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World of Warcraft

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I did that for awhile, but it took so long to do AB/EotS/WSG that I wound up grinding the rest of the way to 70. now I can join in way more BGs even if I'm not that well geared.
firex said:
I did that for awhile, but it took so long to do AB/EotS/WSG that I wound up grinding the rest of the way to 70. now I can join in way more BGs even if I'm not that well geared.

+ it's AV weekend, id hit 70 and farm it as much as possible won't have another chance for a month.


TheDrizzlerJ11 said:
+ it's AV weekend, id hit 70 and farm it as much as possible won't have another chance for a month.

Speaking of AV weekend, I've just been in 3 AV pugs and won them all. What's best is I'm Horde. This never happens, ever. Not winning 3 in a row, but Horde actually wining AV :lol


I wish I was that lucky =(
I gave it a chance, and we lost all the games. One we lost it after 41 minutes and got 121 honor for it.
I'm tired of the retarded horde that doesn't understand that GYs are important to win and that if stuff in our base is assaulted, they have to recall.


Did they ever re-add disarm immunity? I'm thinking of getting back into WoW but getting disarmed all the time doesn't sound much fun....


Ysiadmihi said:
Did they ever re-add disarm immunity? I'm thinking of getting back into WoW but getting disarmed all the time doesn't sound much fun....

i want to say patch 2.3 removed disarm immunity from the game, so ya ppl can disarm

most rogues are shadowstep (20/0/41), so none really have riptose anymore, so you don't have to worry about that

most warriors are bad, and won't disarm, so idk i wouldnt worry about it
Lain said:
I wish I was that lucky =(
I gave it a chance, and we lost all the games. One we lost it after 41 minutes and got 121 honor for it.
I'm tired of the retarded horde that doesn't understand that GYs are important to win and that if stuff in our base is assaulted, they have to recall.

I camp out on the RH flag every game now. Disc Priest or BM Hunter, all I need is a buddy backing me up and their capping of that takes forever if at all. The Galv Wipe strategy leaves the choke either open or undermanned, and then D is running around putting out fires rather than having enough numbers to thwart the zerg.
I'm thinking of making a fury war, but am I just going to get asked to tank constantly? I used to tank with my paladin and I have no problems doing it occasionally, but i'm wondering if i'll have problems getting into a guild later on because of it.


Flesh Into Gear said:
I'm thinking of making a fury war, but am I just going to get asked to tank constantly? I used to tank with my paladin and I have no problems doing it occasionally, but i'm wondering if i'll have problems getting into a guild later on because of it.

you can tank as any warrior spec really, if you want a spot in most 5 mans or heroics, get used to tanking, cuz you will be doing it

now granted fury warriors are awesome dps at 70 when they have like black temple gear and shit, but i wouldnt worry about that if i were you
Man, I'm on the nightfall battle group and us horde used to always win av, ever since the last patch we rarely win.. been doing a lot of premade AVs though for the past few days and winning 500-600 honor in less than 11 minutes fucking owns.. even when we let alliance win we still make more honor than them by like 200+

Chris R

I've won a SINGLE av since starting playing again. Playing as horde, on my old server we used to win almost every time. Now it just seems the alliance jump the horde defenses and cap the GY within 5 mins, and kill the boss in 5 more. Horde meanwhile are fighting to cross the bridge and then boom, av is over. Not really fair IMO :| they have to fight maybe 5 or 6 guards and we have to fight tons.
speedpop said:
About sums it up. They dislike stance dancing with that big 2Her.

It's because the mechanics of Warrior PvP don't really require it at a basic level anymore. It used to be that Disarm was the shit, and Overpower was a huge amount of the damage. With changes to Rage generation values, Imp Intercept with MS, and other factors, its only for Reflect macros for most really. The high-end Intervene funny business is above this, of course.


SatelliteOfLove said:
It's because the mechanics of Warrior PvP don't really require it at a basic level anymore. It used to be that Disarm was the shit, and Overpower was a huge amount of the damage. With changes to Rage generation values, Imp Intercept with MS, and other factors, its only for Reflect macros for most really. The high-end Intervene funny business is above this, of course.


disarm wasnt really used at lvl 60 because most serious warriors or rogues either had stronghold gauntlets or bloodfang gloves

so disarm has always been something that was used in rare occassions, like seeing that warrior in flameguard gauntlets

and if you are specced 33/28 with no tactical mastery its not usually worth switching stances to disarm unless u are being FF

if you are specced for TM, then disarm is great utility for assisting your healer and what not

but ultimately disarm is just utility, its not gamebreaking

and it always seems that when u want to disarm someone, he parries or dodges, so ultimately you waste a lot of rage for nothing
The Horde premades in my Battlegroup are so stupid...They turn AV into a 50-minute battle and finish with 500 bonus honor. Grats, in normal 15 minutes AVs, both teams will leave with 300-400 or more, especially on AV weekend. Where is the logic here?


