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World of Warcraft

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Still Tagged Accordingly
VaLiancY said:
I can't level a 2nd character. My level 38 Druid just stays in Thunderbluff. I need to find a leveling guide, STV sucks and Badland sucks.

VaLiancY said:
I just get bored quickly and with not hit rating, I'm missing special attacks and its pissing me off.
get used to it. missing is just part of the game at low levels. don't worry about hit rating for leveling until you get to outlands. if your druid is feral, dps is key for leveling so stack agi, str and stm.

if your druid isn't feral, respec.


Neo Member
VaLiancY said:
I don't see why people choose BE Hunters. I don't see their racial being very supportive of being a Hunter. Orcs with their Pet Command, Trolls with the Bows Specialization and Taurens with their Stamina and War Stomp for extra crowd control.

I don't know, I've seen hunters use 'Arcane Torrent' to regain a tiny bit of mana; they're always telling me that they want BoW for mana, they seem to use it a lot especially in bg. I know it isn't much but the silence-shock is quite effective if used against magic=users at the right time too.

Oh, I had so much fun at Halaa the other day! We started off with just a few of us hordies, though our numbers quickly grew on each side; before long there were some notorius players on each! Alas, when we had the guards down to 0, we lost quite a few people and became greatly outnumbered, so it was not a successful ending for us. Still, it was a great couple of hours!
http://i27.tinypic.com/2mq0qqh.jpg :: http://i27.tinypic.com/2yukpwo.jpg :: http://i32.tinypic.com/2e30f2r.jpg
Has anyone else had some nice halaa experiences?

PS, what's with the new 'death knight' resembling ffxi's 'dark knight' so much? (based on the lore etc).


VaLiancY said:
I don't see why people choose BE Hunters. I don't see their racial being very supportive of being a Hunter. Orcs with their Pet Command, Trolls with the Bows Specialization and Taurens with their Stamina and War Stomp for extra crowd control.

Because many aren't interested about the additional stat side (if they did, Horde wouldn't have been so much outnumbered before TBC).
Many make BE (female) hunters because they look "better" or nicer than Taurens, Orcs and Trolls (leaving asaide if BE fit with the Horde "brutal" look and all that stuff).
I've made one as well because I like their models and animations and left it at 29 (altho I've seen a Tauren hunter with the PvP armor and thought she looked freaking cool).

Now, if any of those races was as cool as Draenai. They buff the entire party with their presence, and the females look good too.
Also, loving my shammy, got to 63 and she kicks so much ass!
Too bad I can't get the Skirmisher legs from Ramparts to drop. I've seen them drop alot on the horde side when I wanted the sword, and on the Alliance side I see sword dropping always and no legs w t f!


I like Horde just because their ugly. I love the Trolls ugly feet and the Undead decaying look. It's funny you brought it up, my friend has a 66 Undead Shadow Priest and said he can't stand leveling it because of its physique and appearance. But he loves the Blood Elves permed hair and rigid cheekbones.:lol And that Dranei racial is pretty sweet, I can't lie.


Has problems recognising girls
Sybari said:
PS, what's with the new 'death knight' resembling ffxi's 'dark knight' so much? (based on the lore etc).
Lore wise I don't really think so. Death Knights were created by Gul'dan and were essentially necromancers, it wasn't until the Lich King arrived on the scene for Warcraft III that Death Knights started dabbling into more things.

It will be interesting to see what Blizzard do for them. Will they have a big resistance to shadow spells? And will Paladins gain an upper edge in fighting them? Knowing Blizzard lately though, they won't bother doing any of that in case they get #1729275 Warlock complaining that they can't take down a Death Knight.


I kind of get the feeling that the death knight will be like an uber ret/prot paladin with no healing (aside from maybe self healing from vampiric aura/lifesteal attacks). Since they're supposed to be dps/tank kind of like a feral druid, I'm gonna make one.


