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World of Warcraft

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yacobod said:
actually you are wrong, taking 3 or 4 bases is way better than getting the flag

if you take 3 bases, you will not lose

You probably don't understand what I'm trying to say.

People say, at the beginning, when we don't even have ONE base, to get all the bases.
This isn't AB where you win by bases, nor is it WSG where you win by getting flags. It's both - ignore one and lose. You cant win with 2 bases, which is usually how the game ends, without a quick flag rotation.
When the game starts, by the time you get 3 bases you can capture 5 flags easily. Would you really ignore that?
I'm not wrong - every time we ignore the flag we lose. Every time the team listens and actually plays the game with the flags AND the bases (I never said drop the bases - if you read what I said again) we win or get damn close to winning.

I know how the points system works and yes, getting all the bases is very lucrative. But, how many times did you actually play this game and won without the flags? Just mathematically, you'll see I'm right. You have 15+ people playing the game. Send 2 (preferably druid\shamans for the quick running speeds) for quick flag rotation. Rest are attacking bases and defending them. Those 2 people would make little to no difference for guarding or attacking bases simply because of one thing - the more the opposite faction sends to the base you are at, the less people on other bases - making it easier to capture them and maybe making a switch.
Also, say the two teams are equally geared, how long will it take either team get the 3rd base? If its more than 2 minutes, get the flag. You can get so many flags to get a huge lead - if the other team plays 2 men more than you because they ignore the flag. The flag is a critical part of the game at both early and late parts of it. It acts differently but you still need to get it to assure the other team doesn't, even in case of a fuck up (which I bet you've seen at least as many times as I did).
Also, maybe it's just my server, but every time we play for very little time and the other team gets a quick advantage (because of flags, obviously), all the whiny players start bitching and do nothing. Just that moral point is worth the flags, in case the other team has whiners instead of people willing to try harder to win.
The biggest problem with EotS is semi-AFKers and getting bogged down.

The former even moreso than the other 3 due to nodes being taken by numbers in them alone, not touching unmolested a flag for 8 seconds or running across a field etc. Hell, I've even ninjaed stuff as a Disc Priest due to this. 3 stealther classes is even better (but most get the God Mode Rogue/Resto thing in their heads and insist on attacking any there immediately).

The latter is frankly the middle. It's very hard to get out of there once you're in combat, as its all 2D movement, really. This does require 8 seconds of pole fumbling to get, and most stay until that happens, and just ride back if they die there, leaving bases undermanned with weak chance of reinforcements.

I myself am an adherent to the "control the bridges" school: You control the bridges, you know when they're on O, where, and how many.


Its true.
Too many people on the flag rarely happens because most people are fixated on the bases. Having too many people on either one will lose the match really.

Quite sad so many people don't know how to play it, because its the best game with a good team. Most people win once just by bases and think that is the way to play it. They will lose 100 times and still won't realize that it's not the way to play the game.
Also really love all the people thinking this is arena\team deathmatch and instead of doing the game's task, they just kill everyone they can.


Getting the 20 EotS marks for my second weapon was the worst experience I've ever had in WoW. Reason is because we would just get rolled over and 3 or 4 capped every game. We couldn't even come close to winning any game. Its weird because when I got my 20 marks for my main hand we just dominated EotS, what a difference a week makes.


Grandma's Chippy
EOTS strat my group usually uses and we win quite a bit.

- Secure Flag and 2 bases at the start, DO NOT CAP.
- Defend the inevitable rush on one of your bases while a number of the enemy are already in the middle waiting foryou to cap.
- Assault a third tower and setup good D on other two.

9 times out of 10, we never cap the flag unless we guarantee we can get it back again. But if we lose a base, they still do not get flag and we focus on getting the 3rd base again.

If they go all out after flag, we can hold the remaining two towers with minimal D and focus on flag D.

If they suck, we just put two quick rotating runners on flag caps and 1 D in mid just in case.

Usually run with a strong defensive makeup with good ranged DPS.

Healing wins EOTS....at least for us.
The worst is "guys, go get 3 bases". No actual strat or anything like the other team is just going to let us take them. Controlling the middle lets you see into the whole field making it much easier to react to incs. I'd much rather go with 2 bases and flag cappings until the other team starts to give up and we can hit a third base.

Though anything is better than WSG. I hate that fucking place so much


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
flsh said:
You probably don't understand what I'm trying to say.