ToyMachine228 said:
The Horde premades in my Battlegroup are so stupid...They turn AV into a 50-minute battle and finish with 500 bonus honor. Grats, in normal 15 minutes AVs, both teams will leave with 300-400 or more, especially on AV weekend. Where is the logic here?
Making the Alliance suffer is the best way to have fun.



Archimonde down, we got the bastard!


I'm the cuddly dwarf priest on the right.
Finally, only RoS and the rest in BT are left. So psyched. :)

edit- I just noticed my mage friend threw on his BWL gear for the screenshot :lol


Gold Member
border said:
It was a pretty fun night for my guild. We raided Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar, and Stormwind. We killed every faction leader except the bishop dude in SW. They were only worth about 50 honor each, but it was cool since I'd never done anything like that in my 3 years of playing. They really oughtta make daily quests to go kill leaders :lol

Surprisingly none of the faction bosses were that hard, except Bronzebeard.....and that's only because we probably spent 15 minutes regrouping in Deepraum Tram and gave the allies enough time to put together a good defense. When we got to Bronzebeard we wiped because they were so many allies and spawned guards that everyone lagged out. We waited around for the allies to disperse, rezed simultaneously, and murdered him. Then we stayed for a bit to kill anyone foolish enough to enter the room, and finally ported out to Org. :D

Not a lot of bitter tears, but this was nice to hear:


My friends were in middle of Onyxia attunement when the raid happened. They've been waiting for Bolvar to respawn for about an hour now. GG.

Alliance on Daggerspine tried to avenge this today.

They're so badass...they raided Tarren Mill and held it most of the afternoon.
Archimonde is a bass-ackwards fight; the less you do the better. It's also more like BG healing than any other fight Ive seen.

yacobod said:

disarm wasnt really used at lvl 60 because most serious warriors or rogues either had stronghold gauntlets or bloodfang gloves

so disarm has always been something that was used in rare occassions, like seeing that warrior in flameguard gauntlets

and if you are specced 33/28 with no tactical mastery its not usually worth switching stances to disarm unless u are being FF

if you are specced for TM, then disarm is great utility for assisting your healer and what not

but ultimately disarm is just utility, its not gamebreaking

and it always seems that when u want to disarm someone, he parries or dodges, so ultimately you waste a lot of rage for nothing

Pre-BC: check for dark red gloves on rogues, stronghold's color on warriors, or Crusader going off. Now, like I said, it's different.
ManaByte said:
Alliance on Daggerspine tried to avenge this today.

They're so badass...they raided Tarren Mill and held it most of the afternoon.

I'm not sure if that's what it was about. A ton of Horde raided Southshore friday and demolished me and the like 6 other defenders there. :lol I think this was the response to that. Do you have a character on Daggerspine, Mana? We should meet up for hugs <3


Gold Member
Flesh Into Gear said:
I'm not sure if that's what it was about. A ton of Horde raided Southshore friday and demolished me and the like 6 other defenders there. :lol I think this was the response to that. Do you have a character on Daggerspine, Mana? We should meet up for hugs <3

Yes, but Horde side. Orc Shaman.


Neo Member
Sigh, I have suddenly lost motivation to play. I hit 70 with my holy pally a couple of weeks ago, completely by accident. It was too easy to level, I haven't even been trying to gain exp recently; I have just been messing around and completing all the 60-69 dungeons as a three man (me, a rogue and a frost-mage).

So once I hit 70, I thought that I would quickly attempt to get all of the 70 pvp gear. I already had enough honour to get 4 pieces, and I had enjoyed pvping on our server (Auchindoun) so far so I didn't mind the 'long grind' too much. What is bugging me at the moment is the attitude of these level 70s.

As soon as a battle starts it's "okay I am taking control" and then someone else says "no I am going to be leader", and that there is the first argument. Then during the game we get the usual "omfg you are all n00bs", except in much worse context - even if we are winning by miles. Yesterday I got a "omfg you are such a n00b healer", even though I regularly top of the healing ranks and spamming heal is quite literally all I do in bg.

