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World of Warcraft

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Worships the porcelain goddess
Got my revenge in Ramparts. No drops for my DK though. Oh well, it was fun. LFG for Blood Furnace while I quest in Zangarmar.

It's interesting to see so many Dk, but you can still the difference in the quality of player.


so I've hit 75 on my pally, and the new shield spell they get is awesome. I call it holy shield slam, because that's basically what it is, but it rules. It does more damage (single target) than anything but the same new rank of avenger's shield, and it's so cheap to cast that I can easily spam it on a single mob to keep my threat sky high.


I want to go to Northrend! But I'm still helping my duo partner level his DK with my alt Mage. We've got them up to 67.5 thus far.

We're pretty good levelers, so I'm surprised at how fast others are going ,but I guess we just haven't really sunk in a lot of time yet. Bout 4 hours a day since launch, barring launch day itself since we both picked it up late at night and didn't get time.

Busy time of year, so it's been rough to make free time for "OMG NEW WOW EXPANSION" standards

Unsure if I want to head to Northrend at 68 or just wait until 70, since I'm worried about how it might hurt Reps or questlines since I'm swapping over to my Paladin when he dings 70.

Lord Phol

So I decided to go with my Human DK, got a friend who is taking up his Paladin on the same server, and we both thought it would make a pretty rad team.
Question is, haven't read much about paladins in wotlk except for all the infamous ret buffs and following nerfs, and my friend insists on going prot, so was wondering how that would work in pvp?
I know prot warriors are able to hold their own now, but does the same apply to prot paladins, do they got anything going for them?

On another note, I tanked Blackrock Dephts yesterday (lvl59 Unholy yay!) just for fun and damn we messed up things badly!
Only problem I had was a bit of AoE issues, haven't got D&D yet so all I could do was the pestilence + blood boil combo, which could get pretty annoying when the mobs died faster than u were able to apply diseases. Hope that won't be a problem at 80.
Other than that I'm pretty impressed and happy with how DKs are, haven't really stumbled upon any problems, pretty much own most other people around my level range in 1v1 (or even 2v1). And I can't really say that I'm even grasping half of the potential the class has yet, though I guess that says more about how bad most other players are, which is fine by me, helps filter out the bad players somewhat.

Have yet to decide on what spec to go, tried both Unholy and Blood. Both styles are fun, though at these levels (which might change later on) I feel that Unholy is one unholy mother of BEAST, beats blood in surviveabilty hands down. Shadow of death is just awesome, finnishing off players with more than 40% health left (love taking someone down with self exploding hoho!), and dunno if it's a bug or not, but I don't seem to loose any durability when dieing as a ghoul, not that I complain :D.


Blessing of Freedom doing nothing for the slow part of Frostfire Bolt = intended?

Edit: also yesterday a DK hit 80 on my server, feelt so, so wrong. I just managed to hit 74 as a holy Paladin.

Lord Phol

Kintaro said:
Well, today has been a learning experience. I believe I've tapped Hellfire out quest wise and will probably head somewhere else. However, I was able to hope in some Ramparts pick up groups. The first one I had was all DKs (of course...seems to be the de facto thing atm) and we cleared the place out...except for the dragon at the end. We just couldn't kill him. The fire would eat us up and no potions on the AH to help with that. I tried again (vengence) with a PLD this time, but it was a 10 year old kid who hated healing and they bailed at the final boss. =(

First time going through these things and it was kind of frustrating but fun. Sans the last group. I wish I could have kicked that brat.

I've 5dked that instance twice and haven't really had much of a problem with that boss in particular :x, an advice would be to put up Anti-Magi-Zone, helps ALOT against the fire damage. Other than that just try to burst him down and use whatever u can to stay alive, whether it's runetapping or death strike spamming. Oh and be ready for at least half the group to perish in the fight :p, hope that helps a little.


All you need is 3 blood DKs with rune tap/improved rune tap and glyph of rune tap. Every 30 seconds the party will get healed for 10% of their max HP.


SuperAndroid17 said:
hey guys

where should I take my 68 DK? I'm really sick of TBC and need to gtfo of there asap. I hear BT is nice for blues and hjord is good for xp?

I don't know if you can get quests at 68. I just powered through it in Netherstorm and hopped the first ship to Howling Fjord at 69. First time in Northrend and I'm really enjoying it, I mean I rode a harpoon for Pete's sake!

Some of the gear is a pretty big upgrade, finally replacing the remnants of my starter gear. Plus it actually matches the other gear. I'll stick around the Fjord for as long as I can before it dries up, then go level at 70/71 in the Tundra.


