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World of Warcraft

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Sybari said:
Sigh, I have suddenly lost motivation to play. I hit 70 with my holy pally a couple of weeks ago, completely by accident. It was too easy to level, I haven't even been trying to gain exp recently; I have just been messing around and completing all the 60-69 dungeons as a three man (me, a rogue and a frost-mage).

So once I hit 70, I thought that I would quickly attempt to get all of the 70 pvp gear. I already had enough honour to get 4 pieces, and I had enjoyed pvping on our server (Auchindoun) so far so I didn't mind the 'long grind' too much. What is bugging me at the moment is the attitude of these level 70s.

As soon as a battle starts it's "okay I am taking control" and then someone else says "no I am going to be leader", and that there is the first argument. Then during the game we get the usual "omfg you are all n00bs", except in much worse context - even if we are winning by miles. Yesterday I got a "omfg you are such a n00b healer", even though I regularly top of the healing ranks and spamming heal is quite literally all I do in bg.

I find myself wandering around outside shattrath, looking in at the crowd next to the battlemasters but being too chicken to get involved. :(

Gaf, help my poor broken wow-heart!

Little punks with off-the-shelf insults. Fuck 'em. If you point to yourself leading on healing, they shut up or get desperate and defensive, losing face.


border said:
If you have thin skin you should probably get different gear and switch to a non-healing spec. Healers are the first to be blamed for everything that goes wrong.

I dunno why healers would wanna PUG battlegrounds anyhow. It seems to me that the attraction to the role is helping friends complete a prescribed strategy. In a PUG BG you're not with friends and there is no prescribed strategy.
I don't really know enough people on my server to join premades, especially since those premades would be glorified pugs and they would just bitch that I don't have 1500 healing and 350 resilience. Besides, I'm just doing it for s1 gear and possibly s3 nonset epics so I can drop into arena without being completely fucked.


Has problems recognising girls
Just don't take it too seriously is usually the recipe for my success. If people are getting fired up over my healing situations, then boo hoo.


lockii said:
WoW's community is so fascinating to me, I'm hard pressed to find a more snarky, elitist group of people.

I've found it in FFXI. What people say and do in WoW still almost can't top what people said and did in FFXI for me.


So did anyone see the epic forum post on the DnT page?

Short story:

Guy gets his g/f invited to the guild
G/f is bi-polar bitch who starts e-flirting with other guildies
G/f cheats on guy with some random other person
Guy finds out, breaks up with G/f
G/f takes revenge by inviting other guildie to LIVE with her and has sex with him
Guy evens the score by allowing nude pictures/video/vent speak to be put up on the forum
Lulz are had by all
G/f, in retaliation, shops an image of her giving fellatio to live-in guildie
More lulz are had by all
Guy calls G/f weird, bipolar,etc. Comments about how an email sent to G/f of G/f's mom giving fellatio to some other dude(wtf?)
G/f comments that her mom can deepthroat(double wtf?)
More lulz are had by all, by now spread to other guild forums


Neo Member
Lain said:
I've found it in FFXI. What people say and do in WoW still almost can't top what people said and did in FFXI for me.

Whatever my complaints about wow, I must agree with this. FFXI.. I cannot begin to explain the depth of elitism there. I got into a notorious linkshell only because I was RL friends with one of the crew... jesus, I had to quit. Even my friends turned into total morons because of that game.

Mmm, suddenly I feel much better about wow. :lol

I have started battlegrounding with smalls premades now; we're not amazing but the idle, friendly banter during a game seems to diffuse any levels of stress. And comments like 'that guy is a jerk, let's leave him to die : D' keep my morale high. :lol

I don't think that I could ever change spec however; I feel fated to be a healer.

AV: we hordies on Vindication used to win all of the time too. Now? Not so much. :< Perhaps alliance have finally learnt some tricks? It's always a case of "AHH they are skipping everything and heading straight for Drek!" *horde panic!* ;x


Hero said:
So did anyone see the epic forum post on the DnT page?

Short story:

Guy gets his g/f invited to the guild
G/f is bi-polar bitch who starts e-flirting with other guildies
G/f cheats on guy with some random other person
Guy finds out, breaks up with G/f
G/f takes revenge by inviting other guildie to LIVE with her and has sex with him
Guy evens the score by allowing nude pictures/video/vent speak to be put up on the forum
Lulz are had by all
G/f, in retaliation, shops an image of her giving fellatio to live-in guildie
More lulz are had by all
Guy calls G/f weird, bipolar,etc. Comments about how an email sent to G/f of G/f's mom giving fellatio to some other dude(wtf?)
G/f comments that her mom can deepthroat(double wtf?)
More lulz are had by all, by now spread to other guild forums

ya i heard about this

i went to the DNT forums but couldnt find the threads, either that or i needed to register a username or what not

either way some funny shit

since Ill never likely be able to be a uber raider, the only way ill ever see the story/lore from these dungeons are in videos, is there any recordings done of like a full naxx/bc raids/ etc raid, with all the speeches etc left in (i dont care about a buncha talking during the fight).

or isnt there stuff like that and its just WE FIGHT GO! type encounters?


