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World of Warcraft

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Kintaro said:
Anyone have any tips for a good Warrior leveling spec?
I just hit 57 in less than 3 weeks as a warrior. I've been leveling as 2h arms without a single problem at all. I only die when I get 3-4 more mobs on me when im already at <50% health or less. I only solo quest too. At 30 just get the whirlwind axe from the warrior quest. 43 buy the executioner blade for cheap off the ah, and 51 all you need is the Ice Barbed Spear until outlands which you get for just winning 1 av.


Any opinions on the Warlock LifeTap nerf? Warlocks seem to be going batshit over it like over no other nerf, but I don't see the big deal. Of course, I probably wouldn't given that I've always had Dark Pact at my disposal. I guess you're just fucked if you're Destruction though......but then that Spec has always been about being a busted Mage with no mana.

What I don't get is why they are nerfing LifeTap anyhow. Like every other nerf I assume it has to do with Arenas (seeing as how they now see fit to balance the game around this stupid PvP minigame)......but does anyone use LifeTap that frequently in an Arena?


Blizzard is homogenizing equipment in Lich King, Warlocks will likely be wearing what we refer to as Mage gear now in PvE.

So my guess is it'd be a too-early change for PvE, since it's punishing people with health pools at the moment, and an intended PvP efficiency nerf.

Either way it's fine, and it still won't really hurt people in situations that really matter. The class should be thankful that it has infinite mana at all. No real room to complain when the other casters are chugging 25+ Super Mana Potions per raid.


Alex said:
If it's on the totem, that's actually not bad... That actually works out pretty well. By itself it's just tacking on another Mortal Strike, but dropping a totem for it would do some good for the general welfare of class diversity outside of just the Shaman.

That will reduce the absolute soul crushing NEED for the Warrior in most setups, it will allow a few other classes to be brought in, and instead of feeding the Shaman a bunch of CC and anti-CC, it keeps the group buffing mentality.
Ooo, good point. And yeah, I don't think I've ever used the flametongue totem, but having the ability to give everyone in my group a form os MS? That would be wonderful.

... not that I play anymore.
onemic said:
And how the hell did you do this?
Well I'm stuck in Ohio right now instead of NYC so I'm not going out much until I escape these red necks.. I just got to deal with wow, finishing up my last year of college and phone calls to friends from nyc.. other wise I'm practicing piano or on wow..

2.2 or whatever patch extremely buffed experience from quests and lowered how much each level needs so leveling is extremely fast. I should hit atleast 58 tonight, 60 tomorrow or Sat since I have a paper to work on.. Also, never ever instance. Instances gives extremely crappy experience no matter how many quests you have for them compared to just solo questing. Don't skip any zones either even if you're a few levels above them and the quests are green. The mobs might give no to little exp, but you'll still fly through the quests and get a few k from each one and finish the zone super fast which really helps leveling speed.

I'm half through 57 and only in felwood. I'm getting 7-10k exp a quest and am almost done with the zone. I'm staying here in the old world until 60 atleast since I hear outland is really hard for warriors. I still have a few quests in felwood left, then all of the solo quests in Winter Spring, Silithus, EPL and WPL. Hopefully I can ding 60 from solo quests and not have to grind any. =] At 60 I'm grinding 50 av marks to take a break from leveling so I can get the AV mount.. I fucking hate kodos -_- Just make sure you have the best 2h axe\polearm that you can and all the mobs will die before rend is even up.


Worships the porcelain goddess
DarkAngelYuna said:
I just hit 57 in less than 3 weeks as a warrior. I've been leveling as 2h arms without a single problem at all. I only die when I get 3-4 more mobs on me when im already at <50% health or less. I only solo quest too. At 30 just get the whirlwind axe from the warrior quest. 43 buy the executioner blade for cheap off the ah, and 51 all you need is the Ice Barbed Spear until outlands which you get for just winning 1 av.

What's your character name? I'd like to check out your talent build on the armory if that's cool. Gives me a good idea of things. I remember there was a 2H Fury discussion as well going on before too.


