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World of Warcraft

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I decided on my Priest for LK, but no, I vote for crazy knockbacks. It's to one spec on one class, and blasting people into the pit of oblivion in EOTS will be hi-larious.


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CassSept said:
The problem with PvE -> PvP transfer is that leveling on PvP server wouldn't make any sense. It takes way longer and is way harder to level up on PvP server, especially in mid-20s and late 30s/early 40s range when you have to get through Hillsbrad and STV (nesingwary camp ganking ugh)., so that would be just unfair to those who leveled up on PvP serv...
what about transferring a character that isn't level 70 yet?

i've got a 62 shaman and a 65 druid that i really want to transfer to a PvP server. at those levels i still have many hours of world PvP to contend with before i reach 70. just make it so that you can't transfer characters above level 67, which means you HAVE to level through some world PvP content.

i reckon they should allow PvE to PvP transfers when WotLK comes out for anyone 68 and under.


Mr Pockets said:
I never understood why people want PVE to PVP transfers.

I don't see Blizz ever allowing it, defeats the purpose of a PVP server. Leveling up in a pvp environment is the point.

Transfering a fully made character from PVE to PVP is the same as buying gold IMO.


And no...I am not one of those so called "elitists"
This argument is dumb because you can just as easily level up on a low-pop pvp server without any issue and then transfer to a "real" pvp server if your goal is just easy levelling. It's a dumb restriction and that doesn't even make any sense when you take the case of a player levelling up on a pvp server, deciding to transfer to a pve server, and now being restricted on ever going back to a pvp server.

It's really not that much more difficult nor does it really take that much more time to level on a pvp server vs a pve server, and they certainly don't restrict people from transferring to high pop pvp servers where you might actually have people in hillsbrad all the time from low pop pvp servers where levelling is just as easy as it is on a pve server.

I have a 70 hunter on a PVP server that I'd like to transfer to a PVE server just so I could have a character to play with some other friends occasionally, but I'd never do it because it'd lock me out of ever going back to a PVP server should I decide to.



Still Tagged Accordingly
Mr Pockets said:
I never understood why people want PVE to PVP transfers.
have you ever had a PvE character that you wanted to transfer to a PvP server so you could play with friends?

Mr Pockets said:
I don't see Blizz ever allowing it, defeats the purpose of a PVP server. Leveling up in a pvp environment is the point.
See my post above. Blizzard only need to place a restriction that characters at 67 and under will be able to transfer. When WotLK hits, make it 68 or 70 and under. that way you're forced to level up through a big chunk of world PvP content. simple

Mr Pockets said:
Transfering a fully made character from PVE to PVP is the same as buying gold IMO.
... your opinion is WRONG.


If leveling is so easy to do then stop bitching about not being able to transfer on a PVP server and level a new toon. Especially considering how they made 1-60 easier to level, it's pretty obvious that Blizzard has no intents on PVE->PVP server transfers except for extreme circumstances. There'd be too much backlash. Earn your stripes.


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Hero said:
If leveling is so easy to do then stop bitching about not being able to transfer on a PVP server and level a new toon.
it's easy but tedious

Hero said:
Earn your stripes.

and i already earned my stripes getting to 70 on a pvp server before

besides, like i already said. there's plenty of chances for people to earn their stripes from 70-80 if blizz allows it for WotLK.


Hero said:
If leveling is so easy to do then stop bitching about not being able to transfer on a PVP server and level a new toon. Especially considering how they made 1-60 easier to level, it's pretty obvious that Blizzard has no intents on PVE->PVP server transfers except for extreme circumstances. There'd be too much backlash. Earn your stripes.
As a guy who has never leveled a PvE toon past level 10, I can say that I pretty much don't give a fuck if someone wants to transfer a character from PvE to PvP.

Leveling sucks after the first time. PvP or no.


Has problems recognising girls
On one hand I can understand the cons of a PVE -> PVP transfer.

But at the same time since my mains are on PVP server, it's never bothered me if something like that was to occur. The big PVP guilds are a thing of the past and most, if not all, realised that the only way to stay competitive in the game was to ditch premade PVPs and delve into PVE orientated goals or split off and do Arena.

You also have to remember the fact that cross-realm Battlegroups have PVP and PVE realms thrown together.

Leveling will always be a chore on whatever realm class it is, and if you were never ganked on a PVP realm then you are either very lucky or you never left the starter areas. It's going to happen sooner or later either by a mob of people at your level or by a high level wanting to test out his/her new epic.
Alex said:
Blizz is apparently allowing PvE to PvP transfers on an Oceanic transfer, Alliance only, to fix an imbalance. I personally dont care, but maybe reading some of the assured meltdown will blow some idle moments at work tommorow.

edit; holy fuck, I see why they're doing it though:

Horde 16,111 (95%)
Alliance 874 (5%)

If I worked at blizzard, I would put fucking tumbleweeds into Alliance towns on that server for the hell of it
Where can I see Horde/Alliance ratios per server?