Most of those videos are just people videoing boss fights to brag about how awesome they/their guild are.

Plus in my experience with pre-TBC raiding, all the story only happens with bosses, and even then, only a few bosses.


Gold Member

Next TCG expansion.
Mmm trying out a premade enchance dw shammy on the ttr tonight. I'm shocked at how easy it is but its fun.. I heard on the forums theyre gonna be decent in 2.4 Anyone know if this is true? I can't go by patch notes since i dont know enough about the class ><
Papa's finally dualwielding Daggers of Bad Mojo. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck yea. Between that and the t6 offset pieces I've picked up over the last week or so, it feels damn good to finally get some gear after god knows how long. Just need to find my way into some Kael kills for the neck and cloak and things'll be fucking swell till we start knocking out actual set pieces.


Finally got Dory's Embrace for my rogue and my netherdrake the other night. 60 badges of justice are hard to get when you aren't running kara. Looks like 2.4 is dropping next week. Cant wait to get myself some more resilience from the buyable old high warlord gear.


I've taken a back seat to raiding because of time restraints, but I had a bit of free time last night and was brought to SSC to help down Hydross, Karathress, and Morogrim. Only it wasn't with my main, a mage, but with my enhancement shaman who I recently resto respecced for battlegrounds. Thankfully I've got semi-decent healing gear.

I ended up getting 2 pieces of enhancement mail loot that would have rotted otherwise. :lol


So it's looking like 2.4 is coming out next week. Which should be a relief to many. I thought it would take longer considering that no one has seen Kil'jaeden yet, but I guess that means they already tested all of those internally.

I really would like to see it, as all my Retribution Tier gear gets a massive stat upgrade, and my DPS goes even higher because of it. Not to mention the new dailies, and the new area to explore. It'll be like a mini-expansion (and it has to be, because Blizzard stated they don't want to release another content patch before WotLK).

Edit: because I don't have a Shade of Akama kill pic for you, here's a Supremus kill pic (23 manned!)


That's me on the very far left.


BigJonsson said:
What are some of the "essential" quests to do in Shadowmoon Valley?
The spectracles quest, the beginning Netherwing quest chain, and the quest chain starting with the guy near the fire pits in the center, at the altar. Very good rewards at the ends, good blues.
ZombieSupaStar said:

since Ill never likely be able to be a uber raider, the only way ill ever see the story/lore from these dungeons are in videos, is there any recordings done of like a full naxx/bc raids/ etc raid, with all the speeches etc left in (i dont care about a buncha talking during the fight).

or isnt there stuff like that and its just WE FIGHT GO! type encounters?


not exactly what you're looking for, but check out the TBC/AQ/Naxx the movie, they were even better on stage6 :( but they're pretty awesome, cheesy at first, but keep going

having done them all i can say the movies are almost better cause of the music :p


yacobod said:

here is Burning Crusade the movie, vid from Empire a (EU) guild, they did the popular Naxx Movie from before expansion

looks like i was beaten

Fulleffect posted a link with all the movies they have done

the quality on the BC video is insane tho, worth seeing imo
I watch this movie often. The music is enough to watch, and my favorite part is the Archimonde fight. It really makes me want to see him imo.


Has problems recognising girls
DarkAngelYuna said:
Mmm trying out a premade enchance dw shammy on the ttr tonight. I'm shocked at how easy it is but its fun.. I heard on the forums theyre gonna be decent in 2.4 Anyone know if this is true? I can't go by patch notes since i dont know enough about the class ><
They'll have a few talents that supposedly fix up their shortcomings, like being able to shorten the distance between themselves and the foe they are trying to get to.

But ultimately Shaman only have one anti-snare ability and it's a friggin trinket. If there's a Druid/Mage/Hunter around, say goodnight.
speedpop said:
They'll have a few talents that supposedly fix up their shortcomings, like being able to shorten the distance between themselves and the foe they are trying to get to.

