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World of Warcraft

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Has problems recognising girls
I don't think Paladins are getting elbowed out at all. If anything, I am assuming that Paladins will be the achilles heel for Death Knights in PVP and the old mental thought of "fucking Paladin!" in BGs or Arena will be resurrected.

A lot of people are going to be wanting to drill faces with DKs but it seems like the sad truth will be that Death Knights are a pure support class who can DPS and crowd control to an extent. It'll be interesting to see how they go about tanking in an instance, since the class itself cannot equip shields.


DKs are supposed to tank like feral druids, just with parry as their main focus of avoidance. plus massive magic damage reduction.

imo paladin is the weakest class in the game right now though. It's still good at all 3 of its trees but they gotta put something in for ret (which I think will be the surprise buff for paladins in WotLK; I just get a feeling it's going to be a retadin expansion along with shaman and rogue buffs/changes) so it has a valuable role in groups/raids beyond 3% crit.

despite loving WF, I wouldn't mind seeing blizz redesign the shaman weapon buffs and make it obsolete. I think it would be cool if they made rockbiter/frostbrand/flametongue just as viable, maybe moreso. like imo I'd want each weapon buff to, of course, buff your melee dps, but also provide some form of debuff that would benefit groups or something. Basically another way to make enhance better for groups. Kind of like rogue poisons, but not, if that makes any sense.

also it's because I feel like wf totem is overpowered and it'd be nice if there was a reason to drop anything but wf totem in a group with a warrior.


Manick Joe said:
So I've got a friend that wants back in, but is going horde this time. I have two 70's on the server alliance side with heaps of money. Am I going to get dinged as a gold seller if I have him put up like a linen cloth for 100g on the neutral auction house so we have some cash to spend?
No. Gold sellers send gold anonymously through mail... or farm it on your own account...


Part of the reason that auction house sales now take 1 hour to transfer is because Blizzard knows it's used by gold sellers. Every auction house transfer is audited.

Mail transfers are audited as well.

I don't know whether mail or AH purchases are going to flag you as a gold seller. I'd say just do it, and then protest if they disable or lock your account. So long as you can show that the transfers are going to alts you have, I don't see how they can argue that you are selling gold.


100g probably won't send any flags in the air, but if you sell linen cloth for 1000g you might get checked out. But even then, a simple explanation will get things taken care of.


Oh yeah, looking at all the lock changes, I've noticed WotLK seems to be bringing destruction locks back. After being what I would say is probably distant third for lock specs (in terms of numbers, not necessarily power) it sounds like they've worked on making destro a lot stronger talent tree and just kinda left affliction/demonology as ok but not great.

And I haven't seen on that wotlk alpha leak wiki any info on demon form abilities yet, which kinda sucks.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
firex said:
imo paladin is the weakest class in the game right now though. It's still good at all 3 of its trees but they gotta put something in for ret (which I think will be the surprise buff for paladins in WotLK; I just get a feeling it's going to be a retadin expansion along with shaman and rogue buffs/changes) so it has a valuable role in groups/raids beyond 3% crit.

I did a Heroic Botanica yesterday on my Shadow Priest together with 3 paladins and an elemental Shaman. We did it in less than 25 minutes with all bosses going down in less than 1 minute, flower guy went down on 23 seconds.

Since we brought a retrilol, protlol and folslave we could keep 3 judgement on bosses, crit, mana and health. And we could have three Blessings each. The overall boost to dps was phenomenal. I bet we had more dps than most Karazhan raids, tbh. Saying Paladin are weak is to say that most people don't know how they work.

How many classes, for instance, can pull an entire field of mobs and aoe them down in their healing spec? Retribution is far more versitile than a MS warrior both in PvE and PvP. And Prot. Apart from not having bosses designed for you, like Bloodboil and Void Reaver, they do some very nice work in heroics and end-game raids.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah at times it comes down to the player base themselves and what they perceive as a viable group or class.

WoW may just be about the grind to achieve better gear via PVE and PVP, but it's the moments when players can experiment and get out of the box they are forced into.. those are the moments you play WoW for.

I'm honestly surprised to have seen you guys run a Heroic instance without using classes that are more effective in crowd control/stun methods. Just goes to show that objectives are achievable without having to do it the "normal" method.