Has problems recognising girls
You can head to Northrend at 68. I finished up all the quests in Borean Tundra as Horde and went from the start of 68 to the very end of 71. Headed over to Howling Fjord and the first three quests dinged me to 72.

Doing this process different than I used to. Not moving on to a new zone or even new town until I finish up everything located in that zone's area, unlike Burning Crusade where I did half or three quarter of the quests and moved on.. making things a bit complicated.


Tried Nexus last night after an UK run was bust the night before. Very awesome looking instance, though it screamed Outland. No good drops.

I really, really want those blue 2h axes. One if from a questline line in BT and another drops from the boss of UK.


So after three days of playing I managed to take my DK from 55 to 71.5 still have the murloc camp to do in BT then I still have all but the first quest hub to do in HF. Now I need to push through to 73 to catch up with the officers in the guild :lol

I am in love with the class, just being able to cut a path through just aobut anything is very satisfying. Leveled Unholy through outlands and just respecced Frost last night. Frost isn't the DPS machine I was expecting but it's still no slouch. And this being my first character in plate, I discovered I can somewhat tank competantly :D

Though I have a question for my fellow DKs, what is the gear stat hierarchy for tanking and DPS? I only had to ever worry about AGI/HIT/CRIT for my rogue, now there about 7 stats that seem important and I don't know what's more important than the other.

I'm assuming for Tanking (in order of importance) STR/Parry/Defense, and for DPS STR/Crit/Hit? But what about things like haste, or armor penetration, agility to increase crit/dodge? Halp!
how many hours?

I don't know exactly as I was not actually aiming for the achievment. I reached level 79 around 8 pm Saturday and saw that the other Rogue who I thought was ahead of me was still 78 and then i went for it. After I rached 80 it was time for dinner and sleep at 2 am. But my Playtime went:
1 am - 5:30 am : Hit 71
12 pm - 3 am (Friday) : Hit 73, 500k away from 74
9 am - 4 am (Saturday): Hit 77
9 am - 2 am (Sunday): Hit 80

I slept 5-6 hours every day so did not feel that tired when playing. Also took some lunch/dinner breaks.

Did not run any instances except for UK once and only did 4 group quests in Dragonblight.
Hit 80 without doing any quest in Icecrown.

Doing more questing after hitting 80. Started in Icecrown and the feeling of the zone is just amazing. You can really see some LOTR universe influences here too.

The new phasing tech is excellent as it really gives a feeling of something being accomplished. For example in Icecrown you help Knights of the Ebon Blade get the Shadow Vault and it becomes a quest hub. You see the progression so it works out better.

I will once again add that Storm Peaks till now has to be my favourite zone in all of WoW. The structures, the storyline and the questing is to an amazing level. I am so glad Blizzard put more time into this compared to TBC. I actually want to do more quests to see the story this time while in TBC I was bored of the quests by the time I hit 80.

Also ran Utgrade Pinnacle Heroic yesterday. Good Instance, The 3rd boss is tough as it contains a gauntlet and has to be brought into control properly. Still, enjoying this a lot more than TBC.


Junior Member
I dinged 71 in Outland last night. Think I may try Northrend again. Hoping the locust swarm of powerlevelers has moved on beyond the tundra and the fjord.

I saw some of the quest reward blues from the quests I didn't do on my first Nexus run and they just happen to be huge upgrades for me because of some old gear I'm still wearing (my lock still has Netherweave bracers, for example).

I think now may be the time to strike, before the wave of DK rerolls hits Northrend en masse. Doing a /who on Zangarmarsh or Nagrand is lol-worthy, with 44 DK's in the zone and maybe a few hunters and pallys.


As for server queues, there have been none on Azshara (PvP). The server was very low pop until free transfers were opened up and now it can hit mid pop during peak hours. Alliance progression is still pretty much zero and Horde progression is definately slower than other servers. Seems like Horde benefited more from the transfers, adding another serious raiding guild and helping the existing guilds a bit. I think we'll have a four-way race for server firsts in Naxx.

It really doesn't feel less populated than some of the older servers did when Alliance outnumbered Horde like 4:1. I used to play on Azjol-Nerub, and there's nothing like wading through a 500-deep queue only to be greeted with a small number online in your faction due to an underrepresented Horde.


Angry Grimace said:
Edit: Totally misread that. :lol Answer though: You can't transfer a Death Knight character.

I would tell you but i'm sitting in queue.