I don't get why Blizzard's response to "my class sucks in pvp" is "lol we'll add MS to one of your crappy skills."

pretty soon everything is going to have the MS debuff.
Ding 69!

778,000 XP to 70 :D

At this rate I'll have pretty much all of netherstorm and shadowmoon left over for gold questing

Then I can work on my mining and engineering which have been completely neglected
While some might be able to construe that as "making all classes the same", what it really is is "making arena bread & butter different". For how fucking long Warriors have had a seat at the table solely because of MS. It is *nothing* but a good thing that not only can others take their seat, but that Warriors can earn the spot on their own.

Flametongue totem is a great idea.
Son of Godzilla said:
While some might be able to construe that as "making all classes the same", what it really is is "making arena bread & butter different". For how fucking long Warriors have had a seat at the table solely because of MS. It is *nothing* but a good thing that not only can others take their seat, but that Warriors can earn the spot on their own.

Flametongue totem is a great idea.
That totem is already rarely used and I doubt any decent team will let it stay around with its 5hp and all.


DarkAngelYuna said:
That totem is already rarely used and I doubt any decent team will let it stay around with its 5hp and all.

Well there's really no other fire totem a shaman is going to put down, and even if they kill it, it'll be back soon enough. >.>


Still Tagged Accordingly
i've always found it funny that shamans are the only class where their most powerful buffs can be "dispelled" by anyone in the game. seems really unfair when buffs from other classes requires a specific ability from another class to dispel.

I've always thought that a totem's HP should scale with the Shaman's level. Maybe a certain percentage of the shaman's health so that it can't be killed in one hit.


Son of Godzilla said:
While some might be able to construe that as "making all classes the same", what it really is is "making arena bread & butter different". For how fucking long Warriors have had a seat at the table solely because of MS. It is *nothing* but a good thing that not only can others take their seat, but that Warriors can earn the spot on their own.

warriors are still the best overall pvp class, its been like that since pre expansion, ppl should just deal with it already

its not like warriors were replaced by hunters when they got MS on their aimed shot, shaman will not be replacing warriors anytime soon

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Was pvp'ing in halaa last night, a S2/S3 mace rogue had the jump on me, there was a warlock nearby and a druid, as a hunter, if rogue gets the jump, with the little HP i have, its nearly instant death. Anyway, there was a warrior nearby from my guild, im not quite sure whats his equip was but, he killed the rogue and warlock by himself and almost had the druid.

So... whats the best horde race for warrior? Made me interested in making one :lol


yeah, I still hate how totems only have 5 hp aside from the elemental totems and stoneclaw. I'd either have their HP scale with level or give the 5 hp totems some kind of phase shift-like invulnerability that could be dispelled.

I still feel like adding MS to flametongue is weird and kind of dumb. It makes more sense than adding it to windfury, but I'd add it to rockbiter instead of the other weapon buffs.
They really just need to follow CoH's example and have two entirely different sets of rules for shitty arena and the rest of the game.

This is getting ridiculous. They are heading down a bad path with no end in sight.
Scrow said:
i've heard fury spec is good for leveling? much truth to that?

I sorta think arms is a bit better, because fury is meant to work with dual wield, and dual wield is pretty painful without +hit gear, which you generally don't run into much of until well past level 60.

warriors aren't going anywhere in arena teams, even with the (awesomely cool) buff to enhance shamans. Warriors are harder to kite thanks to intercept, can reapply the MS every five seconds while repeatedly dishing out huge frontloaded damage, and come with other brutal PvP tools like improved spamstring and deathwish/zerker rage.


Imagine if you could zerg Karazhan over and over with 15-20 people like you could with UBRS back in the day? :lol

Would make the Shade of Aran a nightmare though, with that many people you know SOMEBODY is gonna blow up the raid with Flame Wreath.


Son of Godzilla said:
For how fucking long Warriors have had a seat at the table solely because of MS.
"Solely because of MS"? Warriors are powerful because gear scales incredibly well for them, they have strong enough burst to level an opponent at half-health before a healer can heal them, a free stun/interrupt every 15 seconds, have the biggest HP pools, are the most resistant to physical damage (now the dominant damage type), etc. Not to mention that unlike almost every other class, they only get more dangerous as a fight stretches on. Casters run out of mana and rogues blow all their big cooldowns, but after 2 minutes of fighting a warrior will have all his best abilities available and a full rage bar.