Soooo WoW is sucking me back from AoC. I like this game oh so much more. The look, the feel, the everything. I figured I'd start a healer, I think I'm going to go the pally route.


Still Tagged Accordingly
The Lamonster said:
I'm having trouble figuring out Auctions. Is there an online guide somewhere for dummies?
maybe, i don't know of any. any attempt i make at finding one you could do too.

you might want to check out a mod called auctioneer though.

the best way to learn the auction house is to search for ANY item you put on the auction house first. and don't necessarily search for the exact item name. if it's armor or a weapon search for a similar item in the same level range

i.e. if it's level 45 green plate chest armor, search for all plate chest armor between levels 44-46 and look at the average price.

keep in mind the stats too. 45 green plate chest armor with strength and stamina is much more valuable than 45 green plate chest armor with spirit and intellect.

The Lamonster said:
For example, why do I need a down payment for auctions?
there needs to be some risk to making an auction. wouldn't make sense for it to be a free service if you could just throw stuff up for any price and no consequences.

Chris R

I'm just hoping mages get some PvE buffs to improve their single target dps so warlocks and hunters don't out dps them. Wouldn't mind seeing some rogue/warlock specs getting pvp nerfs either.
I transfered gold from alliance to horde in the thousands with the help of my friend and never got in any trouble. You just gotta watch out for the bots watching those AHs for quality items going cheap. My friend lost a stack of like 3 Talasites selling them to my BE to cut one time.

Eric WK

Manick Joe said:
So I've got a friend that wants back in, but is going horde this time. I have two 70's on the server alliance side with heaps of money. Am I going to get dinged as a gold seller if I have him put up like a linen cloth for 100g on the neutral auction house so we have some cash to spend?

Of course not. I just did this a few weeks ago with like 3000g and another thousand in Primals/Herbs/Enchanting Mats.


rhfb said:
I'm just hoping mages get some PvE buffs to improve their single target dps so warlocks and hunters don't out dps them. Wouldn't mind seeing some rogue/warlock specs getting pvp nerfs either.

Warlock dps is straight out retarded. I started raiding again and typically come in the top three for dps depending on the encounter, but on one of the fights in Hyjal this warlock was significantly ahead of me. I check his Recount and it went something like:

Top Damage by Spell/Ability
Shadowbolt 349390 (99%)
Immolate 849 (01%)

And considering hunters get a "all-one-wonder" macro for their rotation now their dps is stupidly amazing too.

Why is it that two classes that get to stand at max range for the entire encounter and have good aggro reducing abilities can do so well compared to melee?


I did a Heroic Botanica yesterday on my Shadow Priest together with 3 paladins and an elemental Shaman. We did it in less than 25 minutes with all bosses going down in less than 1 minute, flower guy went down on 23 seconds.

Since we brought a retrilol, protlol and folslave we could keep 3 judgement on bosses, crit, mana and health. And we could have three Blessings each. The overall boost to dps was phenomenal. I bet we had more dps than most Karazhan raids, tbh. Saying Paladin are weak is to say that most people don't know how they work.

How many classes, for instance, can pull an entire field of mobs and aoe them down in their healing spec? Retribution is far more versitile than a MS warrior both in PvE and PvP. And Prot. Apart from not having bosses designed for you, like Bloodboil and Void Reaver, they do some very nice work in heroics and end-game raids.

Big ass whiny rant incoming!

Suddenly Paladin is a strong class because it can participate in tacky gimmick setups in venues that have no real relevance in class balance issues!?

As a multi-year Paladin, who raided from Naxx through BT before becoming "dirty, casual scum" and made Gladiator, I'm going to say that I DISAGREE IMMENSELY, SIR. I've never been happier in WoW than when I finally put the pistol to it's head and rerolled a Priest back last Summer.

Sadly, I cannot consec tank leveling mobs in PvP gear anymore, but I think no longer being on the bottom of the totem pole in raids, being great in every bracket in arena, and having a healing model that kicks copious amounts of ass and generally just being an interactive, polished class makes up for it!

When Crusader Aura is the only BC provided spell that I ever use, there's a problem. But to be fair, BC at least provided Ret and Prot with the option to be mediocre instead of just full on useless, so I guess you can consider that an improvement.

