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World of Warcraft

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Grandma's Chippy
border said:
Damn, I only just realized that the tank cape is roughly equivalent to the craftable blue item, the Cloak of Eternity (36 STA, 23 DEF, 76 armor). And the tank neck is kind of a sidegrade to the Mark of the Ravenguard. That's kind of lame. Seems like they are just painting blue items purple to draw interest to this event =P

It certainly isn't free. It's a pretty long slog around the continents, and some nasty corpse runs if you aren't successful in the capital cities. I've done all of Kalimdor with one character, and all of Eastern Kingdoms with my other character. I don't know if I'll really be able to bring myself to do either one over again. Too much hassle, too much time.

You could make more gold per hour just logging in and doing the Quel'Danas dailies everyday, I'd imagine. A more efficient way to do it would just be flying to every one of your faction's cities and not bothering with the opposite faction crap unless it's really close by.....but that'd be leaving money on the table, and folks can't resist that.
Took me about 3 1/2 hours to do all of them. Only died in one capital city when trying to get OUT after I got the flame. Got spammed by 3 hunters lol.

Asside for the tons of gold, it was a nice tour around the old world, some fun PVP, and the blossoms got me some cool rewards (Bought all the clothing for festival and got teh crown from reward for all cap cities)

All in all, fun event. Only one item left for me to get (Brazier for dancing fire lady)

Chris R

border said:
It certainly isn't free. It's a pretty long slog around the continents, and some nasty corpse runs if you aren't successful in the capital cities. I've done all of Kalimdor with one character, and all of Eastern Kingdoms with my other character. I don't know if I'll really be able to bring myself to do either one over again. Too much hassle, too much time.

You could make more gold per hour just logging in and doing the Quel'Danas dailies everyday, I'd imagine. A more efficient way to do it would just be flying to every one of your faction's cities and not bothering with the opposite faction crap unless it's really close by.....but that'd be leaving money on the table, and folks can't resist that.
Cleaning the Isle takes about an hour and a half for me. I could do it quicker if I was on a PvE server, but half the battle is staying alive long enough to kill anything. Hitting all of the things took just over two hours on my mage.
Mr Pockets said:
Took me about 3 1/2 hours to do all of them. Only died in one capital city when trying to get OUT after I got the flame. Got spammed by 3 hunters lol.

Asside for the tons of gold, it was a nice tour around the old world, some fun PVP, and the blossoms got me some cool rewards (Bought all the clothing for festival and got teh crown from reward for all cap cities)

All in all, fun event. Only one item left for me to get (Brazier for dancing fire lady)

I had a lot of fun with it too. I just finished a complete run of all of Azeroth and Outland with my priest and mage friend. A lot of fun and short battles, this should almost be the new battleground in some slightly tweaked form. Yeah I could have done the SSO dailys in a shorter amount of time but it was a nice change of pace along with the oodles of gold and fun stuff. EXCEPT those fire shoes, they completely suck!


my guess is, it will replace season 1 stuff and season 1 will be discounted, similar to how the honor cost for the s2 rings/necks went down after s3 came out.

at least, that's what I'm hoping...

Chris R

firex said:
my guess is, it will replace season 1 stuff and season 1 will be discounted, similar to how the honor cost for the s2 rings/necks went down after s3 came out.

at least, that's what I'm hoping...
S1 stuff will poof tomorrow never to be seen again unless you bought it already. S2 will replace it.


I've gotten almost all of the midsummer event awards, but still lack the shoes and pet. I've done ALL the bonfires, including main cities, but it saddens me that even if I do all of the dailies from here on out (20 blossoms a day), I won't be able to get everything. :(


when is the maintenance over?I'm downloading the trial version.I used to play before and want to get back into it.Is it easier to join a guild on a lower or higher population server?


Still Tagged Accordingly
does anyone know if you can change the last name that your account is registered under?

I have a friend who has quit WoW and he said I can have his 70 shaman. But I can only transfer a character from one account to another if they each share the last surname and i answer some secret question.

as far as i can tell you can't change the last name your account is registered under however. does anyone know if it's possible or if there's some trick to bypass it?