I'd love to hear about private servers, if you've got anything to say. I'd only heard a little bit about them, but it always sounded like it would be fun to screw around on. Can't you just log-on, boost your stats, and go solo Black Temple?
Kintaro said:

It's not that bad imo.I do a lot of instances for XP, and when I grind I prefer to fight 2-3 mobs at the same time to speed things up; that's also a great way to practice tab/sundering and other things you'll do later in instances


Worships the porcelain goddess
PhoenixDark said:
It's not that bad imo.I do a lot of instances for XP, and when I grind I prefer to fight 2-3 mobs at the same time to speed things up; that's also a great way to practice tab/sundering and other things you'll do later in instances

I'm sure it's not that bad, but it's not exactly my playstyle while leveling up.

I'm trying to find some good leveling builds for Warrior. 2h Arms like DKY mentioned. Anyone have a good template for it I could look at to get some ideas? Call me stupid but I'm a visual type of person when it comes to these things.
Kintaro said:
I'm sure it's not that bad, but it's not exactly my playstyle while leveling up.

I'm trying to find some good leveling builds for Warrior. 2h Arms like DKY mentioned. Anyone have a good template for it I could look at to get some ideas? Call me stupid but I'm a visual type of person when it comes to these things.
http://www.theoryspot.com/forums/tankspot-library/31970-steel-guidelines-new-leveling-warriors.html I used this site for my build. It helped me learn alot and gives you a build to use upto 40 and then how to correctly respec at 40. After 40 I just tossed a few more points into arms until I had 40 to get the 41 point talent. Now that I'm 60 I'm getting tm in prot I think.. the rest will go into buffs in fury.
Is it still going to be worth it to get attuned for Kara? When is it supposed to become attunment-free?

And what should I start doing once I hit 70? Quest for gold? Level up professions? What?
BigJonsson said:
Is it still going to be worth it to get attuned for Kara? When is it supposed to become attunment-free?

And what should I start doing once I hit 70? Quest for gold? Level up professions? What?
Depends what you wanna do at 70. If you wanna pvp you basically do AV and whatever all day long until you can get all the honor gear and get an arena team to start getting some points..

If you wanna raid start gearing for heroics... then do heroics to gear for kara.


border said:
I'd love to hear about private servers, if you've got anything to say. I'd only heard a little bit about them, but it always sounded like it would be fun to screw around on. Can't you just log-on, boost your stats, and go solo Black Temple?
if you've already spent the time, got a 70 and learned how to play on a regular server wowscape is great. in 18 hours playtime i got a level 70 and nearly 2,000g. so it requires work and knowhow but not much and the payoff is very rewarding.


Joe said:
if you've already spent the time, got a 70 and learned how to play on a regular server wowscape is great. in 18 hours playtime i got a level 70 and nearly 2,000g. so it requires work and knowhow but not much and the payoff is very rewarding.
How does it work beyond level 70? I was only interested in it because you'd be able to experience raid content as a solo player.


no clue this is actually my first time playing with BC, im at level 70 and waiting on friends to tell me what to do now :lol


DarkAngelYuna said:
Depends what you wanna do at 70. If you wanna pvp you basically do AV and whatever all day long until you can get all the honor gear and get an arena team to start getting some points..

If you wanna raid start gearing for heroics... then do heroics to gear for kara.

For pugs AV is the best for honour, but what about premaids? AB?


Now I remember why I stopped playing WoW for a while. Impossible quests. I'm at tarren mill and right now the quests I'm being given seem absolutely impossible to do by myself(Even though the quests given aren't group quests) the mobs that I'm supposed to kill are all bunched up, meaning that it's next to impossible to attack one and not attract the attention of 1 or 2 others. The mob count of course increases when they beginning running and everyone and their mother is aware of my presence. Its become extremely annoying now.(The area I'm questing in is the insurgent camp next to dalaran BTW)

Oh and why exactly can't anyone actually enter dalaran?
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