Still Tagged Accordingly
firex said:
I kind of get the feeling that the death knight will be like an uber ret/prot paladin with no healing (aside from maybe self healing from vampiric aura/lifesteal attacks). Since they're supposed to be dps/tank kind of like a feral druid, I'm gonna make one.

i reckon the talent trees will be seperated by augmenting either their magic, melee or defensive abilities.

speccing for magic will make them more like a warlock i'd imagine. melee more like a fury warrior and defensive like a prot warr/feral druid.


maybe their talent trees will be separated by their magic schools of blood, frost and unholy. blood would probably be the fury warrior tree, frost the tanking tree, and unholy the warlock tree.

wee, speculation is fun!
Just wondering if anyone would have a spot for me in a raiding guild if I decide to transfer my 70 Gnome Rogue off of Anatheron

I'm not feeling that server anymore

Chris R

VaLiancY said:
I don't see why people choose BE Hunters. I don't see their racial being very supportive of being a Hunter. Orcs with their Pet Command, Trolls with the Bows Specialization and Taurens with their Stamina and War Stomp for extra crowd control.
It is because being one race over another DOESN'T matter. Racial spells and differences need to be strengthened imo, but it won't ever happen because that might mean one person might have an advantage over someone else


Still Tagged Accordingly
rhfb said:
It is because being one race over another DOESN'T matter. Racial spells and differences need to be strengthened imo, but it won't ever happen because that might mean one person might have an advantage over someone else
shadowmeld is pretty damn powerful, especially in BGs where your opponent defends a flag/node. an entire race essentially having stealth is crazy.

tauren war stomp is pretty awesome too. can get a heal off in that time if you're a shaman or druid. also good for interrupting their heals.

an orc warrior with talent points in iron will is a pain in the ass to rogues because of their hardiness racial. 30% resist to stuns? that's pretty damn awesome.

blood fury is great for all classes that an orc can be now.

will of the forsaken is just awesome in PvP.

gift of the naaru seems pretty nice for classes that don't have innate healing abilities. cooldown could be reduced to 2 minutes though.

stoneform is pretty damn sweet, especially for rogues. with cloak of shadows and this, what's going to stop them from vanishing?

escape artist is awesome for PvP if you're a rogue or warrior.

perception is a pain in the ass as a rogue or druid. if they're a warlock with their felhunter out, they're going to spot you from miles away.

arcane torrent as an AoE silence is really good in the right situations. another ability in the rogue's repertoire for stunlocking.

really, the only race that's being shafted on racials is the troll.

i can't imagine how much more powerful you'd want racials to be... except maybe for magic resistances to scale with level.


What really gave me a stark erection about the Death Knight was their Unholy Embrace talent. That just gives me a warm feeling inside because I really found the usefulness of a Mortal Strike-ish talent lately. :D


Still Tagged Accordingly
VaLiancY said:
What really gave me a stark erection about the Death Knight was their Unholy Embrace talent. That just gives me a warm feeling inside because I really found the usefulness of a Mortal Strike-ish talent lately. :D
it's a hell of a lot more potent than mortal strike, which is probably why it's got a cooldown per target.

Chris R

Scrow said:
I can't imagine how much more powerful you'd want racials to be... except maybe for magic resistances to scale with level.

Well I was mostly talking about PvE differences, the current racials make a small difference in PvP. It would be nice if there were just more racials, as well as significant stat differences between races.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
BigJonsson said:
Just wondering if anyone would have a spot for me in a raiding guild if I decide to transfer my 70 Gnome Rogue off of Anatheron

I'm not feeling that server anymore

I used to play on that server and surprise it's still like that after there were free transfers to it. I used to keep track of the progression on that server and the only one that actually beat BT is mediocracy. Wish I could help you buddy but im a hordie on mannoroth :( You should check out the server progression thread on my forum to see if theres an alliance guild to your fitting. It's an awesome server with several progressed guilds



Neo Member
keeblerdrow said:
Is your screen actually like that? Everything seems stretched like you don't have a proper widescreen resolution or something...

