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World of Warcraft

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honestly melee is scaling a lot better than casters, and season 4 seems to be heading the same way

so rogue or warrior would be good choices, unless something dramatic changes

ShS rogues are really good, and some of my rogue friends think this is the best rogues have been in expansion, even better than AR/Prep

warriors are always good, gear keeps scaling, we never get nerfed in a significant way, and are always on top of arena, only downside you need kick ass gear

but ultimately play whichever class you enjoy the most
yacobod said:
honestly melee is scaling a lot better than casters, and season 4 seems to be heading the same way

so rogue or warrior would be good choices, unless something dramatic changes

ShS rogues are really good, and some of my rogue friends think this is the best rogues have been in expansion, even better than AR/Prep

warriors are always good, gear keeps scaling, we never get nerfed in a significant way, and are always on top of arena, only downside you need kick ass gear

but ultimately play whichever class you enjoy the most
Enjoy the most would be my ttr premade enhance shaman and they're just pathetic in pvp so I think I should skip that ;( lol
Oh man I knew it was gonna be a mistake pasting that onto the wow pvp forums. So many posts to report now. :lol :lol


Gold Member
Does anyone play on a Pacific PvE or RP server Horde side? I have a 65/almost 66 Warlock I want to hit 70 with, but I don't want to play him on his current server due to annoying former co-workers (Vanguard GMs) who play there.


So I'm gone from this game for a couple weeks due to real life, and my friend calls me, saying to "Look at the vendor in front of you when you get the chance."

I log on, and holy shit - my buddy (one of my best high school friends IRL) just ground 17000 worth of wintersaber rep for me to get me to exalted.



DarkAngelYuna said:
Thats all my 70s and I really don't no which one to work on. I've spent so much time trying to decide on my own that I gave up and just decided to make this post begging for advice. Now my only other problem is that I started leveling a shaman last night after trying a premade enhance on the ttr. I really enjoyed the class for some reason even though it really was just shock and ss over and over...some reason it was really fun. I've read that it's the worst class for pvp at 70 though so I really don't want to waste my time leveling him more if my current classes are much better at pvp since thats all I do. Any advice would be so great.

Shamans are pretty gimped for 2s. For 3s, they will be targeted first like 90% of the time. Shamans do best in 5s where their Bloodlust really shine. I am not sure about enhancement, but I have played elemental and resto spec. If you have pretty good gear(mostly S1 gear), then elemental is probably better right now(2.4 will be different) because you can make a macro for elemental master + NS + Chain lightning.

AS elemental, you can do massive damage to a single target instantly if you just cast these in the following order: cast lightning bolt, then the macro immediately, than earth/frost shock and you can do 3k minimum damage. I have hit someone before for a total of almost 6k because of crits and extra lightning bolt.

I am currently playing resto right now with a 2s rating of 1789. The majority of my losses are because I ran out of mana so quick against combos like druid/war and play/war. I have played 3s much anymore because my earthshield gets peeled off so quick and constant CC.


Gold Member
Whoever designed the Rogue talents played a Monk in EQ. Speccing Swords in Combat basically gives you the Double Attack that made Monks in EQ so damn awesome to play. Duel Wield+Double Attack in EQ was awesome.
I think my guild is going to kick me because I told them I'm not specing out of Ret. Granted they haven't done anything with me while I was in the spec, but still one of the higher ups told me that they weren't going to take me unless I was holy or prot. I'm more than geared for the stupid Kara/Gruul shit we're still stuck doing, and I'm not bending over and healing because some people don't know shit.

This game can be such a drag


Still Tagged Accordingly
Flesh Into Gear said:
I think my guild is going to kick me because I told them I'm not specing out of Ret. Granted they haven't done anything with me while I was in the spec, but still one of the higher ups told me that they weren't going to take me unless I was holy or prot. I'm more than geared for the stupid Kara/Gruul shit we're still stuck doing, and I'm not bending over and healing because some people don't know shit.

This game can be such a drag
i've done it once before and I'll never do it again.

NEVER spec for someone else. It's your character and ultimately you play the game for yourself, not someone else.

Tell them to get fucked.


Flesh Into Gear said:
I think my guild is going to kick me because I told them I'm not specing out of Ret. Granted they haven't done anything with me while I was in the spec, but still one of the higher ups told me that they weren't going to take me unless I was holy or prot. I'm more than geared for the stupid Kara/Gruul shit we're still stuck doing, and I'm not bending over and healing because some people don't know shit.

This game can be such a drag
Spec what you want and don't look back. Although Retribution is VERY negatively-connotated (read any posts by yacobod in this thread :lol), so it can be hard to play it when you're good at it and people are hard-headed.

One of my favorite things is to top the meter (literally, #1) in a PUG Gruul's Lair and have other guilds just drop their jaws at my DPS. The sad part is that I only come in about #5 on the meters in my own guild, and that's only because I can hang in the top with Consecrate coming down.
Maxrpg said:
Spec what you want and don't look back. Although Retribution is VERY negatively-connotated (read any posts by yacobod in this thread :lol), so it can be hard to play it when you're good at it and people are hard-headed.