I find myself wandering around outside shattrath, looking in at the crowd next to the battlemasters but being too chicken to get involved. :(

Gaf, help my poor broken wow-heart!
ManaByte said:
Yes, but Horde side. Orc Shaman.

we can still give hugs <3

Gaf, help my poor broken wow-heart!

Do not listen to anyone who plays WoW. The game has one of the worst communites ever. Don't let it get to you. When BGs suck I tend to put on my King Leonidas gear and run around screaming at people.


Sybari said:
Sigh, I have suddenly lost motivation to play. I hit 70 with my holy pally a couple of weeks ago, completely by accident. It was too easy to level, I haven't even been trying to gain exp recently; I have just been messing around and completing all the 60-69 dungeons as a three man (me, a rogue and a frost-mage).

So once I hit 70, I thought that I would quickly attempt to get all of the 70 pvp gear. I already had enough honour to get 4 pieces, and I had enjoyed pvping on our server (Auchindoun) so far so I didn't mind the 'long grind' too much. What is bugging me at the moment is the attitude of these level 70s.

As soon as a battle starts it's "okay I am taking control" and then someone else says "no I am going to be leader", and that there is the first argument. Then during the game we get the usual "omfg you are all n00bs", except in much worse context - even if we are winning by miles. Yesterday I got a "omfg you are such a n00b healer", even though I regularly top of the healing ranks and spamming heal is quite literally all I do in bg.

I find myself wandering around outside shattrath, looking in at the crowd next to the battlemasters but being too chicken to get involved. :(

Gaf, help my poor broken wow-heart!

I just don't even look at BG chat, there's never anything useful there. Run instances! Or just screw it and spec shockadin or ret and go on the offensive in BGs.


Neo Member
Flesh Into Gear said:
When BGs suck I tend to put on my King Leonidas gear and run around screaming at people.

Tamanon said:
Or just screw it and spec shockadin or ret and go on the offensive in BGs.

:lol The prospect of my doing either of these things made me chuckle, thank you.

Hey Weenerz! Hawt belfs are always welcome on Auchindoun ~ especially pallys! Ofc, I am smelly horde also. Congrats on level 24 :p If I don't see you on before, you should msg me if you need any help with anything ^.^

edit: oh, my character name is the same as my username btw, Sybari. :p
Tamanon said:
Or just screw it and spec shockadin or ret and go on the offensive in BGs.

Ret was a lot more fun when barely anyone was spec'd into it. I'd run up on some mage and they'd ignore me, probably thinking "ret lol". Makes 2 shoting them much easier :lol
Is there any class that most people pretty much all agree is fun at 70 in pvp? So far I find my rogue, mage, warlock and priest extremely boring in 70 pvp. My new 70 warrior is fun but he's only been 70 for a week so he's on a long honor grind for now. I need to have another toon to level for when I can't stand anymore bgs every now and then. I was thinking about leveling an enhancement shammy but then when I looked at the stats and noticed that at 70 they pretty much have to be elemental to be great at pvp. My other choices are pally, hunter and a druid.. I dont really care about which is fun to level nearly as much as I care about how fun they are in pvp and bgs at 70 ><


pally was the most boring class for me ever in pvp. ret = snore against any good dps since they will kill you (maybe better after 2.3 though because I haven't played my pally since 2.2) and holy is the real pvp spec for a pally anyway, and it's boring shit. If you want to do arena then the hunter is probably weaker than most other classes, but in BGs they are strong since they can generally start every single fight with the first hit. I think mostly I just hate running into them because of arcane shot's dispel bullshit against my earth shield.


Sybari said:
Sigh, I have suddenly lost motivation to play. I hit 70 with my holy pally a couple of weeks ago, completely by accident. It was too easy to level, I haven't even been trying to gain exp recently; I have just been messing around and completing all the 60-69 dungeons as a three man (me, a rogue and a frost-mage).

So once I hit 70, I thought that I would quickly attempt to get all of the 70 pvp gear. I already had enough honour to get 4 pieces, and I had enjoyed pvping on our server (Auchindoun) so far so I didn't mind the 'long grind' too much. What is bugging me at the moment is the attitude of these level 70s.

As soon as a battle starts it's "okay I am taking control" and then someone else says "no I am going to be leader", and that there is the first argument. Then during the game we get the usual "omfg you are all n00bs", except in much worse context - even if we are winning by miles. Yesterday I got a "omfg you are such a n00b healer", even though I regularly top of the healing ranks and spamming heal is quite literally all I do in bg.