I'm still not saying that the class is some unplayable lost cause, that'd be utter bullshit, they still hit a few niches and can participate at some level in everything in the game, but they're assuredly in one of the weakest spots any class has been in the games history.

My quick opinion for suggestions to make things a hell of a lot nicer, would be some mixture of the following: Paladins need to have their Judgment duration restored to pre-BC levels, receive any kind of an update to their neigh-on four year old cast-only, no-frill healing model. They need receive zero'd out mana restoration, receive a couple of abilities to participate in combat with. Shocks, Mana Burns, CC's, small nukes, anything really, doesn't need to be overly powerful.

After that, they'll be good to go for everything but fun, probably! Until they take a sledge hammer to the notion that a couple of dispelable defensive abilities on giant cooldowns is a good concept for a class design, and it's changed to be more active, that'll remain. I mean I've played underpowered classes, overpowered classes, multiple healers, etc, but there's a real problem when not only is your class in a poor spot in terms of potency, but it's like digital nyquil just to play.

To be quite honest, I literally hate the Paladin class in WoW, more than I have any class in any game in any genre, ever. It is awkward, outdated and most of all it is god damned boring. There is absolutely no reason to play one unless you're a glutton for punishment or just really poor at the game, since it's the only class in the game with such trite design and such few abilities that it's essentially skill capped.

It'll be interesting to see if they finally evolve in in LK, but I've erased mine, hell of a legacy character, but it's like paying 15 bucks a month to have someone repeatedly punch you in the face just to keep it active.

The only amusing memory I'll take from playing it specifically is that: throughout the two servers I played on with it, and two guilds I was in, no one threw away so much work and rerolled more often than the poor Paladins.


Eric WK said:
Of course not. I just did this a few weeks ago with like 3000g and another thousand in Primals/Herbs/Enchanting Mats.

I love randomly coming across someone trying to transfer items through the neutral AH. I just checked the Booty Bay auction house one time and saw 5 Primal Fires on there for 5 copper. Needless to say, my level 38 character had his mount money after that.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Tamanon said:
I love randomly coming across someone trying to transfer items through the neutral AH. I just checked the Booty Bay auction house one time and saw 5 Primal Fires on there for 5 copper. Needless to say, my level 38 character had his mount money after that.
Professional Bastard



Tamanon said:
I love randomly coming across someone trying to transfer items through the neutral AH. I just checked the Booty Bay auction house one time and saw 5 Primal Fires on there for 5 copper. Needless to say, my level 38 character had his mount money after that.

"hey fgt, gimme back my primal firez"

"Alright no problem, 300 gold."


kinoki said:
I did a Heroic Botanica yesterday on my Shadow Priest together with 3 paladins and an elemental Shaman. We did it in less than 25 minutes with all bosses going down in less than 1 minute, flower guy went down on 23 seconds.

Since we brought a retrilol, protlol and folslave we could keep 3 judgement on bosses, crit, mana and health. And we could have three Blessings each. The overall boost to dps was phenomenal. I bet we had more dps than most Karazhan raids, tbh. Saying Paladin are weak is to say that most people don't know how they work.

How many classes, for instance, can pull an entire field of mobs and aoe them down in their healing spec? Retribution is far more versitile than a MS warrior both in PvE and PvP. And Prot. Apart from not having bosses designed for you, like Bloodboil and Void Reaver, they do some very nice work in heroics and end-game raids.
well, I'm not trying to say paladins are bad, because they are way better now than they were before 2.3, and they're still arguably the best class for supporting a group. It's just that holy/ret are more limited in what they bring to groups. Every paladin has their awesome buffs, and prot paladins get 2 awesome buffs. Holy paladins still have insane mana efficiency but it's more about utility where they are lacking. It makes them awesome raid/tank healers and prot paladins are awesome tanks imo. Ret paladins finally do much better dps because their gear isn't retarded anymore, so they're great at that. It's just that there are a lot of other great dps specs that bring more to a group. I still feel like ret should have some kind of buff for meleeing that makes their group stronger besides the 3% crit from judged crusader. I'd really like to see it be a redone vindication or something since that talent is only really useful for solo/pvp and procs are the worst thing ever for paladins.

