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World of Warcraft

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Nearly 2 years later and I still haven't touched most of the Goblin/Consortium quests out in Netherstorm.

I'm debating whether or not I should do them now (and make a bunch of money), or wait until the expansion comes out and do them for XP while Northrend is crashing and having players fight it out over quest mobs.


Grandma's Chippy

The first couple of weeks in the first few zones suck for competition on quest mobs.

Besides. Not like you will lose out on anything! And you will start new content a couple of levels higher.


I will probably do all of the quests today/tomorrow, so I can have a quest log full of stuff to turn in when the expansion goes live.

25 quests x 10K XP per quest = 250,000 XP

10% of the way towards level 71 :lol


border said:
I will probably do all of the quests today/tomorrow, so I can have a quest log full of stuff to turn in when the expansion goes live.

25 quests x 10K XP per quest = 250,000 XP

10% of the way towards level 71 :lol
I don't think that will work.


I was getting 10K XP for Quel'Danas dailies in the beta, but they weren't quests that I accepted prior to character transfer.
Man, I really thought the Orgrimmar event at least was fucking badass. I mean, Garrosh and Thrall had a fucking arena match, you have Sylvanas running around Orgrimmar with a small army of skeletons like some kind of Death Knight/Hunter (/swoon), and you have a bunch of ice breathing skeletal dragons attacking. That's fucking badass.

I need to catch the SW event. I went there and the characters there really just don't do it for me like Sylvanas, Garrosh, and Thrall though. All that Human/pally bullshit isn't really my thing. That BE rogue there looked cool though.

People complaining about this and the zombies need to go play something else. People acted like the zombies were keeping them from doing their job or something. This game is not a job. You don't have to make a certain amount of money a day or do a certain amount of PVP every day. That's what makes me so sick about the WoW community. Always acting like they're entitled to something or have some kind of right to play the game a certain way.


I only saw the invasion of Stormwind by the Frost Wyrms and Abominations. None of the story stuff if there was some. Was a fun time though, I like the Harbor, still getting used to Darnassus to Stormwind being a straight trip instead of taking characters through the Wetlands/Tunnel run to Ironforge. That was my old rite of passage!

Wes: Yes you can go to Northrend at 68, no problem.
Tamanon said:
I only saw the invasion of Stormwind by the Frost Wyrms and Abominations. None of the story stuff if there was some. Was a fun time though, I like the Harbor, still getting used to Darnassus to Stormwind being a straight trip instead of taking characters through the Wetlands/Tunnel run to Ironforge. That was my old rite of passage!

Wes: Yes you can go to Northrend at 68, no problem.
um is that still going on?!?

Also, why would you be blocked from Northrend? Going by ship or zeppelin won't block you out like a portal would.


border said:
Nearly 2 years later and I still haven't touched most of the Goblin/Consortium quests out in Netherstorm.

I'm debating whether or not I should do them now (and make a bunch of money), or wait until the expansion comes out and do them for XP while Northrend is crashing and having players fight it out over quest mobs.

In my eyes, XP is so much more valuable than gold. The faster to 80, the faster all sorts of rewards (including fun) come in.


The Lamonster said:
um is that still going on?!?

Also, why would you be blocked from Northrend? Going by ship or zeppelin won't block you out like a portal would.

I dunno, one would think they would have SOME sort of block or filter there, one already has to be there for non-Wrath owners, they can adjust it to include a level requirement too.


Junior Member
firex said:
I don't know if they nerfed unholy any, but I tried frost a few weeks back in WotLK beta after they buffed it, and it was a good dps build. Frost Strike is pretty strong now, and going deep frost makes Icy Touch into a pretty powerful nuke. You can do it dual wield or 2h, too. It's still probably not the highest dps build, but it's like a middle ground between unholy being good at multiples and blood being good at singles. Plus, I admit, I love frost aura the most out of the three auras. You'll get a lot of free howling blasts/frost strikes (depending upon if you go dw or 2h since the proc is for either). Oh, and you get basically 25% melee haste anytime you're in combat + keeping the group/raid at 20% melee haste pretty much constantly.
Snag the Icy Touch Glyph and you can really boost your frost strike output.
Magnus said:
In my eyes, XP is so much more valuable than gold. The faster to 80, the faster all sorts of rewards (including fun) come in.
I'd rather take the gold.

