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World of Warcraft

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I am a lvl 42 gnome and i have just about finished up all there is to do in STV. Any suggestions on where to set up shop next? I here Tanaris is good for lvling anywhere else?


I have managed to level my hunter up to 66. I'm rocking the beast mastery for leveling and grouping/raiding.

It is fairly easy to grind and group, but I'm not so taught in hunter stats.

I don't see any reason to go for hit specifically. agility is the shit, crit and ap is good, but mp5 and intellect I have no idea how to prioritize.

I figured that when it comes to gems, red is pure agi, yellow is ap and crit, but I'm not sure about the blue gems. Is it best to go for agi and stam or int and mp5?

Is there a certain amount of mp5 that hunters should work towards?


John_B said:
I have managed to level my hunter up to 66. I'm rocking the beast mastery for leveling and grouping/raiding.

It is fairly easy to grind and group, but I'm not so taught in hunter stats.

I don't see any reason to go for hit specifically. agility is the shit, crit and ap is good, but mp5 and intellect I have no idea how to prioritize.

I figured that when it comes to gems, red is pure agi, yellow is ap and crit, but I'm not sure about the blue gems. Is it best to go for agi and stam or int and mp5?

Is there a certain amount of mp5 that hunters should work towards?


I've found this to be incredibly useful for my hunter as far as what gear would be best.


For the record, switching from Frost to Fire as a raiding mage is EXPENSIVE AS HELL if you're a tailor. I'm right now farming up primal fires and money for spellcloths to switch....then will have to regem, replace my shoulders with something good......sigh.
Alliance questing is so awful. I think at some point they must have looked at the number of quests between the two factions, decided that horde didn't have enough based on pure numbers, and tried to balance things not realizing that so many alliance quests are relaying messages between 2 douchebags for 250xp.

The worst I've run into is the Azshara rune quest. For horde you collect 4 ruins, take them back to the horde base, and then get 4 quests to take the ruins off to people in capital cities. I made 50,000+ xp off those quests. For alliance you collect drawing of 4 ruins (w/e), then have to swim to SE Azshara which is fucking retarded, fire a flare gun that's been sitting in my inventory, and got 4350 xp. Fuck you.


Mr Pockets said:
I'd have loved to be part of killing city leaders. I find people don't do that enough.

My guild usually does this to celebrate when we kill an important boss for the first time (Archimonde, Kael, Illidan). Its fairly easy if you take care to move in quickly as a raid and finish it before any organised resistance can arrive. When we killed Illidan we went to Ogrimar and killed, Thrall, the Battlemasters, the Bankers, the AH, and anything else that got in our way.
cubicle47b said:
Alliance questing is so awful. I think at some point they must have looked at the number of quests between the two factions, decided that horde didn't have enough based on pure numbers, and tried to balance things not realizing that so many alliance quests are relaying messages between 2 douchebags for 250xp.

The worst I've run into is the Azshara rune quest. For horde you collect 4 ruins, take them back to the horde base, and then get 4 quests to take the ruins off to people in capital cities. I made 50,000+ xp off those quests. For alliance you collect drawing of 4 ruins (w/e), then have to swim to SE Azshara which is fucking retarded, fire a flare gun that's been sitting in my inventory, and got 4350 xp. Fuck you.

Jame's Alliance Levelling guide FTW


I got my Ally Shaman to 50 yesterday, and if the pruple ring I've found sells, should have enough money for the lvl 60 mount too.

I was a bit sad to find out that the alliance side doesn't have those sweet quests in hinterlands the horde has.
I remember that those were added only later, but I was disappointed in finding all I could get from there was a MH only mace or a pair of 20str/20agi pants =/.
So now I'm wondering, does the ally side have the BG quests at 51 for the awesome mace/polyarm/wand?

And leveling up is too damn fast. I already saw it leveling my BE Paladin, but with the shaman is even worse, I am 50 and didn't even do all the tanaris quest, nor done most of the STV quests, not a single Maraudon one, soloed all Uldaman ones except the one that requires to kill the last boss, since it needs people at min to pop him and my questlog is still full ><


Gold Member
Priest dinged 20, highest I've ever played a pure healer.