People say, at the beginning, when we don't even have ONE base, to get all the bases.
This isn't AB where you win by bases, nor is it WSG where you win by getting flags. It's both - ignore one and lose. You cant win with 2 bases, which is usually how the game ends, without a quick flag rotation.
When the game starts, by the time you get 3 bases you can capture 5 flags easily. Would you really ignore that?
I'm not wrong - every time we ignore the flag we lose. Every time the team listens and actually plays the game with the flags AND the bases (I never said drop the bases - if you read what I said again) we win or get damn close to winning.

I know how the points system works and yes, getting all the bases is very lucrative. But, how many times did you actually play this game and won without the flags? Just mathematically, you'll see I'm right. You have 15+ people playing the game. Send 2 (preferably druid\shamans for the quick running speeds) for quick flag rotation. Rest are attacking bases and defending them. Those 2 people would make little to no difference for guarding or attacking bases simply because of one thing - the more the opposite faction sends to the base you are at, the less people on other bases - making it easier to capture them and maybe making a switch.
Also, say the two teams are equally geared, how long will it take either team get the 3rd base? If its more than 2 minutes, get the flag. You can get so many flags to get a huge lead - if the other team plays 2 men more than you because they ignore the flag. The flag is a critical part of the game at both early and late parts of it. It acts differently but you still need to get it to assure the other team doesn't, even in case of a fuck up (which I bet you've seen at least as many times as I did).
Also, maybe it's just my server, but every time we play for very little time and the other team gets a quick advantage (because of flags, obviously), all the whiny players start bitching and do nothing. Just that moral point is worth the flags, in case the other team has whiners instead of people willing to try harder to win.

This is just all kinds of wrong. I don't know what else to say. Maybe your strat works against pugs, in which case no matter what you did you'd probably win, but I just have to disagree with this being the way to play EOTS. If you let a good team get 3 nodes, I'd bet on that team winning every time. I'm not saying the flag isn't important, but the nodes are just more important. I think this is the fundamental reason why some teams get rolled - just run like mad for the flag.


commish said:
This is just all kinds of wrong. I don't know what else to say. Maybe your strat works against pugs, in which case no matter what you did you'd probably win, but I just have to disagree with this being the way to play EOTS. If you let a good team get 3 nodes, I'd bet on that team winning every time. I'm not saying the flag isn't important, but the nodes are just more important. I think this is the fundamental reason why some teams get rolled - just run like mad for the flag.

Learn to read, mate. I never said don't get 3-4 bases. What I said was that I hate it when people say before we even have a base to forget the flag. The flag is important - more than the bases at first (less at the end - but that doesn't contradict what I've said. I said it has a different purpose at the end meaning a different role of importance).
You can't win by ignoring the flag. You might, if the other team sends too many people making it laughably easy to capture more bases, but that barely ever happens. In fact, now that I think about it, I never saw that happen myself more than once.
The right way to play EotS is not letting the other team get a huge advantage with flags at first, and maintaining bases (and trying to capture more) - how is that wrong?
You are way too fixated on what I said at first or can't read. No matter how you play this game ignoring the flags won't help you.
(And don't say 3 bases will get you a win as a response, again. I already said what I think more than once and you ignore it - I never disagreed to to getting more bases, just to ignoring the flag)

Edit: sorry didn't look at the user name. Don't take that personally :p

I've been very successful in EotS with directing one group to FR, one to BET and the other group to DR and MT

5 minute wins are awesome


I hate pugging anything besides AV, so I form losing premades so we always have 5 minute games. Eonar's battlegroup sucks for alliance, we get ass raped in anything besides AV, so we just farm honor in AV and lose on purpose for tokens.


So how does the Scroll of Resurrection work? For the ten days I get, do I get a "gimped" experience like the guest pass trials?
Can I go to BE starting zone with my lvl 1 Tauren warrior and level him up there? I'm kinda tired of old starting zones, but am "afraid" BE zone wont have gear for warriors


There isn't a warrior trainer over there I believe.