I like taking my time leveling up and exploring each area. I started in February and now it's November and I'm only a 61 and just getting into the BC stuff.


Wes said:
Is Northrend going to be open at level 68? Like Outland was open at 58?

Just got my alt to 68 is all.
Yeah, it's just like Outland in TBC. You have to be 68 or you won't get to Northrend.

Not that I actually tried it, so maybe you can take the zeppelin earlier, but I know you can't get any quests there until 68.


Wes said:
Is Northrend going to be open at level 68? Like Outland was open at 58?

Just got my alt to 68 is all.

You can level at 68...probably sooner since any level can enter Northrend by ship/zep. Even a lvl 1 can go there.


Not Wario
VGChampion said:
Yay! I got my Collectors Lich King today. At least I can look at the art book while I wait for Thursday to play it now. :D

How is the soundtrack? That's the part I was most interested in. Any chance you could list the tracks? (I really love the stuff in Storm Peaks, one track in Sholazar, and Grizzly Hills, in general)

border said:
Like I said, this event is worthless because it's too difficult to even partake. Ranged casters can't hit the Frost Wyrms for more than the 3-5 second window where they are above you and within range, and the Abominations die too fast for melee characters to make a significant contribution. It's difficut to tag enemies, and even if you do they don't drop anything.

They should have more invading mobs with less HP that are easier to hit.

I was referring more to the zombie invasion really. I do agree that this event seems a bit tame in comparision. I have my own doubts as to whether the complaints did or didn't influence it.

Also, I could totally see why someone who was in it for the content would want to do a 25-man if the encounters are markedly different. I know the 10-mans are scaled down in complexity by necessity in a lot of instances, so maybe that's the motivation? Whatever the case, I'll prolly end up doing both, with a primary emphasis on the 10-mans.


You know, they couuld have called it World of Warcraft: Oh Who Are We Kidding, You're Buying This Shit Regardless. I was just thinking today of how b.s. it is that the only "free" stuff we ever get for paying for each expansion and $15 a month is a dungeon every 9-12 months. Inscription, achievements, and the barbershops being added for "free" was nice, but I'd like to see something of a customer appreciation from them.

They KNOW we're going to spend $40 on an expansion though.

God, I hate Blizz.

Evlar said:
Watch the WotLK credits sometime (they're already patched in). Tons of incredible art in it.

Oh hell yeah! I'll check it out tomorrow morning for ambience while feeding the kid. God, I love Blizz! :lol
traveler said:
How is the soundtrack? That's the part I was most interested in. Any chance you could list the tracks? (I really love the stuff in Storm Peaks, one track in Sholazar, and Grizzly Hills, in general)

Haven't had a chance to listen to it really, ripping it right now.

Track list:
  • Wrath of the Lich King [Main Title]
  • Dragons' Rest
  • Arthas, My Son [Cinematic Intro]
  • Path of Tears
  • Crystalsong
  • Dalaran
  • God Hunters
  • Forged in Blood
  • Mountains of Thunder
  • Secrets Long Forgotten [Exclusive Track]
  • The Kalu'ak
  • The Eye of Eternity
  • Garden of Life
  • The Culling
  • Howling Fjord
  • Rise of the Vrykul
  • Borean Tundra [Exclusive Track]
  • Totems of the Grizzlemaw
  • The Wrath Gate [Cutscene Event, Exclusive Track]
  • Angrathar's Shadow
  • Assault on New Avalon


The soundtrack's fucking incredible. Mountains of Thunder (Storm Peaks) is just plain awesome.

The trailers/vids on the behind the scenes DVD are actually pretty great -- I thought Gnomeregan News was going to be terrible, but it turned out awesome. :lol

And of course, the opening CG vid with Arthas and Sindragosa in full upscaled-HD glory, looks/sounds incredible.