I worked with someone who did some insane farming as a priest. I mean INSANE. Talked to him, and this is the build I'm going with:

Basically as a Human Priest with enough Spirit gear, you don't run out of Mana. You Holy nova a group of mobs and as they die your Spirit Tap procs and your mana just keeps refilling. He got his epic flying mount this way.
BigJonsson said:
Jame's Alliance Levelling guide FTW

I'm sure step by step instructions leveling is faster than picking up the quests for a zone and doing them but how much fun is it to have something tell you exactly what to do all the time? I'd prefer a guide that just said "don't go to fucking Azshara if you're alliance, it sucks - just skip it and go to felwood instead".

The traveling between capital cities and mailbox placement is awful for alliance too. I can't wait to hit outlands today.
Questhelper is pretty awesome. I don't look at waypoints, though. I just use it for the squares on the map that tell me exactly where something is.


I use Lightheaded myself. It links each quest to the chain, grabs the comments from Wowhead and has waypoints and clickable locs.


Has problems recognising girls
Lain said:
I got my Ally Shaman to 50 yesterday, and if the pruple ring I've found sells, should have enough money for the lvl 60 mount too.
What are the totem quests like, as well as the Ghost Wolf quest? I've got a Draenei Shaman running on an RP server but I haven't touched him in days due to work so I'd be keen to hear if they're a huge clusterfuck like the Horde versions.

ManaByte said:
Priest dinged 20, highest I've ever played a pure healer.

I worked with someone who did some insane farming as a priest. I mean INSANE. Talked to him, and this is the build I'm going with:

Basically as a Human Priest with enough Spirit gear, you don't run out of Mana. You Holy nova a group of mobs and as they die your Spirit Tap procs and your mana just keeps refilling. He got his epic flying mount this way.
Interesting build. I went the usual bog standard Shadow spec with a ton of spirit at the start to help with mana regen, and gradually started shifting him into more of a Mage spec role as I hit lvl 25+. Blowing shit apart in the mid 40's as Shadow was always good fun.


speedpop said:
What are the totem quests like, as well as the Ghost Wolf quest? I've got a Draenei Shaman running on an RP server but I haven't touched him in days due to work so I'd be keen to hear if they're a huge clusterfuck like the Horde versions.

Interesting build. I went the usual bog standard Shadow spec with a ton of spirit at the start to help with mana regen, and gradually started shifting him into more of a Mage spec role as I hit lvl 25+. Blowing shit apart in the mid 40's as Shadow was always good fun.

The Earth and Fire ones are easy, about as much traveling. The water one involves a good amount of travel and even adventuring to a part of Ashenvale with level 24 mobs around. The air one is super-easy, nothing really to it.


border said:
They explained the Warlock nerf, and its revocation. Oh, and they outright admitted that it was just for the sake of arenas, not due to any other sort of balancing issue.

They also gave a helpful chart, detailing their expectations for class representation in Arenas. I'm not sure if I would have given the players this information, as now they are going to have a ton of dumb shit to cry about, and data to back up their QQ.

According to Blizzard's expectations, warriors are under-represented in almost every Arena bracket. BUFF WARRIORS PLZ!

The chart is pretty much flawed and you forget to highlight a key word in his post. Normalization. Those percentages are in relation to the total population of said class. Warrior is one of, if not, the most popular class and considering that many warriors are protection spec for raids that tends to inflate those numbers even higher. He said it himself, they are not slaves to this chart (as much as the forum trolls are.)


speedpop said:
What are the totem quests like, as well as the Ghost Wolf quest? I've got a Draenei Shaman running on an RP server but I haven't touched him in days due to work so I'd be keen to hear if they're a huge clusterfuck like the Horde versions.

Tamanon said:
The Earth and Fire ones are easy, about as much traveling. The water one involves a good amount of travel and even adventuring to a part of Ashenvale with level 24 mobs around. The air one is super-easy, nothing really to it.

What he said. All was easy (altho I don't remember questing for ghost wolf, I only remember buying it off the trainer, but maybe I'm wrong). Hell, even the last quest for the zone as a Draenai is easy compared to the last for BEs, you get an Elite Shaman NPC dual wielding coming with you and owning everything, you only need to assist him and he kills even the "boss"...