Also I am loving this RAF experience so much, I've skipped so much content and my guys just hit lvl40 a few minutes ago. I didn't quest in Hillsbrad, Arathi, Duskwood, Wetlands or Thousand Needles.
Melhisedek said:
Can I go to BE starting zone with my lvl 1 Tauren warrior and level him up there? I'm kinda tired of old starting zones, but am "afraid" BE zone wont have gear for warriors

I did it on my orc. Better quests and much better rewards so I'd say go for it. At 19 you get a nice blue 2 hander and a cloak if you complete the little quest chain. Pretty much all throughout Ghostlands you get good gear through the Tranquillen rep system. A cool 2 handed sword that shoots shadowbolts at lvl 13 or some shit too haha

Just take the portal in Silvermoon to the Undercity and get warrior training there.
hmmm you are right, I would have to HS to Undercity but that wont be to hard I guess. As long there are mail quest rewards with +str på


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
The only way I know how to win EotS without it turning into a hourlong alt-tabbed session is getting all four (or atleast 3) bases in the beginning and start working from there. The best situation is where noone runs to the flag on your team and instead assults one of the two opposing towers before they're capped.

The opposing team will stand there with a flag in hand and no towers just waiting to be killed off. By the time they try to assult a base you'll be there waiting for them and you will be the one capping that flag with 3 or 4 bases.
Well I'm trying out the Recruit -A-Friend Program. I started a trial account, rolled a Tauren Drood, then on my main account which is linked to the trial, rolled a tauren Warrior.

I plan on leveling them both in a party to 20, where the trial stops allowing the toon to get anymore XP, then see if rolling a new toon and partying him up with my Warrior will allow me to still get the x3 XP. Not sure if it works for mobs, but I know it works for quests. Just have your "friend" near you when you turn them in and you still get x3 XP.
Hey guys, it might or might not be the right place for this, but could anyone here offer me a Scroll of Resurrection?

I want to play, but it's been a long time, and I don't really know how the game has changed and such!

Send me a PM and we'll deal with it then!



Melhisedek said:
Can I go to BE starting zone with my lvl 1 Tauren warrior and level him up there? I'm kinda tired of old starting zones, but am "afraid" BE zone wont have gear for warriors

Ya you can do this, I'm doing it with an undead priest right now. There will be gear for you as BE's get pallies and the stats they put on weapons at that level are so pitiful anyway. Plenty of 2handed weapons and mail.

And as someone already stated, just run to Undercity for warrior training. The BE starting area is infinitely better than the barrens.


I'm convinced my guild doesn't play WoW anymore...they just try and poorly imitate strategies they've read on websites down to the letter, and just sit around and talk shit all day on vent (which to me is downright irritating - I have a few of the loudmouths on mute).

And yet, I'm expected to stay with them since I'm a "class leader" ..whatever the hell that means these days.

To give an example, most of these people are taught to do things one way only. Last night someone accidentally pulled a easy trash mob (single elemental pull before hydross), I jump in to try and save them, all the while typing out "just heal me- I can kill this myself" in raid.

This person chooses to just stand there and die, and when I pulled the one elemental attacking him off of him he runs off and pulls three more, stands right next to hydross, and just tells people "oh I'm just going to die here - res me later".

I kill the first elemental, the other 3 then immediately come after me after they kill him. I wind up dying trying to save someone from a ridiculous situation.

The problem is, these people are "taught" to be like this. They're not actually looking at their health - thinking of ways out of their solution, they're taught to just die regardless of what's happening on their screen.

Consecrate is breaking sheep? Fuck it, it's time to wipe and try again. Nevermind the fact that some mobs are easily MC'able and don't require to be sheeped at all.

It pissed me off enough that we're reduced to doing SSC just for the sake of raiding, it's even worse when I find out that I'm wasting my time with a bunch of people that don't try anymore. And this is not even getting into some recruits in the guild trying to push some T4/Kara level bullshit about VE threat on me.

The worst part is I'm feel like I'm regressing in my level of play raiding with these guys night in and night out. I'm trying to think of a right way to leave this guild but these things usually end in more bullshit drama than I'd personally care for.

I just want to play WoW for fun again. The best times I've had in WoW so far were a bunch of friends and I trying our best to do things most people thought couldn't be done at our gear level. That's been gone for months now, and things regressed to some sloppy, sloppy 25 mans full of people I can't put my trust in anymore, because they're usually not paying attention to what's actually happening on screen and are more concerned instead of some obscure comment on vent about what so and so's drinking at the moment or whatever.


:lol yeah, I'm afraid that's probably going to be the only solution out of this, despite the fact that I think I still have some friends in this guild.