But ultimately Shaman only have one anti-snare ability and it's a friggin trinket. If there's a Druid/Mage/Hunter around, say goodnight.
The only class that a shaman has a chance against is another shaman...fuck even then they probably will double ko each other and both lose.

Chris R

speedpop said:
But ultimately Shaman only have one anti-snare ability and it's a friggin trinket. If there's a Druid/Mage/Hunter around, say goodnight.
Shaman > Mage unless the mage is insanely good.

Equal gear and skill and the mage doesn't get a jump on the shaman, shaman pwns mage.


border said:
I dunno why healers would wanna PUG battlegrounds anyhow. It seems to me that the attraction to the role is helping friends complete a prescribed strategy. In a PUG BG you're not with friends and there is no prescribed strategy.
Just saw this and felt like responding.

Healing in a PUG can be frustrating at times. However, it provides a good challenge. I haven't played in a year, but I'm sure I could drop in and still know the tendencies of all my guildmates and friends. PvP is all about situational awareness and with an organized group, you actually kind of lose a bit of that on the healing side. Naturally, it's for the better, since you can focus on other things like interrupting casters, CC, anti-CC, etc. Playing with a PUG, though, it's more about recognizing who needs to be healed and being able to do it as fast as possible.

Also, in PvP, nobody ever really seemed to bitch about not getting heals in a PUG. If anything, I got heaps for praise for just throwing around just a few heals. as I guess it was rather unexpected.


I couldn't pvp with my shaman unless I was restoration. I don't have top notch resilience gear so I need as much survivability as possible, and that's just not possible with PvE enhancement stuff.

In the only EotS pug I ever won (in my battlegroup alliance premades are the norm) I was able to follow around a warrior and spam heals at him while I dropped windfury totem and strength of earth with the occasional grounding/tremor combo. He got more killing blows than the entire alliance team put together.


Maxrpg said:
So it's looking like 2.4 is coming out next week. Which should be a relief to many. I thought it would take longer considering that no one has seen Kil'jaeden yet, but I guess that means they already tested all of those internally.

I really would like to see it, as all my Retribution Tier gear gets a massive stat upgrade, and my DPS goes even higher because of it. Not to mention the new dailies, and the new area to explore. It'll be like a mini-expansion (and it has to be, because Blizzard stated they don't want to release another content patch before WotLK).

Edit: because I don't have a Shade of Akama kill pic for you, here's a Supremus kill pic (23 manned!)


That's me on the very far left.

I'm currently collecting a full Retribution Arena 3 set for my Paladin as I'm just getting bored/sick of trying to heal as a Paladin in arenas. Seeing as it looks like you might be ret right now, can you link me you Armory profile?

Also, do you have any tips or tricks that you have learned over time that would help a new-comer to retribution? I leveled with ret, but won't have the slightest idea what I'm doing when I make the switch. Though it will be fun to switch to ret with a full set of the best gear :lol


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
fallout said:
Just saw this and felt like responding.

Healing in a PUG can be frustrating at times. However, it provides a good challenge. I haven't played in a year, but I'm sure I could drop in and still know the tendencies of all my guildmates and friends. PvP is all about situational awareness and with an organized group, you actually kind of lose a bit of that on the healing side. Naturally, it's for the better, since you can focus on other things like interrupting casters, CC, anti-CC, etc. Playing with a PUG, though, it's more about recognizing who needs to be healed and being able to do it as fast as possible.

Also, in PvP, nobody ever really seemed to bitch about not getting heals in a PUG. If anything, I got heaps for praise for just throwing around just a few heals. as I guess it was rather unexpected.
Healers are by far the most beloved people in PUGs. I've seen people drop whatever they were doing just to come help my Resto Druid.

Good times.


PatzCU said:
I'm currently collecting a full Retribution Arena 3 set for my Paladin as I'm just getting bored/sick of trying to heal as a Paladin in arenas. Seeing as it looks like you might be ret right now, can you link me you Armory profile?

Also, do you have any tips or tricks that you have learned over time that would help a new-comer to retribution? I leveled with ret, but won't have the slightest idea what I'm doing when I make the switch. Though it will be fun to switch to ret with a full set of the best gear :lol

Armory Link:


With Retribution, you have to have the hit cap from your gear. This is what you should work for, while gaining as much Strength and Crit as possible. Spell damage is useless unless you're an Alliance Paladin, then you need about at least 150 to 200.

Pick up any Tier pieces of gear you can (until 2.4, that is), and pray to god if you're Alliance that blizzard puts in an AP - Spell damage talent in the future for Pallies :lol

Basically, just shoot for 2000 unbuffed AP and 30% crit chance. Once you reach it, you can start just gearing for more AP, haste, and armor penetration.