Ruas said:
when is the maintenance over?I'm downloading the trial version.
many hours i believe


I used to play a warrior and enjoyed it until end game raids.There were too many responsibilities for me.I would like to be more behind the lines and thats why I'm thinking of playing a rogue this time.does a rogue have a lot of responsibilities in raiding?
Wow I had no idea s4 was tomarrow...I just blew 90 marks on a war elephant :lol Also, going into season 4 with just one piece of s3 is going to suck.

Ruas, maybe you should try raiding as a fury warrior? I know its kind of hard to get into groups with one, but anything is cooler than a rogue


Gold Member
Belfast said:
I've gotten almost all of the midsummer event awards, but still lack the shoes and pet. I've done ALL the bonfires, including main cities, but it saddens me that even if I do all of the dailies from here on out (20 blossoms a day), I won't be able to get everything. :(

I did all of the old world bonfires + the four enemy cities and got a full set of the clothing with some blossoms left over. I haven't touched the outland fires yet.


Scrow said:
does anyone know if you can change the last name that your account is registered under?
Nope. Impossible. I bought my account from a friend in high school, painfully unaware of the fact that that's against the ToS. Now I know better, and I'm stuck with a name that's not mine. You can change everything BUT the name, including the address.

Been giving them my money for, what, two years? Still won't let me change it. Even though I started from scratch with all my characters. Not like I bought it intending to skip all the content. Grr.

Sad, but true.


Scrow said:
well, that's exactly why i want to get this character.

i've had enough of leveling up toons
Yeah, I know. What I mean, is I played through the game legitimately with this account, and that's exactly what Blizzard wants you to do. Yet, I still can't change the name.

I mean, I understand WHY Blizzard does it that way. Doesn't make it any less annoying!


Has problems recognising girls
If you get it working Scrow, may mercy be kind on your soul. I distinctly remember throwing up an old PTR premade Shaman before my full-time Shaman days and literally being overwhelmed by the amount of spells and totems that were available.

I hope you succeed though. WoW definitely needs more Shaman lovers.


Grandma's Chippy
Bought my epic flyer last nigh (despite hearing last minute rumors of a pricedrop next patch lol).

I was at 1328g on the weekend of the 10th...last night I topped out with 5117g and took the plunge (I already had the 200g mount from many months ago)

Wow...these suckers are fast. No regrets.

I was at 5000g last fall but bought a bunch of stuff for my mage instead (Spellstrike gear)

I figure I can make the money back fast again using same methods.

I think I am back up to 500-700g from last night anyway.

I was saving up for the epic flyer but when I was up to 2800 gold I got some new gear that I had to buy gems for and then I decided I wanted to take my engineering up from 144 to 350 to make the deathblow helm an I didn't have enough mats saved up so I spent about 600 gold to bring it up quickly

Time to start doing dailies again lol

Either that or use my mote extractor for farming and selling purposes


Collecting for epic mount was quite annoying, even with dailys. I didn't have that much time, and as we were progressing, every raid costed ~100-150g anyway, depending on price of Terocone and how much we wiped. But yeah, every single g is worth spending on it

ManaByte said:
I did all of the old world bonfires + the four enemy cities and got a full set of the clothing with some blossoms left over. I haven't touched the outland fires yet.
You still can't get the pet because of mighty imba Brazier of Dancing Flames.
It's a must for every collectioner, more even than a pet.
I got this, the head (as rogue stealthing into cities is eaz mode, only getting IF is hard since there are allys always there, but if you get out at correct moment they wont even see and attack you, and stealing fire takes only 5 secs), feet and dress, collecting blossoms for shoulders now. After that I will prolly put all the blossoms into buffs, they will be helpful in progressing through Sunwell (we are finally on right track to kill Kalec, yay! Finally our tries are getting better and better, and we manage to down both of them under 50%, so kill should occur next reset, or in 2 weeks. Sadly, we have problems with healers, cause all dps have very good gear, i think everybody has one, and most two T6 bonuses).