Has problems recognising girls
Ah yeah that's right. Ghost Wolf was done by a trainer.

But roughly the totem quests sound the same as Horde then. Our water totem was an absolute bitch to do, especially on a PVP server where you have to run up to that fountain area near Astranaar.


border said:
It was a pretty fun night for my guild. We raided Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar, and Stormwind. We killed every faction leader except the bishop dude in SW. They were only worth about 50 honor each, but it was cool since I'd never done anything like that in my 3 years of playing. They really oughtta make daily quests to go kill leaders :lol

Surprisingly none of the faction bosses were that hard, except Bronzebeard.....and that's only because we probably spent 15 minutes regrouping in Deepraum Tram and gave the allies enough time to put together a good defense. When we got to Bronzebeard we wiped because they were so many allies and spawned guards that everyone lagged out. We waited around for the allies to disperse, rezed simultaneously, and murdered him. Then we stayed for a bit to kill anyone foolish enough to enter the room, and finally ported out to Org. :D

Not a lot of bitter tears, but this was nice to hear:


My friends were in middle of Onyxia attunement when the raid happened. They've been waiting for Bolvar to respawn for about an hour now. GG.

One of the funniest things my guild did was kill Thrall. And oh yeah, we were horde by the way. What happened was one of our warriors got some kind of Argent Dawn debuff that made you hostile to friendlies (this was back during the Naxx days) and so he was able to attack Thrall while the rest of our guild who was still friendly to Thrall just healed the warrior the whole time. Took a long ass time but he finally killed him. :lol
Trasher said:
One of the funniest things my guild did was kill Thrall. And oh yeah, we were horde by the way. What happened was one of our warriors got some kind of Argent Dawn debuff that made you hostile to friendlies (this was back during the Naxx days) and so he was able to attack Thrall while the rest of our guild who was still friendly to Thrall just healed the warrior the whole time. Took a long ass time but he finally killed him. :lol

There was a questline that ended in the UC where you had to answer a question correctly or you'd get a half hour debuff that made it so you were a traitor to or unwanted by the horde. You could attack your own faction but no one could attack you. It was pretty amusing to clear out TB and have people show up to kill you but they couldn't. We had our MT from AQ40 with us (at 60) but Saurfang pretty much one shot him and ended our fun.


Does anyone know a good gear guide for Rogues 60-70? Shadowpanther's guide ends at 60, and after that you are supposed to pay $15 for the BC guide.

Can you use Aldor/Scryer shoulder enchants on shoulder items for lower-level twinks, or will they bind an item to you?


cubicle47b said:
There was a questline that ended in the UC where you had to answer a question correctly or you'd get a half hour debuff that made it so you were a traitor to or unwanted by the horde. You could attack your own faction but no one could attack you. It was pretty amusing to clear out TB and have people show up to kill you but they couldn't. We had our MT from AQ40 with us (at 60) but Saurfang pretty much one shot him and ended our fun.
Haha, yup, that was what that debuff was from. Couldn't remember exactly.


so I went resto on my shaman, and he's still a kickass soloer. I guess it's just that I have a good dps set and the 2h axe from ring of blood, and enough points into enhance for the 11 point focus talent. I think my build will be finished with 2/2 improved ghost wolf.
Here's what the completed build should look like: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=hZxVbdZx0xtAcstez
So far, I'm enjoying it. Solo is a lot like soloing on my pally was, except with what feels like 3x the dps. If I could find either an updated version of Itemrack or another mod that does the same thing, I'd setup my healing set so I can swap to it for recasting earth shield out of combat (and for more regen overall) and then itemrack back to my dps gear since ES gets the full +healing bonus.


Gold Member
Holy shit, awesome bug on the Tournament PTR - mixed Horde and Alliance teams.

I did a 5v5 as a Priest (and we won) but it was 2 Alliance and 3 Horde on the team and you couldn't communicate! :lol :lol

Chris R

border said:
Does anyone know a good gear guide for Rogues 60-70? Shadowpanther's guide ends at 60, and after that you are supposed to pay $15 for the BC guide.