The PVP set alone won't help you, but it'll get you far into instances and groups. After that, look to upgrade PVP pieces to actual real Warrior gear or Tier gear. All that stamina on the PVP gear is redistributed into better stats on actual raiding gear.

Get a swing timer. I prefer Quartz, and then use the rotation of - [Judgement] (before you reach the mob, judge the seal of your choice), [Seal of Command/Blood], [Crusader Strike], [Judgement], [Seal of Command/Blood], [Crusader Strike], etc. Auto attacks in there as well, just work around them when you're casting. You can weave in Exorcism and Consecrate where necessary/mana permitting.

Have fun!
rhfb said:
Shaman > Mage unless the mage is insanely good.

Equal gear and skill and the mage doesn't get a jump on the shaman, shaman pwns mage.
Must be a magical shaman. I can't remember ever losing to a shaman on mine o.0


Has problems recognising girls
DarkAngelYuna said:
Must be a magical shaman. I can't remember ever losing to a shaman on mine o.0
The shaman you face must be scrubs then :lol

Purge, grounding totem, rank 1 earth shock = goodnight.
Sullen said:
Mages are one of the easiest opponents for shamans, I dont know who you've been facing, but :lol
Easiest doesn't mean that actually win the majority of the time :p To the ttr people! I'll pwn you all with my mage of doooooommmmm


i started playing 2v2 again with the druid from my 3v3 team

went 13-0 today and up to 2140, should probably crusie to gladiator in 2s now as well

wonder if the druid nerf will hurt us, but seeing that every team in 2s has a druid, idk lol
I'm just going to copy and paste a post I just made on arenajunkies.. hopefully some people here can help someone like me.. and my rerolling condition

Hey guys, I was just hoping I could get some recommendations on which 2 or 3 toons at the max that I should stick with. I only pvp so ignore pve completely. My problem is that I always get bored of grinding honor for gear so I reroll another toon and due to this I ended up with too many 70s. I just really want to sit down and gear a good 2 or 3 toons and play them seriously for once.

Toon #1: Warlock = Sl\Sl spec Not much gear yet. S3 helm, some s1 armor and the rest are basically leveling blues and greens. I've had this toon for almost 2 years now but sl\sl bores the hell out of me. I don't know if I'm not playing him right or if I just suck but I still end up getting owned, my fears and drain lifes always get pushed back and I just can't last long.

Toon #2 Rogue = Hemo. Full s1, enchants and gems. Just needs the bg neck, battlemasters and shoes. I used to love this toon so much but she just feels so broken now. Hemo and shs just feels weaker than my old combat swords from the summer. That might just be being delusional though. I think this might be one of the characters I should just keep playing and hope it becomes fun again. I love mutilate spec and even have the s2 daggers for it. But one night I was pissed at losing an arena match due to error messages saying to get behind my opponent over and over for 10 seconds when I was =\ http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Demon+Soul&n=Kedralynn

Toon #3 Priest specced Disc. Decent amount of s1 gear and gems but a lot of leveling gear to be replaced still. All I've done with her is battlegrounds so she has no arena experience. I was a holy\disc healing spec for most of her time at 70 but suddenly just respeced the disc spec I saw most people using on skgaming at the time. I find myself doing the same healing stuff in bgs as I was as holy anyways, except I can actually tank a couple other people at once even with my bad gear, normally long enough for someone to save me. I actually found her a lot of fun most of the time.

Toon #4 Mage, frost. only 1 piece of pvp gear so far I believe. I got to level 70 and quit playing him in under a week with the thought stuck in my head " why play a mage when I can play my warlock who is much stronger." I jumped back on him last night for a few bgs and had a ton of fun just running around frost nova - ice lancing people to death with big burst and crits.

Toon #5 Warrior, MS. I just finished leveling this toon last week. I played av weekend and got the bonegrinder + executioner. I almost have enough honor for my battlemasters trinket. He's in full leveling gear ofcourse. I actually enjoy him a good amount, I just don't like the slow feeling I get from him at times. It's nice running into a group of 3 people and owning them all though.

Thats all my 70s and I really don't no which one to work on. I've spent so much time trying to decide on my own that I gave up and just decided to make this post begging for advice. Now my only other problem is that I started leveling a shaman last night after trying a premade enhance on the ttr. I really enjoyed the class for some reason even though it really was just shock and ss over and over...some reason it was really fun. I've read that it's the worst class for pvp at 70 though so I really don't want to waste my time leveling him more if my current classes are much better at pvp since thats all I do. Any advice would be so great.
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