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World of Warcraft

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Even though some of the new pvp gear is going to be an upgrade for me, I am not sure its worth having to play wow pvp for. It is just melee dominated and not worth putting up with.

On a side note, any future Ele Shamans take note: Eye of the Storm is not worth the talent points, not even for PvP. Get lower cooldown or shocks or less elemental damage taken, but Eye of the Storm is completely non-effective. It gets worse as your PvP gear gets better and even when it does proc, it doesn't really accomplish a thing. It just means the enemy has to use one of the many stuns/silences in the game and then goes back to CCing you effectively by simple auto-attack when eye of the storm wears off during the stun/silence. I've never had the skill save me. .
etiolate said:
On a side note, any future Ele Shamans take note: Eye of the Storm is not worth the talent points, not even for PvP. Get lower cooldown or shocks or less elemental damage taken, but Eye of the Storm is completely non-effective. It gets worse as your PvP gear gets better and even when it does proc, it doesn't really accomplish a thing. It just means the enemy has to use one of the many stuns/silences in the game and then goes back to CCing you effectively by simple auto-attack when eye of the storm wears off during the stun/silence. I've never had the skill save me. .

Pretty certain that every "After being the victim of a crit" talents still proc on crits turned into hits from resilience.


Love that mounts are at 30 now, its great motivation for leveling alts. STV will be much easier now when you first go there.

Waiting for premades to be made available on the new ptr also, hortus did say that they will have them for this ptr. Can't wait to play a druid and shammy again :D


Still Tagged Accordingly
border said:
I hope they are lowering the level requirement for Druid's Travel Form, because there's hardly any point to getting it at level 30 now.
instant cast and usable in combat isn't "worth it"?

Son of Godzilla said:
Pretty certain that every "After being the victim of a crit" talents still proc on crits turned into hits from resilience.
yeah, i've read the same thing.


Son of Godzilla said:
Pretty certain that every "After being the victim of a crit" talents still proc on crits turned into hits from resilience.

I haven't heard that. I know you still get crit, and crit for less and it still works, but I haven't seen that phenomena happen yet.


I would still say to make eye of the storm a simple anti-pushback talent just like every other caster class has. It's kind of retarded druids only have one for wrath (excluding that moonkin buff), but they at least have root to give them some distance for nuking.
Are Priest's still as valuable to a party as they were a few years ago? I have a ~lvl50 priest I've been thinking of playing around with again. I haven't played in a few years.


gregor7777 said:
Are Priest's still as valuable to a party as they were a few years ago? I have a ~lvl50 priest I've been thinking of playing around with again. I haven't played in a few years.

Yeah they are, they're still one of the more desired healers in the game, and every caster loves a shadow priest.


witness said:
Love that mounts are at 30 now, its great motivation for leveling alts. STV will be much easier now when you first go there.

Waiting for premades to be made available on the new ptr also, hortus did say that they will have them for this ptr. Can't wait to play a druid and shammy again :D

Love the premades on test. All I play is dps classes on live, every PTR I load up a healer of some sort and just go into the PvP BG's and heal. I love healing PvP but dislike leveling a healer. Questing as a healing class with a healing build is painful after leveling something like a rogue warlock or hunter. I cant take it ::lol


Has problems recognising girls
Leveling a healer isn't too bad as long as you are using the right spec. I don't have too much experience with Paladin (I've heard it's a pain to level most times after lvl 40), but with the 3 other classes they all have their viabilities in leveling.

Druid = Feral. Closest thing you might get to a Rogue/Warrior cross over depending on which Feral form you choose.

Shaman = Enhancement. Soon as you get dual-wielding and a few other important talents then you'll rip mobs to shreds. Once you get Water Shield you will never have any downtime.

Priest = Shadow. First few levels can be hard and slow depending on how you go about it. But once you have Spirit Tap and Improved Wand dmg talents, there is literally never a moment when you are waiting for mana to go back up. I love leveling Shadow Priests because it seems like a Warlock without the pet and Life Tap. Once you get past lvl 40, it just blows to insane speeds.


