adult stuff in the guild channel. Nothing dirty, just mentioned she had a girlfriend also. Drama of course ensued and the guild lost probably 20 people over it, I think there's only 3 or 4 people still there.:lol


Hero said:
The way you make it sound is like if your girlfriend didn't have a crush on you she would've done stuff with the CMAGs.

No, she was briefly interested in the first CMAG, but gave up on that when he told her he wanted to leave his wife and move to be close to her. She was like, "oh, you're married...?" The other guy was just this typical gigantic, horny old guy she liked to joke around with, but he was demanding nude pictures and thought it would be fun for her to have a threesome with his also gigantic wife. My girlfriend comes off 10x more flirty than she really is. She's very Christian like myself in reality.

Only guild drama I ever had was having to leave a guild because my girlfriend did, also they were asses. She mentioned eating pizza with her girlfriend(she's bi, we had an open relationship) and was told that she shouldn't be talking about adult stuff in the guild channel. Nothing dirty, just mentioned she had a girlfriend also. Drama of course ensued and the guild lost probably 20 people over it, I think there's only 3 or 4 people still there.

:lol :lol :lol That's how it happens, though. Things escalate and people start leaving for whatever reasons. I remember when our GM left for a couple weeks to join a raiding guild to grab some gear quick and left his wife in charge.

It was like frickin' doomsday. People were leaving left and right, lines were drawn, battles were fought...:lol


I think the dirty secret is that nobody really likes raiding that much. So people will just take whatever excuse they can to quit or get a break.


That isn't completely true. Sometimes you are a lucky to find a guild of good players, who like each other, enjoy raiding ... and just generally fit together great as a team. That type of guild will come together to support the guild when the going gets tough, because they know that any other guild they go to cannot possible suit them as well.


Ugh, regular flying mount is SO slow. I can't even really enjoy the ability to fly; coupled with the fact that my connection is terrible lately, it's not the great feeling I was hoping it would be.

My blacksmithing isn't even at 300 yet and I feel I shouldn't be selling all the ore and Primals I get on the AH, but really, it's just so tempting to get that super speedy one.

Plus, some friends and I are going to start grinding Steamvaults to get the hippogryph.

Chris R

Farming 5000g doesn't take much time at all. A single week if you know where to go :D And that was before dailies, I can't imagine how easy it is to hit 5000g with dailies now :lol


rhfb said:
Farming 5000g doesn't take much time at all. A single week if you know where to go :D And that was before dailies, I can't imagine how easy it is to hit 5000g with dailies now :lol




rhfb said:
Farming 5000g doesn't take much time at all. A single week if you know where to go :D
That's roughly 700gold per day. I guess it's do-able if you are non-stop farming with a class that is good at it, but not within the capabilities of most classes and playstyles.


I love playing bgs, especially when the odds are against you. For example, this EoTS game that happened last weekend. It was just me and a feral druid trying to hold 6 allies at DR just so they couldn't go out and help out at the flag or attacking our other bases.

The 6 of them were a feral druid, 2 rogues, a holy priest, a holy paladin, and a warrior. I basically threw an earthshield on the druid and a watershield on myself when we charged their base. We kept fighting for almost 4-5 minutes straight with no outside help or reinforcement to their sides.

Because I am wearing mostly S2/S3 gears with excellent enchantments/kits( I am pretty sure the allies mostly wore pve gears), I could easily heal myself and throw some heals at the druid even with the allied warrior and druid were on me the whole time. With watershield and mana totem I was always above 60-75% mana, I just kept moving around near my earthbind totem so they have a hard time getting around my back.

Eventually the paly and the priest got low on mana, so the feral druid managed to kill the rogues that were on him, then the priest, then the paly. When he finally came to pick the warrior or other druid off of me, the game was over.

My arena games on the other hand is pretty bad. I only want to play with my friends but they usually log in at hours other than my so it's pretty much impossible to play 5v5, 3v3 is also hard to schedule together so I am forced to play 2v2 with a friend who is on pretty much at the same time as me. He's a MS warrior and me a Resto Shaman, so we sucked against lengthly games and combos with at least 1 CCers. we are pretty much stucked at the 1750s, the highest we have gotten is 1848.

Here's my armory,


My talent build right now is still pretty much for PvE, I am going to respec it for PvP when 2.4 comes out.

I think I will go with this spec with the changes they made to ghost wolf.

Today was a good day for leveling my warrior, I went from 52 to 56. All I did was my quests in Blasted Lands, Azshara, and Ungoro. I love this boosted xp patch.


tenchir said:
I love playing bgs, especially when the odds are against you. For example, this EoTS game that happened last weekend. It was just me and a feral druid trying to hold 6 allies at DR just so they couldn't go out and help out at the flag or attacking our other bases.

The 6 of them were a feral druid, 2 rogues, a holy priest, a holy paladin, and a warrior. I basically threw an earthshield on the druid and a watershield on myself when we charged their base. We kept fighting for almost 4-5 minutes straight with no outside help or reinforcement to their sides.
One of my favourite BG stories was when me (a shaman) and a warlock held off 3 separate 5-man waves at the EoTS flag while the rest of the team was off capping towers. I was rank 1 shocking all over the place, timing heals, swapping totems, blowing buffs, trinkets, everything. By the end of it, I said in vent: "Shit. Sorry dude, I'm completely spent." and we both paused and burst out laughing as they ran over us.
wooo my druid just hit 70, with my healing gear being fairly shit still i'm at 728 + healing but I need more spirit. Either way I only just started nagrand so I have that, blades edge, shadowmoon and netherstorm left. Sweetness.