I want to see what Stormscale looks like...


I think the knockbacks should knock you off cliffs to your death as long as you are playing:
Night Elf
Blood Elf

just as a "screw you for making the most popular, bland choice with your character" effect.

realistically though, I doubt they can knock anyone off cliffs, which kind of sucks. I dream of finding someone afk on top of icecrown glacier and then blasting them off with a DK/shaman knockback spell so they have to spirit res.
Alex said:

It's not 100% accurate, like Blizzard always whines when WCR is sourced, but it's not too far off I assume. I've always found it to be pretty much correct, especially when using the tool/addon on their site to take an active census.

Also, I like Humans!
Cool, thanks! I wonder if it's an advantage or disadvantage to fun to be in the majority. You get ganked less often but you have less players to engage...


I think if I played alliance I would be a gnome, dwarf or draenei. even though I think draenei are the most retarded race lore-wise since it literally required retconning like all of the biggest warcraft villains.

honestly the race I hate the most is blood elves. I think they've already become the most popular horde race by far even on my old-ass server.
firex said:
I think if I played alliance I would be a gnome, dwarf or draenei. even though I think draenei are the most retarded race lore-wise since it literally required retconning like all of the biggest warcraft villains.

honestly the race I hate the most is blood elves. I think they've already become the most popular horde race by far even on my old-ass server.
How often do they add new servers? Is there a way to tell how old a server is? Does it matter? Are the biggest pros on the older servers?


They haven't added new servers in awhile that I can think of. maybe they'll add more with the next expansion. there is no real advantage one way or the other though.


Scrow said:
it's easy but tedious

and i already earned my stripes getting to 70 on a pvp server before

besides, like i already said. there's plenty of chances for people to earn their stripes from 70-80 if blizz allows it for WotLK.

There's more to "earning" it than participating in world PVP while leveling in the new zones. You obviously never experienced the frustration of trying to zone into an instance where a max level character of the opposite faction was powering his friends alts and was steamrolling through your own party at the meeting stone.

You're entitled to your opinion dude, but Blizzard's stance hasn't changed since release and it doesn't look like they're going to. QQ.


Hero said:
There's more to "earning" it than participating in world PVP while leveling in the new zones. You obviously never experienced the frustration of trying to zone into an instance where a max level character of the opposite faction was powering his friends alts and was steamrolling through your own party at the meeting stone.
I've been through all that and more. On both the giving and receiving ends. Multiple times.

And I still don't care about PvE->PvP transfers.
You're entitled to your opinion dude, but Blizzard's stance hasn't changed since release and it doesn't look like they're going to. QQ.
You must be one of those elitists. Hi.


Alex said:

It's not 100% accurate, like Blizzard always whines when WCR is sourced, but it's not too far off I assume. I've always found it to be pretty much correct, especially when using the tool/addon on their site to take an active census.

Also, I like Humans!

Ugh just like I expect, twice as many alliance on hydraxis than horde. I hate my server, think I'm going to transfer to a more balanced or horde favored one.


No one agrees with me, but I really wish they'd tear down the wall and let Horde and Alliance play together. I don't care how they develop around it, I'm just sick of having a server where I can't play with 50% of the people.

Of course, I also wish they'd let every race play every class. I hate this restrictive bullshit. LOL DRAENEIS CANT BE WARLOCKS OR ROGUES, THAT'D BE UNSAVORY. BUT OH HERE, HAVE A DEATH KNIGHT.

Chris R

Just finished running an instance (HUB)

got my wand finally though I'm kinda angry at the warlock in our group


I wish I could just press a single button all the time :( Still outdpsed the warlock though... even though recount shows him doing 9xx+ dps and me only 7xx+ dps... maybe he was afk half the time or something.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Hero said:
You obviously never experienced the frustration of trying to zone into an instance where a max level character of the opposite faction was powering his friends alts and was steamrolling through your own party at the meeting stone.
you obviously don't know what you're talking about. it has happened, i got over it.

Hero said:
You're entitled to your opinion dude, but Blizzard's stance hasn't changed since release and it doesn't look like they're going to. QQ.
certainly won't change if no one debates it. which is why i'm here.
firex said:
If they let every race be every class, I would finally have a high level rogue since I'd be playing a tauren rogue.
You are one of those people aren't you?

But yea, troll pallies and gnome shaman. Should have been done long ago.

Scrow said:
you obviously don't know what you're talking about. it has happened, i got over it.

certainly won't change if no one debates it. which is why i'm here.