I just think paladins are the weakest class because their overall design doesn't let them be very versatile and their dps spec is basically never wanted in groups unless you can stack it with some other classes. Not nearly as bad as they were after TBC launched, but still not as good as they should be. And this is coming from another one of those paladin rerolls like Alex is talking about. It has its uses but paladins are pretty niche outside of prot.

Eric WK

Tamanon said:
I love randomly coming across someone trying to transfer items through the neutral AH. I just checked the Booty Bay auction house one time and saw 5 Primal Fires on there for 5 copper. Needless to say, my level 38 character had his mount money after that.


Yeah, I was talking on Xbox Live with the person helping me so it was almost instant. Thankfully.
Hello everyone.

I am completely new to WoW. I have gotten my Warlock up to Level 31. I am interested in running dungeons NORMALLY. With other level 30s, etc.

Is this thread a good place to start?


It's possible, although we're all over different servers. I've actually found the LookingForGroup tool the best. Just hit "I" and you can pick which dungeon you want to go to. I used it while leveling and got a good amount of dungeon action.
Tamanon said:
It's possible, although we're all over different servers. I've actually found the LookingForGroup tool the best. Just hit "I" and you can pick which dungeon you want to go to. I used it while leveling and got a good amount of dungeon action.
Good to know man, thanks. This helps me too.

It amazes me that this game is so fun but it saddens me that whatever I say, I cannot convince any of my real-life friends to even try this game out because of so much negativity surrounding it in our culture.


Not Wario
I'm in a bit of dilemma. I've been running Heroics/Kara for a while now and my DPS is just not what I want it to be like. I don't know whether it's due to my spec, my gear, or my spell rotation, but, for whatever reason, I'm only averaging 500-600 DPS tops.

Here's my Armory profile.

As I've only really played this one toon and I'm not that experienced, endgame or theorycrafting wise, I'm open to all suggestions. (i.e. I'm a noob and I know it, so I'll listen to what anyone has to say) Respecs, spell rotation changeup, (I currently go CoS, Corruption, Life Siphon, SB spam for the most part) gear change, macros, addons, etc. So, anybody got any advice?

Also, on a totally different note, what kinda stats should I have before I attempt to run ZA?

The Lamonster said:
Good to know man, thanks. This helps me too.

It amazes me that this game is so fun but it saddens me that whatever I say, I cannot convince any of my real-life friends to even try this game out because of so much negativity surrounding it in our culture.

I have the exact same problem. All my gamer friends laugh at it and make jokes about all the RPing that must go on (Which I've never done, outside of jesting, as I'm not even on a RP server) and how addicted I must be, despite the fact that they turn around and play Halo more than I play WoW.


dave is ok said:
Rogues and Shaman needing buffs?

Destro being better than Demo in the expansion?

Crazy things are being said in here.
It'd probably be better if you could actually read them and comprehend what was being said. All I said was it looks like they focused a lot on destro talents compared to demon/affliction (to bring its popularity back) and that they must be up to something with rogues, hunters, shamans and paladins.

Chris R

Hero said:
Warlock dps is straight out retarded. I started raiding again and typically come in the top three for dps depending on the encounter, but on one of the fights in Hyjal this warlock was significantly ahead of me. I check his Recount and it went something like:

Top Damage by Spell/Ability
Shadowbolt 349390 (99%)
Immolate 849 (01%)

And considering hunters get a "all-one-wonder" macro for their rotation now their dps is stupidly amazing too.

Why is it that two classes that get to stand at max range for the entire encounter and have good aggro reducing abilities can do so well compared to melee?
Yea :( I've rolled a warlock and I'm working on getting it up to 70 as we speak just incase they are still top raid ranged dps come wotlk, because I can tell now, mages won't get shit.
rhfb said:
Yea :( I've rolled a warlock and I'm working on getting it up to 70 as we speak just incase they are still top raid ranged dps come wotlk, because I can tell now, mages won't get shit.
What does this term mean, "rolled?" Also, "re-rolled."

Excuse my newb-ness.


bengraven said:
What, no new info from the Alpha?

Alex get banned or something? :lol

Blizzard has been coming down HARD on leakers. Since there are so few people actually in the Alpha, it's a lot easier to identify who is doing it.


Proc said:
When do you guys think they will be opening closed beta for wrath? I'm freakin anxious for that expansion.
If it's like TBC, I'd say 2-3 months before WotLK is supposed to hit. Possibly less since they don't have to test out entirely new races starting out at level 1 like they did with TBC's beta, but I would say there'll be at least a good 6 weeks to play it.


