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World of Warcraft

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Has anyone ever pre-ordered from best buy and had shipping to your address? Would it be better and safer for me to just go somewhere to pick it up?

When TBC came out, I couldn't find it anywhere in Edmonton. Maybe I wasn't looking too hard though.
JoeMartin said:
The game sold how many millions at $50? The expansion sold how many millions at $40? All the while collecting $15/month from how many millions?

I don't think they're in any tight financial situation.
Well they did sell the entire company just to afford getting the game out the door... And that's after being fucking Blizzard, of Blizzard fame.


Yaayyy I reserved the collector's edition of Wrath. Woot.

Also finally hit 68! I'm so close I can taste the sunshine of Quel'Danas.


Considering that blizzard makes $165M a month, a maintenance bill of $200M for the past 4 years is nothing. Add in a generous development cost of say $100M initially and $50M for each expansion and you have a grand total of $400M for Blizzard to develop and maintain WoW up till now. They've made around $7B in revenue from it over that same time.


Now that Wrath has an official release date I am just going to spend the time until then casually levelling an alt Mage, pointless grinding for honor on my Warlock when WotLK greens will no doubt better them


Fucking gamestop. I preordered months ago, they said it was a place holder but it will be fine for when the release date is known. So I go up there today to upgrade to a CE preorder and the stupid bitch said the order wasn't in the system. Fucking $10 down the drain. Grrrrr


Weenerz said:
Fucking gamestop. I preordered months ago, they said it was a place holder but it will be fine for when the release date is known. So I go up there today to upgrade to a CE preorder and the stupid bitch said the order wasn't in the system. Fucking $10 down the drain. Grrrrr
So you just lost your $10? I wouldn't have left the store until they refunded my money.



What's with the Relic slot on my Pally? From what I could find I'm supposed to put a Libram item of some sort for additional stats boost but there are no librams of any kind in the AH on my server.


Epix said:
So they're not really used anymore? Should I stop looking?

They're definitely used, just at higher levels. They're relatively new to the game, along with druid idols and shaman totems, so you don't see any until 50+ and those are all from drops and quests. You wont find any on the AH.


Did they change the amount of gold you can bring over when you transfer a char? Last I checked it was 5k, they change that yet? If not that is crazy.
So after months of failing to get epic shoulders to drop and win the rol I ran heroic MGT today and got the shoulders off Kael

Then I'm raiding SSC with my guild and the shoulders drop off Hydross and I win them

Figures.....tomorrow the shoulders will drop off Najentus and then off Kaz on Sunday :p


That happened to me a while ago on my mage. I had blue boots, got the epic ones from slave pens, later that day I get the ruby slippers from kara and the next day I get boots of blasting pattern from ssc. Just glad I didn't enchant every set.
I also need some tips on my gear as a rogue.....

My hit rating was at 290-300, raiding in MH and BT

With these newer shoulders, I gained some expertise and crit but lost some hit, what should I aim to really keep my hit around? I have some slots I could work on getting new gems for but I can't tell if it really matters

Apparentally expertise and armore ignore > keeping your hit super high?


And I also have the Distracting Blades or whatever from H Mgt and the Worgen Necklace, would I be better off using those over the Steelhawk Crossbow and SSO necklace?


Still Tagged Accordingly
Anyone a macro guru here? I need help with a macro for my rogue.

What I want it to do is cast Kidney Shot if it's not on cooldown, otherwise cast Eviscerate if it is on cooldown.

The following macro code should work, but for some reason i get a prompt saying that i'm using something only allowed for the UI.
#showtooltip Kidney Shot
/script local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown("Kidney Shot") if enabled == 0 then CastSpellByName("Eviscerate") else CastSpellByName("Kidney Shot"); end
if enabled == 0 translates to: "if kidney shot is on cooldown"

If I remove the else block (the most important part of the macro) the prompt won't appear.

Can anyone think of a workaround?

Chris R

You could just make a macro that goes

/cast Kidney Shot
/cast Eviscerate
/console remove ui erro (This I'm not exactly sure on)

Should cast Kidney if possible and then error when you try to do Evis, or error if kidney isn't up and then do evis.

Just get the error code right to get rid of the error that will pop up for an easy macro :lol I used a modified version on my mage.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Shacknews - Professor Gets $100 said:
Bonnie Nardi, an infomatics professor at the University of California, Irvine, just got a $100,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to "study" Blizzard's mega-hit MMO World of Warcraft.

Nardi, herself a World of Warcraft player, will use the grant "to figure out why Americans go to greater lengths than the Chinese to modify World of Warcraft," according to the Orange County Register. Nardi presumably refers to the thriving collection of user-produced "mods" for the game that add everything from maps and tactical advice to in-game money management and combat information.

"We are examining the many reasons for this disparity, including cultural and institutional factors," said Nardi.

The coming study isn't Nardi's first foray into gaming academics, either. According to the Register, she spent time last year observing players in Beijing internet cafes.

I can waste $100,000 too! Give it to me! :(
Coming down to the wire for progression, both getting everyone who wants one a Bear, and getting Muru down. Saw p2 SO briefly, but last week was a wash with the Disconnect Boss on Felmyst and the Confounding Blow + Melee Swing Boss or Confounding On One Tank Plus Conflag On The Other Boss on Twins eating hours of time up.

Now this week it's a dual Warglaive rogue leaving to take care of his real life, and top warlock getting gkicked for attitude (don't ask, it's wierd). The math behind wether or not 3.0 is going to help or hinder DPS requirements for gaining a safe, stable transisition to p2 is up in the air as well. Wheeee! :lol

BigJonsson said:
I also need some tips on my gear as a rogue.....