Haha that's my fault, I play it on my wide-screen laptop, and then on my computer, and windowed and unwindowed, so I'm always changing resolution and stuff.

edit: screw it, I like it my way!

I can see Death Knight becoming a popular class, perhaps there will even be that much less paladins around finally! Dun dun duun. But I don't think it's my cup of tea.


Troll racials aren't the greatest, I'll agree. There's a reason why they're the least played race in the game. But at least they made some of them useful instead of how they were when the game started.

Throwing Weapon Specialization? If they allowed hunters to use thrown weapons like other ranged weapons (like when they first appeared in Warcraft 2) this would have been interesting.

Regeneration is only somewhat useless at level 10 and completely useless at 70. If you ask me, they should change it so that it increases healing done to the troll by a percentage - similiar to a warlock's Fel Armor. Nothing crazy like 30%, but enough to make a noticable difference.

I love berserking in its current form, though. Stacks with Bloodlust, Flurry and Icy Veins.


Not a popular opinion, but I just wanna say that Alliance have completely ruined WSG. I can't even play that shit anymore. Same tactic as always, get flag and turtle. All 10 on defence, every game.

Guess they just got bored of losing every game in under 10 minutes.
FF_VIII said:
Not a popular opinion, but I just wanna say that Alliance have completely ruined WSG. I can't even play that shit anymore. Same tactic as always, get flag and turtle. All 10 on defence, every game.

Guess they just got bored of losing every game in under 10 minutes.

Weird. What battlegroup? This isn't happening on mine.


I have finally gotten my rogue equipped with full tier 6.

9514 hp
2006 attack power
295 hit rating
31.67% crit chance

These stats are golden. Well until next patch, when some Karazhan raider will have several parts of gear that kills my parts. What a retarded system.


John_B said:
I have finally gotten my rogue equipped with full tier 6.

9514 hp
2006 attack power
295 hit rating
31.67% crit chance

These stats are golden. Well until next patch, when some Karazhan raider will have several parts of gear that kills my parts. What a retarded system.

ok nerd


Gold Member
FF_VIII said:
Not a popular opinion, but I just wanna say that Alliance have completely ruined WSG. I can't even play that shit anymore. Same tactic as always, get flag and turtle. All 10 on defence, every game.

Guess they just got bored of losing every game in under 10 minutes.

That happens in my battlegroup, but the Horde does it.


Why Belf hunters?

Isn’t it obvious? Female versions of mail hunting gear is completely slutterific and hunters are easy mode regardless. So everyone wants a super bangin’ chick who can rip you apart.


Been toying with the idea of starting a ret paladin and getting him to 70 (one of the few specs we have no one using in guild atm) but I'm a little skeptical about their usefulness. The spec has always seemed a little gimp to me when it comes to DPS, but I could be way off. So are there any well geared ret paladins here that can give me an idea of their effectiveness?


yacobod said:
I raid less than 10 hours a week (though it will change when the patch comes), and if you are all happy about the game becoming kindergarden friendly, then be my guest. The hardcore players will just turn to arena or disappear completely. All the content has been watered down and the loot improved so the masses can have an extra joyful time. I don't want to deny any part of the playerbase a good time playing this game, but for the dedicated core, please give them some challenge and some rewards that are worthy. Black Temple is way too easy compared to how hard Naxx was. Illidan is a 20 minute borefest at best.


It's been almost a year since Illidan was first killed, and I don't see many hardcore players "disappearing". Nor do I see many people requesting a return to 40-man gear/resist checks.


I have seen many, if not most, of the best raiders on my realm going from hardcore raiders to hardcore arena players. Many of them also raid, but let's not kid ourselves and think they find that equally challenging.

25-man was a really good change, some of the new encounters are also very interestingly designed. I just don't see the need to make the end-raiding less of a challenge than it was before.


border said:
It's been almost a year since Illidan was first killed, and I don't see many hardcore players "disappearing". Nor do I see many people requesting a return to 40-man gear/resist checks.


my friend's guild has been farming illidan since july or august, and they still farm that shit to gear up alts and friends

i think you take the game way to seriously

when exactly has wow ever been about skill or been hard


John_B said:
I have finally gotten my rogue equipped with full tier 6.