Tamanon said:
Blizzard has been coming down HARD on leakers. Since there are so few people actually in the Alpha, it's a lot easier to identify who is doing it.

Lucky for me I've got a friend in the alpha. But he's also locked up a bit since revealing a lot one night a few days ago. He's probably scared I'll leak and he'll lose his shot in the alpha, which could also screw with his childhood friendship with one of the devs. And I wouldn't want that.

Edit: because I don't want to start a shitstorm.


Almost all the information from the alpha came from datamining the client software, not leakers.

I'm pretty satisfied with all the information we've gotten so far. I won't freak out if things go silent for a few months.


border said:
Almost all the information from the alpha came from datamining the client software, not leakers.

I'm pretty satisfied with all the information we've gotten so far. I won't freak out if things go silent for a few months.

I can't imagine much more we could learn after all the leaks anyway. I think we all kind of know what to expect.

I'm a bit disappointed: I think I learned too much. It kind of killed the fun of running into the world and experiencing everything for the first time.


Not Wario
traveler said:
I'm in a bit of dilemma. I've been running Heroics/Kara for a while now and my DPS is just not what I want it to be like. I don't know whether it's due to my spec, my gear, or my spell rotation, but, for whatever reason, I'm only averaging 500-600 DPS tops.

Here's my Armory profile.

As I've only really played this one toon and I'm not that experienced, endgame or theorycrafting wise, I'm open to all suggestions. (i.e. I'm a noob and I know it, so I'll listen to what anyone has to say) Respecs, spell rotation changeup, (I currently go CoS, Corruption, Life Siphon, SB spam for the most part) gear change, macros, addons, etc. So, anybody got any advice?

Also, on a totally different note, what kinda stats should I have before I attempt to run ZA?

Anyone? :(

Chris R

traveler said:
No clue for warlocks but I know for mages my hit needs to be at 164 and thats after getting 3% for free... So 100ish hit might be a bit low.

Pretty sure its hit > * until you cap or get close to cap.


Not Wario
Oh yeah, I know I'm nowhere near the recommended stuff now; I was just wondering. (Although I do have Suppression, which should count for something)


Playing the Alpha on a private server. ABSOLUTELY so much fun with the Death KNights and the new talents. I love the discipline stuff for priests, so much fun.


I have a couple of new images I'll post in our compilation topic on general, but the information is basically dried up for now as far as I can tell, so my general thievery has slowed down. The F&F Alpha is fairly restricted in content.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Hey guys: I played wow for 3 years, but never played any of the previous Warcraft titles.

I just recently bought Warcraft III and the Expansion for dirt cheap. After getting into the 2nd or so mission it has me wondering.

Where can I find a summary of the Warcraft lore from day 1 up through (WoW maybe?)

I found on WoW Wiki the timeline etc. but I have yet to find a good condensed version of the story.


There's a big arena interview linked on MMOChampion, I edited their banner though:


Seriously, every time I read a Kalgan interview, I just get pissed off. I really dislike this guy and I constantly boggle at why Blizzard would hire the lead designer of the fucking UO:3D bullshit to fuck up their game as well.

Every time I log on to talk, all I hear from friends is how sick to death they are of arena, how they want it to fall from the spotlight, etc. These are people who are GLADIATORS, and it's driving them to quit. I'm really disappointed reading this shit going into the expansion.

It's not that arena itself is bad, it's that it's be the neigh on sole focus of the game for like a year and a half. Amazingly enough they haven't made a hell of a lot of progress in tweaking for it or improving it.

I'm happy with a lot of the shape ups in LK, but I really hope that it occurs in PvP as well. I'll be pretty livid if Battlegrounds and PvP in general don't make some pretty sharp turns in content. I don't have a lot of interest in doing arena as anything as a passing fancy anymore, I don't want to pay 15 bucks a month to duel in a box as a focus for a big part of the game.

Blizzard has released sign up information for its WoW Tournament; how do you think the community will react to this years event and what turn out are you expecting?

The community’s reaction has been very positive so far. We’ve used the feedback from last year’s event to refine this year’s structure, and we’re expecting a strong turnout for the tournament.