Still Tagged Accordingly
wow, reading all these guild dramas makes me glad for the guild i'm in now where no one gives a shit about anything really, but there are still enough seventies to do 5-10 mans or help an alt get through some difficult content.

for example, my warrior got his whirlwind axe at level 30 with the help of my own 70 and another 70 guildie. wouldn't be able to get that axe until about 37-38 solo.

guilds with friends IRL is the only way to go imo.


Shamans just got a few buffs on the 2.4 PTR - including one weird buff.
Flametongue weapon now adds a Mortal Strike effect - reducing healing on a target by 50% for 5 seconds, refreshing with each hit.

Anybody see that one coming?


Has problems recognising girls
explodet said:
Shamans just got a few buffs on the 2.4 PTR - including one weird buff.
Flametongue weapon now adds a Mortal Strike effect - reducing healing on a target by 50% for 5 seconds, refreshing with each hit.

Anybody see that one coming?
:lol Damn that is a bit crazy. I guess when they said they wanted to buff Enhancement for PVP, they meant it.

Toughness now Increases your armor value from items by 2/4/6/8/10% and reduces the duration of movement impairing effects on you by -10/20/30/40/50%.


Finally after 3 weeks of not playing WoW(mostly due to my complete frustration with certain quests) I sat down with it for about 3 or so hours and fianlly went up a lvl to 30. Now only 10 more lvls before I can get a mount.


Brian Burke punched my mom
explodet said:
Shamans just got a few buffs on the 2.4 PTR - including one weird buff.
Flametongue weapon now adds a Mortal Strike effect - reducing healing on a target by 50% for 5 seconds, refreshing with each hit.

Anybody see that one coming?

Toughness now Increases your armor value from items by 2/4/6/8/10% and reduces the duration of movement impairing effects on you by -10/20/30/40/50%.

Holyshit if all those buffs go through but the most important one

Ghost Wolf Instant Cast

Everyone asked for it and we finally got it(if they are actually implemented)!



I really don't think the Shaman buffs are that powerful.... at all.

The hilarious part is that I think Flametounge will do more for Resto than Enhancement. I could see it being moved to Elemental Weapons or something. Although it's not like Resto couldn't use the buffs.

Anyway, Enhancement will still be very easy to deal with. The problem isn't dealing with healing or doing damage, it's being utterly controlled with little means of mobility. Shamanistic Rage just got cut in half too, so survivability is still in the pot.

HARP was different, they could burn basically your entire health bar in perfect gear while completely incapacitating you, it was basically a resilience ignoring spec. Shamans having to drop Windfury OH to pick up a passive MS isn't as ... ridiculous.

It's a downright silly set of buffs in my opinion, though. They could've done so many better, more original things. I saw a LOT of good, very reasonable suggestions. Kalgan is obviously an idiot if this is his grand plan. This is just fucking lazy.

It bugs me a little in consistency as well, I was fine with Hunter getting an MS, it's a physical damage class on it's entirety, my opinion on concerning that on this subject is the way I still feel about Arcane Shot and dispelling, it should've been something else.

I did want them to do something with weapon buffs though, so it's still OK in a way.


downright silly set of buffs
You don't know the half of it.

But the weapon hasn't quite had the desired effect yet on the PTR. In fact, as World of Raids has posted, it actually does exactly the opposite. As you can see above, Flametongue is actually adding to heals on the target of the attack, not halving them as its now meant to. No doubt this will be fixed before long, but a note to whoever's working on the Shaman class on the PTR: you should have used that minus sign in the code there, not the plus one.



The funny thing currently on the flametongue buff is that it also affects the flametongue totem apparently.:lol

I like the Shamanistic Rage change myself. Makes it a bit more useful in PvE. Just started myself a shammy to level a couple weeks ago, can't wait until next level when I get windfury.


Tamanon said:
The funny thing currently on the flametongue buff is that it also affects the flametongue totem apparently.:lol
That's messed up.
Ebonroc doesn't stand a chance!

I suppose it does make the flametongue totem almost semi-useful - nobody I ever grouped with ever wanted it. It was always windfury for them.

Looks like they're removing Kara attunement now. The key will be more like UBRS - you need just one person in the raid to unlock the door.


If it's on the totem, that's actually not bad... That actually works out pretty well. By itself it's just tacking on another Mortal Strike, but dropping a totem for it would do some good for the general welfare of class diversity outside of just the Shaman.

That will reduce the absolute soul crushing NEED for the Warrior in most setups, it will allow a few other classes to be brought in, and instead of feeding the Shaman a bunch of CC and anti-CC, it keeps the group buffing mentality.

They should allow weapon totems to hit ferals if this goes in. At least Flametounge.

I will note, however, that I will never fucking touch my Shadow Priest again in PvP now.


Buggy Loop said:
Just went & finished Arcatraz for the first time, cool final boss, i especially loved the gnome tidbit lol.

Milhouse is the shit! I love how he comes out, gets pissed off and then starts making food and water lol.
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