My hit rating was at 290-300, raiding in MH and BT

With these newer shoulders, I gained some expertise and crit but lost some hit, what should I aim to really keep my hit around? I have some slots I could work on getting new gems for but I can't tell if it really matters

Apparentally expertise and armore ignore > keeping your hit super high?


And I also have the Distracting Blades or whatever from H Mgt and the Worgen Necklace, would I be better off using those over the Steelhawk Crossbow and SSO necklace?

If push comes to shove, Spicy Hot Talbuk is an option, (which you'll get used to in Sunwell), but regemming the gloves with 5agl/5hit gems is a good option you should look into (3crit is meh for a blue gem slot as a rogue), and you only need 2 blues for the meta.

Semi-unrelated, but our resident Rogue guru for my guild always drills into every rogue and hunter's heads, (even the alts and casuals) NO AP GEMS. Especially now what with epic gems a few hour's work away, it's Delicate and Glinting only outside shooting for the meta or hit cap with Rigids. Good luck with it!
I don't think I'll have to worry about Sunwell until after WotLK comes out, if we even decide its worth the effort at that point

We are 4/9 BT and 3/5 MH, I've been regemming as we mine/loot epic gems on raids, the raid leader doesn't seem to mind if I let my hit rating drop a bit if I'm trading pre-BT/MH gear for BT/MH gear

With any luck we can start hitting Azgalor soon


Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
For some reason two separate group of friends got me simultaneously hooked back on WoW and into Warhammer as well after I vowed to never play MMOs again. :lol

Anywho, was just curious if some of you on here are over on Zul'Jin.
Son of Godzilla said:
Well they did sell the entire company just to afford getting the game out the door... And that's after being fucking Blizzard, of Blizzard fame.

What are you talking about? Blizzard was already owned a long time before WoW was even in development.




Where will PopCap Games' megahit puzzle game Bejeweled pop up next? Would you believe ... World of Warcraft?

A version of the match-three game is set to launch next Thursday within the World of Warcraft MMO (massively multiplayer online), letting players kill time with puzzles during raids and long stints farming rare items.

The added level of addiction will no doubt entertain many World of Warcraft fans, but the real story here is how the game went from a student's pet project to solid evidence that PopCap doesn't subscribe to traditional ideas of corporate hegemony.

The World of Warcraft version of Bejeweled began life as one hobbyist's personal mod.

Michael Fromwiller, a student at San Jose State University in California, used his love of PopCap's puzzler to combat a typical, if paradoxical, WoW problem: The addictive game is often boring.

Players, Fromwiller says, frequently find themselves staring slack-jawed at the screen, watching the trade channel for hot deals on virtual items or waiting for friends to log in so a raid can begin.

"Thinking about all the add-ons that I used and what they could do, I decided that there was potential [in making] a mini-game to play within World of Warcraft," Fromwiller says.

"I started with a simple game or two in order to see what type of games I could make. After I was satisfied with the results, I thought to myself: 'Hey! What about Bejeweled? I could probably make a clone of the original game for WoW and could cure plenty of hours of boredom.'"

Using World of Warcraft's mod tools, Fromwiller built a surprisingly convincing copy of PopCap's game, which he called Besharded. His feat did not go unnoticed by the Seattle-based publisher of the original.

"[Besharded] was cool and fun, but not very polished, so we reached out to the gamer in question and hired him to do an official version of Bejeweled for WoW," PopCap representative Garth Chouteau said in an e-mail to Wired.com.

Blizzard did not respond to requests for comment.

When asked why Blizzard would show no opposition to adding a competitor's game within their game, Chouteau said: "I think there may be some Bejeweled fans over there."

Images courtesy PopCap Games
BigJonsson said:
I don't think I'll have to worry about Sunwell until after WotLK comes out, if we even decide its worth the effort at that point

We are 4/9 BT and 3/5 MH, I've been regemming as we mine/loot epic gems on raids, the raid leader doesn't seem to mind if I let my hit rating drop a bit if I'm trading pre-BT/MH gear for BT/MH gear

With any luck we can start hitting Azgalor soon

Good stuff, and that's exactly where the Spicy Hot is perfect for.


Still Tagged Accordingly
rhfb said:
You could just make a macro that goes

/cast Kidney Shot
/cast Eviscerate
/console remove ui erro (This I'm not exactly sure on)

Should cast Kidney if possible and then error when you try to do Evis, or error if kidney isn't up and then do evis.
That doesn't work.

If Kidney Shot is on cooldown the macro fails at /cast Kidney Shot and never executes the /cast Eviscerate command


the trinkets that this new boss drops suck, too. well, ok, they aren't horrible, but in a few weeks the caster and healer trinkets are going to be identical.
ManaByte said:
Too bad they basically killed the event this year. You can't get the mount with tokens anymore; AND they removed the level 30 mount.


I was able to buy the level 30 mount for 10 gold at one of the vendors at the event. He also had the level 60 mount, which I got last year, for 100.


crimsonheadGCN said:

I was able to buy the level 30 mount for 10 gold at one of the vendors at the event. He also had the level 60 mount, which I got last year, for 100.

Maybe last year, but they changed it for this year.


firex said:
the trinkets that this new boss drops suck, too. well, ok, they aren't horrible, but in a few weeks the caster and healer trinkets are going to be identical.

It's just renamed badge gear. You can get them anyway.
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