With a paladin the best ways to level are ret or prot, with prot being about taking down multiple mobs at once and ret being about fighting more or less like a retarded dps warrior. but really, if you pick paladin my suggestion is log out and make another class so you will actually have fun playing WoW when you're 70.


I leveled my pally to 60 as Prot, then to 70 as Holy, then promptly made a new character:( Thinking of changing my 70 shammy to resto though. The pally was just soooooo dull to heal as.

Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash, dammit lag....Holy Light, flash.


Bleh, I leveled my Paladin as Holy from the start and had lots of fun, even at 70. Granted it is not the best spec to level, but it made some fights with elite mobs pretty cool when soloing, especially in outland.


Yeah it was great being able to solo elite demon guys especially pretty easily, but it just sucked to me, to heal and to do any solo content.
New keyloggers are about everyone. Guild bank got partially knocked over early this morning and was in the process of being fenced to Kelthuzad before Blizz ixnayed it during the character Xfer process. I've also heard 4 or 5 other guilds got knocked off on my server this week ALONE.

Refresh your anti-malware, manually if you have to, and watch even ads on WoWHead or whatever; they're getting good.


wow, awesome news about the lvl 30 mounts. I'm more inclined to push my 27 priest up passed my pally now. Is this patch going to drop within the month?


Has problems recognising girls
It should. There doesn't seem much content to really test other than the normal PTR things. Hortus says that they want to put on premades sometime soon - for what reason I have no idea.


Joined a more serious raiding guild and ran kara the first night. Downed curator, shade, and went through the chess event. They were already that far I guess so we went around the back way. These guys have cleared this place a number of times and are just farming it to gear everyone basically. The other two hunters both have sunfury's so the next one could be mine if I wanted but I'll be getting the s2 bow tuesday instead.

Last night for kicks we ran AQ40, and that was really interesting. We got to the twin emperors before we stopped because it was like 2:30am. Pretty cool place, I think that if they added badges to all the bosses that it would build some traffic back up. It was my first time in an old world raid so I was glad I went. They're going to Gruul's tonight but I wont be around to go, which sucks cause I'd love to.


It'd be pointless to add anything to the old WoW raids, though. I mean, the gear they drop is worthless for the most part already, but adding badges would make them very easily farmed. Takes like 15 people at most to farm a 40 man raid at 70, probably less if they're all in epics.


Fire Festival quests seem pretty cool so far. I can't wait to take down Ahune. I need his tanking cape, and maybe that caster scythe for my Warlock. The stats on the scythe aren't all that great, but it sure does look cool.

firex said:
It'd be pointless to add anything to the old WoW raids, though. I mean, the gear they drop is worthless for the most part already, but adding badges would make them very easily farmed. Takes like 15 people at most to farm a 40 man raid at 70, probably less if they're all in epics.
Yes, but it'd give people something to do and a way to experience long-outdated content.

Chris R

I just wish they would retune AQ40/20,BWL,MC,ect for the next expansion pack, and make them drop something worth while. Just give the bosses some form of token or whatever and make the 40s into 10s and the 20s into 5s and give the old 5s a new mode. Just sucks so much to see all that old and good content go to waste because it has no purpose now.
rhfb said:
I just wish they would retune AQ40/20,BWL,MC,ect for the next expansion pack, and make them drop something worth while. Just give the bosses some form of token or whatever and make the 40s into 10s and the 20s into 5s and give the old 5s a new mode. Just sucks so much to see all that old and good content go to waste because it has no purpose now.

Well they are retuning Naxx which is great considering most players didn't get to experience it and it's probably the best dungeon Blizzard has ever made. Unfortunately for me, I'm never going to get to see Black Temple and Hyjal either unless they retune it, or make it offer some sort of reward at 80 as well.


old, I'll give you, but good? fuck no, MC, BWL, ZG and both AQs were retarded for all I played of them (everything up to twin emps). at least 50% of that content is boring resist check fights.


Has problems recognising girls
I would've thought that most raiders would not want to go back to the tank & spank formula of old instances.