Can you use Aldor/Scryer shoulder enchants on shoulder items for lower-level twinks, or will they bind an item to you?
Do you really need a guide for Outlands? The quests flow and such leading you to the next areas well IMO.
I'm not going to post the pictures here since it'll fuck up the page and slow it down for a lot of people but go to mmo-champion and have a look at the latest update. Blizzard GMs showed up on the test realm and omg, their toons rock ;(


I'm sticking at 69 to do BGs for marks so I can gear up faster at 70 but I'm already in the fuck druids camp. It's going to be awesome seeing all the bitter tears when they get completely nerfed in WotLK.
firex said:
I'm sticking at 69 to do BGs for marks so I can gear up faster at 70 but I'm already in the fuck druids camp. It's going to be awesome seeing all the bitter tears when they get completely nerfed in WotLK.

Except their healing nerfs are hurting their viability in PVE.

And much like the idiot bear nerfs shortly after TBC hit, Druids will find a way.
I'm so sick of my PST server. Everything is off three hours for me and with my first shift job, I can't participate in the majority of, oh, everything unless it starts at odd hours for pacific coasters. Can anyone suggest a good PvE/RP realm to punt one of my toons over to? Active endgame guilds are nice, but I'd just like to get involved in even some Kara/ZA/Gruul's without staying up late, for once.


krypt0nian said:
Except their healing nerfs are hurting their viability in PVE.

And much like the idiot bear nerfs shortly after TBC hit, Druids will find a way.
It really doesn't change the feeling I get that blizzard will hit your class with a bunch of hard nerfs that will make it garbage again. Either that or every other class is going to get a hard druid counter ability.


firex said:
It really doesn't change the feeling I get that blizzard will hit your class with a bunch of hard nerfs that will make it garbage again. Either that or every other class is going to get a hard druid counter ability.

and ppl have been waiting for warlock nerfs since BWL, i wouldnt count on it

i mean you decided to lvl a pretty bad class to 70 again, knowing full well druids were OP and have been for 2 consecutive arena seasons, who's the fool?
firex said:
It really doesn't change the feeling I get that blizzard will hit your class with a bunch of hard nerfs that will make it garbage again. Either that or every other class is going to get a hard druid counter ability.

This just proves what I said earlier. They need to follow CoH and have two rules sets. One for PVP and one for PVE. Arena should never affect PVE or vice versa.


Screw having two rule sets for PVP/PVE. They just need 1 rule set for arena and 1 rule set for every other thing in the game. I don't get why they are so desperate to see the game become a part of the corny, niche world of "competitive gaming" anyhow.

Oni Link 666 said:
You can get the mod called AtlasLoot. It lists all the loot off every boss in every dungeon in the Burning Crusade.
I'm probably not going to run any pre-70 BC dungeons.

I was just looking for a guide of pre-Kara drop/quest/AH loot, with all the items ranked. Essentially the same as the Shadowpanther guide, except not costing $15 =P


Yeah, like that.....just with maybe more attention to leveling gear than just stuff you get at 70. :) I don't think there's anything on that list under 65, and even above 65 then it's still predominantly 70-stuff that comes from raid dungeons. I guess the Shadowpanther "PVE Starter" gear list is a little better, but still there's not a lot to guide you through early/mid 70's.
border said:
Screw having two rule sets for PVP/PVE. They just need 1 rule set for arena and 1 rule set for every other thing in the game. I don't get why they are so desperate to see the game become a part of the corny, niche world of "competitive gaming" anyhow.

Thats what I said. They aren't going to do 2 PVP sets so it would be one PVP and one PVE.

EDIT: NM. they aren't likely to do either as they seem to be resolved to run this game into the shitter for arena.


krypt0nian said:
Thats what I said. They aren't going to do 2 PVP sets so it would be one PVP and one PVE.
I want PVE ruleset for battlegrounds and World PVP. If they are determined to try and balance the game around Arena, then new rules introduced because of Arena should be kept exclusively there.

What holds the game back from being a part of competitive gaming is probably that it takes an investment of 3-4 months' time just to make a character that's capable of competing. Ideally, I'd like to see them launch an optional expansion called WoW: Arenas (or whatever), and it would allow everyone to roll a 70 character of any class for immediate use in the arenas (equipped with maybe the blue PVP set). But the characters you make become exclusive to Arenas/BGs and aren't allowed into PVE areas. At the time the expansion launches, they would make a formal break between Arena rules and rules outside arenas.


people have asked for separate pvp/pve rules since they put pvp into the WoW beta and Blizzard still hasn't done it. it's retarded and they should do it, but they won't.