Yes you can transfer a Death Knight. I checked, the transfer page definitely allows you to, and Blizzard even says in the FAQ that Death Knights are transferable.
rhfb said:
what is the best non frost leveling build for a mage (well some frost is ok, but not like 20+ points)

I've been leveling as deep arcane and it has been going pretty well. With slow and arcane barrage you don't have to worry about taking damage because you are so mobile. It's fairly mana efficient as long as you have glyph of mage armor and the regen talent. Basically you get 70% mana regen while in combat, and you don't have to wait for 5 secs after you finish casting for it to start regening, so basically in that walk to the next mob you've regened enough mana for another spell or two.

I do plan to spec for frostfire bolt when I get it, but as I'm only 72 (about half way to 73) I'm sticking with arcane for now. Besides, it's a better pvp/pve hybrid spec than either frost or fire as far as I'm concerned.

So far I've completed every quest in borean tundra and completed nexus, and I've completed a little under half of the Howling Fjord quests and finished UK. One thing I have noticed is that running instances in WotLK gives garbage for experience, and that I make much much faster progress questing than running instances.


Oni Link 666 said:
Wow, I'm in a queue for Trollbane. That's a BC server they launched to move people from Doomhammer, Elune, Zul'Jin, Magtheridon, and Eldre'Thalas. I never thought I'd see the day. Maybe they'll give me a free transfer off that dump now.

I'm on Trollbane(US) as well, Horde Warrior ... never seen a queue so far.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Alex said:
I want to go to Northrend! But I'm still helping my duo partner level his DK with my alt Mage. We've got them up to 67.5 thus far.

We're pretty good levelers, so I'm surprised at how fast others are going ,but I guess we just haven't really sunk in a lot of time yet. Bout 4 hours a day since launch, barring launch day itself since we both picked it up late at night and didn't get time.

Busy time of year, so it's been rough to make free time for "OMG NEW WOW EXPANSION" standards

Unsure if I want to head to Northrend at 68 or just wait until 70, since I'm worried about how it might hurt Reps or questlines since I'm swapping over to my Paladin when he dings 70.
tell me about it. My GF is heading back to her resto druid last minute. (warrior tank + resto druid = easy pug groups for leveling and questing)

Just dinged 67. It's agonizing being stuck in Outlands.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TheExodu5 said:
Yes you can transfer a Death Knight. I checked, the transfer page definitely allows you to, and Blizzard even says in the FAQ that Death Knights are transferable.
Weird. Coulda swore that was a blue post. Don't remember where I read it though, so I'm sure I'm wrong.


About to ding 74 on my Death Knight. Was in contention for first DK on the server for a while but some guild is power leveling two of theirs.

To those wondering if you should hit Northrend at 68, I would only suggest it if you're comfortable with the class and you're on a PVE server. From dealing with world PVP and fighting for mobs and other items, it can be pretty frustrating. I stayed in Outlands until 70 since I had the zones pretty much all to myself.


Only been ganked once so far, and the only place I experienced competition for quest mobs was in Borean Tundra, but even then the respawns were crazy fast. Glad I went to Howling Fjord first though, had no competition for mobs whatsoever.


I also want to go on record and say that the quarry in the center of BT (near Amber Ledge) can go fuck itself. Goddamn mob spawnrate getting me killed about three times in there.
Does anyone know of any addons or websites where u can compare the dps of items.

I'd usually use maxdps.com of course but its still missing a few things from wotlk and I can't figure out which of the 2 plate legs I have is better.


Miserable quest competition in HF on my server, Cenarius. 3.5 bars from 71, though, haven't been able to play during the day because I hang with my kid and at night the qs are fucking horrible.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Really loving my DK now, should hit 65 or 66 tonight, was originally just planning to do the starter area and then level my Mage but the class is just so much fun. Glad they reduced the XP from 60-70, just finished Zangarmarsh and there's still another five zones to do.


Kletian said:
I also want to go on record and say that the quarry in the center of BT (near Amber Ledge) can go fuck itself. Goddamn mob spawnrate getting me killed about three times in there.

This! It's by far the worst area I have seen in terms of respawns and trying to get your quests done. I was so glad to be finished with this area.

I hit 74 last night on my fire mage and am having an overall blast. I completely finished Fjord and am on the last quest hub in Tundra. I've actually been doing a lot of instance runs to try to cut down on some of the over crowding and am very pleased with the dungeons. So far I have ran Utgarde Keep, Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, Old Kingdom and Drak'Theron Keep. We also tried to run Gundrak but we had some trouble with the first boss. Mostly because we were 72 and 73 and were just missing too much as well as the adds destroying our healer. We wanted to give it a shot though because we pretty much steam rolled Drak'Theron Keep. Old Kingdom and Drak'Theron are my favorites so far. If you havent run them yet you definitely should.


MrPing1000 said:
Does anyone know of any addons or websites where u can compare the dps of items.