Since not enough people showed up for BT today, we decided to do Gruul. So far I've died twice on two pulls, and the paladins still have no idea who to buff and how to buff, resulting in 5+ minutes of yelling about " I NEED SALV"

I think this is why I inherently hate the open guild structure, and why I hate the corruption that tends to happen at higher "ranks." It's becoming less and less about raiding and more and more about just spending 3 hours sitting around talking shit on vent or something.

They've been promising me they'd go back to a DKP system, but so far that hasn't happened yet too. Ironically since I'm actually friends with some of the higher ups, going to a DKP system would hurt me more since I'm actually somewhat friendly with the higher ups in the guild.

Personally, I just want do an honest day's worth of raiding with people that still care about progressing in the game, instead of flirting with so and so's girlfriend, making fart jokes over vent, or recycling the latest internet MEME to flood wow just to be "cool" or whatever.

I think most of the people who still genuinely enjoys playing WoW for WoW have moved on, leaving only a handful of them splintered throughout various guilds (surrounded by a ton of filler/friends/relatives who genuinely don't give a shit anymore).

I didn't log on to spend 3 hours talking politics over vent or make Chuck Norris jokes.

There are genuinely way too many red flags with this one, I'm probably going to de-guild when WOTLK rolls around, and go back to actually having fun in WoW again. Meanwhile I'm not going to kill myself trying to make raids for a bunch of people that just don't give a damn.
Hell, I'd go shopping around for a new guild; see who's recruiting. I'd rather ride the pine half of the raids than be shackled to that kind of "thinking".


So, I finally hit 70 with my Gnome Rogue last night (combat spec). I only had 3k gold so I couldn't afford an epic mount, so I went with a regular mount in the meantime. I'll proceed to do the Isle dailies every day until I have enough saved up for my Epic (another 3k gold to go I suppose). Other than that, I'm mostly greens with a few blues, so I definitely need better gear.

So, when I'm not doing my dailies, I'm wondering what I should do. As I see it, I have a few options:

1) Honor Grind in AV until I can afford both Merciless swords.

2) Instances.

3) Rep grind. Not sure exactly what good I can get from this in my current state.

The first option doesn't seem like a bad choice, since I'm currently running with a 53dps Shadowrend Blade (from normal Ramps). My offhand is 59 dps. In comparison, both merciless swords are 97-98 dps a piece, so the jump in damage would be huge for me.

The second option has me a little confused. I'm not sure exactly where the best place to start is. Should I do Setthek Halls? Should I do Tempest Keep? Should I do something else? I'm not geared enough for Heroics yet so those likely aren't a possibility. Also, my guild isn't really in a state to have me leech of heroics either, so I'll have to party with pugs most of the time.

The third option...I don't know if it's worthwhile at this point, or even if there is, I wouldn't know where to get started.

So, any advice on how to go about from here? Thanks.


TheExodu5 said:
So, I finally hit 70 with my Gnome Rogue last night (combat spec). I only had 3k gold so I couldn't afford an epic mount, so I went with a regular mount in the meantime. I'll proceed to do the Isle dailies every day until I have enough saved up for my Epic (another 3k gold to go I suppose). Other than that, I'm mostly greens with a few blues, so I definitely need better gear.

So, when I'm not doing my dailies, I'm wondering what I should do. As I see it, I have a few options:

1) Honor Grind in AV until I can afford both Merciless swords.

2) Instances.

3) Rep grind. Not sure exactly what good I can get from this in my current state.

The first option doesn't seem like a bad choice, since I'm currently running with a 53dps Shadowrend Blade (from normal Ramps). My offhand is 59 dps. In comparison, both merciless swords are 97-98 dps a piece, so the jump in damage would be huge for me.

The second option has me a little confused. I'm not sure exactly where the best place to start is. Should I do Setthek Halls? Should I do Tempest Keep? Should I do something else? I'm not geared enough for Heroics yet so those likely aren't a possibility. Also, my guild isn't really in a state to have me leech of heroics either, so I'll have to party with pugs most of the time.

The third option...I don't know if it's worthwhile at this point, or even if there is, I wouldn't know where to get started.

So, any advice on how to go about from here? Thanks.