Chris R

SatelliteOfLove said:
Hey, I liked BWL. Mostly great boss fights and few but tough trash.
BWL was great, and more fun than Naxx. There are a few resist fights, but like I said, they could retune it for 10s (turn vael into Curator, ect).

Granted I haven't done any of the TBC raiding other than Kara, but nothing in there seemed any different than tank and spank with a few bonus features.


Vael + Nef were the only fun fights for me in BWL, but that was as a warlock and that instance is largely about melee. I hate the 3 drakes, and Broodlord (and the suppression room) and Chromaggus. Razorgore is sort of fun in phase 1, but then phase 2 makes it that regular tank and spank shit. MC is seriously the worst instance in the game; raid, 5 man, ANY instance is better than MC.

Blizzard could retool all these instances, or they could just rework the one that barely any of the players even saw, much less played, and then spend their time designing cool NEW instances. which I would much rather they do than go back and retune all the old shit. If they want to retune it, do it in a patch way later, but it's not worth the time imo. Although I guess all those raids could be redone as level 80 5/10 man instances.
firex said:
Vael + Nef were the only fun fights for me in BWL, but that was as a warlock and that instance is largely about melee. I hate the 3 drakes, and Broodlord (and the suppression room) and Chromaggus. Razorgore is sort of fun in phase 1, but then phase 2 makes it that regular tank and spank shit. MC is seriously the worst instance in the game; raid, 5 man, ANY instance is better than MC.

Blizzard could retool all these instances, or they could just rework the one that barely any of the players even saw, much less played, and then spend their time designing cool NEW instances. which I would much rather they do than go back and retune all the old shit. If they want to retune it, do it in a patch way later, but it's not worth the time imo. Although I guess all those raids could be redone as level 80 5/10 man instances.

That was the thing about Razorgore. It was NOTHING like anything before that...except for the softball pitch 2nd phase. Add to that he was sitting pretty right up front was awesome.

I will say it was nasty watching that Jindo-Ossirian-Razorgore-Vael gauntlet erode our guild's roster, but then again, I was sick of tank 'n spank already and this mysterious creativity was inticing (as was developing a "Spidey Sense" of sorts for aggro in phase 1 "Run..." and to book in a figure 8 along with the warriors. It has served me well many times since).


SatelliteOfLove said:
That was the thing about Razorgore. It was NOTHING like anything before that...except for the softball pitch 2nd phase. Add to that he was sitting pretty right up front was awesome.

I will say it was nasty watching that Jindo-Ossirian-Razorgore-Vael gauntlet erode our guild's roster, but then again, I was sick of tank 'n spank already and this mysterious creativity was inticing (as was developing a "Spidey Sense" of sorts for aggro in phase 1 "Run..." and to book in a figure 8 along with the warriors. It has served me well many times since).

Funny to hear you say that about Razor and Vael, because our guild went through something similar back then. Not so much Razorgore, because we had phenomenal hunters to kite the drakes so phase 1 was cake and phase 2 was textbook, but Vael, man he put our guild through hell, and you couldnt newbie your way through that fight. Alot of roster shuffling was caused by Vael for us, people who couldnt pay attention or handle wiping 5+ times without throwing a fit and logging off had to go.

Great cleansing and separating the raiders from the people who just tagged along afking every 5 minutes during the boring MC clears.


Grandma's Chippy
I am seeing/hearing of people making as much as 700-800 gold a pop with the fire festival quests....what am I missing.

Something to do with going to each city/town to use a torch/fire/brazier etc.

I don't see any such quests



Go to cities and Honor your faction's fire -- get 5g. Go to opposite faction cities and desecrate their fire -- get 10g. Go to opposite faction capital cities and steal their fire -- get 25g, plus a bonus item if you do all 4 capitals. Expect some resistance in Org, SW, IF.

As there are 32 Alliance Fires and 30 Horde Fires, you can get as Alliance 550g 10s and 460 Blossoms, and as Horde 562g 18s and 470 Blossoms, not counting quests or capital bonfires.