Son of Godzilla said:
Man, S4 is such a total non-upgrade to S3. They didn't even bump up the ArP, so there's only like 3 stats that get a measly 10% more.

and S4 is a total looks downgrade

which is probably the most important thing

looks uber alles
Was on a really good Kara run tonight until two people started bickering about how the pulls were going, people were called names, the raid leader quit the guild because he was pissed about al the arguing, and the two tanks started swearing at each other on vent

Fucking morons, adults acting like children.....its so sad and pathetic really

At least I got the leather chest from Nightbane


Still Tagged Accordingly
speedpop said:
If you get it working Scrow, may mercy be kind on your soul. I distinctly remember throwing up an old PTR premade Shaman before my full-time Shaman days and literally being overwhelmed by the amount of spells and totems that were available.

I hope you succeed though. WoW definitely needs more Shaman lovers.
nah, it's cool. i've got a 62 shaman already, but he's on an PvE server. i now play on a PvP server with mates. so my character is stuck.

damn blizzard and their policies which make the game less fun for me.


BigJonsson said:
Was on a really good Kara run tonight until two people started bickering about how the pulls were going, people were called names, the raid leader quit the guild because he was pissed about al the arguing, and the two tanks started swearing at each other on vent

Fucking morons, adults acting like children.....its so sad and pathetic really

At least I got the leather chest from Nightbane

Why would people whine about a kara group that downed nightbane?
darkjacob said:
Why would people whine about a kara group that downed nightbane?

The most senior person in the guild present didn't like how the other tank was just running into pulls when some members of the group weren't there

Even though we had healers and enough DPS to handle them easily

Then he started acting like a child cause things weren't running the way we usually run kara.......even though we did nightbane in one try which apparentally has only been rarely done by them (this was my first time on nightbane)

They didn't chill and kept bickering until it got more intense and someone left the guild (someone had recently come back to the guild after leaving due to infighting and is actually very good at getting runs together and explaining fights/pulls) and another officer called an end to the run at Curator =/

So I dunno, I don't want to look for a new guild again but some of these people need to get their shit together, I was really enjoying the speed of the run


Son of Godzilla said:
Man, S4 is such a total non-upgrade to S3. They didn't even bump up the ArP, so there's only like 3 stats that get a measly 10% more.
Wasn't armor penetration balance-breaking to begin with? Kind of makes sense that they'd leave it alone.


yacobod said:
and S4 is a total looks downgrade

which is probably the most important thing

looks uber alles
Arena gear always looked crap. Blue Slayer's Armor lolz.
Only Mage s3 made kinda sense, but that's because coloring of mage T6 was horrible
border said:
Wasn't armor penetration balance-breaking to begin with? Kind of makes sense that they'd leave it alone.
I wouldn't say so. A double melee team still won that recent MLG 3v3 tourny, and thats with no ArP. The balance-breaking was from how well melee scales. Stuns (especially including Cyclone and Blind) scale incredibly well. Toss in Cheat Death allowing rogues to run around in glaives worry free, grats the game is broken.

Also I swear they just throw shit into a fucking automated loot creator and go with it without a fucking soul looking at it. Hunter stat gain from S3 to S4 is lower than all other melee classes because they have to spend (waste!) points on Int. Fair enough. Except the additional hit rating on S4 gear puts hunters way, way over base hit cap; wasting even more points.

Oh and the axes. Not even as good as normal S4 weaps, significantly worse than the S3 axe, and req's 2050! I guess it could be an effort to nerf the freebie epic freshly dinged 70 weapon, cept now the S3 axe just got fucking cheaper. I don't know if I should be expecting that to get changed or not, honestly.


CassSept said:
Arena gear always looked crap. Blue Slayer's Armor lolz.
Only Mage s3 made kinda sense, but that's because coloring of mage T6 was horrible

well by your assertion most tier 6 looks like crap

warrior s3 = t6
druid s3 = t6
warlock s3 = t6
paladin s3 = t6

i prefer the following s3 recolors
priest s3 >>> t6
shaman s3 >>> t6
mage s3 >>> t6

i prefer the following t6

i actually think t6 and s3 armors were the best armor sets overally since tier 3, all imo of course
Hunter T6 looks great. S3 looks retarded. It's like the entire armor set got covered in poop. S4 actually ain't that bad in comparison.