VGChampion said:
Haven't had a chance to listen to it really, ripping it right now.

Track list:
  • Wrath of the Lich King [Main Title]
  • Dragons' Rest
  • Arthas, My Son [Cinematic Intro]
  • Path of Tears
  • Crystalsong
  • Dalaran
  • God Hunters
  • Forged in Blood
  • Mountains of Thunder
  • Secrets Long Forgotten [Exclusive Track]
  • The Kalu'ak
  • The Eye of Eternity
  • Garden of Life
  • The Culling
  • Howling Fjord
  • Rise of the Vrykul
  • Borean Tundra [Exclusive Track]
  • Totems of the Grizzlemaw
  • The Wrath Gate [Cutscene Event, Exclusive Track]
  • Angrathar's Shadow
  • Assault on New Avalon


Edit: Oh, they mean it won't be on the iTunes album.


speedpop said:
Really? I'm doing chain-crits all over the place. There's no way I was copping them so much before.

I was critting all over the place before as well, except now I'll need way more hit and have to drop crit or spell dmg gems for it. =|

Ele is plain old bork for right now.


TomServo said:
I think the most interesting thing about Wrath will be finding out who's really a loot whore and who's in it for content progression.

So many of the folks on the gear treadmill will tell you they're really only in it to see new content. When they can see the same content in a 10-man as they would in a 25-man we'll find out who all the folks caught in the gear trap are. I've got a friend like this - swears he's not a loot whore, claims he just wants to see new stuff, bitches about too many idiots in his raids, etc. Perfect candidate for 10 mans.
Well, part of seeing the content is actually experiencing it, not just reading the lines the boss says and stuff. If that was all we cared about then we'd just download kill videos and watch those instead of putting in the effort to raid. When people say 'experiencing the content', at least the people I know, they're talking about getting 24 good players together, building a proper raid setup, and learning and downing a difficult boss. It really is an amazing feeling, and it won't be there in 10 mans. Kara was fun, but our first Prince/Nightbane/whatever isn't even comparable to our first Vashj/Kael/Illidan/Archi.

Interestingly enough, the guild quit raiding part way through Sunwell. Once 3.0 hit those of us remaining could've easily downed Kil'jaeden, but that was meaningless to most of us. A few people left and joined the top guild on the server and went on to kill KJ (they were 5/6 Sunwell pre 3.0). The people that left were all loot whores. Those of us that were really in it for the experience knew that the Sunwell experience was gone once 3.0 hit so we didn't bother.

Basically, 10 mans are easy mode and 25 mans are hard mode. The true experience and accomplishment from any game comes from beating it on hard mode.


Not Wario
IcedTea said:
Well, part of seeing the content is actually experiencing it, not just reading the lines the boss says and stuff. If that was all we cared about then we'd just download kill videos and watch those instead of putting in the effort to raid. When people say 'experiencing the content', at least the people I know, they're talking about getting 24 good players together, building a proper raid setup, and learning and downing a difficult boss. It really is an amazing feeling, and it won't be there in 10 mans. Kara was fun, but our first Prince/Nightbane/whatever isn't even comparable to our first Vashj/Kael/Illidan/Archi.

Interestingly enough, the guild quit raiding part way through Sunwell. Once 3.0 hit those of us remaining could've easily downed Kil'jaeden, but that was meaningless to most of us. A few people left and joined the top guild on the server and went on to kill KJ (they were 5/6 Sunwell pre 3.0). The people that left were all loot whores. Those of us that were really in it for the experience knew that the Sunwell experience was gone once 3.0 hit so we didn't bother.

Basically, 10 mans are easy mode and 25 mans are hard mode. The true experience and accomplishment from any game comes from beating it on hard mode.

I thought the complexity and coordination required of the ZA fights was way more interesting and fulfilling than, say, the stuff in TK (outside Kael) and stuff like Magtheridon, so I wouldn't say 10 mans are just inherently less rewarding. I do think 25 mans have more potential, though.


