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World of Warcraft

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Tamanon said:
I think they're only throwing a bit more of a shindig at Gamestop so they don't have such a massive line outside at midnight. Some places, that can get dangerous.

I'll be there tomorrow night dressed as regular white male.
Regular white males don't go to wow midnight releases.. you'll be going as white male nerd :p


Jazzy Network said:
Yea because WoW didn't come out till the 23rd officially. He just happened to get it the previous night. Most of us are at the 23rd.

Ah ... I had forgotten the exact date it came out and didn't feel like looking it up.


Fuck being compensated, I need to hit 70 before 12:00a Thursday morning. I decided to make my pally my main, sorry huntard, and he's stuck at 69 right now. I know I'm good for Northend, but I'd like to be as high as possible before WotLK comes!


DarkAngelYuna said:
Regular white males don't go to wow midnight releases.. you'll be going as white male nerd :p

Eh, at the BC midnight release it was all regular dudes. Not even nerds. There was as much sports talk as there was WoW talk. Most folks were just talking about how they were going to call into their job, or whether their wife wanted a copy.:lol
Kintaco said:
I'd like to be as high as possible before WotLK comes!

Me too. :lol

I got the call from GS today too. It's getting kind of chilly outside here in Georgia though. I'm not sitting out in the cold just to watch some people cosplay. I'll be there around 11 so I can get my receipt validated and get in line with as little BS as possible.


One of the Best Buys in town is actually doing a midnight launch -- which is weird, since by my recollection none of them in Jacksonville have ever done a midnight launch for any big game.

I'll probably go to that, since I don't have a pre-order at any local Gamestop stores. I'm thinking/hoping that the midnight launch Best Buys will have extra supplies of Collector's Editions.


How many pages can a thread go up to and remain stable? Should wotlk be reason to inaugurate a new thread? :)

This downtime fucking blows btw. So much for our last Sunwell clear.


For TBC launch, the gamestop I preordered from had 300 people, they had like 10 police. I am sure this will be no different, probably worse.


Sounds like they had a major mail snafu, probably for the best, but damn this does suck! What bad timing.

Oh, if you guys want to see some epic shit, check this out:


Person has a downtime MELTDOWN, each further post gets better and better. I love WoW, but sometimes the people who play this genre scare the hell out of me.


Thinking of starting up again, and im wondering... With all the xp buffs and such, how long would it take a 28 warlock to get to 70 if he is leveling pretty efficiently?


spootime said:
Thinking of starting up again, and im wondering... With all the xp buffs and such, how long would it take a 28 warlock to get to 70 if he is leveling pretty efficiently?

Errr, hm... Honestly, if you can, I strongly suggest getting into the Recruit a Friend program if you can. The earlier levels are so archaic in design it's like it's from a decade old game. RAF gives you 300% exp from 1-60 and it makes it such a breeze.

IF you can't, then it's still not long, but I guess I've done it so many times that it just seems like poison to me. :lol

I always used Jame's guide as a reference for the old Azeroth areas before RAF came in.


I'm a sucker for linearity, I'm a bad person :(

60-70 is pretty speedy, they just cut the exp required by 30% in 3.0


Xabora said:

This happened back in 2005 guys.
You'll get the mail in a day or so.


See Here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=13576208&postcount=20936

Oh man.. that sucks for you, I hope you get it back quickly. I'm suddenly glad I'm such an absurd neat freak. I spend w ay too much time organizing my bags and bank that I never even think of using the box for any storage. =/

By the by; anyone order using the Amazon Release Date Dealie?


Junior Member
Alex said:
Oh man.. that sucks for you, I hope you get it back quickly. I'm suddenly glad I'm such an absurd neat freak. I spend w ay too much time organizing my bags and bank that I never even think of using the box for any storage. =/

By the by; anyone order using the Amazon Release Date Dealie?
I... kinda used up all my spaces... I had to use the box. XD

For the amazon thing, I have release date delivery. They should be sent tomorrow.

Also send this to the peeps in your guild.
Wrath Installer -
Windows: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account/download/clients/pc/InstallWoW.exe
Windows Mirror: http://files.filefront.com/InstallWoWexe/;12325330;/fileinfo.html
Apple Mac OSX: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account/download/clients/mac/InstallWoW.zip

Run it, it'll let you choose which client.
Classic; TBC; or Wrath.

Install it and don't wait when it comes to thursday!


Yeah all my friends already have 70's so no dice with the RAF program. Do you have any estimate of how many days played it would take me? This is at a very efficient leveling pace btw.
Xabora said:
I... kinda used up all my spaces... I had to use the box. XD

For the amazon thing, I have release date delivery. They should be sent tomorrow.

Also send this to the peeps in your guild.
Wrath Installer -
Windows: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account/download/clients/pc/InstallWoW.exe
Windows Mirror: http://files.filefront.com/InstallWoWexe/;12325330;/fileinfo.html
Apple Mac OSX: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account/download/clients/mac/InstallWoW.zip

Run it, it'll let you choose which client.
Classic; TBC; or Wrath.

Install it and don't wait when it comes to thursday!
That wrath installer hasn't been working for anyone at all on any forums so far.


DarkAngelYuna said:
That wrath installer hasn't been working for anyone at all on any forums so far.

Yeah, same here..

If any of you happen to get it working, please post. Would love to be able to come straight home tomorrow after midnight launch and simply put in my CD key and be ready to go instead of having to install and repatch.


Servers are still down?! No WoW...