Blizzard’s tournament last year was the focus of the WoW competitive scene, are you hoping for a similar focus on this years Blizzard tournament?

We aim to hold premiere events every year, and this year is no different. Our intention is to continue running topnotch competitive events that players want to take part in and spectators want to watch.

The idea of “eSports” has been a big part of Blizzard’s corporate strategy, what impact do you think eSports has on the success from a business side for Blizzard and other game developers? We understand that Blizzard has established a dedicated eSports group. Could you comment on what that group is chartered to do?

"We are continuing to explore spectator options for viewing Arena games."

For our company, eSports has been a key to the longevity of several of our titles. With StarCraft celebrating its 10th anniversary, there are still active communities and eSports organizations that support it along with our other titles. The Blizzard eSports group is responsible for developing Blizzard Entertainment’s presence in the increasingly popular eSports scene. Its main role consists of preparing and operating tournaments around the world. Additionally, it provides third-party support for various eSports leagues and communicates balance feedback to the developers.

Blizzard has benefited greatly in Starcraft, Warcraft and other games from its backing by the eSports movement; is Blizzard committed to making WoW as popular in the eSports genre as its other game platforms?

We feel that the introduction of the Arena system created a viable platform for competitive PvP and eSports in World of Warcraft. Since their introduction, the Arenas have remained very popular, and we plan to continue enhancing and building on that aspect of the game.

A big part of “eSports” is the concept of balanced play, level playing field. Yet WoW seems to have an opposite view where it tries to encourage players to spend additional time playing the game and then rewards them for it. How does Blizzard balance these two conflicting situations and will we continue to see this idea of separation of professional players on to “tournament realms”?

We received a lot of feedback from last year’s tournament indicating that players wanted to be able to compete effectively without spending the time to level and equip multiple characters. We used template characters for some of the third-party events we supported last year and eventually developed the format you see in this year’s tournament, in which players create and customize tournament-ready characters. At the end of this year’s tournament, we’ll take all of the feedback we’ve received over the year and make improvements for future tournaments.

It was stated in forum posts that Blizzard doesn’t see all classes and all specs for each classes ever being equally viable in arena/pvp play. With that said, what other changes to character classes is Blizzard considering working on in terms of PVP and arena play?

We’ll continue to work on refining competitive balance and addressing any valid concerns we may find in terms of PvP and Arena play. There are many aspects to the World of Warcraft universe, and we have to be careful that changes made in response to one area of play do not adversely affect other parts of the game. Without going into specifics on upcoming changes, we can say that we constantly evaluate the current state of game balance, as well as how it will be altered by the inclusion of new content, such as the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

How about the effects any changes could have on PVE play; how does Blizzard balance these two potentially conflicting styles of play?

"We’re looking to add new Arenas for Wrath of the Lich King that may be a bit different from the current Arena environments..."

We have a dedicated team of designers focused on providing the best possible gaming experience for both PvP and PvE aspects of the game. When changes are implemented, they are extensively tested internally and then externally, when we go through our public testing phases on our public test realms (PTRs). These multiple layers of testing and feedback help avoid unwanted consequences when making balance changes.

Where is Blizzard’s priority when it comes to changes made between class dynamics; PVE or PVP?

We strive to evaluate all aspects of World of Warcraft evenly in terms of class dynamics. We want every class to feel unique and useful in instances, raids, Battlegrounds, and Arena play. Ideally, no matter what class a player chooses, he or she will be able to experience and enjoy all aspects of World of Warcraft in one form or another. Players should be able to customize characters by changing equipment, talents, or play styles to correspond to the type of game experience they prefer.

The issue of what race certain characters are makes a big deal in Arena play. Has Blizzard considered any change to the use of racial abilities in Arena and the idea of being “racial’d”?

We like the uniqueness and differentiation that racial abilities add to the conflict and gameplay found in World of Warcraft. However, we’ll continue to evaluate their effect on specific areas of gameplay such as competitive play and make any necessary adjustments. Additionally, with the new tournament format, players can choose any race as part of customizing for tournament play.