I solo'ed all the capital cities last night, and believe it or not Darnassus was the hardest one just because a couple douches wanted to spend all evening guarding it. Ironically it's the easier one to approach (it is at the Darnassus harbor, not even inside the city) but the hardest one to tap since that area has a shitload of level 65 guards spawned all the time. Oh and be warned that if you die in Ruth'eran Village outside Darnassus, your corpse run will begin on the other side of the ocean and you'll have to make your ghost wait for the boat :lol

Be warned that there's a lot of running around Azeroth, and you'll probably have to devote the better part of an evening to grabbing the flames if you decide to do all the cities. Eastern Kingdoms is probably pretty easy if you are Alliance, but there's a large segment of it where there are no real Horde Flight points and you'll have to hoof it. Find a Paladin friend to quest with, for Crusader aura and a BOP when you are trying to tag that fire in IronForge :)


Grandma's Chippy
Just started doing them after my last post (Alliance)

So far I have all of Eastern done, including Undercity. Now am working my way through Kalimdor stuff.

As a mage, it is easy with portals..hehe
i just started playing again after about a year of not. i only got my last (and first) character to level 42 though so this time ill see if i can get to the endgame. anyway, right when i hit 39 on my new rogue, the lvl and price drop for mounts was announced so now im just doing arathi basin :/

anybody play on hyjal?


Bah, running a tight budget and having to cancel my account effective tomorrow.:/

Hopefully I'll have everything in order by WotLK. Got 6 level 70s waiting for it.:lol


yeah, my account runs out pretty soon and I'm not gonna renew until a month or so before WotLK. by then I can probably afford it again. In the meantime I guess it's just rep farming time since I need consortium and scryer rep (been too lazy to buy/trade for most scryer stuff).


For those that are still playing and need a new cape I would check out the boss they put in Slave Pens for this little summer festival thing: Name is Ahune or something like that.

(If your going to follow the links to see the item on wowhead please run NoScript, IMO never trust any WoW related site to not have keyloggers, not even well known ones like this one. I included the stats so you don't have to visit that site unless you want to)

Frostscythe of Lord Ahune (Link)
40 Stamina
35 Intellect
33 Spell Crit Rating
176 Spell Damage
13 mana per 5

The Frost Lord's War Cloak (Link)
23 Agility
22 Stamina
48 Attack Power

Icebound Cloak (Link)
267 Armor
30 Stamina
25 Defense Rating

Shroud of Winter's Chill (Link)
16 Stamina
17 Intellect
46 +Healing (16 +damage)
8 mana per 5

Pretty much a cape for every class and spec almost. I went and got the melee version for my hunter today in a group, we killed him 5 times (dropped for me on our last kill whew!) In any case, he is a relatively easy fight, and the melee cape has identical stats to the one sold in Shattrath for 25 badges. A good way to get yourself an upgrade without having to farm heroics.


Damn, I only just realized that the tank cape is roughly equivalent to the craftable blue item, the Cloak of Eternity (36 STA, 23 DEF, 76 armor). And the tank neck is kind of a sidegrade to the Mark of the Ravenguard. That's kind of lame. Seems like they are just painting blue items purple to draw interest to this event =P

rhfb said:
The only thing good about this thing is the 550+ gold I get for free for doing this :lol
It certainly isn't free. It's a pretty long slog around the continents, and some nasty corpse runs if you aren't successful in the capital cities. I've done all of Kalimdor with one character, and all of Eastern Kingdoms with my other character. I don't know if I'll really be able to bring myself to do either one over again. Too much hassle, too much time.

You could make more gold per hour just logging in and doing the Quel'Danas dailies everyday, I'd imagine. A more efficient way to do it would just be flying to every one of your faction's cities and not bothering with the opposite faction crap unless it's really close by.....but that'd be leaving money on the table, and folks can't resist that.


Tried Ahune late last night, PUG, and it was awful. The problem was he had little dps aside from I and a mage, we had another hunter but his gear was not good at all, so when the adds disappear and you open up on him it was taking far too long so the priest was eventually downed both times by adds.
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