I'm melllllllting! And my roommate is hogging Fallout 3, even though I bought the 360 and Fallout 3 ><

Time to lay down the law.
Flesh Into Gear said:
anyone else strolling into walmart at midnight tomarrow?

I was planning on going to Best Buy but now that my CE arrived today I don't have to. :lol

My friend is still going out though so I may go to keep him company.

Edit: And man am I not happy. I need to level my priest up to 28/29 for my recruit-a-friend level points but at this rate I'm not going to make it. Stupid server downtime. Only got to play for about 15 minutes on my day off.


Artadius said:
Yeah, same here..

If any of you happen to get it working, please post. Would love to be able to come straight home tomorrow after midnight launch and simply put in my CD key and be ready to go instead of having to install and repatch.

I downloaded all of the WotLK data through that exe of Blizzard's. Fully installed and patched, just waiting for servers to come back up (and a CD-key on thursday).


I doubt I'll be able to get one, but Future Shop is giving away quest giver exclamation mark hats with a purchase of LK.

I've yet to decide whether or not that's a road I want to travel. :lol
So is there anyone who is coming back to the game after more than 3 months of non-subscriptions? If you are one of those people, can I send you a Scroll of Resurrection? PM me with your email account and we'll see what we can do.


Richiban said:
I doubt I'll be able to get one, but Future Shop is giving away quest giver exclamation mark hats with a purchase of LK.

I've yet to decide whether or not that's a road I want to travel. :lol

Get it and post pics!


Xabora said:
Walmart... EUGH!

Only place you can go for a MN launch with no crazy lines of weirdos. Plus around here theres like 3 major walmarts in a 10 mile radius. Each one got about 100 copies in. Ill be picking it up at Wally World. Not much for the lines at Gamestops, did that one time for a console game and the people there freaked us OUT man.


Grandma's Chippy
You ever wonder during times like this how it can get so bad?

Started this morning with a mailbox issue...

Leading to all servers being down all day, soon followed by the game forums, and then finally the WoW site itself (which are partially bck up now).

I remember years ago when there was this same issue (mailboxes) and everything went crashing down then as well.

Guess lightning can strike twice.


I have not used cocaine
Mr Pockets said:
You ever wonder during times like this how it can get so bad?

Started this morning with a mailbox issue...

Leading to all servers being down all day, soon followed by the game forums, and then finally the WoW site itself (which are partially bck up now).

I remember years ago when there was this same issue (mailboxes) and everything went crashing down then as well.

Guess lightning can strike twice.

Maybe the whole WoW infrastructure is based on the mail system! If that goes down, the WHOLE OF WOW GOES DOWN!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
16 more hours... 16 more hours till midnight launch :(


Grandma's Chippy
Posted on official forums...

We wanted to inform our players regarding today’s extended maintenance. We experienced an error that resulted in players being unable to retrieve in-game mail from the last 15 days. Once the error was discovered, we brought down the realms immediately and began working to address this problem, and have been doing so for the duration of the day. Our decision was to enable players to continue playing World of Warcraft before the opening of Wrath of the Lich King. Work would continue on addressing issues with the in-game mail while the realms were up. This is the plan that is currently in motion.

The process from this point forward will be twofold:

1. All items that were in a mail will be sent to characters in one or more messages depending on the amount of items the character had in the mail system.
2. Gold from auction house sales or sent through mail will be sent in a separate mail.

We are working to resolve this issue, and we will keep our players informed throughout this process. In the meantime, please do not create an in-game ticket or contact phone support for this issue – multiple mails will be sent returning your items and gold automatically. We greatly appreciate your patience during this time.

Link : http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=12640063922&sid=1


Junior Member
Mr Pockets said:
I remember years ago when there was this same issue (mailboxes) and everything went crashing down then as well.

Guess lightning can strike twice.
I'm guessing somewhere down the line the main database file for the mailbox system was currupted in the patch.
Therefore they had to take the backups, process it in another tool so the mail can be extracted then import said extracted mail into all the realms so the mail can be 'received' by the players.

And I experienced the 1st missing mail incident (right around when BWL was released iirc).


Hey I just noticed they're opening up a new PvE transfer server. All of my horde toons are on Arygos and its eligible for the brand new server. I haven't played horde side in 6 months or more so I'm wondering if I should put in to have them transferred. I never really liked Arygos much since it was also a designated transfer server when it opened at BC launch. I didn't realize it was a transfer server so I rolled some new toons there and as I levelled up, I met nothing but hardcore players with the typical, "your gear sucks, gg nub" attitude.
holy shit a bunch of the honor gear is free on my server (daggerspine) people are freaking out. i got the guardian neck and ring as well as the s2 helm on my shaman for no cost or requirements. the object was so busy from the swarm of ppl that my bag is full of them :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
You guys know they'll rewind or something right?


Junior Member
Flesh Into Gear said:
holy shit a bunch of the honor gear is free on my server (daggerspine) people are freaking out. i got the guardian neck and ring as well as the s2 helm on my shaman for no cost or requirements. the object was so busy from the swarm of ppl that my bag is full of them :lol
Lemme see if this in true.
Flesh Into Gear said:
holy shit a bunch of the honor gear is free on my server (daggerspine) people are freaking out. i got the guardian neck and ring as well as the s2 helm on my shaman for no cost or requirements. the object was so busy from the swarm of ppl that my bag is full of them :lol

quick , go try the arena gear :lol

edit , general says S4 weapons no longer require rating? lol was this intended?
2edit , free weapons


tsk tsk

a few people in my guild got brutal weapons since there is no rating requirement on them :lol

edit: just got the s4 hatchet for my lvl 6 hunter :lol
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