I'd usually use maxdps.com of course but its still missing a few things from wotlk and I can't figure out which of the 2 plate legs I have is better.

EquipCompare ... something along those lines.


Subconscious Brolonging

Hit it last night. WTB sleep.


MrPing1000 said:
and my server gets its first lvl80 DK, bloody hell.

I know, happened last night on our server. Our server's Allies are all a bunch of fucks with no life, so it didn't surprise me that it was Alliance.


I'm on Trollbane as well. Have seen queues of around 25 at peak times. Never seen a queue before xpac, but it's not bad at all.
Macattk15 said:
EquipCompare ... something along those lines.

Thats not really what I mean't but I'll be using that addon anyway, thanks. I just need to figure out the value towards dps expertise, hit yadadadada do. Like i said I'd usually just check maxdps but it doesn't have the item i got.
Got realm first warlock on Azgalor, played something like
12am - (Thurs) Get game
1am - 10am (Thurs) - Play 9 hours
10am - 4pm (Thurs) - Sleep 6 hours
4pm - 12pm (Thurs-Fri) - Play 20 hours
12pm - 6pm (Fri) - Sleep 6 hours
6pm - 4am (Fri-Sat) - Play 10 hours
4am - 7am (Sat) - Sleep, server died til the restart at 7, so took the chance to nap 3 hours
8am - 3am (Sat-Sun) - Play 19 hours, hit 80

I suppose could've been faster if the server hadn't died that one time, and if I'd actually slept earlier before getting the game at midnight instead of already having been up the whole day. I didn't really go for it til ~77 when I realized I was ahead of anyone else.


Im playing a deathknight right now specced in the blood tree. Im only lvl 61 right now, but I mapped out what I think should be a good talent path. Tell me what you guys think of this.


It seems pretty solid to me, but I'll find out with some trial and error. I also remember reading about having two specs available that you could switch between. Did this feature make it into the game or was it nixed.
Sax Russel said:
Got realm first warlock on Azgalor, played something like
12am - (Thurs) Get game
1am - 10am (Thurs) - Play 9 hours
10am - 4pm (Thurs) - Sleep 6 hours
4pm - 12pm (Thurs-Fri) - Play 20 hours
12pm - 6pm (Fri) - Sleep 6 hours
6pm - 4am (Fri-Sat) - Play 10 hours
4am - 7am (Sat) - Sleep, server died til the restart at 7, so took the chance to nap 3 hours
8am - 3am (Sat-Sun) - Play 19 hours, hit 80

I suppose could've been faster if the server hadn't died that one time, and if I'd actually slept earlier before getting the game at midnight instead of already having been up the whole day. I didn't really go for it til ~77 when I realized I was ahead of anyone else.
holy shit. How do you sit for 20 hours at a computer chair? Much less, how do you do it for 10 hours?!


MrPing1000 said:
Thats not really what I mean't but I'll be using that addon anyway, thanks. I just need to figure out the value towards dps expertise, hit yadadadada do. Like i said I'd usually just check maxdps but it doesn't have the item i got.

Ah gotcha, I don't know of a mod that does what you're lookin for then, sorry :(

Chris R

so nobody has any clue for decent mage leveling specs that dont involve frost? My wotlk copy should be here tonight and I want to know!!!


MrPing1000 said:
Thats not really what I mean't but I'll be using that addon anyway, thanks. I just need to figure out the value towards dps expertise, hit yadadadada do. Like i said I'd usually just check maxdps but it doesn't have the item i got.
Ratingbuster? It has a stat summary for every item you mouse over, comparing it to your equipment. Plus it breaks down all the ratings into tangible numbers.
World server went down.

I'm halfway through 74 on my Rogue. I just got the Howling Fjord quest achievement and I'm going to finish up Borean Tundra when the server comes back up. I need like 25 levels on my mining but, I've hardly done any Jewel Crafting. I'm just kind of hoarding the gems in the bank right now. I have no time to mess around with the auction house right now.

Oh, I love the new rank of Eviscerate. It's hitting for 2k and critting for 4k. That's more like it! It used hit for less damage than a sinister strike crit which happens like all the time.
Think I decided I'm going to activate and make a Human Death Knight. It's what I played in the beta. I just don't know when I'm going to activate. Not immediately. I'd also like to finish my second Paladin and Rogue. Probably not going to play my Shaman which had been my main for like the last year or so.
The Lamonster said:
holy shit. How do you sit for 20 hours at a computer chair? Much less, how do you do it for 10 hours?!

I have no clue. I been beastin' thru XP but am only 76 atm; I can't do more than 8 hours a day, just....how?
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