I find myself wandering around outside shattrath, looking in at the crowd next to the battlemasters but being too chicken to get involved. :(

Gaf, help my poor broken wow-heart!

WoW's community is so fascinating to me, I'm hard pressed to find a more snarky, elitist group of people.
Stealth edit instead of a whole new post.. I think instead of starting a 6th damn 70 I need to just pick one of my other 4 70s to work on when I'm not in the mood for MS\Spamstring..

I really can't decent which to work on.. theres either a frost mage which is fun but when I'm on him I just feel like why play this when I could be a stronger caster class..aka my lock.
But when I'm on my lock I'm sl\sl spec since it's the only pvp spec thats worth specing anymore but I find it hella boring...

Then theres my rogue which I can only stand mutilate on but it pisses me off in arena and bgs getting told i'm not behind the enemy when I am and I scream...and finally my disc priest who I actually love healing in bgs with when I'm in the mood but shes a female be thats as white as c an be with lots of lipstick and looks like a fucking hooker in her s1 gear.


Has problems recognising girls
DarkAngelYuna said:
Can someone tell me what skill rotations and wtf to do with a shammy in pvp at 70? I'll make one to try out on the premade ttr later ><
I think the main problem with trying to play a Shaman premade is the fact that there's so many buttons and it can get quite overwhelming.

Not only do you have countless spells, including rank 1's (earth and frost shock) to make yourself more viable, but you've got at least 5-7 totems that you can use. I even used Stoneclaw a few days ago on the PTRs because I was dueling a Rogue who would hit my totems regardless of what they were.

As for skill rotations.. I don't really think there is one with Shaman. I mean you have the blast DPS boom of an Elemental through Nature's Swiftness & Elemental Mastery coupled with Chain Lightning or Lightning Bolt... and maybe the sense that you need to use Frost Shock and Earthbind totem to good effect as Enhancement.

But overall Shaman seem to be a "play in the moment and adapt as best you can" type of class due to their countless abilities irregardless of talent spec. You don't control what happens at the outset (like you would a Rogue, Hunter, Mage, Warlock or even Druid), yet the best Shaman in the world is one that stands their ground and weathers the shitstorm, pumping out abilities and spells that are most suited to what is happening around them.

I can't count the amount of times I've had to sacrifice an Earthbind totem when I see a Priest run into a group of players and I immediately slap down Tremor totem nearby because I know a Psychic Scream is about to come off. Things like that is what makes the Shaman.


ManaByte said:
Alliance on Daggerspine tried to avenge this today.

They're so badass...they raided Tarren Mill and held it most of the afternoon.
Were you always on Daggerspine and I just never knew? Or did you transfer there once they opened up character transfers....
For the moment I'm enjoying my frost mage I quit the same week he dinged 70.. so he only has 1 piece of pvp gear and the rest is lvling crap. I'm having fun trying to get shatter combos before they break free :D :lol


Gold Member
border said:
Were you always on Daggerspine and I just never knew? Or did you transfer there once they opened up character transfers....

Been leveling an Orc Shaman there off and on. Still low level.


I think it's mostly fun playing a shaman in pvp just trying to react to every situation. In my case I almost always get jumped by cocky rogues so I drop poison cleansing totem and earthbind and let my earth shield keep me alive while I either kite them or try to stay in front of them and NS heal if it gets really bad. Or drag them into a group of other horde so we can all get a free HK.

although I admit, it's chaotic as hell trying to heal in a BG. even AB/EotS/WSG are a bit chaotic (well, ok, not WSG since I just stay in the flag room on defense) simply because I don't have any like crazy raid heal monitoring addons, so I gotta do it manually.


marked forever
What I find really hilarious is that my guild does AV all the time, and we almost never lose...

I'm horde!

In fact, my battlegroup (rampage) has an alliance boycott of AV because they never win.

I lol at alliance scrubs gg pwnt.


I've only been able to do AV like twice because the queue times are so long I get into another BG or an instance group first.


If you have thin skin you should probably get different gear and switch to a non-healing spec. Healers are the first to be blamed for everything that goes wrong.

I dunno why healers would wanna PUG battlegrounds anyhow. It seems to me that the attraction to the role is helping friends complete a prescribed strategy. In a PUG BG you're not with friends and there is no prescribed strategy.
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