One of my favorite things is to top the meter (literally, #1) in a PUG Gruul's Lair and have other guilds just drop their jaws at my DPS. The sad part is that I only come in about #5 on the meters in my own guild, and that's only because I can hang in the top with Consecrate coming down.

It bothers me that I wasn't even given a chance. I've had my dude since 1.8, I know what I'm doing with him, but to completely dismiss me is fucked up. Eh, but I knew what I was getting into. My server is dumber than most I think, so I'm just gonna have to deal.


Flesh Into Gear said:
It bothers me that I wasn't even given a chance. I've had my dude since 1.8, I know what I'm doing with him, but to completely dismiss me is fucked up. Eh, but I knew what I was getting into. My server is dumber than most I think, so I'm just gonna have to deal.
All you can do is get into a more progressive-thinking guild, and hope to high heaven they value what you bring to the raid.

It's what happened to me, and I've never been happier playing the game.


Maxrpg said:
All you can do is get into a more progressive-thinking guild, and hope to high heaven they value what you bring to the raid.

It's what happened to me, and I've never been happier playing the game.

What sustained dps can you do?


in with the obligatory lol RETARDin post :D

i think i would be more serious about my ret posts if i actually was an active raider, and had rets actually taking my DPS plate from me, but since i dont raid, i dont really care

ret pallys are actually very good in 3v3 arena atm, when they can play with a druid/warrior, or warrior/resto shaman

they still suck in 2s and 5s tho


I found mining to be relatively easy to level-up....it is more time consuming than it is difficult. The only bad part is the iron-mithril section that has you running laps around Badlands for a long-ass time.

I gave up on lockpicking because it was just a ridiculous ass-whipping and outside of a few quests early-on they don't give you any way to level. I completed the Poison quest when apparently I was supposed to stick around and open the same box again and again, so I completely missed out on 125-175, and have been stuck ever since.


Gold Member
Lock picking was made easier with BC with all the locked chests they added in zones. It's pretty easy to level now. Speaking of which, I need to go level mine to 125.
dTau said:
what's the quickest way to get from lvl 51 to 70? im sick of doing quests -_-
Questing is the quickest way to level. After that theres solo mob grinding but it's a lot slower ever since they buffed questing xp rewards. The slowest method would be instance grinding. Quest if you wanna ding sometime before the summer.


ManaByte said:
Lock picking was made easier with BC with all the locked chests they added in zones. It's pretty easy to level now. Speaking of which, I need to go level mine to 125.
I just went out to the Windshear Crag area of STV (where the rogue trainer tells you to go), and was able to get 10 levels in about 5-10 minutes. Then the lockboxes stopped respawning and I got nothing for 10 minutes. That's just just ridiculous. If I were going there at the level I'm supposed to I would have been stuck fighting mobs for god-knows-how-long as well. At 55 I can just cruise through and pick up everything until the spawns stop for no apparent reason and I have to hearth and come back some other time. Very stupid.

Ultimately it's just an insult given that there is no real reward for lockpicking. Every other profession has some good items that you can get, but LP is just useless.


i finally finished my netherwing grind, got my onyx drake today

overall i think it took me about a month to get my drake, i didnt grind it hard or anything, just did a few dailies a day, pretty easy

so now i got my welfare drake, hopefuly be getting my 310% armored drake at the end of the arena season

my 3v3 is currently ranked 27th in the battlegroup with an 80% win rate


LP is basically good for skipping doors and occasionally getting a good blue out of green lockboxes. the easiest way to level it though is to go around pickpocketing humanoids and unlocking junkboxes.
I quit my guild tonight, is it possible to be successful at WoW at level 70 without a guild?

I'm going to take my time to find one that isn't full of slackers


Go to your realm forum and find the thread that tracks guild PVE progression. Start putting in applications to the ones that are accepting members. You won't get beyond Attumen without a guild.
The guild I was in runs Kara on Tues, Thurs and Sun but always complain that people are unreliable

So I put my availablilty on the forum, ask early in the day if i can come on the run, and then when the run starts i'm told that i can't go

So I basically said that was BS and left

Also got tired of the same people spamming BS on guild chat all the time

Why be in a guild if you only end up questing by yourself or getting instance groups with other guilds anyway?

Worst part is that I paid for 6 more months of WoW yesterday lol


Has problems recognising girls
Well it's you who are paying for it, you choose what you want to do with your characters. I'd do what border says, head to the forums and check PVE progression if you want to join a serious raiding guild.


I was just killed by a Paladin on my Mage :lol

Not really pissed, but kinda shocked. I was just taking down SS, and I saw him, but I arrogantly sat down and started to eat/drink. Then BAM! 2k crit out of nowhere, through me off and I died :lol
Weenerz said:
Well you should have found a better guild anyways, dedicating 3 days to kara is insane.