I would honor grind while searching for groups to the "easier" heroics. I bet even with crappy gear you could fit into a Kara run somewhere and gear up easy from that. Not sure what kind of social circle you have though. Had a friend in your state (druid though) and one Kara run got him ~5 epics. Most people run Kara these days for easy badges, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a competent pick-up group, unless I'm overestimating the skill/competence of general WoW players these days. I haven't grouped in a while (just leveling new toons), so it could be different for ya.

Good luck; congrats on the 70.


winnarps said:
I would honor grind while searching for groups to the "easier" heroics. I bet even with crappy gear you could fit into a Kara run somewhere and gear up easy from that. Not sure what kind of social circle you have though. Had a friend in your state (druid though) and one Kara run got him ~5 epics. Most people run Kara these days for easy badges, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a competent pick-up group, unless I'm overestimating the skill/competence of general WoW players these days. I haven't grouped in a while (just leveling new toons), so it could be different for ya.

Good luck; congrats on the 70.

I'd like to think that I'm a pretty capable player, and for a new instance/raid can learn from a good lead (marking saps, kill targets). Two friends of mine are in a top level raiding guild on the server (though even they haven't gone through BT entirely), so I may be able to get in a Kara raid of theirs if they ever do one. Otherwise, the current guild I'm supporting with my Ventrilo server is fairly new to Kara, having only 2-3 players with full Kara gear, so I need to gear up a bit more (at least with the PvP weapons) before I can find a spot in the raid.

What's the best way to find an instance run generally? I never quite understood the difference between the LFG and LFM panes, so I'm kind of juggling between the two at the moment.
TheExodu5 said:
I'd like to think that I'm a pretty capable player, and for a new instance/raid can learn from a good lead (marking saps, kill targets). Two friends of mine are in a top level raiding guild on the server (though even they haven't gone through BT entirely), so I may be able to get in a Kara raid of theirs if they ever do one. Otherwise, the current guild I'm supporting with my Ventrilo server is fairly new to Kara, having only 2-3 players with full Kara gear, so I need to gear up a bit more (at least with the PvP weapons) before I can find a spot in the raid.

What's the best way to find an instance run generally? I never quite understood the difference between the LFG and LFM panes, so I'm kind of juggling between the two at the moment.

use the LFM thing, scope out what instances have people enlisted for. When you get a good idea of what has a good amount of people, or anything that might need DPS use the LFG thing and put those instances in what you;re looking for. On my shitty server the only thing that gets any play is Mech, slave pens and whatever the daily is. Also check for any Kara groups with it. There should be one going at almost any time. Some people might not take you unless you have full epics. If they say that than be glad you wont be in their group because they're terrible.


Flesh Into Gear said:
use the LFM thing, scope out what instances have people enlisted for. When you get a good idea of what has a good amount of people, or anything that might need DPS use the LFG thing and put those instances in what you;re looking for. On my shitty server the only thing that gets any play is Mech, slave pens and whatever the daily is. Also check for any Kara groups with it. There should be one going at almost any time. Some people might not take you unless you have full epics. If they say that than be glad you wont be in their group because they're terrible.

Thanks winarps and Flesh. :D


if you're going to rep grind, do the new sunwell island dailies. fast cash and a fast rep grind that leads to epic necklaces and some blue dps weapons (I think a sword and a dagger, both around 72 dps) along the way.


Really getting sick and tired of BG's.... was planning to get my shaman geared up but the horde win/loss ratio is completely terrible on Mug'thol...

Alliance win AB, WSG, EOTS 99% of the time... they always start with a full 15/10 and horde is lucky if we start with 7-8 players.

Don't get me started on AV the Alliance have it so fucking easy its not even funny. Not to mention the AV i was in this morning had 25 people with 0 dmg 0 healing 20 min into the battle... if blizzard doesn't fix afkers for the expansion i'm going to quit. Or if they require EOTS marks for any of the new PVP gear im not even going to bother.

I could go on and on forever how easy alliance have it in AV but i'm not going to bother.. i'm sure the few of you here that play horde know all to well anyway.


## Mace Specialization now ignores 3/6/9/12/15% of target’s armor.

Are rogues having to eat a nerf on mace specialization as well? :(

I'm betting that they'll never make another weapon with a stun proc either.

Fucking arena whiners.

(NEW) Warbringer is a new one point talent on Tier 9 that allows Charge to be used in combat. Did I mention the change to Improved Charge?