Class compositions will continue to be a part of the strategy and gameplay of a class-based game like World of Warcraft. By having distinctly unique classes with varying play styles, we allow for the variety of game mechanics found in competitive play. Players will continue to adjust to the varying play styles and will come up with new strategies that can counter the old, established ones. Additionally, with the addition of new content (equipment, abilities, and talents) new strategies and play styles will inevitably emerge. Our new tournament format should allow players who are flexible and skilled enough to be able to master many different classes and play styles to compete effectively.

Recently a “Blue” post was made on the forums by Blizzard staff referring to the composition and make up of teams based on classes. How much does Blizzard track the class make up of the top rated teams on their ladders and does this effect future “nerfs”/”buffs” or general changes to classes?

"We feel that the introduction of the Arena system created a viable platform for competitive PvP and eSports in World of Warcraft."

We definitely track trends and class make-ups and will make adjustments if it improves overall gameplay. However, we’re wary of the effect of any changes and how they may affect other aspects of the game and will perform thorough testing prior to implementing any changes.

Battlegrounds have been a hot topic lately, including the recent tweaking of honor rewards and re-introducing turn-ins tokens for honor. Could you elaborate on the reasoning behind this balancing? With the emphasis so strongly on Arena and Battlegrounds play, are there more world PvP initiatives underway?

The recent changes to the Battleground system and rewards were aimed to provide a better overall experience to the players participating in the Battlegrounds. We wanted to ease the transition a bit for players who predominantly play in PvE and wanted to try out PvP, with the inclusion of new superior-quality PvP items obtained through reputation, along with some of the token turn-ins for PvP gear. We have plans in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for a world PvP zone, Lake Wintergrasp, which will feature world PvP objectives and siege weapons.

The community spends a lot of time in Battlegrounds play as the lead up for Arena play requiring players to attain honor points for gear necessary to play in Arena. It seems like a lot of the community plays battlegrounds for fun with a focus on building large scale teams such as the AV-enabler mods then join large 40 man teams at the same time or WSG/AB/EOS that have actually ability to join as a team. Has Blizzard considered the idea of having Arena-sized Battlegrounds with objective based play instead of more Deathmatch style arenas that exist currently?

We’re looking to add new Arenas for Wrath of the Lich King that may be a bit different from the current Arena environments, but we’re not ready to go into specifics just yet.

Has Blizzard considered adding an HLTV type program to WoW that would allow people to view any person’s point of view and unlimited 3rd person views from around the arena? And what about making this public so people could watch their favorite arena teams play each other, ie making WoW potentially spectator friendly?

"We definitely track trends and class make-ups and will make adjustments if it improves overall gameplay."

We are continuing to explore spectator options for viewing Arena games. Our current focus is increasing the broadcast quality that we use for our tournaments and tournaments that we support. We’ll continue to explore methods to make Arena games more accessible to our players.

Has Blizzard considered the idea of adding Match-making functionality to the current queue system to allow teams to focus practice and play against specific teams? Beyond fixes/bug issues, is there anything new expected before WotLK?

This has been something that’s been brought up and is currently in discussion. As for new content prior to the release of the second expansion, we haven’t made any announcements.


It's funny because the rise of arena has made BGs a lot more fun for me. all the pvp = serious business types don't tard up the BGs and I personally doubt I will ever do arena even though I'd like to try it a little. I do hate how it's the driving force for class balance, but I prefer that to vanilla WoW's Raid or Die balance/loot rewards since it usually gives classes more fun things to add to their kit compared to pve enhancements. I also like resilience as a stat by design since it 1) drastically levels the playing field in pvp for all classes (imo, coming from someone who did a lot of pvp pre-TBC too) and 2) allowed blizzard to separate pve/pvp gear for the most part. Granted, that really just means pvp catassers can ruin BGs but since they only need their 3 epix after the new season starts up, you don't see them compared to all the asshats who afk'd their way to tier 2/2.5 and epic weapons one shotting people who had no realistic hope of fighting them off because they can't/don't raid.

But really that's more about blizzard making viable options for gearing up for just about everyone, except maybe soloers.


Same old crap, huh? I guess they really aren't phased by WAR. I'd like to see how Chilton and co. react come next year when all the disgruntled arena vets start the big migration.


paaronormal said:
Same old crap, huh? I guess they really aren't phased by WAR. I'd like to see how Chilton and co. react come next year when all the disgruntled arena vets start the big migration.

They'll make sure not to delete their characters for when half of them come back.
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