I'm on a realm where no alliance guild has even finished Black Temple, and only one Horde guild has downed Illidan

The guild I was in hasn't even finished Kara yet and only has one raid group at the moment
FF_VIII said:
Not really pissed, but kinda shocked. I was just taking down SS, and I saw him, but I arrogantly sat down and started to eat/drink. Then BAM! 2k crit out of nowhere, through me off and I died :lol

Geared Ret Paladins can do crazy burst damage in PvP. Crusader Strike crit, Seal of Command Crit, Melee Crit, Judgement of Command, Hammer of Wrath = Dead. Also, Blood Elf Ret Paladins are inherently better than 95% of Alliance Ret Paladins.
FF_VIII said:
I was just killed by a Paladin on my Mage :lol

Not really pissed, but kinda shocked. I was just taking down SS, and I saw him, but I arrogantly sat down and started to eat/drink. Then BAM! 2k crit out of nowhere, through me off and I died :lol

i hope it was me

espcially if you're a blood elf


Best thing about being a neight elf resto druid: stealthy tree stalking people in Ironforge


Oh and the previously mentioned by PD Dranei SHaman Kateground got to 70 last month with no name reports! w00t!



Still Tagged Accordingly
FF_VIII said:
I was just killed by a Paladin on my Mage :lol

Not really pissed, but kinda shocked. I was just taking down SS, and I saw him, but I arrogantly sat down and started to eat/drink. Then BAM! 2k crit out of nowhere, through me off and I died :lol
if you saw him and were sitting down the crit wasn't really out of nowhere :p
Do people have something against BEs? It sure seems like they do in BGs. Either that or Rogues like going after other Rogues? I never noticed on my NE Rogue though. It seems like every Alliance Rogue will drop anything they're doing just to go after my BE Rogue in BGs and then keep coming back after I kill them.
Oni Link 666 said:
Do people have something against BEs? It sure seems like they do in BGs. Either that or Rogues like going after other Rogues? I never noticed on my NE Rogue though. It seems like every Alliance Rogue will drop anything they're doing just to go after my BE Rogue in BGs and then keep coming back after I kill them.

BEs are like the alliances NEs. The noob race of the horde.
Why is it the noob race? I would think that if you're a BE, it's probably your second or later character. I definitely see more Tauren and undead on the horde who can't play worth a shit and humans on the Alliance.
Oni Link 666 said:
Why is it the noob race? I would think that if you're a BE, it's probably your second or later character. I definitely see more Tauren and undead on the horde who can't play worth a shit and humans on the Alliance.

There really isn't anything wrong with them, its just people being elitist pricks over the race they pick to play in a videogame. I just like killing them because of the anime hair lol.

If I was ever rolling a hunter or rogue I'd go with a night or blood elf for the +10 bitter tear bonus when you get an HK.
Cuz they're pretty-boys. I remember on BC launch night, someone summoned into Org the first ones on Bloodscalp, and people were yelling "DANCE! DANCE FOR OUR PLEASURE PRETTY BOY!!!" :lol

This apparently didn't happen in any way, shape, or form for ally. Some rolled shaman, many quit after shaman shook out to be low on the class power totem pole, and only now are you starting to see a decent number of priest/mage/pally/warrior/hunter Draenei running around. Hell, I didn't even see my first Dr. Hunter till june.

Even with (horned/tailed/hoofed wtf) chick factor, Draenei didn't sell "pretty" like BE did for horde. Plus, you have the "HE'S A NE REROLL, GET HIM" mentality as well. Finally, this got REALLY ugly on the BC launched servers (Coilfang, Nagrand, etc), which often had more BE > All Ally combined, (sorta like a few starting PvE servers where it was NE Hunters > All Orcs after release in reverse).


Has problems recognising girls
But Draenei are such an awesome race.

However I agree on the Blood Elf statement. Even checking the WoW census data and click on the BE section, at least half of the BE population are Paladins and Hunters.


Gold Member
I have a 32 BE Paladin I started back when BC launched on one of the BC launch PVE servers, and it's embarrassing to play it due to all the retards playing BEs.


Still Tagged Accordingly
speedpop said:
But Draenei are such an awesome race.

However I agree on the Blood Elf statement. Even checking the WoW census data and click on the BE section, at least half of the BE population are Paladins and Hunters.
lots of BE paladins is easy to understand

the rest that roll hunters do it because they know the class is overpowered. high DPS, mortal strike, dispel, great crowd control, great snares, annoying pets (very powerful if specced right), immunity to crowd control (if specced right), flare. did i miss anything? is it any wonder why people roll hunters?


I don't see why people choose BE Hunters. I don't see their racial being very supportive of being a Hunter. Orcs with their Pet Command, Trolls with the Bows Specialization and Taurens with their Stamina and War Stomp for extra crowd control.

I can't level a 2nd character. My level 38 Druid just stays in Thunderbluff. I need to find a leveling guide, STV sucks and Badland sucks. I just get bored quickly and with not hit rating, I'm missing special attacks and its pissing me off. I might just power level myself through SM Cath.
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