Also I'm incredibly dense, I've never *ever* been able to identify gear on people by it's graphics. It's actually really annoying, I have to rely on partners or obvious buffs to distinguish specs of classes.
Proximo hasn't been able to detect talent trees for a month or two now. I actually thought that was a bit much when it could at the time. That being said it's not too hard to figure out spec from a few visual cues and it only really matters for the classes that can heal. Pally just look to see if they have a 2H weapon or go by which aura they have up, Shaman see if they are dual wielding and if not then check their buffs to see what kind of elemental shield they have, Druid is probably gonna heal no matter what but if they hit you in cat form and continue they're primarily Feral and you might be able to out dps their hots.


He measures in centimeters
Out dps a feral's HoTs? Kind of an odd observation/criteria even though some ferals can throw up some pretty big HoTs while in full dps gear (1200+ healing is possible).

While I normally suck at identifying specs, I can pick out healers usually. DPS flavors I'm not so good at (fury v. ms, ice v. fire, bm v. mm, various locks huh?, shadow v. disc, etc). Of course, I'm kinda noob at the pvp thing...
Maybe you're thinking boomkin cause feral has no +heal or spell damage on it. If it's boomkin then yeah you probably can't out dps the heals unless you've got a healing debuff combined with some well timed CC on the druid.

Chris R

so the bonfires also let me level my priest alt up so damn fast lol

Should be able to hit 58 with the daily quests and bonfires and 10% bonus with little to no questing or grinding


I went from 56 to 58 in about 4 hours just from going to every Azeroth zone and getting the bonfires. If you have an alt you're even remotely interested in leveling, now's a great time to do it.


Is anyone else unable to connect to wow-europe.com? I was thinking of resubbing again (what the hell is it with my love/hate relationship with WoW?!) but the page doesn't load for me and has been that way for the past two days.

Maybe it's a sign that I shouldn't resub. Heh.


He measures in centimeters
Manick Joe said:
Maybe you're thinking boomkin cause feral has no +heal or spell damage on it. If it's boomkin then yeah you probably can't out dps the heals unless you've got a healing debuff combined with some well timed CC on the druid.
Ferals have Nurturing Instinct that was buffed a couple patches back. That talent gives them +1 healing for every 1 agi they have. A pvp feral with no healing gear at all might be running at 550-600agi and swapping in a good weapon when they switch to caster will net another +500 healing. Ferals can actually work really well with warriors, rogues and shadow priests in 2s. Also, it appears the leaked talents found for WotlK would actually make them OP in arena. Movement slow applied with mangle (they really need this talent now). Beserker gives double damage output and makes them not CCable for 20 seconds? gg.


Here comes the QQ baby! :D

So ran kara last night, it reset, so we cleared everything through Illhoof. Only one wipe and it was on Illhoof because the mages didn't wait long enough for our two bears to grab aggro. Did it again and had no problem. So 3 hunter items dropped, we had one other hunter with us. First the hands drop off maiden, I already had the epic hands from heroic mech so I was fine on passing when she was still using blues. Then opera event the shoulders drop from Julliane, I bid the 15dkp that I have, so she drops 16 and beats me. At shade the agi/stam/ap cloak drops, bid my 15dkp again, GL (rogue) outbids me with 16 again. Other hunter mentions on vent that she could use it, offers up no dkp, and the GL just gives it to her. WTF. 4 runs through there and no gear, nothing. Hey I did get the epic honored ring which is not better than a GREEN ring that I already have......All I'm saying is after 6 hours it was frustrating to have nothing to show for it while another hunter got 3 upgrades. Well back to grinding honor away since thats where I get my upgrades.


DKP for kara sounds like hell. Try to find a good pug for the next week to take you, they'll usually take pity on the least geared person and throw them stuff. :D
All this WotLK stuff being leaked, the invitational here this weekend, the hyped up teaser page, Fire Festival, some of my real-life friends going back...Makes me want to play WoW a little again. Don't really have the time right now even if I wanted to. I MAY consider starting up again right before WotLK, but if I don't then, then I may never come back. But we'll see.


He measures in centimeters
dave is ok said:
You use DKP in Kara?!

DKP is going to cause more problems than it is worth if implemented before you really get into 25mans (SSC is a good place to start). My guild uses the Karma system...about as perfect at dkp gets imo.
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