9514 hp
2006 attack power
295 hit rating
31.67% crit chance

These stats are golden. Well until next patch, when some Karazhan raider will have several parts of gear that kills my parts. What a retarded system.

Not really.


John_B said:
25-man was a really good change, some of the new encounters are also very interestingly designed. I just don't see the need to make the end-raiding less of a challenge than it was before.
There seems something particularly selfish about demanding that content be designed for bleeding edge players, then crying when there's even a chance that some people beyond that minuscule fraction of the userbase might be able to see that content. Kara-guilds aren't going to be farming Illidan soon anyways -- there's no need for ridiculous hyperbole.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
1 gig...guess I better get up early tomorrow and hope filefront has it. Getting home at 5 and would take forever to download :( First time I'll be late for a raid and it has to be sunwell >_<


Still Tagged Accordingly
FF_VIII said:
Not a popular opinion, but I just wanna say that Alliance have completely ruined WSG. I can't even play that shit anymore. Same tactic as always, get flag and turtle. All 10 on defence, every game.

Guess they just got bored of losing every game in under 10 minutes.
i've heard camping their GY is a good way to break a turtle


Has problems recognising girls
yacobod said:

This is why I love yacobod in this thread. He's not afraid to throw the punch and most often than not it is so absurd that you just have to sit back and laugh, even if it is true and hurtful.

Couple that with his avatar and there are more :lol's than usual.

Also 1gb indeed. Not in a rush to jump onto WoW over the next few days so I'll download the patch via ISPs servers. 1mb/s love!
John_B said:
I raid less than 10 hours a week (though it will change when the patch comes), and if you are all happy about the game becoming kindergarden friendly, then be my guest. The hardcore players will just turn to arena or disappear completely. All the content has been watered down and the loot improved so the masses can have an extra joyful time. I don't want to deny any part of the playerbase a good time playing this game, but for the dedicated core, please give them some challenge and some rewards that are worthy. Black Temple is way too easy compared to how hard Naxx was. Illidan is a 20 minute borefest at best.

As a fellow Illidan killer, I find this mostly bunk. Most of the new 141 iLevel gear is either iffily-itemized (2.5 speed mainhand wut), or fills in a niche that is non-existant in MH/BT. Disorganized, selfish, flaky players will not have real success until many, many months have passed if at all. This was the case before, it will be the case afterwards. This is especially true since gear checks are "soft" in BC raiding with few exceptions, and those have low bars to hurdle and are mostly about DPS not dying early. That 4+ Kara clear 2H ax isn't a ticket to free Archimonde loot by any means.

The only real problem I see with the nerfing is what this will mean for 2.5 (will this exist?) and WotLK. I have a theory that the sheer nastiness of 2.0 raiding was because of their expecting to have T4, 5, and 6 out from the get-go, and didn't have time to balance T6 to the new buffed epic stats. Then, they overcompensated, with nerfs to tough bosses coming down the pipeline on a per-patch basis. Will there be a desire to push faster knowing patches (and their nerfs) are imminent? I hope they strike a balance, as either extreme isn't particularly beneficial to raiding on a server-wide level.


Servers down for maintenace, forums down because of the 3 million or so users logging on to see any new info about 2.4 being released today and MMO-Champion.com is slow as mess as well. Guess I'll go watch Bo-sox and the A's in Japan.


John_B said:
I raid less than 10 hours a week (though it will change when the patch comes), and if you are all happy about the game becoming kindergarden friendly, then be my guest. The hardcore players will just turn to arena or disappear completely. All the content has been watered down and the loot improved so the masses can have an extra joyful time. I don't want to deny any part of the playerbase a good time playing this game, but for the dedicated core, please give them some challenge and some rewards that are worthy. Black Temple is way too easy compared to how hard Naxx was. Illidan is a 20 minute borefest at best.