Leveling up on a PvP server *IS* kind of obnoxious. And having to deal with shit like Isle on a constant basis *IS* really fucking obnoxious. Granted, you'd still have to deal with some of the bullshit that is the latter, but I can kinda understand people being butthurt over it.


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Son of Godzilla said:
Granted, you'd still have to deal with some of the bullshit that is the latter, but I can kinda understand people being butthurt over it.
i understand where they're coming from too, i just don't think it's a good enough reason.

the vocal ones that speak against it seem the type that like to beat their chests about how they're a "real" PvP player. I'm really not interested in all their machismo. i just want to play the characters i have now with my friends, and avoid the tedium (again) of leveling up more characters.


Alex said:
No one agrees with me, but I really wish they'd tear down the wall and let Horde and Alliance play together. I don't care how they develop around it, I'm just sick of having a server where I can't play with 50% of the people.

Of course, I also wish they'd let every race play every class. I hate this restrictive bullshit. LOL DRAENEIS CANT BE WARLOCKS OR ROGUES, THAT'D BE UNSAVORY. BUT OH HERE, HAVE A DEATH KNIGHT.
I'll agree with you on one condition.

If I (as a Horde player) can group with Alliance, I better damn well be able to kill Horde.
firex said:
If they let every race be every class, I would finally have a high level rogue since I'd be playing a tauren rogue.
Also, this! O:<


Son of Godzilla said:
You are one of those people aren't you?

But yea, troll pallies and gnome shaman. Should have been done long ago.

Leveling up on a PvP server *IS* kind of obnoxious. And having to deal with shit like Isle on a constant basis *IS* really fucking obnoxious. Granted, you'd still have to deal with some of the bullshit that is the latter, but I can kinda understand people being butthurt over it.
I'd just want to play classes that break all the ideas of like, what that race/class combo is about! gnome druid, tauren rogue, undead/troll/orc paladin... who am I kidding, though, I'd just find the class that has the craziest shoulder armor for their different sets and then make an orc of that class.


Alex said:
No one agrees with me, but I really wish they'd tear down the wall and let Horde and Alliance play together. I don't care how they develop around it, I'm just sick of having a server where I can't play with 50% of the people.

Of course, I also wish they'd let every race play every class. I hate this restrictive bullshit. LOL DRAENEIS CANT BE WARLOCKS OR ROGUES, THAT'D BE UNSAVORY. BUT OH HERE, HAVE A DEATH KNIGHT.

I don't necessarily agree with tearing down the walls (I like dicking over Horde players on quest mobs/nodes :p) But I feel there should be a neutral faction.

Start out with Two Races, Goblin and Tuskaar (or whatever the Walrus people are). Each race gets about 4 Classes: Warrior, Shaman, Rogue, and another caster for Goblins, Warrior, Shaman, Hunter and another for Tuskaar.

In game they can group/guild/pvp with anyone they damn well please, and maybe even serve as translators between the factions. Though there would be a few restrictions mainly so they dont run around with every faction mount in the game, like chooseing Alliance riding skill or Horde riding skill or something.


Kletian said:
I don't necessarily agree with tearing down the walls (I like dicking over Horde players on quest mobs/nodes :p)
But imagine if you could dick over everyone!

It'd be amazing!

EDIT: Also I've wanted to play a goblin for a long long time. That and an ogre.
And, okay, yes, a Pandaren, too.


goblins, as a race, would probably be limited to the exact same classes gnomes are.

I kind of hope the next horde race (whenever they add one to each side) is either murlocs just for the hell of it, or some kind of gnome-sized race. It'll probably be tuskarr, though. They're already setting up the lore so horde can add them as a race.


It would be pretty cool if you could have a cooldown based "truce" option. Say a 3 or 4 day cooldown on all involved in a blended faction group. At least that way it wouldn't be used all the time, but could be used when desired.


Decided to bench my Priest in favor of leveling my Lock. I think I might be doing something wrong, but Affliction grinding is actually kind of hard work. I tried the DOT everything up and then AOE fear tactic, but I'm just getting my ass kicked doing that, so I've stuck to single target killing. : (


Affliction warlocks should be drain-tanking until at least their 50's. At some point you get enough dots so that all of them applied will kill a mob while it's Fear'ed, but that doesn't happen for a while.


border said:
Affliction warlocks should be drain-tanking until at least their 50's. At some point you get enough dots so that all of them applied will kill a mob while it's Fear'ed, but that doesn't happen for a while.

Warlock's lvl 48. I really think I could do it now, but my level 30 gear and whopping 12 spell damage is probably the thing holding me back (thanks AH gougers on Deathwing!). UA will definitely help a lot, too.


paaronormal said:
Warlock's lvl 48. I really think I could do it now, but my level 30 gear and whopping 12 spell damage is probably the thing holding me back (thanks AH gougers on Deathwing!). UA will definitely help a lot, too.