The fights in ZA don't compared to any of the fights in Black Temple. Well maybe the Akama fight, but that's about it. I wish there was more time for my guild to experience Sunwell to see how those fights are.


traveler said:
I thought the complexity and coordination required of the ZA fights was way more interesting and fulfilling than, say, the stuff in TK (outside Kael) and stuff like Magtheridon, so I wouldn't say 10 mans are just inherently less rewarding. I do think 25 mans have more potential, though.
Well, to each their own. There's certainly a good amount of people that prefer 10 mans to 25s, and there's nothing wrong with that, but to a lot of people they're pointless too. Personally I just never cared about ZA. The fights were pretty cool, but even killing Zul'jin for the first time was just 'meh'. I think my reaction was "gg, port inc". Whereas even downing a shitty boss like Al'ar or Void Reaver for the first time would leave me pretty stoked for the rest of the night.


sparkle this bitch
Mr Pockets said:
ugh....wish the servers woul come up already!
Forums are down also it seems... I always find it funny the only time the forums are down. Are maintenance or when one of their patches go bad :lol


Grandma's Chippy
Xabora said:
I know. :(

I hope I didn't loose my mail.

900 Cloth + A Bunch of stuff for an acheivement sitting in my boxes. XD

Why so much stuff in your mail? sheesh!

I know people use it like storage, but come on.

I just use alts and bank slots.


Yeah, mail was emptied by the original realm restarts, so they had to roll them back, then start compensating for what happened in that hour the realms were up. It's gotta be a huge mess.
Mr Pockets said:

Why so much stuff in your mail? sheesh!

I know people use it like storage, but come on.

I just use alts and bank slots.

I mail stuff back and forth between my alts but I do forget now and then. Luckily my brother went through my mail :)lol ) and saw I had a bunch of mining materials I had sent over that was about to expire in 2 days. I don't use it as storage per say, more of a "forget about it and get a nice surprise later on". :D


Junior Member
IcedTea said:
Basically, 10 mans are easy mode and 25 mans are hard mode. The true experience and accomplishment from any game comes from beating it on hard mode.

We heard the same thing when BC moved from 40 man raids to 25 mans. There were just things that couldn't be done with less than 40 people, less than 40 people didn't feel epic, blah blah blah. Now the BC raiders all tell us that 25 mans are tougher, that you can't carry people through, that they used to go AFK / autofollow during 40 mans, etc.

I suspect that the 10 man version of any given raid will become the standard. There will still be people that disparage the guys running 10 mans, but they'll be in a small minority and no one will realy give a damn because they're seeing the same content and the loot they're getting is appropriate to their progression.


Mr Pockets said:

Why so much stuff in your mail? sheesh!

I know people use it like storage, but come on.

I just use alts and bank slots.

From my end, I had a massive AH blowout the other day and had a few dozen mails with gold. I only logged on for 30 minutes last night for the event and never had a chance to check mail with my bank alt.

I'm like "FUCK".


A little pissed that our fresh BT clear will get called off because of the servers not coming up, but I understand they need to get the servers ready for WotLK (and fix the mail issue) so I don't mind that much. Fix em now so we can play all day Thursday.


If a problem with the mail basically shuts down the game all day tuesday, then I'm worried as shit about thursday. The influx or new and returning players I fear is basically just going to crash the game. I also am worried that we're going to return to weekly maintenance every tuesday for a while because of the expansion.

How I miss the days when servers would be up hours before 2pm est, with the past couple months trend there's no reason to even bother looking until hours later. I'm insanely hyped to get the game, I can't wait to get my CE edition tomorrow (I am going at midnight) but with all the technical problems in the game lately, I am worried about the future.


witness said:
If a problem with the mail basically shuts down the game all day tuesday, then I'm worried as shit about thursday.

I got this far and was like "fuuuuuck, no doubt".

That Scourge Event gave me queues in my server last night just 50 people long...imagine how fucked we are on Thursday.

I'm not even getting LK until Saturday now, apparently, due to issues getting in to town for it on time, but just playing my alts are going to be a pain in the ass.

*goes to find a good book*
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