Your mentality is all wrong and shows what is wrong with WoW. Without the 'doll' aspect of it, whats left? Gear shouldn't be the fun part of a game, the game should be the fun part. So what if more people have access to good gear? If they suck, they still suck. I don't care where people grind for their gear, in PVP, in 25 mans or in badges, I just care what they do with it.

Everything is easy in the game, its just learning the pattern and having patience. If it was a matter of skill then gear wouldn't be so important. It's like a rollercoaster ride, you must be this tall to enter and obey the safety rules, you must have this level of gear and know the boss pattern rules.

It's all time investment bud.

The long/tedious dungeon designs at the endgame before BC were awful. It's no wonder they were abandoned for BC. It's not dumbing down, it is refining. Are cars for noobs now because you don't have to crank the engine no more?


speedpop said:

This is why I love yacobod in this thread. He's not afraid to throw the punch and most often than not it is so absurd that you just have to sit back and laugh, even if it is true and hurtful.

Couple that with his avatar and there are more :lol's than usual.

Also 1gb indeed. Not in a rush to jump onto WoW over the next few days so I'll download the patch via ISPs servers. 1mb/s love!

you know at first i thought my response was a little harsh, but after thinking about it i thought it was 100% appropriate

i was going to post a thought out response to his QQ, but after much deliberation i liked my original response much more =D
DarkAngelYuna said:

I'm actually hoping it breaks some addons this time so I can take a well deserved break for a week.

etiolate said:
Your mentality is all wrong and shows what is wrong with WoW. Without the 'doll' aspect of it, whats left? Gear shouldn't be the fun part of a game, the game should be the fun part. So what if more people have access to good gear? If they suck, they still suck. I don't care where people grind for their gear, in PVP, in 25 mans or in badges, I just care what they do with it.

Everything is easy in the game, its just learning the pattern and having patience. If it was a matter of skill then gear wouldn't be so important. It's like a rollercoaster ride, you must be this tall to enter and obey the safety rules, you must have this level of gear and know the boss pattern rules.

It's all time investment bud.

The long/tedious dungeon designs at the endgame before BC were awful. It's no wonder they were abandoned for BC. It's not dumbing down, it is refining. Are cars for noobs now because you don't have to crank the engine no more?

Damn I love you. its like you are in my head.


Black Canada Mafia
John_B said:
I have finally gotten my rogue equipped with full tier 6.

9514 hp
2006 attack power
295 hit rating
31.67% crit chance

These stats are golden. Well until next patch, when some Karazhan raider will have several parts of gear that kills my parts. What a retarded system.

I agree with everyone else and think you are being absurd. My guild is currently in the T4-T5 transition stage, and it was -so- much harship just getting this far. Having 10-15 really good players with good gear just is -not- enough. And it is ridiculously hard on a low pop server to find a lot of good players that aren't already in the best guilds. This patch basically makes it easier for us to enjoy the game more - as it's not too fun stressing over work-like guild issues every day rather than having fun with people downing bosses. Remember this is a game that everyone pays for, who wants to pay for stress? See I think the only thing this patch is doing to you is impeding your elitist attitude - who cares if some nub fresh out of Kara has gear that matches yours? It makes you sound like one of those crazy people in the middle of a park chasing kids out because their on 'your' property.

And Sunwell Plateu is something new for the 'core' players to sink their teeth in, and pfft at Illidan being a 20min borefest, brag much?
"Paladin Healer Gladiator Sets: The set bonus changing Hammer of Justice cooldown has been changed to a set bonus increasing the amount healed by Holy Shock."

Wat da shiiit. Fuck that. God Pallies are so fucking worthless in arena and it just gets progressively worse with each patch.


Not Wario
...and they sucked me back in. Just reactivated my account and I'm now dling 2.4 as we speak. I don't even have anyone at 70 yet either.
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