Chris R

border said:
Yeah, like that.....just with maybe more attention to leveling gear than just stuff you get at 70. :) I don't think there's anything on that list under 65, and even above 65 then it's still predominantly 70-stuff that comes from raid dungeons. I guess the Shadowpanther "PVE Starter" gear list is a little better, but still there's not a lot to guide you through early/mid 70's.
Its not that hard.

1) Enter Outlands
2) Do quest chains
3) Look at rewards, see if they are upgrades, if they are, use them
4) ...
5) Profit?

Just don't level up like several of the retards I see (probably purchased old 60 accounts or something) who are using the old world blues and a few epics from mc instead of the new GREENs and blues from quests :lol I told one guy I was questing with to take the reward, put it on and compare the differences. He was like omg I get 240 more HP, and like 8 dps and some crit to boot... :lol


If I just went about it that way, I wouldn't have half the cool stuff I have now because a lot of it comes from auction house, crafting, rep rewards, etc. Not to mention that a ton of the quests I've done were specifically because I found the items in a gear guide, and I would have otherwise skipped them. Plus there's something nice about a guide that ranks, so you know you're getting the best (or second best or third best or whatever) item for a particular slot.
border said:
Yeah, like that.....just with maybe more attention to leveling gear than just stuff you get at 70. :) I don't think there's anything on that list under 65, and even above 65 then it's still predominantly 70-stuff that comes from raid dungeons. I guess the Shadowpanther "PVE Starter" gear list is a little better, but still there's not a lot to guide you through early/mid 70's.
Ack, sorry been having heart trouble today and I misread what you asked for. I wouldn't worry too much about rogue gear while leveling unless the latest patches changed it much. I rush leveled my rogue from 1-70 in less than a month in Sept. I was combat swords the entire way. Before outlands it was a bitch finding swords to use since I only solo. Just grab whatever swords you can from the quests you do and you'll be fine. The only stat I paid much attention to on my armor while leveling was making sure its 1. leather and 2. Stamina was higher than my old gear. After that I pretty much just went for AP. Rogues are so simple to level so don't worry too much about it, I took down 3-4 mobs at a time when I got pats on me no problem.


cubicle47b said:
Alliance questing is so awful. I think at some point they must have looked at the number of quests between the two factions, decided that horde didn't have enough based on pure numbers, and tried to balance things not realizing that so many alliance quests are relaying messages between 2 douchebags for 250xp.

The worst I've run into is the Azshara rune quest. For horde you collect 4 ruins, take them back to the horde base, and then get 4 quests to take the ruins off to people in capital cities. I made 50,000+ xp off those quests. For alliance you collect drawing of 4 ruins (w/e), then have to swim to SE Azshara which is fucking retarded, fire a flare gun that's been sitting in my inventory, and got 4350 xp. Fuck you.

LOL word, it's a good thing it's balanced out in the outlands.


i just started playing again and i have a few questions. :]

1. what's the best pvp class overall nowadays?
2. what's the best pvp class when under geared? for example.. a clothie is gonna get a hole torn in their ass hole when in range of a better geared player.
3. in 2.4 will the badges of justice get the actual tier 6, or like tier 6 gear?
4. i know there's no announced wotlk date other than 2008. but.. is there an expected educated guesstimate? like before summer, summer, fall, winter? when thinking in terms of how long bc 's beta lasted (i don't know the answer) seems like it'd be possible.


fall for WOTLK (would tie in nicely with halloween), best pvp class is warrior/warlock, take your pick, best pvp class undergeared is a pally (at lower levels, smokes shit), and badges in 2.4 give you t6-quality gear, not the gear itself.
Mother Shahraz DOWN, second pull.

Illidari Council DOWN, second night.

Illidan: us DOWN, second phase. :lol

We didn't expect to breeze like this so easily; we need to craft up some FR stuff fast for our 2nd and 3rd tanks forthwith.

Also, Illidan in combat either sounds like a Vespa with a broken starter, or an angry deaf kid depending on the guildmate.
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