WTF? This is 9 tiers into the PROT tree, mind you..
border said:
## Mace Specialization now ignores 3/6/9/12/15% of target’s armor.

Are rogues having to eat a nerf on mace specialization as well? :(

I'm betting that they'll never make another weapon with a stun proc either.

Fucking arena whiners.

(NEW) Warbringer is a new one point talent on Tier 9 that allows Charge to be used in combat. Did I mention the change to Improved Charge?

WTF? This is 9 tiers into the PROT tree, mind you..
Rogues mace spec was changed from stun to +crit like 2 weeks ago..


I always hated the stun proc because it felt cheap as shit anyway. This new mace spec leads to way more dps and you won't get anymore lucky stuns when skillherald becomes worthless by level 75.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Weenerz said:
Also I am loving this RAF experience so much, I've skipped so much content and my guys just hit lvl40 a few minutes ago. I didn't quest in Hillsbrad, Arathi, Duskwood, Wetlands or Thousand Needles.
Farmed my alt through RFC, Shadowfang, Scarlet Monastery and Zul'Farrak up to 50 using my Warlock. Reached 60 doing whatever quests I could in WPL and EPL. Triple XP on quests is insane....

Got my rogue to 60 in 2 days /played. That'd be less if I didn't screw around in Battlegrounds at 29 and 39. reckon i could have got it down to a little over 1 day /played otherwise

Worst thing about farming an alt through instances..... no weapon skill, no defence, no rep, no gear. WPL and EPL questing was painful at times.

mileS said:
I could go on and on forever how easy alliance have it in AV but i'm not going to bother.. i'm sure the few of you here that play horde know all to well anyway.
I dunno, sometimes horde bring it on themselves...

so many times the horde just run headlong to SP graveyard and take the middle road straight into the bottle neck and get raped in that small valley. so many times i've told them to take the other high (come in from their GY spawn, or around the back past the mine) and low roads (come in under the bridge), but they're so bull headed and just go straight through the middle like lambs to the slaughter.


Yea I'm going through that no gear thing atm on my toons, my warrior is still wearing gear from deadmines and my paladin didn't even get gloves till lvl38.
Littleberu said:
Hey guys, it might or might not be the right place for this, but could anyone here offer me a Scroll of Resurrection?

I want to play, but it's been a long time, and I don't really know how the game has changed and such!

Send me a PM and we'll deal with it then!


Thanks a bunch everyone that offered one!

I have it now, thanks!
Ho-ohl-ie sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeyat.

For those of you who thought this game was remotely, and I fucking mean remotely, that it had the most tiniest, quaintest, possibility of being balanced, try bringing a hunter/priest 2s combo to 1900 (2100 last season) and then the both of you reroll warrior/druid.

The difference is fucking night and day. Like... It's not funny. Playing my warrior makes me want to fucking delete the hunter. God, even grinding mobs is easier with the warrior. A whopping one week (For us that's probably 30 games) after fully gearing up (Well, I say fully but we both need 1-2 honor pieces and are using a few merciless) we've passed the priest/hunt rating, and did it without even trying really. We snigger after facing hunt/priest teams. It's fucking disgusting. And the funny thing is war/dru isn't even close to the worst match hunt/priest has.

That's not even all. As a warrior I don't know what class to fear. It's like... well, nope I can kill them all. Maybe a healing sha/pal as they take a while to bring down. But something that's actually a threat to kill me? I don't think that exists.

So, in short, why haven't you rolled a warrior yet? All it takes is a skillherald and some afkving and you are a fucking god. Plus unlike paladins, they are actually fun to tank with.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Son of Godzilla said:
Ho-ohl-ie sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeyat.

For those of you who thought this game was remotely, and I fucking mean remotely, that it had the most tiniest, quaintest, possibility of being balanced, try bringing a hunter/priest 2s combo to 1900 (2100 last season) and then the both of you reroll warrior/druid.

The difference is fucking night and day. Like... It's not funny. Playing my warrior makes me want to fucking delete the hunter. God, even grinding mobs is easier with the warrior. A whopping one week (For us that's probably 30 games) after fully gearing up (Well, I say fully but we both need 1-2 honor pieces and are using a few merciless) we've passed the priest/hunt rating, and did it without even trying really. We snigger after facing hunt/priest teams. It's fucking disgusting. And the funny thing is war/dru isn't even close to the worst match hunt/priest has.