Oh wow yeah, your not at enough spell damage nearly yet to be doing multiple mobs at once. Your going to want to start doing that once you get to the point that one application of your dots kills a mob. At that point start trying it. Its really just for flash though. I never do that while PvE'ing on my lock because its annoying walking 30 yards to and fro to loot the 5 mobs you dotted and feared.

I find it better just burning a mob down at a time in rapid succession.
Went to ZA tonight, guild had already downed eagle and bear the other day but I got to be there for the first downing of the lynx boss but we couldn't get dragonhawk

Fun times
Nonsense, you can start fear/tabbing once you get dark pact.

People call it aoe but what you are really doing is dotting everything up then fearing then moving on to the next mob. It's not actually dotting up multiple mobs and howling. That shit'll get you raped.

I'd say Feralas is the first place with honest mob encampments where you can start doing this and not be wasting your time chasing down corpses. The gnolls and the northern ogres both are set up perfectly for this.


Yeah, ideally what you want is to Shadowbolt, dot up a mob, fear the mob, then start the process over again with a new mob.....since only 1 enemy can be feared at a time the first one will start walking back towards you, and hopefully the 1st one will die at your feet so you don't have to run around to loot. Just try it and see how it works out. Without a lot of bonus spell damage it can be kinda difficult.


Big fight in my LFG channel last night as to what sort of DPS/Damage/Crit you should be at when you run Kara.

There was a faction of people who were convinced if you don't have 1700AP and at least 30% crit as a DPS, you're pretty much useless.

What have you guys seen on your Kara runs.

After respeccing, I think I'm at about 1300AP, 124 Hit Rating, and 24% crit but I'm not done getting all the stuff I want before I join a raiding guild. I have done a bit of Kara a few times (Survived Prince and Netherspite, but Aran kicked the group I was in to the ground..."I WILL NOT MOVE DURING FLAME WREATH") and I seemed to be doing OK DPS-wise, but really, are those above stats useless?
Depends what the rest of the group has

When I started running Kara with my guild I had 1300AP 25% crit and 135 hit rating

But that was as combat daggers

But as far as PUGging with a Kara group, they are going to want someone who won't fuck up the run
Richiban said:
Big fight in my LFG channel last night as to what sort of DPS/Damage/Crit you should be at when you run Kara.

There was a faction of people who were convinced if you don't have 1700AP and at least 30% crit as a DPS, you're pretty much useless.

What have you guys seen on your Kara runs.

After respeccing, I think I'm at about 1300AP, 124 Hit Rating, and 24% crit but I'm not done getting all the stuff I want before I join a raiding guild. I have done a bit of Kara a few times (Survived Prince and Netherspite, but Aran kicked the group I was in to the ground..."I WILL NOT MOVE DURING FLAME WREATH") and I seemed to be doing OK DPS-wise, but really, are those above stats useless?

Is it a "badge run", or was the people running it bad and wanted damn sure that any problems could just be outgeared? Cuz you're stuff is great short of more +HIT.


Wow, I'm shocked at myself for leveling a rogue alt. He's 19 currently, he'll be 20 later today. Can't believe I stuck with it cause I'm a huge fans of Druids and Shaman's and really want to level them, maybe I'll stop with my rogue at 20 and get a druid and shammy both to 20 and go from there :lol

I'm getting tired of BG's again

Eye of the Storm is tolerable as I win way more than I lose

Arathi Basin is annoying because of how long it takes

Warsong Gulch is usually pretty awful since people don't like to play as a team and the fucking games take forever

AV is boring because people seem to like to argue over why they were right and everyone else was wrong instead of playing the game and people dragging it out for god knows how long even when its a clear loss and the honour is low


Chris R

AB and WSG suck because they do take FOREVER. I only do AV when I can get into my realm premade and do games in 10 mins for 400+ bonus honor.


Buff to Curse of Elements -- woohoo! I hope they are lowering the level requirement for Druid's Travel Form, because there's hardly any point to getting it at level 30 now.

New Tailoring patterns are available from Haughty Modiste in Steamwheedle Port, Tanaris: Haliscan Jacket and Haliscan Pantaloons.

Are these anything good, or just low-level items to make leveling your skill easier?


They're probably just for show and for skilling up.

And yeah, that's good to combine CoS and CoE, no more fighting with a warlock to get CoE added on!


Tamanon said:
Mounts at 30! Cost reduced to 35g. That's awesome, because 30 is when you start getting quests farther apart.
30 to 40 is definitely one of the lowest points for leveling. The reduction in cost will also really help new players.

Glad we got this info now too, my mage is at 39.
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