That's not even all. As a warrior I don't know what class to fear. It's like... well, nope I can kill them all. Maybe a healing sha/pal as they take a while to bring down. But something that's actually a threat to kill me? I don't think that exists.

So, in short, why haven't you rolled a warrior yet? All it takes is a skillherald and some afkving and you are a fucking god. Plus unlike paladins, they are actually fun to tank with.

Yea, thats why i aint even touching arena with my hunter even though i would like to, i want some gears :(


Son of Godzilla said:
Ho-ohl-ie sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeyat.

For those of you who thought this game was remotely, and I fucking mean remotely, that it had the most tiniest, quaintest, possibility of being balanced, try bringing a hunter/priest 2s combo to 1900 (2100 last season) and then the both of you reroll warrior/druid.

The difference is fucking night and day. Like... It's not funny. Playing my warrior makes me want to fucking delete the hunter. God, even grinding mobs is easier with the warrior. A whopping one week (For us that's probably 30 games) after fully gearing up (Well, I say fully but we both need 1-2 honor pieces and are using a few merciless) we've passed the priest/hunt rating, and did it without even trying really. We snigger after facing hunt/priest teams. It's fucking disgusting. And the funny thing is war/dru isn't even close to the worst match hunt/priest has.

That's not even all. As a warrior I don't know what class to fear. It's like... well, nope I can kill them all. Maybe a healing sha/pal as they take a while to bring down. But something that's actually a threat to kill me? I don't think that exists.

So, in short, why haven't you rolled a warrior yet? All it takes is a skillherald and some afkving and you are a fucking god. Plus unlike paladins, they are actually fun to tank with.


the only hard match ups in arena as warrior/druid are:

shadow priest/rogue
mage/rogue with RNG
shaman/warrior if they get some crazy ass RNG and are aggressive
warlock/druid until you learn how to coordinate taking down pets really well
mutilate/disc can be hard if you get unlucky


Son of Godzilla said:
Ho-ohl-ie sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeyat.

For those of you who thought this game was remotely, and I fucking mean remotely, that it had the most tiniest, quaintest, possibility of being balanced, try bringing a hunter/priest 2s combo to 1900 (2100 last season) and then the both of you reroll warrior/druid.

The difference is fucking night and day. Like... It's not funny. Playing my warrior makes me want to fucking delete the hunter. God, even grinding mobs is easier with the warrior. A whopping one week (For us that's probably 30 games) after fully gearing up (Well, I say fully but we both need 1-2 honor pieces and are using a few merciless) we've passed the priest/hunt rating, and did it without even trying really. We snigger after facing hunt/priest teams. It's fucking disgusting. And the funny thing is war/dru isn't even close to the worst match hunt/priest has.

That's not even all. As a warrior I don't know what class to fear. It's like... well, nope I can kill them all. Maybe a healing sha/pal as they take a while to bring down. But something that's actually a threat to kill me? I don't think that exists.

So, in short, why haven't you rolled a warrior yet? All it takes is a skillherald and some afkving and you are a fucking god. Plus unlike paladins, they are actually fun to tank with.

And thats why I'll never run arena on my hunter or shaman. Resto druids are so OP in PVP, it takes 5 people in a BG to burn one down quickly otherwise they keep running around shifting forms kitting endlessly. Purging them on my shaman works out pretty well if I have a full mana pool and start burning them down, otherwise its pointless because they'll keep rockin. Can't wait for death knights, removing HoT's and putting all those diseases on resto druids, oh can't wait.

I am rolling a warrior now actually, I have my little gnome up to 11 now :lol Not really rushing to 70 though, just want to push him to 60 for titans grip with 3.0/xpansion. I also want to try warrior tanking, only other time was on the PTR.
Buggy Loop said:
Yea, thats why i aint even touching arena with my hunter even though i would like to, i want some gears :(
Hunter is easy mode to 2000+ if you spec mm and team with a resto druid..hell it can be more powerful than war\druid.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Hunter is easy mode to 2000+ if you spec mm and team with a resto druid..hell it can be more powerful than war\druid.

not really, if you enjoy playing fucking gay 30+ minutes matches where the only way you can win is draining the other team's blue bar, then go for it

good warrior/druid will not lose to hunter/druid, hunter/druid does not put out enough pressure to do anything
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